HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1926-03-0120,2 REGUI&R MEETING CF THE BOARD 0F TRU?TL']~S OF THE CITY 0F ~0UTH ?AN FRi~NCI~C0 H~LD MONYAY, ~,iARCH 1ST lC~6 The re?utar~ meetin~ of the Board of Trustees of l..e'~ City of £outh San rancmsco was held in the City Hal! Monday evening, ~.,larch tst,!926. The meetinM was called to order at 7,oO o'cloc]: p.m. by Trustee H.F.McNe]lis, President of the Board· ROLL CALL. Roll ca]l found all trustees pre,-ant, to-wit;- Tru~~tees, Blank, Cunningham, Eschelbach, LcCaf=rey, Moire!lis. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and there being no er:ors or omissions were approved as read. Societa Lombard2 three, gu Secretary J.B~na!anz~- asked permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hal!, ~vat~rday evening A~ril 10th, next the ~am~ to continua unti] ~ a. m. Permit granted. Contrs~tor Borba made complain8 to the bo~rd that certain ?arties are dragging stumps in the streets and carrying dirt thereon. The matter u~as referred to the City Idarshal! for investigation. Application was made by the Western Meat Com.'~any for a [~ermit to construct an addition to their boiler ro~m, estimated cost. ~i6, 000.00. Blue prints accompanied the application. Permit gr snt e d. A communication w~s received from the Diet,end Jubilee Co~nittee stating' that ~1~0 was still du.e for pa~nent on the float. After discussion J.t wg? decided that while the c. ity girl not owe the committee anything, having paid its share in the first pa~tent, the city was willing to denote half the bill, ~65.!3. and the clerk was instructed to make out check for this amom~t. Notice of a special meeting of the League off California ~.hmicipslities to be held in Zresno Idarch 6th,2926,to consider, etc, wha~ action should be taken in relatio'~ to the pro?o~:ed telephone rates, was received, and delegste~ invited to attend. The board ap?oihted City Attorney Scampini a dele~ate, A commune, cation was receive5 by trustee I~cOaffrey from t):e Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, stating that the~ill arrange at once to repave the street openings made under tke permit issued by the board January 7th,1926, and under the Supervision of Superintendent of Streets, Geor~ze A.Kneose, and break pavement back six inches on both sides of the trenches,, and lay concrete two inches deeper than the original paving. Communicatio~ filed. Ira H.Potter, ~resident of the Bank of South San Francisco made application to the board for s permit to instal2 an electrical tubular chime ~?ock y. ~m on the Ban~ of South San ~ ~ .'s . ..... ~ ranc:_, c o Though parrot?sion was not necessary for x~ork of this character the board heartily endorsed the project. A communict:tion was received!,~tresJdent H.F.!icNel?is from The ~re~, dent of the National Italian World War Veteran Association, ~king i)~e g:~od o~'~'' .... ~.ces om the city in endorsing a resolution to the Secretary of Sta~e~nd our ,.~enator~~ at Washington advoc~ting the amendment of the Immisration Laws to permit the landin~ of Italian America~ Sdldiers who fouffhz in the American arruy during the' World War. Accordingly Trustee t.,~cCaffrey introduced a re?o]ution to this effect. The res~!ution?was seconded by ~r~lotee c.,aw~m~b~:~ ~'nd ........... ~ ...... carried unanimously. Recorded in Book of 2eso!utions, Vol 2, at pa~e 79. . This' being the date set for the hearing of any protests that might be lodged against t:~e acceptance bY the board of tim work done u~'~der Resolution of Intention ~54, contractor G.W.Cushi~g. :, President Lc~e~]is asked ~f there were any y. ersons present who wished to object to the work or any writden protests a~inst the same. There being ::o objections to the acceptance of the v,:ork Trustee McCaffrey introduced s resolution of acceptance· The re?olution v;a~ seconded by Trustee Cunnir:gham and . ~.~.~cordeu in Book of Resolution~~, Vo!.2, ~.t pa.ge vg. · regularly carried ~ Ci~7¢ :mginoer ~eerfTe ~:.z.n.es'o a,~ea'red ba~ot.'.v th~= bo' rd sn~~ ~'.tated the ?roce,~din~s for the repair of But]er 2oad '~ere not yet ready to pls~e befforo the bo~:rd.. City AttorneT, r tcamvini was re,-,uested b7 l;_e bo~rd to comr,,tnicate wisk !ir. 'good off the Edw~rds Wire Co. ~' , their 2an Francisco re?r,:~sentative in re,tv, rd to waste chemicals pa~:sing thro~.~:n the cia'-~_ev~er pipes ~n their vzcinity, and re':uest '~ ~.:a~ the nu sauce be abated cia- 1,[arsh~n Ch~: E.~torek made re~;uest v,~n the b,mrd flor the ~ur~hase off tv~o sawed off ' shot ~ms for the use of tho ollce for~_e in ca~e off riots, etc. He w~:s requested Zo ffurnish prices off the same. ~.e stated ,.he price is ~46.O0. each. tie was instructed to ~,urchase two. City z/tto~-~tPo'~iav;aite'_~;,, of ihe CJt,~ of ~',~:,~ Bruno a~-~e~.red .... be~ore th,'~ Board in r.~-~oe~- -~'~'.~e to a re~u~t 'to furnish aorta data concerning .the municipal' ov?n~rship of the water works. ~n the City off San Bruno. He stkted the the water worlzs wa? .~-'ayi~<" the. ~ity off ~,-'~..: Bruno wait. ~s' to the best method to raise t~,e necessary ~oney to ?~r~:na,~e a v~ater system, he stated it ~o~d be done by ~ 25 ~ ~- ~ wi bondi~= camacity of t~-,e city, or by t. e !901 or !bl5 s lot ~ ~se~s~:~ent .:~et~o~ Shout affecting ~ne ~.~ acts. Affter discus:sion it va~b'cJ, ded vo y,a].ce a roposition on the ballot at the ne::t election ~skin~ the general r, ublic iff th.ay ~/re desirous ~ 'n" -',-~' ~ . ben if sati~'' _ .o. ..~rc~.s,~n. the local water" sys~ , .~c!.ory . ,~..~C~.~rey ~ntroduc~d a resolution arran~enents can be made and the ~ico suitable Adcordin=iy trustee ~,~ -~ ffavorint[ pIac~ng the ~uestion on the bali. et at the n~::ct re~[ular meeting. The resolution was seconded by Trustee Cunnin~ham and adopted unanimous~- _ .~ . _~y b>-~ t]~e board, i~ecorded in Book off Resolutions Vol_ ~, at page 80. The cRerk was instr~.cted ~rocure infformation,, data etc ffrom ihe vario~s munici~a!ities owning their own water works for !he benefit of the Iota2 voter~ .... ' ~ - ~.m .~o h~ve t~.e same distributed in a general manner so that al. 2 ~.itizens and ?re? rty owners ~:an fully unc~erstand the problem of r:unicima2 ownersh.i',~.. He was' ~.,l~ owed_ to ex-end *he'umw. of~'~100 in ob'tai~:in~ and distributin~ ..... '~e desired Jnfor~:ati ~ ~ In the matter of the it?rovenent of 'he Civic Oenter the o~inion of the board was that a t~x .'~tev~,hputd be made in sccordinsnce with ]aw ~rovidJng for a levy of 3o cents p~r h~mdred dot]ars on assessmen~of %he city, which would mrovide approximately ~?!5,000. Accordingly Truftee Eschelbach introduced an ordinance entitled "AN Of(DINANCE PROVIDING FOR I'HE ozUz~.~In'' ....... :ION TO ~nE' ..... VOTLR? OF T~zE CITY 0F SOUTH SAR ~RANCISCO, A .F.C~ OBI~IOt~ AU~HO:~I~I~J~ ~z~ BO;.RD OF ....... ~r~.~:~,~ 0~~ THE CITY OF ~OU~',v~,~ ,.. ...... ~.'I,~ ?~C_ ,T0 IEVY A ~"~;'~'IAJ. PAX FOR z ~ Ik_ROVEL~tJT OF . , CIVIC CENTER OF O~ID CITY IN ACCORDil.IANCL iJI~;~ THE,: ' ~ T ~ '~ '~' ~ ~ .... ~:~ OF TfE ST~TE OF CALIFO~[IA ENTITLED "AI:~ Pz,OV_SIONS .OF' ~'~.~ C~R~AII, ACT OF ~:E LEGI~' ~ ~ .... ' PROVIDIN~ FOR ~a~ LEVY 0F A SPECIAl; TAX FOR ~" *'~ '"~' ~ ~'~ ~ ~.E0.PIC PUBLI0 tI4~':~OV~o WITHIN MUNIC' ~ ~', A~0PTED I',!ARCH 15TH,ia0!" STATS 1901 PAGE 2.0, which had its first reading, and was ~a d over to ca,.~ u~ under the re}ru!ar order of bu~ine~s si the ~' .... ~.-.~ ~ ~....~ re?ular, meotiu~. . ~ of the Bo~_.rd off Trustees. RESOLUTION ~tE'~ALD~I'~G ?iOLDING .~.~Nh'ICIPAL E.~ECzIOL. Trustee Cunningham introduu.:~d a re~'o]ution providing for holding ~ general mva~icipa] e!eu! in the City of South San Frencisco on Monday, April 1Zth,i9Z6, dividint? %he city into two tonsil_ preconcts to be knowr; ~s "Consolidated Voting Precinct "A" and Con?olidaved Voting Precinct "B" respectively. Precinct "A" come, rises the distriut west of May. lc Avenue and Precinut "B" com"~ris the distr,.ct East of [~a:~e Avenue The election officers ~'oiec;ted for ~-e, "A" ~: ~ · ~.r,cinct r~,Ins~ector, ~d~,,erd ?hoehan,Judge, Caroline Ho!brook, C!.::r~:s~,w,~ ...... .... D~neri and Ella Whittmore. For Precinct "B" the follow'~no~ officer were selected, Inspector, Andrew ~oreu[~on, Judge Katie Foley,, Clerks, Rebecca Kay and ldary ~der The resolution was adopted by the 'ananimous vote of ~he board, to-wi~, Tru.~tees Blank,Cunninghs::., Eschelbach, L~cCaffrey, ~.IcNe]!is. Recorded in Book of Reso].utions, Vol. 2, at page 81. ,' The following c~ai~s ~zn, t 'the city ~;"re ne:ct resented for ~ ...... ~+.. Ray Quinlan Cleaning Hall $5.00 J. Murphy Lab or $2 7. O0 Frank Kelly Labor on Strets ~4.75 · Austin Woods Labor on Streets ~27'00 Hoyle Prin, Co. Advertising Orange Ave.Gr.$40'00 Hoyle Prin, ¢o. Priflting Noticeso£ Asst. Appliance Service Co. Fire Extinguthhers 870.00 The Enterprise Printing Notices oi~ Asst. $11.O0 The Gamewe!l Co. Keyguards & Fuses ~'.65 Metal&Thermit Co. Diamond Jubilee DonationT~6150'1~' Re~iance Garage 20 Gal of Gas Fi~e De~. ~ 4i00 Chss Storek Tri~,s to Redwood City 00. " Relis,nce Garage Repairing Mac~;ine Gas Etc ~5~ 00. Burroughs Ad k~achine Co. Maintensnce 6 Y, onth ~f~',~,~ ~5 55 Bender Moss Co. Suy.~lies, attorney, ~~ 00' B.H. Truax U~keep of Car Feb.26,~'926~1 00 So S.F.Co..Lum. Co. Materials. $171.49 Garbini & Vanucci 15 Gal of Gas ~ A. Carlisle & Co Post Binder Record Book 15 39 W.L. Hickey Rep. Sewers vl60 00 The claims having been a?proved by lho finance com,,~ittee Trustee ~,,~cCaffrey ,'~oved the be -~aid. The motion was seconded by trustee Blank and regularly carried. There being no further bu~ine~-s before: ~he board Tru,'?t~e Eschelbach moved to ur. til the next regu.~ar meeting. The motion wa~, .':'econc;ed by Tru~t.'e Cunningha:?. and regularly Time of adjournment, 9;~5 o'clock.p.m. Approved?resident of the Bos~d of Trustees P,e??e~.tfu]_~_y s:~bmitted~