HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1944-07-1747O REGULAR ~EETING OF THE CITY COUWCIL OF THE CITY OF SOL~iTH SAN F~ANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, JULY l? TH, 1944. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San ~rancisco was held in the City ~all, ~onday, July l?th,194~. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M~ by ~ayor GeorEe W.Holston. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all councilmen present, as follows;- Councilmen,Victor Boido,Charles K.Elder, Ivan M.Hays,George W. Holston,M.Minucctant. Copies of the minutes of the previous meeting having been maile~ to the councilmen,Mayor. Holston asked if there were any errors or omissions noted. City attorney Coleberd,ref~rring to Judge ~ard~'s letter of appointment of Judge Rudolph Hapsey in ~s stead while ill, advised tha~ the~w6rds"ap~e!Dtmant~i~ accepted", be deleted from the record of the minutes of the meeting of July 5rd,1944. Councilman Elder moved that this be done. The motion was seconded by councilman hays and regularly carried, and mayor ~Olston declared the minutes adopted as c~r~cted. Peninsula Division League of California Cities wrote advising the council that the next meeting would be held in the St. Clatre Hotel , San Jose,California,Thursday,July 20,1944,at 6;4~ o'clock P.M., and wished to know how many city officials wished to attend. Mayor Holston counted six, aAd ~he Clerk~waS instructed to so notify the league. A communication was received from Pacific Gas & ~Electric Company requesting permission to excavate a trench in 6th,Lane East o~ i~aple Ave~ue to replace about 50' Of ~" main. Referred ~o the street committee. A communication was received from Lura Se!lick,secretary of the Recreation Commission, stat- ing that she will be compelled to be absent fro~.her post as secretary and commisstoner.during~ the months of August and September,~Al~$~i~$-~$~$~l- and offered her resignation if the council wished to appoint aF~commissioner in her place. Councilman Hatsmoved to grant Mrs.Sellick a leave of absence for the months of ~ugust and September. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. A communication was received from the City Planning Commission stating that at a recent meet- ing of the commission a request was made b2 Conway ~ Culligan of South City Village , to re-zone lots 72 and 73 of that tract back to commercial use, and that the commission adopted a resolution recommending to the city council that the request of the builders be granted. The recommendation was not a~proved and the communication filed. Silvio Dubiose,~O? Grand Avenue was granted permission to raise the roof of the rear of h~s building to the same level as the front. Building Inspector Welte haMing approved the request councilman ~oido moved the desired permission be granted. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. The application of Tony ~olinu for a permit to construct a grocery store on the Southwest corner of Commercial and O~ange Avenues, having been referred to the City Planning Conm~ission for consld- eration,tt~e commission addressed a letter to the city council disapproving of re-zoning specific lots in residential sections of the city. The commission was of the opinion that the city migh~ re-zone a whole-~ms~a.~ section of the cit~ for business purposes when the growth of the city necessitates it. Communication accepted and filed. A communication was received from Jean ~ Glen Gunderson,743 Circle Court,City Park Addition, expressing admiration for ~he~Speed, alacrity and efficiency of the city fire department in handling a calt there recently,and particulari~ eulogized Fire Chief Welte for Ehe high efficiency of his department. The communication was accepted and filed. A report was received from ~ealth Inspector Schlamm stating~ that the Earage.. of Louis Giffra, next to V13 Cypress Avenue , is ~lean-to,a fire hazard,roof partially off~ some sidewalls rotten, garage full of rubbish,and a rat harbor,and the place should be torn down. The health departmen~ will notify ~r. ~iffra of the findings of the health officer, and request that he abate the nuisance. The California Mission Trails Association submitted a request for a donation of ~V5 to assist in k~eping the organization operating. City attorney Coleberd ruled the donation would not be legal and the request was denied. Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of E.Ginier for appointment to the Call Forces of the Fire Department.Councilman Hays moved the appoin%ment be confirmed. The motion was seconded b2 councilman Elder and regularly carried. In another communication the fire chief submitted the name of Glen Gunderson for appointment to the same portion.The appointment was also confirmed. Mayor Holston submitted ';ac aame-e~-~e~-J.~a~e-~e~-a~e~me~- certificate of his appointment of ~¥ed J.Lautze to succeed himself'as Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of South San Francisco for the term ending on March 31,1948. Councilma~ ~inucciant moved the' appointment be confirmed. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. The oath of office of ~r. Lautze acco~panied ~ayor Holston's appointment. Chief of Pol.ice Selloni submitted the names of Verl Dean ~ray Jr.Pless Luth~r Chandler, Ella Wilhemena Pitts and George Rider for appointment as guards at the Western Pipe & Steel works. Councilman Elder moved the appointments be confirmed without remuneration from the Cit~ of South San Francisco. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularl~~ carried. Mrs. Elizabeth Ottenfield,City Tax Collector, requested the city council to change the due date of the first installment of taxes from the Third Tuesday in October to the First day of November. The council instructed the city attorne~ to draw up the necessar~ amendment. County Tax Collector McArthur wrote stating ha had an offer of ~$200 for the West 95' of the East 50' of lots 19,~l,~,~5,Block l~,Town, of Baden. The cit7 clerk was instructed ~o ascertain the amount of taxes due On the property. State Engineer John H.Skeggs, through right of way agent,J.B.Woodson,asked if the city had any objections to the sale at auction by R.C.McArthur,count~' tax collector, of lots i and ~, and lV, Block "C",Peck's Sub.of South San Francisco, and if there were no objections the State would renew their offer on the lots. ~here was no opposition to the sale and the clerk was instructed to so notify the Highway Engineer. Holsto~-~s~d-~f-t~ere-~ ~y-e~r~-O~6mi~s'i°n~"~°~ed~ City-att~eY"~ie6er~f~i~g t6 Judge Pard~'s letter of appointment of Judge Rudolph Eapsey in t~s stead while ill, advised tha~ thew6rds"aP~ei~tmant~, accepted", be deleted from the record of the minutes of the meeti~g of July 3rd,1944. Councilman Elder moved that this be done. The motion was seconded by councilman Lays and regularly carried, and mayor ~iolston declared the minutes adopted as corrected. Peninsula Division League of California Cities wrote advising the council that the next meeting would be held in the St.Claire Hotel , San Jose,California,Thursday,July ~0,1944,at 6;45 o'clock P.~., and wished to know how many city officials wished to attend. Mayor Holston counted six, a~Ei ~he Clerk~was instructed to so notify the league. A communicatio~ was received from Pacific Gas & Electric Company requesting permission to excavate a trench in 6th,Lane East o~ ~aple Ave~-~ue to replace about 50' Of ~" main. Referred ~o the street committee. A communication was received from Lura Sellick,secretary of the Recreation Commission, stat- ing that she will be compelled to be absent from her post as secretary and commissioner~durinE~ the months of August and September~i~$~i~$-~~m and offered her resignation if the council wished to appoint a~commissioner in her place. Councilman Ea~s'moved to grant Nrs.Sellick a leave of absence for the months of ~ugust and September. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. A communication was received from the Cit~ Planning Commission stating that at a recent meet- ing of the commission a request was made by Conway a Culligan of South Cit~ Village , to re-zone lots V~ and V3 of that tract back to ~ommercial use, and that the commission adopted a resolution recommending to the cit~ council that the request of the builders be granted. The recommendation was not approved and the communication filed. Silvio Dubiose,~07 Grand Avenue was granted permission to raise the roof of the rear of hLs building to the same level as the front. ~uilding Inspector Nelte haMing approved the request councilman ~oido moved the desired permission be granted. The motion was seconded by councilman N~a- Minucciani and regularly carried. The application of Tony ~olinu for a p~rmit to construct a grocery store on the Southwest corner of Commercial and ~ange Avenues, having been referred to the City Planning Commission for cons£d- eration,the commission addressed a letter to the city council disapproving of re-zoning specific lots in residential sections of the city. The commission was of the opinion that the city migh~ re-zone a whole-~m~a.,- section of the city for business purposes when the growth of the city necessitates it. Communication accepted and filed. A communication was received from Jean ~ Glen Gunderson,~43 Circle Court,City Park Addition, expressing admiration for ~he~Speed, alacrity and efficiency of the city fire department in handling a call there recently,and particulari~ eulogized Fire Chief Welte for ~e high efficiency of his department. The communication was accepted and filed. A report was received from ~ealth Inspector Schlamm stating/~' that the Earage.:~ of Louis Giffra, next to ~13 Cypress Avenue , is ~lean-to,a fire hazard,roof partially off~ some sidewalls fatten, garage full of rubbish,and a rat harbor,and the place should be torn down. The health departmen~ will notify ~r. ~iffra of the findings of the health officer, and request that he abate the nuisance. The California Mission Trails Association submitted a request for a donation of ~$~5 to assist in keeping the organization operating. Cit~ at$orney Coleberd ruled the donation would not be legal and the request was denied. Fire Chief ~elte submitted the name of E.~inier for appointment to the Call Forces of the Fire Department.Councilman Hays moved the appointment be confirmed. The motion was ~econded b~ councilman Elder and regularl)~ carried. In another communication the fire chief submitted the name of Glen Gunderson for appointment to the same p~camition.The appointment was-also confirmed. ~a~or Holston submitted ;a~ aame-e~-~e~-&.~a~e-$e~-a~e&~tme~t- certificate of his appointment of ~¥ed J.Lautze to succeed himself as Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of South San Francisco for the term ending on ~arch 31,1948. Councilman ~inuccian~ moved the· appointment be confirmed. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. The oath of office of ~r. Lautze accoN~panied ~ayor Eolston's appointment. Chief of Poi.ice ~elloni submitted the names of Verl Dean Gray Jr.Pless Luth~r Chandler, Ella Wilhemena Pitts and George Rider for appointment as guards ~t the Western Pipe & Steel works. Councilman Elder moved the appointments be confirmed without rem~neration from the Cit~ of South San Francisco. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularl~· carried. Mrs. Elizabeth Ottenfield,City Tax Collector, requested the cit2 council to change the due date of the first installment of taxes from the Third Tuesday in October to the First da2 of November. The council instructed the cit2 attornep to draw up the necessary' amendment. County Tax Collector McArthur wrote stating ha had an offer of ~$~00 for the West ~5' of the East 50' ~of lots 19,~l,~3,o5,Block 1M,Town of Baden. The city clerk was instructed ~o ascertain the amount of taxes due on the property. State Engineer ~ohn E.Skeggs, through right of wa~ agent,J.B.Woodson,asked if the city had an~ objections to the sale at auction by R.C.McArthur,count~ tax collector, of lots i and l~, Block "C",Peck's Sub.of South gan Francisco, and if there were no objections the State woul~ renew their offer on the lots. lhere was no opposition to the sale and the clerk wRs instructed to so notify the Highwa~ Engineer. The monthly' reports of the Librarian,¥oundmaster and Sanitary Inspector for the montt ending June 30,1944 were submitted . Councilman Minucctani moved they be accepted as read. The motion was s~conded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Under the bead of unfinished business the application of Ryan & De ~a~derios for a lt~ for ~ parcel and drayage business was taken up. ~r. De.~ader~os appeare~ before the board and testified that he'had an ~ffice of ~efense T~anspor~ion Permit and 'credentials for the business of hauli~g'and expressing. Councilman Elder moved the license be granted. The mot~ was seconded by councilman ~a~s and regularly carried. Fire Chief Welte .called the council's attention to the fact that ~ic~o~y Avenue is the name of a street in ~ayfare Village'as well as in Lindenville,and it would be better fo~ fire department r~asons to change the name of the one in ~y~fare Village to some othe~ name~ and suggested RE2WOOD AVENb~. Councilman El~er ~oved to change the name of ¥ictory Avenue i~ ~a~fare Village t~ Eedwood Avenue. ihe motion was seconded by councilman ~oido and reg~larl~ carried. CDmplaints were made that mail and deliveries for West Oran~e-~venue have been 8oing to ~orth Orange Avenue. City attorney Coleberd and Fire Chief Welte were delagated to amend the numberihg ordinance so as to avoid the confusion in locating persons.and places. Mrs ~ernan oF Southwood No.1 suggested that a business district'should-b opened up on ~ Camino Real for the benefit of the many families living there, in Baden,and in Industrial to Village. It was s~ggested that Mr. Williams might be in a position'add commercial buildings to his dwelling p~ojects. Domnic Grecoi84~ Olive Avenue,appeared before the council and asked ~or a license to operate a hauling'and dra2age business. He was requested to file a business license with the city clerk for the next meeting of the council. Councilman Elder reported that work should be done on Hillside Boulevard at Paradise valley,as the sidewalk is in danger of breaking at certain places. After discussion as to tk expense it was de~ided to make improvements to the road and sidewalk not to exceed ~lO00. Councilman Elder moved that the improvements be made. T~e motion was seconded by councilman and regularl2 ca~ried. Engineer Larwood had estimated that the work could be done for $9£ to ~950. Councilman Elder reported that ~ethlehem Steel Company wished a light placed on the re between the South6rn Pacific Compan~ and their gate, to better illuminate the way for their workmen. Councilman Boido moved the matter be referred to councilman Elder. The motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. 472 Claims in the amount of $6787.35 were next presented for payment;- Jos. P. Quinlan Charles W. Munroe Belli Motor Co., Harry F. McElrat~ San Mateo Co. Title Co. R.V.M. Carbon Ribbon Co., New Lincoln Market Charles Bruning Co. Edward R. Bacon Co. Fred Laut ze American Fire Equipment DeBerry Assn. Service Dudley Perkins Gavlin Mfg. Corp, So. City'Lbr. & Supply Co. It ,,11 ,t Frank Soule Fred Laut ze W.P.Fuller & Co. Royal Supply Co. Frank Pariani II II Dr. M. Wirtheim Subway Serv. Sta. John Schlacht er Wm. Minucciani Il I, M. M. Chandler Ace Bedding Co. David B.Hill Seed Co. Kelly's Welding Shop Intercity T~asspo~t Lines Kelly's Welding Shop Gen Elec. Supply Corp. Patrick & Moise-Klinker Co Superior Laundry The Tablet & Ticket Co. Royal 'Supply Co. Graybar Elec. Co. SO. Laundry & Supply Co. M. Common A CarliSle &6o. Henry Doelger Builder,Inc. R.A. Klassen ti II II Genevieve Wieskamp Agnes Wie skamp Roberto Lovi V. Carrochi F. C asagrande Joe Galli F. Mandoli Joe Ferrario M. Laufer John Souzza F. Cuiffani A. Gelletti S. Signorini Evelyn McMill s Caroline Sanders Antonie Ferrario Printing envelopes Rec. Work 10 Globes Lub.& Washing Car # 371 Reports (June) Typewriter Ribbon Dog Food~ D.E. Drafter, etc. Rad. Cap etc. Install Fuel Pump Fire Extinguisher Grease Job. Repairs to MOtorcycle Control Cables Concrete aggr. (Park) " " ( St. Imp. ) Painting Electrolieis Tune Motor Kegs & Paint Paint (St. Imp.) Repairs on car #370 " " " #1506 DeSoto Tests Tire & Tube Repair Fertilizer Repairs-Baseball Park " Fountain( Linden & Grand) Snail Food Repair Step at Ball Park Seeds Labor & Material (Park) Freight Labor & Material (St. Imp.) Radio Tubes Mimeo Stencils Laundry Name Strips Paint Entrance Caps. Laundry Repair #3 Engine Pencils Sewer Cons ' t. Services (May 1944) 0utfall sewer to serve Mayfair Village Rec.Work Il Il Street Labor Il Park Labor Street Labor Park " Street " Park " " Janitor " Labor Il 11 II II Clerk Street Work $ 12.12 42.75 3.59 3.~0 1.50 5.13 16.15 200.41 .79 28.96 16.1'5 1.25 72.04 1.23 52.41 13.52 24. O0 · 6.00 44.49 6.45 5.18 5.35 30. O0 2.25 89.25 125,72 49.89 30.75 17.60 4.35 24.00 .82 35.00 4.26 17.05 3.77 2.18 2.62 2,32 2.15 6. O0~ 9.34 4516.15 167.39 254.51 49.50 57.20 14.56 68.64 63.44 39.62 77.31 21.a4 5o,21 30.80 69.27 68.64 68.64 20.00 59.20 68.64 Total ;$0787.35 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board councilman Hays moved to adjourn until ~onday, August V,1944, at 8 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;55 o'clock P.M. Mayor of South-~¥ancisco. Re sp~c~t futl~ sub_m~i t ~d,