HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1943-06-21 RECUL~R ~EETI~TG OF THE CITY COUFCIL 0F THE CITY 02 SOUTH SAY 2RA;~CI~C0, HELD ~0YDAY, JU~,~E 21,19~. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San ~'rancisco was held in the City Hall, ~onday evening,June ~l,l~J. The meeting was called to order at 8 o ' clock P.E. by ~'~ayor D.W.Ratto. HOLL CALL. Holl call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen V.Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd, ~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of t?e two previous meetings were read. '~here being no errors or omissions, t~ey were approved as read. The Alfred J.01mo Drayage Company applied for permission to set a ~S~! gallon l~, guage underground gasoline Storage Tank and one S gallon hand operated gasoline pump , at their place of business South Linden Avenue,in accordance with the city ordinances. Having the approval of the fire chief Councilman B~olston moved the desired permissiou be granted. ~he motio~~ was second ed by councilman LEoy~ and regularly carried. ~r. Harry Troxell of the street department made application to be ~laced on the monthly payroll basis,citing he had been in the city service off and on for the past twelve years, w~s experienced in his line of business and a native born citizen of the United States. Considerable discussion arose over the request, councilman Boido contending }~{r. Troxell was a good and steady man,worked a long time for the city,others with little service or experience were promoted and he believed ?~,~r. Troxell should be also. ~ayor Ratto stated to the contrary, that ~'ir. Troxell was a ~oor workman a~d did not deser~e the promotior. City attorney Coleberd r~led t~at the appoint ment could be made for ~0 days. There .was no actio~ '~aken on this. Councilman Holston moved that ~r. Troxe!l apply for g~-an application to take ~ne civil service examination for the position from the Personnel Board. The motion was seconded by councilman ~oido and regularly carried. ~lhe South San ~rancisco Library Eoard invited the city council to meet with them on Tuesday or Thursday the OOnd anm O~th respecti,~ely,to discuss the library budget and also to inspect the library. ~he city council agreed to ~eet t~ e library board on Thursday , the o4th,inst,at 7;~0 P .~.~. In another communication from the Library ~oard the secretary notified the city that the terms of Trustees, ~'~rs.C.J.Ledwith, ~rs. J.G.¥~alker, and ~r. ~.C.Weller would expire on June ~0,19~. Councilmen ~olston ~oved t~at the three ~ncum~en~s be reappointed for another term. ~]be ~ot~on was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. Pacific '~el ~ Tel Company submitted a proposition to make improvements at Industrial Way and at the intersection of Swift Avenue and Industrial ¥~ay in order to furnish additional co~unication service to the ~ethleham Steel Corroboration,and asked the city's approval,if satisfactory. Councilman Lloyd moved the city's approval be given. ~lhe motion was seconded by councilman )~olston and re~ularly carried. ~out~ San Francisco Transit Company submitted a schedule of proposed improvements in their transportation system,to include connections wit?~ San Oruno and the local industries, showing ho~rs of movements,etc. ~ccepted and filed. ~est Coast Advertising Company asked permission to n~ect a sign board on Lot 17,Block 140, stating that tree growth mars the view of the pane]~ at ~ayshore and California Avenue. Councilman~ Lloyd moved the request be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. L~loyd Tower, Commissioner of Juries for San l~ateo County requested permission from the city council to use the council chamber in the city hall on days when not used by the councilmen, in interviewing prospective jurors for service in the superior courts of the county. Councilmen ~{inucciani moved the desired permission be granted. '~he motion wes seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularl~~ carried. ~eferring to the city's letter and claim agains~ !~ ~ ~'~nion Paving Company for the sum of ,~18~.40 for steel rails sold them in April,19~, Cit}' engineer ~arshall submitted a statement in the matter saying he sold the rails with the consent of the city council,to the Union Paving Company at ~19 a ton , the same price paid ~Y the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, that he ~ade ~rrangements to let the company have the rails when they needed them badly for the completion of their new plant. but had ~one fro~ here before the company ~a~ taken the rails. }~e stated the oethleham deducted l~l for transportation and he expected, the [nton Pavin~ Company would do the same. Another notice and claim for the amount will be sent to Union Pa~ing Company for the amount ~ue. Pompeo Petteta applied for a permit to construct a jarage and rooms on an alley,lot and block and number and cost not given. I~e was instructed to furnish ~ore detail and the council would take the matter under considerati~,with the opinions of neighboring property owners. The State Board of Equalization acknowledged the city's letter objecting to granting a liquor and beer license to Laura Sandoval, Grand ~{otel,7~,5 ~ayshore Lighway, statin~i that if it becomes neceasary to hold a hearing the city would be notified, and that a copy of the objection is being sent to the San Francisco office. Accepted and filed. A communication was received fro~ ~rs.Elizabeth 0ttenfield,stating that at the last meeting of the Board of Review of the City of So~h hen Francisco recommendation was made thatthe clerk of the Board be paid a salay of ~I~8 a month,retroactive to ~!arch ll,19~O. Councilman ~inucciani moved t?at ~rs.0ttenfield be paid the salary recommended, retroactive to ~!arch ll,19~S.~he motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried, letter A communication was received from the Federal ¥~torks Agency,in answer to t?.e ~ayor's'requestiug Federal Assistance for additional man power f~r the fire department,stating tLat the letter had beem forwarded to Wright L.Felt,Assistant Regional Director,F.W.A Los Angeles, California. Communication filed. Works engineer Klassen addressed a letter to Mayor ~atto relative' to the redeterm~ination of the ~opulation of South San Francisco,affecting the city's allocation of Gas ~ax Fund and ~otor Vehicle License ~und , and submitted a copy of a letter received from the Department of Commerce,whic~ is now on file. A communication was rece~ ~ed from ~r. Ralph ~cArthur,'±ax Collector of ~an i~ateo County, s~bmitting a list of lots proposed to be sold at auction an~ asked if the city had any objections to the sale. City attorney Coleberd volunteered .~o take charge of the matter. Copies of proposed ordinances on .~urfew law were received from San ~ateo County Lepartment of ?~robat- tion and the City of San ~runo , requesting the city to cooperate in adopting an ordinance similar in controlling juvenile delinquency. A general meeting on the subject will be held in t~e City ~all of South ban ~¥a~'~cisco.tc-morrow, Tuesday~June OO.l~O~ on invitation of Citw Attorney Colebrd. This being! the date set for t?~e opening of bids for the purchase of a ~/~8 used Ford Truck council~an Lloyd moved the bi~t.s be opened. But one bid was submitted, that of Fred J.Lautze~ who b£fered to sell the Ford described in the call ~ior bids for the s~m of ~1800. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco accepting the bid, and ordering t~e City Clerk to draw up a warrant for the amount_ votes of t?,~, e~l ~,~,~ -- ~ey were approved as read. The Alfred J.01mo Drayage Company applied for permission to set a ~S~! gallon 1~ guage underground gasoline Storage anK and one 5 gallon hand operated gasoline Dump , at their place of business South Linden Avenue,in accordance with the city ordinances. Havin~ the a~proval of the fire chief Councilman Holston moved the desired permissioa be granted, he motion was second ed by councilman L~oy~ and regularly carried. Mr. Ratty Troxelt of the street department made application to be placed on the monthly ~ayroll b~sis,citing he had been in the city service off and on for the past twelve years, w~s experienced in his line of business and a native born citizen of the United States. Considerable discussion arose over the request, councilman Boido ~ontending ~r. ~roxell was a good and steady man,worked a long time for the city,others with little service or experience were promoted and he believed ~'~'~r. Troxell should be also. ~ayor hatto stated to the contrary, that I~r. Troxell was a poor workman arid did not deser~e the promotion. City attorney Coleberd r~!ed ti..at the appoint ment could be made for 90 days. There was no actio~ 'aken on this. Councilman Holston moved that ~'[r. Troxell apply for ~gP-an application to take t~e civil service examination for the position from the Personnel Board. The motion was seconded by councilman ~oido and regularly carried. The South San ~rancisco Library ~oard invited the city council to meet with them on Tuesday or Thursday the ~Ond anm O4th respecti'ely,to discuss the library budget and slso to inspect the library. 'ihe city council agreed to meet ti e librsry board on Thursday , the o4th,inst,at V;3~ P. I~. In another communication ~rom the Library hoard the secretary notified the city that the terms of Trustees, I~rs.C.J.Ledwith, ~rs. J.G.~alker, and ~ir..~.C.Weller would expire on June 30,1~43. Councilmen Holston ~,~oved that the three ~ncum~oe~Ds be reappointed for another term. ~]he motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. Pacific '±el ~L Tel Company submitted a proposition to make improvements at Industrial Way and at the intersection of Swift Avenue and Industrial ~ay in or, er to furnish additional coHEunication service to the ~ethleham ~teel Cor?oration,~nd asked the city's approval,if satisfactory. Councilman Lloyd moved the city's approval be given. '!he motion was seconded by councilman Holston and re~ularly c~rr~ed. i~outh San Francisco '±ransit Company submitted a schedule of proposed improvements in their transportation system,~o include connections with San Oruno and the local industries, showing ho~rs of movements,etc. Accepted and filed. ~'est Coast Advertising Company asked permission to ~ect a sign board on Lot l?,Block 14~, stating that tree growth mars the view of the pane]~ at oayshore and California Avenue. Councilma~ Lloyd moved the request be denied The motion was seconded by Councilmsn Bo~ do and regularly carri,d ~loyd Tower, Commissioner of Juries for San l~.~ateo County requested permission from the city council to use the council chamber in the city hall on days when not used by the councilmen, in interviewing prospective jurors for serv~oe in the superior courts of the county. Councilm~n ~.~inucciani moved the desired permission be granted. ~he motion w~s seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. ~eferring to the city's letter and claim agains~ ! e ~.~nion Paving Company for the sum of ~18~.40 for steel rails sold them in April,19~o~, Cit2 engineer ~'~'.arshall submitted a statement in the matter saying he sold the rails with the consent of the city council,to the Union Paving Company at ~19 a ton , the same price paid bY the Bethleham Steel Corporation, that he ~ade arrangements to let the compan? have the rails when they needed them badly for the completion of their new plant. but had gone froN, here before the company had taken the rails. ~ie stated the oethleham deducted for transportation and he expected the L. nion Pavin~ Company would do the same. Another notice and claim for the ~mount will be sent to Union Paving Company for the amount Pompeo Petteta applied for a permit to construct a jarage and rooms on an alley,lot and block and number and cost not given. ~e was instructed to furnish more detail and the council would ta~e the matter under considerati~ ,wi~h ~he opinions of neigbborin~ property owners. The State Board of Equalization acknowledged tlc city's letter objecting to granting a liquor and beer license to Laura Sandoval, Grand Hotel,7J$ ~ayshore Highway, stating that if it becomes necessary to hold a hearing the city would be notified, and that a copy of the objection is bein~ sent to the San Francisco office. Accepted and filed. A communication was received from I~rs.Elizabeth Ottenfield,stating that at the last meeting of the Board of Review of the City of So~ah Jan Francisco recommendation was made thatthe clerk of the Board be paid a salay of ,,~o~8 a month,retroactive to ~iarch 11,194~. Councilman ~.~inucciani moved th~at Mrs.Ottenfield be paid the salary recommended, retroactive to ~iarch ll,1945.The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried, letter A communication was received from the Federal ~orks Agency,in answer to t?.e I~ayor's'requestiag Federal Assistance for additional man power fSr the fire department,stating t?~at the letter had beam forwarded to Wright L.Felt,Assistant Regional Lirector,F.W.A Los Angeles, California. Communication filed. Works engineer Xlassen addressed a letter to Mayor Hatto relative' to the redeterm~ination of the ~opulation of South San Francisco,affecting the city's allocation of Gas Tax Fund and ~otor Vehicle Licen~ e Pund , and submitted a copy of a letter received from the Department of Commerce,which is now on file. A communication was rece~ ~'ed from ~r. RalDh~ ~'~cArthur,'lax Collector of San ~ateo County, submitting a list of lots proposed to be sold at auction an¢~ asked if the city had any objections to the Sale. City attorney Coleberd volunteered ~o take charge of the matter. Copies of proposed ordinances on ~urfew law were received from San ~'iateo County Lepartment of Probat- tion and the City of San ~runo , requesting the city to cooperate in adopting an ordinance similar in controlling juvenile delinquency. A general meeting on the subject will be held in tl~e Cit~ Hall of South ban Fra~cisco.t¢-morrow, Tuesday~June OO.lJ~3~ on invitation bf Citw Attorney Colebrd. This be~n~] the date set for t?~e openmng of b~ds for the purchase of a ~.i~38 used Ford Truck councilman Lloyd moved the bids be opened. ~,ut one bid was submitted, that of Fred J.Lautze~ who bi'feted to sell the Ford described in the call or bids for the s~m of ~1500. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco accepting the bid, and ordering t~e City Clerk to draw up a warrant for the amount, Tie resolution was adopted by the votes of the following named councilmen, Ayes,Oouncil~ten,V.hoido,Geo~ge W.Holstom,Reese Lloyd, M.Minucciani,D.~.Ratto. I~oes,Councilmen,None. Absent,Councilman,None. Attest Daniel ~¥~cSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Z~esolutions, Vol.3,at page 399. RESOLUTION N0.905. GASOLINE AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NUMBER 906. Councilman Eolston introduaed a resolution of ~he city council of the City of South San Francisco declaring A.J. Welte,as Chief of the Pire Department of the 6ity of South San Francis( the authorized agent of ?he City of South San Francisco to sign all gasoline rationing checks and other instruments in behalf of the city under the Pederal Rationing regulations. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as follows;- Ayes,Councilmen,M. Boido,George W.~olsto~,Reese Lloyd, M.Minuccisni,D.W.Ratto. Noes Councilmen,None,Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.3 at page 39~. The recreation commission of South San Francisco submitted a statement concerning the office of Civilian Defense Recreation, in which it said that at the request of Civilian Defens~ Coordinator A.J.Welte, ~the becreation Commission of the City of South San Francisco agreed to assume the responsibility of the Office of Civilian Defense Recreation Committee which has to with recreation for service men. 5he commission stated they made every effort to obtain ~ynaslum facilities for tt~e use of service men,and enclosed, a letter from the School Board of Trustees showing the costs under which the Recreation Commission could have the use of material: the hours allotted,etc. Laid over. Chief of Police ~etloni submitted the names of 0r vile Rack ~okley,~.~:rs ~ ' ~ .Eosalms ~i~r2c~,and Vi~tgr r~yette as~pec%a~,' licemen ~t the ~estern Pi~e & Steel Co ~ouncmzman Lloyd movem the appozntmenvs be conzmrmem.±ne motion was seconded by Co~::oido,carrie Claims in the amount of .!~3091.16 were next pre~ented to the city council for payment;- A.Guistetto J. Gellepsis G.Hasler J.Zzneuga J.Neuelo L.Penna P.Perez A.Bushias~ F.NcCara N.Laufer F.Mandoli J.Tacchi ....... F.~arneto A.Ferrario F.Casagrande J. Galli H.Troxell J.Colombo J.Ferrario Jos. P. Quinlan R. H. Avants Henry Conegatti Goodair's Sport Shop Fred M. Myckoff Standard 0il Co. So. City Lbr. & Sup. Co. Fred J. Lautze So. City Lbr. & Sup. Co. Highway Transport Calif. Water Ser. Co. Calif. Water Set. Co. Ed R. Bacon Co. The Enterprise Press Patrick Maise Kluckner Tablet & Ticket Co. S.M. Co. Title Co. Howard Burch Co. Tidewater Asso. Union 0fl Co. Bruntsas Automotive Ser. Dudley Perkins Bar k So.S.F. Jose Lombardi Pete Questoni Dan McSweeney Robinson Druggist Clearing weeds ti ti ti t! fl it' tt P ar~k Lab or tt~ tt tt tt ti ti ti tt tt Rep. Streets tt ~t General Labor tt t! ti Clearing. weeds General Labor Recreation Material Notarial Reporting Oil, Gas, etc. Park Materials Material Beach Wood Freight Park Water Hydrant Water Receipt Books etc. Brye r Name Strips Daily Reports Repairs Materials Gas& 0il Rep Radio Rep. Motorcycle Safety Box Rep. Car Service ~ Repairs to car & Fires Stamp Box Re Materials Model Appliance Furniture St.Tubes C.Severini Jennings Pharmacy Materials Chas. Bollazzi Supplies Bettucchi Cleaners Mending flag Edward Barry Co. A1.J. Welte H. L. Hacker P.Mairani A.Schmidt R.Bisagno A.Canziant Subway Ser. Station Associated Equip. Co New Lincoln Market Patrick Maise Kluckner Co Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. ~5.68 51.46 51.46 51.46 51.46 51.46 51.46 35.08 51.46 5V.73 V6.54 VO.2V V0 .? V V0.2V V0.~V 73 .,40 V0.~V V0.2V V0.~V 10.00 ~ .~0 19.54 ~4~ .16 4~.V0 88.3~ 8.VV 28.5?, 37.13 9.89 11~.39 396 .~1 93.40 906.82 ~.61 V.?V 1.50 73.~5 85.40 30.4V 6 .V0 o, .74 4.20 3.00 5.75 16 . 50 ~.93 1.55 1.80 19.41 ~.94 1 .~5 Vol. ~9 Del. tax Roll 70.44 Expenses to Caursuteau Bonds 153.94 Extra duty 14.80 " " 15.66 " " 15.44 " " 14.80 Tire repair & service 25.44 Palyrma Fiber 13.00 Dog food 6.83 Dog J.' x 5.39 Phone ~01 ~.75 City Phones 182.96 Total ~i~3091,16 l~.e clai~-s having been audited by the finance committee councilman Lloyd mo ed they be paid. Recorded in Book or nesolu~lons, ¥ol.o a~ ~a~ u~. The recreation commission of South San Francisco submitted a statement concerning the office of Civilian Defense Recreation, in which it said that at the request of Civilian Defer Coordinator A.J.Welte, ~the ~ecreation Commission of the Cit~ of South San Francisco agreed to assume the responsibility' of the Office of Civilian Defense Recreation Committee which has to with recreation for service men. qbe commission stated they made every effort to obtain gynasium facilities' for tt~e use of sera;ice men,and enclosed, a letter from the School Board of Trustees showing the costs under which the Recreation Commission could have the use of materi~ the hours allotted,etc. Laid over. Chief of Police oelloni submitted the names of 0r vile ~oxley~.~rs.~sa%ms ~.Jr~c~and Vigtgr ~yette as ~oeciat ' licemen ~t the ~estern ~ipe & Steel oouncm±man ~±oym movem vne appomnvmenvs be confm~ed.2he motion was seconded by Co.~:oido,carr Claims in the amount of ,!~091.16 were next pre~ented to the city council for payment;. A.Guistetto J. Gellepsis G.Hasler J. Z aneuga J. Neue lo L.Penna P.Perez A. Bushias F.McCara M. Laufer F.Mandoli J.Tacchi ....... F.Parneto A.Ferrarto F. Casagrande J. Galli H.Troxell J. Colombo J.Ferrario Jos. P. Quinlan R. H. Avants Henry Conegatti Goodair' s Sport Shop Fred M. Myckoff Standard 0il Co. So. City Lbr. & Sup. Co. Fred J. Lautze So. City Lbr. & Sup. Co. Highway Transport Calif. Water Set. Co. Calif. Water Set. Co. Ed R, Bacon Co. The Enterprise Press Patrick Maise Kluckner Tablet & Ticket Co. S.M. Co. Title Co. Howard Butch Co. Tidewater Asso. Union Oil Co. Bruntsas Automot~.ve Ser. Dudley Perkins Bar k So.S.F. Jose Lomb ardi Pete Questoni Dan McSweeney Robinson Druggist Clearing weeds tt tl ti It' tt ti ti fi' tt P ar;k Labor ti' ti Il It tt Il Rep. Streets General Labor tt ft tl tt Clearing weeds General Labor Recreation Material Notarial Reporting Oil, Gas, etc. Park Materials Material Beach Wood Freight Park Water Hydrant Water Receipt Books etc. Bryer Name Strips Daily Reports Repairs Materials Gas& Oil Rep Radio Rep. Motorcycle Safety Box Rep. Car Service Repairs to car & Fires Stamp Box Re Materials Model Appliance Furniture St.Tubes C.Severini Jennings Pharmacy Chas. Bollazzi Bettucchi Cleaners Edward Barry Co. A1.J. Welte H. L. Hacker P.Mairani A.Schrmidt R.Bisagno A.Canziani Subway Set. Station Associated Equip. Co New Lincoln Market Patrick Maise Kluckner Co Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Materials Supplies Mending flag ~ 95.68 51.46 51.46 51.46 51.46 51.46 51.46 35. O8 51.46 5V. 73 V6.54 ?0.~ V0.~V V0.2~ ~0.~V V3 ..40 V0.~V V0.2V V0.2V 10.00 3.30 19.54 242.16 44.V0 88.3~ 8.VV 28.52, 3V.13 ~ .89 11~. 39 396 .D1 ~3.40 906,82 3.61 1.50 93.95 85.40 30.4V 6 .V0 ~, .~4 4.90 3.00 5.75 16.50 0~.93 1.55 1.80 19 . 41 9.94 1.75 Vol. #~ Del. tax Roll V0.44 Expenses to Caursuteau 1.~5 Bonds 153. ~,4 Extra duty 14.80 " " 15.66 ~ " 15.44 " " 14.80 Tire repair & service ~5.44 Palyrma Fiber 13.00 Dog food 6,83 Dog ~..' '~. 5.39 Phone 401 9,75 City Phones ~ 182.96 TOtal ~3091,16 'i?e clair,'s having' been audited by the finance committee councilman Lloyd mo ed they be pai~ The motion was seconded b~, councilman i~olston a/:d '?e~ularlv carried Chief of Police Oelloni submitted the na~es of O?vel ~ck Co~±ey~(rs. Rosalie Grace and Victor Payette as special oolipemen at the ",'~estern Pipe g: Steel~Comoany.Councilman Llo_wd mo the appointments be confir~en.i~,[otion seconde~ by council~r~an Eoi~.O ahd regularly carrle~. ~ire cbie,f Welte reported that Palzone & $ilvestri wished permission to enclose a porch in the rear of their Grand Cr~merry,at an estimated cost of .~]o5. Permission granted. S"~e fire chief rec_uested:.aut~ority to purchase two fi~e~ ala~ boxes for l~arad~se ~alley ~t an estimpted cost of ;~00. Authority ~ranted. The chief reported that at the 7PO Unit~PYousing [,uthority ..Proje6t~CAL41Z4 thegovernment contractor was attempting to install second hand fire ala~ boxes. Le ini'ormed them all equipment must be first class and new in order to protect the city's fire,. ala~ installations. Under the head of Unfinished Business ~"layor ~atto ,.sked the city attorne}z wP'Ct d~sw~s~.ti, lon was made of the case of Azzaro,r, resumed to owe money fo~~ tlc use~.f city park property for ga~denin~ purposes,from an unknown agent,or other mysterious representative, Mr ColeBerd stated he inter- viewed kr. A~aro,who stated he did not rent the property from anybody and did not owe any money to an7bady for the land. kayor Ratto inst~cted the attorney to r ecure the rent money or order Mr.Azzaro off the land. 2:he matter of the ~¢DO0 oalance due the City of South San Francisco came up for consideration. City attorney was instructed to see the land compan? and secure the money or start suit against them. Councilman Boido proposed that volunteer firemen be given a raise from b0 cente to ,~1.00 for answerinF calls to fires where no hose is pulled, for the reason men are so busy other places an additional 50 cents would ba an inducement to them to respond to fire calls. It w~s stated few are now answering cal~s. ~,,~cilman i~{inucci~ni moved.the raise be granted.The motion was seconded by councilmar~ ~Doido and regularly carried. Councilman Bo;do brought uo the matter of the pa~ent of :$581.~0 to Kirkbride ~ Wilson for services rendered in defense of the La~ar ¥S the city, and in prosecuting the ~etition for hearing in the Supreme Court,concerning personnel system ordinance; stating he did not know it was paid, after the city attorney declared he doubted the validity of the claim. Le stated he and Councilman Halston objected to paying ~he claim and are on record to that effect.Councilman Eo~ston stated he objected to the pa~ent of the bill at the time it was presented~at which time city attorney Coleberd stated he doubted the validity of the bill. Nr.,Eolston said k~e did not know the bill was paid. ~v~a~or ~atto stated he did not know the claim was paid eitt~er. Councilman Bo~do attacked the two engineer problem, stating the city was burde?~ed by paying two salaries a month,one of ~$Q50 plus 10~ to City Engineer Y~arshall and the fee bill to engineer Elassen ,and ~aid the city would recover t~'e lessen o b ~ 1~ ~ ~ h .... ~ K m ney ,ack to the treasury if ke were on the outside.Payor atto said not~ ~rg w~s pre~entin~~~ him from re~igning~to which 1,~r. Bo;do said he would not resign but some one would ~ ~pay these hi~s and it would not oe the taxpayers. Engineer Klassen said hi~ bills were so low he elt he was ~,caboin~ on other engineers./ ~ ~he South San ~r,~ncisco I-~ou~in~' Aut5ority havin~ offered to dedicate the streetsof Industrial %Vi>lage to the city,a resolution of~acceptance will be introduced at the next meeting of the city council. City attorney Coleberd r. eported progress on the delinquent tax lots problem. There bein. F' no further business before the board councilman halston moved to adj'ourn till Tuesday ~uly 6tb,195~,at 8 o'clock ~.r<. ~ihe mot:~on was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regul8rly carried. Time of adj.:~urnment, .9;~ o'clock P.f~. ~espectfutly submitted, Approved l,iayor of South San ~rancisco