HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1942-12-07844 REGULAR ~!EETING 0F OF ThE 'JiTI 0~ SObTtl SAN ~RA~,~Um~CO, ?ELD AiONDAY The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Prancisco was held in the City hall, i¥ionday evening, December V,19'4~. The meeting was called to order at ~ o'clock P.~i. by Aayor D.¥~.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all ~emb~rs of th~ board present,as follows;- Councilmen,V Boido, ,~eorge W.i~iolston. noose Lloyd, I{.Ninucciani D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the three previous meetings w~re read. %i~ere beinf~ no errors or omissions they were approved as read/ County Executive Paterson ~ddressed a communication to the board advising them that various f~deral agencies in this county hav~ been urging the fo~ation of a group of officials to prepare a program of necessary public works to be under'~ken in the post-war period, and called on all cities of the county to get behind the movement in memoralizing congress to support and financ~ t]~e plan, which is to be a six year Program. Engineer Klassen stated he had ]~nowiedge of the ~ovement, and requested teat the city clerk write t~e League of California Cities and ascertain what had been done ~n congress in ~!~e matter so far, and also secur~ the number and copy of a bill that had been introduced favorin? the undert akin~i~. So ordered. A communication of similar import, advocating closer cooperation between all the cities of the county~ the Pl~nni~ Co~issions of the cities,and the county,together with the Board of Supervisors, in beautifying the sides of roadways, highways$, streets between ci~ies to attract the attention of v~sitors ~oinj through t~is part of ~alifornia~was received from Paul A.NcCarthy, City attorney of ~edwood City. The city council looked with favor upon the proposition, and appointed Councilman Noes Lloyd as the representative of South ~an ~ancisco in the county wide plan~ and the city clerk was instructed to so inform ~dr. ~dcOarthy. Jack ~nger applied for and was granted a business license to o~oerate a Tavern ~3usiness at 100 Grand Avenue, in the Alphonse Ferrari building. Paul Greenber~~ of the Gold Seal ~everaye Company, applied for a business license to sell soft drinks to ~onsumers, statin~j! ha had a state license to sell beer wholesale and retail, and also one from the internal Revenue D~partment. He was granted a city peddler license. James S.~aker applied for a refund of personal property taxes in tee sum of ,~10.~, stating he had not been in business and had no personal property here for a year. Councilr~n R~lston mov~d the refunf be granted. %he motion was secon~ ~ b~ councilman L~inucciani and re~ul~rly carried. 0ames ~.~arter, Director of Rotor ~ehicles of the of ~alifornia,replied t~ the city's . ~' ~ to issue second recuest for s.n officer of his department to a-~-,,~ear here once a week or t~reaoouts, and handle af. plicat{ons fo~ a~tomobi!e licenses, stating 5:lainl} his re{[:ret at being.' unable to f{rant the request on account of the lack oO funds at his comae:sad. Com~mmication accepted and ~orfer~d filed, ' k~yor " Ratto~ stated ~hat ~,,e r'i,lht try a[~ain. Pacific Gas ~ Electric Company applied ror permission to omen s trench in Tamarack Lane ~est o=' ialnut Avenue in order to replace a ct{i' foot O" f~as main. Referred to en/-~_neer Zlassen. %he Enterprise Press submitted the usual annual reques{ ~o the city to take a ~:;100 a.ld in tP.e Christmas edition of the Znternrise. Councilman kinucciani believed that for the value received for the subscrietion ~{;10 would ~ :uffic~ent. Co~;.nc~i!men !-Jolston and Lc. ldo were of the on~nion t~ st the usual s~bscrition of .;100 should ~.~ renewed. Councilman l~o!ston mowed the .... o~nc_!man :!oido seconded the motion:, wh=~,h Nad no third and the subscrzmtio'a should he given. ~, ,' ~ ~oti. on v;as lost Co~ncilman i'~.inucc-.ani thereu~:~on move~ .,~ il0 add be t~.~en and the motion was carried. %?e fo!lowini,~_ na:ues were, suomztted b~,.~ ~.~.~o~"~ f of Police oel!oni for av:eointmcnt in ll:e ~Lestern P'i~e .:. Steel ~'~,~m..~an?~ for t}e position of svecial~.~ ~:olicemen;- Elksnah [chne:~der,~.~eor~:~'e' ,. E.Neely, ~ James ~.Piree,J.L.?fetls~Jack E.Pesicka. Councilman t:lolston deorae S.Lee,~.~l.m~,r Atkins, ~:~oveo the appoi~otments be confirmed, khe motion v~ .~ ~. n ~s seconded b? councilman Llo}~d. in ~ ~s mo~ councilman idolston stipulated tRe men ware apointed witi:o~.~t remuneration from. the city. lnfineer Klassen submitted s copy of a letter written ti'e ind.ustrial Accid. nt Commission in response to their "Order to ~orrect unsafe conditions or to snow cause" statin[~' l~e had atten- ded to all requirements asked. CoNy oPdered filed, tie also submitted a copy of a letter sent the Southern z acific Company statl.ng the city would have its equipment on their right-of-way within a couple of weeks,and a co~.y of one sgnt to Eaton ~,- Smith concernini,, their construction work o~ "C" Street at the "ntrance to the South San P.~:ancisco Rousing{ Authority Project, showing the wcrk to be 175 feet lon~ by ~4 feet in width, 4°,00 square feet at ,~.05 per square foot,totaling in smount of cost, .;~10.00. Accepted and ord~red filed. I,lr. Klassen's report on the construction of the ~aden Creek i:~ridge showed an expenditure of $10~6.94, as com'e~red with the price of the lowest bidder on the ;?roject of ~47. t: ere will be some further work done adjacent to the bridge after submmtteo a plan and more necessary projects have been completed. Accepted and filed. ~e also ~' profile for the construction of a sanitary serer in ~,';adrone Avenue, between Chapman Randolph Ayenues. iis report on t~m.s project stated he expected to have a sewer trencnmnf.j machine on the job during the week and to have the trenchin; machine di~:~:fn~', trenches for three storm sewers Report accepted and filed. The reports of the Pou:~dkeeper, Cit~ Judge, Chief of Police, f~uildin?' Inspector,Pire Chief~ City Tresm~rer and .City Clerk, for the month endin..~ Nove}~ber 30,1940 were received. Councilman, ~[o!ston moved the reports be acce~ted as read. 'lhe motion was seconded by co~:ncilman Lloyd and x regularl}~ carried. A light was reported needed at Linden Avenue and Rillside ~,oulevs. rd . Foreman [%{aher was instructed to look _~_nto tie matter. 0ffi~er Terragno reported street pavement broken in front of 898 killer Avenue. Engineer Llassen was instructed to attend to the matter. C~ncilman Soido reported a street, 'i'} e E1 ~amino goal }n front of Corrucciani's residence, depressed and allowing water to drain in urn}er the hguse. Engineer llassen was instructed to give the matter his attention. Henry S campini Councilman .kinucciani announced he would submit a list of names for consideration as members of tt~e civil Service Personnel i3oard of Review. ?e i'iFst submitted the name of Joseph L. Smith. ,~,,ir. Smith re~:emvea tke votes of George W.N~olston,Reese Lloyd,}~l.l~iinucciani and D.?,.Ratto, Council- man Boido did not vote. Councilman ~,linucciani then intr.~duced the name of hermann Scampini. Councilman ~oido objected to this nomination, stating', he had been rejected befoPe by the minorCO7 members of the board and asked Co uncilman l~inucciani if L.e had any other narc, es whieh might be suitable to him and Mr. Nolston, I'{r. ~oidostated le and ~ir., holston were willi~a~ to accept two members appointed by the majorit} of the board but thou{iht it was only fair t~at the two minority ~.mb~,~a nf the aounail be e~itled to one member of t~.e ~ersonnel board. Coun~iimsn i-olston they were approved ss read/ County ~x~cutiv~ i~t~son ~d~m~ss~d a communication to the bo~d sdvising them thst various federal agencies in this county hsve been u~in~ the fo~stion of ~ ~roup of o~ficisls to prepare a program of necessary public works to 'be unc]er~.ken in t?~e post-war period, and called on all c~ties of the county to get behind the movement in memoralizing congress to support and finance t].e plan, which is to be a six year pFogram. En~[ineer Klassen stated he had hnowledge of the ;~:ovement, and requested tt:.at the city clerk write tt~e League of California Cities and ascertain what had been done in congress in t?e matter so far, and also secure the number and copy of a bill ti:at had been introduced favoring' tt~e uno, err akindt. So ordered. A communication of similar import, advocating closer cooperation between all the cities of the county, the Plannin~'~ 0omissions of the cities,and the county,togett:er with the Board of Supervisors, in beautifying tl~e sides of roadways, Lighways$. streets between cities to attract the attention of vfsitors ~oin( through this part of ~alifornia,,was received from Paul A.I'dcCarthy, City attorney of i~edwood City. The city council looked with favor upon the pro[:.osition, and appointed Councilman iiees Lloyd as the representative of South Oan P~ancisco in tl~e county wide plan~ and tt'~e city clerk was ~.nstructed to so inform i~r. L~cgarthy. Jack ~nger applied for and was granted s business license to o~erate a Tavern Business at 100 Grand Avenue, in the f. lphonee Ferrari building. Paul Greenber~' of the ~old Seal ~:~everaye Company, applied for a business license to sell soft drinks to ~':onsumers, statin~j~ ha i:ad a state license to sell beer wholesale and retail, and also .... e~aler iiSense. one from the )nternal Revenue ~epartment. He was ~ranted a city p ~ James S.~aker al:plied for a refund of personal property taxes in t?:.e sum of .~10.95, stating he had not been in business and had no personal property here for a year. Council~sn Eclston mow~d tt:e refun~ be ~ranted. The motion was secon~ :_ bi~ councilman L'~inucciani and regularly carried.. J'ames ~..Carter, Director of kotor Vehicles of ti:e State of California,replied to the city's second request for sn officer of his c~epartment to a~ear here once a week or tLereabouts, to issue ~ ~ ~ ~_ stating ]?lainl~~ his raj_ret at beth? unable to and ~':=n~le a'~mlicat~ons fo~ automobile licenses, ~rant the ree~est on accoumt of the lack o~ funds at his command. Co~zaunication accepted ~nd ~or6er.::d filed.~ ''~ k2yor 'Ratto, stated ~at ~e ~'~i~ht tr? a(}[ain. Pacific Gas ~_ Electric Company app, ll~ for permission to omen a trench in Tamarack Lane ~est o~' .¥alnut Avenue ~n ~ ~ ~"~ or~..:er to reolace a o foot o ~as main. i~eferred to enfineer ~(lass. en. ~he Enterprise Yress submitted the usual s~nual request to the city to take a a4d im the Christmas edition of the Enterprise. Councilman L~inucciani believed that for the value received for the subscription ~10 would ~ ~-~ -'c~ent Councilmen ~olston and ~.cido were of the opinion ti at the usual s~bscrition of .~;100 should be renewed. Council~:~sn ]olston mowed the _ · t_,zrd and the su~:~scri~stion snou]_5 he given .~,ot~nc.~.~man [~oido seconded the motion, wl~ich ]~ad no . ~ ~-~ thereupon ~ '-"~ t' , ;~o~ion ,,vas icst Co~/ncilman Linucc .... ~ ..... o,.~e~, .,~:.e ;10 a(~d be taken and the mo~ion, was carried. ~-z~:e ~. ~teel ~ ~"~,.,..~.~¥ for t) e position; o*.~ ~'~e~ial~, .;~olicemen;- ~l~anah f;chneic~er,.~..eorr.'e~_. E.heely, ~;eor[~e.. S.Lee,Eil~er Atk~ns,James_ ~.?iree,J.L.¥~fells~Jact~ ~.~ Pesicka. Councilman t':[olston moved t~e a~oimtn' ants be ~' con~mrmed 'ihe motion was seconde5 b~ councilman Lloyd. _n i'~is moti~'~n councilman holston stipulated tLe men ware a::pointed wit,:out remuneration from the city. Enfineer Klassen submitted a copy of a letter, written tLe industrial Accid nt Oo~ission in response., to th_elF "Order to correct unsafe conditions or to show cause", stating'. ~::e had atten- ded to all requirements asked. Co?y o~'~dered filed. Le also submitted a copy of a letter sent the Southern z acific Company stat~.ng the city would have its equipment on their right-of-way a couple of weeks,and a co~y of one s6nt to Eaton ~:,- Smith concernin[~, their construction work on "C" Street at %Le ~:ntrance to the South San F~'ancisco ~:ousin~[ Authority Project, showing the wcrk to be 175 feet lon[_' by ~4 feet in width, 4aG0 square feet at ,~.05 per square foot,totaling in smount of cost, .~10.00. Accepted and ord~red filed. ~[r. Ktassen's report on the construction of the ~aden Creek ~>rid.~?e showed an expenditure of .~10~6.94, as com'~r~ed with the price of the lowest bidder on tLe ~oroject of ~e~47. 'i~ ere will be some further work done adjacent to the bridge sfter ~ore necessary projects have been completed. Accepted and filed, ire also submitted a plan and profile for tLe construction of a sanitary sev~'er in l~,iadrone Avenue, between Chapman a Randolph Avenues. ~]is reeort on this project stated he expected to have a sewer trenchinf,_ mschine on the job durind: the week and to have the trenchin.~ machine dif~:~inf, trenches for three storm sewers.. Report acce-oted and filed. The re~orts of the P.ou:~dkee~er, Cit]~ Judffe, Chief of Police, ~ildin~ Inspector,Fire Chiefl City Tream~rer and City Clerk, for the month enO~n';. ~ove~ber 30,194o were received. Councilmsn; ~o!ston moved the reports be acce~ted as read. ~he motion was second.ed by co~:nciln~an Lloyd and~ re ~jularl~' carried. A li~ht was remorted needed at Linden Avenue and t~;illside ~'.oulevard . i;~oreman ~aher was instructed to look into t[~e matter. 0ffi~er Terragno reported street pavement broken in front of 8q8 killer Avenue. Engineer Llassen was instructed to at. tend to t~e matter. ~, ~' ~ _ 17 e E1 ~amino ~eal ~n front of Corrucciani's residence, n~ml, an Soido reeorted a street, depressed and allowing water to drain in under the hSuse. Engineer i~{lassen was instructed to give the matter his attention. Henry S campini Councilman !~,~linucciani announced he would, submit a list of names for consideration as members of t~.e civil Service i'ersonnel ~oard of Review. Ye first submitted the name of Joseph L. Smith. ~kr. Smith received ttue votes of Geor~t'e W.holston,i~eese Lloyd~;'(.l,~inuc~iani and D.?,.Ratto, Council- man Boido did not vote. Councilman kinucciani tt.~en intr:,duced the name of hermann Scampini. Councilman Zoido objected to tl:is nomination, stating l;e l':ad been rejected, befo~.e by the minority members of the board and asked Co uncilman kinucciani if i~e had any other names whieh might be suitable to him and Mr. Holston, kr. ~oidostated le and I~,r. Lolston were willi~[f to accept two members appointed, by the majority of the board but thou~tht it was only fair that the two minority members of the council be e~itled to one member of ~Ve personnel board. Coun~iimsn l~:olston stated he was much interested in the success and operation of tLe civil servic~ law, tL~at he had nominated Dolwig~Fourcans and Williams for tLe three pla~.~es,that none were acceptable to the present board majority, while the~minority members, he and Councilman Boido,were willing to accept two of the list submitted by ~,*ayor i~atto, but tt~ou(!~ht in all fairness to all he and Councilman Boido sbo~]d be entitled to nar'~e one ~'ember of t~e commission. L~ t~er~upon nominat f, lr. E~Fourcanslfor member of the ~ersonnel board. ~he~otion was seconded by council Boido. On roll call Counci~tmen,~oido ,~olston,~inuccian~ and Ratto voted Aye,and councilman lloyd voted No. Councilman Liniucciani,in votinF' for : r. Fou~cans,stated t.be city has to~'h~ a personal i~oard and he would t~:~erefore, vote for Lt. 17~ourcans. C~uncilman Lolston stated he :,r.. Scamptni were t~e ver~ best of friends. !r. ~H.t[olbrook received the council's five votes for member of the personnel zoard Ayes,Councilmen,V.£',oido,©eor[e 'J~.}-~olston,~eese Lloya,~.luinucciani,D.W.Ratto. ~oes, Councilmen, None,Absent, . The name of [,~rs. Elizabeth 0ttenfiei( ?for clerk.of the Personnel ~oard was not proposed iuayor ~atto ruling that she was appointed at ~ previous meeting. . ~ ~- Councilman Lloyd called for the secon~ reading of the Wilson ordznance~desi~ned to ~ ' ~ ' ~o.O16. ~,~ayor Ratto advised awaitin~ the returr~ nullify the Coleberd Civil ~ervmce ~rd:~_nance, of Cit~, attorney Coleberd from his convention in l,[ew York. Councilman l(inucciani moved that the salaries of all city empl%~'ees be increased. 10~o , retroactive to Dec~m~r 1~1~,~, .for~-.t.~ du~ati0n of t~..e war,and,instru:~ted the cit~ clerk to ~ ~ .... o '~ :/,'gr L~bor'B0ard~788 ~'iarket Street,San PranciscO, for write to l',[r. Stowell,~,~na~er , necessary application blanks. The motion was s~conded by Councilman ]-~oido and re![~ularly carrie Claims in the amount of ,:~6,15q.93 were ne::t presented to the council for payment;- ~.~adam Mahr Mrs. Helen Siebecker A,Carlisle L Co c .~i .'i¥alker S~andard 0il Co., CHas, ~ollazzi ,-arket Harry XcClrath Postmaster i4~.~inlan Louis ~-elloni C~press Lawn i~ursery Pacific Tel ~: Tel []o. Ed.h.~acon Company recreation suoplies. . conference C i v. Fe f. " s~l .serret~ry ~ %~n.~om. barrel deposit rope,etc, wasg,~'rease ~:.ui ok police envelopes prisoner ~?~e~ ls,etc. e×tra traffic duty plants city ~ohones, November sweeper parts California Concrete Pr~oducts Co., concrete United P.~cki~:: Co. kay Jas. S.Baker ::.e fund i:~.tax So.$.F.Laundry ~. L.Su '~:ly Co. wash ~.e.._err~'S Service Superior Laundry ~loomquist 0il Co.~ Union 0il Co. Spuri ~hoto Studio ~,~rS. Lazel,Terragno ~ .'i. i~nch .:epair tire '.;as] ~ire Emulsion services p:~lic~e matron repair radio set 4.51 4.05 6.49 10.00 4.00 35.99 4.00 64.56 lO.3V .:i;138.1~ ,;~8~5.95 10.98 5.10 1.00 4.69 31.31 4.54 ~. 1 V q .50 Dan ~.:cSwe eney H .L.haaker Kelly's ',elding Shop Joe Lombardi So.S.) .Lospital So~.S.F.Chamber of Commerce Chas. Bo~ lazzi Palace Pood Store I~[rs .Etl:el ~',:unroe Railway Expre~s Agenc~w Chas. Bollaz zi, Pacific ~as ~' Ele tric Co., Richfield ~it Cc bantini ~, Roccucci b.P.Radio ~. Supply Co. Fred J.Lautze ti It ?t C.ook's Oil Co. Union Oil Co., Linde Air Products Co, Andrew Comptometer Co. Robinson-Dru,~ gi st A1.J.Welte New Lincoln idarket West Portal ~adio i~ire Proof Wall ;o. Associated Equipment Co., California icrc Co. American City ~fa~Tozine Eaton ~.~ Smith 4 dinners San Carlos,city ins.Jud:..e )is.r(iy bond ~epairs to sign. wash,?:rease police var 30 AlcoLolic Exams ~fovembe r Add supplies i~.sterials ~::i le a~[[e, e t c. frei(-ht Lisce ] laneous services street li] ts, 37ov. f/;s. sol ~ ne m~ terials for s~'reet men ~aterisls fire dept. repairs 2:ederal tr~ck om8_~,:.l:~[ tire e .~ vulcanizin~ rapairs q6 tonsS.C.4-13- supplies materials materials ~ac Colle:;~to~'s [;end Rental of comp~ometer supplies 'ire dept. 5.60 :¢ ~5.00 ,~¢ 4.50 ,~ 3.00 30.00 ,:~ °~5.00 ,;i~ q5.13 1.50 3. O0 .40 .:t; 38.13 ,:;lq 5.5o, ,~883.41. ~:~ 33. V5 , ~6 ~31.44 6.00 i. 50 · ~54.63 · ,: 6.95 ,~ 6.81 ,.:O0.00 · :~ le .81 r~-:freshments for firemen, del!. f od repairs 91 recominoe~: Pslymira fibre sleeves one copy ,reg.one year con~-truction work 5 .V5 ,~ 8.40 ,:~ 13.~3 ,i~117.16 ,~ 13.00 ~ ~.99 ~ q .00 ,i~ 10.00. California Water S-rvice ~;o; park ..ater ti tt tt ~t Guerin ~ros. oay i~[esdows Ifursery The 'Iablet ~ Ticket Co, ! agstro?: Co,patay, the Enterprise Press A. l',.[i lani- Joe Oalli- P.I/~ando li~ A.Gotoses I,iiscellaneo s s~rvices hydrant water,lfov. e q~.:ip:r'ent rental plants ~/onor Bono Name Strip !nsi nia ~hr~. ~tma :~ AJ, d sewer labor 67.96 35.49 .~179.00 55 51.50 6.39 ~8.77 10.00 ~105,, O0 78. O0 .,~10~.00 - ~iiz~beth 0ttenfield ?for clerk.of the Personnel -~os. rd was not f~fayor Ratto ru!in?i that ale was appointed at s previous meeting. Councilman Lloyd called for tLe second reading of the Wilson ordinanc~esiAned ~:ullify tNe Coleberd Civil ~ervice Ordinance ~.,o.,.~16 ~-ayor ~atto advised awaiting: the of City attorney Coleberd from his convention in New York. Councilman Ninucciani moved tkat the salaries of all city emplo~ees be increased retroactive to Decem.~,er.l~lg,4~, .f0r.,~t.l.,.e duration,of ti.e war,and,instru::ted the citb~ cle: write to ~lrl StoweI1,.,anaber , 7:'~r'L~[bor'B'0ard~7S5 ~arket Street,San FranCisco, for Ne necessary application blanks. Tt':e motion was soconded by Councilman boido and refulsrly Claims in ~he amount of ,~6,15~.93 were next presented to the co:.:ncil for pay'merit;- · ..adam Mahr ICrs. Lelen Siebecker A,Carlisle a Co 0' .'2'alker S~andard 0il Co., CNas, ~ollazzi .-arket Harry XcClrath Postmaster Qt!inlan Louis ~.elloni C~preas Lawn ih~rsery Pacific Tel ~: Tel Co. Ed.h.i~acon Company recreation su~lies. Civ .Fef. " sal.serretsry barrel deposit ro-r>e, etc, was~i, ~ rease :uick police envelopes prisoner me~ ls,etc. extra traffic duty plants city ~hones, November sweeper parts California Concrete Praducts Co., concrete United P~ckir~- Co. ].ay Jas. S.Baker ..efun~ PP.tax So.S.F.Laundry ~ L.Su-~ly Co. wash ~e..~erry'S Service Superior Laundry ~loomquist 0il Co., Union 0il Co. Spuri Photo Studio krs. tlazel,Terragno . I. i~±nch .:epair tire ',,'as! :ire Emulsion services films polide matron repair radio set 4.51 4.05 6.49 10.00 4.00 35.99 4.00 64.56 - 10.37 ~-). o 7 .~;138 .la ,:~845.95 lO,. 00 5.10 1.00 4 31.31 4.54 ~. 17 q .50 ~o/~9 Dan ~[cSwe eney H .L.~!aaker Kelly's 7;elding Shop Joe Lombardi So.S..~.Lospital So,S. P".Chamber of Commerce Chas. Bo lazzi Palace Food Store ~,'~rs.Et)' el i',~unroe Railway Express ;.~enc~ Chas.~llazzi, Pacific ~as Ele tric Co., Richfield ~f. 1 Cc aantini ~ Roccucci a.P.Radio ,_ Sm?ly Co. ~ed J.Lautze ~oo~ 0~ ~o., Union 0il Co., Linde Air Products Co, Andrew HF~dinf Comptometer Co. Robinson-Dru ?i st A1.J.Welte Xew Lincoln l,[arket West Portal ~adio i~re Proof Wall .o. Associated Equipment Co., California Toro Co., ~erican City ~{a:mzine 4 dinners San Carlos,city Ins.Judce Lar(iy bond ~epairs to sign. v.~ash,;!rease police var 30 AlcoLolic Exams ?[ovember Add supplies i,a t erials ~:i le ace, e t c. frei f ht su ,lies - 5, i ace ilaneous services street li ~ ts, Nov. g's. sol~ ne m: terials for s~'meet men :~aterisls fire dept. repairs Peters. 1 tr:ck chan~:ix[ tire etc., wllcanizin? rapairs ~ tonsS.C.4-13- supplies materials ~:ateriais Tac Co!le:.to~'s ~ond Rental of complor::eter supplies ~'ire dept. 5.60 ~5.00 4.50 3.00 so. oo 95.00 °,5.13 1.60 3.00 .40 38.13 ,~;lq5.50 ,4;853.41. 33 . 75 40, · co ~ 1.44 6.00 1.50 0, · 77 54.63 6.95 75. O0 qO.O0 r~fres~m:~ento for firemen, dog fed repairs ~1 recominoe~: Pslymira fibre sleeves one copy ,res.one year 5.75 8.40 13.~3 ,i~;117.16 13.00 e. 99 q .00 Eaton ~... Smith con:'truction work California Water S rvice ';o; park ater " " " }.iiscellaneo s,~. ..... trices Guerin sros. ~ay £~lesdows i(ursery The 'Iablet ~. Ticket Co ~ agstro.~ Co~pamy, %he Enterorise Press A. ~:li lani- Joe Oallt- -P.Landoli~ A.,Jotoses J.facchi A Guistetto hydrant water,Nov. e ?~.i]~r, ent rental plants /~onor ~o:,~o Name Strip Insi nia ~hr . s trna s A('~ d sewer labor park i~,bor 10.00. 67.96 35.49 · ~;~179.00 41.55 51.50 6.39 o8.77 l0. O0 ,~,~105. O0 78.00 · ,~100, .00 93. O0 8~.00 30. O0 34g Expenditures continued;- A.~rrario- park labor;- J.~brrario " E.Laufer - " " Earry Troxell- Street Labor F.Parenti- " " A.Conziani extra duty W.Cameron " " A.Colombo attending fires C.Leard " " H.Wedeking " " A.Galli " " C.f~lvarez " " A.Fregosi " " P.Smith " " R.Spinelli " " C.Kidwell " R.$artori " " Arthur Johnson " " C.~egnal " " N.Bonano " ~hou~as ~!~chmidt " Carl Rinehart E.Kozlowski " " V,Ullery " " L.David " " Wm.~inucciani " " So.City Lbr.& Supply Co. ~:aterials for streets " " " " " ~oarks " " " " supp ii e s Wm.~Einucciani, 1 park union R.A.Klassen services,fees November Total 93. O0 60.00 54.OO 93. O0 93.00 5.84 5.84 16.o,5 s.oo 14. V5 9 q4.00 11.o,5 1.00 3.0 0 0,0.00 l. 00 1V .50 10.00 8.v5 10.50 13.50 13.50 0, .5o 3V'. O1 9.94 50.54 .5~ ~4V9.65 detailed below. ,15~ .93. R.A.Klassen, Salary,~.~48,00 ,Transportation,~6.00,General expenses,.$6.V5,Profit,.;~lO.15 Klassen,Salary,.i;54.00,Transportation,,i~16.00,General Ex:~enses,~8.V5, Profit,~)15,V5, Klassen, Salary,,~60.00,brian,,~68.V5,Rockwell. ,i~0,4.00,Corcoran,,~V.50, Morrison,.~)V.50, ~...iessner, ,I;5.00, Transoortation, .i¢~0.00, Stake s, 1.61, General Expense s ,04.3- .Profit, .~.~43. V3. ~,]isce llaneous Expense, To prints of 1930 plans for the im~rovement of Industrial Way for'~,.~aritime Commissio;~ ~;,~3;96, To propo,~-ed culvert on 01d ~,'ifssion Road at re, aden Creek,South San Francisco,Klassen,,530.00, Transportation,S4,'00, ~ener~l expenses,,:~4.O5, t:rofit q;V.65 , Total .,~479.65. The claims ~av..n~ been audite5 b7 the finance committee counc~]~n ~olston moved they be paid. 'i~l~e motion was seconded o~ councilman Lloz.~d and regularly~carried. 'zLere bain2' no further business before the board council~an Eolston moved to adjourn until :,.,onday, December o1,194O,at 8 :-'~!ock P.L . The motion was second, ed by councilman lloyd and regularly carried, Time of adjournmen'. , 9;50 o'clock_ P.k. Approved ~,[ayor of South S~n Francisco. Respectfully submitted,