HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-08-02REGULARLY A JOURNED I~,~EETING OF TI'hE CITY CO.NCIL OF ~hE CITY OF SOUTH SAN Fi~ANCISCO, i~ELD FRIdAY,AUGUST ~S ~ !O4,o. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San ~ancisco was held in the cit~~ hall, Friday,August q8,1947. 'ihis meeting was called to order at V;30 o'clock P.I'~. b~ Mayor D.W.Ratto. Roll call. Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows:. Councilmen,V.Boido,George W.Holston, Reese Lloyd,~'i.Einucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the two previous meeting were read. Nayor Ratto stated the ~40,000 referred to in the minu~es of August 1V as the cost of improving ~,;i~rtin ~chool ~ark included the cost of the park,and City attorney Coleberd stated the expiration date of engineer Klassen's 90 day emp- loyment was August ql instead of July ql,m reported. The minutes were adopted as corrected. Attorney Wilson of the firm of Kirkbride & Wilson, appeared before the council with reference to the passage of an ordinance or resolution for the employment of engineer Klassen in the absence of City engineer k~arshall in order to cary on the city's engineering problems. He submitted various opinions from various states 'in support of his ACTING ENGI~,;EER AND ACqING SUi EEIN~I'ENDENT ~.,~ ~- STHEETS ~.ESOLU~ION , and also submitted an ordinance for consideration. City attorney Coleberd stated tl-st under the Wilson resolution the city council,c.ity treasurer,and city clerk could be liable for bills contracted, kayor Ratto stated he understood the city attorney to say an emergency law~ could be enacted under the circumstances. As there existed considerable difference between the two attorneys on a suitable ordinance to propose they agreed~ to ~o'o over the case and create an ordinance satisfactory to the council, and meet Monday morning, August 31~1:-~4~, °t 9 o'clock A.~, ~hief of Police ~elloni called for additional help,one policeman and two clerks,having been ordered, to handle th~ issuance of passes,etc, to aliens,and also to releive him of too much extra work on the roads,which time should be devoted to the business of the office. City attorney Coleberd approved the request of attorney J.Taaffe on behalf of ~attalie Quaresima, wife of Joe ~ ~ usresima,former city gardener, for the balance of his salary, ~90.O0,and the City council ordered it paid. Aeferring to t~ e city attorney's opinion as to the legality of a resolution proposed by attorney Wilson to employ engineer Klassen, City Treasurer Kauffmann asked if attorney Wilson w~emp]oyed- by the city council~¢if there is any suit, against the city now. ~','iayor ~atto stated he was employed when t) e La i~'ar i~andamass proceedings were started, and councilman Minucciant stated ~e is employed by the city. Councilman Ooido stated he did not vote for ~r. Wilson's emplo~nent. Charles Lema~appeared before thc: council and asked for a raise in salary. ~ie conte~ded that his present salary of ,~160 pe ~onth is insufficient to pay tle living expenses of his family owing ~o the rising costs of co~.~modities. Councilman ~iinucciani stated he had spoken to him about it. Councilman Lloyd steted there is no doubt but living costs are going up sharply, lie believed that while some had received raises in pay,it should apply and be extended to all other city employees. His opinion s ubml t was shared by other m~ber_~ of the city council. Mayor ~atto rp~uested Dep_,artment~i~ads~to ~ o b~dgets. . A co~mnuDiica~iOn ~om t_.'~e V Recr.eati~u~ Co:~/~issio~ ~,.~o_,.,:~u~'~cc ~he th.e re~aese cz ~r.~ '~'om ~'arn~wor~n- from~ttie POsition of Co-ordinator of Civilian Defense in order to ~ender more service to the Recreation dlVisi~n The reqdest was granted and ~r. arnswort)' was released from the "-Civilian defense council. " Cou~cil~an "i',(in~cCiSni mOved that Fire Chief ~'~'elte be apoointed to the place at an increase of a ~'onth in salary. T~e motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularl~~ carried.Chief Welte said it was'nt enouah,$o.Sid Councilman Eolston. Council~sn Lloy~ stated ffurther~adjustments wo~ld be made in salaries later/ ~he Recreation Commission submitted a letter of r~b'-a6 t~-le' l°/~S of Chairmar_ Robbins.' Accepted and filed. ~±here beins, no further business councilman - /~ ~~(Respectfully Submitted) ~inucciani moved to adjourn un~il i~'~onday,Aug.31,~O,at9.A,M. ~~~//~~~ The motion was seconded by c~u~cilmsn Lloyd"and regularly - '~/~ff~tv~rk~ carried. Time of adjournment,9.10 P.iv~ ~ ~ .... ~ ..... Approved Iv~ayor of South San Francisco.