HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1940-03-18REGULAR k~ET.i'.~G 0? THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF SOUTB S~.N ~ANCISCO,!'iELD MONDAY, ~,~ARCH 18,1940, The re~Tular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in t?~e City i¥~onday evening, ~v'[arch 18,1940. The meeting was called to order at 8 ,o'alock P.i~,.. by ~¢fayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the ~ouncil present,as follows;- V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, M.i~inucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of three previous meetin[fs were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approves as read. A co~unication and the sum of ,:cB.00 were received from ~t-loria Damonte for extra police protection for the ~'~oon Haiders ~snce on April oV next. Accepted and the money turned over to the police department/ Answers were received from four o~t of town property owners consenting to the sidewalk improvement on the west side of Zayshore !ighway between A~o~,~r and Chapman and Linden Chapman Avenues. Agreements were ordered prepared .and rent to the various owners of land in the territory affected for their Signatures. Pacific Oas &: Electric Company requested permission to extend a ~'i ~a.s main in the nortt~erly sidewalk area of Par~ay E of Poplar Avenue. Ztez'erred to Councilman Tibbetts a,~ the desired permission granted. Leland Rowe applied for a bus:inass license to conduct a gasoline station at the N.E.Cor. of California Avenue and ~ayshore highway~ and paid ,~10 license. Granted. ~; co?m~nication w~s received from '~h~s~ .L.Jones ss~inA' for a transfer of his business license fro~ ~5V Grand Ave:cue to q43 Grand Ave. ~]ranted. A co~unication was received from Foster &: Kleiser offering to display posters free of c; s.r.~'e in this city in the interest of the United States Chamber of co'merce c~paign for the benefit of business. Co~unication ordered plac'~d on file. Eotice was receive~ from the State Board of Equalization of the apml~cetion off Jose Fernandez for an on sale of bY:er and wine license, a transfer fro~- Yntonio Ramos,at 115 Grand Avenue. There were no objections to the transfer. The l~ort?.side Taxpayers' Protective Association of South San Francisco applied for. a permit to run a free dance on Saturday-evening i~arch 30 ,1940, and to sell refres~aents. ~ermission granted. Notice of the next m_eetmn~.' Z of the Peninsula Division of the Lea~e of California Municfl- patities ws, s received, -i~in? the date and place of the meetinF as Hoover Hall, Burli ng~e, 11~0 hayswater Avenue,Thursday e~enin~, !~larch ~1,1940, and asked ~ow many city ofr'fcials would attend. I'...is. yor Eschelbach, after incuiring amoung the city council and other officials , sta~ed the number would ~e approximately 9. 'ihe ~ity Cl~rk was instructed to so in for~ Secretary J~lois. Chief of Pole. ce Bellonf submitted a comm~nicatic, n to the council requesting the cancellation of Special Police 0f icer Ray be5eghini's appointment on the l~,acc, o Const~ction Job. /~ccepted and the au..pointment-or6ered cancelled. Fire Chief Welte submitted t?-e name r,f 0ordon ~fidwe].l for smmoint~ent to the ~all Force of the South San Francisco Fire ~e-oartment. 0n motion by Councilr~an Linucciani,seconde5 by ~. Tibbetts and ref'~!orl~: carried th~ appointment was made. In answer to the c'~ty's letter a reply was received fro~ the C~l!fornia State ~utomobile Association stat!n~ that un: er Ordinance 149 si('ns were rec~.ested to be placed on C~ercisl Avenue from .Orange Avenue, but no mention of ~,'!~rtnolis Aven~e, w~th identically named street~ under ordinance !54,of Aufust ]_8,1930. The date of or~inance No.149' is ?[ovember 5th,19qS. Co~ncilman Tibbetts was instructed to proc~zra ~top si?ns from a firm in ~erkeley for Commercial ~: ]va?nolia and Pine Terrace ~':. Lux Avenues. A communication was received fro~ the Hartford 7ire insurance submittin2' a proposition whereby the city cor!d save the su~ of d~[ad a year by m.~.~_n(,~ the c?:sn~fe, i-referred to City Attorney Coleberd. a Request was made b~ th.e ]',~ission Trails Association to have'South San Francisco ~ay at vhe ,. t~e Chamber of Treasure Island fair sometime durin? the season. The matter was referred to Librarian E~na .~roner su~;~itted the monthly re~ort of librarU transact~_ons for the month of February,l~40. Report accepted and filed. Claims in the sm~,~nt of ~z~4509.34 were next ?'resente5 ~o the council for pa~ent;- A, W. Wilson J. P. Quinlau Bank of So,S.F. Bank of So,S.F. Fred Laut ze E. I. du Pont Co, Kelly's Welding Shop Patrick Co, W. P. Fuller Co. State Dept. of Education Fred Brovm James Spuri Shell Cil ,. Vnion 0il Co. Pacheco Electric So, City Auto Service A, N. Dloomquist W. C-. ~,~enar? Co. Tnternational Harvester Co. Roy' s Service ~merican Rubber Co. Universa.1. Tool Co. F. S. & W. W. Hirsch planting trees 3400 -1{~ envelopes-election doyen oay~aent on LaFrs~ace 1st monthly payment repairs buick spark'pluo~, for lawn mower traffic paint we!din~ pedestria~ ci~m supplies ~olice dept. traffic paint set of lector, re outlines ntmn~ safet~ zones photo's auto accident ~aso!ir.e police dap. wash and lubricate Buick tire repair " Install electric' sta~.dard repairs police ,~ar repairs fire t~ck repairs street truck 605 gals. emulsion 1 set box numbars gasket, valves~ etc. repairs street ~quipment 500 feet fire hose ! transmitter wheel mterials fire dept. 27. O0 63.24 1000. O0 250.00 4.90 .6V 19.57 5.50 9.09 4Y.V8 ~.19 30.00 1.0V 1. l0 3,00 .91 104.36 v8.95 19.27 9.$3 43.62 2.04 50,74 4f~. 24 406.85 2.53 8.76 they were approved as read. A communication and the sum of ~5.00 were received from Oloris Damonte for extra police protection for the Pioon i~aiders ~ance on April oV next. Accepted and the mone,j turned over tc the police department/ Answers were received from four o~t of town property owners consenting to the sidewalk improvement on the west side of ~ayshore ]ighway between Armour and Chapman and L-inden Chapman Avenues. Agreements we, re ordered prepared ~and ~ent to the various .owners of land in the territory affected for their signatures. Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested permission to extend a ~" ~as main in the northerly sidewalk area of Parkway E of Poplar Avenue. ke~_'erred to Councilman Tibbetts a,~ the desired permission granted. Leland Rowe applied for a bu~in~ss license to conduct a gasoline station at the of California Avenue and Layshore kighway~ and paid ,:~10 license. Granted. J' co~m~nication wes received from Chas.h.Jones ss!~inf~ for a transfer of his business license from ~5V Grand Avemue to q43 Grand Ave. :]ranted. A communication was received from Foster & Kleiser offering to display posters free of cl ar~'e in this city in the interest of the Unit.ed States Chamber of coL'~erce campaip:n for the benefit of business.~Communication ordered plac~d on file. Eotice was receive5 from the State Board of Equalization of the amDl~.c?tion of Jose Fernandez for an on sale of b~:':er and wine license, a transfer fro~.~ .~ntonio Ramos,at 115 Grand Avenue. There were no objections to the transfer. The llortkside Taxpayers' Protective Association of South San Francisco applied for, a permit to run a free dance on Saturday.evening march ~0 ,1940, and to sell refreshments. Permission granted. Notice of the next meeting of the Peninsula Division of the League of California Municl- palities was received, :-i~ing the date and place of the meetinF as Hoover t:,alt, Burli n~ame, 11~0 lmyswater Avenue,Thursday evening, ~iarch ~1,1940, and asked bow many city of~'.~cisls would attend. I~ia. yor Eschelbach, after inquiring amoung the city council and ott~er officials , sta~ed the number would ce approximately 9. 2'he ~ity Clerk was instructed to ~o in form. Secretar7 ~:lois. Chief of Police Belloni Submitted a comm~nication to the council requesting the cancellation of Special Police Officer Ray l¥eSeghini's appointment on the i',~acc, o Construction Job. 2ccepted and the au. pointment~ordered cancelled. Fire Chief Welte submitted t?e name of Gordon Kidwell for sDmoint~ent to the ~all Force of the South San ~ancisco t~:ire ~e-oartment. On motion by Council¥;~an Zinucciani,seconde5 by Tibbetts and rejT~lsrt~: carried th8 appointment was made. In answer to the city's letter a reply was received fro~ the C~lifornia State ~utomobile Association stating that un.:er Ordinance 149 sif:'ns were requested to be placed on Commercial Avenue from Orange Avenue, but no mention of ~fM~.f(nolis Avenue, w~th identically named streets under ordinance !54,of Auf!ust ].8,1930. The date of ordinance No.14g is ~;ovember 5th,19~8. Councilman Tibbetts was instructed to Droc~re. ~top si.c'ns~ from a firm in ~ erxeley~ for Commercial & ka?nolia and Pine Terrace ~ Lux Avenues. A communication was received from the Hartford Fire insurance su::.~itting a proposition whereby the city covld save the sum of q~35 a year by m~kin:f the c)~an~e. ~eferred to City Attorney Coleberd. a Request was made by the ]'/[ission Trails Association to have'South San Francisco Oay at vhe Treasure Island fair sometime during the season. The matter was referred to the Chamber of Cowh~e roe. Librarian Edna ~roner "~'' su mztted the monthly reoort of !ibrar?f transact~.ons for the n0onzh of February,1940. Report accepted and filed. Claims in the sm~nt of ~$4509.34 were next ~resente5 to the council for payment;- A. W~ Wilson J. P. Quinlan Bank of Bank of So~S.F. Fred Laut ze E. I. du Pont Co~ Kelly's Welding Shop Patrick Co. W. P. Fuller Co. State Dept. of Education Fred Brovm James Spuri Shell 0il Co. ,, Union 0il Co. Pacheco Electric So. City Auto Service A. N. Bloomquist W. G. Mcnary Co. International Harvester Co. Roy' s Service American Rubber Co. Universa.l,. Tool Co. F. S. & W. W. Hirsch Arndt's ~ept. Store Superior Laundry L. N. Curtis planting trees 3400 -1~ envelopes-election do~rn payment on LaFrance 1st monthly payment " repairs buick spark'plug for lawn mower traffic paint weldin~ pedestria~ supplies ~olice dept. traffic paint set of lecture outlines painting safety zones photo's auto accident gaso!i~e police ~ep. wash and lubricate Buick tire repair " Install electric standard repairs police ~,ar repairs fire truck rel~airs street ~ruck 605 gals. emulsion i set box numbers gasket, valves, etc. repairs street equipment 500 feet fire hose I transmitter wheel mterials fire dept. sheets - fire ~ept. wash fire hous~ ~"2 Feb. 1 searchlight kit fire dep. 27.00 63.24 1000,00 250,00 4.90 ,67 19.57 5.50 9.09 4~.V8 ~. 19 30.00 1o 07 1.10 3.00 .91 104.36 V8.95 19.27 43.62 2.04 50,74 47,. 24 406.85 2.53 8.76 8.59 5.88 20.90 John Tacchi Athlethic equipment ~ 70.00 Highway Blacksmith Co. repairir4~ tools 13.25 Mutual Engineering Co. 1 root cutting chisel 9.79 R. Bertucelli labor city hall park 22.50 Paul Lombardi " Orange Avenue Park 27.00 .,~. L~ufer labor " 2V.00 ~. Regalia " " 27.00 J. Souza " " 31.,50 F. Dieu " " 2~.00 D. Daly " " 40.50 Fred Robinson labor sewer near Oak Ave. 64.00 H. Tromell labor repairing streets 54.00 T. Pretzer labor on sewers 58.50 Ferry ~v~orse Seed Co. Seed 3.04 H. V. Carter Co. 1500 lbs lawn seed 289.69 Industrial City L~naber Co. supplies for neon si~ 6.59 " lo gals. Euc~rel~ptum__~ ~ city hall_ 24.V2 " " " ball par~ ~4.~ " supplies recreation dept. 5.19 South City Lumber Co. 1 carload base rock ~0.11 " ~00 redwood posts 39.3V " supplies city engineer 4.18 " sand, concrete, etc. 17.80 " Z pine blocks fire dept. 2.5.3. " crushed~ock ~.~ .al 0 & E. street lights Feb. 782.28 " misc. se .rvice 149.63 San ~,~ateo County Title da-~_~y reports Fe~. 1.50 W. 0. Withersppon eingeer's helper 2.25 Schwabacher Frey Co. election supplies 35.40 " " 1.2 9 Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. phone service ~ar. 82.35 Enterprise Press sample ballots 30.44 " 1000 mimeograph sheets recreation 3.36 Standard 0il Co. gas Feb. 114.30 " " "park 15.55 Edward Bacon Co. ! - 13" diaphragm 4.27 " 2 si~2ns - mem.. at work 15.48 " i- 4" Foote valve 8.83 " i - 3" black Foote valve 3.61 R. Bertucelli labor 9.00 Total ~4 509.34 The claims having:- been audited cy the finance co~mmittee Councilman Tibbetts moved they paid. The motion was aeconded by Counci l?' an :~ioido and re?~larly carried.. Under the k, ead of un_~nished bus~ness City Engineer l,;arshall reported that the $33,839 WPA money aooopriated is for takin~ 0rand A~en~e rsilrosd tracks from ~]ission Road to the east end. Relative to the ~ossibil~st~ of securina stop and go signals at Butler Road and the ~ayshore ~ighway it was reported that the prospects are hope~l. Regarding the survey of .the land approach and frontage beach propoerty at the props ~each engineer I',iarshall stated he.found no maps or Other data on the subject. Refrreing to the flood waters r~nning down Randolph Avenue engineer l,ls. rshall report he had fixed the sewer to take care of the flood waters The . em, .neet also reported water ls in Walnut Avenue , a~ountin?.~ only to abo~t a half an inch, could not be made to flow immedf ly after rains unless the street were raised,and at too great an expense,and what water sta~ on the street drye~ up in a few days. Fire Chief Welte reported the the Burkhsrt Billbosrd Sign 'Company informed him that take care of ~he objectionable sign close to E~"enio f~(ils, ni's new r~straunt on the .~ayshore P;i ghway. Under the head of new bus~ness Councilman Ratto re¥~orte5 a reel of water on the Scut ~acific grounds between Division Street and the S.P.Trscks, near Ca~.ifornis ~venue,sn5 reque that the clerk write the company and request that they ~sve the pool attended to before the and mosquitos begin to breed. So ordered. He also reported t~:~at reels exist at Linden snd on the Southeast corner, and back of 'tke .,i field Oil Company, and su~aested tkst the watez pumped out or the pools poisoned to ki_il t?e beeed!n? olsce of knsts and mosquitos. A break was reported in the sidewalks on Co~erc~al Avenue at 5?0~ and on ~filler Aven Between Sp~ce and t~,,,~agnolia~and the cit~ en(~ineer instructed to repsir them~ Councilman katto remorted a non-odoriferous smell in the Orsn?e Avenue :'s. rk eminatin from the her ranches. En~'ineer ~:arshall was instructed to stte:~d to the matter. Paciff City attorney Coleberd was requested to sera, re a right-o-way ~ t~e Southern'~ to the end of Eucalyptus Avenue,if extended. In the matter of the billboard ordinance Co~ncilman ~atto asked the city attorney if city could collet fees from the companies at tt?e present r?:te per square foot rate.Mr Cole~ said the rate is pro] ibatory and would not stand in law. Councilman ilatto then su~gested the ordinan~e be changed to make the rate 50 cents per square foot. ~ih~e city attorney stated would most likely be declared excessive also. I,~o ~'urther action was taken. Councilman ~,~'~inucciani inquired ss to whetk~er the l~nd conm~ny bad paid the balance c ~500 due t?e city on the South In~strial Area sto~ and sanitary sewer. The cit~f clerk rep] it ?-ad not yet been os~.d. Councilman l~in~cciani moyed t~e clerk be instructed to send anothe bill to the company."Oarried, re~i~."ft~' '~'- Councilman. . ~ Minucciani reportfd Butler Road in Bad condition. The enFineer wsa~instru~ lhe ,~mtw Clerk ~'~structe~ to not~_f~ t~e Librarw~Board ~ud architect to maet the sit cc ~'~onmav ~ . ~ ~. ~.~.at sn~in~:orna~ m~etin~' to discuss an addi~i°n to the l~r~ ~ Czty engineer k~arshall reported he exoected to make the surve~ of t~e ?~o.e fire hou~ property soon, and had been busy o~ ct?er work rece~t!y. _, m~ _Ntnueoiani moved to adjourn until~--tko next mcoting,-~ionSay, April 1,19i0-at 8 I'ho metion wa~-aooon~c':~ by Councilman Ratto end regularly carried. D. Daly " " 40.50 Fred Robinson labor sewer near Oak Ave. 64.00 H. Tro~ell labor repairing streets 54.00 T. Pre~zer labor on sewers 58.60 Ferry ~forse Seed Co. Seed 3.04 H. V. Carter Co. 1500 lbs lawn seed ~89.69 Industrial 0ity ~er 0o. supplies for neon si~ 6.59 " lo g~ls. Euc~re~vp*um_.~ ~. city ha~l_ ~4.~ " " ball par~ 24.72 " supplies recreation dept. 5.19 South City L~er Co. 1 carload base rock 50.11 " ZOO redwood posts 39.37 " supplies~, city engineer 4. " sand, concrete, etc. 17.80 " 2 pine blocks fire dept. 2.5.~ " crushed yack ~ 31 P. G. & E. street lights Feb. 782.28 " misc. se~ice 149.63 San ~ateo County Title daily reports Fe~. 1.50 W. O. Withe~sppon eingeer's helper 2.25 Schwabacher Fray Co. election supplies 35.40 " " 1.2 9 Pacific Tele. & Tel.. Co. phone se~ice Mar. Enterprise Press s~ple ballots 30.44 " lO00 mimeograph sheets recreation 3.36 Standard Oil Co. gas Feb. 114.30 " " "park 15.55 Edward Bacon Co. I - 13" diaphra~ 4.27 " 2 si~gns - men at work 15.48 " i- 4" Foote valve 5.8f~ " i - 3" black Foot, valve 3.61 R. Bertucelli labor 9. O0 Tota~ 34 509·34 The claims havin{:, been audited ::y the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they paid. The Potion was seconded by Council,?an !]aids and re_~'uls, rly._ carried· Under the k~ead of un._~inished bus~ness 'Uity Engineer l~iarshall reported that the ~33,23{ WPA money aopopriated is for takin~ Orand A~enue railroad tracks from ~,'iission Road to t~ east end. Relative to the eossibilffsty of securin~ stop and ~o signals at Butler Road and tl ~ayshore ~ighway it was reported ~+hs_t the prospects are hopeful. Regarding the survey of .the land approach and frontage beach propoerty at the pray oeach engineer ~arshall stated he.found no maps or other data on the subject. Refrreing to the flood waters r~nning down Randolph Avenue engineer ~,iarsbat! repoz he had fixed the sewer to take care of the flood waters The · en?_.neer also reported water in Walnut Avenue , amounting only to abo~t a half .an inch, con~_d not be made to flow imme~ ly after rains unless the street were raised,and at too great an expense,and what water sta on the street dryad up in a few days. Fire Chief Welt, rei?orted the the Burkhart Billboard Sign 'Company informed him that take care of ih. objectionable sign close to Eugenic i;!ilani's new r~.:straunt on the -gayshor Hi ghway. Under the head of new business Councilman Ratto rer, orted a ~ool of water on the Sou facific grounds between Division Street and the S.P.Trscks, near California ~venue,an8 requ that the clerk write the company and request that they )ave the pool attended to before the and mosquitos begin to breed. So ordered. He also reported tt:~at cools exist at Linden and on the Southeast corner, and back of 'the Ric]; riel5 Oil Company, and suggested that the wet,' pumped out or the pools poisoned to ki[!t the beeedin? place of knats and mosquitos. A break was reported in the sidewalks on Co~m~ercial Avenue at 570; and on ?iller Ave~ Between Spruce and ]".?~agnolia~and the city en~?..neer instructed., to repair them~ ~ounckl~an hatto reported a non-ogoriferous smell in the Orange Avenue ~-'ark eminati~ from the ho~ ranches. Engineer ~arshall was instructed to attend to ~he matter. Pacif~ City attorney Caleb,rd was reeuested to sector, a right-o-way ~ the Southern'Co~pa~ to the end of Eucalyptus Avenue,if extended. In the matter of the billboard ordinance Co~ncilman ~atto asked the city attorney if city could collet fees from the companies at tt?e present r~te per square foot rate.L;ir Cole~ said the rate is pro~ ibatory and would not stand in law. Councilman tlatto then su;~'gested the ordinance be changed to make the rate 50 cents per square foot. ~:he city attorney stated would most likely be declared excessive also. 31!o ~urther action was taken. Councilman ?,~inucciani ~nquired as to whether the land company bad paid the balance ~500 due t~e city on the South Industrial Area storm and sanitary sewer. The cit.v clerk repl ~.t ?ad not yet been paid. Councilman i~iin~cciani mo~:ed the clerk be instructe~ to send anothe bill to the company. Oarried. ~ ' '::. Councilman ]~inucciani reported Butler Road in Bad condition. The en~ineer wsa instruc re.~i~ £t. - ~ The City Cler~W.~a. ,~nstructed to not!f~ !De Librarw. Boa~d. ?nd architect to meet the citw co' ~onaa~ ~ ~venin~,~arc~. ~,~,, ..at 7 A.~:.~t sn~.nForne~ m~etin,~' to ~iscuss an addition to the l~:)rs: Y Czty engineer ~!~arshall reported be expected to m~ke the survey of the ?is.? fire hous. propert~ soon, and had been busy o~ ct?er work rece~tly. _. ~ere..~e.~-~,~-,no--~?~rthc r btt~ inc s s -bo for o men. ~,.Mtnuooiani movod to adjourn until, t~:o noxt moo~ing,- J'~Qonday, April 1,1~O at i'hc motion-was-.sooondc::~ by Councilman Ratto and zmgulsrly carried. Ttmo of adjou~ament) ]0;~0 o'clock- Rospootfully submittod, ~,pl~rovod Councilman 5'inuccianf requested $~ayor Eschelbach to order a detailed report of city engineer Earshall's work before the expiration of the terms of me,bets of the city council. Yayor Eschelbach-stated the records are ooen to anyone wishing to look at them ahd are public prop - petty and he could see the fisures for himself. Engineer l~arshell reoorted that e~rly surveys indicated that several p~rts of the ~ipe of the sewer in Oak Avenue were removed and it would cost approximately ~1000 for a new sewer. After further investigation he stated he was able to ~ut the eewer in working cindition for about ~£00,and was instructed to procee~ with th~. work. CouRcilman Ratto asked for an estimate of the work and service performed and received during-the~past year. Engineer ~arshell replied there was no money was provided by bond issues,, to-do large work, as in in the adninistration under Kneese & Klassen, but thought that in his judgment from the amount of matertal~ and supplies bought by the city it ~,'ould be abcut ~:15,000' Councilman Ratto-thought that it would hardly exceed ~5000. "'ayor Eschelbach observed that Councilman Ratto and ~'inucciani ~ere continually fird- iud fault with the engineer, and did not want to help, that the city had ~??,000-in the banks and enjoyed ~le~sant relationshio with the county o~ficials. Both councilmen denied they were hampering the engineer. Councilman Ratto ineuired as to ~he status of the Rex club. Chief of police Belloni reported thet the atatg Board of Eeualization had granted the club the 1940 license. Council,.an Ratto asked city attorney Coleberd what could be done in the matter. The city attorney replied that nothing could be done-under the present licuor set-up,the State Board of Equalization having supreme authority. There being no further business before the council councilman ~inucctani moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, ~'onday,Apr~l 1,1940 at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 10;45 o'clock Approved ~;~ayor of South San Francisco. Respectfully submitted,