HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1940-12-02180 REGULAR ~EETING OF THE CIT~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0,~]ELD 5~0NDAY, DECE~,~BER ~, 1940. The regular meeting of the cit~, council of the Cit~, of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Nonday evening, December ~,1940. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by ~layor Oeorge W.Holston. ROLL CALL, Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,George W.Holston, Reese Lloyd,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Referring to the committee a~?ointed by ~ayor holston to confer with the land company in the matter of securing a beach site councilman P~atto stated he was not appointed on that com~itte,and the minutes were so amended. Councilman natto stated he did not second the motion to pay the Enterprise the usual annual 4100 for the Christmas add. It was agreed b~~ the ouncil that Cou~cil~,an Tibbetts seconded the motion and the minutes were so amended and approved. A communication was received b~ Cit~ Attorney John W.Coleberd from the State's ~ttorney- General's office of California !n raply to an inquiry regarding the legality of aicensing operation of Pin-Ball games for skill and amusement. The letter advised tt-,at such games are often operated as games~?f chance for merci andise, mone~ Or articles of value, and the city would have to be q~ided~such possibility. 52.e matter was laid over until the return of the cit~~ attorney Boosters for the game contended that many municipalities have licensed the operation of the game fop skill and amusement, and no gambling whatever is attached to the operation. T~.e City Clerk was instructed to write the League of California Cities, requesting information on the subject, such as tie names of cities permitting the gameg, operation by Ordinance and those prohibiting them. Mr. R.L.Col~,fer,owner of Lots 17 and 18,Block 149,on baFshore Hifhway,next to Simons' garage, wrote the cit~~ council stating that o1~ cars and refuse are kept on his lots and requested the city have the same removed,as promises from Simon to keep the place clean have not been kept. The matter was referred to Chief of Police Belloni for attention. Acknowledgment was received from the Western Pipe & Steel Company of the city's letter notifying them of the passage of Ordinance No.~10, regulating traffic in the cit~~ and affecting Butler Avenue and other roads~ stating the information would be passed on t"..e the plant here. %he Valuation Division of the State Board of Equalization acknowledged the receipt of a copy of the ordinance annexing th.e Subdivision of Southwood to South San Francisco,and a map of the same. Communication ordered filed. ~r.G.E.Jaco?~son.101 Gardiner Avenue,this city, who is building three apartments on his lot, petitioned the cit,~c council to install a light on the corner of Gardiner & Chapman Avenues. Referred to councilman Tibbetts and the light ordered installed. Pense £n~e~liui ~nd R.G.Earvey applied for a business license to operate Pin-~all games in t?is cit~:. ApPlications laid over until the return of City Attor~ey Coleberd. A communication was received from ~Irs.B.D.Hays,Executive SecratarY of San '~atep~'County Traffic Safety Commission, stating a dangerous s~.tuation exists at night at the San ateo Avenue and Linden Avenue connection,and suggested that reflectors should be installed to insUre safer conditions for night driving. ~eferred to engineer ~J~arshall, who stated a white painted fence should 3e erected across the ~turn of the old San Bruno Road,leaving r~om for tie utility vehicles to pass ~n either side. he was instructed to atte~d to tile matter. Councilman Lloyd called attention to a red light e~isting at or near the a~.P.Crossing at Tanforan Avenue. Fire Chief Welte ex~,lained that the light had been removed. A report was received from enyineer ~'.Larshall on the proposed plaN grounds on the Q0' lot on ¥¥est Grand Avenue,giving the figures for ~ f~rst class job as ~17~8. After discussion it was decided to proceed with the work. Councilman Ratt0 moved the cit~~ accept the figures of the engin- eer and the ?laygrounds be built. Tl,.e motion was seconded b,j Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Chief of Police ~elloni su0mitted the names of James ~ard, Robert J.driffin,Earry N. Tiedemann, to be s~ecial Policeman at the YJestern Pipe &~ Steel Plant. Councilman Ratto moved the appointments be confirmed by t~Le city c~uncil.'l~, e moti.:n was seconc~ed by councilman iibbetts and regularly carried. 0RDi~i,iANCE N0.P, 10. An ordinance entitled "AN 0R~.T.i,~ANCE REGULASING T~A??IC UPOi,~' ThE PUBLIC S'±REETS OF T~E CI'i-~ 0F SOUT~~ SA~.t FRANCISCO,had its second title reading and was adopted as an ordinance of tl~e City of South San Francisco by the following vote;- .... oido '~ Ayes, Councilmen, V.~ ,,eor~.e W.Eiolston, Reese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,none, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeD~y, .... City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol. No.2, at pages 2he ~onthly reports of the ~iealth Officer, Chief of Poltce,Cit~' Judge, Buildin~ Inspector Fire Chief and City Clerk for tke month endin~ November 30,1~0 were received,and on motion by councilm~n Boido,seconded by councilman R~-tto and regularly carried,accepted. Roy Borelli,61b l~aple Avenue,appeared before the council and requested that inspection be made bN the city as to whether a sidewalk exists in front of his property, th~;re apy~.earing no '!_ evidence of one there now,though, Le stated,the land company assured him one had 0een construc- ted there. Engineer ~arshal'l believed it tad been buried, but would look into the situation. Councilman Ratto asked why the city grader was working for the Western Pipe & Steel Company wit~o~;,t the city co~.~ncilmen knowing of it. Engineer 1~iarshall explained that the ~estern people wanted to grade parking ground for their employee's cars i.n a hurry,and agreed to pay for the work,four days at 48.00 per day~ for which he will bill them. The engineer stated the pipe compmny loaned their crane to install a Christmass tree in the civic center,gratis. Claims in ';he amount of ~2395.19 were next p~esented to the council for payment;- Louis belloni Mrs. H. Gerragos So. S. F. Hospital Spuri Photo Studio J. Fambrini R. Spinelli E. Kozlowski C. Begnal C. Heard H. Schweining J. Penna C. Rinehart C. Schurk A. Johnson Standard 0il Co. supplies to police department matron services mlconolic exs. developing& Printing Police dept. attend fires attend fires attend fires attend fires attend fires attend fires at!;end fires attend fires attend fires attend fires 480 gals. gas Union 0il Co. ~ gasoline Western Fire EGuipment Co. 2-1gal. cans Superior Liquid Robinson Drug/Co. Pacific Tele ~ Tale Co. Jennings Pharmacy Peters & W~il~cn Nursery Associated~uipment Co. Intemationa~ Harvester Co. Andrew Hynd~ng . Patrick & Co. Fred J. Lautze Fred Laut ze ~aae Walker D. Dal¥ P. Lum~ardl H. Tr~all T. Pret'Zer E. BrauChi F. Mandoli D. J. Di Bene M. Laufer J. Appel A. Smldaui Bloomquest 0il Co. Kelly's Welding S~op Rep. Streets, Rep. Street Labor " Trimming Trees, Park Park Labor " Park ~abo~ " Park Labor Park Labor Em. Asphalt Welding grating supplies -- fire dept. phone #626 & 401 first aid kit I tree i box steel gubter~ broom wire I reservoir & oil filter Prem. tax call. Bond I waste basket tax coll. Lubricate, ect. Lincoln Zephyr Bolts & N~ts Sec. Plan. Commision ll days labor, street improvement !1 11~ II li~ improvement Underwood -- Elliot~ Fisher Stand for typwriter Wellworth .Co. Supplies Rec. Dept. So. San Francisco C.of C. Pacheco Electric A. J. PacHeco II II !1 California Water Set. 01d Reliance Garage So. City Plumbing Shop Highway Equipment Co. Deemer & Deemer North Brae Feed & Fuel Martins Signs Ra~,s Service,, 11 Ro ,al s',u, pply Co.,, Royal Supply Co. J. P. Quinlan,~ Postmaster DGC. adze Installing Automatic Signals ~aintaining Fire Alarm, act. Repairs, eot. Hydrant Water Playf~round Water Miscellaneous services Repairs, ect. Service Materials Balance due -- Painting City Hall Excavating Paint si=ns Fire Chief Car Supplies Materials Shreet Claims Nails, act. Supplies Envelopes So.,, Ci,t,y. Lumber,, and Supply Ma~erials,~. . Park ,, ,, , ,, Redwoon Ldmber 0. Bissett 6~ days decorating City~Hall Total $ 5.84 $ 2.5o ~1; 15. O0 $ 3.38 1.oo ~ 1. O0 1. co $ 1.50 ~ 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 $ 2.oo 2.oo $ 64.18 $ 73.00 $ 5.90 $ .o4 $ 5. O0 ~ 1.49 ~ 5.15 $ 17.89 ,~ 15.19 $ 75. O0 1.o3 S 6.69 .2~. $ 10.00 $ 55.00 55. O0 55.00 5V.50 25.00 25. O0 5.00 25.00 57.50 70.00 7~.00 6.80 10.30 8.05 ~ 25. O0 ¢53.05 82.76 $ 86.07 ~212. O0 $ 20.0~ 18. 5 · ~ 6.03 19.32 $467.00 '~ 76.00 10. O0 1.75 ~ 32.46 $ la.24 $ .52 ~ 15.00 ~$ 2.16 32.76 54.82 38.55 19.14 ~o95.19 The claims having been audited by the finance committee cou~cilman lfbbetts moved they be paid. qbe motion was seconded by Councilman Doido and re~l~rly carried. There bein~ no further business before the board council_man Lloyd moved to adjourn unt Eonday, December 16,1940 at 8 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularl~ carried. Time of adjournment, 9;~5 o'clock P.M. Approved ~~ ' Mayor of South San Francisco. nespectfully submitted,