HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1929-09-16i~.egu!ar mneting of th~ cit~ c~vncil of the City of South 6an Francisco, held in the City H...~ll, ¥onday, ~;ei~tember 16th,19~t~. The regular meeting of the cit~ council of the City of South San Francisco was held in th C it,~ Hall, ~'.onasy e~ening, September 16th,1929. The meeting was called to order at ?;FO o'clocL ~.~. b~~ covncilman A.J.Eschelbach, l~isyor of South Oan Francisco. ~OLL C AT~L. iioll call found tlc following members of the counci] present, to-wit;- Councilman, A.h~ynding, i~.Lloyd, n. Tibbetts, A.J. Eschelbach. Absent, Councilman, ~/.i,.~inucciani. ~he minutes of t~e previous m eting were read. meferring to the section of the ~inutes in the matter of the comn~unicstion of the ~outh San ~vKancisco Chamber of Com~,erce requesting the cit~ to gi~e e~er~ p'~s~b!e consideration to the Enterprise ~'~u~dry in furnishing electroLiers T~or t~e cit~,c~unc~l~..~n h'nding reeuested that the w~r "the Los f.ngeles product" be eliminated. So ~raered and on motion by Councilman ~,~ .... n~ second~,d by councilman Lloyd the minutes were adopted as a~ended. D.W.:~,stto, secretary: of the ltslian American Athletic Club, requested' pern, issi,on in behalf of the organization to [~old a dance in ~,~etropolitan Hall, Satur~s~ e~e~ng, ~epte~ber [gth, next. Permission granted. L petition was receiwea from e number of gasoline ~ealers in the city requesting to the council to reffuse sn~ further permits for gas ~na oil ~er~'ice station, s or gas pumps within the c[t~~ limits, stating there iS a bare !iaing f~r those in tKe business at present. ~ttorne~ John F. Da' appeared for t~e petitioners~ and ssl:ed for post[outwent of action in i~auing s p~r~'it at this n~eetin~ Object.~on to postponment ~'~':s made b~: P. Santini. Po~t[~onment was grent~:d unt'~l the next meeting, ~a~' EscLelbach state, nS applicants for building permits, compl~in~ ~.~ith the city ordinances c~uld not be refused. A co~smunicstion ~,~'as r, cei~ed from ~.~.Ant~oney, Superintendent o~' t~e ~outhern Paci~ic, ~tating it would be a se~'~ous mistake to pave o~er Swif~ Avenue where ~t crosses the ~o~thern Pacifi. Company's tracks ~.~ithout the crossing frogs being removed where the ~fark,~t Street Eeil~'a~ crosses over the traces of the ~outhern Pacific. ~fr AntLoney stated also that his coFpsn~~ is ready to ~ave their share as soon as the ~fsrket Street Rsil~s~,- n'o~e the~r tracks out of the area to be paved. The council requested czt~ attorney Col~berd to endaa~or to Katie t[:~ m~'~tter settl~a between th~ compsnie; Charles 5tuernma~ applied for permission to move his Armour Motel southerly to lots E1 and same block. He was instructed to vrocur~ plans arid confer With the building Inspector and ~:~pear the ~ext meeting wit? the o!ans. f: rep!g.' was receired from A.H.=~ ~'~' oade~ of Sa~ Jose in referent~ to s~. assessment on ~_~is lot ~eden for the w.idening of Third ~tr~et. ~'e stated he is agreeable to tie assessment. ~c~no~edg~ent wes received from t~':e bouthern Pacific Consan~ .o~ the cit~ 's letter them of tlc broken fence on Esi!road Za-e~,ue, ~t~ thanks. A petition ~:as receia'ed fro~~ the ~snufacturers Association of South San Francisco asking the c~ty to give cor~sideration to local maunfacturers of electro!i, ers ~'or South oan Frar~cisco, and ~or an~' other equipment required, and produced bj local ~snuf~cturers. Accepted and filed. The offic~t cs!l of t~:e Thirty-ffirs~ armual convention off ti~e League of California ~unicip~ was received, requesting as :~an~~ cit~ officials to attend as can spa~,~ the time. I,~s~or ~schelbach esi all city off~cis!s t~ attend who v'ished to go. The ap,~licction of Eugenio Lo~bardt for s soft ~rink licenso at ~, Di~ision otreet was gra~ The report of the c!t~, nurse f~r the month of Auf~.,st -~as recni~e~ and accel, ted. A resolution authorizing tKe city to e~ter into sn agreement :"itl the ~outhern Pacific for the constr'uction and maintenance of a st~rm ?~ate? s~,er and a sanitary sewer across t~e right of of the Ba~; Shore Branch off the 5outLern ~acific (:omya~y, was introduced b~ councilmanL!o~-d and w~as adopted b~- the following vote; "~ ~ Tihbetts, A.f ~ ~ · · · No~~, Counoilmen, ~on~. Absent, Cou~ci!m~n, ~.~(inucciani. Attest, Daniel Cit~ Cler~ kecorde~ in Boo~, of kes~olutions, ¥o!.2 at pa~e 257. A resolution fixing the tax rate for the fiscal [,ear 19£9-133~ for the cit~' was introduced by councilman Tibbetts. ~ rate of ~1.64 was aaopt*d for all the uropa~ty wit,.in the original corpora~ ~,oundaries and a rate of ~,1 60 on alt the oro~ertA,- c ~ntained ~,'itaiu t?e bounds~"ias of the land snne] to the city by the special election held ~."srch 13,1916. The resolution ,~'as adopted by the %otc of si the me~bers of the council, present, to-wit;- Ayes, Counci!m~n, ~..]~n~ng,k. Lloyd ~ Tibbetts, A..~ ~~'~ Noes, Councilmen, l~one. Absent, Councilman, l.~.~.finucciani. Attest. D~nie! ~fc~weeney ~ : '~'i ~ Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at ~age lB8. Cou. ncilmar~, ~ymd]r,g stat~d the electro!tars c,ontemplated for use in the city would be concrete and gra~nite hollow spun poles. _ayo~ ~sckelbach stated the ba!lpla~ers as_~-_ed to have the ball grounds put into condition for ~inter use. (ouncilman Tibbetts-'ss requested to ascertain the cost of the impro~ment. The clerk ~"'as instructed to ~,'rite tho ~?acific U~s & Electric Compan~ ant~ requost that lighl and gas ~:e extended ,on ~pruce A~'enue to the present ter~,inus r~orthwar~ to Lot 12 in block 10. Also t~ write the South 5an Francis~ Land ~ I~p. Co. ~n0. Peck L Co., asking~ a~,s~stance in securing the exten,, The clerk as_~:ed for extra help r~a~:ing up tax bills and [~lOS~al nar~ notices for the coming tax season. ~rante~ two extra assistants for a peri ~m Claims in the ~r~-ount ,of ,:1£i9.69 were ~-resentea to t, e council. Had'ins been audited by th find'ncc con',mittee councilman Llo$~d mo~ed the~,' b~ paid. he 's~oti3n uss seconded bj Councilman ?ibbett end regularly' carried. I~!. Belli and Ser~ce garage 7, ouis ~,~ieri Chas ~.Elder N .¥~edeghini Ben Conzales C. ¥~. Br own J. F i g o~Je Patrick & Company re,fair police car repairing tires gasoline painting sign sweepin~ streets attenmin~ fires vasLing hall wiudo'~s tax rate stamos ~, 1~.15 ,~. 15.50 ~ ~. 00 ~' 42. ?~ ~ 4,0 50 ,. 15.00 ? ~. 10 Enterprise ~oundry in furnishing electrol~ers for ti e city,councilman h~nding requested that the words "the Los Angeles product" be eliminated, So ordered and on m~t~on by Councilman ~ynd~ng seconded by councilman Llos~d the minutes were adOpted es amended. D.W.:;stto, secretar~ of the !tslian American Athletic Club, requested' pern, ission in behalf of the organization to hold a dance in ~,'~etropolitan Hall, Saturday, e~-er:ing, ~eptember ~ath, next. Permission granted. ~ petition was rece~%~ea from ~ number of gasoline medlars in the city requesting to the council to refuse an~ further permits for ~as sum oil sera'ice stations or gas pumps within the city limits, stating there is a bare l~%~ng for those ~n the busines~ at present. ~ttornej' John F.Davi~ appeared for the pet[tioners~ and asked for postponed-ant of action in i~suing a p,'~r~'it at this meeting. Objection to postponment ~?~'~s made by P. Santini. Post?onment was grent~d unt'~l the next meeting~ ~a$~or Esckelbach stating applicants for building permits, completing wit~'~ the city oreinances could not be refused. k communication ~as r,~cei%~ed from E.R.Anthone~, Su~erintendert o*' the ~outhern Pacific, stating it would be a se~'ious mistake to pave owner Swift A~'enue where ~t crosses the ~,outhern Pacific Company's tracks vqthout the cr)ssing frogs being removed where the ~Jarket Street ~ail'-a~ crosses over the tracks of the bouthern Pacific. ~fr Anthoney stated also that h~s company is read~ to pave their share ss soon as the }~srket btreet R~ilwsy mote their tr~cks out of the area to be ~sved. The council requested city attorney Coleberd to endea%or to Lave the m~tter settloa between the companies. Chsries Stuernman applied for permission to move his Armour Hotel southerly to lots El and E: same block. He was instructed to ~rocur~ plans and confer ~ith the building Inspector and a~pear st the next meeting with the olans. H.~, oades of sa~ Jose in refere~co to sn assessment on his lot ii A rep!~' wes received from A. ~ ~ '~ Baden for the w~dening of Third Street. Ye stated he is agreeable to t~ e assessment. Acknowledgment was received from tae Oouthern Pacific ComFan~ of t~e cit~"'s letter not~f~,'iug them of the broken fence on iqailroad Z%~enue~ wit~ thanks. A petition was recei%~ed from the Ifsnufacturers Association of South San Francisco asking the c~ty to give consideration to !coal maunfscturers of electro!Lets for South can Francisco, and als ~or an2~ other equipment required, and produced bj~ local manufacturers. Accepted and filed. The office! cs!l of t~'~e Thirty-first a'nnual convention of the League of California ~unicipal was received, requesting as ~an$? cit$ officials to attend as c~n sparo the time..L~ajor mschelbach aske all cit5-' officis!s t~ attend who wished to go. The ap~lication of Eugenic Lombardi for ~ soft drink license at 5~ Di%~ision btreet was grant The re~ort of the cit~,~ nurse for the month of August ~¥as recai%~ed and acce~ted. k resolution authorizing the citu to enter into sn agreement r~tk the ~outhern Pacific Compa for the construction and maintenance of a storm w~ter s~wer and a sanitary sewer across t~e right of w of the Bay Shore Branch of the Southern Pacific Compan$~, was introduced bj councilmanL!oyd and was adopted b~- the following vote; A~es, Councilmen k.H~nding, k. Lloyd, a. Tibbetts, ~.~.Escnelbsch. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Counci!msn, ~'.Minucciani. Attest, Daniel ~,~coweene~~ C~t~ Clerk Recorde~ in Book of kesolutions, %~o!.E at page E57. A resolution fixing the tax rate for the fiscal ~,~ear 1929-13Z~ for the cit$' was introduced by councilman Tibbetts. ' rate of $1.64 was aaopt~,a for all the K, roparty wit!.in the original corporat~ boundaries, and a rate of ~l.6O on all the propert$' c~ntained w~thin the bounda'~'ies of the land annex~ to the city by the special election held ~?srch 13,1916. The resolution ,~as adopted by the %ore of ali the members of the council present, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilman, A.Y~'nding,R.Llo~?d, R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschalb~ch. Noes, Councilmen, l~one. Absent, Councilman, ~,~.~finucciani. Attest. D~,nie!_Ifcbweeney Cit~ Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ~o1.~, at rage Councilman ~y~d~r~g stat~d the electro!lets contemplated for use in the city would be concrete and granite hollow spun poles. ~-,ayo~ .;schelbach stated the b~llpla~-ers ss.~-_ed to h,~_~ve the ball grounds put into condition for winter use. (iouncilman Tibbetts -'ss requested to ascertain the cost of the impro~-~ment. The clerk ~"as instructed to ~,',rite the facific ~s & Electric Company' and requast that light and gas ~e extended on bpruce A%'enue to the present terminus northward to lot 12 in block 10. Also to write the South ban Prancis~) Land ~ Imp. Co. and peck [~ Co., asking a~sistance in securing the extens The clerk ssf. ed for extra help nakin6 v,p tax bills and [ios!.,al nar~ notices for the coming tax season. 'rantet~ two extra assistants for a peri~c~ of ap!roximatel Claims in the a~ount of J1£i9.69 were ~'resente~ to t, e council, iia~-ing been audited by finance committee councilmsn Lloyd mo~ed tk, e~~ be paid. :he motion ~,~as secondea b~' Councilman '£ibbett~ and regularl~ carried. l~.!.Belli and coHpany 5er~'ice garage Louis Eieri Chas ~i.Elder N.Eedeghini ~en Conzales C. W. Brown J. Figone Patrick & Company San l[ateo Co.T~t!e Company '~eo. A.Kneese re.fair police car repairing tires gasoline painting sign sweeping, streets attending fires v, asLing hall windowers tax rate stamps ~ail~ :i.E.Re~ort s clenching wee~s lf'15 15.50 &. 00 15.00 £o.oo 3.10 1.50 £76.38 I 422 Disbnrse~ents continued-; ~acific Tel & Tel Co p,h~ne serx'ice ~ 31.74 Lrndt's dept 5tore calico ~.~ .48 Ban~: of South San Francisco rent safety, box ~ 3.50 Pacific Cas & Electric. Co. serx~ice August ~606.7[: Total ~t1219.69 There being no further business before the meeting councilman ii~nai~Jg moxed to adjourn. 'fhe motio~'~ wss seconded hy c~uncilman Tibbetts and regularlj carried. Time of .... · ~ejournment J,15 p.m. ApFroYed~ ~~ 5h~nFrancisco :~,espec t fu!ly tubmitted,