HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1916-01-17_Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Oity of Bo. S~n .Fr~P_~isco held Monday .Tanuary 17, 1916. This meeting was called to order by0. W, Holaton "~resident of The Board of Trustees" at 8 o'clock p;m. Roll-Call following Tr, ustees pres, ent, Roll-call found the to-witS J, E, Eell~ey, ~. H. Wallace and G. W. Holston. Tr~tees Cvmmingham and ~Overn appeared after roll-call. Absent ~rustees none. The minutes of the previo read ~and upon motion of Trustee Xelley seoonAei by Trustee Wallace an&~reg~A~y carried were app. roved as rea~, A~ application~ for a class "A" liquor license w~ eeoeive~ fron the ~~g ~late Co~. for their buildi~ loeatated at O~prees and ~ller Avenues~ ~saX2 licenses t~e utter was laid over ~til the ordinance ..?o~d be ~ended. ~o~ioation was received from, ~. ~; ~hapman seoreta~ of the ~th ~ ~ancisco ~d ~d ~rovement 3ompa~ in ~wer ~o ~e of the Boar~ of T~stees asking for an e~en$ion of the option of the qivie Oentre site, stating that the extention wo~d be grated for the perio~ of two years from the fi~eenth day of ~n~r 1915~ all other oonditlon~ to be in effect ~ of the original a~reement. ' A oo~ioation was reoeive~ from the ~iok ~tor ~o euBmitti~ a prioe for the motor t~ok for the ~ire Department · The occultation was ordered to be placed on file ~til other complies might be hear~ fr~m. Aoo~ication was received ~om the Unite~ ~ilroa~s stating t~t tickets, for the aohool-ohil~n in this City would Be placed in the h~ds of ~eo. E. British, for sale to the school children. The co~ioation was ordered plaoe~ on file~ ~ie 'bel~ the date for the bids ~or the i~rovemen$ on the Los Cerritos ' in the ~ity of Bouth B~ ~anoisoo were ordered to be ~i~'.T-:'~t"~-w2s' ~Ved b~.. ~a~e:~e~Un~ B~r;T~st~e ~ ~ve~ that the bids be opened. · ~e only bid received was that of D. O. ~eh, ~ich was read to the Boar~ after which a resolution of award of contract ~e then int~uce~ by T~tee ~allaoe. ~~ION 0~ AW~ N0. ~ereas the ,Board of ~stees of the CITY of South ~ ~eiseo did. in open session on ~he l~th day of ~mary. 1916, publis~2yopem, ex. ins and declare all sealed proposals er bias~fer doi~ t~ felle~ng work in the s~id Gity, ~at ls~ s~eet. 2n~ 8t~eZ . and Srd 8Zree$ from the ~sterly bo~da~ line of the the ri$~ of way of the United ~l~aas of San ~cisce to the e~ter~y line ef the Mission Rea~. er SZa~e Midway; A S$ree~, B. Street, G. STreet, ~d D. S~reet, fr~ the westerly bo~dayr line of the ri$~ way of the United Rrailroa~s og S~ ~elsee to the respee~ive semZherly ~e~inatio~ thereef~ and tha~ po~ion ef the Mission Roa~ , or S~ate ~ghw~ ~em a line ~ra~ across tSe cen~er line thereof at a point of three R~are~ ~ ~nty- five (~5) feet southerly from the souSherly line o f ~rd s~ree~, pro~mee~ ~s~erly, which lime Is parallel to said southerly line of ~r~ $$ree~,· $0 a lime ~a~ across sa~ een~er ......... ~~a ~ol~% ef ~ R~dre~ (~00) ~ee~ norZherl2 from the northerly line of whie~ line is apralle~ ~e sai~ northerly line of 1st ~reet, p~u~'~esterly,~ ~ which sai~ po~ion of Mission R sad is included ~e~en She easterly line of the pavement now exis~i~ on sai~ Mission Rea~ ~d the easterly bo~dary line os aai~ ~ssion Rea~. be gra~e& Traatees Cunningham and~e~Overn appeareA after roll-call. Absent ~rustee8 none. The minutes of the previo read ~d upon motion of Trustee lelley eeoonle~ by Trustee Wallace aa~reg~Ah~y oarrieA were app. roveA as rea~, A~ application' for a class "A" liquor license wam eeoeive~ fron the H~nding Eslate Oompany. for their building locatated at CYpress and Miller Avenues? this matter was laid over until the ordinance c. ould be amended. AasaX2 licenses Aoomamnioation was received from, ~. ~; Chapman secretary of the SOuth San Francisco ~and and I~provement ~ompany in answer ~o ~ne of the Board of Trustees asking for an e~tention of the option of the ~ivic 0entre site, stating that the extention would be granted for the period of two years from the fifteenth day of ~anm~b~r 1915~ all other conditions to be in effect as of the original agreement. ' A oommunica~ion was received from the Buick Motor Co submitting a price for the motor truck for the l~ire Department · The communication was ordered to be placed on file until other companies might be heard from. Aoonmmnication was received from the United RAilroads stating that tickets, for the school-children in this City would be placed in the hands of ~eo. ~.. Britton, for sale to the school children. The communication was ordered placed on file. , This 'being the date for the bids ~or the improvement on the Los ~erritos ' in the City of South, San Francisco were ordered to be ~t~/.T-::'~t~:w~s'.~,' ~Ved.bY!~ T~t~e ~ ~.a..ae[s~eUn. d~d b~r;T-rustte Mo ~overn that the bids be opened. - The only bid received was that of D. O. ~lrch, ~hich was read to the Board after which a resolution of award of contract was then introduced by Trustee Wallace. R~O~UiI01I O~ AWARD 1~0. 2~. l~hereas the ,Board of Trustees of the 0ITY of South San l~Ranoisco did, in open session on the 17th day of January, 1916, publis~yopen, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids ~for doing the following work in the said City, to-wit: That let street, 2nd Street , and Zrd Street from the westerly boundary line of the the right of way of the United RAilroads of San Francisco to the easter.~,y line ~f the Mission Road, or State Ilighway~ A Street, B. Street, O. STreet, and D. 3treet, from the westerly boundayr line of the right way of the United Rrailroads og San l~ranolsco to the respective southerly terminations thereof$ and that portion of the Mission Road , or State Highway from a line drawn across t!)e center line thereof at a point of three Ihmdred and twenty- five (3~5) feet southerly from the southerly line o f 3rd street, produoe~ westerly, which line is parallel to said southerly'line of Zrd Street, to a line ~rawn across sa~A center ........... ~~a Po~t of ~' Hundred (S00) geet northerly from the northerly line of let StreeW which line is apralle~ to said northerly line of 1st Street, pro~ue&~-i~esterly,' and which said portion of Mission R cad is included between the easterly line of the pavement now existing on said Mission Road and the easterly boundary line os said Mission Road, be grade~ to official grade) ~ ~S-concrete curbs and concrete sidewalks be constructed on both sides of those portions of let Street and 2nd Street Zrd Street, A street. ]), Street, 0. Street hereinbefore designated, and upon the Westerly side of that portion of D. S~reet, herein- before designate4; That concrete curbs, concrete gutters and concrete sidewalksbe constructed on the easterly side of that portion of Mission Road, or State I~i~hway, hereinbefore designated; That oiled macadam pavement Be constructed from Curb ~o curb in those portions of kst Street, ~nd Street, Srd Street, A.-Street, B. street, and C. Street hereinbefore-designate,~ and in that portion of Mission Road or Stste Highway, 'hereinbefore designated, from the existing pavement on said Mission Roa~ to the easterly gutter thereof; T hat sewers with all appurtenances, amnholes, lampholes, wyse and lateral sewers be constrUcted in the following streets at the places indicated upon the mall hereinafter referred to, which map constitutes a part of the plans for doing said work; let Street between said Mission Road and a point of threeC~ feet easterly form the westerly boundary line Of the right of way of the United RAilroads of San l~raneleoo~ 2nd Street between said~lssion Road and a poine of three ~3) feet easterly from the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroa~ of San Francisco; 3rd Street Between said Mission Road and a point of 100 feet easterly from from the easterly line of C. STreet~ A, Street Between the southerlytermina~ion thereof and the southwesterly Boundary line of th~ right of way of the United Railroads of San Francisco; B. ~treet between the southerly ter- mination thereof and a point-three feet easterly from the .westerly boundary line of the right of way of +~he United Railroads of San ~ranoisoo; C. Street Between the southerly terminatiO= thereof and a point of three feet easterly from the westerly boundary line of the right of way of the United Railroads of San l~rancisoo; ~Aission ROad between the line produced southwesterly, which separates lots numbered Twenty-fourth4) and Twenty-six [26) in Block numbered One [1) as shown upon that certain map entitled "Section,West Railroad of the Town of Baden'part of Rancho Burl Burl, San Mateo County, Calif." which map waw filed in the office of the County Recorder of ~he 0ounty of San Mateo of ~am ~T~ Calif. November 30t]~ 18~1 in Book E. of Maps at page ~, and the southerly boundary line produced southwesterly, of lot numbered One ~1) in Block numbered Ten [10~ as shown upon said map; alho beginning at a point in the center line of 1st Street produced northeasterly which point is distant three {3) ~eet northeasterly from the southwesterly boundary line of the right of way of the United Railoroads of San ~rancisco, and running thence in a southeasterly direction parallel to said southwesterly boundary line of the right of way of theUnited Railroads of San l~rancisco, and at a distance of three ~-~) feet northeasterly therefrom, Two Hundred and Seventy C250) feet; also Beginning at a point at the center line of 2n~[ Street, produced northeasterly, which point is thr~e ~Z$ feet distant northeasterl~ from the ~~terly boundary line of the right of way of United Railroads of San l~rancisco, m.d~thence _~n a southeasterl~y direction paallel to the southerwesterly boundary line of said ric~ht of way and at a distance tf ~hree~3) feet northeasterly therefrom~ One I~undred and Seventy-sev. en (177) That a connecting sewer Be constructed along the following course which is particularly shown upon siad map constituting part of the plansfor said work, which plans are hereinafter referred to; '~ . Beginning at the existing manhole at the intersection of acacia avenue ~hthaRAiY~d ATenue in said City of South San ]~rancisco, and running thence south 15 degrees 33 minutes west 157~,5 ~eet; thence south $6 degress 42 minutes west 276.5 feet to the proposed manhole on said 5rd Street; ~, Ail ~ork herein provided for shall be done to official grade and in accordance with 't hat sew~rs, with all app'a..T'~enanoes, 'em,holes, .es, wTeB be constructed in the following streets at the places indicated upon the mall hereinafter referred to, which map constitutes a part of the plans for doing said work; 1st Street between said Mission Road' and a point of three{$~ feet easterly form the westerly boundary line Of the right of way of the United RAilroads of 5an ~raneleoo; Street between said~ission Road and a poise of three {3) feet easterly from the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railro&~ of San l~ranois~o; 3rd Street between said Mission Road and a point of 100 feet easterly from from the easterly line of C. STreet; A. Street between the southerlytermination thereof and the southwesterly boundary line of thb right of way of the United Railroads of San Francisco; Bo Street between the southerly ter- mination thereof and a point ~three feet easterly from the westerly boundary line of the right of way of the United Railroads of S~n ~ranoisool C° Street between the southerly terminattom thereof and a point of three feet easterly from the westerly boundary line of the right of way of the United Railroads of San l~ranctsoo; ~Aission Road between the line produced southwesterly, which separates lots numbered Twenty-four(~4) and Twenty-six (~6) in Block numbered One (1) as shown upon that certain map entitled "Section,West Railroad of the Town of Baden'part of'Rancho Buri Burl, San Marco County, Calif." which map waw filed in the office of the County Recorder of the 0ounty of San Mateo of 8aA ~ ~alif. November 30t[~ 18~1 in Book E. cf Maps at page ~2, and the southerly boundary line produced southwesterly, of lot numbered One ~1~ in Block numbered Ten [10~ as shown upon said map; alho beginning at a point in the center line of 1st Street produced northeasterly which point is distant three (3) ~eet northeasterly from the southwesterly boundary line of the right of way of the United Railoroads of San ~rancisco, and running thence in a southeasterly direction parallel to said southwesterly boundary line of the right of way of theUnited Railroads of San l~rancisco, and at a distance of three (~) feet northeasterly therefrom, Two Hundred and Seventy (2~0) feet; a~so beginning at a point at the center line of 2n~ Street, produced northeasterly, which point is thr~e (~$ feet distant northeasterly from the ~.o~terly ~oundary line of the right of way of United Railroads of San t~rancisco, aad~thence _~n a southeasterl~y direction paallel to the southerwesterly boundary line of said right of way and at a dista.~.ce tf ~hree[3) feet northeasterly therefrom~ One I~undred and Seventy-sew. es That a connecting sewer be constructed along the following course which is particularly shown upon siad map constituting part of the plansfor said work, which plans are hereinafter referre~ to; Beginning at the existing manhole at the intersection of acacia avenue A~enue in said City of South San ~rancisoo, and running thence south 15 degrees Z5 minutes west 157E.5 ~eet; thence south ~6 degress 4E minutes west 2?6.5 feet to the proposed manhole on said 5rd S~reet; All Work herein provided for shall be done to official grad~ and in accordance with the special plan~ and specifications for saidwork, which plans and specifications are entitled "]~lans and specifications for the construction and completion of Street Improvemen~ work.upon Mission Road or State Highway, 1st Street, £nd Street, 3rd Street, A. Street B, Street 0, Street and S. Street in the 0try of South San Francisco, County of San Marco State of.0alifornia" which plans and specifications were heretofore adopted by said Board of Trustees on thelst day of ~ovember, 1915. and are now on file in the office of the 0ity 01erk and to which plans and specifications tolerance is hereby made for a further description of s~Ad work and for the location and extent of the work to be done hereunder and for a particular description of the bundaries of the district hereinafter mentioned. All such work is to include any and all street intersections and stre&t terminations and opposite terminations of, in and to all the above ment~.oned streets and avenues ~ithin· the respective lines above mentioned as is more particularly 'tm~epted, however,from the above mentioned work any an~ all such work as has already b~en ~one ~o official grade, And said Beard of Trusteesdid, in the Resolution of I~tention~ No. P~,determine and ~eclare that said proposed work and improvment is of more than local or ordinary public benefit mud will effect' and benefit the ~am~s and district her$inafter describtd, which said dis- trier is in said d~e~ol~lon declared ~o be the district benefitted by said work and improv- ment; and that therefore the &ntire c$stsand expenses of said work and impro~ment shall be ~hargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and district,which district is with- Xn said City of South San Francisco,County of San Marco, State of California, and is partic- ularly bounded and described as follows,to wit; Beginning at apoint on the westerly line of the pavement now existing on Mission Road or S ~tate,H~ghway, which point is distant south 6~ degrees ~8 minutes As seconds west, 19.83 feet from a granite monument set at the most southwesterly corner of Block numbered 10 in as shown upon that certain map entitled"Section west of Railroad of the Tcwn of Baden,part ~f Rancho Buri Burl San ;~ateo Co. Cal," whichmap was filed in the office of the County Becord er of the C~unty of San Marco, California ,N~vember 50th 1891 in Book E of map~ at"page 62; running thence along the easterly line of the pavement now existing on said M~ssion R~ad mr 3tats HA~hway, north 26 degrees ~9 minutes 1~ seconds west,1424 feet;continueing thence along said easterly line of said pavement on a curve to the left with a radius of E841.26 feet ZSS.E feet;thence leaveing said line of pavement and running thence north 5~ degrees ~8 minutes 48 sec&rids east 57.~6 geet to the easterly line of said MTssion road;thence along the easterly line of said MAssion Rsad north E2 degrees £2 minutes 42 seconds west, 30~.41 feet to the westerly line of the right of way of the Unite~ Railroads of San Francisco; thence along the westerly line of said right of way south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds ~ast 726.85 feet; thence along thence north 34 degrees 00minutes 50 seconds wast 5 feet to the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroads of S~ Francisco;thence along the westerly line of sa&d right of way south 55 degrees 5~ minutes 10 seconds east £58.2£ feet; thence momth34 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds east 5 feet; thence south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds east 179,~1 feet; thence a~omgcaremrve to the righ~ e~iYhYa~u~.:.of 36~4.&Z fee~; 88.37 feet;thence south 35 degrees E2 minutes 50 seconds west 5 feet to the westerly line of the right of way o.f the United Railroads of San ~rancisco; thence the~westerly line of said right of way on a curve ina southeasterly direction with a radius mf Z689.$3 feet ,422.79 feet; thence north 36 degrees 42 minutes east 191.34 feet; thence north 15 degrees 3~ minutes east 1371.79 feet; thence ~$outh 74 degrees £7 minutes~ast 5 fe~t; thence south 15 degrees ~3 minutes west 1373.11 feet; thence so~h V~&degrees ~$ minutes west 19E.65 feet to the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroads of San ~ranoisoo; thence along the westerly line of said right of way on a curve in a general southeasterly directtonwitha radius of 3689.8~ feet , 411.24 fee~to the southerly boundary line of the tract of the said Town of Baden, saat~hown on the map thereof hereinbefore opposite terminations of, in an~ to all the above ment~.oned streets and avenues within the respective lines above mentioned as ie more particularly ta~h~mepted, however,from the above mentioned work any an~ all such work as has already ~one ~o official grade, And said Board of Trustees4id, in the Resolution of I~tention~ Bo. P~,determine and ~eclare that said proposed work and improvment is of more than local or ordinary public benefi ~nd will effect and benefit the ~eAs an~ district hereinafter described, which said dis- trier is in said ~esol~ion declared ~o be the district benefitted by said work and improv- ment~ and that therefore the &ntire ctstsand expenses of said work and impro~ment shall be ~hargeable against and shall be assesse~ upon said lands and dis~rict,which district is with- ~n said City of South San ~rancisco,County of San Marco, State of California, and is partic- ularly bounded and described as follows,to wit; Beginning at apoint on the westerly line of the pavement now existing on Mission Road or S ~tate-H~ghway, which point is distant south 63 degrees 38 minutes As seconds west, 19.83 feet from a granite monument set at the most southwesterly corner of Block numbere~ 10 in as shown upon that certain map entitled"Section west of Railroad of the T~wn of Baden,part of Rancho Bur! Buri Sas ;,~ateo Co. Cal," whichmap was filed in the office of the County ~ecord ~r of the C~unty of San Mateo, California ,N~vember 30th 1591 in Book E of map~ at page 82; running thence along the easterly line of the pavement now existing on said M~ssion Rtad ~r State HA~hway, north 2~ degrees 3~ minutes 12 seconds west,1424 feet;continuein6 thence along said easterly line of said pavement on a curve to the left with a radius of 2841.25 feet Z83.~ feet;thence leaveing said line of pavement and running thence north 63 degrees ~8 minutes 48 seconds east 57.38 geet to tl~e easterly line of said M~ssion road;thence along the easterly line of said MAssion RSad north £2 degrees ~2 minutes 42 seconds west, 30~,41 feet. to the westerly l~ne of the right of way of the Unite~ Railroads of San ~rancisco; thence along the westerly line of said right of way south 5§ degrees 5~ minutes 10 seconds ~ast 726.85 feet; thence along thence north 34 degrees 00minutes 50 seconds wast 5 feet to the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroads of Stun ~rancisco;thence along the westerly line of sa&d right of way south 55 degrees 59 minutss 10 seconds east £58,2£ feet; thence ao~$h34 degrees 00 minutes ~0 seconds east 5 feet; thence south 55 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds east 179,31 feet; thence a~o~gcare~rve to the righ~ ~i~ra~~-'of 88.37 feet;thence south 35 degrees ~ minutes 50 seconds west 5 feet to the westerly line of the right of way of the United Railroads of San Prancisco; thence ak!,:,.O~,~a~ 9hewwesterly line of said right of way on a curve ina southeasterlY direction with a radius mf Z689.83 feet ,422.79 feet; thence north 36 degrees 42 minutes east 1~1.34 feet; thence north 15 degrees 33 minutes east 1371.79 feet; thence south 74 degrees £7 minutes ~east 5 f~t; thence south 1§ degrees 33 minutes west 1373.11 feet; thence set,th ¥~6de&rees ~ minutes wes~ 1~.66 feet to the westerly line of the right of way,of the United Railroads of San Francisco; thence along the westerly line of said right of way on a curve in a general southeasterly directionwitha radius of 3689.83 feet , 411.24 feetto the southerly boundary line of the tract of the said Town cf Baden~ :~aa~hown on the map thereof hereinbefore refered to; thence along the southerly line of said tra~t of said Town of Baden. south 63 de,roes 38 minutes 48 seconds west 1142.52 feet to the point of beginning. Saving ~~d excluding ~e~ae~t district 'all public streets, 'Avenues, lanes, 'courts,and places included and contained. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments,and bear interest at the rate of (six) per cent per annum,will be issued heremnder in the manner provided by the lmprovment Bond ~t of 1915,the last ln~tallment of which bonds shall mature nine 49) years from the second day of J'12 next succeeding nine (94 months from their date, Resolved that said Board of Trustees hereby rejects all of said bids except theft ~ext herein mentioned,and hereby awards the contract for doing said work ~adY~mprovment to the lowest responsible bidder,to wit; P.O, Church Company,a corporationat the prices named in its bid,Lq wit; Cra{sing SO cents per cubic yard,O~led macadam pavement eight and ~5 one hundredths cents per s~uare foot,concrete curb S2 cents per lineal foot ,curb guard twenty cents per lineal foot,concrete sidewalks ten (10) cents per square foot, concrete gutters thirteen and seventy lin. fife 450.1~75] cents,per square foot, Sew, r ~1 One dollar an~forty cents per foot, ~ewer ~. One Dollar and fortycents per lineal foot, sewer ~. One dollar and forty cents per lineal foot,Sewer ~4 EIGHTY Cents per lineal fOot~ sewer ~ 6 sixty five cents per lin- eal foot; sewer#6, sixty five cents per lineal foot; sewer ~?. sixty five cents per lineal 'foot; sewer #8.one dollar per lineal foot;sewer ~9 seventy eight cents per lineal foot; sewer ~lOseventy cents per lineal foot; sewer 311. forty five cents per lineal foot; sewer ~11 A. forty five cents per lineal foot; sewer ~12. fifty cents per lineal foot; sewer ~13 sixty nine cenJ~s per lineal foot;sewer ~14 seventy two cents per lineal {coot; sewer fl5 seventy three cents per lineal foot; sewer ~ 15 Seventy one (?1) cents i per lineal foot; Sewer ~15 l~ifty 450) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~ 17 l~orty five (451 cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~ 18 Forty five 445) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~19 ~or~y flee (45) cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~1~ A i~orty five (45) teats per lineal foot;Sewer ~ ~0 ~ortyfive (45) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~0 Forty five (45) cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~21 Forty five cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~][ Forty five (45) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~22 ~oi~ty five 44~) cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~2~ A Fatty{ire 4cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~3 ~orty five (45) cents per lineal foot; sewer ~£4 Perry five (45) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~25 ~rty $~een(4~) cents per lineal foot; sewer ~£$ ~ortyfive sixty five (65) cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~£7 Forty five (45) cents pez lineal foot; Sewer ~28Sixty five 465)cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~29 Forty seven (47) cents per lineal foot; Four(A) inch sewer laterals Thirtyeight ~38) cents per lineal foot; Six inch X l~our inch Ys seventy cents each ; 8 inch by 4 inch Ys branches 41 cents each;manholes Forty dollars each lamp holes ten dollars each; all sewer numbers correspond with t he numbers therefor upon the plans for said wot wor~. The City Clerk is hereby directed to poet notice of thfs award conspicously for five ~5) days on or near the council chamber door of this Board of Trustees and also t8 publish this notice bty two (£) insertions in "The Enterprise",, a weekly ~ewspaper printed and publisked in said 0ity and hereby designated for that purpose by the sai~ Board of Trustees . I hereby certii~y that the foregoing resol~tion was ~ egularly introduce~ by the B~ar~ of ~ruste Trustees of the City of South San Francisco,this 17th da~ of January l~16,by the following vote : ~Ayes Trustees F.A. Cunningham, J.g. ~[elley J.G, Mc borer, Geo. H. Ws, llace and G.W. NolSton . Noes, TrUstees, None . Absent Tr'~stees N~ne. William J. Smith City Clerk The following demands against the City were presented for payment, the same having next herein mentioned,and hereby awards the contract for doin~ said work Ie~dt~provment to the lowes't responsible bidder,to wit; D.O. Ohuroh Company,a corporationat the prices name~ in its bi~,tQ wit; ~radeing 30 cents per cubic yard,O.~led macadam pavement eight and 25 one hundredths cents per s~uare foot,concrete e~rb ~£ cents per lineal foot ,curb guar~ twenty cents per lineal foot,concrete sidewalks ten [10~ cents per square foot, concrete gutters thirteen and seventy lin. fi*e [$0.1375~ cents,per square foot, Sew, r ~1 One dollar and forty cents per foot, ~ewer ~£. One Dollar and fortycents per lineal foot, sewer ~3. One dollar and forty cents ~er lineal foot,Sewer ~4 EIGHTY Cents per lineal foot; sewer ~ ~ sixty five cents per lin- _esl foot; sewer#~, sixty five cents per lineal foot~ sewer ~7. sixty five cents per lineal foot; sewer /~8.one ~ollar per lineal foot;sewer ~9 seventy eight cents per lineal foot; sewer /~lOseventy cents per lineal foot; sewer 311. forty five cents per lineal foot; sewer ~11 A. forty five cents per lineal foot; sewer ~12. fifty cents per lineal foot; sewer ~13 sixty nine eenJ~s per lineal foot;sewer ~14 seventy two cents per lineal fooot; sewer ~15 seventy three cents per lineal foot; sewer ~ 15 Seventy one [?1) cents iper lineal foot; Sewer ~15 Fifty [50) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~ 17 l~orty five ~451 Cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~ 18 ~orty five [45) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~19 FOr~ flee [45) cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~1~ A Forty five ~45) cesta per lineal foot;Sewer /~ 20 l~ortyfive [45) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~0 ,~orty five [45) cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~21 ~orty five cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~£X. Forty five ~45) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~22 ~oi~ty fiv~ ~45) cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~2£ A ~artyfive ~cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~3 ~orty five (45) cents per lineal foot; sewer ~£4 Forty five [45 ) cents per lineal foot; Sewer ~2~ Fsrty ~n[4~) cents per lineal foot; sewer ~£$ Fortyfive sixty five [65) cents per lineal foot;Sewer ~£7 i~orty five [45) cents pe~ lineal foot; Sewer ~£SSixty five [65)cents per lineal foot~ Sewer ~29 Forty seven [47) cents per lineal foot; Four[4) inch sewer laterals Thirtyeight [38) cents per lineal foot; Six inch X ~our inch Ys seventy cents each ; 8 inch by 4 inch Ys branches 41 cents, each;manholes ~crty dollars each lamp holes ten dollars each; all sewer numbers correspond with ~ he numbers therefor upon the plans for ssi~ wot wor~. The Oity Clerk is hereby directed to post notice of this award oonspicously for five [5) days on or near the council chamber door of this Board of Trustees and also publish this nOtlee bty two [2) insertions "in "~he Enterprise",. a weekly newspaper printed and published in said City and hereby designate~ for that purpose by the aai~ Board of Trustees . I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was egularly introduce4 by the B~ard of Trusts Trustees of the City of South San i~ranoisco,this 17th da$ of January 1916,by the following vote : ~Ayes Trustees F.A. Cunningham, J.E. /[elley J.G, Mc Gover, Geo. H. Wallace and G.W. HolSton . Noes, Trustees, None , Absent Trastees N~ne. William J. Smith City Clerk The following demands against the City were presented for payment, the same havin~ been approved by the finaaoe oommitee A,G. Bissett labor on street with teams $~.~0 Chas. Deans cleaning Jail 50 South San Francisco V~ater Co. James Smith labor on street W.J. Martin Hall rent month Janmary BaDAk of South San Francisco % Bates Borland & Ayers street work South San Francisco Water Co. water for month J~~ December M. Petrouskey labor on street James ~c ~.ho~ labor on street water used by O!ty month of Novemberlgl5, 1Z.lO .. 12.~0 &.O~ A. 10. A.AO $10~.4~ MOved by Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee Mc Govern that the a~ove de,hands be paid and warrants drawn for the various amounts. Carried An Ordinamce entitled "An Ordinance Amending mrdinance No. 70 Of The City of South San !~rancisco,entitled "An Ordinance Establishing Fire L~mits, Regulating ~he Consttruction And Repair of Buildings The L'cation of Laundries,Bakeries Motion Picture Theatres.Garages Junk Stores, And Lime Ware houses. The Disposal of Rubbish And the Storage of Gasoline and other Products of Petroleum in The City of South San Francisco, A~d Prescribing The Pen- alty for V$olation of Said Ordinance". Passed And Adopted By The Board Of Trustees Of The City Of ~outh San rrauetmco. ~,ly ?th. 1~1~.. was tnt~'oduced by Trustee 7a~Iaoe. and laid over to come up under regular order of ~usines~ at the nex~ meeting o~ the PSard ? vas e~!lo~i~g r-~o1~*~n ~m in~roduce~ ~y ~rus~ee~nningham Whereas O'Rourke ~ Brady, the contractors who have been aonstructing the public librar~ b~ilding in the City of Ssuth San Francisco,have not finished t~e work of construction of said building in accordance with their contract and the plans and specifications therefor;and Whereas said O'Rourke and Brady have ceased to perform any labor upon said bmildin~ pure,assr to said contract; and Whereas notice ha~~ been-~erved upon said contractors to proceed withomt delay to igxlfill said contract; and Whereas said contractors have failed and refused to proceed with the work of said sai~ contract and still continue ~o fail and refuse to complete $~ work in accordance with the term~ of said contract and said plans and specifications; Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisoothat W.H. Weeks, the Architect employed by said City of S~uth San 2rauciscoto supervise the construction of said building, be, and he hereby is authorized and directed, in behalf of said C~ty,to pro- cure all necessary materials and ~o employ all necessary labor and to do any amd all things meoessar2 to complete the work of said contract in accordance with the plans and speoificati~ $io~s therefor; that all expenses inemrred in completeing the work of said oontra~t,as aforesaid,be deducted from the contract prioeas stated in ~said contract; -$-0-0-0-0-0-O- O- O- O-0-0-O- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O- 0-0-0- O- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the B~ard of Trustees of the City of S~uth San Francisc&,this l?th. day of January, 1~15, by the followimg vote; AYes Trustee l~.A. C~nnlngham, J.H. Kelley, JoC. Ne Goverm and G.W. N~lston. Noes, 2r~stees None Absemt Trustees NVne Will'am J. S~ith City Clerk MWvedd by True tee Eelley seonded by Trustee Wallace that ~ B~ard adjourn until MWnday 1~~~.~ 1~1~, to mee~ at ~ZlO T~inden Avenme at B' 0 sleek Carried M~ved by Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee Ua ~overn that the a~ove dec, ands be paid and warrants drawn for the various amounts. Carried An ordinamce entitled "An Ordinance ~endin6 ~rdin~oe No. 70 Of The City of South San ~oisoo,entitled "~ Ordinance Establishi~ Plre L*mi~$, ReSisting The Consttruction ~d Repair of Buildin~, The L'oation of La, dries.Bakeries, Motion ?ioture Theatres Garages J~k Stores, ~d Lime W~e houses. The Disposal of Rubbish ~d the Storage of ~asoline other Products of Petrole~ in The City of South S~ ~raneis~o. ~d Prescri bin6 The Pen- alty for V$olation of ~ala Or~in~oe", Passed ~d Adop~e~ By The Board Of T~tees Of The City Of South San rra~elsco, J~ly 7th, lgl~., was fntzoduced ~y Tr~tee ~a~Iace. ~d laid over to come up ~mder re~lar orfer of ~usiness at the next meeting of the P~ard . ~ere~ O'~ourke ~ ~ra~y, the contractors who ha~e Been aonetruetln~ the ~uB1/e Bulldl~ In the City off S~uth San ~r~o!sco,have not ff/ntshe~ t~e work off co~etruetton said Building in aecord~oe ~th their contrast a~d the pl~e ~d 8peelfleatto~ =hereffor;~d ~ereae eat~ O'~ourke ~d ~rady B~e ceded to perffo~ ~y labor u~on sat~ ~ere~ notlee has ~een. served upon said contractors to prooee~ without del~ to ~lflll said contrast; and ~e~ 8st~ contractors ~a~e ffatle~ ~ reffuse~ to prooee~ w/th the work off 8al~ contrast and still continue ~o fail ~d re~se to complete ~ work in accordance with the ter~ of said contract and said plea ~d specifications; Resolved by the Bo~d of Trustees of the City of South San Fr~cisoothat W.H. Weeks, the ~ohitect e~loyed by said Oity of S'uth San ~eisooto supervise ~he oonst~otion of said ~u~ld~, be, ~ he hereby is authorize~ ~d directed, In behalf of said C4ty,to pro- e~e ~1 neeessa~ materials ~d to employ all necess~y labor and to do ~y ~ all thins neoe88a~ to complete the work of said contract in accord~ce with the plane and specificati~: tio~ the~for; that all e~e~e8 insured in eompletel~ the work of sai~ oontr~t,a8 afforesatd.be deduote~ ~om the contrast priceas stated in said contract; -e-O-O-O-O-O-O- ~ ~ ~ 0-0-~ 0-0~-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- ~ I hereby certi~ that the foregoing resolution was re~larl2 introduced and adopted by the B~ard of Trustees of the City of S[uth S~ ~r~oisoA.this 17th. day of J~u~y. 1916, b2 the follo~ng vote; ~e8 T~teo Y.A. O~nningh~, J.H. Xelley. J,O. Mo ~ove~ and ~.W. H[lston. ~oes, Trustees None Absent Trustees ~Vne Ulll:am J. S~tth City Clerk ~MUvedd by True tee ][elley 8eonded by Trustee Wallace that the B~ard adjourn until M'nday to meet at ~10 Linden Avenue at 8' 0 clock Carried Time of a~lJournment 10' 20 P.M, Respectfully submitted William J. Smith City Clerlk