HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1941-07-07224 REGUL$_R I¥1~Ii~j OF T?E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD JULY, 7,1941. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in t~e~ city hall ~onda~, July V, l~l. ~'he meeting was called to order at 8;1~ o'clock P.k. by kayor George W.Holston. ROLL CALL. Roll c~ll found the following members of the city council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, George W.Holston, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. ~.~bsent, Council~:an ~qeese Lloyd. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were a~oproved as read. A communication was received from the Recreation Commission recom~-~ending that the establishment of a civic recreation center near the civic center, recommended that gas be fur~ished l~r. W.~mmmond for his autobobi~.e, and an adequate program ~at the Orange Avenue Park including the immediate installation of a hard surfaced regulation ~hsketball court and chiId playground equipment. T?e matter will be taken up ?~'ednesday after the Soard of Equal- ization meeting, informally. ' i.,ayor ~olston received a communication from the ~ederal Works Agency announcing that ~;lr.' J.W.Bournier of the Public Works Administration would be at the Cian f:rancisco City Hall ~'riday, July ~.], at lC' o'clock A.N. to present to the heads of the ~various public departments of the cities and counties projects of the Federal Government with respect to public works facilities, made necessary by defense activities. The cit:~ clerk was instructed to notify the heads of the city departments to be in attendance at the meeting if possible to attend. ~he State ~oard of Equalization submitted notice of the transfer of distilled Spirits, On Sale Beer o Wine and on sale of Distilled [~irits licenses of Angelo Genovesi to ~'artin Dec,chi at 310 Grand Avenue. There w&re no objecti~:ms by tLe city council, i~otice was eeceived fro~ the State ~-~oard of Equalization of the transfer of the On Sale ~eer ~ Wine license of G.Ahgelo Davsnis to O~s Darris. i,~o objections by the cit~ council, i:i'otice was received from the' State ~oard of Equalization of the application of Florence halas to sell On Sale ~eer at V39' Bayshore Highway. lie objections by the cit~ council. John ~.I¥!itchell and Alice ~i.Papini applied for a business license to operate a FEEl) STORE at l~ Chapman Avenue,Peck's Lots. This location being in the residential zone the applica- tioh was denied. Florence lialas applied for a business license to operate a boarding house at V39 oay- sho~,e Lighway. Councilman Tibbetts moved the desired permit be granted.The motion was second- ed .by Councilman Boido and'regularly carried. John Ruggiero applied for a permit to operate a Trailer Court on his lands at 1o~46 ~ay~hore Highway, near Richfield Oil Co. Eel Schlamm , the health officer, reported that the premises would first have to be placed in a sanitary condition, and inspected by Health Officer Ste'.in, who w~uld report to the city council on the sanitary condition of the premises. A communication was received from the Manufacturers Association of South San FrancisCo requesting a meeting with the members of the city council on the drainage condition at or near the' stock~,ards.Armo~r t Co., Union ~ards,bnited Packing Company, etc. The council agreed to mee~ the delegation and the clerk was instructed to write the association stating the council wou~d meet them in the city Lall Thursday, Jul~~ 10,at l0 o'clock A.~¥~. ~ d City engineer ~arshall requeste ~ur new $6x6 l0 ply ~raction tread tires for the motor -pst.~ol, the bids on which were ..~4~.~5~b~'~:he W.Hill Co, and .!~40.36 by the Goodyear Co., and also asked, to Lave retreaded 4 tlr'es of the same size, ~he bid on which was ~10.93 each.. Couhcilman Tibbetts moved that the enf:ineer be authorized to meke the purchases. The motion was secon~.:ed by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Councilman Ratto advised that the pur.~hases be made through a city dealer. So ordered. In another communication the city engineer stated the P.G.~: E. desired to in~tall a second electric power line 40,000 :olts,from their sub-station to the W.P.~ S.Co., Councilman Tibbetts moved the requested permission be granted. ~he motion was seconded by Councilman ~oido and reg- ularly carried. Engineer I.~;ars~all submitted a lengthy statement on tLe status of tle WPA removal of rails on ~rand Avenue,showing city's costs to date,t~;e amount required to continue to the east side of I~'[ap~e f:ve.,t, he loss of considerable ~',~A assistance in favor of d~fense work, etc,etc. The couhcil decided to la~ the matter of continuing the work over for consideration, stimated net cost i. .~15,06'5.George Nallace ~.,~ckills laid claim for damages against the city for t~e sum of .~5430 fbr injhries alleged to Lave been sustained b~ his son Claude ~,.~cMills in coming in contact with a ?ib~rant. Asked by ~,~a~,or Holston for his opinion on t[~ e merits of t~e case City Attorney Col~berd stated there was no obligation by the city. Conse~fu. entlF Councilman ~ibbetts moved the claim be rejected. The motion was seconded by councilman ~oido and regu-larly carried. A communication was received from Earl Warren,Attorney-deneral of California, inviting the cit~: to send a representative to the states's regional school aft?~e St~.te Council of Civilian ~efense, f:.r instruction in combating air raids, Alarms,~a~. Aircraft ~'~arning Service,Evacuation sheYters,etc,etc.. The city ,,?ill send one man to the classes. Dr. Charles N.Gans ,County Health Director, communicated with the city a~nouncing that he had offYcially taken over the duties of health officer of t!~is city by virtue of a resolution of the city council of the City of South Sau Francisco,dated February 1~,1941. Accepted and filed. Chief of Police Delloni appointed B.F.Sosworth and Arthur ~.Sayers policemen at the Eestern Pipe ~. Steel Company. COuncilman Ratto moved the appointments be confirmed. Sec.By Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. The Pacific Gas ~ Electric Ce.requested permis:sion to extend their ga$<~main in ~'ranklin Avenue N.of .~fillside B'l'vd, So.S.F, in [~inden Ave, opposite Hillside B'l'v'd~,in A Street,oaden, heferred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission granted, In another communication from the P.G.& E. permission was asked to install a lead o? 45 foot poles on tLe west side of Industrial Way a certain ~istance. This being a duplicate of a request made by the cit,~- engineer or the same ~puroose for the P.~.~ E.,but one letter of permission need be returned. Auditors ordon Rowe Co.s~bmitted the annual report for th, e ~ear 1941, Accepted and filed. A co~:munication s received from the California State Council of Defense asking the adoption of an ordinanse creating a City Council of Defense. Referred to City attorney Coleberd. The monthly reports of 'the Poundkeeper,Building Inspector, Cit~~ Judge,Chief Of Police, Fire Chief, City t~reasurer~and fiity Clerk fOr the month of ~une were_ s~b~.mitted . Cou~ciliaD i~at~to mo'~ed_$he3 be a¢ceDte~.Second.e,d ~G~rried. Councilman Boido introduced a ~esolution au~nor~zmng ~.~e execu~mon o~ a Lease between vz'~e of South San Francisco and South San ~Tancisco Sign Company. The resolution was adopted by the votes' of all the members of the council present, as follows, ~es,Councilmen,¥.Boido,George W.Holston D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman heese Lloyd. ~uecorded in Book of resolutions, Vol ~, at pages ~04 and $05. Attest- Daniel ~,icSweeney, City Clerk. RESOLUTI0Y ~' TT~ ,~ ~D O~ ~1 were approved as read. ' A comn~unication was received from the Recreation Commission recon~endin~.~ that the establishment of a civic recreation center near tls civic center, recommended that gas be furnisi~ed ~'~r. ~.t-ia~nond for his autobobi..e, and an adequate program 'at the Orange Avenue Park including the immediate installation of a hard surfaced regulation ~hsketball court and child playground equipment. ~?e matter will be taken up ?~ednesday after the ooard of Equal- ization meeting, informally. ~ ~.~ayor Holston received a communication from the Federal Works Agency announcing that ~r.' J.~¥.Bournier of the Public V~orks Administration would be at the ~ian Francisco City Hall ~riday, July ~.]., ~.t lO~o'clock A.N. to present to the heads of the ~various public departments of the cities and~counties projects of the Federal Government with respect to public works facilities made necessary by defense activities. The cit~ clerk was instructed to notify the heads of the city departments to be in attendance at the meeting if possible to attend. 'zhe State ~osrd of Equalizatioh submitted notice of the transfer of distilled Spirits, On Sale Beer ~, Wine and on sale of Distilled ~irits licenses of Angelo mGenovesi to ~artin Doctchi at ZlO Grand Avenue. There'were no objecti~ns b~ the city council. }~otice was ~eceived fro~ the State ~oard of Equalization of the transfer of the On Sale Deer ~ V~ine license of ~.Angelo Davsnis to O~us ~arris. ~,~o objections by the cit~ council. ~?otice was received from the' State Doard of Equalization of the application of Florence Lalas to sell On Sale ~e~er at V~9[Bayshore Highway. i'Ve' objections by the cit~ council. John ~.I~itchell and Alice ~.Papini applied for a business license to operate a FEED STORE at ~2 Chapman Avenue,Peck's Lots. This location being in the residential zone the applica- tioh was denied. Florence ~alas applied for a business license to operate a boarding house at V09 Oay- sho~e Lighway. Councilms~n Tibbetts moved the desired permit be granted.The motion was second- cd .by Councilman Boido and'regularly carried. J~ohn Ruggiero applied for a ~permit to operate a Trailer Court on his lands at lO~46 Bay~hore Highway, near Richfield Oil Co. l~el Schlamm , the health officer, reported that the premises would first have to be placed in a sanitary condition, and inspected by Piealth Officer Ste'.in, who w~uld report to the city council on the sanitary condition of the premises. A communication w~s received from the I~-~anufacturers Association of South San FrancisCo req~eati~g a meeting with tt~e members of the city council on the drainage condition at or near the stock~,ards.Armo~r 61 0 0 · , Ynion ~ards,Dnited Packing Company, etc. The council agreed to mee~ the delegation and the clerk was instructed to write the association stating the council wou~d meet them in the city Lall Thursday, July 10,at l0 o'clock A.~,'i. City engineer ~larshall requested,~ur new 36x6 l0 ply ~raction tread tires for the motor pst~ol,~tLe bids on which were ,~4~.~:U~ The W.Hill Co, and ,!~40.36 by the Goodyear Co., and also asked, to Ls. ve retreaded 4 tlr'es o£ the Same size, !he bid on which was ~10.93 each.. Couhcilman Tibbetts moved that the enf_ineer be authorized to meke the purchases. The motion was ,~econ..ed by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Councilman Ratto advised that the pur.~hases be made throug, h a cit.¥ dealer. So ordered. In another co~.munication the city engin~er stated the P.G.~: E. desired to install a second electric ?ewer line 40,000 ~olts,from their sub-station to the W.P.~ S.Co., Councilman Tibbetts moved the requested foermission be granted. ~ihe motion was seconded by Counciln~an Zoido and reg- ul s'.rl~ carried. Engineer ~ars~s. ll sub~._itted a lengthy statement on the status of t~e ~PA removal of rails on ~rand Avenue,sh, owing~ city's costs to date,tLe amount required to continue to the east side of l¥1ap~e f:ve.,the loss of considerable ~¥~A assistance in favor of d~fense work, etc,etc. The couhcil decided to la~ the ~atter of continuing tLe wa~rk over for consideration, sti~ated net cost .~15,06'5.Geor~cie Nallace kcl.,~ills laid claim for day, ages against the cit~ for t~e sum of .~5430 fbr injuries alle~!~ed to Lave been sustained 'o~. his son Claude ~'~cI~ills in coming in contact with a cit~~ h'~'drant. Asked by i'~at~or ~olston for his opinion on t?e merits of t~e cs. se Cit~ Attorne~- Col~berd stated there was no obligation b~ the city. Co.nsec~u~ entt~ Councilman ~ibbetts moved the claim be rejected. The ~otion was seconded by councilman ~.oido ~nd regu.larlF carried. A co~=.unication was received from Earl ?~arren,Attorney-deneral of California, inviting the cit~' to send a representative to the states's regional school ~:~.ftLe Sts~te Council of Civilian ~efense, i'..r instruction in combating air raids, Alsrms,~an~ AiDcraft ¥iarning Service,Evacuation she~ters,etc,etc.. The cit~~ v.~ill send one man to the cla~.ses. Df. Charles N.Gans ,County Health Director, co~sr~unicated with the city aanouncing that he had off~ciallN taken over the duties of ~ealth officer of tl.,is city by virtue of a resolution of the city council of the ~ity of South Sau ~ancisco,dated ~ebruary 1V,1941. Accepted and filed. Chief of Police Delloni appointed B.F.~osworth and Arthur ~'.Sayers policemen at the Eestern Pipe t. Steel Company. Cbuncilman Ratto ~oved the appointments be confirmed. Sec.By Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. The Pacific Gas ~ Electric Ce.requested permis:sion to extend their ~a~main in :~ranklin Avenue ~.of !-iillside B'l'vd, So.S.F, in !inden Ave, opposite Hi.lside B'l'~'d~,in A Street,~aden, ~eferred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired per~ission granted, In another c~t~mmunic~tion from the P.G.& E. permission was asked to install a lead o~ ~5 foot poles on the west side of Industrial %¥ay a certain ~istance. '±~his being a duplicate of a request made by the cit~ engineer or the same puroose for the P.~.~, one letter of permission need be returned. 3~uditors E.,bu~t ordon Rowe Co.s[~bmitted the annual rep~rt for the ~ear 19~l, ~ccepted and filed. ~. cor~-~unication s received from the California State Council of Defense asking the adoption of an ordinanee creating a City Council of Defense. ~eferred to City attorney Coleberd. The montLly rep<~rts of 'the ~>oun~ikeeper,~uilding Inspector,~Cit$, Judge,Chief Of Police, Fire Chief,City '~reasurer and ~ity Clerk for tLe month~of June ~were_ submitted . CouF4cil~ as i~at~to r~o'~ed_~he~, be a~¢¢eQ~e~..Second.e~ ~. ~G~rried. Councilman boio. o intro~uced a mesolution autnorzzlng zz~e executmon cz a ±es. se between t~-e OllDy of South San Francisco and South San ~rancisco [ign ~ ~ompany. The resolution was adopted b~- the votes' of all the ~embers of the council present, as follows, :..~,es,Councilmen,V.Boido,George '¢~.}~olston D.~'Y.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. l'~oes, Councilmen,None. £:.bsent, Councilman heese Lloyd. ~ecorded in Book of resolutions, Vol 3, at pages 304 and 305. Attest. Daniel ~v~cSweeney, City Cl~-~rk. RESOLUTIO!~ Claims iH the amount of ,i~6,33~,.81 were next presented to the c:uncil for payme L A. Fez~a~iB R. Quinlan # · . Appel' pax~c lab~. A. B.olAani Po Valien Jo Galli' No Guidotti A. Bex~olu~ ci A, Milani J, Gioffre A. l~-~n~e e R. lasc~cvecchio To ~etze~ A. Tr~as Jo ~ello8 A. Sebas~i~o R. R. O. Bisse~ · o Belvi~ L. Pap~ni C. E, Rossi- G. ~dwell V. ~le~ Ee Eozl~ski L. Pappazoni- c, ea=d H, Sohweining 0. Rinehax~ J. Penna F. Gamba M, Castro Ao ~ohns on 0. Begnal F, ~haith A. COndos Ion Willimns W; lox~en P. ~. Re Boone ~. Beltom ~. Oa~bomi A, Gentile So. City Plumbing Shop # Ace Bedding - ~o, Universal ToOl Co. American Fire Equipmen~ Co. Superio~ ,T* 8. Baker Sugarman Machinery an~ Drill Steel Coe CoOks .iX Co. Union Paving Paotfio Pavement 8~uuse Rei~z Co, destroying weeds ? lib rar7 wall $ lab~. burning lots and ~unning blade "repai~ culvert - ~" asphalt rake~ 2 days oounting t~ucks "['and relief d~iver attend ~es 1 ~pl~ fi~e house e~e~ pi~ and v~ves city hall Job ~to~i~ lib~ Job ~e fire ho~e Pep~P fi~ a~ b~ 1 ~ip for no z zle wa~ ~2 ho~e J~e ~t~e8 60 cu ~s ~o~ ~oval $~pltes- en~nee~ 12 hex ~s 4 ~ise~ 110 ~s. stove oil 78.875 tons asp~t 90.0 85°0 go.o go°o 45.0 70.0 26,2 40,4 40.~ 40.C 40,6 -40. C 40,C 40oC 40, C 400( 40. C 40.,C 45.( 52.I 82.E 17,! 10,( 9.1 10o( 5Vol 5V,I '"/90( 2,t ~e' 3go' 4e' ~e* 6e' 284,. 7. L- L, Pappaz, or,~ · C* Heaz'd H. 3olneei~Ln~ 0. R~neha~ M. Ae ~o~ C, Be~ A, 0°n~s ~ ~illi~s W, R, Boone A, ~enti le ~o, City Pl~i~ Shop Ace Beddi~ ' U~ve~sal ToOl ~eric~ Fi~ E~i~ent 0o, 8u~ri~ ~ G, ~. 8. B~er Suga~ BPOSe Ma~i~y a~ D~ll ~teel Co, OcOMa BiX ¢o, UniOn Paving Co, Pacific Pavement Co, S, Smith 8iruuse Rei~z Co. ~ R. Baoon Co. Bas~o~ ~m~th Wep. F~le~ 430, destroying weeds lab~..bu~ning lots and manning blade ". ~epai~ culvert ".' asphalt x, akex, 2 daTs ooUnting '".':"and x, elief dmivex, attend fives # da1 unplu~ £i~e ~ouse pi~ and v~ves city hall Job ~te~i~ lib~ Job ~e fi~e ho~e ~ep~p fi~e a~ box 1 tip for nozzle wash ~2 ho~e J~e 60 cu ~s ~o~ ~al s~plies- en~nee~ 12 hex ~s 4 ~ise~ 110 ~s, stove oil 78,878 tons asp~t 78.~5 1~ da~ ~e~ ~A lo~s W. P. A. supplies ~eo~eation" X doz tor~A~es blueprints p~Lnt thinner 90.00 45.00 ?0.00 5.00 26.25 30.00 35.00 40,~0 40.00 40,00 40,00 -40.00 40,00 40.00 40.00 40.0~ 40,00 40.00 45.00 .47.~ 47.50 47.5~ 47.50 52.5~ 82.50 17.5C 112.5~ 10.0~ 8.8a 9.20 9e2(] IO.OC 57.50 57.5C 35, OC 79.00 1.0¢ 1.OC 1.OC 1,5C 2.00 2.0C 2.5¢ 2,6C 3.0C 3.50 4.50 4.50 4.~ 5.0C 6. OC 6.0C 7.0C 2.5C 2.~ 5,0C 2,0C 2.0C 2.0C 2.0C 2.5C 2. K 2.0( · 2.6~. g.v4 39.7I 6.0( 4.~ 4.43 18.0( 2.1-1 33,91 17,53 6.91 2~4.~ 4.0~ 14.6E 12,4~ !226 Dudley Perkins F. J. Lautze spu Photo Robinson D~uggist Belli Motor Cos Po~ta' s Garage Brunton' s Aut~notive Se~iee Louis Bell.nj Subway Service Station Fed~ Labo~at .riss County of San Mate. RCy~ ~ Service California Div. of Highways Highway Equipment Company Sanders Construction Co, Kelly' s Welding Shop The. A. Lietz Coe repair motorcycle repa~ Lincoln Zephy~ films and develop supplies repairs Buick oil amd repia s 2/v/41 speJek plugs and labor repai~ generator Buick misc, e~pense wash and 8~ease Lincoln Zep. 12 billies traffic striping Baden-Orange a~l LIHDEN Aves. repai ~s street equipment .repairs lawn mower repairs ~ev. pick-up 1 used t~uck chassis pa=ts for sweeper rental air compressor welding supplies e~gineer Pacheco Electric 0o, street maintenance & lamps A, ~.. Pacheco fire m June repairs city hal1 and tennis hall windows Peninsula Window Cleaning Co. Marie Volonte SOs'cFc Chamber of Oonnnerce Pacific Tele. and Tele. Cos L. Betucchi Cleaners cleaning city and fountain Seey. Planning Coaan. June sales tax on chev. pick-up Advertising July phone service June flag repair Patpick and Co. 500 shipping tags P. ~-. & E. misc. service J,une street lights H. ~. Haaker public liability prem. Ban~ of South San F~ancls co San Mate, C0. Title Cos A. !amlisle Municipal Finance Officers Assn. California Water Service So. Ci~y Lumber Claim of Gordon R~e Co. dailF rep orr s Jur~ I minute book- recreation repair res. book dues to June 30, 1~42 hydmant rental June pa~k service misc, service materials street sweeper materials for librax-y 6 sacks cement materials sewer repair 10 gal. euch~alyptum material sewers " park WPA 5.~? 1.~0 1.59 11.49 .44 10.54 8'09 16.57 ~.00 18.66 99.05 1.60 S00.00 ~10.43 10.25 3.61 34.~8 55,00 3leO0 10,00 9.00 2§, O0 lOle~o .8o 1,es lO?,BO 804.69 l S'os 150.00 1.50 12.~1 4.64 10,00 171'00 118.76 41e29 4. 02 16.96 24.14 10,61 4.24 14.~0 24.23 2B,2'7 25. 62 202.51 Total ............ $6,$~881 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbet~s moved they be 9aid, ~he motion was seconded b~ Council~:an hatto and regularly carried. Andying Hynding appeared before the City Council, represent_lng the South S.F.Chamber of Commerce, which advocates the const[,uction of a new crosstown street, similar 2o Orange Avenue and-Third 0 ~ engineer },~arshall will sub~ it en advisory Street. ak Avenue was suggested. City statement snf figures on the ~uoject. hr. tlyndin~ called the council's attentAon to the dif-ference in house numbers on the San Born maps and the city's numberiug block book. '."%~ir~ef WeLte had asked for a change in certain ~ouse nu~,~bers in Orange Avenue and Thimd Street,and mat~er of correcting the present numbers to suitable ones was referred to him.. Logan Franklin made inquiry relative to the Jack Williams Subdi~vision Sot~th of Southwood,now under the course of operation,stating the } acre tracts were to oe served by septic tank sewerage. Cit.~ attorney Coleberd stated there was nothin[ ti_e cit~, could do to stop then~, and quest~.:'~ed. the. use of ceptic tank s.~rvice, ii. ealti Inspector Schlam stated the use of septic tanks would not. be approved, by the counthy health department in any area. i_e stated that the Federal Hous- ing. Authority always asked for guarantee that septic tanks would work in unincorporated terri- tory, and added that such a guarantee could not be given, and F~fA officials discouraged the sep£ic tank method, and also stated property served by tLe system is hard to dispose of. . Fire Chief ~'elte reported that the ~nited Railroads mish to turn over ~, poles on the nor2h side of Grand Avenue between Chestnut and I~[ission i'~oad to ti e city. 'lhe City Clerk was ins.tructed to write the company stating the city is willing to accept the offer. There bein~ no further business before the boar d council:ar~ kibbetts moved to adjourn. ihe. motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carry[ed/ · Time Apt~ro ve d o~f~ _~u~i??t ,__ 9; 40o: clock P .~. ~'-ayor of South San ~rancisco. Res~ully submi ~J~e d,