HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1945-03-19 REGULAR ~EET!NG OF 'life C!%Y COUICiL OF %'HE CI2'Y (.F SOUTH SANFRANCiSC0, i~ELD ~iiONDA~ ,~]At~Ct~ 19th,1945. The r~gular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in 2he city hall,~londay evening, ~arch,19,1945. Rhe meeting was called 2o order at 8 o'clock ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows?- Councilmen,Victor Soido,CharlDs K.Elder, Ivan 0epics of the minu2es of the two previous meetings,i~arch 5,and karch 1~, having been ~rnished the members of t~e board, ~;a~,~or Eolston asked if any errors or omissions wee, no2ed. Learinf_: none 2)-e ~fsyor declared the minutes asopted as submi~2e.d. i~eferring ~o the minutes of the meeting of ~'~arch 5,2o which ci2y a2torne[ Coleberd wished 2o make an amendment, ~.ayor t:olston advised him to do so. !~oBices were received from tie Sta2e Board of Eoualizstion of th~ applica2ion of An2one Lamuth for an Off Sale beer and wine license,and Paul 0ons~antino for an 0n Sale beer license, by t~':ansfer from Josephine Pasco,at the Steel Bowl. 'lbere .were no objec2ions b~ the ci2[ council. f~orks Engineer Broughton-submi22ed a statement of expendi2ure~ on Colma-Creek for 2he fiscal year, totalling $8190.~V, nob includin~ work done recently on the sluioe box above Linden Avenue.. ~lhe engineer recommended a c0p~o& hisTs2a2emen~ by mailed Coun2y Engineer L.~..f~ranB, 2ogether wi~h a bill of .~4000, t~e county's share~of the work. 2he repomB was accepted and filed. %'he ]~o~ Scou2s reques2~d ~he use of the council chamber,, Thursday evening, t¥larch o9, 1/45. Granted. An applica2ion was made by Henry C.~.affold,Richard E.Galland, J.i~.Jones and ~Irs. J.1v~.Jones, for permission to operate a western 2ype (Union) dance a2 Fra2ernal Hall, ~2outh San Francisco, Laturda~ evening,~¥;arch 31,1945, at eight P.~i, closing-at 11;55 o'cloc~ P.M., and every Saturday ni~ht there.after. Councilman Hays moved the permit be granted for Saturday ~ight, i',~arch 31,1945,under a~irection of the po~ice depa~t~nt.'~he motion was seconded by co~ncilman ~,~inucciani and regularly ~carried. An application for a trailer court license was received from James d_ Jean Kir~ood for a location on the E1 Camino Real,in block 1. As the parties are not the owners-off the site selected, the application was denied. Svanosio ~ Sarbetti applied for a license to operate a f~asoline s~tion at the S.W. corner of California Avenue and Oayshore moulevard. License granted. ~otice was received from the Peninsula Division of the Lea~2;ue of California Cities that the next meeting of the league wil-1 be held at tLe oelievue hotel,Lan f'rancisco,'lhursday evening, "-arch ~Q,1945,and wished to know how many representatives would be in attendance. i'.ayor Lolston counted V, and the clerk was instructed to so inform the secretary of the league,~,.r. ~elton Lhoades. A communication was received !rom Lelair Shipyard,~arrett & Hilp,attaching a d~mand for the sum of ~1016.95, claiming a re,nd of head tax under ~ provisions of Section 24, of Ordinance ~Q31. ~he company stated tbe~ were holdinf; a c~eck in the amount of ~VQO..50, covering head tax for the period i~arch 1,1945 to February ~8.1946. ~?e clerk was instructed to advise t~e company that the current tax s~oul~ be paid, re[zardless of ..... :~.a:.~:.~he refund matte~, and will investigate the company's method of arriving at the amount.claimed as overpaid. A notice was received .from the ~:tate Compensation Inst~rance ?uno1, to the effect .that a 19~ basic rate raise has been u~ade. Accepted and filed. Chief of IOolice Belloni submitted the names of 0on ~'.~itbam and Leon Shane For appointment as guards at Pan-American Ai~ays,anc] Wil]_ia~ }orner ke~ers For ,'~estern i~ioe and St~el Company. Councilman },'~inucciani moved the aopointments be confirmed,without remuneration from the citY. ih. motion was seconded by councilman ~oi.d:o an.f reg',~larly carried. .'~RDINf. NCE N0 .o. 3V. Ordinance No.o3V, an ordinance remealing Ordinance No.9 of this city, entitled : "Ail {R.If'~fNCi C0]~CERNiNG DEi~.ANDS AGAI]~i£T Ti~E CITY OF SDbTt{ SAN PRAl:,:J, iSC0",adopted Lecember 14,1908, had its second, reading, and was adopted as an ordinance of the City of ~outh San ~"rancisco,by the following vote;- Ayes,councilmen,Vici, or Boido,Charles ~%.Elder,Ivan k.Hays,Seor~!e ;5.Holston,~'{.~,'iinucciani Noes C o',~_~nc i lmen, ~,i 0ne. Absent, Co~:ncilmen,None. Attest, Daniel }~icSweeney Cit~ Clerk. ~ecorded in Book of Ordinances, No.~, at page 334. City attorney Coleberd advised a meeting of the L~e~]~e";--~e-~e~-~ea~a~f~--~ city council k~ held Tuesday, ~ar,c~h o~0, 1945,~ in connection~, with m~$~e~ sewers proposed by 2he board. Re~erene~ b~r. Howard ~reenwalt appeared before the council with reference to the appears~ of the Acme ~eer Si!-~in on the hill above the city. Le stated the sign l~as partially wrecked,and' should be repaired or ta!.~en down, for the appearance of the city. he stated the Ac~'e beer peopl~ ca~_e to see him, and promised to remove the words 'Enjoy Acme oeer' and the broken trellis I~!e stated that other peninsula cities look down on South San ~ancisco as a laboring man's town. and the sign would indicate that we sponsor Acme Beer. Councilmen Elder,~ays ,Boido ar, d kayor Eolston thought the city ~ve-~B..-eem~F-should zive the company t?e conslderat~on of asking them if thay intended to make repairs to t!e structure, or had any intent~:-m of abandoning it, c~ could get material to rebuild the si'~n, and leave out a.ny feature that might be objectionable to' the eJit~ council and the residents of the city. it was decided that the cit?f clerk should writ the company.,outlining the situation as it occurred at the meeting, and s~ressing the dangerous condition of the structure and invitin.~i the representatives of the com~any to visit the city council st the next meeting of the board. 26 Claims in the amount of $2,~$6,S~ were next presented to the city council for, payment: J. P, Quinlan J. P. Quinlan San Mateo County Treasurer W. P. Fuller Co. Hm~ne Brothers Belli Motor Company A. Carlisle Co. Lawyers Book F~cnange Returners and Smith Anchor Drug Co. Harry McElrath Graybar Electric Co. Common's Auto & Truck 0o. Superior Laundry National Fire Protection Assn. Royal Supply Co. A. R. Zanetti Standard 0il Co. Allied Textile Company Edward R. Bacon Co. B. Uccelli California Toro Company L. C. Smith A. L. Young Machinery Co. ~ Kelly's Welding Shop W. Minucciani So. City Lumber Co. ,, West Disinfecting Co. Pacific Gas. & Electric San Mateo County Chas. Brought on Patrick and Co. Andrew Hynd ing C. Bollazzi ShellL Oil Company South San Francisco Tire Shop Joe Galli M. Laufer John Souza F. Casagrande Loule Dieu A. Ferrario Harold Nalvorson S. Stagnaro Dan Lombardt F. Mandoli John Tacchi 2000 envelopes $ 69'28 stamps 0.00 * 1 radio receiver antenna -police dep.$ ?§ CO 1 old plate pattern - police 1 wall map " repairs police cars supplies police & city judge i California Code - city judge repairs police car supplies " dept. supplies - fire dept. tl II repairs fire equipment laundry Feb. 2 copies airplane crash fire fighting 4 wrenches - 2 screw drivers- fire 5 gals gas. fire dept. motor oil- street dept. I carton rages - street dept. Aeroil cut back distributor - st. use of tractor parts for lawn mower plant mix #4471-4462-4478 2 bales 26" hickory weld street sweeper 21' pipe - police radio repairs & material city hall pipe, etc. Orange Avenue park supplies - park " street dept. I drum euchrelyptum misc. se~vi ce striping city streets sel-vices Colma Creek services outfaL1 sewer supplies engineer and fire dept. prem. license collector bond 2 gals soil off & pipe wrench - park 330 gals. gas. 1 bube - repair flat - park " repair street truck flat street labor park labor recreation hall Janitor street labor p~rk labor park labor park labor extra duty - police dept. police radio operator park labor park labor 23 06 100 71 11 29 10 25 .5 88 2 15 44 92 ~ 40 2 O0 8 O0 588 ~ 5 O0 7~ 5~ 44 51 12 50 aO 59 37 1 7~ 52 29 95 07 21 2 08 225 55 ~25 O0 a7 50 12 44 2B O0 '$ 87 4 45 Z 55 78 ~a 18 ~0 3~ 04 80 08 lZ 74 76 44 50 96 ~5 O0 8~ 50 87 ~6 ~l 84 Total ...... $ 2 986. 8'/, * The claims havin8 been audited bF the finance committee,councilman ~iinucc~ni moved they be paid. ~he motion was seconded by councilmsn ~oido and resjularly carried. There bein~j no further business before the board,councilman I¥:inucciani moved to adjourn until 5Uesday evening, ~arch ~0,1945, at 7;30 o'clock P.k. 'ihe motion was seconded b~ co~:ncilman Doido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;q8 o'clock P.k. ~'ayor of South Sa~ancisco ~es~:e ctfully submitted,