HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1943-07-26894 REGULARL1 ADJOURI'~E~ ~/_EETI~]G OF ~II~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTti SAN FRANCISCO,HELD~, k~C~NDAY, JULY ~6th,194~. ~?;~0 P.~i. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council ~f the Cit~ of South San ~rancisco was held in the city hall,~onday even~ing,July ~8,194~. The me~ting was called to order by mayor Ratto at ?;~0 o'clock P.~i. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following ~embers of the council present;- Councilme~ ,V.Boido~George W.Holston,~.~Iinucciani ,D.~.Ratto. ; " Absent, Aeese Lloyd. The readin? of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. In ti~e matter of a proposed ordinance for revenue,t~.xing the payrolls of the industries of the city , city attorney had a copy of the Richmond ordinance on the subject, with some changes mad . ~ ORDINANCE NO. "~ ~ ~ .~ayor *~atto said t?e council should have copies of' the propose~ ordinance to familiarize themselves with before voting on 'the ordinance. City attorney Coleberd sai~_~e would furnish the board with a copy for each member to-morrow. The ordinance was g~iven a title first reading,or. introduction by councilman ~linucciani,and laid over till a fuiure meeting. '~, Bids were received from R.G.Cliffor~ and L.C.Smith on ren~t~al of dra?line for ~ork on an outfall sewer and canal work adjacent, near the ~elair Shipyard. R. (~-~CltfforR bid ~he sum of ~80 per day and L.C.Smith bid the sum of ~Vg per day, Laid over for further stud~. Articles of agreement between the State of Oalifornia and the City of South ~an Francisco for a freeway on the city front having been signed by the proper city authorities ~¥~a~or Ratto instructed the city clerk to remind the State authorities of their agreement to provide crossings between Grand Avenue and Butler Avenue to be used by pe~d~i~rians working at the various pla. nra, as Fontana's,Pacific Oar & Equipment ,Co ,Enterprise £~'oundry Company,etc., when forwarding the agree~ent to the State. ~ ~'~ayor Ratto received a telegram from J.S.~ilson, Assistant Director U.S.~'~.C.-Oakland,' California,'ihe united Ltates l~.aritime Co=~ission,requesting a hear!nC' with t~e city council before ~ . adoptzng the proposed payroll ordinance Th'e ~te s~t for a hearing is,~FridayL.evenin~.J~? 30th,1943,at ~? o'clock ?.I~i., in the cit]~ hal~. ihe city clerk was instructed to notify the i~iaritime Comm. i"s~ofacturersA Association of the meeting , and reques~t t~em to attend to discuss the subject. Engineer Klassen reported he would be unable to ~ec~re oil for the construction of the ~ roposed ~i~!ewalk on the west side of South Linden,havin~ oeen refused the priority. Be stated t~rat in order to secure the priority one would have to go to Washington to establich the ~ necessity for the project,or correspond with the bureau there,which, he said would not be very satisfactory for such a small .job. The m~tter was ~os~.poned until the engineer secures further figures and data. -' Referring to the bids submitted by Clifford ~ Smith for dragline service in opening up ~loughs adjacent to Oellair shipysrd, closed or choked by the operations of the s?.ipyard people, councilman ~oido was of the opinion that the U.S.Government is responsible for the damage done to the flow of' water,and the city should not have to repair the damage~atso tlmt. ~? City of San oruno has r~ore interest in the flow of water in the tide lsn~ section where the flow was inter- rupted by the operati ns of t~e shipyard ~han South San Francisco, and should be represented i~. any settle~ent of responsibility. Engineer Klassen and ~'~ayor Ratto ex~lained that it is an emer~enc~.matter that should! be taken care of rig~t awa?~,as t]~e health of ti!~e co~r~nity deoand.,~ upon sanitation, a~d the av~idance of epidemics. Councilman Ooido said the city should get-~in contact with the government immediately and request them to ~emedy the ~amage done, as the city is not obligated to repair the damage. %he matter was l~id over~and tlc ~fow~rnment will be contacted. A delegation of of auxiliary firemen of the ~t¥ aooeared at t>e meeting and advocated a · ten per cent raise '~n salary for Andrew Schmidt, first assistant~ fi~e chief, on the ground that when the recent 10/~ raise was given .he was not included in it, ti~ at he was an e~ficient instructor in fire fightin~,giv~ng his own time, etc, and shoold be entitled to the raise &~ he would quit the job~if not granted it. ~'¥~ayor ~atto explaind io tb~ ~elagation that $chmidt asked perso~.~lly for a raise of ~o, 8 ~ee~re the 10~ raise was made and re'aid at th~ time that he would quit if not granted ~'is request, th~.t the request was granted, and that when the !0~ raise was given all em?loyees Schmidt and !~!isagno were given an additional .;;$.00 raise~ and was at a loss to see how ~¥~r. Schmidt could expect more. Pete .~.,~lairani stated he worke~ continually for 18 years and does the same work as other firemen and should be oaid more. Councilman Loido stated that if firemen schmidt is a~ instructor, teachinm..~ auxiliary men the art of fire f~.ghting,there is another question !nvo~.vsd~if )~e is teaching_ on his own time,and he might he'e~titled to extra pay. Cc. uncilman ~viinucciani stated ~e thought the city was doing the right thing by ra~sin2~ $chmidt and ~isagno to keep t! e department up, but did not think they should be granted the 107o raise also after bein~· granted a substanial sdjustment~ previous- ly. Councilman Holston believed it was a matter of conferr'ing with the .fire chief and firemen and council at some set time for a ~eneral discussion,and the matter was laid over till ?riday evening' ti~e ~OtL o£ July at 7 o'cloc P,~. Chas Lema ~.~ report, ed that he was in the clerk's office recently spearmint, to Engineer Klassen about the inequality o~ waf!~es paid him and the street swee?er ¢an in ~Daly City, that he explained to the en~'ineer why he wanted more mone~~ and they en/.~ineer Klassen told him he was getting awa~ with murder, i,'a~'or Ratto interrupted to explain the subject was ~.~ot at i~sue now. ~. A'-~communicatio.n was received from City Cl~rkLicense Collector !~?,~weeney state~ he is in ~.~ e~ghth position on the pay roll for lack of adjustment,others ~ein~ ~aid as follows, Robert E. Klassen,en,~ineer,'Average~, o ~. -~' .~660.,a. month,Louis. . ~el~oni,Chief~ . . .°f P~l~ce ,~Oo.~O,A1.J.Welte. ,*~ire C~! Chief,~30 .50,A.~erragno. Ser~ean ~4o ~m,mt.olanc mni ~36 E.O $ ~$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~1 ~ ~,'i~.~ , ' ttenfield ~33, A.Lshmidt ,~3C. and D.~,~cSweeney,.~9. 'laken under advisement till the next meeting ?riday evening July 30,1943,/ at V o'clock P.~i.. There bein~ no further business t):e council adjourned? to meet again-I'~onday,August o,1943,st 8 O'clOck P.~.~. · ApprOved ~ayor of South gan ?ran~is::-o Respectfully submit~e d,