HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1944-04-18 R~sLLAr~Lt ADJOURNED }~iEETILu OF %~.J CiTY '~OUNCIL 0~'. %fi CIT~ ...,~'"? SOUTR SAN FRANCISCO ,}[ELD %[}ESDAY,APR!L 18th~ 1944. A regularly' ad,~ourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was'held in the City Hall, Tuesday evening, April 18,1944. This meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock P~.~. By ~"ayor D.W.Ratto. Roll Call. Roll call found the following name~ councilmen present.;;- Councilmen ,V.Boido,George W.Holston,N.Einucciani,D.~[.Ratto. Councilmen.~bsent, Reese Lloyd. ~be reading of the minutes of the previous meeting Was dispensed with. This being the. date set for opening the absentee ballot envelopes councilman-Einucciani moved they be opened. The motion wa~ seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carrie~. On the board of elections to count the ballots kayor ~atto appointed councilmen Bo~do and Dtnucciani,and clerk AcSweeney. The Tally Sheet showed the following results of the count;- liolston 9,Lloyd ~,~atto 3, Cortesi 8,Costa o,Elder 5,hays,8, Kauffmann, lO.~icSweeney l~,Lema 1,Ogburn l, P~op. No.l,yes }io.5,Proposition No.O,les 9,No.~. RESOLUTION . . Councilman Einucciani introduced a resolution canvassing returns and declaring results of the General 2{unicipal election held in ti.e .City of South San Francisco on April 11, 1~44. The result is ss follows;- 3embers of the City Countil, Emelio Cortesi,854, Samuel J.Costa 110, Charles Kendall Elder,il94, Ivan ~ark Eays,l133,George ~illiam Rolston,1398,Reese Lloyd 676, ~avid William Ratto 9~7;- City '±'reasurer, Edward ~.Kauffma~o 1383. City Clerk, Daniel ~[cSweeney 15~, Charles Lema 1, Frank 0gburn,1. kropositio:~ No.1 kes. 464.No.1386. Proposition No.R, Yes,1083, No.688. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all tke members of the city council present, as follows, A~es,Councilmen~V.ooido,ieorge W.Nolston,Di.~iinucciani, D.~[.Ratto. Noes,Councilman,None. Absent, Councilman,Reese Lloyd. Kecorded in Nook of Resolutions, Vol 3, at pages 4~,to page 4~3. The business of the meeting being over and the ~cuv ,~'f~aers awaiting induction into office , ~(ayor ~atto, on retiring, stated he believed he had conducted~,a fair and progressive adminsitration. He said he was completely sa2isfied with the results of the election as neither he nor his partner wis!ed to be elected alone. Councilman l?linucciani stated he had prepared .himself for either event,to win or to lose. ~e believed he had done the fair and just thing by the city in his two 7ear coilaboration ,and had .no re[jrets. [~;syor Katto then left the chair and Ivan ~iays,~harles Elder, ~or~e~W.~io~stOn~and Edw.P,.K~uf£mann. wares, sworn in~ by the city elerk/~..took seats. The city clerk t!en ca.~led tko rolm and ~'~ictOr ~oido,Charles Elcer,lvan ~a. ys,George W.i:olston aad ~,!.~iinucciani answered present to the call~ at 9;30 o'clock. Ivan Eays nominated ~eorge W.Holston,newly re-elected councilman, for Mayor of the city. '3'arles W.Elder seconded the-motion, which carried unanimously, i,~a~or Nolston stated he .did not seek the honor bestowed upon-him, but ?e was proud to say the elected councilmen conducted a clean and. f'entlemanly campaign~ devoid of mud-slinging, which r~srked many campaigns ~n the past. He looked ~or peace and harmony on the %oard and expected to avoid o_cker~ng. Ne '~elieved the Tanforan sewer project should be taken care of by the U.,%.Navy,as 90 N of t! e territory is U.S.holdings, and they are usinc South San Francisco's facilities. He announced in conclusion he was for the retiremant plan for ~iiouth San Francisco'-s employees first,last and all the time,and for a reduction in the city tax rate. Councilman Nays thanked ti:e 'oubIic for their generous vote and the assistance of his Criends, and all the oandidates who were opponents, in tle clean ~:~anner they conducted their campaign,which was devoid, of-any personal feelings. ?.e s-?,ated t~e would keep faith with his commun%ty and work for the betterment of all concerned. New Councilman Charles Elder said he expected to come to the people .of the city for advice when problems arise of a complex .nature,that he owed no obligation to anyone but the people of the City of South San Prancisco , and.he expected to repay them with his service.- Councilman ~oid. o referred to the fact tlet he ~ad served 14 pears on the board, that he Nad seen some stormy weather} had pulled through and encountered some better 8~oin&, but Lad always tried to gl. ye satisfaction to tl:e public,and would work for the best interests of t!~e city. Ec_w.~ .Kauffmann, elected Cit}~ Treasueer 30 years,thanked the' public for their votes and stated that when he was first elecl ed Dan ~,.'lcSweeney was took~:.d u'oon ss an old man, that Dan looks the same now as he did then, but looks upon Kauffman as an old man.now,eligible for the pension. Clerk ~.cSweeney ~anked the voters for their contiuued support,reminded Kauffmsnn that he had voted for him for many bears:., but this year,on account of his rush to vote. a salary forhis .office, forgot to vote for Kauffmann as well as himself.- Ted_ ?retzer made Sn appeal to the council to prepare some program For the ret~rnin{! veteran~ from World i.~,~ar q, which i..ia}~or Nolston said would be {!ivan every consideration, and support. l¥layor Nolston then appointed the following committees;- ~0LiCE nn'~ ~o~ra~._ Victor oozdo,~hamrman,,~har!es Elder ,Ivan Nays Fire Commission, Ivan ~mys,Ohairmen, ~.ichael I~inucciani, Victor ooi-do. Street Commission, Charles El:~.er,ChaLrman,Ivan~:r:a~'s,[[icbael ~,[inuccisni Finance Commission, 2ichael N[inucciani,Chairman,Viotor Boido, CNarles Elder. Purchasinf~ Commissioner, ~Victor ~,oido. In a com~nunication lv~r. Ratto asked that ~he-insurance company handling the cit? insurance business · be requested, to place his office on the list of insurance agents entitled to an aqua! share of zhe cit~ insurance business. Councilmam F~inucciani .moved the' desired reques~ Oe granted, u.l-e motion was secon~e5 b~ councilman ~ioido .and regularl? carried. TLere being no .further business before the board councilman I~,[~nucciani moVed to adjourn '~:ntlt the next !~b~ular' meeting, yonday, ~May 'i, ]944, at ~ o'clock P.~i. ~ih6 motion was :$e'cond~d by councilman Nays and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 1i;o~5 o'clock Approved ~[ayor &F~ ~Sout~~ 'S2~'~ Francis co. V. Cia~ro chi J. Souza A. Galetto ~esPectf~iiy su bm~ t2e~, Janitor 30/.80 P~rw " ~'~ ~e reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. This being the date set for opening the absentee ballot envelopes councilman-~inuccianf .~roved they ce opened. The motion wa~ seconded by councilman ~oido and regularly carried. On the board of elections to count the ballots kayor ~atto appointed councilmen Boido and ~,~inucciani,and clerk ..cSweeney. Tl~e Tally Sheet showed the following results of the count;- ~iolston 9,Lloyd Cortesi 8,Costa o,Elder 5,Lays,8, Kauffmann, 10.~',li~cSweeney lo,,Lema 1,0gburn 1, P~op. No.l,yes 4, ho.5,Proposition No.O,~es 9,No.~. RESOLUTION Councilman ~inucciani in~roduced a resolution canvassing returns and declaring results of the General ~iunicipal election held in ti.e ,City of South San Francisco on April 11, 1944. The result is as follows;- ~embers of the City Countil, Emelio Cortesi,854, Samuel O.Costa 110, Charles Kendall Elder,ll~4, Evan i:ark ~lays,l133,George ~illiam Holston,1398~Reese Lloyd 676, ~avid William ~tto 9~V;- City kreasurer, Edward ~.Kauffma~m 1383. City Clerk, Daniel ~cSweeney 15~o, Charles Lema 1, Frank 0gburn,1. kropositio:~ No.1 kes~46~.No.1386. Proposition No.2, Yes,1083, No.688. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council present, as follows, A~es,Councilmen~V.~oido,Jeorge W.l~olston~.~inucciani, D.V[.Ratto. Noes,Councilman,None. Absent, Councilman,Reese Lloyd. ~ecorded in ~ook of ~esolutions, Vol 3, at pages 4~0, to page 4~3. The business of the meeting being over and the ~.ow ~?f~cers awaiting induction into office , i~iayor ~atto, on retiring, stated he believed he had conducted.a fair and progressive adminsitration. He said he was completely satisfied with the results of the election as neither he nor his partner wisled to be elected alone. Councilman Iv]inucciani stated h,e had prepared .himself for either event,to win or to lose. ~e believed he had done the fair and just thing by the city in his two year collaboration ,and had,no red, rets. ~¥;syor Ratto then left the chair and Ivan Hays,Charles Elde'r, f;-eor~:W.Eo~t~n~and Edw.P~.K~uffma~ were., sworn in- by the::'city Clerk:'~:..took~sea~s. The city ct~rk t~ en ca.~led tLe rolm and ~ictOr ~oido,Charles El.:~er,lvsn i~ays,George ~.~:~olston ac.d ~'~.~inucciani answered present to the call~ at 9;30 o'clock. Ivan Hays nominated ~eorge W.Holston,newly re-elected counci[~man, for ~'[ayor of the city. ~-J~ arles W.Elder seconded the .motion, which carried unanimously. L~ayor i~folston stated he .did not seek the ~onor bestowed z~pon-him, but ]~e was proud to say the elected councilmen con5ucted a clean and ~jentlemanly campaign, devoid of ~ud-slinging, which ~srked many campaigns ~n tLe past. ~e looked for peace and harmony on the ~board and expected to avoid bickering, he ~elieved the Tanforan sewer project should be taken care of by the U.L.Navy,as 90 ~/S of t?e territory is U.S.holdings, and they are using South San Prancisco's facilities. He announced in conclusion he was for the retiremant plan for [[:outh San Francisco'-s employees first,last and all the time,and for a reduction in the city t~ rate. Councilman Hays thanked t~:e 'oublic for their generous vote and t)~_e assistance of his ~Triends, and all the candidates who were: opponents, in tle clean ~uanner they conducted their campaign,which was devoid of.any personal feelings. ~e stated he would keep faith with Lis communSty and work for the betterment of all concerned. New Councilman Charles Elder said he expected to come to the people .of the city for advice when problems arise of s complex .nature,t~at he owed no oblidation to anyone but the people of the City of South San Francisco , and ~he expected to repaF them with his service.- Councilman ~oido referred to the fact ti.et he ~ad served 14 )ears on the board, that he ~iad seen some stormy weather; had pulled through and encountered some better f~oin~, but Lad always tried to gLve satisfaction to ti.e public,and would work for the best interests of t!-:e city. Edw.Y.Kauf~ann, elected Cit~- Treasueer 30 years,thanked the public for their votes and stated that where he was first elected Dan ~¥'~cSweeney was look:~:~d upon ss an old man, that Dan looks the same now as he did tLen, but looks upon Kauffman as an old man.now,eligible for the pension. Clerk i~.cSweene~ ~anked the voters for their contiuued support,reminded Kauffmsnn that he had voted for him for many ~ears:., but this year,on account of his rush to vote:a salary for'his .office, forgot to vote for Kauff~:ann as well as himself. Ted Pretzer ~:~ade Sn appeal to the council to prepare some program for the returninf veterans from World b~ar ~ which ],a~or l~olston said would be ~iven every consi~eration, and support. l'~iayor ~olston then appointed the following committees;- ~,~=~ C0[,i,.iSSION;- Victor Boido,Chazrman,Char!es Elder ,Ivan Hays. . Victor 0om-do Fire Commission, Ivan ~-lays,'Chairm~n, I'.'ichaet Yinucciani, . Street Co~mission, C]~arles ~l~..er,Cham.rman,Ivan ~:~a~s,Lichael ~inucciani. Finance Commis~'~,mon, ~.,~icP, ael ~./~inucciani,Chairman,Viotor Boido, Charles Elder. Purchasin[~: Commissioner, ~Victor ~.oido. In a communication l~,'ir. Hatto asked that ~the-insurance company Pandliny the city insurance business · be requested, to place his office on t~e list of insurance a~"ents entitled to an equal, share of zhe city insurance business. Councilmam }~"~inucciani-moved the' desired reques~ Oe granted. U.t-e motion was secon~e~ b~ councilman :oido ~and regularl? carried Tl':~ere being no further business before the board councilman Einucciani moVed to adjourn '~ntll the next ~gular' meeti~i, YondSy, ~aY '1, ]944, at 8 o'clock P.~. ~ihe motion was second~d by councilman Imys and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 11;~5 o'cloc!~ t:.}~. Approved ' '''~ ~ayor o~~ ':South~ S.a~': Francis co. V. Claire chi J. Sou~a Respectfully su'omitte~, 'St. " 74.47 Janitor 30.80 A. Galetto P~rk " 68.64 ~. Laufer Phrk " ~.84 A. Sol~ani C~ean ~treets 5~8~ A. Pac~eco ~n, Fire Alarm 5~.40