HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1929-12-02434 REGULAR ~EETING 0F THE CiTY C©b~'~C[IL 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN F±~ANCISC0 ~LD I!~ THE CITY PL~LL, 5~0I~AY, DE~F~ER 2nd,1929. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San francisco was held in the City Hall Eonday evening, December £nd, 1~9. The meeting was called to order at ?;Z© o'clock p.m. by councilman A.J.Eschglbach,}~layor of South San Francisco. ROLL CALL Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- Co~mcilmen,A.Hynding, R.Lloyd, I~!.~-~inucciani, R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions Councilman Tibbetts moved they be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by councilman Ninucciani an~[ regularly carried. A communication was received from ~tone Eilani, &16 ~iaple Avenue, complaining that dogs in the vicinity are scaring the children on the way to s~}~ool. It was inferred that the dogs belonged to Er. Bolleri. The clerk was instructed to write ~. Bolleri and request that the dogs be securely confin. ed or the city would be compelled to take charge of them. A comm~ication was received from ~'irs.0ar~i, E.Winterhalter calling the council's attention to the request of President Hoover that all public works be speeded up for the benefit of all the communities ~nterested, anti'asked the city council to ~o-operate by the commencement of public improvements in South San Francisco. ~yor ~schelbach and Councilman Hynding stated plans and speci- fica tions are now ~der way for the improver~mnt of the city parks, the building of a city swiping pool and street improvement work. City Treasurer Edward ?.Xauffmann ~sked the city co,oil for a leave of absence of six months from ~anuary 7th,19B0 the July 8th,1950, to visit fore~gn co,tries. Permission granted. The San Francisco Ch~ber of Commerce sent an invitation to the city councilmen requesting th, to attend a meeting in the Chambers of the Board of S~pervisors of San Francisco to assist in furth- ering the completion of ~the Bay ~hore Highway to San Jose. ~.~ayor ~schelbach invited all the~ members of the council to atten~who could spare the time. Th~ date set for the meeting was Tuesday,~ecember Sr~ 5rd, ne~t~ at three o'clock p.m. Communication orde'~ed filed. ~ application~ fo~~ the position of fire Ch3ef was received from H.Geister of Corte L!adera. Application ordered placed on file. The South San-Fr~cisco ~nd ~ Improvement Company requested that a light be placed on the alle~' at Laural and~ between °aden & Grand Avenues. The communication also stated there had been no light on the corner of Grand and Laurel A~:enues for one week..~eferre~ to the street committee ~ The 5hell 0il~ Company asked permission to install a gasoline pump fo:~ the ¥'?estern ~.,~etal ~anufacturing Company on~ Swift Avenue, for the use o~-~ the company only. Request granted, vmder t. he super~ision of the Fire Chief. i~:eply was receiv~.d from the South San Franc'sco Land & Improvement Company stating they are willing to stand tLe share of the e~pense of improvin~ Butler Road estimated by the city engineer. The '~ TM Edwards Comoany also replied to the c~ty's letter on the imorovement of Butler Roa~ statina~ they are willing to stand their share of tLe e~timate, ~200.00. Accepted and filed, The Crocker S~tate Company replied to tho -.~t~"s req~est to cut the branches and top the .~,uc~lyptus trees in Peckfs Lots where tkey have becom- a menace to tn~ residents on accou?t of falling limbs, etc, The company stated they would re~ove th~ trees enlirely. ?he c~erk was instructed to ~em for their action. write thanking ~-~ ~ ac..no.~edging the receipt of ~. communication was received fror; the Pacific Water Company ~ -'~ the city's chock for ~2000, and thanking the c~t~~ for the installment. The clerk was instructed to write the company stating the cit~? would pay an additional ~7200. in ~fay,1930, Nine requests_ for weed ref~ds were received from as many pr-petty owners in the city. Action deferred until a later meeting. Soft ~i~ and pool room licenses-were granted John ~::a~uccl~i,~2V Crand Avenue, and Joe. Fernandez, Y20 Grand Avenue. The reports of the mvmicipal judge, Chief of Police, and Building Inspector for the month of November were read and accepted. In tlc matter of a proposed swimning pool -~'or the ~ity of South San Francisco Co~cilman ~finucciani introduced a resolution authorizing the emy~loyment of Schary and Edwards as architects to prepare preliminary plans and estimates for such pool, fixing the compenmation for the service at six (~) per cent of the cost of the pool,provided the city shall vote in favor of the bond issue within sf~x months following the date of this resolution. The resolution was-adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit,- . ~,.~.~nucc~an~ R.Tibbetts, A.J.Eschelbach. ~es, Councilmen, A.P. ynding, A Lloyd, ~ ~' ~ ' ', l~oes, Co~cilmen, !~one. Absent, Co~cilmen, None. 'Attest Daniel L~c;~we eney City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at rage 26V. The ~acific Gas and Electric Company's proposition to install ornamental br~ket~street lighting along Swift Avenue at approximately ,~00 foo~ centers, making a total increase cos~ to the city of ~'~497.79 a~nually_~as consi(~ered and acce~ted, ~.nd the clerk~was instructed to wr~te-tl.e corn~an~ deleff~tio~ of residents of Peck's Lots al?~r:ared.._~ . ~,.,.'e::e ...:. c.~-:".~.? an~ made-complaint against the action of the telephone company in coverit'zg up or blocking their sedewalks along ~an Bruno Road, lea~in6 no passa[~e.way for children on their way to and from .schogl, making it dangerous for the chil~ren and other pedestriens to pass that sectizn. They requested_ that a sidewalk be constructed on Bay gl:ore [if'hway on the west sfrie from Armottr Are':";.o to 2eck's Lots, a sidewalk on Linden Avenue ffrom Armour Avenue to Ba~ ~hore Hi,sthway and the remo~:_~' of t:.e poles in ~eok's ~ots sidewalks. The removal of the poles will be taken up with the State H~ :_~hway 0o~aission, and the sidewalk problem was taken under ad~-isement b~ the council. Suggestion ~t~as n~ ~e that a school bus be engaged to cart3:' the children of Pe~k's Lots to and 'from school, until th~::: required improventents are made. 0!aims in the amo~t of ~232~.75 were next .~ esented for pa~:ment. The claims having been. audited by the finance ommitte councilman Einucciani moved they be paid..The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly,carried;- West Disinfecting Co, I drum disinfectant SuperiorSteam Laundry wash fire house $1 and 2 The Enterprise D. W. Ratto A. Carlisle & Co, The Seagrave Corporation N. ~edeghini Reininger & Co. G, E,' ~everton Ad. City Health Office Notice to taxpayers, etc. Bond of E. Farrell Ins, prem. fire & theft Index to assmt, roll Inv, F. 1298 10 days labor on streets 12 copper stencils renair tv~oewriter ~29895 ~6.00 9.06 9.60 148.50 25.00 ~.00 11.15 45.00. 35.45 1Z. 75 ed or the city would be compelled to take charge ,of theE. A communication was received from ~,fr~.Carri~- E.W~terhalter calling the council's attention to the request of President Hoover that all public woYks be speeded up for the benefit of all the com~_~mities interested, anti'asked the city council to .~o-operate by the commencement of public improvements in South San Francisco. ~,~ayor ~schelbach an~ Councilman Hynd~ng stated plans and speci- fics tiGriS are now ~der way for the improve~vent of the city parks, the building of ~ city swiping pool and street improvement work. City Tremsurer Edward 2.Xauffmann ~sked the city co.ail for a leave of absence of six month: fro~ Oanuary Vth,19B0 the July 8th,19S0, to visit ~ore~gn co~tries.3~ermissio~ granted. The San Francisco Ch~ber of Commerce sent an invitation to the city councilmen reGuesting ti to attend a meeting in the Chambers of the Board of S pervisors of San Francisco to assist in furth- ering the completion of ~the Bay Shore Highway to San Jose. ~ayor ~schelbach invited all the~me~bers of the council to attend who could spare the time. Th~ date set for the meeting w~s Tuesday,~ecember 3rd, next, at three o'clock p.m. Communication orajel'ed filed. ~ application- fo:~ the position off .?ire ChJef was received from }/.Geister of Corte L~adera. Application orcered placed on file. The ooutk San-Fr~cisco ~nd : Improvement Company requested that a light be placed on the alle~- at Laural and. between Ogden & Grand Avenues. The co~u~.~-.tion also stated there had been no light on the corner of Grand. and Laurel A~-enues fo~ one week. Referred to the street committee. The 5hell Oil. Company asked permission to install a gasoline pump fo:~ the ~m/estern ~,~etal ~anufacturing Company on. Swift Avenue, ~for the use of the company only. Request granted, ~mder the supervision of the ?ire Chief. S~n Franc sco Land ~ Improvement Company stating they are t~eply was receiw~d from the South ~ ' willing to stand the share of the e~pense of improvin? Butler Road estimated by the city engineer. The E.H.Edwards Company also replied to the c~ty's letter on the improvement off Butler Roa~, stating they are willing, to stand their share of tLe estimate, ~ ...... 00. Accepted and filed.. The Crocker ~tate Company replied to the c~ty's req~est to cut the branches and top the Eucalyptus trees in Peckfs Lots where tkey hove bacon- a menace to the residents on accou/t of falling limbs, eta, The company stated they would remove th~~ trees entirely. ?he c~erk was instructed to write thanking them for their action. A cm~munication was received fro~ the Pacific Water Company acknowledging the receipt of the city's check for $2000, and thanking the c~ts:' for the installment. The clerk was instructed to write the company stating the cit;, -~ould pay an additional ~7200. in l~ay,19~0 Nine requests, for weed ref~ds were received, from as many pr~:perty owners in the city. Action deferred until a later meeting. Soft ~i~ and pool room licenses.were granted John ~'aT~mucchi,~2~ Orand Avenue, and Joe. Fernandez, fP0 Grand Avenue. The reports of the m~micipal judge, Chief off Police, and Building Inspector for t~e month of November were read and accepted. In the matter of a proposed swimming pool ~or the ~ity of South San Francisco Co~cilman ~,,~znucciani introduced a resolution authorizing the employment of Schary and Edwards as architects to prepare preliminary plans and estimates for such pool, fixing the compenmation for the service at six (~) per cent of the cost of the pool,provided the city shall vote in favor of the bond issue withi~ six months following the date of this resolotion. The resolution v~as~adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit,- ' . h.~.znucc~an~, R Tibbetts, A J.Eschelbach. ~es, Councilmen, ~.Hynding, 2 Lloyd, ~ ~' ' ' ' . . Noes, Co~cilmen, ~[one. Absent, Co~cilmen, None. ' At t e st Danie 1 I,).c ,Swe eney City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at rage The ~acific Gas and Electric Company's proposition to install ornamental br~ket~street lighting along Swift Avenue at approximately 500 foo~ centers, making a total increase cost to the city of $~97.79 annually_v~as consi(~ered and acce!ted, ~.nd the clerk was instructed to write-tlc delegatio~ of residents of Peak's Lots az. y, ,' ar r: d ~,'~*','= ~ .... ; .... ..... ,, ..... ,.,:. ~,., .... ,' , an~ made complaint against the action of the telephone company in coveri~':g up or blocking their sedewalks along can Bruno Road, lea~ing no passage ,way for children on their way to and from .schogl, making it dangerous for the children and other pedestriens to pass that secti:n. They requested that a sidewalk be constructed on Bay 5hare Hiyhway on the west sfde from Armour Ave'/~',~.o to Deck's Lots, a sidewalk on Linden Avenue ~_ro.~ Armour Avenne to Ba~ ohore Hif:hway and the remo~_, of t.e poles in Peak's Lots sidewalks. The removal of the poles will be taken up with the State H~fhway 0om~ission, and the sidewalk problem was tsken under advisement b~; the council. Suggestion was mae that a school bus be engaged to carry,, the children of Pe~k's Lots to and 'from school, until tho r~quired improvements are made. 0!aims in the amo~t of 82323.75 were next ,~ esented for payment. The claims having been audited by the fin~ce cm~itte comcilman Minucctani moved they be paid..The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly.carried;-1 dr~ disinfectant $ 36.00 West Disinfecting Co. Superior Steam Za~dry wash fire house $1 and 2 9.06 The Enterprise Ad. City Health Office 9.60 " Notice to taxpayers, etc. 1~8.50 D. W. Ratio Bond of E. Farrell 25.00 " ~s. prem. fire & theft 7.00 A. Omrlisle & Co. Index to assmt, roll ll.15 The Seagrave Corporation Inv. ~. 1E98 15.~5 N. ~ede~ini 10 d~ labor on street~ 45.00. Reinin~er & Co. lB copper stencils 55.45 G. E.' meverton repair t~ewriter ~9895 " " " ~/801T5 15.15 McOullo~h Co. Sign "City Hall" 40.00 .~, ; - SO. Cit~ ~ber Co. ~ ~ber Police Chief's officeP12.08 : - ~':/' ~