HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1925-04-27REGULARLY ADJ0dRNED EEETING OF THE BoARD OF TRUSTEES O~ THE CITY OF' SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0,NELD NONDAY APRIL 27TH, 1925. A regularly adjourned meeting of the BOard of Trustees o£ the City o£ Sout~ san Francisco was held in the City H~ll ~ionday evening APril 27th,1925. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock ~.m. by Trustee H.F.McNellis, President of the board. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all trustees present, tp-wit;- · Trustees, C.Blank,F.A.Cunnin~ham, ^.J.Eschelbach, H,McOaffrey, H.F.~cNellis.Minutes of the ious meetings were read.and ~pproved.AI~.~Pplication~forlpe~it~to~build~a~shed g~rage the all.ey in the rear of ~452 Grand Avenue was received from Pete Bernard. Re~erred to the Buil8 Inspector. Complaint having been received that a. deep hole exists,in the pavement near Uchelli's, the clerk was instructed to write to Uchelli ~ud request that.repairs be made at once. City attorney Davis informed the board that the legal standing o£ ~he South San FrancisCo Journal is now satisfactory to him, ~nd that the board may safely have leg~.t documents printed or advertised therein. The paper is o~ficially known as The South San Francisco Journal and the South San Francisco News. ORDINANCE $1~6. An 'ordinance ~ntitled "EN 0RDIh~ANCE ESTABLISHING FIRE LII~ITS,REG~LATIi~G THE C01i2TRUCTION, ALT~Ti0N ~D REPAI~ 0F B~ILDIi~GS, THE ~DISPOSAL~ 0F RUBBISH ~D THE ST0~GE 0F GASOLINE ~D 0TH~ PRODUCTS 0F PETROLE~, IN THE CITY OF SOUTH S~J F~CISCO ~D P~CCRIBING THE PEEALTY FOR VI0~TI OF SAID.0RD1N~CE; ~D REP~LING 0EDiN~CE ~ll2 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FF~NCISC0", had i~s seco reading'~ wgs p~.ssed. 8~-a~d~ed a~n ordinance of the City of Sou~h San Francisco by the fol! Ayes; Truste~.~s, Bla~,C~ninghan~,kschelbach, ~!cCsfi'rey, l~icNellis. .. Noes, Trustees, none. ' Abseht, Trustees ,none. Attest, Daniel EcSweeney City Cle~ - An ordinance entitled "AN 0!~DINANCE ESTABLiS~I~G ii~DUSTiiIAL, BUSIi~SS AND ~ESIDkl~TIAL DI2TRiCTS OR ZONES I~ T~ CITY 0F SU~TH SAN F~~CO AND ~P~ESSLY R~Lil~G ORDINANCE ~117 ~ OF T~ CITY 0~ SOUTH SAN F~NCISCO "had its ~0~reading a~ ~s ~~and ~do~e~~ an ~ ordinance of the City o~ South S~ Fr~cisco by the following vote;- ~'~ ~, z~¥,~'' ~'~ /~'~ Ayes, Trustees, Blank, C~ingham Eschelbach, ~cCaffrey~, I,IcNe!l%s. ~¢~-, ~-~ ~¢~ ..... -..~,' ~', Absent, Trustees, none. City Clerk 0RDII~ANCE ~lZS. An ordinance entitled" AN. 02-.DiEAi~CE j~iEi~DING SECT10i~ THHE~:~ (~) AND SEOTi0N SEVEN (7) OF 3RDINANCE I~ULJLBERED ll8 OF ThE CITY 0F S0~TR SAN F~NCIPC0 ENtITLED'AN ORDINANCE 0F THE CITY 0F S0~H ~AN ~NOI.~C0 C~Ii~ THE 0~i'i'OE 0~ ,.UILDI~~PEO.0R, PRESCEIBIi4G HIS DUTIES AND P%OVlDi ~0E ~ ISSUANCE 0~ B~iLDIi, G~ PE~IIT~..'had it~ s~d~6 ~eading and wa~pa, oe~d ja~'~d~%~.an~ ordinance of the 0ity of ~outh San Francisco by the following -vOte;- '4~'''' ~' ..~'~,~o Ayes, Trustees, Blank, C~ningh~, Eschelbach, ~cCaffrey, }~cNel]is. Noes, Trustees ,none. Absent, iru~tees, None. Attest Daniel ~dcSweeney, City Clerk. .RESOLdTION ACCEPTING PARE SITE~. A resolution accepting the park sites was introduced by Trustee ~cCaf£rey. After consider~b discussion and sev~raI changes ~he resolution was adopted by ~he'following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, Blank, Cunn~ngham, Eschelbach, EcCaf£rmy, ~icNellis. Noes', 2rustees,none. Absent, Trustees, none. ~(ecorded in Book o£ Resolutions, Vol.2 at page ~9. At,est Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk RESOLOTIOE ATCEPTii;G T~E ~.EAS~NT OF APPROACHES TO TWEI~TY ACRE. PARE. A resolution accepting the e~sement of the!~approaches to the twenty acre park was introduce by TruStee Blank, and adopted by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, Blank,Cunningham Eschelbach, ~cC.af£rey, ~cNellis. Noes, Trustees, none. . Absent, Trustees, None. Recorded in ~ook of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page #~l Attest Daniel I~cSweeney City Clerk RA~;OLUTtOIt HE~ATIVA TO P~3BLIC PAHE. A resolution of intention by the city to improve the par~ land being ~cquired,£or park purposes, and particularlythe twenty acre tract located in the the district known as the Nillows, by the expenditure of money at an early date toward this improvement, was introduced by Trustee Eschelbach and ~dopted by the following vote;- of the alley in the rear o£ 345£ Grand Avenue was received fro~ Pete Bernard. EeIerred to the ~ Inspector. Complaint having been received that a deep hole exists,in the pavement near ~Jchelli's, clerk was instructed to write to Uchelli and request that.repairs be made st once. City attorney Davis informed the board that the legal standing o£ ~he South San Francis Journal is now satisfactory to him, ~nd that the board may safely have legsl documents, printe or advertised therein. The paper is officially known as The South San Francisco Journal and South San Francisco News. 0RDI NCE 136. An 'ordinance ~ntitled "~N 0HDINANCE ESTABLI2iiliIG FliiE LII~ITS,REGJLATII~G THE COE~TRUCTi0~ ALTh~Ti0N ~D REPAI~ 0F B~tLDIi~GS, THE ~DISPOSAL· OF RUBBISH ~D THE ST0~GE 0F GASOLINE ~D PP;0D~CTS 0F PETROLE~, IN THE CITY 0F SOUTE S~ F~CISC0 ~D Pi~6CRIBIi~G THE PEEALTY FOR OF SAID.0RD1N~CE; ~D REP~LING 0RDIN~CE ~112 OF THE CITY OF S0dTH SAN F%~NOlSOO", had its reading'~ was passed, s~ a. dop~e~ a~--an ordinence of the City of South San Francisco by the v~e: - Ayes; Truste=.~s, Blank,O~ni~ghan~,kschelbach, McCsffrey, ~..~cNellis. Noes, T~stees, none. Abseht, Trustees,none. Attest, Daniel ~cSweeney Cit~ Clerk ORDINANCE ~ IZ7,(HE-ZOEING) An ordinance entitled "AIG 0i~DINANCE ESTABLiSHi~G ii~DUSTi{IAL, BUSIi~ESS AND P~ESIDEi~TIAL Di[~Ti~iCTS OP. ZONES I1~ THE CITY 0F SOJTH SAN F~~2co AND ~P~E~SLY RHP~Lii~G OHDINANCE ~117 OF THA CITY 0~ SOUTH SAN F~NCISC0 "had its ~~reading a~ vJas ~,~and sdop~e~, an J~ ordinance of the City of South S~ Fr~cisco, by the following vote;- ~:~ ~5 z~j.~ ~ ,~-~ Ayes, Trustees, Blsnk, C~ingham Eschelbach, McCaffrey~, McNe!l~s. ~'~., '-~ "~'~ ''''/~. ~' ..~/ Noes, ErncSees, none ~ ~ 1~ Absent, Trustees, none. City clerk An ordinance entitled" AN 0kDii~Ai:CE A~EliDING SECTiOi~ THH~ti~ (3) AND SECTi0N SEVEN (7) OF ORDINANCE NGLIBERED ll8 OF' ThE CITY 0F S0~T~ SAN F:-~NCIfJC0 ENtITLED'AN 0iiDINANCE 0F THE CITY 0F SOGTH SAN F~NCISC0 CR~TIi~G THE 0F~i'CE 0F BUII,DI~,.~PECTOE, PRESCRIBIBG HIS DJTIES AND P[10VI~ FOR T~ ISS'JANCE 0F B~iLDIi~G PE~[ITS' ",had its s~c~ ~eading and ordinance of the ~ity of South San Francisco by the following .vo~e,- ~ , McNe!!is. Ayes, Trustees, Blank, C~ningham, ~chelb~ch, ~cCaffrey Noes, Trustees ,none. Absent, iru~tees, None. Attest Daniel idcSweeney, City Clerk. .RESOL~TION ACCEPTING PARE SITE2. A resolution accepting the park sites was introduced by Trustee McCaf£rey. After consider~ discussion, and several changes the resolution was adopted by the'following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, Blank, Ctmn~mgham, Eschelbach, ~cCaffrey, M6Nellis. Noes' Trustees,none. Absent, Trustees, none. tiecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2 at page Attest Daniel EcSweeney City Clerk RESOLOTIOI~ A~CLPTILG T~iE ~i~AS~m, iEI~T OF APPROACHES TO T~Ei,~TY ACRE, PARE. A resolution accepting the easement o~ the approaches to the twenty acre park was introduc~ by TruStee Blank, and adopted by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees, Blank,Cunningham Eschelbach, McCaffrey, McNellis. Noes, Trustees, none. . Absent, Trustees, None. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page #,l Attest Daniel ~icSweene~ City Clerk HE~:0LOTIOit HEL~TIVE TO PUBLIC PARE. A resolution of intention by the city to improve the par~ land being ~cquired,for park purposes, and particularlythe twenty acre tract located in the the district known as the Willows, by the expenditure of money at an early date toward this improvement, was introduced by Trustee Eschelbach and adopteG by the following vote;- Ayes, Trustees,Blank,Cunningham, Mc*affrey, Eschelbach, McNellis. Noes, Trustees, none. Absent,Trustees,no~e.Recorded in boob o£ resolutions vol 2~a~ pa~~ 164 RESOLUTION ORDERING PAYS, LENT 0N CERTAIN PARK S I TES. A resolution ordering a warrant drawn in the Sum of $2000, initial payment to the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company on the purchase of 4.8 acres in Paradise Valley and 3.3 acres north of Acacia & Eucalyptus Avenues, for parx purposes, was introduced by Trustee Cunningham and adopted by thc following vote:- Ayes, Trustees, Blank,Cunningham Eschelbach,~cCaffrey, ~cNellis. Noes,trustees, none. Absent, Trustees, none. ~{ecorded in Book of resolutions, vol.2, at page 43. Attest Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk The following Claims against the city were next presented Per payment;- Frank Robinson Fumigating material $ S.00 So,S.F.Ohamber of Commerce.Illuminations, Tanforan,Mission Rd.& Linden Avenue February, Narch and April Moise-Xlinkner Co ~ehicle licenses Frank Robinson loo drinking cups B.Farrell, typing ordinances, city attorney Pac. Tel & Tel Co Officer Bianchini's phone The Enterprise,Printing He-zoning notices Total i90 O0 12!68 2.00 50 The claJ_ms having been audited by the finance committeee Trustee Cunningham moved they be paid. ~'he motion was seconded by ~rustee Eschelbach and regularly carried· There being no further business before the board Trustee Cunningham moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, ~onday evening May 4th.192~ at 7;~0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eschelbach~ and regularlYcarried. Time of Adjournment 9.00 o'clock p.m. President of the ~ard of Trustees. Respect~i'ully submit~ed~