HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1921-11-07424 ~egular meeting of the t~oard of 'A'rustees ct' the ~ity of ~outh van ~rancisco held ~onday, ~ovember ?th,1921, at the ~ity aall. The ~oard was called to order st eight o~clock p.m. by Trustee ~.¥~.tiolston, President of the ~he ~oard. EOLL CALL. aoll call found all Trustees present,to-wit:- · '.~.ounningham, A.~.mschelbach,L.~.a~rdy ~r.,a. Scampini.~.w.aolston. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of Trustee ounninghsm seconded by ~rustee ~schelbach and regularly carried were approved. The ~rowers ~ice milling ~o asked the moard through the clerk to have their property assessment reduced on the groun$ that they handled no stock of their own during the present year. The ~lerk was instructed to notify them to pay the taxes under protest if they choosed, which would entitle them to take the matter up later. ~.Gianella formerly of the ~olden magle ~otel asked the ~oard through the clerk to reduce the assessment on his furniture, etc, which were removedfrom the hotel when the place closed and are now in storage, zhe clerk was instructed to notify him to pay the taxes and apply for a refund. A communication .was received from the ~ational Industrial ~eace and ~ducational Association inviting the ~oard to send a reoresentative to their meeting at ~acramento on the l~th and 16th of this month. ~ommunication ordered filed. A communication w~s received from the Bouth ~an ~'ranci@po ~ham~er_of ~pmmerce suggesting to~the.~oard~t~e advis~b~lity of compellinz property owners , by ora~nance,zo ~ame ma care om weeas snc re~use tna~ accumu±a~e on their propertY. After discussion it was decided to take favoaable action in the matter and accordingly ~ity attorney was instructed to draw up a resolution specifying a penalty for violation of the ~tate law in reference to the dumping of garbage, refuse,etc, on streets alleys and private property, aealth officer mc~overn was instructed to procure notices to be posted in conspicuous places warning the public against any violation of~the law in this regard, and to begin an active campaign to clean the city. A communication was received from the Peninsular ~Ureau of the ~hambers of oommerce, ~an mateo, asking the Ooard to make a request upon the ~outhern Pacific company to route its passenger trains to and from the interior of the Otate ~ia. zannbarton ~ridge and ~an mateo county. A motion was regularly carried endorsing the request and the clerk instructed to write the ~outhern ~acific ~ompany :n behalf of the ooaed of ~rustees of the city stating the ~oard endorses the project to route passenger trains to and from the interior of the ~tate through ~umbarton ~ridge and ~an mateo ~ounty. ~he clerk wes also instructed to reply to the communication of the feninsular ~ureau of ~hambers of ~ommerce ad- vising of action taken. might policeman a.mc~raw petitioned the ~oard for a raise of salary. ~he matter was laid over until e future meeting. ~hillio ~acchi made application for a soft drink license for the ~astilla aotel.on motion of ~rustee ~schelbach seconded by ~rustee asrdy the application was denied by the following vote, ~yes, Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelbach,L.G.Hardy Jr., H. Sc~mpini,G.W.Holston. Noes,None. Absent,'None. The application of 5am Curusis for a soft drink license to succeed Peter ourusis at ll3~ ~rand Ave. was referred to Gity Marshal oonrad. Poundmaster Hin~e submitted the nam~ of ~'rank ~odgers for the position of deputy pound- mcster ~o the ~oard for its approval. On motion regularly carried the appointment was approved. The reports of the fire Marshal, Health 0Pricer,city ~arshal,~lectrical lnspector,heoorder, Poundmaster, Treasurer and ~ity clerk were next read. The report of the ~ity ~lerk showed the followimg balances in the different funds;-Gen. ~'ung, Jl~l.78, Library :'und,~629.44,Sinking fund for sewers,~ $488.67,~'sct. Dist. Sewer ~nd,$~?90.Zg, "lglg"bonds,~340Z.BS,Str. Imp. Bonds, Ser."A $16.10,1~er."B'' $18.70,Ser"C" $7Z.7~, Ser. D,$48.$6, Ser."E",$16.86,Ser. "~", Owes gen fund ~l?Z.2S, Ser"G" $~4Z.~2. Total balance in all funds,~l~178.4§. On motion of Trustee Hardy seconded by Trustee Scampini and regularly carried the reports were accepted. The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee aardy;- EesolveG by the Board of Trustees of the city of South San ~'rancisco that a reward of fifty ($~0.00~ dollars be, and the same hereby is offered to any person who shall furnish lnfozmatio~ leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or Dersons who shall deposit any refuse rubbish, tin cans or garbage upon any public street, alley or other public place or upon any priv~te property,except upon such place as may be des ignated by s~id Board for the deposit of garbage or refu~. i hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the city of South San Francisco this ?th day of ~ovember, 1921,by the following vote;- Ayes,Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, A.J.Eschelb~ch, L.G.Hardy, Jr.,H.Scsmpini, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, ~one. Absent, Trustees, None. Trustee Cunningham introduced the following resolution;- Whereas the ~greement between South San ~rancisco L~nd and improvement oompany and Pacific coast Steel company for the conveyance to said Pacific coast Steel Company of the land hereinafter described provides that said Pacific coast Steel Company provide and m~int~in such a drainsge way through said premises as said South San ~'rancisco Land and Improvement oompany may reasonably require to care for and carry off surface waters to sn outlet on Swift avenue in the Gity of South San Francisco, to be designated by s~id South San Francisco Land and Improvement ~ompany: and Where~s said Pacific ooast Steel oompany desires to conduct the drainage of such surface waters alongthe westerly portion of Industrial way end across Swift Avenue to the junction thereof with said lndu~tria~ ~ay in said ~ity of ~outh San ~rancisco; Now, therefor, resolved by the Board of ~rustees of the ~ity of South San Francisco that said city og South San Francisco hereby grants to said Pacific ooast Steel Oomrany the privilege of constructing a drain along and through the westerly portion of Industrial ~ay,but at the cost and expense of said Pacific coast Steel company, and also the'privilege of constructing a culver~ across Swift Avenue at the Junctiom of said Swift Avenue with Industrial Way,which culvert shall connect with such dra~m in Industrial Way, provided that South San ~'rancisco Land and improvement Oompany will relinquish it~ right under the agreement hereinbefore mentioned to have such drainage of surface waters cmrried through the land hereinafter described, ~nd provided further that said Pacific Goast Stee 1 company shall save and hold said oity of ~outh ~an ~'rancisco free and hzrmless from ell liability for damages to the property herein described or any structure to be erected thereon by reason o~ diverting such drainage along Andustri~l ~ay. Such drain and culvert shall b~ constructed strictly in accordance with s~ch plans and specifications ss may be prepared by the city Engineer of said city and hereafter adopted by said ~oard of T~ustees and sh~ll be constructed under the supervision and tO the satisfaction of said city ~ngineer. The land hereinbefore referred to is situated in the city of South San Francisco,county of San ~ateo,~ ?tats of oalifornia, and particularly described as follows, to-wit:- Beginning at a point on the north side of Swift Avenue and which Doint is situated South Z3 degrees 30' west,1280 feet,thence North ~6 Degrees ~0' west,1808.6 feet, thence west 761.9 feet from a granite monument marked W.i~.S.S.L.I ~nd which granite monument is ~orth 69 degrees 37' ~ast 499~. feet from e granite monument set for the corner of sections 21,22, 2?, and 28 in Township Z South,mange ~ West, i~.D.B.& M.; running thence ~orth 10,2.8 feet;~Lence ~orth 14 degrees 29' east 6~ feet; thence South 37 degrees 47' West 1801.0 feet: thence South ~ North ~£ degrees 13' West 600 feet: thence 64.5 feet: thence mast 1549.2 feet to point of beginning; containing Z3.0S acres. ~e it further resolved by said ~oard of Trustees that said city'of South San Francisco inviting the ~oard to send a representative to their meeting at ~acramento on the 15th and 16th of this month, ~ommunication ordered filed. A communication w~s received from the South ~an ~'~anci@qo ~ham~er_o~ ~gmmerce suggesting to the ~oard the advisibility of compellin~ property owners , by oralnance,~o ~a~e ma care om weeas and refuse that accumulate on their propertY. After discussion it was decided to take favoaable action in the matter amd accordingly ~ity attorney was instructed to draw up a resolution specifying a penalty for violation of the ~tate law in reference to the dumping of garbage, refuse,ate, on streets , alleys and private property. ~ealth officer mc~overn was instructed to procure notices to be posted in conspicuous places warning the public against any violation of~the law in this regard, and to begin an active campaign to clean the city. A communication was received from the Peninsular ~ureau of the ~hambers of ~ommerce, ~an mateo, asking the ooard to make a request upon the ~outhern Pacific ~ompany to route its passenger trains to and from the interior of the orate ~ia. ~umbarton ~ridge and ~an marco ~ounty. A motion was regularly carried endorsing the request and the clerk instructed to write the ~outhern ~acific ~ompany Sn behalf of the ooaed of ~rustees of the ~ity stating the ooard endorses the project to route passenger trains to and from the interior of the ~tate through Annnbarton ~ridge and ~an mateo ~ounty. ~he clerk wes also instructed to reply to the communication of the Feninsular ~ureau of ~hambers of ~ommerce ad- vising of action taken, might policeman a.mc~raw petitioned the ~oard for a ra~e of salary. ~he matter was laid over until ~ future meeting. ~hillio ~acchi made application for a soft drink license for the ~astilla hotel.on motion of ~rustee ~schelbach seconded by ~rustee asrdy the application was denied by the following vote, ~2es, Trustees, F.A.Cunning~am, A.J.Eschelb~ch,L.G.Hardy Jr., H. Sc~mpini,G.W.Holston. ~oes,None. Absent,~None. The application of ~am Curusis for a soft drink license to succeed Peter ~urusis at llZ~ ~rand Ave. was referred to oity Marshal oonrad. Poundmaster ~in~e submitted the nam~ of ~'rank ~odgers for the position of deputy pound- mcster to the ~oard for its approval. On motion regularly carried the appointment was approved. The reports of the ~ire Marshal, Health 0fficer,oity ~arshal,~lectrical tnspector,hecorder, Poundmaster, Treasurer and ~ity olerk were next read. The report of the ~ity ~lerk snowed the following balances in the different funds;-Gen. Fung~Jl~X.78, Library :'u~d,~629.44,Binking fund for sewers,~ $488.67,~'sct. Dist. Sewer ~nd,$~790.~9, "lglg"bonds,~340Z.BS,Str. Imp. Bonds, Ser."A $16.10,1er."B" $1~.70,Ser"C" $7Z.7~, Ser. D,$48.$6, Ser."E",$16.86,Ser. "~", Owes gan fund ~l?Z.2Z, Ser"G" $~4Z.~2. Total balance in al2 funds,~l~l?8.4§. On motion of Trustee ~ardy seconded by Trustee Scampini and regularly carried the reports were accepted. The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee ~ardy:- ~esolveG by the Board of Trustees of the ~ity of South San ~'rancisco that a reward of ~ fifty ($~0.00) dollars be, and the same hereby is offered to any person who shall furnish info~matio~ leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or Dersons who shall deposit any re~uso rubbish, tin cans or garbage upon any public street, alley or other public place or upon any private property,except upon such place as may be des ignated by s~id ~oard for the deposit of garbage or re~u~. i hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Bo~rd of Trustees of the ~ity of South San Francisco this ?th day of ~ovember, 1921,by the following vote:- Ayes,Trustees, F.A.Cunningham, ~.J.Eschelbach, L.G.Hardy, Jr.,H.Scsmpini, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, ~one. Absent, Trustees, None. Trustee Cunningham introduced the following resolution;- Whereas the ~greement between South San ~rancisco L~nd and improvem~nt ~ompany and Pacific Coast ~teel company for the conveyance to said Pacific coast Steel Company of the land hereinafte~ described provides that said Pacific coast Steel Company provide and m~int~in such a drainzge way through said premises as said South San ~'rancisco Land and Improvement oompany may reasonably require to care for and carry off surface waters to sn outlet on Swift avenue in the City of South San Francisco, to be designated by s~id South San Francisco Land and Improvemznt oompany: and Whereas said. Pacific ~oast Steel oompany desires to conduct the drainage of such surface waters alongthe westerly portion of industrial way and across Swift Avenue to the junction thereof with said Industrial ~ay in said ~ity of South San ~rancisco; Now, therefor, resolved by the Board of ~rustees of the ~ity of South San ~'rancis~o that said ~ity og South San Francisco hereby grants to said Pacific ooast Steel Oomrany the privi2ege of constructing a drain along and through the westerly por~ion of Industrial ~ay,but at the cost and ~- ~ expense of said Pacific ooast Steel ~omp~ny, and also the privilege of constructing a culver~ across ~wift Avenue at the Junctiom of said Swift Avenue with Industrial Way,which culvert shall connect with such dra~m in Industrial Way, provided that South San ~'rancisco Land and improvement oomp~ny will relinquish ita right under the ~greement hereinbefore mentioned to have such drainage of surface waters carried through the land hereinafter described, ~nd provided further that said Pacific ~oast Stee 1, ~ oompsny shall save and hold said ~ity of ~outh ~an ~'rancisco free and h~rmless from all liability for damages to the property herein described or any structure to be erected thereon by reason o~ diverting such drainage along ~ndustri~l ~ay. Such drain and culvert shall b~ constructed strictly in accordance with such plans and specifications zs m~.y be prepared by the ~ity ~ngineer of said city and hereafter adopted by said Soard of T~ustees and shall be constructed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of. said oity ~ngineer. The land hereinbefore referred to is situated in the ~ity of South San Francisco,oounty of San ~ateo,~ ?t~te of oalifornia, and particularly described as follows, to-wit;- Beginning at a point on the north side of Swift Avenue and which point is situated South Z3 degrees 30' west,1280 feet,thence ~orth ~6 Degrees ~0' west,1800.6 feet, thence west 761.9 feet from ~ granite ~on~ent marked W.N.S.S.L.i. ~nd which granite monument is ~orth 69 degrees ~7' ~ast 499~.~ ~ feet from ~ granite monument set for the corner of sections 21,22, 27, and 28 in Township Z South,nange § West, ~.D.B.& M.; running thence ~orth 10,2.8 feet;~Lence ~orth 14 degrees 29' east 6B feet; thence ~orth ~£ degrees l~' West 600 feet; thence South 37 degrees 47' West 1801.0 feet: thence South ~' 64.~ feet: ~hence mast 1549.2 feet to point of beginning; containing Z3.0Z acres. ~e it further resolved by said ~oard of Trustees that said city of South San Francisco shzll reimburse said Pacific ~oast Steel ~ompany for the actual cos~ of construction of said culvert ~cross Swift Avenue after the expiration of twelve ~onths~12) from the date of the passage of the foregoing resolution, provided that such reimbursement can be legally made. ~e it further resolved by said Board of Trustees that the provisions of this resolution, in so far as they concern said ~ity of South San Francisco and said Pacific ooast Steel ~ompany only,shall be embodied in ~n agreement between said ~ity of ~outh San ~'rancisco and said Pacific coast ~teel company, and that the President o~ said Board of Trustees of said city and the ~ity Clerk be, and they hereby are authorized and direc in behalf of said ~ity and ~,~ in its coroorate name and under its corporate seal to e×ecute such agreement with said Pacific ~oast Steel Company. ± hwreby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the Board of ~rustees of the City of South San ~'rancisco this 7th d~y of ~ovember, 1921, by the following vote:- ~yes, Trustees, · · F.A.ounningham,A.J.~schelbach,L$.G.H~rdy Jr ,R.Scampini,G.W Holston. Noes, Trustees, ~one. Absent, Trustees, None. Attest, Dsniei ~cSweeney, city Clerk. Trustee ounningham introduced the following resolution;- Hesolvedby the Board of Trustees of the city of South San Francisco that the plans and specifications submitted by the City Engineer for the c~nstruction of a culvert under 5~ift Avenue at the Junction thereof with lndustria~ Way be, and the same hereby are adopted ss and for the plan and specifications for doing said work. i hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced and adopt by the Board of Trustees of the city of South ~an ~r~ncisco tLis 7th day of ~ovember, 1921, by the following vote:- Ayes, Trustees, ~'A'~unningham, A.J.~schelbaoh, L.G,~ardy ~r., ~.Sc~mpini, G.W.~olsto~. Attest, Daniel McSweeney, City clerk. The following claims aF~inst the city were next ~resented for payment: B.h. Truax account of hauling for fire dep't ~.Gal~i ~.~' ~ Account attending fire $ 2.~0 Otto Biseett" " ., ', $ 2,B0 W.R.Emerick " " " " ~ 2.h0 Louie ~ellone " " " $ 7,50 A.Johnson - ,, " ~;,' 2.50 ~.Mcbonald ,, - " ~ 2.50 A.Philli~s " " " ~ 7.50 ~o. city garage Gas ~o cycle Oct. %' 9.28 H.~c,raw 8 arrests Se~,t & Oct $ 10.00 So.city garage G~s f ire De~'t Oct ~nterprise Press ?rint~ng Billheads etc., $ ~4.20 c.~.~onrad Transporting and Feeding Prisoners ~ 18.BO ~ ': 15.00 W.~.Emerick Eent Buick car fire dep't 3 days Jss Carmody ~upplies c ~6.80 ~aaker ~ Eatto Bond of Eight ?oliceman L.McGraw ~ 10.00 A. Phi~lirs Labor on streets ¥ 18.00 Stan Orttz 9 days hauling water to treos Oct ~ 72.00 0ak-Cai Towel co towel service to nov 1 st ~ 1.52 ~o.S.F.Water Co hall and fountain Water Oct. ~ 5.25 cal ~unicipalities dues to ~ay 1922 ~ Z0.O0 League State of ual ~tate ~ompensation Ins uo ins ~ity ~mplo ees znterprise ~'oundry ~o 1 manhole frame ual. Stste Auto. Asso'n posts and signs p sc.~el & Tel ~o 6 Cit~ phones October standard 0il ~omDany L quid oloss Lazzari m Gagliani SupPlies ~.medeghini Sweeping ~t~eets October ~.A.uavassa Sure, plies Louis Hingue 2urrying 2 dead dogs P.austici cleaning fountain ~ept and October Superior French Laundry Wash ~ity mall Aug ~ept oct i.A.Strobridge ~enta] supplies ~icola ne Hemov garbage and dead dogsAug ~ept Oct u.A.~ricsson care of trees Oct ~294.60 12.00 11.20 21.15 5.73 2.55 ~200.00 28.62 2.00 2.00 3.55 7.25 ~ .oo 9.00 The bills having been approved by the finance committee Trustee cunningham moved they be paid, The motion was seconded by Trustee ~ardy and regularly carrie~. ~here being no further business before the Board~krustee uunningham moved ~o adjourn ~mtil ~hursday evening November 10th, 1921, at 7,30 p.m. ~he motion was seconded by Trustee ~schelb~ and regularly csrried. Time of adjournment 9,40.p.m. A~proved 'resident of '~ne ~oard of ~'rustees.