HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1915-05-03 Regular I{eeting of the Board of Trustees o~ the City of South Ban ?rancisco ,held M~nday ~Aay,3,1915. This meetin.~ was called to order at 8' 0' Clock p.m. by Trustee G.W. Holston "President of the Board". Roll-call Rolloall found the' following Trus~eespresent,to wit; 2.A. Cunningham,Geo. H. Wallace and G.W, Holston. Trustee J. C ,~.,ic 'Govern appeared after roll call. Absent Trustee J.H. Kelley. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upom ;'notion of Trustee Cunningham ~econded by TrusteeWallace and regularly carried were approved as read. A Petit~on v;~s rece~ve~ from the Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.asking that they be allowed to set telephone ~oles as per blue primt filed with the City Clerk. ~h this connection the following resolution was then introduced b:.,~ Trusteegunn~ngham Tesolved by the Board of Trustees o? the City of South San ~rancisco of the City of South San Prancisco that permission be,an~ the same hereby is given to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to set Poles and anchors in the places indicated upon the a~plication of said Company therefor, and that the President of the Board and the City Clerk,be and they here?.y are authorized to ex, ecut~,in behalf of said C!t~? a document granting such permission. I hereby certify that the foregolng resolutlon was ~egularly int.,oduced and adopte by t e Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,this 3rd day of ~.~ay,1915,by the following vote; Ayes Trustees ~.A. Cunningham, ~~~ ~~$~ Geo. H. Wallace and G.W. Holston ,,,oes Trustees None Absent Tru,~tees,~¢,c Govern and Kelley. William J. Smith City Clerk Abld for installing the sign which was recently purchased by the City to be plac~d at Division St and Grand Avenue,was received from W.C. Ross ,the said bid was _;~nthe amount of One Hundred ~our (lOA) Dollars for the labor and all material to be furnished by the City. Action on the bid was deferred until a bid could be received from the Pac; Gas & Electr:c Co. The reports of City officers for the mont of April wa,~ then read. The re~,ort o ~ the City C~erk showed the following balances for month ending &pril 1915. Central ?und ,~5,865.85 Sinking ~nd '"" , . ~ · .~ ~,~4 1~6 62 Sewer _ u~d ~5 00 Grand Avenue '.',:~xtention ,.~h~nd ;~E,8?l. 39 Library ~ktnd $1004.99 Storm Sewer ~h~nd ~$E95.Z4 ~,ibrary Butlding ~und ~l?O. The report of the City Treasurer checked with that of the City Clerk. The reports of City Recorder and City Health Officer was also received the ~eport of the City Recorder showed that no fines had been collecte~}_thr~ugh his office during month of Apri April, 1915. M~ved by Trustee Vallace seconded by Trustee ~,,Ic Govern that the reports of City officers reseived at this meeting be accepted and filed. Carried The following demands against the City were presented for payment the same having been appro approved by the finance committee. South City Printing Company printing Enterprise ~oundry Co. supplies for ?rank Kelley cleaning strrets P.R, Ritchie & Co. layin~ asphalt 1000 Envelopes street Dept. 4.00 ,El. lO. 9.38 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upom notion of Trustee Cunningham ~econded by TrusteeWallace and regularly carried were approved as read. A Petition v,~as rece~ve~ from the Pac. Tel. & Tel. Ce.asking that they be allowed to set telephone poles as per blue primt filed with the City Clerk. ~h this connection the following resolution was then introduced b~? TrusteeCunn~ngham ?esolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco of the City of South San Francisco that permission be,and the same hereby is given to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co_~rpany to set poles and anchors in the places indicated upon the a~plication of said Company therefor, and that the President of the Board and the City Clerk,be and they hereby are authorized to ex, ecut~,in behalf of said C!t~? a document granting such permission. I hereby certify that the foregolng resolution was ~egularly int,,educed and adopte by t e Board of Trustees of the City of South San 2rancisco,this Zrd day of Hay,191B,by the following vote; Ayes Trustees 2.A. Cunningham, ~$~~ ~¢¢~#~$~ Geo. H. Wallace and G.W. Holston ~,~oes Trustees None Absent Trustees~:~,c Govern and Kelley. ~Villiam J. Smith City Clerk Abid for installing the sign which was recently purchased by the City to be placed at Division St and Grand Avenue,was received from W.C. Ross ,the said bid was ~nthe amount of One Hundred ~our ¢10~) Dollars for the labor and all material to be furnished by the City. Action on the bid was deferred until a bid could be received from the Pac; Gas ~ Electr£c Co. The reports of City officers for the mont of April was then read. The report o~ the City C~erk showed the following balances for month ending April 1915. ~en~ral Fund ~$,865.8~ Sinking Piind ~4,1P, 6.6£ Sewer 3und ~5.00 Grand Avenue '~xtention ?u_nd '.%E,871. S9 Library Fund $1004.99 Storm Sewer ~nd ~$Eg§.Z4 Library Butlding Fund v$170. The report of the City Treasurer checked with that of the City Clerk. The reports of City Recorder and City Health Officer was also received the ~report of the City Recorder showed that no fines had been collecte~thr~ugh his office during month of Apri April, 1915. M~ved by Trustee Uallace seconded by Trustee I~,Ic Govern that the reports of City officers reseived at this meeting be accepted and filed. Carried The following demands against the City were presented for payment the same having been ap.ore approved by the finance committee. South City Printing Company printing 1000 Envelopes Enterprise Foundry Co. supplies for street Dept. ~rank Kelley cleaning strrets F.R. Ritchie & Co. laying ~sphalt Frank Convery labor on street E.E. Cunningham & Ce.Bond for ~7.J, S~ith Deputy Tax-collecto~r S~n ~ATE0 County Development Association dues month Hay Louie Varnie removing 4dead dogs from streets Jo!~ Q 4.00 ,El. 1(3. 9 .~8 £.50 £1.6~ 10. , £. The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Mc Govern . Whereas th e Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco has received a proposal from the- Bank of South San Francis~o to purchase the Two [£) Municil:~al Improvm ent seweer bonds of the ~ty of South San ~ranciscoNos 16Z 164 dated August 1st. 191Z$ for the sum of I~m Thousand Dollars ($EOOO.00)and accrued intrest to date o~f delivery. -said that the proposal of the said Bank of South Re~olved by the Board o~ ~ustees San ?rancisco be,and the same hereby is acce~ted and that said bonds be awarded to the said Bank of South San Prancisco,upon the pay~nent of the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00)and accrued intr~s't to th e date of delivery. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced by adopted by the Board of Trustees of Lhe City of South San Frahcisco,this ~r~ day of May, 19i~,by tho following vote; Ayes Trustees P.A. Cunnin~ham,J.C. ~! c Govern Ceor~n~e Ui~allace and G.W. HolSton. ~oes, Trustees N~ne Absent Trustees J.H. Kelley William J. Smith Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Cunninghan. ResOlved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Franci~soo that the President o~ said Board of Trustees and the City Clerk be, and they hereby are authorized and directed in behalf of said City of South San Francisco,to execute a license agreement between Southern Pacific Compa~y and City of South San Francisco for the construction of a storm water sewer aoro~ the I~aden branch of said ~outhern Pacific Company at 0~'ange Avenue in ssid City of South Sn Francisco. ! ~ereby certify that th~ foregoing resolution was regularly introduced a~d adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City ~f S~uth San ~rancisco,this Zrd. day of ~iay hgl~,by the following vote; Ayes Trustees 2.A. Cunningham, J.C. IJIC Govern, ~eorge H. Wallace and G.W. Holston Noes Trustees Nome . Absent Tru~,stee Eelley. William J. Smith City ~lerk. The following Eesolutiom was then introduced by Trustee 1.~c Govern Resolved by the Board of Trustees o~ the C~it$ of South San ~ancisco that the President of s~id Board of Trustees ~u~d the ¥ity Clerk be,and they hereby are authorized and directeS,in behalf of said City of South San Francisco ,to execute a license agreement bet--~een Southern Pacific Company and City of South San ?r ncisco for the construStion of a storm rater sewer across the Baden Branch of ~d Southern Pacific Company at ~.~agnolia Avenue in said City of South San 2rancisco. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regu~la~ly introduced ~$d adopted by the ~oard of Trustees of the City of South ~San ~rancisco, this Zrd day ~f May,191~, by the following vote; Ayes Trustees F.A. Cunningham J.G. ~ic G~vern George H. Wallace and G.W. H~lston. Noes Trustees None Absent Trustee J.H. Kelley. Wiliiam J. Smith City Cl~r~ The following resolution w~s then introduced by Trustee Cunningham. Resolved by the Hoard of Trustees of the City of So~th San ~rancisco,that the alia?ram submitted by the City Engineer on the Zrd. day of ~Iay ,191~,of the property effected or ben~f ~tted by the construction of a storm water sewer ~!:~A~a~e~t~venue,in said City of 16 South S~n ~rancisco,as described in Re~olution of Intention No, IS,adopted by said Board ($2000.00)an~ accrued intres't to th e date of delivery. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced by ~h~ adopted by the Board of Trustees of Lhe City of Sou~h San Frahcisco,this bfq day of ~gid,by th~? following vote; ~yes Trustees P,A, Cunnin~ham,J.C. ~! c Govern ~-eorgre 7'allace and G.W. Holston. Noes, Trustees N~ne Absent Trustees J.H. Kelley William J. Smith Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by i"rustee Cunninghan. ResOlved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Franci~:s~o that the President o~ said Board of Trustees and the City Clerk be, and they hereby are authorized and directed in behalf of said City of South San Francisco,to execute a license agreement between Southern Pacific Company and C ~ i~y of South San Prancisco for the const~u~ction of a storm water sewer acro~ the l~:aden branch of said :~outhern Pacific Company at _%venue in ss~id City of South Sn Francisco. ! ~ereby certify that th:TM foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City hf S~uth San' ~rancisco,this Zrd. day of ~Iay '_gl5,by the following vote; Ayes Trustees 2.A. Cunningham, J.C. ~,IC Govern, ,.,eorge H. Wallace an~] G.W. Holston Noes Trustees None . Absent Tru'stee Kelley. William J. Smith City ~lerk. The following Eesolutiom was then introduced by Trustee l,/[c Govern Resolved by the Board of Trustees of th~ C~it$ of South San ~ancisco that the President of said Board of Trustees ~L~'~d the Vity Clerk be,and they hereby are authorized and directed,in behalf of said City of South San Francisco,to execute a license agreement bet---een Southern Pacific Company and City of South San ?r ncisco for the construdtion of a storm v'ater sewer across the Baden Branch of ~d Southern Pacific Company at l,iagnolia Avenue in said City of South Stun Francisco. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was reg~!la~ly introduced ~$d adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South ][San Francisco, this Zrd day ~f May,1915, by the following vote; Ayes Trustees F.A. Cunningham J.G. ~.ic Gdvern George H. Wallace an d G.W. H~lston. l~oes Trustees None Absent Trustee J.H. Kelley. lViliiam J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution w~s then introduced by Trustee Cunningham. Resolved by the Hoard of Trustees of the City of So~th San Francisco,that the dia?ram submitted by the City Engineer on the 3rd. day of May ,1915,of the property effected or ben&f ~tted by the construction of a storm water sewer [~'.,~a, ~.e=!.~i~venue,in said City of 16 South S~n Francisco,as described in Resolution of Intention No. IS,adopted by said Board Trustees of the City of South ~an Francisco on the 29th day of September 1914,and to be assessed to pay the expense of said work,be, and the same hereby is approved by said Board of Trustees, and,,the ~ City '~Jlerk~,~ef~-~,~he~,~so~ South San F ~,~ i,,~ 37'0 ~ hereby directed to certify th the fact and date of such approval ,and he is also directed to deliver saiO diagram so ~,~roved to the Superintendent of 'trcets of said City, 7 hereby certify thet the fore,?olng resolution w~s rcgularl$~ introduced an8 adopted by the Beard of Trustees of the City of South San ?rancisce.thts Zrd, day of May,1915,by the foi~owing vote; Ayes Trustces P.A. CxLunlngham, J.C. ~5c Govern George Wallace anf C.W. Holston. Noes Trustees N~ne Absemt Trustees J.H. Kelley. ~.lltam J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Hc Govern . Resolved by the Board of TrUstees of the City of South San F~ancisco th t the dei~ram submitte~ bY the City Emgineer on the 5rd day of ~,~aylgl5,of the pro~erty effected or benefitted by the construction of a storm water sewe~ in ~i~)~an~e~..,,;'~enue,in said City of South San ~r Francisco,as described in resolution of Intention No. l~ adopted by the Board' of Trustees of the City of South San Franciscoon the .:9~h.da~ of September 1914,and to be assessed to pay the expenses of said work,be, and the same hereby is approved by said Board of Trustees and the City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco is hereby directed to certify to the fac~ and date of such approval,and he is also 5irected to deliver said diagram so app roved to the Superintendent of Streets of said City. I hereby certify that the foregoiug resolution was regularly introduced ~dtha ~pted by the Board of Trustees ogf the City of South San Francisco this 3rcq day of i,,lay,1915, by th e following vote; Ayes Trustees F.A.Cu~aningham,J.~. Mc qovern George Wallace and. G.W. Halston Noes Trustees None Absent Trustee J.H. Kelley W~lliam J. S~ith City Olerk The followin? resolution was then introduced by Trustee Cunnin?ham. Kesolved by the Uoard of Trustees of the City of ~outh San Yrancisc o that ~illiam J. Smith be, and he hereby is appointe~ Deputy Tax-collector of the City of South San Yrancisco~ u pon his filing a bond with said City of South San 2rancisco in the sum of Your Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) at asalary of Po:~y Dollars ($40.oo)per nonth. ~ hereby certify that the fo~cgoinc resolution was regularly introduced aRd adopted by the Board of Trustees of th~~ City of South San Francisco,this 5rd day of llay,1915, by t~e following vote; ~es, 2'rustees P.A. C~nin~ham, J.C. Mc Govern George H. Wallace ~d G.W. Holstom ~oes, Trustees None Absent Tr~tee J.H. Kelley. ~illiam J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution w~s then introduced by Urustee ~4cCow~rn. A RESOLUTION ~ l ~ ~ 1 o A,,D OPFiCI~ ELEVATIONS OR CR~ES 0~'; THAT PORTION OF CYPRESS ,~VE~UE ~%ETUEEN THE ~ORTH ..... z; ....~ 0Y ~R:~OUR AVEi~UZ ;0~ THAT POR~:iON OF LUX AVE- NUE · ~.~,~.~n~ EAST ~ '"~ ~I~DEI~ A~I:U-E WITH ThE ~ST LINE OF S~ BRUNO RO~/; ON THAT PORTION OM C~IFORNIA A~NUE BET73EEH T~E EAST LINE OF LI~~ AVENUE WITH T~E V~ST LIN~ 0F SaN BRU?~O RO~~'~ 0N ~'~T PORTIO~ OT ?INE AVEA~E BET%~Ei~ ~{E-~ EAST LI~E 0M LIi~EN A~,~LU~ ~ ~ WITH THE ~TEST ~INE O~ S~ BRU!~O RO~. ~esolved by the ~oard of Trustees of the ity of South San Prancisco that the east curb line of c~ress avenue in said City of 8outh S~ Franc~co be,and the same hereby is established as certain line parallel to the east bo~dary line of said avenue an~ at a distahee Resolve~ by the Board of TrUstees of the City of South San F~ancisco th t the d~i~ram submitted bY the City Emgtneer on the Zrd day of ~aylglS,of the pro~,erty effected or benef:tted by the construction of a storm water sewer in ~O~ange~ ,..?snue,in said City of South San ?ranclsco,as described in resolution of Intention No. l~ adopted by the Board' of Trustees ~ 4~ of the City of South San Franciscoon the ~.,~th.day o.~ September 1914,and to be assessed to pay the expenses o~ said work,be, and the same hereby is approved by said Board of Trustees and the City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco is hereby directed to certify to the fac~ and date of such approval,and he :~s also directed to deliver said diagram so app roved to the Superintendent of Streets of sai8 City. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced opted b? the Board of Trustees ogf the City of South San Francisco this 5rd day of i~ay,1915, by th e following vote; Ayes Trustees P,A.Cunningham,J..~,. Mc ~overn George Wallace and G.W. H~lston Noes Tru,~tees ,~Jone Absent Trustee J,H, Kelley W~lliam J. Smith City ~lerk The followin? resolution was then introduced by Trustee Cunnin~ham. Eesolved by the Uoard of Trustees of the City of Eouth San Franc ise o that %Tilliam J. Smizh be, and he hereby is appointe5 Deputy Tax-collector of the City of South San Francisco. u pon his filing a bond with said City of South San Francisco in the sum of 2our Thousand Dollars (~4,000.00) at asalary of FolkSy Dollars [$40.oo)per month. ! he]~eby certify that the fogegoin~ resolution was regularly introduced add adopted by the Board of Trustees of th~? City of South San Francisco,this 3rd day of flay,1915, by ti~e following vote; Ayes, Trustees P.A. C'munin~ham, J.C. Mc Govern George H. Wallace ~nd G.W. Holston Noes, Trustees None Absent Trustee J,H. Kelley. William J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution w~?s then introduced by Trustee HcC, ow, rn. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOAPJD OF TRUSTEES 0F THE CITY OF SOUTH SAi~ FRAi~CIBC0 ESTABLISHING ~,1 ~ A,,~ OFFiCI~ ELEVATIONS OR CR~ES 0~ THAT PORTION OF CYPRESS ~VE~UE i~ETUEEN THE [~0RTH LIHE 0P ~..[ILLEE AVENUE ~D T~ SOUTH LINE 0P ~OUR AVenUE ;0~ THAT PORTION OF LUX AVE- NUE BETWEEi~THE EAST LIEE 02 LII~DEN A~NU-E WITH THE ~ST LINE 0F S~ BRUNO RO~/; 0N THAT PORTION OF C~IFORNIA AVENUE BET~'3EEN THE EAST LINE OF LI~ AVENUE WITH THE V~ST LINI:: 0F SAI~ BR~L,O RO~ 0~, THefT PORTI0~ 0~ ?INE AVEh~E WITH M.~ BET%~EN _~ EMiT LIi~E 02 LI~Eh A¥~LU.~ THE ?EST ~INE O~ S-[~'~ BRU!~0 R0~3. I'~esolved by the ~oard of Trustees of the ~ity of South San ~rancisco that the east curb line of c~ress avenue in said City of 8outh S~ Franc~co be,and the same hereby is established as certain line parallel to the east bo~dary line of said avenue and at a distahee westerly of ten (10) feet therefrom that the west curb line of said avenue be, and the same hereby is established as tha~ cer tain line p~arallel to the west boundary line of said avenue and .at a distance of ten feet easterly therefrom;that the south curbline of ~,ux avenue in said Citybe, and the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel to the south boundary line of said lux avenue northe fly ar.d at a distance of twelve feet therefrom; that the north curb line of Lure avenue in s~id Ci City be, and the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel to the north bound ary line of said Aven~ and at a distance of twelve ~lE) feetsoutherly therefrom;that the south curb line of California Avenue in said City be,and the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel to the south boundary line af said California Avenue a~d at a ~istance of twelve feet northerly therefrom;that the northcurb line of California n~u~~:~ vparallel ~o the in sai~ City ~$ and the sanehereby is established as that certain line of said Galifornia Avenue and at a distance of twelve ~lE) feet southerly therefrom; that the south curb line of Pine Avenue in said City be, and the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel to the south boundary line of ~ine Avenue and at adistance of twelve I l£) PEET northerly therefrom; that the north curb line of Pine Avenue in said City be, and the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel to the north boundary line of said Pine Avenue and a t a distance of twelve ~1£) feetsoutherly therefrom. S~id boundary lines are those lines shown as boundary lines on said Avenue s as ~esignated on th' at certain map entitled "South San Francisco,San I~ate~o Co. Cal.plat No. l", which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of the C~unty of San ~a~eo at Redwoood City California,~arch l, l~gE, a copy of which is recorded in map book No. E at page 5~ of the record~ of said County; That all offic~a~ grades or elevations on each of said avenues be,and the same~he$i~y are determin~d,establtshed$~ ahd deworibed with ~-reference to the ~Iean L~wer^ L~w Water as ascertained by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey at Port Point,San Prancisco California, and hereinafter describe~ as the City Base ; that the official elevations or grades o on each of said avenues are hereby declared ~ndbedetermined to be above said City Base and that said official elevations or grades and their several points of location be,and the same hereby are established ,as follows: Section 1. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north curb line of ~iller Avenue Twenty-three and 5§/100 (EZ.55) feet; at a point formed by the ~ntersection of the east curb linre of Cypress Avenue and the horth curb 'line of ~tller Avenue Twenty-three and 15/100 (£3.15) feet; Section E. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Aven~ with the south line of L~tw Avenue Twenty-five and ll/100[~.5.111 feet; at a point forme~ by the inter section of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the South line of L~x Avenue Twenty-four and 91/100 (~4.911 feet; ata point formed ~by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Lux Avenu~ Twenty-five and 47/100 (~5.47) feet; at a point formed by the intersection ~f the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Lux Avenue Twenty-four an8 5Z/100 ~£4.5~) feet; at a point formed by the ~n~$~section of the south curb line of Lux Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-five and 1Z/100 (£5.1Z! feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the no~th curb line of Lux Aven~ with the west line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-five and 5Z/100 (ES.5Z! feet; at apoint formed b~ the intersection of the south ourh line of Lux Avenue with the east line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-four and 96/100 ~ £4.96) feet; at a t~l~int formed by the intersection of the north curb line of Lux Aven~ with the east line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-four and /40/100 (£4.40) feet; Section Z. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with ~he south line of California Avenue Twenty-seven and Z/100 (£7.0Z) feet; at a point ..... .~vA.. ~x~1 xee~southerly therefrom;that the ~outh curb line of California Avenue in said City be,and the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel to the south boundary line a~ said Californi a Avenue a~d at a ~i~tance of twelve feet northerly therefrom;that the northcurb line of California n~u~ rpar~llel to the in said City ~ and the sa~ehereby is established as that certain line of said California Avenue and at a distance of twelve (12) feet southerly therefrom; that the south curb line of Pine Avenu~ in said 0i~y be, and the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel to the south boundary line of ~Bine Avenue and ~t adistance of twelve (1£) ~ET northerly therefrom; that the north curb line of Pine Avenue in said City be, and the same hereby is established as that certain line parallel to the north boundary line o£ said Pine Avenue and a t a distance of twelve ~12) feetsoutherly therefrom. S~id boundary lines are those lines shown as boundary lines on said f~venue s ~s designated on th at certain map entitled "South San Francisco,San I~iateo Co. Cal.plat No. l", which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of the C~unty of San l~a~eo at Redwoood City California,~arch l, 1~92, a copy of which is recorded in map book No. 2 at page ~ of the records of said County; That all officAa~ grades or elevations on each of said avenues be,and the sane~hegl~Y are determtn~d,established$~ ahd dewcribed with ?reference to the ~1ean L~wer L~w Water as ascertained by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey at Fort Point,San Prancisco California, and hereinafter describeA as the City Base ; that the official elevations or grade on each of said avenues are hereby declared ~mdbedetermined to be above said City Base and that said official elevations or grades and their several points of location be,and the same hereby are established ,as follows: Section 1. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north curb line of ~iller Avenue Twenty-three and ~§/100 ~.8§) feet; at a point t formed by the ~ntersection of the east curb linre of Cypress Avenue and the horth curb line of Miller Avenue Twenty-three and l~/100 ~2B.1B) feet; Section 2. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Aven~~, with the south line of L~uw Avenue Twenty-five and ll/100~2~.lll feet; at a point forme~ by the inter section of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the South line of L~tx Avenue Twenty-four and 91/100 ~TA.T1) feet; ata point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Lux Avenue Twenty-five and ~?/100 ~2~.A~) feet; at a point formed by the intersection ~f the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Lux Avenue Twenty-four and ~Z/100 ~TA.~S) feet; at a point formed by the ~n~section of the south curb line of Lux Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-five and 1Z/100 (E~.lJ) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the no~th curb line of Lux Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-five and ~Z/100 ~2~.~Z! feet; at apoint formed by the intersection of the south curb line of Lux Avenue with the east line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-four and 96/100 ~ ~A.961 feet; at a p~int formed by the intersection of the north curb line of Lux Avem~ with the east line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-four and /~0/100 ~£A.~O) feet; Section Z. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with ~he south line of California Avenue Twenty-seven and Z/lO0 ~2?.0Z) feet; at a point fo~med by the inter~ection of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the so~th line California avenue Twenty-six and 18/100 feet; at ~ point for~ed by the intersection of the west curb line of C ~ ~'~'v with thc north line of California Avenue Twenty-six and 8~/100feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of California Avenue Twenty-six and 18/100 (Ed.18) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the south curb line of California Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-seven and 8/100 (E?.08) feet; at a point formed by the inter~ection of the south curb line of California ~venue with the e~st linc of Cypress Avenue Twenty-six an~ 4/100 (£6.04) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north curb line of California Avenue with the west linre of Cypress Avenue Twenty-six and 87/100 (~.6.87) feet; ata point formed bythe intersectioh of the north curb line of California Avenue with the east line of Cypress Avenue Twenty-six and 1Z/~.00 ~6.1Z) feet; Section 4. Ata point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Pine Avenue Thirty-three and 6/10~ ~gZZ.06) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of l~he ee~st curb line of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Pine Avenue Thirty-two and ES/100 (Z~.£9) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north lin~ of Pine Avenue Thirty-two and 68/100 (Z£.68) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east curbline of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Pine Avenue Thirty-two and 4Z/100 (5E.~5) feet;at a ~ooint formed by t~e intersection of the south curb line of Pine Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-two and 99/100 (Z£.99) feet;at apoint for~ed by the intersection of the south curb line of Pine Avenue witht the east line of Cypress Aven~ Thirty-two and ll/100 SZ~..ll) feet; ata point formed by the :~ntersection of the north curb line of Pine Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-two and 8Z/100 (Z~.SZ) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north curb line of P~ne Aven~ with the east line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-two and 29/100 ~E.£9) feet; Section 5. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the South Zine of Aspen Avenue Thirty-six and 44/100 (36.44) feet; ata point formed by the the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Aspen Avenue produced easterly Thirty-five and 98/100 (35.98) feet; at a point form ed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Aspen Avenue Thirty-six and 5Z/100 ( (~6.53) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with tl~e north ~ine of Aspen Avenue produced ee~sterly Tlr~ y-six and 78/100 (36.78) feet; at a poiut formed by the intersection of the north curb line of Aspen Avence wi~h the west '_ine of Cypress Avenue Thir ty-six 6Z/100 (36563)feet; Section 6. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the South line of Juniper Avenue Thirty-four and 99/100 {3~.99) feet; at a point formed by the inters ection of the east curb lin~ of Cypress Amenue w~th the south line of J~niper Avenue produced easterly Thirty-four and 58/100 (34.Z8) feet; at a point formed by tho. in tersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Juniper Avenue Thirty-four and. 59/100 (Z4.59) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Juniper Avenue produced essterly Thirty-three and 90/100 (Z3.90) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the south curb line of Juniper Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-fiv~ and ?/10059)Z5.07) feet; at a point formed by the intersection-of the north curb line'of J~niper Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-four and 76/100 (Z&.?6) feet; Section ?. At a point formed by the inter section of the west curb ~ine of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Armour Avenue Thirty-two and 7Z/100 ~£.735 feet;at a point formed the intersection of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Armour thirty-two and 9./100 (3~.OE~ feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the South Cypre,~s Avenue Twenty-six and 87/100 (~.6.87) feet; ata point formed by the intersectioh of the north curb line of California Avenue with the east line o~ Cypress Avenue Twenty-six and 1Z/100 ~6.1Z) feet; Section 4. Ata point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Pine Avenue Thirty-three and 6/10~i(ZZ.06) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of l~he e~st curb line of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Pine Avenue Thirty-two and Eg/100 (Zg. Eg) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the west curb llne of Cypress Avenue with the north lin~ of Pine Avenue Thirty-two and 68/100 (5£.68) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east curbline of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Pine Avenue Thirty-two and AZ/100 (ZE.A5) feet;at a ~oint formed by t±~e intersection of the south curb line of Pine Avenue with the west line of Cypress Aven~e Thirty-two and 99/100 (ZE.99) feet;at apoint forued by the intersection of the south curb line of Pine Ave~u e witht the east line of Cypress Aven~ Thirty-two and ll/100 ~Zg.ll) feet; ata point formed by the .Lntersection of the north curb line of Pine Avenue with the we~t line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-two and 8Z/100 (Z~.SZ} feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north curb line of P~ne Avenm with the east line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-two and ,~9/100 (~E.Eg) feet; Section 5. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the South Line of Aspen Avenue Thirty-six and AA/100 (~6.AA) feet; ata point formed by the the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Aspen Avenue produced easterly Thirty-five and 98/100 (55.98) feet; at a point for~ ed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Aspen Avenue Thirty-six and 5Z/100 (ZS.5Z) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north llne of Aspen Avenue produced e~.sterly Tlr~ y-six and 78/100 (Z6.78) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north curb llne of Aspen Aven~s wi~h the west kine of Cypress Avenue Thir ty-six 6Z/100 (Z6;6Z)feet; Eec~ion 6. At a point formed by the intersection of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the South line of Juniper Avenue Thirty-four and 99/100 (~A.99) feet; at a point formed }-~y the inters ection of the east curb lin~ of Cypress Amenue with the south line of J~niper Avenue produced easterly Thirty-four and ZS/100 (ZA.ZS) feet; at a point formed by the in terseetion of the west curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Juniper Avenue Thirty-four and 59/100 (ZA.59) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the north line of Juniper Avenue produced e~sterly Thirty-three and 90/100 (ZZ.90) feet; at a point for~ed by the intersection of the south curb line of Juniper Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-fiv~ and ?/10059)Z5.07) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north curb line of Juniper Avenue with the west line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-four and 76/100 (Z&.?6) feet; Section ?. At a point formed by the inter section of the west curb ~ine of Cypress Avenue with the south line of ,~r~our Avenue Thirty-two and 7Z/100 (Z~;.?Z~ feet;at a point for~ed by the intersection of the east curb line of Cypress Avenue with the south line of Armour Avenue thirty-two and ~/100 (ZE.O~.~ feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the South curb line of Armour Avenue with the west line of Cypress Aven~e Thirty-two and 75/100 (ZE.?5) feet ~,~ at a point formed by the intersection of the south curb line of Armour Avenue with the east line of Cypress Avenue Thirty-one and 98/100 ~Z1.98) feet;~Z1.98) feet; Section 8. At a point formed by the intersection of the south curb line of L~x Avenue with the east line of Linden Avenue Thirty-seven and 68/100 ~Z7.68) feet; at a point formed by the north ~rb line of Lux Avenue with the east line of L~nden Avenue Thirty-seven and 60/100 ~7.60) feet;at a p.:~int formed by the intersection of the south curb line of Lux Aver.ue with the Wist line of San Bruno Road Twenty-two and 40/100 ~E£.401feet; at a point formed by the inter'section of the north curb line Lux Avenue with the west line of Ss~l Bruno Road Twenty-one and 89/100 ~£1.89~ feet; Section 9. At a point formed by the intersection of the south curb line of California Avenue with the es, st line of L~nden Avenue ~orty-four and £9/100 ~&4.Eg) feet;at a ~oint for~.ued by the intersection of the north curb line of California Avenue with the east line of Linden Avenue For~y-five and E~/100 ~45.E§) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the south curb line of California Avenue with the with the west line of S~n Bruno Road Twenty-~wo ~EEI feet; Section 10.At a point formed by the intersection of the south curb line of Pine Avenue with the east line of Linden Avenue ~ifity-two and 98/100 ~£.98) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north curb line, of Pine Avenue with the en t li'ne of ]~.~nden Avenue l'ifty-three and 44/100 ~ ~Z.~4) feet; at a po.i~nt formed by the intersection of the south curb line of Pine Avenue with the west line of San Bruno Road Twenty-five and 6~/100 ~£~.6~) feet;at a point formed by the inters~ction of the north curb line of Pine Avenue with the west line of San Bruno Road Twenty-five and 69/100 (~5.69) feet; Section ll. The shape of the cross sections of each of said Avenues or streets and the ele rations thereof shall be fixed at the time said avenues are improved,and shall depen~[~, upon the material used for paving. Section 12. The Longitudinal slope or grade of each of the Avenues hereinbefore named shall be on straight lines connecting the points on the respective Avenues where the elevations are fixed ,as hereinbefore provided. I hereby certi-~y that t?~ foregoing re?olution was regu~l~rly introd~ced and ad~pted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~un ?rancisco,this~rg day of May,1915, by the following vote; Ayes Trustees ~.A. Cunningham, J.C '~ · ~c Govern George H. Wallace and G.W. Holston. Noes Trustees None. Ab~eht Trustee J.H. Kelley William J. Smith City Clerk. The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Cunningham. RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AI~FD SPECI~ICATIONS Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco that the plans and specifications for the improvment of Cypress Avenue between the north line of ~.~iller Avenue and the south liue of Armour Avenue L~zx Avenue ben'ween the east line of L.~nden Avenue and the west line o~ypress Avenu~ e,L'~x Avenue bi,ween the east line of Cypress Avenue and the west line of San Bruno Road,California Avenue between the east line of L~nden Avenue and the west line of Cypress Avenue ,California Avenue between the east line of Cypreess Avenue and the west line of San Bruno Road,Pine Avenue between the east line of Lihden Avenue and the west line of Cypress Avenue ,and Pine Avenue between the east line of Cypress Avenue and the west line of San Bruno Road as prepared by the ~:ity Engineer of said CitL,~ of South San Francisco,and sub,itted this 3rd. day of ~iay,1915,be and the same hereby are adopted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by Twenty-one ~n8 8~/~_00 :f~I,ee'y~ee~; Section 9. A~ ~ potn~ ~o~e~ by ~e intersection o~ ~he sou~h ourb ~ne o~ Oa~iforn~a Avenue ~he ~n~er~ee~on o~ ~he north eur~ ~ne oE Ca~orn~s Avenue w~h ~he ea~ ~ne o~ Z~nden ~venue ~or~-~ve an~ ~5~00 (45.~5) ~ee~; a~ a po~n~ ~orme~ by ~he tn~ereec~on o~ ~he Section 10.At a point foxed by the intersection of the south curb line of Pine Avenue with the east line of L!nden Avenue Fifity-two ~d 98/100 (~.98) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the north curb line of Pine Avenue with the en t lihe of L~nden Avenue ~ifty-three ~d 44/100 ~ ~Z.44) feet; at a potent formed by the intersection of the south curb line of Pine Avenue with the west line of San Br~o Road Twenty-five and 6~/100 (~.6~) feet;at a point formed by the inters~ction of the north curb line of Pine Avenue with the west line of S~n Bruno Road Twenty~five and 69/100 ~5.69) feet; Section ll. The shape of the cross sections of each of said Avenues or streets and the els rations thereof shall be fixed at the time said avenues are improved,and shall depen~ ~upon the material used for paving. Section 12. The Longitudinal slope or grade of each of the Avenues hereinbefore named shall be on straight lines connecting the points on the respective Avenues where the elevations are fixed,as hereinbefore provided. I hereby certify that th~ foregoing re~'~olution was regularly introduced and ad~pted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~n ~r~cisco,this3rg day of May,191~, by the following vote; Ayes Trustees ~.A. C~ningham, J.C. ;lc Govern George H. Wallace and G.W. Holston. Noes Trustees None. Abmeht Trustee J.H. Kelley William J. Smith City Cl~rk. The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee C~ingh~. ~SOLUTION ~OPTING PL~S ~ SPEC I~I CATIONS Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco that the plans and specifications for the impro~ent of C~ress Aven~ between the north line of l~iller Aven~ and the south line of Armour Avenue L~ Avenue be~een the east line of L~nden Avenue and the west line ofC~ress Avenu~ e,L'~ Avenue b*~ween the east line of C~ress Avenue and the west line of San Bruno Road,California Avenue between the east line of L~nden Avenue and the west line of C~ress Avenue ,California Avenue between the east line of C~reess Aven~ ~d the west line of San Br~o Road,Pine Avenue between the east line of Lihden Avenue ~d the west line of C~ress Avenue,and Pine Avenue between the east line of Cypress Avenue and the west line of San Br~o Road as prepared by the City Engineer of said CitL~ of South San Francisco,and sub,itted this 3rd. day of ~Iay,1918,be a~d the same hereby are adopted as ~d for the plans and specifications for doing said work. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was re~larly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of SouthSan Francisco,this 3rd. d~y of DIay,191~,by the oOllo~ing~vote.~ Ayes Trustees P.A. Cunningh~, J.C. 1.ic Govern, Geo. Wallace ~d G.W. Hols~o es '~rusmees ~one . Absent Trustee J. H. Kelley. William J. Smith City Clerk 374 The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee ~¢c Govern. A P~SOLUTION 0P THE BOARD 0F TRUSTEES OF THE CITY ~)P SOUTH ~AN ~ANCISC0 DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO I~LPROVE CYPRESS AVENUE BETWEEN TH~ NORTH LINE OF HILLER AVENUE A~D THE SOUTH LINE OF L~DIOUR LVENUE,LUX AVENUE BETWEEN THE EAST LIiJE 0P LINDEN AVENUE AND WE~T LINE 0F CYPRESS AVENUE ,LUX AVENUE BETWEEN THE EAST LINE 0F CYPRESS AVENUE AND THE WEST LINE 0~~ SAnN BRUI~0 ROAD,CALIFORNIA AVENUE BETWEEN THE EAST LINE 0F LIi~DEN AVENUE AND TEE WEST LIi,iE 0P CYPRESS AVENUE ,CALIPORNIA AVENUE BETWEEN THE EASTLINE OP CYPRESS AVENUE AND THE WEST LINE OF SAN BRUNO ROAD,PINE AVEN~JE BETWEEN THE EAST LINE OF LINDEN AVENUE CYPRESS AND THE V~ST LINDE 0P ~$~ AVENUE AND PINE AVENUE BETWEEN THE EAST LIllE OF CYPRESSA AVENUE A~ND THE WEST LIllE OF S~J BRUNO ROAD. Resolved by the Board of Trusrees of the City of South San Pramcisco,th~t public intreat and convenience require and it ~.s the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Prancisco to order the following street work to be done in said City,towit; Avenue between the Eorth!ine of ~ler Avenue and That that portion of Cypress the South line of Armour Avmmme ,including all intersections of streets and alleys, and that portion of Lux Aven~e between the east line of Linden Avenue and the west line of Cypress Avenue and that portion of Lux Avenue between the east line of Cypress Avenue and the west line of San BNzuo Road and that portion of California Avenue between the east line of L~nden Avehue and the west llne o£ San Bruna~Road and that portion of Pine Averue between the east line of Linden Avenue and the west line of Cypress Avenue and that por tion of Pine Avenma between the east line of Cypress Avenue and the west line of San Bruno Road be improved b:~ regrading to official ~rade from curb line. to curb lin~; also by the the construction of concrete gutters on each side of saab of said streets or avenues except where such gutters have already been constructed; also by laying and constructing four(4) inch latSsral sewers betweenthe main sewer amd curb line in such places as are shown for such sewers on the plans heretofore adopted for said work ; also by constructing an asphaltic 9~eme~$ pavment consisting of an a~phaltic concrete surface one and one half $ l-l/E) INCHES in thickness laid on a concrete fo'~udation four (4) inches in thickness. All work herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance ~,~th the special plans and specifications heretofore adopted by saidBoard of Trustees for doing said workand now on file $~$~ in the office of the City Clerk,to which reference ids hereby made for further description of said work. The Board of Trustees under the~ authority eonferre~ ~;upon it by that certain act of the Legislature ~f the State of California,al~proved April, ?th. 1911,and known as the "ImprovmeGt Act of 1911", determines and declares that ~erial bonds shall be issued to represent the cost of said propoSad improvments ;said bonds shall be serial ,extending over a period of nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding th~ir date amd sha.ll be issued to represent assessment s of Twenty-five(25) Dollars or more remaining ~mpaid for Thirty(Z0) days after the date of the warrant issued to the contractor or five (5) days after the decision of said Board of T~ustees on an appeal; an evebn annual proportion of the principal sum of each bond shall be payable,by coup, on, on the second day of JanUary of each year after its date and until the whole is paid , and intreat shall be payable semi- annually by coupon on the second days of January and July ~:~espectively of each year at the rate of seven (?) per cent per annum on all sum~ unpaid ~uutil the whole og said principal and intreat is paid and ssi d bonds sh~ll be issued in a~cordance with the pro -- visions of said "Improvment Act of 1911" "The Enterprise ,a weekly nev~'spaper printed,published, and circulated in the City of South San 2rancisco is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution AVENUE AND THE VSEST LINE OF SAIl BRUNO ROAD. Resolved by the Board of Trusrees of the City of South San Francisco,that public intreat and convenience require and it is the intention of the Board of Tr~stees of the City of South San Francisco to order the following street work to be done in said City,towit; That that portion of Cypress Avenue between the Nerth~ine of ~ler Avenue and the South line of Armour Avmmme ,including all intersections of streets and alleys, and that portion of Lux Avenue between the east line of Linden Avenue and the west line of Cypress Avenue and that portion of Lux Avenue between the east line of Cypress Avenue and the west line of San Bruno Road and that portion of California Avenue between the east line of L~nden Avehue and the west line o~' San Br.uno~Raafl and that portion of Pine Averue between the east line of L~nden Avenue and the west line of Cypress Avenue and that per tion of Pine Avenma between the east line of Cypress Avenue and the west line of San Bruno Road be improved b? regradtng to official ~rade from curb line to curb lin~; also by the the construction of concrete gutters on each side of sa~li of said streets or avenues except where such gutters have already been constructed; also by laying and constructing four(4) inch latSsral sewers ~betweenthe main sewer amd curb line in such places as are shown for such sewers on the plans heretofore adopted for said work ; also by constructing an asphaltic ~ameme~$ payment consisting of an a~phaltic concrete surface one and one half $ l-l/E) INCHES in thickness laid on a concrete foundation four (4) inches in thickness. All work herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with the special plans and specifications heretofore adopted by saidBoard of Trustees for doing said workand now on file $$$~ in the office of the City Clerk,to which reference ids hereby made for further description of said work. The Board of Tr~stees under thea authority conferred 4upon it by that certain act of the Legislature ~f the State of California,a~proved April, ?th. 1911,and kno~ as the "Improvme_~t Act of 1911", determines and declares that ~erial bonds shall be issued to represent the cost of said propoSad improvments ;said bonds shall be serial ,extending over a period of nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding th~ir date amd sha'~ll be issued to represent assessment s of Twenty- five ( 25 ) Dollars or more remaining ~mpaid for Thirty(Z0) days after the date of the warrant issued to the contractor or five (5) days after the decision of said Board of T~ustees on an appeal; an evebn annual proportion of the principal sum of each bond shall be payable,by coupon, on the second day of JanUary of each year after its date and until the whole is paid , and intrest shall be payable semi- annually by coupon on the second days of January and July "~eSpectiveIy of each year at the rate of seven (?) her cent per annum on all s~nn~ unpaid ~mtil the whole o~ said principal and intreat is paid and said bonds sh~ll be issued in a~cordance with the pro -- visions of said "Improvment Aet of 1911" "The Enterprise ,a weekly news~aper printed,published, and circulated in the City of South San Francisco is heret~y designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Intention shall be published,and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this Resoluuion of intention to be published by two ~£) insertions in the manner and form required by said "Improvment Act of 1911". The Superintendent of Streets shall,imm ediately,eause to be conspicously posted along the line of said contemplated ~ork ~nd improvment ~d in front of all the property liable t¢ be assessed ,not~_c~s of the p~ss~ge of this l~esolution of Intention.~n the m~nner and form requtre~ by sai~ "Improvment Act of 1911". All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California,$estgnated ~s the"improvnent Act of 19~17.' a~oproved Apr£1,?th.19~l and the amendments thereto. I hereby certify that the forego~.ng re~olution was reg~larly introduced and adopte~ by the ~oard of Trustees of the City of South San Francieco,t~is Zrd. day of ~iay,19~ by the folloring vote; Ayes Trustees ~.A. C~nningham, J.C ~C Govern ~eorg~ ~Wallace and G.W~ Holston. NOes Trustee~ N ne Absent Trustee J.H · Kelley. ~Villtam J. Smith City Clerk. ~,,~oved by Trustee I~c GoVern seconded by Trustee Wallace that the Board adjourn until ~,Ionday ~,~ay,lO ~. 191$,to ~neet at ~Z10 Linden Avenue at 8' 0 Clock p.m. Carrie d Time of Adjournment 10'E0 P.~. Respectfully subnitted ~illian J. Smith City Clerk