HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-02-06104 REGL~LAR MEETII~G OF THE CITY COU~C!L OF THE CIT~T OF SOUTH SA~ FRA1TCISC0, H~LD EONDAY, F~RUARY 6TH, 1933. The regular m~ettng of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall },~onday evening, February 6th,1933. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by ~ayor Joseph P.~uinlan. ROLL CALL. el call found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councilmer~, V.Boido,h. '~' Lloyd, E.~,~inuccian~,R.Tibbetts,Joseph _ D.cuinlan. The m~nutes of the two pr~vious meetings ~,~'ere read. There being no errors or omissions · they were approved as read. A comEunication was received from Charles Petersen of the ~tate Theatre, ~egarding t~: · notices se~t him for p~rsonal property in the State Tkeatre, as generators, Lamp Houses,generator 'houses,l~roJector houses,silent movie pictures and ~ound movie pictures. He stated the value of th~ these pieces of equipment is not more than ~00, ~d that the assess~r~ent should be cancelled. The clerk was instructed to write the ElectriCal Research Pro.ducts.,. Inc., and inquire who is responsible for the payment of the taxes, the Research C on~pany beihg the actua]~ owners of the talking machines. .~ co~mnication from the E'orthside Taxpayers Protective Association of South San Francis~co requested the city to ~ake repairs on Walnut Avenue,between ~aple & parkway, stating the' water la~s ~nd overflows the curb in rainy seasons. Referred to Engineer Elassen and Councilman Tibbetts. The l~ovelty Electric Sign Company of San Francisco requested permission to erect a Neonized bill board for the Olympic Hotel of San Francisco. The clerk was 'instructed to write the c, ?a~, quest definite information as to the exact location of the proposed sign. OKi.+ ___~ arid re The Italian Catholic ~ederation of ~outti San Francisco requested p~rmisaion to hold a .~dance after a whist party on WeCn~esday, February, ~, 1933. Permission granted. Societa Operaia Di Kutuo ~orrorso of So~tL San Francisco requested permi~sion to a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, February 18th,1933. Permission granted. The Druids Convention Committee of ~outh Sa~ Francisco requested verlficgtion~of their · permit to i~old a dance ~r~ Fraternal Hall Ja~uary ~8,195Z. On motion regularly carried the council verified the permit. l~acific Cas & Electric Company requested ?ermission~ to open a trench in the south side of Lewis Avenue butler Butl~r & Braden Avenues to ir~stall a E" gas main. ~qeferred to councilH~an Tibbetts and the d~sired permit granted. The l~acific Cas & ~ e ~l ctric Company also requested permission to install a ~" gas main in the sidewalk area on the ~/S of Lux A%'enue betw~:e~', Cypress and Bayshore v~ighway and on the E/~q of Cypress Avenue betwee~ ~iller ~:: ]Lux ;~v~mue~. Referr.d to Chairn~an Tibbetts and the desired permit granted. " (~tty Treasurer Ed.P.Kauffmann request~d p,-rmission to leave the State of California ?or a period of 90 days o~ a vatour. Per~ission granted. In a co,'~unication to the city clerk Treasurer ~[auffn~ann requested that his salary,~ for t:~e absent period be turned 'over to the Comtumity Chest of ~outh ~an Francisco. The cit>~ counci. 1 acce?tod ~;~ arrangemant. !~r. Xntonio ~'i~,nca requested permissio~ to ~emodel the front of ti~e frame building.west one half of lot 5,block 125,~ap of ~outh Eau Francisco. Permission granted. ~nr~e i~r_der!in of i~ayor ~uinlan presented a copy of a propo~.~ition ~'~ade by Yr.'~' ' Califorr~ia ',~ater Service Company,to his corr~pany, to assume the inst.allation cost in t?~e amount of the unpaid balance {~ue t}~e water company for installation. The compar~' stated they were willing ~Leerlin's suggestion and reeues~c¢~, him to keep in' touch with the City to comply with ~,7r. ? - . . councilr~'~an until the yroposition was com?,leted. ?he matter was r,'~ferred to Cit5~ Kttorney Coleherd. A;-~ application for a soft drink licer~se ~as received from Guido Bertolozzi,~S1 Co.~nercial Avenue, for t~,.e location ~£10 Grand Xvenue. Licen~ e granted. ~'he r~ontkl~; reports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief,~unicip, al ~udge,Building Ir~spector, Health 0fficer,~its~ ~reasurer and ~ity Clerk for the ~'~'o~th endi~l~' January 51st,1955, were sub,fitted and accepted with the ],;ayor for t~e Officers' promptness in their attention to this duty. Councilman ~'~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco consenting to the transfer of the lease of O.H.Thoms~on to the South San Francisco Sign Company. una~].mo~,~ vote of all the members of the city co,ancil, The resolution was adopted by the ' to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, ~.Boido,~{.Lloyd, ~,~.Einucoiani,t{.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. l~oes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Counciln~en,l~ne. Attest Daniel EcSweeney City Clerk. ~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, ~'ol.~, at page GiqANT OF RIGHT OF WAY. The City of South San Francisco granted to the Pacific Gas & Electric Company a 'right of way to erect a single line of poles, and accessories, for the transmission of and distribution of electricity to the Mouth San Francisco Sign Company. Xn invitation was extended by ~ayor Cuinlan to the citizens of South San Franciscc to attend a dinner and meeting of the Peninsula League of L~unicipalities at the I~etropolitan Grill in this city Thursday evening, February 16th, at 6;50~p.m. Councilman Lloyd stated that in cases where the Pacific Cas & Electric Company had placed pipe in the sidewalk areas where trees were growing, ~uch damage had been to the trees, and stated no further per~its would be given the cosT, any for areas where trees are growing. ~ngi~eer ~lassen reported he had been in conference with Chief Engineer ~keggs of the. State Highway Commission in re'~erence to the flow of water from a culvert in Totem of Bad6n. he stated ~.r. Skeggs was not inclined to abate the nuisance. The matter was then referred to City ~ttorney Coleberd for action. ~.' }~iss Kane, representing her sister ~,~rs. i~am~-~ey of Parkway Terrace, complained of ~ the overflow of water into her yard and basement, the Water coming down from the hills. The City Council will take the matter up with the So.~".F.Land Company and ask for redress. ~'~ilvio ~'~ieri appeared before the council a~d stated the turning off of lights on ~he main blocks of Grand Avenue left a baa appearar~ce i~ ii,ese business blocks. ~ayor Cuinlan stated , the city was trying to neduce expenses, and this was or~'~ of tL~ Wa~s to economize. Former l~ayor ~lugh Lc~ellis, representin£~ the residents of Deck's~Lots, appeared before the council and asked that some improvements be made to the sidewalks on the i~ast side of tan Bruno Councilmen, V~. Boido ,R, Lloyd, ~.~;inucciani ,~.Tibbett s, Joseph P. 0uinlan. The minutes of the two prc~vious meetings ~'ere read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A comm_unication was received from Charles Detersen of the ~tate Theatre, begarding tm~, notices sent him for p~'~-rson~-'.l property in the State Ti~eatre, as generators, Lamp Houses,generator houses,l~roJector houses,silent movie pictures arid ~ound movie pictures. He stated the value of th~ these pieces of equipment is not more than ~800, ~d that the assessment should be cancelled. The clerk was instructed to write the Ela, ctriaal Research Pro.ducts~,, Inc., and inquire who is responsible for the payment of the taxes, the Research Con~,pany being the actual owners of the talking machines. A co~mmnication from. the Northside Taxpayers Protective Association of South ~an Francisco requested the city to make repairs on Walnut Avenue,between A~ple & parkway, stating the water la~s ~nd overflows the curb in rainy seasons, l~eferred to Engine:er ~_lassen and Councilman Tibbetts. The l~ovelty El~ctric Sign Company of San F~-'ancisco requested permission to erect a Neonized bill board for the Olympic Hotel of San F~/ancisco. The clerk u.'as instructed to write the con~Dany and request definite information as to the exact location of the proposed sign.. The Italian Catholic Federation of ~outh San Francisco requested permission to h$1d a dance after a whist party on Wedmesday, February, £2, 19ZZ. ?ermission granted. Societa Operaia Di Kutuo ~orrorso of ~o~.~ Ssm Francisco requested permission to hold~ a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, February 18tL,19ZZ. Permission granted. The Druids Convention Conm~_ittee of ~outh Sa~ ~rancisco requested verificabio~ o£ their~ permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Ja~uary 28,19JZ. On motion regularly carried tlc council verified the permit. Pacific Cas & Electric Company requested permission~ to open a trench in the south side of Lewis Avenue butler Burlier & Braden Avenues to install a 2" gas main. ~eferred to council,,an Tibbetts and the desired permit granted. The Pacific Oas & ~lectric Company also requested perm. ission to install a ~" gas in the sidewalk area on the ~/S of Lux Avenue b~tw,~e~ Cypress and Bayshore ~ighway and on the E/S of Cypress AYenue between ~iller ~ Lux Avenue~-:. Referred to Chair~an Tibbetts and the desired permit granted. Cit~, Treasurer ~; ~.P.Kauffmann requested p~"rmission to leave t~-~e State of California for a period of 90 days on a vatour. Permission granted. In a co,m~unication to the city clerk Treasurer ~[auffmann requested that his salary for t~e absent period be turned 'over to the Come,unity Chest of ~outh San Francisco. The city council acce]~t~d the arrangemant. !~r. Antonio ~ianca requested permissio~ to remodel the front of ti~e frame building,west one half of lot 3,block l~,~,~ap of ?.outh San Francisco. Permission granted. [.layer 0~uinlan presented a copy of a proposition made by ~r. Enrie Enderlin of California ~,,;ater ~ervice Company,to his company, to assume the instlallation cost in t?~e amount of the unpaid balance ~ue the u~ater company for insta!lat~on. The company stated they w~re ~illing to comply with ~Tr. Enderlin's suggestion and requested him to keep in'~ touch with the City council.man until the ]~,roposition was com?leted. The matter was r~ferred to City Rttorney Coleherd. A~_~ application for a soft drink license ~..as received from Guido Bertolozzi,~Zl Commercial Avenue for t~,e location [~£10 C-rand Avenue Licen~ e granted. z~e ~'onthl;/ r~ports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief,~unicipal ~udge,Bu~lding Ir~spector, Health ~fficer,~ity ~reasurer and ~ity Clerk for the ~onth endi~i~ January Slst,193Z, were submitted and accepted with the ~fayor for the Officers' promptness ir; their attention to this duty. Council, man ~finucciani introduced a resolution of tLe City of South San Francisco consenting to the transfer of the lease of G.H.Thom:~on to the So~th San Francisco Sign Compare. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city co~ancil~ to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, ~.Boido,~.Lloyd, ~i. Einucciani,t~.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Counciln~en,l[one. Attest Daniel EcSweeney City Clerk. Z-,ecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vel. Z, at page GR,,LNT OF RIGHT OF The City of South San Francisco granted to the Pacific Gas & Electric Company a ~right of way to erect a single line of poles, and accessories, for the transmission of and distribution of electricity to the South San Francisco Sign Company. ~n invitation was extended by ~ayor quinlan t,o the citizens of South San Francisc¢ to attend a dinner and meeting of the Peninsula League of ~funicipalities at the ~fetropolitan Grill in this city Thursday evening, February 16th, at 6;S0'p.m. Councilman Lloyd stated that in cases where the Pacific Cas & Electric Company had placed pipe in the sidewalk areas where trees were growing, ~-.uch damage had been to the trees, and stated no further permits would be given the comoany for areas where trees are growing. Engineer ~'lassen reported ho had been in conference with Chief Engineer fkeggs of the~ State Highway Commission in reference to the flow of water from a culvert in Term of Bad~n. he stated .~r. Skeggs was not inclined to abate the nuisance. The matter was then referred to City &ttorney Coleberd for action. Niss Kane, representing her sister [..:rs. i:~am~-~:ey o-? ?arkway Terrace, complained of t the overflow of water into her yard and basement, t~:e water con~ing dow from the hills.1 The City Council will take the matter up with the So.~".F.Land Company and ask for redress. ?.ilvio ~ieri appeared before the council arid stated the turnir~g off of lights on the main blocks of Gr~nd Avenue left a baa appearance i~ ti:ese business blocks. I'ayor Ouimlan stated the city was trying to meduce expenses, and this was o~-~--~ of ti~, Wa~s ,to economize. Former Z[ayor Hugh l~c~ellis, representin[' the residents of ~eck's I, ots, appeared before the council and asked that some improvements be made to the sidewalks on the i~ast side of ~an Bruno Road from Linden Avenue northward. He stated planks laid down by the State i_~:ighway Commisshio were washed away in some places. Inspect~r Beatty was instructed to confer with Superintends Holbrook of the ~tate force and request t_at repairs be made to the sidewalk, and also to breaks in the roadway at Chapman and Randolph Avenues and the Lighway. Claims in the amount of $£270.06 were next presented to the council for payment;- Wm. Murray .A.J. 2acheco Chas, Lem~ Pari ani & Limb erg M. Belli & Co. J. Lombardi Dudley 2e rkins General Electric C~. American Fire Equipment Co. ~uperior Laundry M. Friedman Salsa Co. Leon d'Artenay A. J. Pacheco Fred. J. Lautze Certified Laboratory Prod. Chas. Bollazzi Peninsula Ice Co. The Hub Bank of $o. San Francisco Marion Petroff Mari on Petroff $chwabacher-Frey Co, ~an Mateo Co. Title Co. Fred Brown The Enterprise Press Dr. T. C. Doak Chas. Bollazzi J~m Corso Bank of Italy Galland Laundry West Disinfecting Co. P. G. & E. Pmcific Tele. & Tele. Co. CalifOrnia Water Service G, Welch ~tandard Oil Co, State C ompena ati on Ins. California Water Service $. Minetti H. V. Carter Co. The Cutter Laboratory Geo. A. E. neese Fred. J. Lautze Lab or For eman overhauling street signal keeping J~il clean Jan. rep airs Buick gas & oil Jan. police deist. s ervicing motorcycle 2 socket connections helmets & coats fi re dept. wash ~1 & ~2 houses Jan. 25' air hose, guage, etc. repairs - fire dept, maintenance fire alarm ~an. repairs fore roadster Gas - Fire dept, supplies - fire dept. 1 empty 5 gal. bottle 1 dozen hand towels Claim ~. C. Murray 1/13/33 11 days sweeping streets 5½ " " " supp lie s daily reports Jan. repairs City Hall gO00 dumping permits medical services E.~erini broom, brush, lye, etc. removing garbage Nor.Dec. safe deposit rent .Dec.1933 towel service Jan. 1933 1 case toilet tissue misc. service Dec. 1932 Street lights Jan. 1933 shone service San. 1933 40? Dec. & Jan. ~1170 " " fountain and fire house ~an. Library service " " " Dec. hydrant rental Jan. removing dogs & cats Jan. 707 gals, gas & 1 case .floor dress. Lng premium due on insurance city hall & baseball park material for park 5 lbs, emery, etc for park materials for Dr.McMills Surveying Baden Creek Dec. Engineering for unemployment relief work 7th payment on Ford truck $20.00 9.99 5.00 11.70 6.45 17.01 1.50 .91 137.50 9.23 15.35 2.00 20. 00 2.~ 3.00 11.70 1.2B 1.20 20.00 44. O0 22.00 3.00 1.50 4.00 7.90 3.00 1.85 9.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 194.72 735.88 52.94 6.80 7.55 ~.16 4.50 8.32 450.00 16.00 103.30 69.8Z 12.00 9.65 2.83 33.60 19.20 81~85 52.33 Total ....... $2.270.06 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts moved be paid. The motion was seconded b~ councilman Boido and regularly carried. There being no further business before the council councilman Lloyd moved to ad Jou: ,mtil the next regular meeting, Monday, February 20th,1933, at ?:30 o'clock P.M. The motion' seconded by co~mcilman Boido'and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 8:45 o'clock p.m.