HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1917-03-19 Regular Meetimg of the Board of Trustees of the City of South Sam ~ra~iseo held, Momday ~reh~lg,191?. This meetlmg was ealled to order at 8' 0 Cloak P.M., by Trustee J.H.Kelley "Presidemt of the Board of Trustees~. Roll-emil Roll-e~ll foumd ~a~l~ulst~e~ ~rssemt, to wit~ ~.A. Cummi~bham~ M.F. Healy~ G.W. Holstom. Geo. H. Wallaee amd J.H. Kelley. The mimutes of the ~wo previous meetimg~ were read amd upom motiom of Trustee Wallaee by Trustee Holstom amd regularly e~,rried were approved ~s rea~. A Petitiom ~for a Class ~" liquor lieense was reeeived from A. Ratti of ~2A~ Gramd Avemue formerly of the firm of Ratti & Mimetti whieh bu~imess is mow owned amd eomducted by thesai~ A .Rztti, Amd ae¢ompsmeimg the appli¢~tio~ was a bomd ia fsvor of the City of South Sam eiseo in tbs pe~a2 s~m of 0~e Tho~samd ~1000) Dollars for the fsithful eompliamee~with the provisioms of ordimamee ~§~ by the appliea~. Amd the applieam~ havi~g eo~plied ia ~11 respects with the provisio~s of the s~id ordims~ee he was gramted a permit for a Class A" liquor ~ieemse for three momths emdimg Jume ~0th. 1~17, by the ~amimous vote of all members of the Board of T~rmstees. A Petitiom ~o set poles on t~mdem Ave.,betweem Ar~our AVe., ~md the ~n ~runo was received from the Pa~. Gas & Eleetrie Co.,for the purpose of furnishim~ a light ~t that The permis~iom was ~ramted. A eo~mumi¢~tion ~s reeeived from ~. Burns whereim he resigmed his positio~ as poumdmam U~on motiom of ~rustee Wallace seconded by Trustee OHnm~n~ham amd regularly earried the resig~ati~ w~s aeeepted. A 6o~mu~ie~tio~ w~s received from ~tley's Outdoor Amusement Co.,asking for pern~is~to to ~loo~te i~ SoHth S~ Frazeiseo for · period of four days. ~oved by Trustee N~om seeomded by Trustee ~allace thst the privelage be demied. Carried A ¢omm~nie~tio~ w~ received from J.W. Lilliemth~l ia response to one from the ~it2 C~erk request- ~arge img thst a sig~ be placed om the Statiom at South S~m Frameiseo, also ,requestimg that sigms be plaeed om cars ~sigmatimg ~outh Sam ~ra~eiseo as a Statiom. The respomse stated that the matter had beem referred to t~e operatimg Dept. of the U.R.R. for eom~ideratio~. The eommunie~tiom w~s or dered placed om file. A eommu~ieatiom was reeeived from the ~outh S~n Frameiseo Lamd an d Improvmemt Compamy relatimg to th~ request of the City Clerk for a domatiom of two acres of lamd for a publie base ball groumd eayimg the matter would be referred to the exeeutive eommittee of the Lamd Company. The eommumieatiom wa~ ordered filed. The follow~mg resolutiom w~s them imtrodueed by Trustee Cumnimgham. Whereas Assembly B~tt N~. 69? has beem imtrodueed imto ~$e Legislature of the State of ~aliformia amd provides that all ordim~mees must be published at least three times ia a mews- paper published ia the mumieipality by whieh such ordi~am~es are passed,if there is sueh mewspaper amd Whereas sueh Legislatiom will serve mo bemefieial public purpose~ amd ~ law willimpose am ummeeessary of Califormia ; Whereas s~id bill,if azaeted amd umressomable expemse upom mamy sm~ll eit~ sim the StaSe Re~olved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~n ~ram~ise~ that said Board opposee the passage of sai~ Assembly Bill No. 697; Be it further resolved that the City Clerkbe, amd he A Petitiom for a C~ass A" liquor liaense was reaeived from A. Ratti of ~249 Gramd Avemue formerly of the firm of Ratti & Mimetti whi,h busimess is mow owned amd aomdueted by thesaid A .R~tti, And a~¢omp~neimg the applie~tiom was a bomd in f~vor of the City of South San FRA~ ~ts¢o in the pema~ sum of 0me Tho~samd (1000) Dollars for the f~ithful .ompliamse~with the provisions of ordimamce $§9 by the applimam*. Amd the appiiman~ hawimg ~o~plied im all respects with the provisions of the s~id ordim~n~e he was ~ramted a per~it for a Class A" liquor ~icemse for three months emdimg Jume 30th. 1917, by the unamimous vote of all members of the Board of T~stees. A Detitiom ~o set Doles on t~mdem Ave.,betweem Ar~our AVe., ~md the ~n Bruno Ro~d was received from the Pas. Gas & Ele¢trim Co.,for t'he purDose of furnishimg a light at that psimt The Dermissioa was granted. A ~o~mumim~.tion w~s received from W. Burns wherein he resigmed his position as poumdmam Uoon motiom of Trustee Wallace seconded by Trustee Cunm~n2ham amd regularly ~arried the resignatim w~s accepted. A Commu~i~atiom was received from ~tley's Outdoor Amusement Co.,asking for permis~io to ~loc~te in South S~ Fram. is¢o for · period of four days. ~',~oved by Trustee N~em se.omded by Trustee Wallace that the privelage be demied. Carried A ¢omm~ni~ztioa ws~ received from J.W. Lilliemth~l im response to one from the $it~ Clerk request- ~arge img that a sig~ be placed om the 2tatiom at South S~n Fram~is,o, also ,requestimg that sigms be plaeed om cars ~sigmatimg ~outh Sam ~rameiseo as a Statiom. The reSpomse stated that the matter had beem referred to the operatimg Dept. of the U.R.R. for eomsideratiom. The eommuniestion w~s or dered placed om file. A eommumieation was reeeived from the ~outh San ~rameiseo Lamd an ~ Improvmemt Company relatimg to th.~ request of the City Clerk for a domatiom of two aeres of lamd for a publie base ball groumd sayimg the matter would be referred to the exeeutive eommittee of the I. amd Company. The eommunieatiom was ordered filed. The fo~low~ng re~olution w~s them i~trodueed by ~rustee Cumni~gham. Whereas Assembly B~tl N~. 697 has beem imtrodueed imto ~$e Legislature of the State of ~aliformia amd provides that all ordim~nees must be pub2ished at least three times im a mews- paper published im the munieipality by whieh such ordiaamees are passed,if there is sueh mewspaper Whereas sueh Legislatiom will serve no bemefieial publie purpose; amd ~ law willimpose aa ummeeessary of Califormia ; Whereas s~id bill,if anaeted amd umre~sonable expemse mpom mamy small eit~ sim the Sta, e Re~olved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~n ~ram~ise~ that said BoarA opposes the passage of sai~ Assembly Bill No. 697; ~ Be it further resolved that the City Clerkbe, amd ~e hereby is direete~ to semd a eopy of this resolutiom to eaeh of the re~resemtative~ og Sam Mateo County im.the ~egislature of Califormia. I hereby certify that l~e foregoim~ resolution w~s regularly introdu¢ .... and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South S~n Franeis¢o, this 19yh. day of M~reh,191?,by the following vote; Ayes, Trustees F.~.Cunningham, N.F. He~ly, G.W. Holstom,Geo. H. W~ll~ce and J.H. Eelley. Noes, Trustees Nome. Absent Trustees Nome. William J. Smith City Clerk Aa 0rdinsnee entitled, "AN 0RDIliANCE 0f THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FR[NCISCOI~POSING A LICENSE TAX UPON PERSONS, FIRMS OR C0R ORATIONS PURChaSING,GATHERING OR COLLECTING RIGS? OLD IRON?, BRAss, COPPER,ZINC, LEAD,AND OTHER ~IET~LS WITHIN THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FR~.NCISC0., was formslly intro- duced by Trustee ~Z.F. Healy and laid over umtil the mext meeting of the Board of Trustees,to come u~ under ~he regular order of busimess. The followiRg demands against the City were presented for payment the sane having been approw by the fin~nee Committee. Rosemblum & Abrahzms two uniforms for Poliee Dept. P~eifie Title znd insuranee Compzny eompi~iLg re~l esthete transfers So. S.F. Wzter Compsny w~ter for Jail & ~ount~in ~, Wallaee speeial Polise duty Borroughs Addimg maehine Co~pzmy 6rzolls of paper L, V~rni removing rubbish from Cit~ H~ll B~nk of South S~n Francisco S~£ety deposit box ~26,~6 Wi~3i~Fry l~bor on library groumds $?4.00 30. 6. 1. 35 1. 6.50 16.25 1~7.10 Moved by Trustee Wsllaee seconded by ~rustee He~ly thst the City Clerk be imstrueted to subser~m for the Ssa ~steo News for the purpose of obtainimg real estate tramsfers therefrom. Csrried Moved by Trustee seeomded by Trustee Holstom that ~he Board adJpurn umtil Momday April 2,1917, to meet ~t $310 Lindem Avenue at 8' 0 Clock P.M. C~rried Time of adJourmment 9' P.M. Respect£ully submitted William J. Smith City Clerk [ 1 IITI'.J amd adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South Sam Frameis¢o, this 19yh. day of M~reh,191?,by the fo]lowimg vote; Ayes, Trustees F.~.Cu~miagham, N.F. He~ly, G.W. Holstoa,Geo. H. Wcll~ee a~d J.H. Kelley. Noes, Trustees Nome. Abseat Trustees Nome. William J. Smith City Clerk Aa Ordiasnee e~titYed, "AN 0RDII~LNCE 0~~ THE CITY O~~ SOUTH SAN FR~-NCISCOIMPOSING A LICENSE TAX UPON PERSONS, FIRMS OR COR ORATIONS PURCK~SING,GATHERING OR COLLECTING R~GS? OLD IRON~~, BRAss, COPPER,ZINC, LEAD,AND OTHER ~iET~LS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO., w~s formally iatro- dueed by Trustee ~.F. Healy ~d laid over uatil the mext meetiag of the Board of Trustees,to come uo uader ~e regular order of busiaess. The followiag demaads against the City were preseated for paymemt the same haviag beem approve by the fia~aee Committee. Rosemblum & Abrahams two uaiforms for Police Dept. P~eifie Title zad lnsuramee Company eompi]iz.g re~l estate tr~msfers So. S.F, Wzter Compsny w~ter for Jail & ~ouat~ia ~. Wallaee speeia] Police duty Borroughs Addiag maehime Co~p~my 6rzolls of paper · . V~rai removing rubbish from City Hail B~nk of South S~n Fraa¢is¢o S~fety deposit box #26,~6 Wi~i~mFry l~bor on likrary groumds $?4.00 50. 2. 6. 1. 55 1. 6.50 16.25 137.10 Moved by Trustee Wallaee seeoaded by ~rustee He~ly that the City Clerk be imstrueted to subser~m for the Ssa ~eteo News for the purpose of obtaimimg real estate transfers therefrom. Carried Moved by Trustee seeomded by Trustee Holstom that the Board adJpura umtil Momday April 2,1917, to meet ~t #310 Limdem Avemue at 8' 0 Clock P.M. Carried Time of adJourmment 9' P.~. Respectfully submitted William J. Smith City Clerk