HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1912-04-09 Special Meetimg of the ~oard of Trustees of the City of ~outh San Francisco,~eld ~esd~y ~ril,t~th. I~I2. This meeting was called by three members of the ~o~rd of Trustees in thein- trest of ~ublide safety and was oalle~ to orde= at I 0 Clock P.M. by Trustee ~. A. Cunningham in the absence o~ Trustee Daniel mc Sweeney ,'2res ident of the Board" Trustee J. C. MC GovermWaS appointed clerk ~otem in t~e absence of City Clerk ~.~- ~mith. The folltwing Hesolutio~ in the intrest of public safety was introduced by Tx.astee M.~. Healy. number of dogs in various parts of the Ooumty of San ~teo have been~ected with rabies and, whereas it appears that the disease has been communicated to sever~ dogs in the City of ~out~ Ban ~rancisce and in t~e immediate vicinity of said CitY,Resolved by the ~oard of ~r~stees of the city of South ~an FRancis that public safety and public health require that immediate action be taken to prevent the spread of rabies. Be it further resolved that the city Zarshal be, and hereby is or- dere~ and commanded to destroy all dog, found running at l~rge upon any ~u bli¢ highway, ~treet, alley, public place or upon any unfenced lot within t and saris~ the limits of the City of South ~an Francisco, unless secure~y~~ faetorily muzzled; that the Oity marshal be directed to give all owners of dogs due notice of the purpose of this resolution ; that the foregoing order be in effect after such notice has been give~. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly in- troduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of theOity of South ~an cisco on the 9th. day of ~pril , IglE, by the following vote; Ayes, Trustees O.C. ~c Govern, 2.~. nealy, and ~'.~. Ounningham. ~oes, Trustees ~one Absent , Trustees T.L.~ckey, and ~niel mc Sweeney. J. C. ~c Govern clerk ~rotem gored by Trustees ~.~'. ~ly seconded by Trustee mc Govern that the ~oard adjourn until ~onday ,.pril l~th. zgIE, to meet at fZIO Linden ~venue a~ ~ 0 Clock P.M. Carried Time of adjournment I.£5 P.M. Respectfully ~ubmitted ~.C.~c ~overn Olerk ~rotem the absence of Oity Clerk ~'¢.J. Smith. The following Hesclution in the intrest of public safety was intro~uce~ By ~rustee M.F. Healy. Whereas a number of ~ogs in various parts of the County of ~an M~teo have been~eete~ with rabies whereas it appears that the ~isease has been communicate& to severa ~ogs in the City of ~outh San Francisce an~ in the immediate vicinity of sai~ City, ResoXve~ by the ~oard of ~rustees of the City of 5curb ~an FRancis that public safety an~ public health require that imme&iate action be taken to prevent the spread of rabies. Be it further resolved that the 0ity ~arshal be, an~ hereby is or- ~ered an~ comman~e~ to destroy all 8ogl foun& running at large upon any ~z blic highway, ~treet, alley, public place or upon any unfence~ lot within t an~ saris'~ the limit~ o£ the City of South ~an Francisco, unless secure~y~~ faetorily muzzled~ that the 01ty ~arshal be directed to give all owners of dogs due notice of the purpose of this resolution ~ that the foregoing order be in effect after such no,ice has been given. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution w~s duly and regularly in- troduced and adopte~ by the Boar~ of Trustees of the0ity of ~outh can ~'r~,n- cisco on the ~h. day o£ April , I912, by the following vote; Ayes, Trustees ~.C. ~c ~overn, ~.~o ~ealy, and ~'.~. 0n~ingham. ~oes, Trustees ~one Absent , Trustees T.L.hickey, and ~sniel mc Sweeney. ~. C. Mc Govern ulerk ~rotem ~ved by ~'rustees m.~'. ~ly seconded by Trustee ~c Govern that the hoard adJour~ until ~onday ~pril ~Sth. 1912, to meet at ~310 Linden ~venue at 8 0 Clock ~.M. Carried Ti~e of adjournment 1.25 P.M. Respectfully ~ubmitted ~.O.Mc Vovern 01erk Frotem