HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1912-10-21 Regular ~eeting of the Board of Trustees 0F the City of South San Francisco, held ~onday, October £~, I9I£. This meeting was called to order at 8' I0 O'Clock P.~., by Trustee ~.A.Cuuningham "President of the Board". Roll -call found all Trustees present,to wit; '~.W.Holston, ~t~. Hickey, J.H.Kelley, J.C. ~c Govern and F.A. Cunningham. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A coumunication was received from Geo. H.Chapman, representing the estate of Leroy Hough A~ representing Domnick Blasch and asking for refund on account of over assessment on property of each of the above. The communication was ordered filed , to be taken up after the taxes ~re paid on the property mn which a refund was asked. A ~o~munication was received from the South City Lot Co,, asking that lights be placed on the two principle streets o? their subdivision. comm~ntoation laid over ~uutil next meeting of the Board of Trustees. A communication was received from ~oseph~ H.Nash~ Clerk of the County Board of ~upervisors ~skin? that per~uission be granted the Board of Supervisors to construct a Highway through the City of South San Francisco, ~s a part of a system of ~oads for San ~.".ateo County. The Cler~ was in structed'to in$~m ~,',r Nash that the Board of Trustees of the City of Sout~ San Francisco, were willing to l$~ant the use of any street which would ~e designated by the Board of ~'supervisors. A co'~,~munication was erceived '~ro~n the anti~single tax league of San Francisco, protesti.~g against the passage of the constitutional amendment providing for home rule in taxation, and the same was ordered placed on file. A communication was received frown Herman Gaerdes , protes- ting against the pasage of an ordinance to ~rohibit the sale of wines and liquors by the ~rocers of the City of South San ~r~ncisco, and after a lenghtly discussion the protest v~'as orde ordered placed on file. A report for the month of September was received from City Recorder.Rehberg encloseing check for the sum of Twenty-flyer25) Dollars , as fine collected from five cases of misdemeanor asshovm by his Docket No. 228 to 232 inclusive. The report was accepted and ordere~ placed on file, Upon motion of Trustee Hickey seconded by Trustee ~Ic Govern and regularly carried the Clerk was instructed to obtain two copies of the procedeings of the convention of the League of California Municipalities. The following Resolution was introduced by True~e T.L.Hickey. Resolved by the Board of Trustee.,~ of the City of South San Farncisco that. the President of the Board of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco and the City Clerk be, and hereby are authorized to execute, in be- half of said City of South San I.,'rancisco, that Certain agreement dated october 8th. I912, and submitted to said Board by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company this 2Ist day of October Igi2,wherein said Pacific Gas and Electric Company agrees to to light the streets of said Czty from the date thereof until November £, i914. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and re~'~.-~- ~utrc~cc~ and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 2Isz. day of October' IgI2,by the following vote: , Ayes ,Trustees G.W.Holston, T.L.Hiekey, J.H. Kelley, J.C..~¥ic Govern a~'~d P.A. Cunningham. Noes, Trustees None . proper~y of each of ~he above. The communication Was ordered filed , to be taken up after the taxes ~re paid on the property ~ which a refined was asked. A ~of~munication was received from the South City Lot Co., asking that lig~hts be placed on the two principle streets oF their subdivision. ,~omm~nication laid over until next meeting of the Board of Trustees. A communication was received from ~Soseph H.Nash Clerk of the County Board of ~upervisors ~skin~ that per~nission be granted the Board of Supervisors to construct R Highway through the City of South San 2rancisco, ~s a part of a sy~te~ of P~oadc for San ~.!ateo County. The Clerk was in structed'to in~m Mr Nash that the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, were willing to l$~ant the use of any street which would ~e designated by the Board of ~Supervisors. A co"~munication was ercelved ~ero~u the anti-~single ts,~ league of San 2rancisco protesti,~ against the passage of the constitutional amendment providing for home rule in taxation, and the same was ordered placed on fi~e. A communication was received frown Herman Gaerdes , protes- ting against the pasage of an ordinance to ~rohibit the sale of wines and liquors by the grocers of the City of South San Francisco, and after a lenghtly discussion the protest v~'as orde ordered placed on file. A report for the month of September was received from City Recorder.Rehberg encloseing check for the sum of Twenty~five~2~) Dollars , as fine collected from five case~ of misdemeanor asshown by his Docket No. 228 to £J2 inclusive. The report was accepted and ordere~ placed on file. Upon motion of Trustee Hickey seconded by Trustee ~'Ic Govern and regularly carried the Clerk was instructed to obtain two copies of the procedeings of the convention of the League of California Municipalities. The following Resolution was introduced by Trustee T,L.Hickey. Resolved by the Board of Trustee~ of the City of South San ~arncisco that the President of the Board of Trustees of said City · ~ of South San ~rancisoo and the City Clerk be and hereby are authorimed to execute, in be- i~ half of ~aid City of South San ~rancisco that certain agreement dated october 8th. I912 and submitted to said Board by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company this 2Ist day of October Igi2,wherein said Pacific Gas and Electric Company agrees to to light the streets of said CLty from the date thereof until November £? i~I~. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the '~ity of South San Francisco this £Is~ day of October IgI2,by the following vote: Ayes , Trustees G.W.Holston, T.L.Hickey, J.H. Kelley, J.C, i¥ic Govern a~'~d F.A, Cunningham. Noes, Trustees None . William J. Smith City Clerk Absent, Trustees None. Ordinance number ~8, entitled, "Au Ordinance repealing 0rdinanee numbe~- 4,of the City of and regulating' of South San Francisco entitled an ordinance licenseing~,,~_~ding and disposing of Spiritous , Malt and fermented liquors or wines and any admixture thereofin the City of South San Francisco, and all the amendments thereto, was read and upon roll-call was adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees G.W. Holston ,T,LHi~key,J.H.Eelley, J.C. ~c Govern and F.A.Cunningham. Noes, Trustees None Absent , Trustees None. William J. Smith City Clerk Under hea~ing of street work the following bids were received for repairing swift Ave. from the East side of the right of way of the~°.P. Co., to walker Ave. and ~B~er Ave. from the beginning thereof to the gates of the South San Francisco Stock yards., from M.F. Healy an offer to do the above work for the sum of 2~ per s~Juare foot. from T.C D0wling the same work for the lump sum of in re~rd~ to the above bids the following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Htckey. V~ereas, the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did, on the 2Is~ day of October, I9i2, publicly open, examine and declare allsealed proposals or bids for doing the following work in said City,to wit; The repairing and improving swift Avenue from the East line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Company to the beginning of Walker Avenue ~nd Walker Avenue from the beginning thereof to the gates of the South San Francisco Stock Yards by filling all depressions in said streets~nd by surfaoeing said streets with chrushed stone in accordance with the specifications adopted therefor on the 30th. day of September, IgI2, Resolved that said Board of Trustees hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except that next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for doing ~'~said work to and improvment to the lowest responsible bidder to wit; M.E.Healy at the following named prices Two and seven ei~hts~2 ? ~ ~ ) cents per square foot. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees o? *'~ ~'~'~,. . 2:_ ~'-~, ~, Francisco ;his fist day of October I912, by the following vote; Ayes, Trustees G.W.Hols,~on, T.L.Hickey,J.~. Kelley, J.C.~c Govern, And F.A. Cunningham. Noes Trustees None. Absent, Trustees None. William J.Smith City Clerk The following demands against the City were presented for payment,, the same having been ap~ proved by the finance comnittee. To the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. street and hall lights Mo. june, July Aug. ~ept. $324. " " W.P Acheson fees as watchman Aug. Sept. " H.W. Kneese fees as City Marshal July Aug, Sept. I3.I§ " Geo. Keissling services rendered to Board of Health I8. " W.P.Acheson expenses as Health Officer To San Mateo County Development association dues '~onths Aug. Sept. October " A.G.Bissett Sprinkeling Streets ~onthes Aug, Sept. October. 347.§0 " So~th San Francisco lumber Co. Supplies for health Dept. I~.26 " Haaker &Ratto Premium on Bon~ of Night Wtchman I0. To E.E.cunningham &Co. drying hose % Fi~. Dept. % Clarence Hock ~.BO - - " % Claim Clarence Hock Cu~ ting weeds 2.BO " Georgi & Raffelli Horse & Buggy for health Dept. 3 days ~2.00 per day 6. from the beginning thereof to the gates of the South San Francisco Stock yards., from M.F. Healy an offer to do the above work for the sum of E~.~ per s~uare foot. from T.C D0wling the same work for the lump sum of $~,339. in reSrdE to the above bids the following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Hickey. Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco did. on the 2Isz day of October, I9~2, publicly open, examine and declare allsealed proposals or bids for doing the following work in said City,to wit; The repairing and improving swift Avenue from the East line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Company to the beginning of Walker Avenue ~nd Walker Avenue from the beginning thereof to the gates of the South San Francisco Stock Yards by filling all depressions in said streets~nd by surfaceing said streets with chrushed sto~e in accordance with the specifications adopted therefor on the 30th. day of September, IgIE, Resolved that said Board of Trustees hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except that next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for doing ~v~said work to and improvment to the lowest responsible bidder to wit; Two and seven eights~2 ~ ) cents per square foot. M.F.Healy at the following named prices I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly ~ reg~larly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees o~_ +~,~·. ~+'~ ~ ~-~*~. ~ Francisco ~his 2Ist day of October I912, by the following vote; Ayes, Trustees G.W.Hols,~on, T.L.Hickey,J.~. Kelley, J.C.~c Govern, And F.A. Cunningham. Noes Trustees None. Absent, Trustees None. William J.Smith City Clerk The following demands against the City were presented for payment, the same having been ap~ proved by the finance committee. To the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. street and hall lights ~o. June, July Aug, Sept. $324. tt W.P Acheson fees as watchman Aug. Sept. ~'?~ H.W. Kneese fees as City Marshal July Aug, Sept. I3.I§ Geo. Keissling services rendered to Board of Health I8. W.P.Acheson expenses as Health Officer 2.50 San Mateo County Development association dues Months Aug. Sept. October 75. A.G.Bissett Sprinkeling Streets ~onthes Aug, Sept. October. 34?.50 South San Francisco lumber Co. Supplies for health Dept. I9.25 Hmaker &Ratto Premium on Bon~ of Night Wtchman I0. E.E,Cunningham &Co. drying hose % Fi~ Dept. % Clarence Hock ~.B0 - " % Claim Clarence Hock Cu~ ting weeds~ 2.~0 Georgi & Raffelli Horse ~Buggy for health Dept. ~ days ~2.00 per day 6. 8£6.I5 Moved by Trustee Hickey seconded by Trustoe ~ Mc Govern , that the above demands be paid and warrants be drawn for the various amounts Carried ~oved by Trustee Holston ~.i~.secon~Ied,~by,~l~T~asta~Xelley that the Board adjourn until Monday 0ctober,28th. IgI2, to meet at #310 Linden Avenue at 8' 0 Clock P.M. Carried Time of adjournment I0 '20 0' Clock P.M. Respectfully submitted William J. Smith City Clerk