HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1928-06-25 PJ~GULAR MLETING OF TiM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH S~I~ F~ii~Ci~C0, H~D MOND~Y, ~ JUNE, ~th, 19~8. A regularly ~dj~ned meeting of the city cocci] of the City of South Can F~ncisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, J~e S~thmlg~8. The meeting was called ~o order at ?;30 o'clock p.m. by co'~cilman A.J.Eschelbach, ~ayor of South S~ Francisco. ROLL CA~. Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. The minutes of 'the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or. omissions Councilman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regula] carried. Soft drink licenses were granted as follows;- Arias & Garcia, G.P~lligrini,John Casada, Ermel~ ~rani,Russoo Brothers,& Sylvestri,A.Genovesi, Viette & Thatcher, Peninsula Drug Company,Colombo an~ Tapella, G.Diaz, Philip Treglia, Joe Smelt, Guiseppe Beroni, Joseph Manini, Baloupolos & Gillepses, Henry-Bertoldi,Stephan Borzano, G.Marssaglia, Silvio Duboisi, Luigi Berganacchi, Marschio Blandini and Son, Vani & Guffanti, J.Tacchi, E.Galli, Jennings Pharmacy,Mrs. Tina Retsch, 0.Cortesi, Stanley Fischer,Mrs. Helen 0' Conner , Millbrae Dairy~Frank Scarrone,C.T.Conuolly,Piggly Wi~gly,F.W.Robinson George Acosta,. The following pool room licenses were granted;-Arias & Garcia,C.T.Connolly, E.Galli A.Genovesio, Colombo & Tapella,,J.V.Ron, G.Diaz, and Stanley & Fischer. Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution naming the alleys of the city, as follows;- The alley between Railroad Avenue and Commercial Avenue is named First Lane; the alley between Commercial Avenue and Baden Avenue is named Second Lane;- the alley between Baden Avenue and Grand. Avenue is named Third Lane;- the alley between Grand Avenu~ ~nd M~ler Avenue is named Fourth Lane,- The first alley north of Miller A~emue is named Tamarack Lane; the alley between Lux Avenue and California Avenue is named Sixth Lane; the alley between California ~venue and Pine Avenme is named Seventh Lane: the alley between Pine Avenue and Aspen Avenue is named Eighth I~ne; the alley rum;ing in an easterlyairec~ion from Linden Avenue between Juniper Avenue and Armour Avenue is named Ninth Lane; the alley extending northerly from Juniper Avenue to Armour Avenue is named Cedar ~laoe; the alley between Linden Avenue and 01iee Avenue is named Hickory Place; and the alley between Olive Avenue and N~ple..Avenue is named Hawthorne Place. The resolution was adoptedby the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council; to-wi~ Ayes, Councilmen, A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R,Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol ~, at page 209 Attest, Daniel MoSweenep, City Clerk. On motion by Councilman Hynding, seconded by Councilman Lloyd, the sum of $50 was voted the Sa~ Francisco Bulletin for the purpose of advertising South San Francisco, Councilman Lloyd stated a stop sign was badly needed at Third~Street and.l~the~F~'-:Camino Real, and the ordinance, should be amended, to include that point and others~ bf equ~l~impc~t~neee The board agreed the change stiould be made. ~ ' ' ..... On reoommendation of Cour~cilman Hynding the Reichardt Duck Farm was permitted to connect with the city fire alarm system, on condition the installation cost is borne by the company, and under the supervision of the fire chief and engineer. The city clerk was instructed to so inform the Duck Comp~ Concerning the operation of a fruit stand on the State Highway, Baden, City Attorney C~leberd stated an inJuncti.on would be undertaken or an arrest made in the .case in the near future. The matter of insurance on the new fire house was brought ~o the attention of the council. It w~ decided to insure the premises for 90~ of the value until such time as the underwriters make a new survey of the city. The clerk was instructed to Write E.R.Anthoney, Superintendent for the Southern Pacific Railroa Company requesting that immediate attention be given the repair of the Junction of Grand and Swift between their tracks, and the widening of their roadbed at that point. The clerk was also instructed write the Health Officer requesting his attention to the unsanitary condition of the Southern Pacific i~nd along the. railroad tracks, cans and other nuisances being s~rew along the same. B.J.Rodondi appeared before the council and csked that repairs be made to the street, and curb at l~agnolia and ~alm Avenues, where some damage h~d been done by trucks. Mayor Eschelbach stated he a~ Councilman Tibbetts would call upon R.O.Stickle with referencet to t~'~e matter. With regard to time claims for labor~ayor ~schelbach sta~ed ~ll foremen would be required to furnish the dates of the days of work on all claims by workmen in the future. The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;- · iomeer Gibson Express Co. Oaliforala State Auto Assn. 4~ 2aymenm New Fire House Final p~yment Oon~. New Fire House Weed Cleaning ~abor 8n Streets Rep. Street8 ana Machine Freigh~ ~r aisle Bu~onm 570.00 24. ?6 24. ?b 4.50- l~.bO 24.?~, ~14.00 lqrrani,RUSsoo BrOth~']&::~-'~i~e~t~i;l,;-Ge~.~ves~:, Vi~tte~& ;haecher. ~eninsula~Drug'~mp~Y'Co~mbo~ Tapella, G.Diaz, Philip Treglia. Joe Smeit, Guiseppe Beroni, Joseph Martini, Baloupolo8 & Gillepses Henry-Bertoldi.Stephan Borzano, G.liarssaglia, Silvio Duboisi, Luigi Berga~acchi, Marschio Blandini and Son. Vani & Guffanti, J.Tacchi, E.Galli, Jennings Pharmacy,fJrs. Tins Retsch, 0.Cortesi, Stanl Fischer,Mrs. Helen 0' Conner , Millbrae Dairy~rank Scarrone,C.T.Connolly. Yiggly Wi~gly,~.W.Robins George Acosta,. The following pool room licenses were granted;-Arias & Garcia,C.T.Connolly, E.Gal A.Genovesio, Colombo & ;apella,,J.V.Ron, G.Diaz, and Stanley & Fischer. Councilman ~inucciani introduced a r~solution n~ming the alleys of the city, as follows;- The alley between Railroad Avenue and Commercial Avenue is named First Lane; the alley betwe Commercial Avenue and Baden Avenue is named Second Lane;- the alley between Baden Avenue ~nd Grand. Avenue is named Third Lane:- the alley between Grand Avenue, and M~ler Avenue is named Fourth Lane, The first alley north of Miller A;emue is named Tamarack Lane; t~e alley between Lux Avenue and Californi~ Avenue is named Sixth Lane; the alley between California ~venue and ~ine Avenae is named Seventh Lane: the alley between Pine ~venue and Aspen Avenue is named Eighth I~ne; the alley rum~i in an easter~yairection fro~ Linden Avenue b~tween Juniper Aven~e and Armour Avenue is named ~int Lane; the alley extending northerly from Juniper Avenue to Armour Avenue is named Cedar ~lace; th alley between Linden Avenue and 01iwe Avenue is named Hickory 21ace; and the alley between Olive Avenue and ttaple~,Avenue is named Hawthorne Place. The resolution was a~opted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council; to- Ayes, Councilmen. A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, M.Minu~ciani, R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelb~ch. ~oes. Councilmen, ~one. Absent. Councilmen, ~one. R~corded in Book of Resolutions, Vol 2. at page 209 Attest, Daniel MoSweene2, City Clerk. On motion by Councilman Hynding. seconded by Councilman Lloyd, the sum of $50 was voted the ~rancisco Bulletin for the purpose of advertising South San ~raucisco, Councilman Lloyd st~,ted a stop sign was badly needed at Third\Street and_~the~E~'~Camino Real, and the ordinance should be amended to include that point and others'bf equdl-imp~rSgn~e. The board agreed the change should be made. On reoommendation of Councilman Hynding the Reichardt Duck Farm was permitted to connect wit ~he city fire alarm system, on condition the installation cost is 'borne by the company, and under t supervision o~ the fire chief and engineer. The city clerk was instructed to so inform the Duck Co Concerning the operation of a fruit stand on the State Highway, Baden, City Attorney C~leberd stated an injunction would be undertaken or an arrest made in the case in the near future. The matter of insurance on the new fire house was brought ~o the attention of ~he council. It decided to insure the premises for 90~ of the value until such time as the underwriters make a new survey of the city. The clerk was instructed to Write E.R.Anthoney, Superintendent for the Southern Pacific Railr Company requesting that immediate attention be given the repair of the Junction of Grand and Swift between their tracks, and the widening of their roadbed at that point. The clerk was also instruct write the Health Officer requesting his attention to the unsanitary condition of the Southern Paci~ lan~ along the. railroad tracks, cans and other nuisances being s~rew along the same. B.J.Rodondi appeared before the council and asked that repairs be made to the street, and cur at l~gnolia and ~alm Avenues, where some damage had been done by trucks, M~yor Eschelbach stated he Councilman Tibbetts would call upon R.C..Stickle with referencet to ti'~e matter. With regard to time claims for labor aayor aschelbach sta~ed all foremen would be required to furnish the dates of the days of work on all claims by workmen in the future, The following claims against the city were next presented for payment;- A. Zangranao ,~ 2aymenm New Plre Rouse R. C, S~lcl~Xe ~lnal pmymen~ Cons. N~ Pire House Ro~er~ C~bell ~ee~ Cleaning ~~ Anderson " " M, Car~ero " Ben Gonza2es " Me A. Bo~ba " G. Pe~roee~i " " T. ~be " " R, ~ge " " G. Ho~berg " " ~o~ S. Grai~do , u ~. Lovl " " $. B~anoini , w Z. ~e~ , u O' N~ " " ~. ~~ ~bor ~n S~ree~, ~. ~e~ Rep. Stree~, ~a ~chi~e ~eigh$ ~eee V~ves, E~. Pioneer Gibson Express Co. Oalifomia Brats Auto Assn. Gru~ell Co. Fe~eraX ~l~e & ~upply Co. $2,090.00 570.00 24.?5 ' 24,?~ l~.bO 2*.?5 4,50' 24.75- la.bO 24.75. 2~.7b. 24.?~ ~4.?$/ 114.00 2.5~ ~4.00 78.2i 352 OA~, line Oont~nue~: Onarles K, Fleer Bank o~ 8ouch 5an Francisco l~o/relB'. ~lectr~c Co. ~e~. 2~o~~ · ~oneer GSbs~ ~s, Co, Wes~e~ ~i~ ~ 8~eel Co. ~eo~ A,~ ~eeae 80u~h S. F, ~6 & Imp, Co, O~e Bros, ~he ~prile ~e~ T~e ~erprime. ~ese U~vereal' TooX · ~act~i~ Co, ?ain~ingSign Real~h Dept, Ren~ - ~reasurmrs BooX Material ~ire Alarm Station ~2pXng Paper Freigh$ Ma~eriai - s~ree~ Dept. Clerical L~bor CuA~er~e Fire Rouse ~rade. 4t~ pa2men$ ~o Dir~ to Ba~ ~k Bi~- ~olioe Dept. ~~g Res. ~, ~60 - Del, List- Or~,~14~ ~ln~lng Letters Hea~, e~e, ~elght 1 ~n Re~s~er TO~L .............. 2o6~. o,oq $ ?,410.55 The claims having been audited by the finance Committee Councilman Lloyd moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbe~ts and regularly carried. There being no further busLuess before the meeting Councilm~n Hynding moved to adjourn until the nex$ regular meeting, Monday, July. 2nd,1928, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded Dy Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;05 p.~, Respectfully submitted, C~y Cler~:.~ Approved~~' ~N~fOr of South San Francisco.