HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-11-16REGULAR 2EETii,~G 0 ThE CITI ~JOL, ifC'iL OF CI2~t.' OF SOUTh gaf] i~AifCISC0,IELD ihe regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Pall, ~londay evening, ~{ovember 16th,194~. The meeting was' Called to order at 8 o'clock P.Li. by bayer D.W.Ratto. R0z~L CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen,V.Boido, 3-corse W,Holston,~eese Lloyd, >,(.i~..inucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. ~lhere being no errors or omissions they wer~ approved as read. A reply was received from James iv].Carter,Director of kotor Vehicles at Sacramento,2n answer to ti~e city's request for an officer oF his department to appear in this city ~eriodically to handle vehicle licenses, l,~r. Carter stated ti:ere was a decline of revenue in ~is C~epart~ent and he exoected the service to terminate io various otLer localities ss well ss South San i, rancisco 2he city clerk was instructed to write the ~,'lotor fehile lepartment again,and make a strong~ plea. Enginer Klassen submitted a statement s~owing the sidewalk in iaradise Valley on Hillside Boulevard between Linden A~enue an'd Arden Avenue ~ been completed, and to ~his satisfaction. ~is sOatement showed the city's share of the contract to be ,~163.~1 , and advised that the amouat held in escrew for the property owners and tl.e city's share be paif~ the Inion i~avin~j Company. Councilman [~inucciani move~ ti~e amount held in escrew ss trustee by the city clerk, ~19~1.P9 and t]~e city's ahare of ~163.91,a total of ,~ol05.90,be .?aid the Onion i:avin~ Compan~j. 'ihe motioa was seconded by councilman ].lo~d and regularly carried. Notice was received from ti~e ~: ~to 0ompensation In~:urance ~und of the expiration date of t~e city's insurance, ~cvember 19,i.d,S,and tLe amount of tl':~e ~e-~ns,~.rance, ,~119.V5. Accepted and ordered paid. ~'[otice was received from the sec:-etary of ti~.e }'eninsula Lea~/.ue o[ ~alifornia Cities, stating' tLe next meeting would be hel~: in La~rel Lall,~an Carlos 'i~1 . , ~ursday evening , ::.ovember 19,and asked how manF of?i~ers oF this city would attend. After count [~y ~'~ayor Ratto it was esti~?ated .... ~ Lms city. that ten ~-~el~ates would represent ~ ~' ]~otice was received from t.~e department of Public Works, Sacramento,California, that South San t~:rancisco's share of the .~ cent ?as tax allocation ~or the quarter endin? October 31,194~, would be ,:~14o8.64. Accepted and filed/ ApI>lication was made by Salco lron ~: i~2etsl Company ?or ~ermission to use certain property belonginf' to t!:e a~outhern.Pacific company, 1.':aged to t~e _~ethleham bteel Compora~ion for unload.~ng preparJ, ng sn~ reloadin~ scrap iron. Permission granted. A co~-..munication v~s re<'~eived from tie ~.ecreation Co.~n~mssion recon:mendin? that a i~ecreational Lirector be emoloFe~ at a salary o~_' ~?00 per month and an assistant at .~;135 ocr month. ] aid over for consideration. S.K.l{oboins, President of~ tlc South San ~rancisco Chamber of Commerce , submitted a co~muni .st?on re ~estin::l the city' to contribute the s~m of ,jg0 towards p~.~rclasin.!' a Juke-~ox for tlc 2o.S.i..Lospitality ~ouse. 0n recuest ~or sn opinion cit~j attorney Coleberd r~le~ it not be le?:al for the city to contribute. C?ief of Police ~:~elloni su m~itted the foilow~n[~~ names for appointment as special policemen at the ,,estern Pipe Steel ,orks;- Jo!n Francis uood,.~,re~ ~ Cruse,Seth ~ ~-(: -t tlc ~:elair [.hipyard~henry B.Jounson. 'Counc2Lloyd Davis ~.'razier,Elmer J.Smith,~arold E.Oorwin,, ~n_~ ~ the appointments be confirmed, witho-,.:t rcu~uneration ~'rom tlc city. '~he motion wa~ seconded by counc..lmsn ~[olston and re~ularly carried heoorts of ci o ~.~ ricers for rte merit] .::,ndin.~ October ,~.~1,19~° were receiver,s, ro~ tY~.e City ~ressurer, librs, ri~a and oanitarl, ._ns~pector Counciimsn t{olsto'~ ¥:oved the reports be acce~-e~ as read. 'i]e motiom was seconded b~ cot~ncilman ~oi~:[~ and ro.2ularl5 carried. f~ESOL~2iCN 1,10.877. Councilman Linuccisni :introduced a. resolution of ti,e city council of tLe Cit~, of 5outL San i?rancisco accep~infj a deed. fron~ ])[orman i~.Livermore ~ Sons for a piece of ground for a right of way on ibutler Avenue between the ~oays]'ore ~ i~jhway and t?e Southern Pacific tracks. ~l'he resolution was .adopted by the votes of all t~e members of the cov~ncik, as follows;- Ayes, councilmen,V.h~oido,Georfje W.]!olston,Heese Lloyd, M.['~inucciani,D.W.iiatto. lfoes, Councilmen,l~one. Absent, CouqcilmeniYone. Attest L, aniel ~'~,[cSweeney City Clerk. necorded in ~ooI: of' ~.,esolutions, '~oi.,'~,at page 365. 'Ihe deed to f.i':e property was rec~,:ived. A proposed ordinance amending ordinance ;(o .150 ,regulatinf srbage dis'~,osal, was discussed and laid. over for further study. A co~unication was received from the City of San i~:runo stati-ng the 'lanforan sewel, was broken required ir~:mediate at{:ention. Referred to engineer Klassen. A committee representing the street ,~:epartment,fire deoartment and pelice department of city employees,consisting of Lamuth,l',kaher and '~saf. no, a?peared before e}~e city council and z"equested a loper cent raise!'~, salary for city e:¢ployees. Officer Lamuth spoke for the co~ittee stating that in order to buy War 3onds and maintain the st~:ndard of living the request is fair and justi- fied¢ that other cities have already raisied the salaries of the city workers from ten to e5 per cent. ;,.syor natto stated the raise would amen nt to approximateit ,~V000 per annum and that no provision was made for it in the budf;et. }-:e asked ,',uncilman S,~,ido if he would take the bla~ for a raise in taxes next },ear to [live the city, workers a ten per cent~raise in salary. Cc~,ncil~n BOido said he did not favor a raise in taxes this Fear., 6~. was in favor of a raise in sala~es,--,,:-, as was council~,':an holston, Councilman Lloyd stated he waa always in .r',.or of good ~,ay for workers Councilman l,'.;inucciani stated a raise in ,~-alary was ,:iven some emoloyees shortl} after he took office this year and was considerin4:~ the new request. Judge Hardy and the city clerk spoke in favor of the 10~ raise, it was decided to take the matter up at a caucue i'~,onday evening,No,tuber ~3, at seven o'clock P.~., with the present co;mittee ~ · ~ City attorney Coleberd was authorized to proceed with.the usual Christman festivities. ~ f~Jr. Coleberd requested a leave of absence to leave the State to attend a convention of the i~Yational Institute of l~..iunicipal Law Officers of United States,at .l~ew York,N,Y.,., ~ and also for traveling expenses. I{e was voted the s~ of .~30 for the occasion and permission to leave the state. iieferring to the question of salaries kaymr ~atto reminded police officer Lamuth that ?olice officers were paid ~xtra for overtime, and did not helle.ye that regular men should be so paid. 0ffi~er Lamuth replied that he did not mind workin[~ some overtime when at the job,but when called from home for extra work they should be paid for it. Counci'lman Minucciani asked attorney ColeBered regarding the right of veterans to the ,~L000 Exempti. if assessed a certain amount of the actual valuation of their property. [Le citF attorney stated he would look up the law and explain t~e matter at the next meeting. Claims in the amount of .~!;77q9/65 were ne~t p:,esented for payment;- South San ~¥ancisco Land d: Improvement Co., lst.pa~ument on beach property ~!~1500.00 J. P. Quinlan P.Id. J.W.Coleberd ~nterprise Press A. Ferrario - John Tacchi A ..Juistetti J.Ferrario $. Laufer ~ il. Rt exe ll - F.i~arenti~ A .i~;ilani- Joe Galli~ F. ~ando li - J .De Dene - A..~ogotses- A .Schmi~t Kelly's m~elding S,h, op. South. 6ity Lumber ~. Supply Co., It fl Bookbinders Pu;lishing Co., Califormia Toeso Co A .Zangrando i:ac.Gas d: Electric Co., tt ti Scam~ini ~ Zanetti ,, It State Compensation Ins. ~nd San Mateo Co. Title Com. Rockaway Quarry,Inc., L. C. Smith Union Paving Co. A. J.Welte A.Galli Superior Laundry South City Laundry ~-'acific Tel ~ Tel Co., Frank Pariani Civilian Front American LaFrance Foamite Co Subway Service Co ~runton's Auto.-oti~e Service H~llawell Seed Co., James $ouri 01d Reliance ~arage Frank Giffra ~ Sons Mike Lamuth Pappas Bros stamps for Civ. Def. .~ 7.50 expenses to convention ',,ash,D.C. ~.~ 0,30.00 printon~i ord.~io0,~ q,~ c~:~ies.leg.notices otc ~ 113.17 park labor ~ 60.00 " " ,!i~ 66. O0 " " ~i~; 60.00 " " ~;~ 60.00 " " ~;i~ 36.00 repairing streets ~ 60.00 " " ,~i~ 69.00 sewer labor ~ 69.00 " " ~ 69.00 dim out lights ~ 69.00 sewer labor ~$ 63.00 " " ~ 60.00 extra labor ~i~ 6.17 repairing parts,streets dept. ,~ 9.75 " park " ~;~ .75 Euchre lyptum ,i~ 0,4.2? materials Baden Creek Bridge ~ 0,98.5~ " storm sewer ~.~ 18.o3 Civ.Def.certificates ~ 5.00 3 ,tang mova~r ,+~lq8.75 rep benches ,:~32.~6 ~'./iscellaneous acco~nts October ~ 134.66 street ii hts " ,i~883.41 repair tire ~ 1.00 tires ,:t~ 49.46 battery 'iI~ V .6V city insurance %.;~119.75 daily reports,October ~ 1.50 crusher run ~ 38.01 rentals c: materials ,~ 368.11 city's ahare build sidewalk iiiilside ELVd~i~ 163.91 expenses _:iv.~ef. tire ~: tube wash OCT. cit~/ phones repairing city machines subscription pipes and mufflers wash machine etc balance seeds film develo:: ed rep street machines blacksmith coal extra labor :~lants ~ 2 · O4 ,;~1.50 ,~ V.g0 ~ 5.60 · ~o, 3.75 ~!~171.88 .~ 4. O0 ~1;10.77 · ~3.00 ~i~; 7.1V ~ 3.66 ~ .52 3.91 6.17 50.48 R.A.Klassen, 2ity Works Engineer, salary,,.~4q, brian ,:~50.63 Brian ..~14,00,Roakwell Salary · ~10.00~Corcoran,halary,(~6.0,5, %'rans,ortation,~9.00Prints .:~1.36, ~enera; ex'ense ~16.V1,Prof~ ~30.07 ~/Klassen,c. alary,,~66.00,Transpo~tation,,i~16.00 ~g:eneral expenses q;10.O5,?rofit ,~$18.00, Mlas s eh, Oalary, .,;78.00, Brain,~lt. o~5. Bri an...~18.00, Ro ckwe 11, ,,~11.00, Cor coran, ~6 ~.@8 ,~r ansp crt at i~ .;~19.00, ge ne ra~ e xp e n s e s .~18.0q, Pro fi t ,:.~30,. 43, Br i an, ~9.60, Ro ckwe 11, ~8.00, C o r c o ran, ,;~5,00, Transportation, 4o.00,Stakes,.;~3.09,Oenera~t expenses .~3.46, Profit,,i~6.0,3,Klassen,5alar~36.00 transportation $6.00, General Expenses,,:~5.o5,Profit,..~9.45,.~rian,~lq.00,Rockwell,~:~8.00, Corcoran, .i~5 · 00 ,Qr~nsf..ort ati on .~q. 00 ,Prints ,~. 6q, Stake s, ,~. 77, Gene ral ~xpense s, ,:~3.55, P rofi t ,. Total, .~618.11. ~he claircs having! been ~udited by tke finance cor.'.mittee councilman ~Vlinucci~ moved they be pa~d. '~b.e motion wa~ second, ed by councilman Boido andzegularly carried. 1here being no further business before the board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn unti[ ~onday~November ~3,194~ at 8 o'clock P.L. khe motion was seconded by council~ an moido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;30 olclocl[ ~.i,~. ' A!~oroved kayor of South'~an ~¥ancisco. ~e spectfully suOmitted,