HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1912-12-31 Adjourned ~eeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, held Tuesday December Zist. IgIE. This meeting was called to order at IE'ZO P.M.~, by Trustee F.A. Cunningham President of the Board of Trustees. Roll-call Roll call found the following Trustees present to wit; G.W. Holston, J.H.Mc Govern, and F.A.Cunningham. Absent Trustees T.L.Hickey and J.H.Kelley. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. The following applications for "Class A" Liquor Licenses were received at this meeting Augusto Georgi~ to conduct a saloon at ~IOt Grand Avenue,C.T.Connolly, to conduct a saloon at#ES? Grand Avenue, J.Chas. Fenger, to conduct a saloon at the Linden ~$~$~ Hotel Henry Scampini to conduct a saloon at the corner ~ran~ ~nd Linden Avenues, G. Burtucelli to conduct a saloon at #E00 Grand ~venue, and Ellie Alimand to conduct a saloon at ~I00 Grand Avenue. and accompaning each of the above applications was a Bond in f~vor of the City of South San Francisco for the s~nn of One Thousand ~IO00)Dollars for the faithful compliance with Ordinance ~R of the City of South San FranciSco, by the applicants and Applicants having complied in all respects with ordinamce ~9 they were granted permits fo~ six ~onths ending June ~Oth. IgI~by the unanimous vote of all Trustees p~esent to wit; G.W. Holston, j.G. Ne~Goye~nd and F.A.Cunningham. The followingresolution was then introduced by Trustee G.W.Holston. Resolved, that whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco did,on the End day of I~ecember,IgIE,pass its resolution of intentie ~o. ~ to order the hereinafter ~escribed work to be donea~d improvment to be made in said City,which Resolution Of Intention was duly and ~E~~ legally published as required by law, as now appears from the affidavit of E~I.Uoodman now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and whereas notices of the pasage of said resolution of Intention ~o. ~,headed "~otice of Improvment~ were duly and legally posted aloug the line of said contemplated work and improvment and in front of all the property liable to be assessed therefor in manner ~nd form as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of Geo. A. Kneese, Superintendent of Streets of said C~ty, who upon conpletion of the posting of said notices forthwith filed said ~fftdavit in the office of the City Clerk,making oaththat he~ completed the posting of aid notices on the tenth ~y of December, IgI2,and where~s more than fifteen Says h~ve expired since the day of the second publication of said Resolution o of Intention No. 4a and the completion of the posting of said "Notices of Improvment", therefore be it Resolved that public intrest and convenience require the work herein described and th~ Board of Trustees of the City of South San Prahcisco hereby orders the following work to be done in said City to wit; That that portion of Division :tweet between the north line of Grand Avenue and the So uth line of Armour Avenue on the ~ESt side thereof, including all street inter- sections, and that portion of~m~~ between the ~A~ line of San Brmno Road and the West line of Division Street,on both sides thereof, including all street inter~ sections, be improved by constructing concrete curbs therein for the full length of each of said streets as above specified, except where such curbs are already constructed; and by constructing concrete gutters therein,for the full lenght of each of said streets as above specified , except that portion of Division street .between the North line o~ Grand AYenue and the South line of ~ux Avenue, and by constructing artificial stone sidewalks' The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. The following applications for "Class A" Liquor Licenses were received at this meeting Augusto Georgi, to conduct a saloon at ~IOf Grand Avenue,C.T.Connolly, to conduct a saloon at#25? Grand Avenue, J.Chas. Fenger, to conduct a saloon at the Linden ~¥$~2e,~ Hotel Henry Scampini to conduct a saloon at the corner Orand and Linden Avenues, G. Burtucelli to conduct a saloon at #200 Grand Avenue, and Ellie Alimand to conduct a saloon at ~I00 Grand Avenue. and accompaning each of the above applications was a Bond in favor of the City of South San Francisco for the s~nn of One Thousand II000)Dollars for the faithful compliance with Ordinance ~$ of the City of South San FranciSco, by the applicants and Applicants having complied in all respect~ with ordinamce ~59 they were granted permits fo~ six months ending June 30th. IgI3,by the unanimous vote of all Trustees present to wit; G.W. Holston, ~.C.'Me'Goye~nd and F.A.Cunningham. The followingresolution was then introduced by Trustee G.W.Holston. Resolved, that whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~.rancisco did,on the 2nd day of I;ecember,IgI2 pass its resolution of intenti~ No. 4 to order the hereinafter ~escribed work to be donea:'~d improvment to be made in said City,which Resolution Of Intention was duly and ~~ legally published as required by law, as now appears fro~ the affidavit of E,I.Woodman now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and whereas notices of the pasage of said resolution of Intention ~o. 4,headed "l~otice of Improvment' were duly and legally posted alomg the line of said contemplated work and improvment and in front of all the proper~y liable to ~e assessed therefor in manner ~md 'form as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of Geo. A. Kneese, Superintendent of Streets of said C~ty, who completion of the posting of said ~pon notices forthwith filed said ~fftdavtt in the office of the City Clerk,making oaththat he. completed the posting of aid notices on the tenth day of December, I912,and wherems more than fifteen days have expired since the day of the second publication of said Resolution o of Intention No. 4a and the completion of the posting of said "Notices of Improvment", therefore be it Resolved that public intrest and convenience require the wor~ herein described and th~ Board of Trustees of the City o_~ South San Prahcisco hereby orders the following work to be done in said City to wit; That that portion of Division ;teeet between the north line of Grand Avenue and the So uth line of Armour Avenue on the ~VESt side thereof, including all street inter- sections, and that portion of~i~m~~ between the ~A~ line of San Bruno Road and the West line of Division Street,on both sides thereof, including all street inter~ sections, be improved by constructing concrete curbs therein for the full length of each of said streets as above specified, except where such curbs are already constructed; and by constructing concrete gutters therein,for the full leng~t of each of said streets as above specified , except that portion of Division street between the North line o~ Grand A~enue and the South line of ~ux Avenue, and by constructing artificial stone sidewalks' therein having a width of ftve~5)feet commencing two[2)feet from the property or boundary linm ofsaid streets and extending five feet towards the curb line for the full lenght of ~~~~~~~~.~~~i~~~~~~~;~''" .~t' .... ,, ,, ,,. ,,~ ,~ ~,. ~. ,, ,.j~.,, ,., .... ~'~ ~' ~'.~' ~2..." ".', ,' "" ' ,. ,.~. ,~ ,.,, ,,, 'i.' ,~ "J'.' .', .,',. t~ ,~ ".Jr ~'' .... ' ' ." -' ~ ;'" '~, 'L ~ ',' ' '. ~' ~."_2L '.' ,~ ;..' ;'" 'i..'i. ~ ~..2~ ~." "~ ~ tL ', , n ,, ,, ,, ? ,, , . ,.., ,.. . , , .... ,, .. ., , , , ........ ...:~.:. ~? ~ ~, o~,~o . except where such curbs are already oonstructe .~D ~,,.~,.. ~S ABOVE SPECIFIED , ~nd by fi~m~[,~ ..~ in earth back c~. said curbs so as to bring sidewalks between curbs and a artificial stone sidewalks to official grade,and by gradeing and by laying ~d construct- ing a macadam pavement in said streets for the full lenght of each of said streets as above specified and for the full width of each of said streets from curb line to curb lir.e All work herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with the special plans and specifications heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The Board of Trustees '~der the authority conferred upon it by the provisions of that certain act of the Legislature of the State of California,approved · - "dete~ines and declares that AprilTth IgII, and ~o~ as the "Improvment Act of IgII, serial bonds shall be issued to represent the cost of said propose,-d improvments ; said bonds shall be serial, em~ending over a period of NineS9) years ;from the second, day of January next succeeding their date and shall be issued to represent assessments of twenty five ~5 dollars or more remaining unpaid thirty [55~YS AFTER THE DATE OF T~I warrant issued to the contracto~ or five[5) days after the decision of the said Board of Trustees on an appeal; an even annual oort:[on of theprincip~.~~f each bomd sh~ll ce payable by coupon on the second days ~of ~anuar~,and Jul~,~ RESPECTIV~Y OF EACH YE~ ~ ~ ::A~ u~ seven (Ti per oen~ pe~ annum on a~l o~sunpaid until the whole of said principal and intrest is paid ; and said bonds shall be iss~ued in accordance with'the provisions of said Improvment Act of I~ II, The City Clerk is hereby dire oted to post a notice of said work, together with the plans and specifications therefor ,consPicuously for five days on or nearthe council chamber 5oor , inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the 'work o ordered. He ls also directed toto publish a notice inviting such p:oposals and refering to the specifications posted or on file , by two insertions in "The ENte~rise" a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City and hereby designated ~er that ,~.,.?. ,r, '" ~.2' ~' ~'" ' "'!. ~' '~ ''~!'.~' V"" ' ~' ~ ' ~', (* '2'? ~"--*' ; " "' ~' "','5.- '" ''.'~ '~ ~ ~i~ ~ 'r.l' ;~-.~'~ !f '~ '~J'~ !'" "' ' ' "' ~' ' ':' '~ "~'~'.~* ~ '!; ' ' ~-;" ;'-'''~--~ ~" ~.~,~'* 0.~,~:~ ~ o~:~p~,~ ~:S~ ABOVE SPECifIED , except where such curbs are already eonstructe ~nd by fi~in~ in earth b~c~: ~of said curbs so as to bring sidewalks between curbs and a artificial stone sidewalks to official grade,and by gradeing and by laying ~d construct- ing a macadam pavement in said streets for the full lenght of each of said streets as above specified and for the full width of each of said streets from curb line to curb lir.e Al~ work herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with the special plans and specifications heretofore adopted for doing said work ~nd now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The Board of Trustees '~der the authority conferred upon it by the provisions of that certain act of the Legislature of the State of California,approved AprilTth. I9II, and ~o~ as the "Improwuent Act of IgII," dete~tnes and declares that serial bonds shall be issued to represent the cost of said propose~-d improvments ; said bonds shall be serial, mm~ending over a period of Nine[9) years ;from the second day of January next succeeding their d~.te ~nd shall be issued to represent ossess~ents of twenty five E~ dollars or more remaining ~upaid thirty [Z$~YS AFTER THE DATE 0F T~] warrant issued to the contractor or five[8) days after the decision of the said Board of Trustees on ~n appeal; ~n even annual portion of theprineip~.~m~f each bornd sh~ll be payable by coupon on ~he second ,days ,of January, and Jul~,~ RESPECgIV~Y 0F EACH YE~ .~T ~, ~.f~: OE seven (~) per een~ peT ~nnum on all s~ms~mpaio un~il the wno~ o~ s ie principal and intrest is paid ; and said bonds shall be iss~-ued in ~ccordanee with'the provisions of said Imprownent Act of I~ II. The City Clerk is hereby d~re cted to post a notice of said work, together w~th the plans and specifications therefor ,conspicuously for five d~ys on or nearthc council chamber Ooor , inviting sealed proposalv or bids ~or doing the work o ordered. He ~s also directed toto publish a notice inviting such p~opos~ls and referlng to the specifications posted or on file , by two insertions in "The ENte~rise" ~ weekly newspaper printed, published and c;~reul~ted in s~id City ~nd~hereby designated ~or that pu~ose. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolut~orz ~'~s duly and regularly introduceO ~nd ad,?pted ~y the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~n Fr~ncise~ thi~ Z1st. day of December 1912, by the 'following vote ; Ayes Trustees G.W. Holston, J.C.~{c Govern, and F.A.Cunningham. Noes, Trustees None Absent, trustees T.L.Hickey, and J.H.Kelley. 7'illiam ~,~mith City Clerk }.~ved by Trustee Holston seconded by Trustee lJc Govern that the Board adjourn until Monday January5, I913,to meet at ~310 Linden Avenue at 8 '0 Clook P.M. Carried Time of adJournm~t I'Z0 P.~. Respoctfully Submitted William J.Smith ~tty Cleek