HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1921-12-12tlTVJ negul~rly adjourned meeting of the ~oard of ~rustees o~ the ~ity of ouuth ~an ~'rancisco held ~onday, ~ecember l~th,~921. The meeting was called to order by Trustee ~.~.Holston, President of the ~oard at 7 o~clo( noll ~all. noll call found the following Trustees present,to-wit;- ~.A,~unningham, A.~o~schelbach,n.~campini,~.W.Ho]ston. Absent, Trustees, ~: L.~.~ardy ~r. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of ~rustee ~unningham second, by Trustee ~schelbach znd regularly c~rried w~re approved, be m~ A communiaation was received from the ~ity of ~ast ~an ~iego advising that efforts will be~ Governor ~tephens znd the next session of the Stzte ~egislature to repeal section thirty-five of the motor Yehicle ,~ct on the ground that i~ is in comflict with section 16 of Article ~l of the ~onstitution on the same subject,~nd requesting ~he ~o~rd 'of ~rustees of this ~ity to co-operate to this end. The con~munication was ordered pl~cec on file. The ~outh ~8n ~'rancisco ~ater u,. wrote concerning the ~ond ~equirement for street rep~irs csking that the ooard allow them to continue ~ttending to the repairs as before ~nd ~greeing to make repairs with the least possible delay. ~he ~oard waivered the oond nequirement but stipul~te~ 'that ~0 cents per square foot of ground to be opened shoud be deposited on obtaining permit, and sameWOUld be refunded when ~he work is: inspected and accepted. ~he ooard's ~ttention w~s called to the condition of the alley b~ck of ~308 urand Avenue,ti property of ~rs. ~elia ,all~ce,whwre Flumber ~m. nickey hsd m~de ~ sewer opening. ~he $10.00 depo~ £or this sewer opening was declared forfeited by the ~oard on sccount of the inferior manner in which the reo8ir work was done, and the ulerk instructed ~o notify ~r. ~ickoy to appear before the ooard of ~rustees ~onday evening, ~ecember 19th$1to show c8use why his elumber's lioen~ .should not be revoked. The ulerk w~s instructed to write the eacific ~as ~ ~lectric ~o., calling their attention condition of their repair work ~t ~r8nd ~.venue and oan oruno noad, and asking thct they take the matter up ~s soon as convenient. ~he l~id over application of the oouth uity eool hall for a permit to ma~e 81terstions to the front of their store by raising the glass work several feet higher,ate.was t8ken uS.. moved b2 ~ustee ~schelb~ch seconded by 'A'rustee ~unninghsm. that the permit be granted on condition tnab ~ne fire ordin~,nce be ~riatly complied with by resting the window frame upon concrete or brick. uarried. James ~.~c~onsld applied for a redund of ,?.20, taxes paid by him, on account of the ~old~ ~xem~tion ~w.~ranted. ~am uurusis 8~peared before the oosrd regarding his application for a soft drink license ll2 ~rand ~venue. 'zhis license is in the name of ~is brother, eeter uurusis. After discussion i~ decided to lay the matter over-until 8 future meeting. An ordinance entitled An ~E~inanom o£ ~ke ~ ~' ~z==o ~ ~.~.. uity of ~outh oan ~'rancisco,oroviding for regulating and licensing billi8rd parlors ~nd pool rooms in the uity of ~outh ~an ~'rancisc and repealing ~rdinsnce ~OZ entitled "~n ordinance of whe ~oard of wrustees of the uity of oouth ~an ~'rancisco regulating ~ublic pool and bill~ nooms in the uity of oouth ~sn ~'rancisco and imposing a license tax upon the business of uonducting the same¥ passed and adopted by the ooard of ~rustees on the 16th day of Apri3 1917, was formally introduced by ~rustee~sehelhach, hsd its first reading and was laid o~ to come up under the regular order of business ct the next regular meeting of the ~oard of ~ruste~ ~'he following claims agsins~ the ~ity were ne:.:t presented for payment:- ~ames ~.~c~onsld, ~efund of ~axes $ 7.20 ~ac.~as ~ ~lectric ~o.otreet ~ hall ~ght ~ rower ~17.90 ~c. ~e~ ~ ~e~ ~o ~oliceman's phone ~ov ~ 2.25 · ot~l ~Z27.Z5 .~he claims having been approved by the finance committee ,~rustee ~unningham moved they be p~id. ~hemotion was seconded by ~rustee ~schelbach ~nd regularly carried. ~here being no further business before the ~oard ~rustee ~c~mDini moved to adjour~ until the next regular ~eeting, ~ond~y, ~ecember 19th, 1921, ~t eight o'clock p.m. ~he motion ~v seconded by ~ru~tee ~schelbach and regularly carried, aims of ~djournment, 9 ~.m. zpprove~ eresident of the oozrd of ~'rus~ees =~espec tfu~' ~.~~~~/ilY submitted7,