HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1915-05-17 Regular ~iee~ing of ~he Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco.,held Honday; ~ay, l?th. 1915. This meeting was called to order at 8' 0 Clock ~TM · z.~.~. ,by Trustee F.A Cunning- har~ whe acted' aS Chairman~ ~in the absence of Trustee G.W. Holston. Roll- c all Roll4c~ll found the following Tru'tees present,to wit; F.A. Cunnin~ham, J.H. ~elley, J.G. ~c Govern and Ceo. H. Wallace. Tho minutes of the previous · ~' ~nee~zng were read and upon notion of Trustee Zelley seconded by Trustee ~'~llace and regularly carried were approved as read. A petition signed by all of the residents of ~..~iller Avenue,w~as received which petition protested against the erection of the poles now being erected by ~he Pac. Gas & E Co. on ~.~iller Avenue on the grounds of their being unsightly and requesting the Board to have the poles placed in the alleys. Action on the petition was deferred untill the next meeting of the Board to be held on ~onday June ?th. 191 5. The following applicatio~ ~ to_the]BeArd of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,was then read by the City Clerk. To the Cit~ of South San Francisco and to the Honorable the Board of Tr~stees of the said City: Gentlemen : The undersigned, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company hereby respect fully makes application to your Honorable Board ~or a franchise to do a general telephone and~ telegraph business within t~c sa~d Oity of South San Francisco,and to place,erect, lay, mantain ,and operate in and under the streets alleys, avenues, thoroughfares,and public highways w'~thiu t~,~e ~ty of ~outh Sa;~ ?rancisco,poles, wires and other appliances and ~ conductors for the trans~nis~-~ion of electricty for telephone and telegraph purposes -such wire? and other appliances an~ conductors to be strtu~g on poles and other fixtures above and be ~round at the option of the Grantee,its sucessors o~assigns,$W t® laid undergro'~d in pipes or cond~its or otherwise protected and such other apparatus to be used asmay be nec easary or prot:per to operate and maintain the same. And the undersigned ~-espeetfully petitons yo~r Honorable Boady to advertise an~t sell to the highest bidder,a franchi'.~e i~ the form as attached thereto. Dated ~,Iay 7th. 1915 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company In connection with the a~ove application the following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Kelley. . ~ '~',q~e re as the The Pacific Telephone anfd Telegraph Company,a corporation organized and existing under the la~s of the State of California, has made application for the righ~ privelage and 'franchise to do a general telephone and telegraph business within the City of ~.qouth San Francisco ,a municipal corporation in the County of San I.~,~ateo,State of California and toplace,erect lay and ~a~ntain and operate in and under the streets,alleys, avenues thoro~J~ghfares,and public highways within the City of South San Francisco,poles,wires,and other appliances and conductors for the transmissioh of electricity for telephone and telegraph purposes. ResOlved by the Board of Trustees of hte City of South San Franciscothat it is the intention of said Board of Trustees to grant and sell right,privelage and franchise to the person,firm or corporation who shall make the highest cash bid therefor up'~n the terms and conditions set forth in the following The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee Wallace and re~llarly carried were approved as read. A petition signed by all of the residents of ?~iller Avenue ,was received which petition protested against the erection of the poles now being erected by ~he Pac. Gas & E Co. on ~.Itller Avenue on the grounds of their being unsightly and requesting the Board to have the poles placed in the alleys. Action on the petition was deferred untill the next meeting of the Board to be held on ~tonday June ?th. 191 5. The following applicatio~ ~ ~o~the~BeArd of Trustees of the City of South San l~rancisco,was then read by the City Clerk. To the Cit~ of South San ~rancisco and to the Honorable the Board of Trustees of the said City: Gentlemen : The undersigned, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company hereby respect fully makes application to your Honorable Board :er a franchise to do a general telephone and telegraph business within thc saLd Gity of South San ~rancisco,and to place,erect, lay, mantain ,and operate in and under the streets alleys, avenues, thoroughfares,and public high~ys v~i~thiu ti~e City of ~outh Sau ~r~ncisco,poles, wires and other appliances an~ ~ conductors for the transmis~ion of electricty for telephone and telegraph purposes -such wire~ and other appliances an~ conductors to be strung on poles and other fixtures above and be ~round at the option of the Grantee,its sucessors o~assigns,$~ 1s® laid undergro~d in pipes or conduits or otherwLse protected and such other apparatus to be used asmay be nec easary or prol~per to operate and maintain the same. And the undersigned respectfully petitons your Honorable Boady to advertise an~! sell to the highest bidder,a franchi,.J~e i~ the form as attached thereto. Dated ~¥~ay ?th. 1915 ?acific Telephone and Telegraph Company In connection with the alcove application the following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Kelley. o V?nereas the The Pacific Telephone anfd Telegraph Company,a corporation organized and existing under the la~vs of the State of California, has made application for the righ~ privelage and franchise to do a general telephone and telegraph business within the City of South San .Mrancisco,a municipal corporation in the County of San I?~ateo,State of California and toplace,erect lay and maintain and operate in and under the streets,alleys, avenues thorof~ghfares,and public highways within the City of South San Praneisco,poles,wires,and other appliances and conductors for the transmission of electricity for telephone and telegraph purposes. ResOlved by the Board of Trustees of hte City of South San Pranctscothat it is the intention of said Board of Trustees to grant and sell right,privelage and franchise to the person,firm or corporation who shall make the highest cash bid therefor up'~n the terms and conditions set forth in the following NOTICE 0P APPLICATION TO THE BOARD OF TI~STEES OF THE CITY ~P SOUTH SAN PRANCIBC0,COUNTY 0P SAN ~IATE0,STATE OP 37S CALIFORNIA, FOR 'THE GRAnt OF A RIGHT,PRIV~LAGE,OR FRANCHISE,AND OF TIlE INTENTION OF SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO GRANT THE SAME, Notice is hereby given that on the l?th.day of ~ay 1915,The Pacific Telephone and Tels graph Company, a corporation organized an~ existing under the laws of the State of Califor nia made a written application to the Board o'~ Trustees of the City of South S~:n Francisco ,a municipal corporation in the County of S n Mateo,State of California,for the grant of a certain right and privelage upon the terms and conditions set forth in adraft ordinance a copy of which is in words and fibres follo~ving,to wit; ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINAi~CE,GRAi~TING TO ? T]i~ ]~IGHT TO PLACE,ERECT,AI~D ~iAINTAIN POLES,WIRES AND OTHER APPLIANCES AND CONDUCTORS [H~D TO LAY U~ERGROUND CONDUCTORS FOR %TIRES FOR THE TRANSI. IISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR TELEPH0IIE AND TELEGRAPH PURPOSES,IN,UPON, A~FD UT{DER THE STREETS, ALLEYS ,AVE~TES, THOROU,DHFARES AND :~PUBIJIC ,HIGHWAYS ,IN TPJE CITY OF SOUTH SAn FRANCISCO,STATE OF CALIFORNIA,.4/~D TO EXERCISE THE PP. IVELAGE OP OPERATING TEI~PHONE AND TELEGRAPH INSTRIR,iENTS AND OF DOING A TELEPH01~ AND TELEGRAPH BUSINESS WITHIN SAID CITY. DF S OF SOUTH SAF~ FRANCISCO. V~nereas,all matters,acts, and things precedent to the granting of the franchise here- inafter set forth have heretofore happened been done and performed in due form of law. The Board of T~u~stees of the City of South San Francisco,do ordain as follows: Sectionl. There is hereby granted by the City of South San ~rancisco to , and the right,prlvelage, to do a general telephone and telegraph business within said City of South South San ~ranciscoand to place,erect, lay and maintain and o~.erate ina nd under the streets alleys,avenues,thoroughfares, and public highways within the City of South S n Francisco poles,wires,and other appliances and conductors for the transmission of electricity for tel ephone and telegraph purposes;such wires and other appliances and conductor~~ ?may' be str~ng::~- -.-- on pOle~:.and~tl~er fixtures above ground at the option of the said grantee,its sucessors and assigns, or may be laid underground in pipes or conduits or otherwise protected, and such other apparatus may be used as may be necessary or propper to operate the same. Section 2. Whenever wires are strung on poles,such poles shall be of heigjnt ~sufficient to carry the wires at a minim~un height of twenty ~20) feet above the ground. Wherever possible poles 'shall be set in the alleys of said City and shall be placed in such a manner as will least interfere with travel thereon. V~%en conduits are used to convey wires,such conduits shall be placed, wherever p, ossible, in the parking spaces between curbs and sidewalks except where it is necessary to cro~:ss streets or alleys. Where poles are placed on streets they must be located as nearly as possible upon the prolong~ations of lines seperating lots. Se~,tion 3. It shall be l~Wful for said TO ~,,.LAXE~ ALL NEFF)PUL excavation in any of such streets,alleys, avenues, thoroughfares and public highways. in sai~ city of South San Francisco for the purpose~plactng,erecting, laying and maintaining poles or other support~ or conductors for said wires or repairing ,removing removing or replacing the same. said wo~h shall be done in compliance with the rules regulations, ordinances or orders which may, during the oontinuence of Zhis franchise be adoi'~ted frown time to time by the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~n Francisco. Section 4. b"henever ~ ~HALL DISTURB A/~Y . . P - .:. of the streets for the ur ,~ pose es aforesaid, shall restore the same to good order and condition as se~ ~~ Prac~Qa~ble without ~uunecessar_v delay.and t~t11~ t~ ~n ~ +.~ u ~o.~ ^~ m .... ~ .... ~ A~_'~;~~~ ORDI~CE NO. AN 0RDINA~CE,GRA2~TING TO _ ? TM EIGHT TO PLACE,ERECT,A~D ~IAINTAIN POLES,WIRES AND OTHER APPLIANCES AND CONDUCTORS iH~D TO LAY UIUDERGROUND CONDUCTORS 20R ~?IRES FOR THE TRANS~IISSI01; 0F ELECTRICITY FOR TELEPH0IJE AND TELEGRAPH PURPOSES,IN,UPON, AND ~DER THE STREETS, ALLEYS ,AVEI~V~ES, THOROU~HPARES AI~D J~PUBIJIC ,HIGHWAYS, IN THE CITY 0~ ~0UTH SAn FRANCISCO,STATE OF CALIPO~IIA,AND TO FZ~ERCISE THE PRIVELAGE 0F OPERATING TEI~PHONE AND TELEGRAPH INSTRU~fENTS A~h'D 0P DOING A TELEPH01~ AND TELEGRAPH BUSINESS WITHIN SAID CITY. ~F S 0P SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Whereas,all matters,acts, and things precedent to the granting of the franchise here- inafter set forth have heretofore happened been done and performed in due form of law. The Board of TE~stees of the City of South San Francisco,do ordain as follows: Sectionl. Ther, is hereby granted by the City of South San ~ranciseo to an~ ' the right,privelage, to do a general telephone and telegraph business within said City of South South San Pranciscoand to place,erect~ lay and maintain and o~.erate ina nd under the streets alleys,avenues,thoroughfares, and public highways within the C[ty of South S n Francisco poles,wires,and other appliances and conductors for the transmission of electricity for tel ephone and telegraph purposes;such wires and other appliances and conductor~ "may be str~mg~ .... On pole~an4~Dtt~er fixtures above ground at the option of the said grantee,its sucessors and assigns, or may be laid underground in pipes or conduits or otherwise protected, and such other apparatus may be used as may be necessary or propper to operate the same. Section 2. Whenever wires are strung on poles,such poles shall be of height ~'.sufficient to carry the wires at a minim~nn height of twenty (20) feet above the ground. Wherever possible poles shall be set in the alleys of said City and shall be placed in such a manner as will least interfere with travel thereon. When conduits are used to convey wires,such conduits shall be placed, wherever possible, in the parking spaces between curbs and sidewalks except where it is necessary to crop, ss streets or alleys. ~,~here poles are placed on streets they must be located as nearly as possible upon the prolong]ations of lines seperating lots. Se~tion 3. It shall be l~Wful for said TO I~tAEE ALL NEEDFUL excavation in any of such streets,alleys, avenues, thoroughfares and public highways' in sai¢ City of South San Francisco for the purpose~placing,erecttng, laying and maintaining poles or other support~ or conductors for said wires or repairing ,removing removing or replacing the same. said wo~h shall be done in compliance with the rules regulations, ordinances or orders which may, (~uring the continuence of ~his franchise by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco. be adolLted from time to time Se~J~tion 4. ~'~henever .~HALL DISTURB ~Y of. the streets for the pur- pose es aforesaid, shall restore the same to good order and condition as soon as praotiQ~le without unnecessary delay,and failing to do so the B card of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancis,'-~o shall have the right to fix a reasonable time within which ~uch repairs and restoration of streets shall be com~leted,~n~ upon failure of such repairs being made by said the said Board of Trustees shall cause such repairs to be made at the expense of said Section §. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed in any way to prevent the propper authorities of said City of South San Francisco,from sewering, grading, planking,rocking, paving, repairing,altering or improving any of the streets,alleys,avenues, thoroughfares and public highways or places within said City of South San Fr~nciscoin or upon which the poles,wires or other conductors of said shall be placed,but all such work or improvment shall be d, one,if possible, so as not to obstruct or prevent the free use of said poles,wires, conductors, conduits,pipes or other apparatus. S&~ City shall not be liable to said grantee for any necessary interuption cf telephone and tele- graph service,while making such improvments or repairs. Section 6. In consideration of the right and privelages hereby grante~, the City of South San Francisco shall have and the said HEREBY grants to it,during the life of this franchise ,the right and prtvelage to place where aerial construction extsts,a fiEture on the tops of poles erected and maintained under this franchise,to which may be attached wires not exceeding four, and where underground conduits exists the said grantee shall ft!.rhish said City of South San F~anciseo with one duct in its underground ~s~ or two pairs of wires in underground cable free of charge to the City of South San Francisco to be used for low tension police and firealarm purposes,it be£ng understood that it shall be o~tional with the grantee as to wether two pairs of wires shall be given or a duct in the'undergro~uud system ;provided,however, that said City of South S~n Francisco shall in its use and maintenance · ~ such fixtures,wires or ducts comply with the reasonable plans and rules o~ said grantee,so that there may be a minin~ da nger of contact betw~en the said wires,cables or ducts of said grantee,its successors,or assigns nor shall the wires of said City be unduly exposed to foreign electrical currents in excess of five thousand volts; and,?rovided,firther, that in came of rearran~nen~ of the said plant,the said City of South S~n Francisco will care for its o~ wires and construction and will save the grantee harmless from ~ny accidents caused by such construction. Section 7. Said grantee hereby grants to saisd City of South S~n Franciscosduring the term o~ this f~ anchise,the use of Three (31 Telephones without cost to said City for an unlLmit- ed number of calls throughout the re.on within which no toll or extra charge shall be required of any telephone subscriber of said grantee in said City of South San Francisco. ?Section 8. The grantee of this franchise shall, upon the determination of the fact that is the successf~ll bidder,file a bond running to the City of South S~n F~r~ n cisco, with at least two (2) good and sufficient sureties to be approved by said Board of Trustees,in t~e penal sum of One ThousR~nd (1000) dollars,conditioned that said grantee '~HALL well and trully observe, fulfill and perform each and every condition of said franchiase,and that in any case of any breach of condition~ of such bond then the whole of s~id penal sum therein named shall be taken and be deemed to be liquid- ~ted damages,and sh~ll be recoverable from the principal and sureties upon s~id bond; said bond shall be filed with the Board of Trustees Within five days after this award has been awarded,and before the final passage of this °rdinance. Section 9. The gr~ntee o~ sai 'd franchise and privelage ~*~ ~ successors and assigns must~duri, ng the life of said~fra~,chise mp~y tO the CitY~ of SouSh~ Francis~co two per cent ~2~) of the gross annual re ceipts of the said grants, e, , successors and assigns arising 2rom the use, operattion or posession of said franchi~se or orivel~ge,and any tel- and public highways or places within said City of South San Franciscoin or upon which the poles,wires or other conductors of said shall be placed,but all such work or improvment shall be done,if possible, so as not to obstruct or prevent the free use of said poles ,wires, conductors, conduits ,pipes or other apparatus. S&t~ City shall not be liable to said grantee for any necessary interuption of telephone and tele- graph service,while making such improvments or repairs. Section 6. In consideration of the right and privelages hereby grante~, the City of South San Francisco shall have and the said HEREBY grants to it,during the life of this franchise ,the right and privelage to place where aerial construction exists,a fixture on the tops of poles erected and maintained ~mder thi~ franchise,to which may be attached wires not exceeding four, and where underground conduits exists the said grantee shall f%lrhish said City of South San F?ancisoo with one duct in it~ underground &~s~$m or two pairs of wires in underground cable free of charge to the City of South San Francisco to be used for low tension police and firealarm purposes,it being understood that it shall be o~tional with the grantee as to wether two pairs of wires sha2 be given or a duct in the~undergro~uud system ;provided,however, that said City of South S~n ?rancisco shall in its use and maintenance '~ such fixtures.wires or ducts comply with the reasonable plans and rules o.~ said grantee,so that there may be a minin~ da nger of contact betw~en the said wires,cables or ducts of said grantee,its successors,or assigns nor shall the wires of said City be unduly exposed to ~or~ign electrical currents in excess of five thousand volts; and,provided,firther, that in case of rearrangmen~ of the said plant,the said City of ~out~ S~n Francisco will care for its ow~ wires and construction and will save the grantee harmless from a~y accidents caused by such construction. Bectlon 7 S~id grantee hereby grants to saisd ~ ty of South San ~rancisco~during the term o~ this f anehise,the use of Three ~Z) Telephones without cost to said City for an unlLmit- ed number of calls throughout the reg._on within which no toll or extra charge shall be required of any telephone subscriber of said grantee in said City of South San Francisco. ?Section 8. The grantee of this franchise shall, upon the determination of the fact that is the successf~ll bidder file a bond running to the City of South S~n Fr~ n cisco, with at least tro ~£) good and sufficient sureties to be approved by said Board of Trustees,in t~e penal sum of One Thousand ~lO00) dollars,conditioned that said grantee ~HALL well and trully observe, fulfill and perform each and every condition of said franchiase,and that in any case of any breach of condition~ of such bond then the whole of ~id penal sum therein n~med shall be taken and be deemed to be liquid- ~ted damages,and sh~ll be recoverable fron the principal and sureties upon s~id bond; said bond shall be filed with the Board of Trustees within five days after this award has been awarded,and before the final passage of this ordinance. Section 9. The gr~ntee of sai ~d franchise and privelage~*~ successors and assigns ~.must~duri~ng the life of said.franchise ,PaY to t~e CitY~of Sou~h~ ~rancis~co,two per cent ~2~) of the gross annual re ceipts of the said grant~e, , successors and assigns arising fron t~e use, operattion or posession of said franohi~e or orivel~ge,and any tel- ephone or telegraph system to 10e constructed under and in pursuance o~ said franchise and privelage ;provided however,that no percentage shall be paid for the first fivel~) years succedding the da~e of the going into effectof the ordinance '38O granting said franchise; and that thereafter such percehtage shall be l:ayable annually and in event such payment is not made said franchise shall be ~mmediately,upon the failure to make said payment at the time the same shall fall due,by said grantee, successors or assigns forfeited. Section 10. However, nothi.ng in this ordinance shall be construed as releaseing the said grantee grantee from the propper compliance with any police rule or regulation,now in effect or which the public convenience or necessity may demand f~:om to time and which may be adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South SanFrancisco during the life of this franchise. Section ll. The riights,privelages,and franchise hereby granted shall continue and be in force for a period of Twenty-five ~25) yoars from and after the date on which this ordinance shall vake effect. Section l~. This ordinance shall be published once in "The ~nterprise ",a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the C, ity of South Sawn Francisco,and shall take effect and be in force :force from and after the ex~i~ation of thirty (30) days after the date ~f its passage · That is proposed by $~&d Board of Trustees to grant said right,franchise and privelage and franchise upon the terms s~nd conditions set forth in said draft ordinance ;and That the character of sai~ right,privelage and franchise is fully described inthe aforesaid draft ordinance, to which reference is hereby made ,and that the term~ for which it is proposed to grant said right, privelage or franchise is twenty-five[25) years from and after the date on which the ordinance granting the samre shall take effect;and That sealed bids for the grant of said right,privelage or franchise will be received by said Board of Trustees and may be filed with the City Clerk of said City of South San Francisco up to the hour of eight [8) O'clock p.m. on M'nday th,- 21st day of June,1915; and that the successful bidder and his assigns must,during the life of said franchise,pay to flaid City of South San Francisco Two percent of the gross annual receipts arising from the use,operation 8f said right,privelage or franchise, as more fully expressed in section 9 of t?,e aforesaid ordinance,to which is hereby made; and That the said Board of Trustees will meetin open session on m~.IOiFD.~Y the £1st. of June, 1915,at the hour of eight [8) 0' ~lock p.m. at its chambers at No. Z10 Linden Avenue in said Cit[z of South S'n Francisco,and will then ~hen and there olden and read the said bids and that said right, privelage or franchise will be struckoff, sold and awarded to tl~e perscn firm or corporation who~shall make -'. the '. h~ghest cash bid therefor;provided only that at the time of o?ening said bids,any responsible person firm or corporation present or represented may bid for such right ,privelage or franchise a sum not less than ten per cent above the highest bid therefor, and said bid so made may be raised not less than ten per cent by any other responsible bidder,and said biding may so continue until said right,privelage or franchise shall be struck off anfd awarded by said Board of Trustees to the highest bidder therefor in G~ld C~in of the United States; and That each sealed bid shall be accompanied with cash or a certified check payable the Treas- urer of the City of South San ~rancisco for the full amoumt of said bid,~nd no sealed bids will be considered ~mless said cash or chech is enclosed therewith, and the successful bidder ,~'~ the a~uount shall deposit at least ten per cent of his bld with the C~_ty Clerk of said City of South San ~ranciscobefore the franchise shall be struck off to him; and if he shall fail to make .?uch d pos~_t immediately,then~ and in that case his bid shall no~ be received and shall be considered as void,and' the said franchise shall then and there be again offered for sale to the bidder who shall make the highest eash bid therefor,subject to the same conditions as to deposit as above mentioned,and such procedure shall be had until said franchise is ~truck off,sold and awarded to the bidder who shall make the necess~ary deposit of at least Section 11. The riights,privelages,and franchise hereby granted shall continue and be in force for a period of Twenty-five (£5) yoars from and after the date on which this ordinance shall ~ake effect. Section l~. This ordina~ce shall be published once in "The ~nterprise ",a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the ¥ity of South S~n ~rancisco,and shall take effect and be in force force from and after the ex~i~ation of thirty ~30) days after the date .'~f its passage . That is proposed by ~&d Board of Trustees to grant said right,franchise and privelage and franchise upon the terms ~n~ conditions set forth in said draft ordinance ;and That the character of sai8 right,privelage and franchise is fully described inthe aforesaid draft ordinance, to which reference is hereby made ,and that the term .~ for which it is proposed to grant said right, privelage or franchise is twenty-five(2§) years from and after the date on which the ordinance granting the samre shall take effect;and That seale~ bids for the grant of said right,privelage or franchise will be received by said Board of Trustees and may be filed with the City Clerk of said City of South San ~rancisco up to the hour of eight (8) O'clock p.m. on M nday th,~ 21st day of June,1918; and that the successfu~ bidder and his assigns ,mu~t,during the life of said franchise,pay to ~'.aid City of South San ~rancisco Two percent of the gross annual receipts arising from the use,operation ~f said right,privelage or franchise, as ~ore fully expressed in section 9 of t?~e aforesaid ordinance,to which is hereby made; and That the said Board of Trustees will ,.meetin open session on m~,IOiKD.~Y the £1st. of June, 1915,at the hour of eight (8) 0' ~lock p.m. at its chambers at No. ZlO Linden Avenue in said Cit~J of South S'n ~rancisco,and will then ~hen and there oiJ~en and read the said bids and that said right, privelage or franchise will be struckoff, sold and awarded to t~e perscn firm or corporation who shall ~ak~'~the'.h.ighest cash bid therefor;provided only that at the time of OL~.ening sai~ bids,any responsible person firm or corporation present or represented may bL~ for such right ,privelage or franchise a sum not less than ten per cent above the highest bid therefor, and said bid so made may be raised not less than ten per cent by any other responsible bidder,and said bid~$g may so continue until said right,privelage or franchise shall be struck off anfd awarded by said Board of Trustees to the highest bidder therefor ~n G61d C~in of the United States; and That each sealed bid shall be accompanied with cash or a certifies check payable the Treas- urer of the City of South San ~rancisco for the full amoumt of said bid,~nd no sealed bids will be considered unless said c~sh or chech is enclosed therewith, and the successful bidder .~ the a~uount shall deposit at least ten per cent of his bid with the C~_ty Clerk of said City of South San ~ranciscobefore the franchise shall be struck off to him; and if he shall fail to make ?uch d pos~_t immediately,then, and in that case his bid shall no~ be received and shall be considered as void,and' the said franchi~_~e shall then and there be again offered for sale to the bidder who shall make the highest cash bid therefor,subject to the same conditions as to deposit as above mentioned,and such procedure shall be had until said franchise is struck off,sold and awarded to the bidder who shall make the necess~ary deposit of at least ten (lC)per cent of the a mount of his bif. therefor as herein provided; and That the successful bidder shall deposit with the City Clerk of the City of South San Fran C cisco,within twenty four hours of the acceptance of his bid,thc, renaining ninety (90) per cent of ~e amount thereof;and in case he or it shall fail to do so ,them the said deposit; theretofore made shall be forfeited anal the awar~ of sa~d franchise shall be void and the said franchise shall then and there by said Board of Trustees be again offered for sale to the highest bidder therefor,in the same manner an under the same restrictions as hereinbefore provided; and in case said bidder shall fail to deposit wit?~ the C~.ty Clerk of salad City of §outh San Pranciscothe remaining ninety (90) per cent of his bid within twenty-four hours after its acceptance the award to hin of said f~anchise shall be set aside and the deposit thereto for. e made by him shall be forfeited;and That the successi%~l bidder for said right,privelage or franchise shall, within five (5) days after said right,privelage or franchls e shall have been struck off,sold and awarded file a bond running to S~City of South San Pranciscowith at least two (£) good and suf- ficient suritieS,to be approved by said Board of Trustees,in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000) con~'ittoned ~hat such bidder shall well and truly observe,fulfill and per- or form each an~ every ~ondition of said right,privelage ~[}~ franchise ,and that in case of any breach of con~]itiou of such bond, the whole a~ount of the penal s,.,~un therein named shall be taken ahd deeme~, to be liquidated d~.mages, and shall be recoverable from. the principal ~nd sureties upon said bond. Reference is hereby maSe for further particulars to the ai~plication of l~he Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company,a corporation or?~anized and existing under the laws of the State of California,for the grant of a certain right,privelage or f~anchise,filed with the City Clerk of said Cit~ of South S~n 2rancisco,on the 17th ¢~ y of ~.~y ,191f., to the order~ and resolution of said ~oard of Trustees ,adopted on the l?th,day of I~ay,1915,declaring its inten ~tion to gr~nt said right,privelage or fr~nchise,and directing the publication of this notice, which said resolution is now on f~le ii the office of the City Clerk of said ~ity of South S~n ?rancisco;and to an act of the Legislature of the State of California,approved ~..Iarch ~£, 1905, entitled "An act providing for the sale of street Railroad and other fran- chises i~ counties and municipalities,and providing conditions for the granting of such franchises by the legislative or other governing bodices, and repealing conflicting acts ". and the amendments to said act, and s~id application,order and resolution and acts of the Legislature of the 'S~ate of California are expressly made a part of this notice, Dated i,lay,15,!915. WilliamJ. Snith City Clerk The City Cl~'rk is hereby directed to publish in the manner and form required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California approved :~arch ~'.? ,1905 ,and entitled , "An act providing for the sale of street rail road and other franchises in counties and mun- ic~palities,~nd providing condition~ fo~.- the granting of such f:,~anchises by legislative or other g~ve '.~ ~. , . rn~n~ bodies,and repealin~ conflicting acts ','/and the amendments thereto, for four[4) successive weeks in "The Enterprise "a weekly newspaper printed and published in said City of South San Franciscoand hereby designated for that purpose,said notice herein before set forth. ~ hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and ad opted by the Boar~] of Trustees of the City of South San Prancisco this 17th.day 1915,by th~ following vote; Ayes Trustees v.A. Cunningham J.H. ~-[elley J.~ ~' ~,c ~]overn Al,ID Geo. H. Wallace Noes Trustees None &1;sent Trustee G.W. Holston William J. Smith Clty Clerk within t~wenty-four hours after its acceptance the award to hin of said f~'anchise shall be ~et aside and the deposit theretofor~e made by him shall be forfeited;and That the successl~l bidder ~er said right,privelage or franchise shall, vJithin five days after said right,prtvelage or franchise shall have been struck off,sold and awarded file a bond running to ~IdCity of South San 2ranciscowith at least two (£) good and suf- ficient suritieS,to be approved by said Board of Trustees,in the penal sum of 0no Thousand Dollars ~$1000) con~ itione~t ~hat such bidder shall well and truly observe,fulfill and per- or form each an~ every ~ondition of said right,privelage ~ franchise ,and that in case of any bre~ch of conditiou of ~ueh bond, the whole a~ount of the penal sum therein named shall be taken ahd deemed to be liquidated d~mages, and shall be recoverable fro~ the principal ~nd sureties upon said bond. Reference is hereby made for further particulars to the a~plication of ~he Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company,a corporati~n or~'anized and existing under the laww of the State of California,for the grant of a certain right,privelage or f~anchise,filed with the City Clerk of said Cit~ of South $~n Francisco,on th~ l?th ¢t~ y of iL~y ,191£~, to the order~, and resolution of said ~Oard of Trustees ,adopte~ on the l?th,day of i~Iay,191~,declaring its inter_ ~$t~tion to gr~nt said right,privelage or franchise,and directing the publication of this notice, which said resolution is now on f~le i~ the office of the City Clerk of said City of South S~R~n ?rancisco;and to an act of the Legislature of the State of California,approved ~.~arch ~£, 190~, entitled "An &ct providing for the sale of street Railroad and other fran- chises i~ counties and municipalities,and providing conditions for the granting of such franchises by the legislative or other governing bodies, and repealing conflicting acts ". and the amendments to sRid act, and s~id ~pplication,order and resolution and acts of the Legislature of the S~ate of California Dated ~,~ay, l~ ,191~ · are expressly made a part of this notice. WilliamJ. Smith City Cler~ The City Cl~rk is hereby directed to publish in the manner and form required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California approved ~arch ~,~90$,and entitled,"An act pro. viding for the sale of street rail road and other franchises in counties and mun- ic~palities,~nd providing condition~ fo~~ the granting of such f~anchises by legislative or other g~verning bodies,and repealing conflicting acts,','/~nd the ~nen~ments thereto, for four~4) successive weeks in "The Enterprise "a weekly newspaper printed and published in said City of South S~n Franciscoand hereby designate8 for that purpose,said notice herein before set forth. ~ hereby certify that th_~~ foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and ad opted~ by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Prancisco this l?th.day 191~,by th~ following vote; Ayes Trustees ~.A. Cunningham J.H i~elley J.~% .... ~ i~overn AND Geo. H. Wallace Noe~ Trustees None A~sent Trustee G.W. Holston William J. Smith Clty Clerk The following resolution wa~ then introduced by Trustee ~elley. 3S2 Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,that the offer of M.E. Ryan to erect the sign "South San Francisco" on Ess t Grand Avenue and to furnish fo~_r transformers and all other necessary materials for erecting sa. id sign ina good and substantial manner ,excepting poles only for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty[120$ dollars be, and the same hereby is accepted,and the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco and the Ci~ty Clerkare hereby authorized and directed in behalf of said City to enter into a contract wi'th said [i.E. Ryan for the performance of said work I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and a~o,pted by the Board of Trustees of the City o:~ South San 2rancisco,thie 17th day of May 1915,by the foqlowing vote; Ayes Trustees ~V.A.Cunningham, J.H. Kelley, J.C ~ · ~..c Govern a:~d Geo. H. Wallace, l:oes ~£rustees ~one At, sent Trustee G.W. Holston. William J. Smith City 2lerk The follwing resolution was then introduced by Trustee Wallace . Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the ~ty of South San Franciscoth~:~t that certain deed of C.Peter Regli and Josephine Regli,dated ~.~ay, 5th. 1915,granting to the City of South Sn Francisco, an easement for the construction ,maintenance and use of a public highway opun and across the property of sa'id ~NF~F~F~~f C. Peter Regli and Josephine Regli in said City of South Sa]n Francisco ,County of San ~,~ateo,State of California and particular ly described as follows ,to wit; Commencing at a point which is dis~ant .North 61 degrees ll minutes 54 seconds East ~5.56 feet from monument i!~o. 35 of the ~.ission Road Survey; runni:~g thence north 44.degrees 15 minutes west 8Z ~eet aq. ong the northerly line of the ~..Iission Road ;thence North 61 degrees ll minutes 54 seconds East 196.62 feet;thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 200 feet 151.27 feet;thence south 75 degrees 28 minutes East 101.3l feet more or less to the Easterly boundary line of the property of C.Peter Regli;thence along said property line south 41 degrees 51 minutes 52 seconds West 89.78 feet;thence North 75 degrees 28 minutes west ~,~~-~ ~ ~i~¥~~Z~~,~~£~ feet;thence on a curve to the left with aradius of 120 feet 90.76 feet; thence south 61 degrees llminutes 54 seconds west 175.5~ feet more or less to the northerly line of the M~ssion Road and the point of commenc ment;containing O.V12 of an acre,be, and the same hereby i~ accepted. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution WAS REgularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trusres of the City of ~outh San Francisco,thi~ l?th. day of May ,1915 , by the following vote; Ayes Trustees F.A.Cunningham J.H. Kelley J.C I~c G~vern and Geo. H. Wallace Noes, ~rustees None Absent Trustee G.W.Holst~n ~ William J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Kelley. Resolved by the Boaerd of Trustees of the City of South an Francisco,that that certain deed of Gulseppi Ucelli and An~elina Uccelli,dated Hay,5th. 1915,granting to the City of 2 South San ?rancisco,an easement for the construction,maintenance and use of a public highway upon and across the propezty of said Guiseppi Ucelli and Angelina Ucelli in said City of South £~n Francisco,County of [~an I~ateo,State of California, and particularly described as follows,to wit; Beginning at a point in the westerly boundary line of the South San Francisco Land and Improvment Company's land,which point bear:~sthereon L'orth 53 degrees 15 minutes Eas$,lO18,~9 feet from monument No. 31 of the Hission Road,set at the intersection off the dyes Trustees F.A.Cunningham, J.H. Kelley, J.G. ~.~c Govern a~d Geo. H. W~llace. ~oe~ Trustee~ .... At~sent ~rustee g.~. ~o~e~o~. V;illiam J. Smith City Clerk The fo!lwing resolution was then introdu<ed by ~rustee ~Vallace . Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San 3~ranciscothJ~t, that certain deed of C.Peter Regli and Josephine Regli,dated ~JIay, Sth~ 19lB,granting to the City of South Sn ~rancisco, an easement for the construction ,maintenance and use of a public highway opmn and across the property of sa~d ~~~$~ C. Peter Regli and Josephine Regli in said City of South Sr~]n Francisco,County of San I~ateo,State of California and particular ly described as follows,to wit; Commencing at a point which is dis~ant .~Jorth 61 degrees ll minutes 54 seconds East ~Z.56 feet from monument !~o. Z5 of the ~!ission Road Survey; rtu~ning thence north 44. degrees 15 minutes west 8Z ~eet a~ong the northerly line of the ~.~Iission Road ;thence North 61 degrees I1 minutes 54 seconds East 196.6E feet;thence on a curve to the right with a radius of ~00 feet 151.~.? feet;thence south 75 ~egrees ~8 minutes East 101.Z1 feet more or less to the Easterly boundary line of the propert~~ of C.Peter Regli;thence along said property line south 41 degrees ~1 minutes 8~ seconds ~est 89.78 feet;thence North ?~ degrees ~8 ~ninutes left with aradtus of 1E0 feet 90.?6 feet; thence south 61 degrees llminutes ~4 seconds west 17~.~E feet more or less to the northerly line of the ~,i,~ssion Road and the point of comment ment;containing 0.712 of an acre,be, and the same hereby i~ accepted. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution WAS REgularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trusres of the City of ~outh San ~rancisoo,thi~ l?th. day of ~lay,191~,by the following vote; Ayes Trustees ~.A.Cunningham J.H. Kelley J,C }~c G~vern and Geo. H. Wallace Noes, ~rustees None Absent Trustee G.W.Holst~n William J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Kelley. Resolved by the Boaerd of Trustees of the City of South an Eranoisco,that that certain deed of Gutseppi ?oelli and Anoelina ¥ocelli,dated Iiay,~th. 191~,gran~ing to the City of South San Francisco,an easement for the oonstr~tion,maintenance a~d use of a public highw~y upon and across the property of said Ouiseppi Uoelli and Angelina Ucelli in said City of South S n Francisco,County of (~&n liateo,State of California, and particularly described as follows ,to wit; Beginning at a point in the westerly boundary line of the South S~n Francisco Land and Improvment Company's land,which point bear~'vsthereon ~,orth 8Z degrees l~ N'~inutes ~as$,1018'79 feet from monument I~o. 31 of the Hission Road,set at the intersection of the center line of the ~!ission Road with the said boundary line ;running thence in a westerly direction on a curve to the right 1.~ feet with a radius of 410 feet to a tangent point thence ~Iorth 75 degrees 28 minutes west,525.66 feet more or less to a point in the easterly line of Ashton street ,¢which point bears north 5Z c~egrees 15 minutes east 7Z1.85 feet and ~orth ~6 degrees l? mimutes and 12 seconds East,90.62 feet,thereon,from the intersection of ~ The easterly line of Ashton Street with the center line of I.'lission Road);thence along the easterly line of Ashton street North 16 degrees l? minutes and 12 seconds East 80.OZ feeS; ~hence South 75 degrees 28 minutes East,Z25.21 feet to a point; thence on a curvw to the left ?2.35 feet more or less wZth a radius of 5Z0 feet to a point in the first mentioned boundary line;thence along said boundary, line south §5 degrees 15 mi~utes west 112.66 feet to the point of beginning;containing 0.662 acres mire or less,be, and the same hereby is accepted. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly int~duced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco ,this l?th. day of ~[ay,1915, by ~he following vote; Ayes Trustees P.A. Cunningham,J.H.Kelley,J.C. ~.:Ic Govern,and Geo. H. Wallace. Noes Trustees None Absent Trustee G.W. Holston Tilliam J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee ~c Govern. Resolved by the B~ard of Trustees of the City of South San 2ranciscothat that certain deed of South SAB Prancisco Land and Improvment Company, a C0rporati~n ,dated ~iay Zrd.1915, granting to City of South San Franciacoan easement for the c~nstruction maintanenee and use of a public highway upon and across the property of said South San Prancisco Land and Improvment C~mpany,in the City of South San 2ranciscC, County of Sa n ~ateo, State of Cal- ifornia,and particularly described as follows; to wit; Beginning at a point which is distant ~orth 74 degrees 27 minutes west 80 feet from the Northwest corner of Block No. 78 map of South San P~ancisco,plat No. 1,which map was re- cordsd in the office of the County Recorder of the C,~unty of San !,.~ateo, I,larch 1,189~,in ~ap Book No. £ at page 52; ruz~uing thence N~rth 74 degrees 27 minutes west 208.17 feet; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 80 feet,48.86 feet to point of tangent ; thence South 70 degrees 5~ minutes west,127.7 feet; thence on a curve t~ the right with a radius of 410 feet,241 .86 feet more or less to a point in the westerly boundary line of the South San Praneis¢o Land and Improvment C_mpany's land,(which point is distant therecn ~or~h 55 degrees 15 minutes Es, st,lO18.?9 feet from monument No. Z1 of the I~ission Road with the the said Bomndary line); thence along said boundary line North 55 degrees 15 minutes East 112.~6 feet; themnee Easterly on a curve to the left with a ~adims of 550 feet; 1£3.Z9 feet; thence ~;orth 70 degrees Z3 minutes ~ast,127.? feet;thence on a curve to the right with a radiu~ of 160 feet,97.TL feet;thence South 74 degrees £7 minutes East £08.17 feet more or less;thence South 15 degrees Z5 minutes west, ~0 feet to the point of beginning;containing 1.09 Acres. Also beginning at a point in the Easterly linre of Ashton street which point is distant North 53 degrees 15 minutes East,?Z1.85 feet and North 16 degrees l? minutes 12 seconds~a,, st,90.62 feet from the inter ection of the Easterly line of Ashton street with the center line of the Hission Road:running thence North 75 degrees £8 ~inutes west,748.75 :note or less to a point 'n the E~sterly bo~mdary line of P.Regli property; thence along said linre North 41 degrees 31 minutes 52 seconds East,89.78 feet;thence South 75 degrees £8 minutes East 710,45 feet more or less to a point in the Easterly line of Ashton Street ; thence along the Easterly line of -said street South 16 degrees 17mid'utes 12 seconds west BO.OS feet to the point of beginning;containing 1.Z4 Acres,be, and the same hereby is accepted I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the C~ty of South San Prancis'~co,t~is 17th. day of ~,~ay,1915, Line;thence along said boundary, line south 53 degrees 15 rate,utes west 112.66 feet to the point of beginning;containing 0.662 acres mire or les~,be, and the same hereby is accepted. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly int~duced and adopted by the BOard of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco ,this l?th. day of [~ay,lB15, by zhe following vote; ~yes Trustees F.A. Cunningham,J.H.Kelley,J.C. ~.~c Govern,and Geo. H. Wallace. Noes Trustees None Absent Trustee G.W, Holston William J. Smith 0ity Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee ~,.!c Govern. Eesolled by the B~ard of Trustees of the City of South San 2rancisoothat that certain deed of South SAS Francisco Land and Improvment Company, a Corporati~n ,dated .'lay 3rd.1915, granting to City cf South San F~anciscoan easement for the c~nstruction maintanence and use of a public highway upon and across the propeety of said South San Francisco Land and Improwment C~mpany,in the City of South San 2rancisc~, County of Sa n Mateo, State of Cai- ifornia,and particularly described as follows; to wit; Beginning at a point which is distant North 74 degrees 27 minutes west 80 feet from the Northwest corner of Block No. 78 map of Sduth San ~?ancisco,plat No. 1,which map was re- corded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San I,.~ateo, l~Iarch 1,189S,in ~,.,iap Book No. 2 at page 52; rmmuing thence N~rth 74 degrees 27 minutes west 208.17 feet; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 80 feet,48.86 feet to point of tangent ; thence South ?0 degrees Z~ minutes west,lET.7 feet; thence on a curve t~ the right with a radius of 410 feet,241 .86 feet more or less to a point in the westerly boundary line of the South San Francisco Land and Improvment C~mpany's land, (which point is distant there¢~ l~or~h 53 degrees 15 minutes East,lO18.?9 feet from monument .~o. Z1 of the Mission Road with the said Boundary line); thence along said boundary line North 53 degrees 15 minutes East 112.56 feet; themnce Easterly on a curve to the left with a radius of 5~0 feet; t23.39 feet; thence North 70 degrees Z3 minutes ?ast,127.7 feet;thence on a curve to the right with a radiue of 160 feet,97.?S feet;thence South 74 degrees 27 minutes East £08.17 feet more or less;thence South 15 degrees Z3 minutes west, 50 feet to the point of beginning;containing 1.09 Acres. Also beginning at a point in the Easterly linre of Ashton street which point is distant North 5Z degrees 15 minutes East,?Z1.85 feet and North 16 degrees 17 minutes 12 seconds East ,90. 6F~ feet from the inter ection of the Easterly line of Ashton street with the center line of the Hission Road;running thence North 75 degrees 28 ~inutes west,748.?5 more or less to a point 'n the Essterly bmmdary line of P.Regli property; thence along said linre North 41 degrees 31 minutes 52 seconds East,89.78 feet;thence South 75 degrees £8 minutes East ?10,45 feet more or less to a point in the Easterly line of Ashton Street ; thence along the Easterly line of -said street South 16 degrees l?mi~utes 12 seconds west ~0.03 feet to the point of begi:~ning;centaining 1,Z4 Acres,be, and the same hereby is accepted I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Franc~s'co,t$ts 17th. day of f.lay,1915, by the following vote; Ayes Trustees F.E. Cunninghsm, J.H. Kelley, J.C. Mc G~vern and Geo.H. Wllace. ~.i~es Trustees :~one Absent T~ustee G.W. Holston. ~illiam J. S~nith 0ity CLlerk The following damands against the City were presented for payment the same hzving having bean approved by ~ he finance committee. Pac Telephone an~ 9ele~rapg Co. for TelePhone service San Marco C0~uuty Abstract Co for repo~ on property A.G. Bi~'~sett labor on street with te~J~s H. ~c ~ahon labor on street ~rank Oonvery labor On streets ~rank ~elley labor on street Pac. ~as ~ Electric Co. current for City Hall an~ 2ire Dept. So. S. ~. ~ater Co. water used by City month April K.P. E~fgu~nn premium on bond as Treasurer ~rank Convery labor on street H.A. Cavassa ~igation of houses Dr. I W. Eeith Postage as health officer H~er an8 ~atto pre~iu~ om bonds of City Clerk and City llarshal W.J. ~artin rent month of ~iay 1915 O' Rourke & Brady second installment on Library 1ESS. of Regli and Ucelli 4.50 2~. 79.75 12.50 2.50 £.50 £. £. 20. 5. 7.75 £.51 17.50 £5. ~Ioved by Trustee Kelley seconde5 by Trustee Wallaeethat the above deN~ands be pai5 and ~arrants be drawn for t~e: various ~arried ~!~ved by Trustee Mc Uovern seconded by ~'rustee ~~n Kelley that the Board adjourn until Monday June,7, 1915,to ,ueet at ~Z10 L~nden Avenue at 8' 0 clock p.m. Carried ,Time of adJourmment 10.00p.m. Respectfully submitted William J. Smith City Clerk