HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 3545-1962 ,s0zu z0 N0. 3f4 A RrYS0 '~ ~r OF '~ r Lt, z._0':, THi] CITY COU53uI~ OF THE CI~ 0F SOUTH SAN FP~NCISC0 APPROVING PLANS A~[D SPECIFIC.6TIONS &UTHORIZI~[G TI~ %~0~K ~D CALLING FOR BIDS 0l~ THE ~,~uL~ODELIr,.~G 0F C ~ t{ALL. Ri]SOLVED by the City Council o~ the City of South San Fra. ncisco~ Cs!ifornia, that W!tZ]~E2Z, the Architect has submitted plans and speclf~cations for the ~emodelin~ of Cit~r~ Hall entitled, "Specifications for .... ~r~o~e~.= City Hall San.~;~rancisco", and :~;~o~,.~?.,~.~, the C~ty_ Council desi~s~, to aporove.~ said .plans and specifications, authorize the work and call for sea!e~ proposals. t.~0~-~, 'THP~F, vOTt~ IT IS HE~EBY ORDERED that ~ 1. The plans and.speczfzc~tl~ns for the remodeling of Cmty H.11 entitled, "SpeciIications for re~odol~a~ City/~±~outh San Frnncisco", are hereby ~.o~roved and the work therein provided is hereby authorized, said plans and specifications ~re referred to and by this ref~?ence made a part hereof the same as if recited herein verbatin. 2. The City Clerk of said City is herebV directed to publish by two (2) co~%ecutive insertions in the Enterprise-Journ~!, a newspaper published and circ~lated in said City~ a notice inviting sealed proposa!s or bids for t~ remodeling of C~ty Hall to wit: as sot forth in the plans and specifications ontit!ed "S~c]fic~tions for remodeling City Hall of South San ?pancis co" and referring to the plans and spocificat] one on file in +~,~,. ..~'~,~c~..~ o.f the City Cler!~, the ~r~t,~ .... of vrhich pu.bl~.cat~on shall be at !east ten (10) days ~rior to the t,~me ~xed for opening bids. A copy of said t:otice entft!ed, "}[otice to Bidders", is attached hereto and referred this reference made a mart hereof as if se2 forth verba!;im herein. All propo:~a!s or ,Jz,t~ shall be ~ccompa~ded >w a caddy!er's, or not ]_~ss than ten per cent (]a[~) of the ~ ~re or ~}r a. i~ond in ,~a. 15 s~o~.nb :,~it~a .;u7 blddor, o~~ s~!_ ,Jopd shall become ~alra~)].e to sa.~(~ '?t~r~ in ,,o~a,.~.~_,, the responsible b~dder (Or u.u,.~ders) ~e~ositzng,. ,~ the sadie doss not, within the ~'~:~?le set forth in said plans ~d spec[flcations~ enter into a contrg~ct ~,~ith sa~.5. C~+-~__.~, the faithful performance o.C~.-r~:~ shall be guaran, tee~7, by an undertak~n~ in th~_ ._, ~ount.. one huadred per c~nt (!00/~) oF ~:~,~ stua oma, said undertaking being tha2 of ~ corporate -,._ o~nc~!, ant: which contract shall, be ~-:ccom~n::;~d surety .oao~ ctory to ~d ~_ty CTM~ ' a labor and ~uaterials bead of a corporate surety, also in a sum equal to one hundred per c~nt (100~) of the amount of said bid, as required bU the ~.~ ~v~-'o~_ons o~ ~tle__ Div!s[on ~, Cha2ter 3, of the Govermuent Code of the State of California. In c~o~e cf ...... ~ ~.-'~ ~ e~r in the oreceding sentence, the def~ult~n~:~ ~'~d<~e~ sha]! be liab]~ to sai(~ C~ty for an~r additional exnense to which it nay reasonablT, r be ia corinectio~ ~-rith obta~ ' ~e ~ ~ ~ _ ...... ng full and complete pe ..... or, mnc~ ..... the u,a~ticu!ar imorovement ~-~+~ which this '~ ~' .u. ers -s co rned. . . ,,~ ...... Lo_,tce to 3i,'~ ~ 3- Bids will be received by the City of South San :~ranc~ ace, C~]~fornia~ at the OfFice of the City i~!anager of said City~ City Ha].l~ ©r;~nd Avenue~ South San Fra~clsco~ Ca]ifornia~ at or before the hour of 2:00 P.~{. on Thursday, the 2otb .?ay of Seotember 1962~ s~id time ~ot being l~ss tha~. ten (I0) d~.~s from the first publication o~ p. otice, the bids will be mub!icly opened, examined and declared at said time and place and award ~.~ill there- after be :~ade b'y the City Couacil of said City e~o the lowest responsible bidder or b~_dders, subject !~owever to the right of said City Council to reject any and all bids, which right is hereby reserved. I t~ereb:f c~rtlfy ti~t the Foregoing resolution was regularly introduced ~nd adopted by the City Council o~ the Cmty o.~ South San ~{sco at an adjourned regular meeting held on the 27th day of August, 1962, by the follo~,,~ing vote- · Ahem, and G J. Rozzi Leo J Ryan, Patrick E. . NOES, " '2o ne .... u].!__o Cortesi and Andrew Rocca /~/ Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk