HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1943-08-16 REGULAR ~ETING OF T~E CIT~ COUNCIL OF THE CIT!.~ OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD ~iONDAY,AUGUST 16TH,.1943. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South 5an..F~anctsco was held in the City Hall ~ionday evening, August 16th,1943. ~he meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Y~ayor D,~'~.RATTO. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present,- Councilmen, V. Boido, George W .Holston, D .W .Rat to. " Absent, Reese Lloy~ and M.Minucciani. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they' were approved as read. A communication was received from ,the Bank of America asking if the city still Wishes to continue stop-payment on ChecksO~3008 ,~360,~0746 ~$V8.24,~8731,~$150.00 and M6690 $30. It was deciided by the council to continue the stop-payment order in force till further notice. The Personnel Board of ~eview of the city submitted articles of agreement to be entered into by the City of Sout~ San Francisco and the State Personnel Board for the preparation and rating of examination material for jobs to be filled in the Cit?~ ~e South San Francisco. ~he charge for this service is a minimum of ~lO.O0 for each examination in'which l0 or less c~m~ates compete, and in examinations in which ll or more candidates compete the charge is ~$1.00 for:~ each competizor participating in the examination. The agreement as submitted by the State Personnel Board being satisfactory to the city council Councilman }iolston moved the a%reement be entered into and signed , ~o:_do and by the proper cit~ authorities,the ~ayor and Clerk.The motion was seconded by councilman ~ ' regularly carried. In another communication from the 5card of Review of the City of South San Francisco it was announced that Robert Bisagno, Second Assistant Fire Chief of the city had passed the promotional examination conducted by the Board of neview, and approved unanimously that he be promoted to the position of First Assistant Fire Chief,with the salary paid for that position. It was requested that the city council a~oprove the appointment. Councilman Eolston moved the appointment be confirmed. The motion was seconded by councilman ~o do and regularly carried. Referring to the starting rate of pay to be stated in the advertisement, for positions in the police and fire departments the board of Review req~:ested the minimum the council decided upon, so that examinations may begin as soon as possible. T'here being two members 'of the council absent it was decided to postpone the decision until 1uesday,August ~4, at ~,o0 o clock P Emil Petersen applied for a license to conduct a second hand store in the Frank Giffra building,O~o, 6 Grand Avenue· Councilman Holston moved the application be granted· The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. A communication signed by six persons and addressed to tke chief of police, stated a hLgh fence on the property of Fred ~iitchell,lO, 9 Knoll Cicle,Southwood, is so close to the curb that it causes a blind corner,endan~ering the lives of' children crossing the street,and endangers cars making a turn or trying to pass, and asked tkat steps be taken to reduce the height of the fence and move it back so as not to be an obstruction. ~'eferred to the chief of police and city attorney. County Tax Collector ~';cArthur reported he had a bid of .~P~5 each o~ lots 1,? and 17, in Block"C'' Peck's Subdivision,and asked the city's advice in the proposed sale. Councilman 4olston a~vlsed that the city co~ncil look into tke matter and visit the premises together with other lots pro- posed to be sold for taxes, by the county, qhis was agreeable to the board. Engineer Klassen submitted a project statement for the improvement of ~illside Boulevard ioetween Linden and Arden ~venues, showing' the ?cst to be appro?:imately ,$940. Accepted. A communication was received from the League of California Cities notifying the city that the next convention will be.,~e!~ in Sacramento,California October 19 to O~l,and advised that all city o.fficials available attend..~he matter was laid over. Notice ~,? ~eceived from the State ~oard of Equalization of the application of Angelo 'Genovesi for on sale beer ~ wine and distilled spirits licenses,and asked if the city had any objections to ~t?e granti~ thereof. '~he~e were none. ~/ Pacific as ~ Electric Company asked permission to open 4V5 feet of trench in ~econd Lane /'between Chestnut and' Eucal~otus ]~vent:es and-16 ~eet of trench in First lane [~ast of Orange to accomme- / date 93 houses that are to be built by the Sun Valley ~:uilding Company. Referred to ~Jtreet 6ommiss- A report was received from t?e Department of Public Works,Sacramento, California, stating ~hat the amount due the City of South San Francisco under the one qz~arter cent gas tax allocation is ~$103V.55. Statement accepted and filed. ~xecutive P.R.~lytbe of the ±~'ederal 7°0 ~ous~ ~ ~nit, ~' . _~n~ Cal-4134, reported tLat t~.e ~ousing Authority Cor~missioners of the Cit~ of' South aan francisco had ageeed upon the Name EI~iLENVILLE for the new local unit Cal-4134. the cit} accepted the name/ Fire Chief A1 ~.ffelte submitted the name of iYfchael Zenich for appointment to the call forces of the fire deo~.rt~eut at Fire Pouse Ro.~.Councilman ~ olston moved the appointment~confirmed. · ,..::.! : . . ~.: '~ . %'he motion was seconded by co~.:ncilman ~oido and regularly ca?ried. Dr. Chas. C.~ans., County and City health Officer, reported that thq ~uarantine on babies had been revoked August 3,1943. ~he annou cement accepted and placed on file. A credit i'.~emo of .~01.o3 was received from the 1 ~' Thermit Corporation for cans received July 30·1943. Accepted and filed· Chief of Police ~elloni reported the following appointments made to the various firms for service as spec. ial police officers;- At ~.arritt ~ D'ilp,Ray I¥iorlan,Charles H.Heitman,Frank Girard,and At oeth.le?~sm Steel Corp'n, John ~orusa. Councilman ~Jolston moved the appointments be confirmed without remuneration fro~ the city.~he motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. One executed copy of The city's agreement with the Division of Highways for the construction of a Freeway over the southern portion of this city was received from t~e ~tste, and accepted. %hree petitions, containing V6 names, were received ~rotestin?: tke construction of IV duplex houses on Grand Avenue between Eucalyptus Average and Chestnut Avenue, stating they were advised the buildings are not to be stucco hearses as provided for in the selling restrictions by t?~e land company, that the construction is not up to the standard required by ordinance,, tbnt the construction of this type of residences will depreciate the values of their residences, that they had no previous notice of the proposed constructioaof houses in their vicinity, and requested the city council to halt tke construction of these houses and called upon other city officials to 5o all in their power to see that the :ouilding restrmctions are maintained to end that their property values will not be depreciated in values. Mr. William Spivock,representing the Hollycraft Ouilding Company of Oakland,stated that his company had no thought depreciating the values of adjoining property, that the buildings would look more like homes than duplexes,that his company complied with all FHA rules~ ~ hegulations and :.had loaned ~$V500 on each duplex for construction,and they would be rented for ~49 andeS56 respectively, for the 3 and 4 room: units of eac? duplex. Mr. Spivock stated he sonsidered the building of these s a benefit to the neighoorhood instead of a detriment, he said hf~ ~o~, ....... ~ by the council to continue the stop-payment order in force till further notice. The Personnel ~oard of ~eview of thee rity submitted articles of agreement to be entered into by the City of South San Francisco and the State ~ersonnel Board for the preoaration and rating of e~amination material for jobs to be filled in the Cit~ ~ South San Francisco. ~he charge for this service is a minimum of ~lO.O0 for each examination in which l0 or less c~ates comy~ete, and in examinations in which ll or more candidates compete t~e charge is ~l.O0 for~~each competitor ~articipatin~ in the examination. The agreement as submitted by the State Personnel Board being satisfactory to the city council Councilman .~olston moved the a~reement be entered into ~nd signed by the proper cit~ authorities,the ~ayor and Clerk.The motion was seconded by councilm~n Boido cud regularly carried. tn another communication from the ~oard of Review of the City of South San Francisco it was announced that Robert Bisagno, Second Assistant Fire Chief of the city had passed the promotional examination conducted by the ~oard of aeview, and approved unanimously that he be promoted to the position of First Assistant Fire Chief,with the salary paid for that position. It was requested that the city council a~prove the appointment. Councilman Lolston moved the appointment be confirmed. The motion was seconded by councilman £o do and regularly carried. heferring to the starting rate of pay to be stated in the adve-rtisement~for ~ositions in the police and 'fire deoartments the Goard of Review reqv~ested the minimum the council decided upon, so that examinations may begin as soon as possible. There being two members 'of the council absent it was dec~ded to postpone the decision until ~uesday,August ~4, at ,,~ o clock P.}~'~. Emil Petersen applied for a license to conduct a second hand store in the ~'rank ~}iffra building,O~,6 Grand Avenue. Councilman Holston moved the applicat].on be granted. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. A communication signed by six persons and addressed to t! e chief of police, stated a hLgh fence on the property of ?red ~,iitchell,lO, 9 Knoll Cicle,Southwood, is so close to the curb that it causes a blind corner,endan[_~ering the lives of children crossing the street,and endangers cars making a turn or trying to pass, and asked t?at steps be taken to reduce the height of the fence and move it back so as not to be an obstruction. ~'eferred to the chief of police and city attorney. County Tax Collector I~';cArthur reported he had a bid of ~25 each o,~ lots 1,? and 1~/, in Block"C" Peck's Subdivision,and asked tb~e city's advice in the proposed sale. Councilman l:olston a~.vised that the city co~ncil look into th.e matter and visit the premises together with other lots pro- posed to be sold for taxes~ by the county, q'his was agreeable to the board. Engineer Klassen submitted a project statement for the improvement of P_~illside Bou].evard between Linden and Arden ~venues, showing' the cost to be appro~,imately ..~940. Accepted. A communication was received from the League of California Cities notifying the city that the next convention will be ~e!d. in Sacramento,California October 19 to ~l,and advised tk, at all city o. ffioials availsble attend. ~he matter was laid over. ~ifotice -,?s ~eceived from the btate moard of Equalization of the application of Angelo Genovesi for on sale beer ~. wine and distilled spirits licenses,and asked if the city had any objections to ~t?e grantin? thereof, here were none. ~' Pacific as ~ Electric Company asked oermission to open 4V5 feet of tre~ch~ in ~econd Lane /.'between Chestnut and~ Eucal~.~otus Aven~es and-' 16 feet of trench in First lane East of Orange to accomm~- ~' date q3 houses that are to ce built by the Sun Valley ~uilding Company. Referred to Street ~ommiss- loner ~':inucciani. A report was received freer t)~e Department of Public Works,Sacramento, California, stating zhat the amount due the City of South San Francisco under the one quarter cent gas tax all~.cation is · i~iOZV.8~. ~t~ement acce~ted and filed. Executive P.R.~lytbe of the ±~ederal ~o0 housing Unit, Cal-~l.~, reported that t~.e ~!ousing Authority Cormissioners of the Citz~ of South ~an ~rancisco had agreed upon the Name EI~.~LE~VILLE for the new local unit Cal-~13~. '~he cit~.~ accepted the name/ W'~re Chief A1.J.~elte submitted the name of ~ichael Zenich for appointment to the call forces of ~he fire de~.~rt~t at F~.re ~ouse ~.~o.~.Councilman ~ olston ~'aoved the appointment~zconfirmed. · ,,~.~ ~ .... ~ ,~ · ~ihe motion was seconded by councilman ~oido and regularly carried. Dr.C~as. C.~ans, County and City health Officer, reported that the ~uarantine on habies had been revoked August :~,1943. The annou cement accepted and placed on file. A crew!it ,',.emo of .~O,l.o3 was received from the i~,letal ~': Thermit Corporation for cans received July 30.1943. Accepted and filed. Chief of Police oelloni reported the following appointsents made to the various fir~s for service as spec, ial police officers;- At oarrltt & ~'ilp,Ray ~orlan,Charles H.t~eitman, Frank Girard,and At meth,te?.sm Steel Corp'n, John ~2rusa. Councilman ?Jolston moved the appointments be confirmed without remuneration from the city,~he motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. One executed copy of The city's agreement with the Division of Highways for the construction of a Freeway over the southern portion of this city was received from the §tare, and accepted. Shree petitions, containing 76 names, were received ~orotesting the construction of iV duplex houses on Grand Avenue between Eucalyptus Average and Chestnut Avenue, stating they were advised the buildings are not to be stucco hearses as provided for in the selling restrictions by tee land company, that the construction is not up to the standard required by ordinance,. ~.. at the construction of this type of residences will depreciate the values of their residences, that they had no previous notice of the proposed constructionof houses in their vicinity~ and requested the city council to halt the construction of these houses and called upon other city officials to do all in their power to see that the ouilding restri~tions are maintained to tl-e end that their property values will not be depreciated in values. ~[r. William Spivock,representing the Hollycraft Ouilding Company of Oakland,stated that his company had no thought depreciating the values of adjoining property,that the buildings would look more like homes than duplexes,that his company complied with all YEA rules ~ heFulations and had loaned ~$V500 on each duplex for construction,and they would be rented for .i~49 and,~.,~56 respectively, for the 3 and 4 rooms units of eacZ duplex. ~.~r. Spivock stated he considered the ':..uilding of these structures a benefit to the neighborhood instead of a detriment, he said his company would provide and maintain gardens fo~ each habitation. Councilmen Boid~ a~' ~$1sten were opposed to the new construction. -~a~a~ee-&$~ae~.~-e~.e~~~' .~ ,~-~e~&~,~em?~-~a~-a~-~-~,-~®a~ Councilman ~olston L ,~=~ no gsrages were to be built for the residents,the allys are unpaved and the roadway not graded yet,and it would be hard for residents to find garages for their cars elsewhere in the city,as all available ?stages are taken . Buildin?~ Inspector V'~elte stated all rules and regulations and ordinances ], ave been lived up to by contractors except One chsnge in ~lumbing which the government ordered,and which must be complied with,.that the price set by the restrictions in this block for a dwelling is #~00 for a four room house, in the land company's deed, that the t¥'LA price for these duplicates is ~6~00, ~uch more than twice as ~uc! rs the restriction clause in the deed demands~ that material is first class and accordinG to the Y~uilding Code of California and that no person except ~ouncilman Jlolston called to see th~ plans or objected to the pr~.~osed buildings. Councilman Boido state~: it was not fair to the home owners of the disf'"~'..~ ~t affect let some new enterprise step in and take over the best building part of the city for ~ build~ of a character they knew nothing about,that they were not notified either by the land company or the Eiollycraft i~uilding Company of an intention to construct ddplex or other model of house: in their neighborhood,that the fsct that no garages are to be built on the rear of the tots on account of the governments policy detracts from the hose appearance,&that all the People of t!~e neighborhood are a?ainst the construction. Councilman ~oido further stated no ~arages can be !m~ilt ~nti'l the alley ~s ~aved, which w~!l be an assessment job. Jv'~ayor Ratto aske8 City Attorney Colberd if the city could do anything about the orotest of the signers. ~he city attorne~ stated that ~s all the requirements Oemanaem by the U.S.Government,including the change in plumbing, .~ad been complied with,and the c~. ordinances complied with except the plumbing item,there was no legal way to halt the construct~. of the duplexes. *¥~ayor ~',atto asked if an~,. other persons wis)'ed to soeak_ in protest.~here were ~ It was stated a garage could be built fo'r about ~Q00. ~ut,as the all~ is ungraded and u~ paved an assessment area would have to be started under street proceedings, requiring 51 per c~ of the property owners affected to sign the request,or petition,for the construction. Enginee~ Klassen will t~ke charge of the situation. Engineer Klassen stated a deposit of ;~505 would be required ~o be made to start procee~~. for the new census,and asked that the minutes show that the required deposit,or first paymenti is ,,$~05 instead of ,ISM00 as voted at a previous,meeting. Councilman Rolston moved the minutes s~ that the su:-- of ~i~305 be vbted R.A.Klassen, Trustee, New Census AccoUnt. The ;ootion was second. by councilman Boido and regularly carried. ~ark ~.~';aher, Superintendent of Lindenville, appeared before the board and inquired as to sewer situation at oarrett ; I$ilp Shipyard,east of their ¢]epartment. Engineer Klassen stated Federal Engineers and he went over the grounds some weeks ago~but had heard no word from them?: Councilman Boido stated the matter was the governments,their Barrett &. Hilp Shipyard had damag~ the sloughs,had agreed to mend them and had done nothing abou'~ it ,that it was not the taxpaye~ of South San Francisco who sho~ld do government work and repair government damage and was agaiz the city spending any taxpayers money on the Lovernment project. Engineer Klassen stated he ha¢ gone personally into the government office for fJnancial aid,showing the authorites the situat~. and received no help/ ~e warned t~:,at the sewer problem in that section of the city is a mena~ to the public. Y_e advised that the clearing of 6olma Creek be started very soon,lest the raiz begin"~ early and back up the waters and create damage,and cause heslth conditions~Lin addition to the Tanforan Village overcrowd!n? situation,as re~.~rds t~e sewers. Councilman Boido stated agin it was not the city's fault that a healt~-~ menac~ ,iSaOceU~ri~g~that the. ~t~ has' been a Santa Claus long enough and that San ~runo shovld accept some responsibilit-, for the proble~ on account of the use of ±he city's sewers. "±?~e matter will be taken up again at the next meet of the council. Proposed ordinances amending the the billboard ordinance and proposing a tax of ~;~1 per y~ per man in industry were laid over for further study. Claims in the amount of '~$9498. 05 were next presented to the council for payment;- Joe Galli F.Parento John Tacchi Joe Ferrario Frank Casagrande Antone Ferrario Felix ~andoli Nike Laufer C.oegnal Pete Nairani Angelo Conziani Robert Bisagno H.W~deklng V.Ullery Pietro ~ava Jack Hickey ~,G.Owen Albert Joy Louis Belloni A.J.Pacheco John Souza Spuri Studio Dr.N.Wertheim ~otion Picture ~er/Co Subway Ser.Sta. ~ete's Ser. Sta. Emma Bianchini~ South City Lbr ~ ~upply Co., Kelly's Welding, Shop Pacheco Electric Co Edward Barry Co Pac.Tel g Tel Co street labor ~ V7.19 " ~$ 61 · V1 " .!~ 68.48 " ~ 31.34 ~ar~"Labor ~$ 69.09 " ~ V4.o, 9 " ,~ '74.~9 " ~ 56.86 Fireman !',:xtra Duty .~ 13.04 " ~ 13.04 " ~ 13.04 " ~ 13.54 burning grass ~ 13.4V " ~ 13.4V " ,~ 1V.4V " ~.~ 15.39 " ,i$~ 1V. 4V " ~ 1V.4V back pay iextratime .~ 60.V4 fire al kaintenance ~ 49.60 Eec.iall janitor ~ 15.~0 filma,etc, ,f~ 4.V~ Alco tests ,~$ 40.00 %railer-Re Cur. Ord'n ~$ 13.~8 care police car ~,~ 5.15 " " ~ 3. O0 matron serv~ces,S~ers~ 5.00 street supplies .i~ 00.74 recreation " ~ ~.93 p~rk service w~18,ing ~ 6.00 street dept" ~ ~ 9.00 msterial for coastructing snd repairing ~o46.70 ~00 personal P.Sheets~ 57.09 phone 6~6 ~ ~.V5 ~urroughs Adding Each Co. %tdewater Asso.Oil Co. H.L.Haaker Tablet & Ticket Co So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce S.N.County %itle Co maintenance gasoline liability policy lettered strips adds June-July daily reports ,I1; 4.90 ~ 45.90 ~,60. ~4 q; 5O.00 ~1~ 1.50 ,~011 _C~'7 in their neighborhood~thet the fact that no g~rages are to be built on the rear of the lots on account of the governments policy detracts from the hose eppearance,&that all the people t~:.e nei:?hborhoo~ ~re ap'ainst the construction. Councilm~n ~oido further ~t~ted no ~;~r~es be b~ilt ~ntfl the alley ~ oaved, which w~ll be an assessment job. l~'~ayor Ratto asked City Attorney Colberd if the c~.ty could do anything about the protest of the signers. ~he city attorney stated t~at ~s all the reGuire~ents ~emanaem the U.S.Government,including the change in plumbing, .bad been complied with,and the ordinances complied with except the plumbing item,there was no legal way to halt the constru of the duplexes. ~¥myor ~atto asked if any other persons wis}ed to speak in protest.~here we~ It was stated a garage could be built fo'r about ,~900. out,as the all~ is ungraded and paved an assessment area would have to be started under street Oroceedings, requiring ~l per of the property owners affected to sign the request,or petition.for t~ construction. Engin Klassen will take charge of the situation. ~ Engineer Klassen stated a deposit of ~0~ would be required ~o be made to start proce for the new census,and asked that the ~inutes show that the required deposit,or first paten is .~0~ instead of ~$~00 as voted at a previous ,,meeting. Councilman Rolston moved the minutes that the su? of .~S08 be v~ted R.A.Klassen, Trustee, New Census Account. The r~otion was seco by councilman ooido and regularly carried. ~ark ~aher, Superintendent of Lindenville, appeared before the board and inquired as sewer situation at oarrett ~, Bilp Shipyard,east of their cJepartment. Engineer Klassen stat Federal Engineers and he went over the grounds some weeks ago~but had heard no word from Councilman Boido stated the matter was the governments,their Barrett & hilp SLipyard had d~ the sloughs,had agreed to mend them and had done nothing about6 it ,that it was not the taxpa of South San ~ancisco who should do gover~ent work and repair gover~ent damage and was ag the city spending any taxpayers money on the qovernment project. Engineer Klassen stated he gone personally into the gover~ent office for fdnsncial aid,showing the authorites the situ and received no help/ he warned t~at the sewer problem in that section of the city is a me~ to the public. Pie advised that the clearing of ~olma Creek be started very soon,lest the begin~m earl~ and back up the waters and create ~mage,and cause ~eslth conditions~n additio~ to the Tanforan Village overcrowd!n? situation,as re~rds the s~wers. Counc~.lman Boido state~ agin it was not the city's fault that a healt~~ menac~ ~isaoccu~rf~g~that the m~t~ has~ been a Santa Claus long enough and that San ~runo should accept some responsibilitl ~ for the prob~ on account of the use of ~he city's sewers. ~e matter will be taken up again at the next m~ of the council. Proposed ordinances amending the the billboard ordinance and proposing a tax of ,~l per per man in industry were laid over for further study. Claims in the amount of ~$~98.08 were next presented to the council for pa~ent;- Joe Galli F.Parento John Tacchi Joe Ferrario Frank Casagrande Antone Ferrario Felix ~andoli Nike Laufer C.oegnal Pete Nairani Angelo Conziant Robert Bisagno H.W~deking VoUllery Pietro ~ava Jack Hickey W.G.Owen Albert Joy Louis Belloni A.J.Pacheco John Souza Spuri Studio Dr.M.Wertheim ~otion Picture her/Co Subway Set.Sra. Pete's Ser. Sta. Emma Bianchini South City Lbr o ~upply Co., Kelly's Weldin~ Shop Pacheco Electric Co Edward Barry Co Pac.Tel ~ Tel Co street labor ~ 77.19 " ~$ 61. V1 " ~ 68.48 " ~ 31.34 i~ar~"Labor ~ 69.09 " " ~ 74.~9 " ,~,~ 56.86 Fireman Extra Duty .~ 15.04 " ~$ 15.04 " ~ 1~. 04 " ~ 1~ .54 burning grass " " ~ 15.~9 " ,~ 17.47 back pay ~extr~time ~ 60.74 fire al ~ainten~nce ~ 49.60 Rec.iall janitor ~ 15.qO filma,etc, ,~ 4.~ Alco tests ,~ 40.00 Trailer-Re Cur. Ord'n ,$ l~.q8 care police car ,~ 5.15 " " ~ ~. O0 matron services,Ss~ers.i~ 5.00 street supplies .i$ 00.74 recreation " ~ ~.93 p~rk service welding ,i~ 6.00 street dept " .~ 9.00 meterial for cor~structing and repairing ~o46.V0 ~00 personal P.Sheets~l~ 57.09 phone 5~6 ,~ ~.V5 Burroughs Adding kach Co. 'iidewater Asso.Oil Co. ~H.L.Haaker Tablet & Ticket Co So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce S.M.County Title Co Enterprise Press Enterprise Press maintenance ~i~ 4.90 gasoline ~ 45.90 liability policy ~60.~4 lettered strips ~ 1.~6 adds June-July ~ 50.00 daily reports ~ 1.50 ~755 tax bills, .i~ll.9V 3000 ~ircularsOrd ~30~$ 6~.1~ 1000 indentures ~ 18.14 Expenditures contf hued;- Enterprise Press Royal Supply Co. ~t Enterprise ~ress t! tl ~,.L.Young f~,~achinery Co. Linde Air Proc, ucts Co. ~.V,Carter C?as. Berg & CO., E. csmolni ~ Zsnetti Chas. Bruning Co. ~¥snk Giffra .?. Chamdler Arn~t's i~ept.Store Superior Laundry Superior Ltea~ £out~ City !e~u~dry Schawabacher 2rey Co., ?~odel Appliance Store C~lifornia Notion t Toy Co Et~e 1 ~' unroe recreation add ,i~ .~0 1 gal Bri liantshine ~,05 1 screwdriver <~ .67 recreation supplies~6.37 Sweeper parts manhole cover ~t refill broom demurrage 6 valve s mower parts o tires drawing paper poundman hose 5 .'-als spray 1~ sheets wash fire ho. " jail !a~?ndry .!~ 3.06 " !'ire ouse ,i~ 8.11 cls~,e t te ,~ 1.15 1 phono sapp?~ire ~ °.03 toys ~ 6 .~$ ]¥~iis c. e~penses ~ 5.53 R.Y~.Klsssen Street administration July .;~48.00,Trans!~ort ation ~6.00,~eneral ex~enses ..~10.80, i:'r~fit ,~19.44, But]er /.venue Klas~sen .$18.00,~ransportation .~o~.0 £rofit ,~?~ ~0~ Industrial ~ay,Klassen .~VS.90,1'rancportatian ~lO.00,~eneral Ex~ enses ,,~].~.00,Pro?t,~63o.40, Total 0o~53.84. Grand total,.~.98.05. The claims having' been audited by t~-,e f~nance cowmitte co~:ncilman i:ol,~t~ on move¢] they be paid. ~iJe motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. q'?ere being no further business before the board councilman moido moved to adjourn ~atil ~uesday,August ~ 19~3, at '/;30 o'clock P.iVi Approved ~ayor of South~sn Francisco. Respectfully submitted,