HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 1997-08-27Chairman Joseph A. Fernekes M I N U T E S Boardmembers: James L. Datzman Redevelopment Agency Eugene R. Mullin -'Wohn R. Penna Municipal Services Building .~obert Yee Community Room August 27, 1997 AGENDA ACTIQ_N TAKEN CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) 7:00 p.m, Chairman Fernekes presiding. ROLL CALL: Boardmembers present: Datzman, Mullin, Penna, Yee and Fernekes. Boardmembers absent: None. AGENDA REVIEW AGENDA REVIEW Executive Director Wilson stated there were no changes to the Agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR 1.Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Approved. 8/13/97. S,-]o B _. Motion to confirm expense claims of 8/27/97. -~qO-~ Approved in the amount of $62,397.83. M/S Yee/Datzman - To approve the Consent Calen- dar. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 3. Resolution awarding contracts to Satterfield and Co., Director of Economic & Community Development in the amount of $1,184,865.60, to Valley Crest Tree Van Duyn related the staff report: awarding the in the amount of $119,898.40, to authorize staff to contract to Satterfield and Co. will effect the con- purchase from Boething Treeland Farms the specified struction improvements on Airport Blvd.; he de- Magnolia trees in the amount of $131,155.82 and a scribed the landscaping improvements, planting of budget amendment, b-,q~9.~ 500 species of trees from Oyster Point Blvd. to Grand Avenue; included is an award to Valley A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACTS Crest Tree to purchase London Pine trees for the WITH SATTERFIELD AND COMPANY, VALLEY project; this firm did not have the magnolia trees in CREST TREE AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY the bid documents, but were declared a non-respon- MANAGER TO PREPARE AND EXECUTE AN sire on the bid; his discussions indicate that the AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF 225 reason they did not is because they could not guar- ....... MAGNOLIA TREES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO antee possession of all the trees, particularly the EXCEED $131,155.52 RELATED TO THE AIR- magnolias; they want the Agency to authorize pur- PORT BOULEVARD LANDSCAPE AND chase of the magnolia trees directly from them; STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AND AP- direct purchase will allow us to avoid the 15% 8/27/97 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Resolution - Continued. markup; we will ultimately contract with Boething Treeland Farms, but is not part of tonight's bid. PROVING A BUDGET AMENDMENT (RDA 98-1) TO ADD $248,000 IN STATE GRANT PROCEEDS Discussion followed: Boardmember Yee stated he TO THE 1997-98 DOWNTOWN CENTRAL REDE- was not dear on Boething for they did bid, but did VELOPMENT BUDGET not submit a bid bond, so you can not consider that so what happened to the second bid; there were only two bids and Valley only had two of the species, so there is no conflict by not being able to guarantee the trees so that was why they didn't have the bid bond; Boardmember Yee questioned if staff was going into negotiations for they have no obligation, for they did not submit anything; that is true and it is important to negotiate for the budgeted amount; Boardmember Yee suggested not negotiating the trees with any supplier, otherwise if they can't perform staff has to come back to the Agency; the original estimate was a little over one million four for the engineer's estimate; Boardmember Yee stated the staff report recommends that the Agency ap- prove the Boething resolution, yet he only sees one resolution; Counsel Mattas stated the staff report in earlier drafts came through this way, however, this is a typo and there is only one resolution; he will make changes to the resolution that he will read into the record to accomplish the Agency's goals; "A resolution approving contracts with Satterfield and Valley Crest Tree and authorizing the Executive Director to prepare and execute a contract for the purchase of magnolia trees not to exceed $13 l, 155.52 and approving a budget amendment of $248,000 for FY 1997-98". M/S Yee/Datzman - To adopt the Resolution with the amended language of the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO. 12-97 Carried by unanimous voice vote. GOOD AND WELFARE GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54956.8, real prop- The Agency entered a Closed Session at 7:13 p.m. erty negotiations for the Old Greyhound Depot on to discuss the item noticed and Boardmember Penna Airport Blvd. did not enter the Closed Session due to a conflict of 8/27/97 Page 2 AGENDA _ACIIQN TAKEN CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION Closed Session - Continued. interest. RECALL TO ORDER AND MEETING RECESSED: Chairman Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m., all Boardmembers were present, and stated the Closed Session would be reconvened after the Council meeting. MEETING RECONVENED: Chairman Fernekes reconvened the meeting at 11:37 p.m., all Boardmembers were present. 4. Closed Session - Continued. The Agency entered a Closed Session at 11:37 p.m., with the exception of Boardmember Penna who has a conflict of interest, to discuss the noticed item. Boardmember Penna Left the Meeting: Boardmember Penna left the meeting at 12:25 a.m. and did not return. RECALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at 12:47 a.m., all Boardmembers were present, no action was taken and direction was given. M/S Mullin/Yee - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADJOURNMENT: Time of adjournment was 12:48 a.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED. Barbara A. Battaya, Clerk ~ Jo/e~h/A. Fern~man Redevelopment Agency l~evelopment Agency City of South San Francisco .~ity of South San Francisco The entries of this Agency meeting show the action taken by the Redevelopment Agency to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 8/27/97 Page 3