HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1915-09-13 Regular Adjourned lIeeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco ,held ~nday, September,lB, 1915. This meeting was called to order at 8' 0 Clock p.m., by Trustee G,W. Holston "President of the Board". Roll-call Roll'~call found the following Trustees,present,to wit; P.A, C'nntngham, J,C. Mc Govern and G.W. Holston. ~ustee Wallace appeared after roll-call. Absent Trustee J.H. Kelley. readin~ The minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with The petition of Chas.~ ~e~a~ ~i~er ~o~ransfer of his Class A" Liquor license from the ~nden Hotel;r,~ehhearing of which was set for the date of this meeting was the f&rst business of the evening taken up by the Board. ~,~Oved by Trustee~Un~i~ham ~econded by Trustee ~dc GoVern, tha~ the petition be denied. Carried A communication was received from The Engtneerin~ Dept. o.f the United Railroads of San Francisco,in response to a communication~of August ~Oth. from the City Clerk concerning the parsing of ~$rand Avenue between the tracks of thebUnited railroads. The com~nunication from the United railroads stated that the paveing would be attented tc at once · This being the date on which the bids for the Library steps, wal$,and sidewalks war to be opened, i~ was' moved by Trustee ~c Govern'seconded by Trustee Wallace that the bids received by the City C,~erk be opened. Carried The first bid was that of ~f. ~atteson and in the Total su~ of ~ive h~mdred eighty-Fi~e (58~) Dollars. The only other bid was that of Chas. J. Lindgren and was as follows,to wit; Sidewalks Eleven (ll) cents per square foot. Steps Fifty ~B0) Cents per L~neal foot. Wall TwoDollars and Fifty cents ($2.B0) per lineal foot. Buttress Sixty cents per Lineal foot. To~al ~o~t as fi~red by the City Trustees SBBg. The following resolutionof award was then introduced by~ Trustee Cunningham. ~ereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~ranciscodid, in open session on the ~th day of Sep~ember,191B, publicly o~en, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the following work in said City to wi~; ~ The construction of a concrete approach ,concrete steps and concrete sidewalk s, and a concrete retai~in~ wall at and about the public L~brary building and at the places and ~ocations ~ho~n for said work upon the plans m~ lo~ations sho~ for said work upon the plans hereinafter mentioned. All m~terial for all work must be in strict compliance with the requirements of the a~o?,,ed by said B~ard of T]-ustecs on the fiZrd, day of August plaus an~ sDecifi~ations '~* , 19!5,and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. that Resolved~]:~F said B~ard o f Trustees hereby rejects all said proposals or bids except that next herein mentioued, and hereby au-ards the cm~tract for doing said work and ira- ~rovment to ~ ' .~ ~e lowest res?onsi]~le bidder,to wit, in his bid,to wit; Sidewalks Eleven ~ll) cents per.square foot. ~]has. J. Lindgren at the D~'ices na~ed AbSent Trustee J.H. Eelley. The minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with The petition of Chas." ]~en4~e~:_.:.f°r ~o~rans'fer of his Class A" Liquor license from the L'nden Hotel;~J~'ehhearing of which was set for the date of this meeting was the f&rst business of the evening taken up by the Board. MOved by Trustee'~Unn~ngham Seconded by Trustee ~ic Govern, tha~ the petition be denied. Carried A communication was received fro~,~ The Engineerin~ Dept. of the United Railroads of San Francisco,in response to a communication'of August 30th. from the City Clerk concerning the pay, lng of ~$rand Avenue between the tracks of thebUnited railroads. The communication from the United railroads stated that 'the paveing would be attented t¢ at once · This being the date on which the bids for the Library steps, wal$,and sidewalks wer to be opened, i~ was-moved by Trustee Mc Govern seconded by Trustee Wallace that the bids received by the .City C~erk be opened. Carried The first bid was that of ~.i. Eatteson and in the Total sum of Five h~nadred eighty-five ~585) Dollars. The only other bid was that of Chas. J. Lindgren and was as follows,to wit; Sidewalks Eleven (11) cents per square foot. Steps Fifty (50) Cents per L~neal foot. Wall TwoDollars and Pifty cents ($2.~0) per lineal foot. Buttress Sixty cents per Lineal foot. To~al amount as figured by the City Trustees $5§9. The following resolutionof award was then introduced by. Trustee Cunningham. Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~ranciscodid, in open sessLon on the ~3th day of September,1915, publicly oF,,n, examine and declare all sealed p. ro]ossls or bids for doing the following work in said City to wit; The construction of a concrete approach ,concrete ~teps and concrete sidev~a!k s, and a concrete retai~'~in~ wall at and about the public L~brary building and at the places and locations ~ho~n for said work upon the plans ~n~ lo~;ations shown for said work upon the plans hereinafter mentioned. All material for all work must be in strict compliance with the requirements of the plans an~ specifications adopted by said B~ard of Trust.os on the ~CZrd. day of August, 1OlS,and now on file in the office of tls City Clerk. that Resolved~i~i~ said B^ard o f Trustees hereby rejects all said proposals or bids except that next herein ~:~entioned, and hereby a~ards the contract for doing said work and im- ~rovment to the lo,vest res?onsi]':le bidder,to wit; ~hao. J. Lindgren at the i'~ices na~ed in his bid,to wit; Sidewalks Eleven (11) cents per square foot. C6ncret. steps ~ifty (50) cents per lineal foot Retaining wall Two Do?lars. and ?ifty cents ($2.50) per ~.neal foot. Buttress o~,ty cents i~er lineal foot. C 'The President of the Board of Trustees and t~e C i-y Clerk are hereLy authorized ~ud directed in the name of said City of ,~out~, San Fr~cisco,and }ruder its corporate seal to ent ~- . for ~oing said ~ork. enter into an agreement with t~e said Chas. J Lin(~gren I hereLy certify .... .~ ~ '% ~ .~ ..... ~e ~ reco[ng re~-~luti.'n was r~g-~!ar~y introd~ced an~ ~do?ted ~y ~;~ Board ~. ~ty ~o ~th a:a -~rahcisco t.,zs !Zth day. of 0y ~ae .o.~o ,lng vote, Ayes. Trustees ~.~. ~u~,~z~.nam, ~ Idc ~ , · . . .~. vern Ceo H Wallace 'and G'.W. holston 2~oes', Trustees ~one . 'Absent, Trustee J.H. Xe!ley. ~illian J. Smith City Clerk -T~e following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Wallace. ~ereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San 2rancisco did, in open session on the ?th. da~ of September , 1915,publicly open, e~amine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the following work in'sai~ City,to wit; ' That the portion ogf ~rand Avenue from the median line of Ashton street to the Easterly boun~ory line of the land of Guise?pi Ueelli ~nd included be'~v'een a line Twenty five and five tenths (E5.5) f,~et southerly from t'~ze northerly line o~ said Grand Avemr and ~arallel thrreto; add a l~ne..;~rty-fi've and five tenths (Z5.~) feet Southerly from the ncr erly boundary ~iue of sazd Grand Avenue ,amC parallel' thereto;and that l~.ort~on o.f ~r~d ~- , to the e ~st .... ~, boundary linc. o~_ he land of Avenue from ~e median line o-~ ~' ~ said ~uiseppi irchelli ~n: ~ncluo~d between a line T?entyfive and five tenths (Z5.5 ):feet :~ortherly from ~:'~.;~ ~..~,e~'.~.~. .line o~ ~a.ld ~rand ~venue , and ~s. ralle! thereto, and a line Thirty five and five tenths [55.5) feet north,~rly, zrom the coutherly ~ine of sa':.d ~ Avenue ,and ?ara!lel thereto, and that :-ortion of grand Avenue ~ t~e ~ ~ the outh o, v- ~., northeasterly of the lands o ....... ' ,,.~ ancisco Lend and I!,i~rovment Company to ~' line of the IHsslon Eoad ~d included between a ].ine Twe:zty-five and f'Jve tenths [25.5.) feet southerly from th.z- northerly line ~ ?,~; f, rand Avenue ~:n~; parallel thereto ; an~ ., __~. boun~qry liueo~_. the lands o~ *~- that portion of ~rand Avenue ~rom ~'~, ~trrq'r ' ~' ~'~ ~ ~he north asr .... ~_., bound~ry line of ~,ssion Road ~ranc sec ~-nd an~. I~provment ~_.pany to ~ '~ ..... 5 =. ) ~ee~- Le~,,--e.~ a line .~ent~, five ~n5 five ~enths [ ...... ,_~ .~ and inc!~(~ed - ~-~ - ~or~,e.r!~, from t;~e .... ~v n~e a:~d -or,~a!lel thoreto, and a line thirty-five ~outherly bouncl,:ry line n~ ~'' said and five tenths ~ZO.~.) fret north~ly from th~ southerly line of ~-rand Aven~ and para!l el thereto, be improved Ly ~rsdeiuf ench ~f said ?ortions of grand Awnue to official and by constructing therein an asphaltic concrete pavement consisting of an asphaltic con- ~'~ ~ five(6) inch~s in crete ~Faee~two ~) inches in thickuess _._~a on a concrete foun~ation thickness, and constructing corrugated iron culverts o$ the character,an~ ~iumensions, ~' _ nere~naf ,er mentioned, and at ~e ~lacees indicated u~on the plans ' '~ All work herein previewed for shall be done to official c:'a~e ~d in accor~ance with the special plaus and specifications adopted for doing said ~rork on 'he 10th ~ay of Lug'~st, 1915,and now on f~le in the office of the City Clerk. said Resolved that' 7card of Trustees hereby re jeSts all of said proposals or bids except that next herein mentioned, and hereby avards the contract for doing said work ~d improv- ment,lbut' u~oon the express condition hereinafter mentione~, to the lowest responsible to wit; ?.R. Ritchie and Company at the prices named in their bid, to wit; ~rading Forty [40) cents per cubic yard, Concrete in base Eight (8) cents per square foot, Asphaltic concrete paving surface ~lix and one half cents ~6.5)~Der square foot. Concrete in headwalls Twenty [Z0) Dollars per Cu yard. Corrugated iron culverts Four[4) t;idde C i~oes', ]~rustees ;,'one . Absent, Trustee J.H. ~e!ley. William J. Smith City Clerk · T~e 'ffollowing resolution v,as then introduced by Tr~stee Wallace. ?hereas the Board of Trustees of the City of South San 2rancisco did, in open: session on the Tth. day of ~eptembar , 191~,publicly open. examine and declare all sealed proposals or~bids for ~oing the following work in'sai0 City,to wit; , That the ~ portion ogf grand Avenue from the median line of Ashton street to the Easterly boundary line of the land of Guise;pi Ucelli smd included i~e~tv~een a line Twenty five and five tenths (~5.5) f~et southerly from t~}~e northerly line o~ said Grand Aven~r arid !arallel th~reto; add~,~h~line~Tirty-ffve and five tenths (Z5.5) feet Southerly from the ncrt er!y bo_,ndarz ~ine. of said Grand Avenue ,an(~ parallel'thereto;and ~ . i-.ort'~.on o~. .,rand Avenue from tke median line o-~ ~.~n~on street t0 the east~'''~..~.~ boundary linc. of +he.~ land of sai~ cuisepp! Uchelli,anc~ inclu(~d betv,,een a line T?~entufive and five tenths (~tS.5,) feet northerly ~ ........... : ~ ~ven~e and i~aralle! thereto, and a Sine Thirty five an~ five ~enths (Z5.5) feet north~rly, from the ooutherly line o~ sa',.d C-rand Ivenue ,and ?ara!lel thereto; and that ?ortion of C. rand Avenue from the resterly line of the lands of the ,Couth,.,-,~ ~ v ~nciseo~ L~nd and Ihprovment Company to .... ~., northeasterly line of the IIfssion Road ~d included betu, een a line Tweuty-five and five tenths feet s~'~+',~e~ ~:-on t~:~. northerly line ,~ ?sid ~,rand Avenue ~n~ pr~ra!lel thereto , and that portion of Stand Avenue ~[rom the u~cst~rl[r boun~,_ry line of the lauds o? the South ?rane~seo L~ud an~. I~provment 3.mpany to the north asteri~r~ boundnry line of tDssion, Road and inclu~ed betu~e~: a line Tv~enty-five anf ~ive ........ tenths (~5 ~ ) ~ee'-~..~ ~or~,,er_~~ -~ ~' from ~:-~e l~ ..... .~:=~! ~hereto, and a line thirty-five said and five tenths (~.5.) fr~et of C-rand Aven~ and para!l n~.zt.~ ~..y ~.~om th~ southerly line el thereto, i,e, info, roved Li ~rndei~u~.. each of said r~ortions, of Crand ~'"v~'~ ~.,~ to official and %y constructing therein an asphaltic concrete pavement consisting of an- as?haltic con- crete ~fae~2t~vo (f) inches in thickuess laid on a concrete foun(~ation five(5) inches in thickness, and eonotractmng corrugsted iron culverts o~ the character,an~ ~i~mensious and at tY~e ~.lacees indicated u?on the plans hereinafter mentioned, Ail work herein p.rovi~ed for sha~l be done to official c~'a~e ~d in accor~,~mce with special ~].aus~ a~d s~ecifications adopted for doing sai~., ~ork on ~he ~'~_,_~n <'ay of 2u~st~, 1915,and now o~ f~le in the office of the jiti Clerk. said Resolved Shat"~ ~oard of ~rustees hereby rejedts all of said proposals or bids except that ne~t herein, mentioned, and hereby av. ards the contract for doing said work '~d' improv- ment,!but~, upon the express condition hereinafter mentione~, to the lowest responsible t~idde to wit; M.R. Ritchie and Company at the prices name~ in their bid, to wit; ~rading Forty (40) cents per cubic yard, Concrete in base Eight (8) cents per square foot, Asphaltic concrete paving surface 2ix and one half cents (6.~) Der squa~"e foot. Concrete in headwalls ~' · ~ " ~ ' ' ~wenty (gO) Dollars per Cu yard. ~or~uga~ea iron culverts Four(4) I~ollars per lineal ~oot. This award is made upon the e~press condition, to which the ~aid P.R. Eitehie and 44.2 aave given their assent to wit; that 2he City of South San Francisco shall in no way be 1.iable to the said F.R. Ritchie and Company for any damages of any nature whatsoever ~rising from any Selay which may result to the said F.~. Ritchie and C~mpany or to which the said F.R. Rit- ~hie and Company may be aub~eeted, in the performance of their contract p:ursuant to this award, in consequence o~ any difficulty or delay to ~-'h[ch said City of South San Francisco may be he::-eafter subJecte~ to, in t~ecm,~rfng the co~s~nt~ ~ ~rantor of said City, as to ~y portion or portions of the land hereinbefore described who now occupies or occupy any'Portion~ or portions of the land herinbefore described, to enter upon said land, or any part thereof, ~d make the impro~ent hereinabove mentioned; prOvided,however ,that the agreement to be executed herexmder shall be extended for such additional lenght of time as may be ueccessary by virtue of t~ time cons~ed by any such ~elay. This condition shall form a part of the agreement hereinbefore mentione~: . The President of the Board of Trustees and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed in the name of sa~d City of South San Francisco and ~der its corporate seal,to ~nter into an agreement with said P.R. Ri~ohie ~d Csmpany for doing said work. I hereby certify that the ~regoing resolution was re~tlarly introduced and ad~pted b? the Uoard of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,this 1Zth day of September, 1915,by the following vote: Ayes Trustees, F.A. C~ningham, J.C. l,,[c Govern, ~mdrge H. Wallace ~d G.W. H~lston. Noes Trustees, I[ohe. Absent, Trustee, J.H. 14elley. William J.Smith City Clerk IfUved by until H nday September 20th. 1915,to meet at FZ10 L~nden Avenue Carried Tr:'~stee ,dunn.~ngham::m,,Seconded by Tzu~stee Wallace that the Board adjourn at 8' 0 clock p.m. Time of ad~ournuent lC'00 P.Li. Respectfully submitted ~i!liam J. Smith City Clerk