HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1923-04-16 RegUla~ meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco held April 16t~,1~2~. The meeting'was called to orde~ by Trustee G.W.HolSto~,' PreSident~, of the Board, o' cl~ck p.m. -~ ~, .,. ROLL CAIn. Roll call foun~ the following Trustees present'.~ to-wit:- Trustee, A~-J.ES~helbac, h, J.W.Pitt, H.Sc~pimi, ~.~.Holstom. ' AbZem~.,,,TrUStee, ~.A..O~lngham. ':' ~ The mi~tes of ~he previous meettmg were re~d, and ppOn m~tiom of Tr~tee ~chelbach,'~':~ seconded by ~ru~ee Pitt ~d r~l~ly carried Wereapproved as rea~. A pe~itiem was received~ fr~ the relier mem~rs of the Fire Department, asking the ~oard for one day a week off. It Was dec~ded ~o take the matter'uo at the mext meeting of the BOar~J A'~e$~ieatiom w~s received'from ~eter Kav~augh s~ati~ that omc of thenew city li~s is concealed behind a tree ~ that if the tree Were'removed more light~:'wouldbe~added to the vicinity. meferred to the street committee. Replies wer~re~eived fr~m Senator.:~:~M.B.Job~son and~ssembl~an Fra~ L,Ecksward ia' ' response to t~ city'S request~advoca~ingtheir 's'~pport of ASsembly bill ~658, pertainimg to appro- priation for Fire'Boat service. Both' ~egislators a~eed'to give the ~as~e their most earnest comsi~- atiom. .... A co~icatiom was received ~om Jas. B. Singleton, on behalf of the reaidemts of the High School Sub~ivisiom, aekimg the Bo~d's~support im securing the imStaliati°n of g~hat territory. The Clerk was imstrueted to write-the ~ comply at Redwood City, urgimg them to install gas service in this ~owing co~i~y,'statimg that many new houses have bees built in~ this section and that m~y~ more are now ~der co,se of constructiom. ~h~ clerk was also instructed to an~er the Singleton letter, showing the city's lmterest in the matter. The St. Michaelsl'LO~ge~of S0~th San ~r~cisco petitioned ~he Board to hold a p~ade, amd d~ce S~day, April 29th,19~. Grated. The Fraternal 0r~er Of Eagles~'madeapPlicatio~ for a p~rmit to hold a dance in Fraternal Saturday evening April 28~'next~. the $~e ~o last ~til 2 a.m, Gr~ted~ A co~icatton to D.S. ~right from the Y~ig~' Club comeerzing the acqUisitiom of ~iformsand a club room for .the or~nizatiom was submitted to the Board ~y Mayor~Holston for eomsidera~: The clerk was instructed to address a c~ication t0~-~t'~ CI~ asking them to send a 'deligate to the next meeting of the Board'~f'.Trustees to e~lain theirpUrpose and requirememts. Helen G.Clausem, re~resemti~g the Women's Club ~of SoUth S~ ~'r~eisco, made applicatiom in behalf of the Associatibn for a permit to hold a ~treet ~air' on'the afternoon and evening of Friday, ~ey 4th next. Grated. : '~ application t0 construct a concrete building Was received from J.'J.Je~ings, for the location,lots 21 ~d 22, block 140, The aPPlication was accompanied by'Rlans ~d specificatioms, Pe~it grated. ApPlications for soft dri~ licenses were received from Job~ Venturi, Richard '~rder, and ~enry Sc~pimi and Grated by the followimg vote,- Ayes, Trustees, A.J.Esche~lbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampimi, G.W.Holston. Noes, Trustees, None. Absemt,'Trustees, ~.A.C~ingh~. ., - .~a~lidations for s~dri~ licenses of Jo~ ~eli0 ~d the J~iper Avenue Groce~~ store were laid over ~til the next meeting for investigation of s~eties.. The M~ch report of achool~nurse Be E.Michels was next read and ~cepted. Health 0~icer McGovern'rePorted a bre~ in the sewer in the alle~ of block 119. Referre~ to the street co~ittee. The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Eschelbach;- Whereas there are now pemding in the State Legislature certain measures providing for the development of the peninsular and the creation of a district or districts to accomplish that end; and Whereas Senator M.B.Johnson and Assemblymam F.L,Ecksward have asked this Board of Trustees for an expression of its opinion on these measures; and Whereas it appears that ~enate Bill No. AA? is the particular measure whose Passage is at present being urged, a~d it further appears to this Board that said bill is detrimental to the beet imterests of the City of outh San ~rancisco and the Coumty of an~ateo at large, and that said bill should be vigorously opposed by ali who have the welfare of th~s community ~amd of San ~ateo at he art; Therefore resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South Sam Framcisco that this Board disapproves of said Senate ~Bill No. AA? and hereby requests Senator M.B.JOhnson amd ~ssemblymam F.Z.Ecksward to vigorously oopose said bill e~d to use all honorable means tO accomplish its de£eat. Be it further resolved that this Noard of Trustees favors the development of the peninsula~and port development in particular. But this Board believes that, before enacting any law creating a district and providing for the asses~men~ of the land therein, there should be a careful study and survey of the physical conditions, wi~h an estimate of the cost of the project or oroJects. To this end, this Board hereby endorses and recommends the passage of bill $888, provided that this bill first be amended so that the survey contemplated by said bill shall embrace the whole of the Bay Shore in'San Mateo County. When said bill shall heve been so amended, this~Board requests said ~enator and ~ Assemblyman to vigorously support the same and to use all honorable means to accomplish its passage. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0.52 IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION 0F HIGH STREET IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. The following resolution of intention was introduced by Trustee Sca~im~ Resolved by the Board of Trustees o~ the City of South Sam ~ramcisco,a municipal corpora~cn in the County of San Marco, State of California, that public in~erest and convenience require and that it is the intentiom of said Board of True'tees to order the following street work to be done im said city, to-wit;- That High ~treet, for the full length thereof, as showm upon that certain map entitled "Map of High School Park Addition, South San Francisco," which map was filed in the office of the County Retarder of the County of San Mateo,Cali~ornia,Mayl?,lgl?, ia BOok 10 of Maps at pages lB and.16, be vacated amd closed up in whole. That it is n~ecessary to take any land therefor. That the following described district of land is hereby declar~ to be the district affected ~a~d benefitted by said work ama to be assessed to pay the costa and expenses thereof and that said district is ~situated in the City of South Sam Francisco. County of San Mateo, State of California, amd the exterior bc~arfes~therecf are particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit;- The Clerk was instrusted tO write-the gas company at Redwood City, urging them to install gas service in this growing communiSy,'stating that many new houses have been built in~ this section and that many more are now under course of construction. The clerk was also instructed to answer the Singleton letter,, showing the city's interest in the matter. The St. Michaels Lodge'of South San ~rancisco petitioned ~he Board to hold a parade, and dance Sunday, April 29th,1923. Granted. The Fraternal Order Of Eagles~'made application for a pbrmit to hold a dance in Fraternal Saturday evening April 28;next~. the same to last until 2 a.m. Granted. A communication'to D.S. Wright from the Y~igan'Club concerning the acquisition of ~ uniforms and a club room for .the organization was submitted to the Board by Mayor'Holston for consideraii The clerk was instructed to address a communication toe, the Club asking theTM to send a'deligate to the next meeting of the Board0f.Trustees to exlv. lain theirPurpose and requirements. Helen G.Clausen. reDresenti~g the Women's Club of South San ~'rancisco, made application in behalf of the Associatibn for a permit to hold a ~treet ~air' on'the afternoon and evening of Friday, May 4th next..Granted. ~ Au application tO construct a concrete building Was received from J~J.Jennings, for the location,lots 21 and 22, block 140, The application was accompanied by'plans and specifications, permit graut~d. ~'~ ApPlications for soft drink licenses were received from John~Venturi, Richard Harder,~ : and ~enry Scampini and Granted by the following vote,- Ayes, Trustees, A.J.,Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt, H.Scampimi, G.W.Holston. Noes. Trustees, None. i ~ Absent.~'Tr~stees, ~.A.Cunaingham. · *~ She~applidattons for s~ft~, drink licenses of John Aseli9 and the Juniper Avenue Grocex~'~ store were laid over umtil the next meeting for investigation of sureties. The March report of school.nurse Be E.Michels was next read and accepted. Health Officer McGoverm'reported a break in the sewer in the alle~ of block 119. Referred to the street committee. The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Eschelbach;- Whereas there are now pending in the State Legislature certain measures providing for the development of the peninsular and the creation of a district or districts to accomplish that end; and Whereas Senator M.B.Job-eon and Assemblyman P.L.Ecksward have asked this Board of Trustees for an expression of its opinion on th~ee measures; and Whereas' it appears that 'enate Bill No. 44? is the particular measure whose passage is at present being urged, and it further appears to this Board that said bill is detrimental to the beet interests of the City of ~outh San ~rancisco and the County of an a arco at large, and that said bill should be vigorously opposed by ali who have the welfare of th~s community .and of San ~ateo at he art; Therefore resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that this Board disapproves o~ said Senate 'Bill No. 44? and hereby requests Senator M.B.Johnson and ~ssemblyman F.Z.Ecksward to vigorously oopose said bill and to use all honorable means tO accomplish its defeat. Be it further resolved that this Hoard of Trustees favors the development of the peninsula~and port development in particular. But this Board believes that, before enacting any law creating a district and providing for the assessmen$ of the land therein, there should be a careful study and survey of the physical conditions, wizh an estimate of the cost of the project or projects. To this end, this Board hereby endorses eBd recommends the passage of bill $6B8, provided that this bill first be amended so that the survey contemplated by said bill shall embrace the whole of the Bay Shore in San Mateo County. When said bill shall heve bee~ so amended, this Board requests said Senator and ~. 1 Assemblyman to vigorously support the same and to use all honorable means to accomplish its passage. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0.52 IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF HIGH STREET IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. The following resolution of intention was introduced by Trustee Sca~imi Resolved by the Board of Trustees o~ the City of South San ~rancisco,a municipal corporat~Acn in the County of San Marco, State of California, that public interest and convenience require and that it is the intentiom cf said Board of Truz~tees to order the following street work to be done in maid city, to-wit;- That High ~treet, for the full length thereof, as shown upon tha~ certain map entitled "Map of High School Park Addition, South San ~rancisco," which map was filed in the office of the County Recerder of the County of San Mateo,Cali~ornia,Mayl?,lSl?, ia Book 10 of Maps at pages lB and.16, be vacated and closed up in whole. That it is nnnecessary to take amy land therefor. That the following described district of land is hereby declar&d to be the district affected and benefitted by said work an& to be assessed to pay the costa and expenses thereof and that said district is Situated in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, the exterior boundarfes.thereof are particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit;- Begimnimg at anoint formed by the intersection of the westerly line of Spruce Avenue with the southerly line of High Street,~as shown upon said map; thence westerly along the southerly line of ~'2t~eet to the westerly termination thereof; thence at right angles northerlyone hundred feet (10~ thence at right angles easterly to,~the westerly line of Spruce Avenue;~thenee southwesterly along the w~"terly line oflSpruce Avenue to the intersection thereof with the north line of High Street; thence southerly across High Stress to the point of begizming. Ai~ of the herein proposed work shall be done in PursUance Of an act of the Legislature of the State of alifornia entitled "A~ Act to provide for laying out, opening, ,extending, widening, straightening or"closing up, in whOle,or,in part, an ~treet, square, lane, at!ey, cotter,or place withI municipalities,and to condemn and'aCquire any andal~ land and ~rope~t2 necessary or convenient for th. purpose",~ approved March 6,1885,~ · and. the several acts amendAtor~,Jt~ereo~~ . or supplemental, thereto. The Street SuPerimtendemt is hereby directed to cause to he comspicuousl2,?$sted along t line of said~cont,mplated work or.~improvement no~ices,~of the~passage off,this resol~tiom ia the maama~ amd form reqUired.by l~w, .Said Street, suPe~iatemdent, is .likewise directed also to cause a notice ~i~ilar in substance to be published by,~oUr~ (4) SucceSsive insertions lm "The Emterprise", aweekly ~ii~wSpaper printed, published and circulated ia saiA ~it~ ~.~ icl South Sam ilFranciSco,~,and,hereby desigm ~bY 'said BOar~ e£ Trustees as th~'~'newspaper in which said Street Superin~ndemt's no~iqe Sf publicati of this resolution shall be ~published.1 I hereby certify that the foregoimg resolutionwas regularly imtro~uce$ and adoptsd by,t~ ~B0z~.rd of TruStees of the 0ity of South San Framcisco thi~ 16th .day ?$ April. 1923 by thr following ye ~ .... Ayes, Trustees. A.J.Eschelbach, J.W.Pitt. H.Seampini, G .HolStom.' Noes, Trustees, None. .f~,~ Absent, Trustees, ~.A. Cu~ninghamj ..~, ,~ ,. Attest; ~a~iel M~Sween~y, . City Clerk -.?,,..-. The following claims against, the city. were:next,,p~esent~dforpa~yment;- A,J.~Detective Agency, extra police service, April, ~98'85 ~ '~ Stamd~!'Oil Co. Fuel 0il s. .oZ icle mblici y Ad · .. Se.e .00 . S'P.Compamy, Lease' Audits ~.. ,. .,~. $.,~,0~ Emterprise ~blishing Co . Prim.ti~ ~; $ 50.2B , Baden Cash Store Supplies ,. - Pacific Gas &,Electric Co Light'& POwer Mar~h ~ Pacific Tel &'Tel Co city phones ~arCh ~ 26.00 The bills havimg been audited, by, the .fimamce committee Trustee Pitt mo~ed ~hey be ~aid. ~he motion was seconded ~by Truste8 Soampimi and regularly Carried, There bei~g'mo further bus,mess before the Board TruStee EScheibach moved to adjourn umtil Monday,, April 23rd,1923, at 7;30 o'clock p.m, The motiom was eec.ended by ~rustee Pitt and regularly c Time of adjournment, 9.lB o'clock p.m ' President of the Board Of Trustees. . ' City ~le~k