HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1927-10-03REGUI~.R I?~ETING 0P ~uz~ C ~ TY C0~C±L 0P T:~E CITY 0F SOUTH~ ~^~' FPu'-~NCiSC0 OCTOBER The regular meeting of the City Council oi' the City el' So~th San Francisco was held in the City Hall LIonday evening, October Srd,1927. The meeting was calle:'~ to order at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. by Councilman A.J.Eschelbach, ~dayor oi~ Santh San Jrancisco. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit:- _ L{.',~[inucciani, R.Tibbetts and A.J Eschelbach Colmcilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, . . ~e minutes of the ?revouus m~,~eting were read. There bein,,t no errors or omissions Councilman ~2-nd~n?_~ moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman L'ii~ucciani and regularl~ carried. The committee of the Widows and Orphans Association of the San Francisco Fire Departmeut sent £~ tickets to the co~zucil for the firemen's ball on Uovember ~th,next. The ~. question~ of acceD' the tickets was laid over until the next meeting. Antone Veroni made application for permission to run a billiard table in the basement of his building, ~l? Linden Avenue. Referred to the Police Commission. The Southern Pacific ~om?any in a cor~munication to T~easurer E.Y.Kauffmann asked what steps city was taking in the matter of ordering stop signs ?lacedat Butler Road. On account of the absence City Attorney Coleberd the matter was laid over till a future meeting. In a communicat~ on to ~,~[ayor Eschelbach the S~rin,,~ Valley Water OomL~any notified She C~ ty oi' South San Francisco that it is desirous of having the city abandon the dum]~ ground on the com?sny's pro?~?erty. COuncilman Hynding stated that ~he u:ould secure a new d'am~ing ground for the city's use within thirty days. 'ihe clerk was instructed to so notify the water company. Regena Elena ,~'ircle" ~ ~7 U.A.O.D. of ,~o'~th San Yrancisco made a~i,plication for a ~?,ermit to hol~ dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evenin?~',~ October £2nd next.._ermm~ Engineer Klassen reported that about 1000 yards of dirt should be placed around the basebal[ grounds for protection against the winter floods L~ayor m~cnelbach stated dirt ~ould bo had cheap enough and reco:~mended thee work should be done. ~,iayor Esche lba~h called thecouncil~, attention to the heavy exy~enditure by the city in burn~ grass and putting out ~rass fires. It was stated that ordinanoes exit in some cities re~uiring property owners to remove ~rass ±'rom ~heir vacat lots. The clerk was instructed to v~rite the cities of Berkeley and Sacramento and re~,,uest co?les of such ondinances, the clerk was also instructe~ to ask the Chief of the Sacramento Fire Department ±'or a copy of the S'~ecifications and a blue print used in the construction of their Bm~galov.~ Fire House in Forth East Sacramento. Engineer X]a~sen w~s instructed -to ~,re~are plans end specifications for the extension to the I~[ission Road. Councilman H~mding as'ke~i 'the engineer's department for figures on resuri'acing [~wii't Avenue, Industrial Way, a ~ortl on of ~,~a~le Avenue and a ~'~ort~ion of Mili~er Avenue. He also made a report thal the additional fire equi?ment had arrived. Fire Chief Costa requeste,~ that stand ?~i-,~es be laced at ildber~'s factory and at Kunzie lime plant, to be installed by the water company. Councilman ]dynding recommended that the fire commil order the installation. Councilman Hynding recommended that the sign"South San Francisco" be placed on the E1 Ca~ino at Third Street in the Cmt~ el~ *ou~h San Francisco. Chief of Police Belloni was instructed to have the sign installed. The re?efts of the fire Ohief, Buildinf/ Inspector, Police 0hiei~,~nd bity Clerk for the m~nt~ ending ~.eptember GOth, were next read, and on motion regularly car,'led were accepted. The following claims a~gainst the city were then presented for payment;- etc. , Roy Taboada at~endin~ i'ires, $ 5.00 C .Emerson " " ~,15.00 Frank Arnold " " B.Hjerpe " " A.C. Johnson " " A.Maderos " " Jules ~"erre .~ " A. C onziani " " Thomas ~alli " " A. Sani " " Chas f~ an~s " " ~oe Bento " " L. Savares " " L~. Castro ,' ,, =.~alli " " 0 .Bissett ,~, y Jo e ~ ernardo ~ " A. Pinz i " " John Castro " " " " ki.] ~ .... ~'n~_, dogs " " haulin~ dirt A. Vannuc c i gas o line Goodyear Rubber Co. belts etc The Enterprise notice of a~vard Service Garage,e gasoline Geo.A.Eneese civic center blue print A?Car!isle a Co street laws H.£campini gasoline police Oept Carried ~ 14.50 2.50 l?.OO ':!!~ 2 . 50 ~12.50 2. o 7. o ~,~ · 00. ~!)1~ .00 ~, .50 :- 5 00' {'14.50 ',~10. O0 ~12.50 v 3.00 :,i9 20- o 6 48 ~ 3.56- ¥ 4.78 4.20 266.20 294 Claims continued' amt.,~ ' ",'~. ', , carrlea V260.20 Chas Bollazzi materials '~olice dept ~48.25 Moise-Klinkner Co !~olice bad~es , ~ ~ 18.08 So.S.F.Water Company Ball fountain & hydrant ,::~:ter £eDt~:235.58 Galland Mercantile Laundry Service September ~.~ 5 00 repairs & ?[~soline pol dept ~! 55i27 cl~anini,: j~il etc Sbptember rs~ 5i00 Food & ~rans~.:~ortatioh of prisone 14 55 reT:airs to motor cycle ~ 16 95 Fred J.Lautze George i~[ills Louis Belloni Dudley Perkins Flink'~ ~er. Station D. V. Sullivan L. Ryan Frank GOuld Joe Dancak A!~pliance Service Co Pac.States Con. Co., La i,~ar' s Garage Chas .X.Elder The Derby Club H. S c amp ini gasoline -~ elite de:'t clerical labor !~-bor on Sevm,:ers 'i~hite Coats, Fire Chief ?aving m~ terial gaeoline, fire dept ~ 24.75 ~ 24.75 ~i' 28.50 39. O0 ',: ,~ 67.57 le~erln,~:~ city truck '~ 5 00 refreshments, clearing ba~l gasoline, fire deT',t ',, 2 52 Total ~882 40 The claims having been audite8 by the finance committee, Councilman Tibbetts moved they be Taid as aud.~ted. The motion was seconde~ by Co~mcilr:an ,.Hyndi~g and regularRy carried. T~ere bein~ no further business Councilman Lloyd move',:~ to adjourn until the ne:.:t regular meeting. Ti:e metier, wa'~ s~-~conded by Counc::,.lma::~ H~u~di:,,~ and regularly carried. Time of adjourn~ent 9;05 o'clock--.m. AF, prove ~ayDr of South San ~'ranciseo Res?.ectfu?ly submite~, //City Clerk~/~ ~