HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1941-12-09ADJOURNED RE(]UL~R k~=~IhG TEE CITY COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF SOUTli SAN FRANCISCO,t~iELD TUESDAY, DECEEBER 9,1941. A regulaly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Tuesday,December 9th,1941. ~his meeting was called to order by ~ayor ~eor~e Wol~olston at ~ o'clock p.m. following ROLL CALL. Roll call found the'members of the council pre~:ent;- Councilmen,~eorge W.Holston,Eeese Lloyd, D.W.Ratto,Eod ~ibbetts. Absent, Councilman,V.Boido, The readin~ of the minutes of the two previous meetings was dispensed with. ~ia~or i[olston announced the purpose of the adjourned meeting and asked city attorney Coleberd if the resolution on street control was prepared. ,.r. Coleberd said it was but would llke the council to set some definite points as to where comtrol~ should begin 'and the streets affected and' had an agreement for the factories to sign. No factory representative present had authority enough to sign for his compan~ without first submittin? the proposed agreement tc the heads of the companies. It was then decided to study the matter further to determine ~he actual course to oersue as to the restriction of traffic, streets to be patrolled, closed, er partly closed. The factory heads and police and city authorities and fire department will confer on the subject and later submit the proposed agreement. The city will pass an ordinance prohibiting parking on streets approaching all industries, and it is expected all companies will provide parking spaces for their employees. They will provide watchmen or deputy policemen to guard their t:oldings,inside and outside. City attorney Coleberd will work in conjunction with other city officials and tile companies to work out a sound and working system. ~!r. Lan~field of the OoUnty Defense Board appeared before the city council and defense meet- ing and spoke of the activities of the county's defense orgaAization. Chief of Police Belloni reported an uncharted road leading to Poetsh & Peterson's plant was being used and s~ould be closed and traffic be diverted arounf by ianfoean Avenue. This was ordered done. ~iayor Holston advised that there sl~ould be a 74 hour service in the police department, by the appointment of a night'clerk on 19 hours duty, as all complaints of danger or accidents would be reported to police headquarters. Councilman Lloyd moved that Robert Murphy be appointed night clerk for the police department at a salary of ~lO0 per month, Mr. Murphy being recommended by l,iayor Holston. i'he motion was seconded by Councilman l~atto and regularly carried. Chief of Police Belloni reported that all policer~:en wouldgo on a seven day a week program. ~his was endorsed by the city council, and the policemen allowed pay for the extra days. Fire chief Welte asked that four extra light vehicles to carry hose be assigned to the fire dept, for four districts, such as the pound truck ,the garden truck and an~ others available. This arrangement was agreeable to the council. The fire chief asked for two more full pay firemen and ~000 feet of inch and OhS half hose~ to be available for the auxiliary firemen to use on wheels in t?.e four fire districts. The matter of the appointment of two more regular firemen was laid over. ~s: to the extra hose of ~000 feet the city attorney advised that the city could buy the same without advertising for bids on account of the emergency,and would draw up a resolution for the councilmen at to-night's meeting. In the matter of State Compensation Insurance for auxilisry workers in defense,fire fighting etc. the matter has been submitted to the attorney general through Dick Graves,executive secre- tary of the League of California Cities,and the result will be known at a later date. City engineer Marshall reported the necessity of ~aving water connections with the aan Fran~' '~¥ater ~epartment in case of destruction of the local water supply. It developed there are three riser pipe locations in three sect~ons of the city that were arran~yed for during the construction : of the ~an Francisco pipe line through the city, and can be co~nected when required. ~:he fire chief and Er. Enderlin will make arrangements for these sera'ices. kayor Eolston submitted tie following communication;-' South San Francisco,California, December 9th,1941,1 o'clock P.D~.;- Office of the Mayor, Defense Council;- I hereby appoint the following persons members of the Defense Council of the City of South San Francisco;- George W.Holston, Cbs. i~'~an, Police Chief, L.Belloni, .~ City Engineer, U,S.Marshall, Fire Chief, A.J.Welte, Health Officer, Kelvin Schlsam, City Clerk,D.EcSweeney, D.L.Farnsworth D.W.Ratto, V.Boido, R.Tibbetts, R.Lloyd, Logan Franklin, Robert ~urphY, Floyd E.Hunter, J.H.Davidson, ~rs.A.Hynding, ~rs.N.Adler, R.Venturi, P.Santini, H.Scampini. CHAIRMEN OF SUB-CO~i~I~TEES: LAW AND ORDER, L.BELLOMI FIRE PROTECTION,A.J.WELTE WATER SUPPLY, E.ENDERLIN STREETS $. SE~RS, U.S.NARSHALL ifEDICAL, E.I.BARTLET~~ TRANSPORTATIOE. J.G.IYLE PO~ER ~ LI:ifHT, S.K.ROBBINS COMEi. NICATIONS, S .G.WRIGHT PERSONNEL,T. L. fARNS~ORTH AMERICAN RED CROSS, ~RS.N.ADLER RESCUE, A.J.WELTE NECESSITIES O? LIFE,R.SANI SHELTER, MRS.E.P.KAUi.'F~iENN, hEHABILITATION, T.L.FARNSWORTH ?INANCE, E.P.KAUFFMANN. SIGNED, GE0 . ~ . HOLSTON , ~ayor Holston announced the purpose of the adjourned meeting and asked city attorney Coleberd if the resolution on street control was prepared. ~.~r. Coleberd ~aid it was but would l£ke the council to set some definite points as to where comtrol should begin 'and the streets affected and had an agreement for the factories to sign. No factory representative ~resent had a~thori~y enough to sign for his company without first submittin~~ the proposed agreement tc the heads of the companies. It was then decided to sSudy the matter further to determine ~he actual course to persue as to the restriction of traffic, streets to be patrolled, closed, ar partly closed. The factory heads and police and city authorities and fire department will confer on the subject and later submit the proposed agreement. The city will pass an ordinance prohibiting parking on streets approaching all industries, and it is expected all companies will provide parking spaces for their employees. They will provide watchmen or deputy policemen to guard their holdings,inside and outside. City attorney Coleberd will work in conjunction with other city officials and tie companies to work out a sound and working system. ~r. Lan~field of the GoUnty Defense Board appeared before the city council and defense meet- ing and spoke of the activities of the county's defense organization. Chief of Police Belloni reported an uncharted road leading to Poetsh &Peterson's plant was being used and should be closed and traffic be diverted arounf by ianfo~an Avenue. This was ordered done. ~ayor Eolston advised that there s~ould be a ~4 hour service in the police department, by the appointment of a night clerk on l~ hours duty, as all complaints of danger or accidents would be reported to police headquarters. Councilman Lloyd moved that Robert Murphy be appointed night clerk for the police department at a salary of ~100 per month, Mr. Murphy being recommended by l,~ayor Holston. l'he motion was seconded by Councilman ~atto and regularly carried. Chief of Police Belloni reported that all policewomen wouldgo on a seven day a week program. This was endorsed by the city council, and the policemen allowed pay for the extra days. Fire chief Welte asked that four extra light vehicles to carry hose be assigned to the fire dept, for four districts, such as the pound truck ,the garden truck and an~ others available. This arrangement was agreeable to the council. The fire chief asked for two more full pay firemen and ~000 feet of inch and ohs half hose~ to be available for the auxiliary firemen to use on wheels in t~e four fire districts. Tie matter of the appointment of two more regular firemen was laid over. ~s~ to the extra hose of ?000 feet the city attor:~ey advised that the city could buy the same witLout advertising for bids on account of the emergency,and would draw up a resolution for the councilmen at to-night's meeting. In the matter of State Compensation Insurance for auxiliary workers in defense,fire fighting etc. the matter has been submitted to the attorney general through Dick Graves,executive secre- tary of t. be League of California Cities,and the result will be known at a later date. City engineer Marshall reported the necessity of ~aving water connections with the aan Fran,~' ~¥ater ~epartment in case of destruction of the local water supply. It developed there are three riser pipe locations in three sections of the city that were arranif~ed for during the construction of the San Francisco pipe line through the city, and can be co~nected when required. The fire chief and Er. Enderlin will make arrangements for these ser.~!ces. ~¥~ayor Holston submitted the following communication;~':: South San Francisco,California, December 9th,1941,1 o'clock P.~.;- Office of the ~ayor, Defense Council;- I hereby appoint the following persons members of the Defense Council of the City of South San Francisco;- George ?~.~olston, Ch~.ir~'~an, Police Chief, L.Belloni, .~ City Engineer, U,S.Marshall, Fire Chief, A.J.Welte, Eealth Officer, ~elvin Schlaam, City Clerk, D.EcSweeney, D.L.Farnsworth D.~.Ratto, V.Boido, R.Tibbetts, R.Lloyd, Logan Franklin, Robert ~urphy, Floyd ~.Hunter, J.H.Davidson, Ers.A.Hynding, ~rs.N.Adler, R.Venturi, P.Santini, H.Scampini. CHAIREEN OF SUB-CO~,~ISTEE£: LA%V AND ORDER, L.BELLOMI FIRE PROTECTION,A.J.WELTE WATER SimPLY, E.ENDERLIN STREETS & SEWERS, U.S.~ARSHALL ~',[EDICAL, E.I.BARTLETT TRANSPORTATION. J.G.IYLE PO~ER ~ LI:.~HT, S.K.ROBBINS COMEi. NICATIONS, S.G.WRIGHT PERSONi~L,T.L.~;Ai{NS~ORTH AMERICAN RED CROSS, ERS.N.ADLER RESCUE, A.J.~ELTE NECESSITIES Oii' LIFE,R.SANI SHELTER, hEHABILITATION, T.L.FARNSWORTH ~'INANCE, E.P.KAUFFMANN. SIGNED, GEO.',¥.HOLSTON, ~AYOR OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Councilman Lloyd moved the appointments be confirmed. The motion was seconded by council- man Ratto and regularly carried. City attorney Coleberdhaving adTised the clt~ Council ~h~t~ia resolution should be passed s~uthorizing the purchase of.~000 feeti~of 1-~ ~inCh hose for the.~fire department, asked f( an adjourned meeting for the adoption of the. same,and any otLer business which might come befc the council. Accordingly Councilman Ratto moved to adjourn until Tuesday evening, December 9,1941 at o'clock P.~f. ~he motion was secon~ed by- councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 3;55 o'clock P-~-~ o'cl~L ~' ' ~ayor t~olston announced that immediately after the! co~nc~z mee~tn~ the ZoCal Defense Council would meet. Re spectf~ly submit ~d, ~,iayor of South San Francisco. 264 REGULARL~ ADJ0UR[~:.ED ~iEETIN[~ OF THE CITY COUNCiI_ OF TI~E CITY OF SOUTt~ SAN FRANCISCO, tiELD TUESDAY,DECEMBER 9,1941. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the ~ity of South San PTancisco was held in the City Hall, ~uesday evening, December 9,1941. This meeting was called to order at 7 o'clock P.M. by Mayor George W.Holston. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen,V.Boido,George ~.Holston,Reese Lloyd,D.W.Ratto,Hod Tibbetts. i~he reading of the minutes of the three previous meetings was dispensed with. ~ayor Holston announced that the principal business of the meeting would he the adoption of a resolution authorizing the purchase of ~000 feet of hose of l~ inch diameter for the fire department and its auxiliary, tile wolunteer adjunct to be formed. Accordingly councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San ~¥ancisco authorizing ~he purchase of ~O00-feet of l½ inch hose for the fire department. The resolution was a~opted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 3 at page 329. Resolution N0.841. Mayor Holston announced the addition to tLe generalco~mmitte of the Local Defense Council of Ers. Dawn Andrews. Fire Chief ~elte asked the city to pay for two telephones for the fire department, for Lieutenants Bisagn and Schmidt. It was remarked that Mayor Holston is paying his own tele- phone and should ~e included among city phone. The city council thought the same, and councilman Lloyd moved the city pay for the three extra phones. The motion was seconded 'by councilman Boid¢ and regularly carried. There being no further business before the ~ouncil councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until vhe next regular meeting,Monday,DecemOer 1Sth,lJ41. The motion-was seconded by councilman Boidc and regularl~ carrY, ed. ~ime of adjournment, 7;$0 o'clock P.~. ~ppro~ed ~~ ' D~ayor o~ South San F~gncisco. Respectfully submitted,