HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1945-07-17R~GULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HEED MONDAY, SEPT. 17t45 The regular meeting of the City Council ef the City of South San Francisce was held ia the Ci~ HaH, Monday, September 17, 1945. The meeting was called te et"der at 8 e~cleck P.M. by Mayor George W. Hel~tea. ROLL CALL° Roll call fou~ the fel~e~ring members ef the bear~ presentt Ceuacilmen, Victor Beid~~, Charles Ko Elder, George W. Helston, Ceuacilmea, ~a~a~, Councilman, Ivan M. Hays. M. Minucc iami. Copies of ~he minutes cf the two previous meetings having been sent te all council- . men, Mayer Heltten asked if any errors er emissions were noted. The entry in the minutes ef said City Ceuncil held en September 4, 1945, with re,peet te the adcpti~ of a resol- ution approving ebtagram was incorrect. The title ef the resolution approving the diagram ef the property affected er benefited by the work ~escribed in Resoluti~ ef Intention Nee 9~4, a~epted March 20, 1945, is #Reselutie~ Approving Diagram"..$aid minutes are cerreeted a ccerdi~gly. The minutes ef the meeting ef said City Council held on September 4', 1945, are ineerrect as te the resolution fixing tax rate for fiscal year 1945-1~46. The pertien ef the reeelmtioa levying taxes upea all property ether than that contained Within the erigi~al cerperate beum~ary ef enid cit~ am~ en all preperty contained within the beua~- ar~ ef the la~ a~aexe~ te ~aid ~lt~ ef South $~ Francl~ co by a special election hel~ en Marc~ 13, 1916, centaia~ introductory language reaAing as fellewss (~ ALL PROPERTY CO~TA~ WITHIN T~ BO~A~IES CF T~ LAND IN O~I~CE ~ F~SCO ~I~E OF T~ C ~~ COUNCIL OF The minutes of said last mentienad meeting ef said ~i~- Council are cerrect~ G. ~, l~attem applie~ fer a permit te operate a radio shop en Let 25, in Block 126~, ia the rear ef 315 Linden AVenue, er 306 Sixth Lame. Referred te the BulleLing Inepecter~ A cemmunicatien was receive~ from the National Housing Agtncy, 593 Market Street, in ~emaectien with the disposition of war housing in ~euth San Franc.isce, asking the city Oemmeil te aid in selecting a committee te act with the Federal Government in the matter. . .~ Helstea appeinte~ en the c~mmlttee, Andrew Hymning, Andrew Rocca am~ EAwar~ P, A ceemreaicattoa was received from the ta~ Mates Yeterams Memorial Co~truction 1~ indicating that the sum te buil~ eAifices and playgreungs, recreation centers aw~ ~eing Memorials, weul~ app~ximate 925.000~ Councilman Miaucciaai was appeinte~ te ce~fer with Mr. Cele~er~ em the SubJecto Mr. Coleberd will write the County ~ - ~, the county plam~ing o~mmie~.ion, and ethers, with a view te holding a meeting ~S the matter. Cemacilman Mizmccia~i moved that 6 er 7 peints en the program _-~'~m-eved by the city council. Councilman Beido seconded the motion and it was · r. Joe A. Fle~ submitted a list ef recommendations submitted by the recreation e~aicsiea for the council's consideration, pertaining tc the Village ef Seuthweed. ~i~ ~l~er moved the rec~nmen~tions be accepte~. The motion was seceded by eemaeilman ~u¢cia~i a~ regularly carried. ~r~. E. Otteafield submitte~ the result~ of the examinations for the position ef fer thie oity.~ ~ne list i~..l.ad~i $ilvio 8ta~n~ro, 83%, and Dante I.~mba~xti, 73%. ~l~er moved the report be accepted, aw~ that Mr. Silvio $tagnare be appointe~ 1945. .The motion was seceded by councilman Boide and re~alarly carried. Dante being i~ the 'd~[ft age, was deferred to a later dat~° 86 RE~ tLAR ~,EE'I IN[~ CF ~ TM ~ ~ I~:,. CE'iS: COUi{CIL OF* fi?;E CI'JI OF SODTL SA1[' FRANCIS':O, ~ELi; i~,Oi',,D~,Y,SEP~'.LV;45. , The recular meeting of the City Council of the CitF. of South San ~'rsncisco was ii el~i in the City Hall, ~ionday, September iV,1945. TEeJmeet£~gsw~s called to order at 8 o'clock P.E. by ~syor Georje W.~!olston. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following.members of the board present;- Councilmen,V~ctor Boido, Charles K.Elder, George W.Rolstou,M.2inucciani. " Absent, councilman,Ivan ~.~ays. Copies of the minutes ~f~'the tworpre~toUs m~tt~S.~bavi~tbeen~sant]to all councilmen, .. ~ayor t:)olston asked if any errors or omissions were no6ed. ~r.~'Coleberd will have some correc$l.ons to make later. Er. Coleberd later sent the corrections to be made, and the~ are pasted in the minutes of said meeting of September 4,1~45, as dieected by the city attorney. .].W.Patton spp!ied for a permit to operate s radio?"shopc- e on Lot °5, in ~:lock 1o6~, in ~he rear of 315 Linc]en Avenue,o~ 306 Sixth '~ane.Referred to the building Inspector. A communication was received from the ~ational ~.cusing Agency, 593 ~larket Street, in connection with the disposition of war housing in South San Francisco,~ : asking the city council to aid in selecting a committee to act with the Federal Government in the matter. I~ayor E'olston a~.pointed on the committee, ;~ndrew t~.ynding, t~n~rew [{occa and Edward P.Kauffmann. A communication was received from the San ~,iateo County Veterans I~[emorial Construction Program, indicatin~i that tk~e sum to build edifices and playgrounds ,recreation centers and Living iVlemorials, would approximate ~i~gq5.000. Councilman ~inucciani was appointed to confer with kr. Coleberd on vhe Subject. ~ir. Coleberd will write the County Supervisors,the county planning commission, and others, with a view to holding:!: a meeting to discuss the matter. Councilman ~;~inucciani u~oved that 6 Or V .oints on the pro~Lrsm be approved b~ the city council. Councilman ~oido seconded the motion and it was regularly carried. Er. Jos A.Pless submitted s list of re~.ommendations submitted b.~ t~e recrea~Lon commission .for the conucil's consideration, pertainin~~ to the Vi!lace of Southwood. Councilman Elder moved the recommendations be accepted. ~he motion was seconded by councilman ~Cinucciani and regularly carried. ~'~rs. E.Ottenfield submitted the results of the examinations for the position of Patrolman for this cit~. ~±he list included Silvio Sta,?.:nsro, 83>.~, a~d Lante Lombardi, ~3~o. Councilman Elder ~oved the report be accepted,and t)at l~ir. Silvio Stagnaro be a pointed gept 1,1945. The motion was second, ed by councilman ~oido and regulsrl]~ carried.. ~ante Lombardi bein~j in the drafz apj'e, was deferred to a later date. Chief of Police Belloni submitted tPe followinf~ l'~st of officers wDose terms bsve expired, and asked t?at the names ce cancelled;- './~illis~ James Boyce, ~ora kae Dufrez,Edward R.Fox, Joesph Garbini,Ber~iben E.Eill, Barold ~ay ~oxie, ~?.urial I..Oliver,Nlyrtle [~eterson,Sheldon Grove ~tepl'ens,Frthur l;'.Wallace, s.~-ma~-Arthur B.Walters and ~.ax,Rose. Councilman Elder moved the cancellations be made. '±he motion was seconded by councilman ~inucc~ni and regularly carried. Chief of ~?olice Beiloni sub~itte~ tke names of S.W.~ryant C.A.Short and ¥~alter E~mett ~,fills as guards at the ~estern Pioe ~ Steel ~,~orks. Council~"a.~ Elder moved the appoin'.tments be c~:nfirme~, without, remuneration from tLe city.~he motion was seconded b~ counc.~lmsn kinucciani and regularly carried. Stein and Sons applied for a leicene to operate sn upholstery business at 113 Grand ~'~.ve. License granted. Ding Pallestrino applied for re-employment as gardener, vacated by him due to ?'~is entry inzo tt:e army, stating leave of absence had been granted him bi tlc cit~. After discussion it was de~ided to refer the case to City Attorney Coleoerd. '~he applications of Peter A.Dress to build an edition to his two buildings,°30 drand Avenue,cost .~10,000, I¥[r,Garberra, an av~artment building on lot Dlock 15o,, ~V?~O0, and Nauman ~ ~',::uzio, a $30,000 building on 14 and 15 in alock lO5, were received and granted. An a~plication wa~: recoived from the Eagle Oil : ~[ef:'~ninC Co., to install 3--10,000 ~-~ ":~ gallon gasol~!me storace tanks on Parcel 34, in Zone J, in this citl,. Council~an ~,[inuccisni m°Ve~ permission be granted. ~he motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. The application of' the Kission ~:rails Association for a dcnation of .~50 was refused, on advice of cit~ attorne~~ Coleberd. and City Treasurer The monthly-' reports of the City Librarian, ·Oity ~eslth Officer,were re-ei,,:ed and placed on file. The ~ealth officer's report of tbs conditions at ~410 Corrmercial Avenue was received. Ee stated .~ e visited t}e premises with fire chief Welte, found u~an,~,~ violations of the sanitary and buitdi.~g codes,and reco,-,u~-:ended that the places be ':acated and. torn down. Councilman Elder moved the report be accepted. She motio~ was seconded b? counc~.lman ~oi~o and regularly carried. RESOI{~lY07 ~[0.1051~ ~_._~ WORK. Councilman Elder introducer~ a resolution of the cit].~ council of tt'e ~}ity of Couth San i~rancisco ordering street work to be done,under Resolution No.lo43. 'i'he resolution was adopted b~, tle Votes of all the cfr} ccuncil~.'an present,as follows;- ' ' . ~.inucc~ an~ Ayes, Councilmen,~,ictor Ooido, Charles K.Elder, ~e ~r~!~:e ','¥.l:~olston,i~, i' ' '. i~oes, Co~nc:~l'?en,None. is Absent, counc~.lmen,None. Attest ~anie! .............. ?,'c£weeney, CitIiClerk.,_ Th.e work ?efer~d-,.tO BrS~twoo~ and bids will be GReened ~,onday,Oct.l,~5,at 8 o'clock':F.Mo[-~.' ' ¥ol.4 st pa~e 13. Recer~ed in ~tok of Resclutions, , , Councilman Elder moved that the Cit~ Clerk be instructed to writ. e Senator Parkman and Assemolyman Earrison W.Call, copies of the letter written to the ~_icj?.wa~ Co~r~ission on t?e project of securing stop and go' signals for Southwood,at ~est Orani(e $~venue c E1 Casino Real. So ordered. iviark Larwood introduced i¥~r. ~utler, who is anxious to secure s,ewer coanection in land between Brentwood and Southwood. Be was told he woula have to ~e %re anne!orion to the city, and proceed accordincly. ~±he cit~~ clerk was instructed to write the owners of t?e South San Francisco Si?n Company,s~d ~..scertain if the~ are going to fix u~. t?e bi~ ~icn or not,and report to the cit~ ci~uncil. Claims in the amount of .i.~486.50 were noxt presented to the council for payment;- Jos P. Quinlan Celesti Belli Enterprise Press ~tlway Express Agency Waffle Shop envelope or tax bills .;~ 89.78 re fund ~i.~ 46.6 V legal advertising ,~11~.50 express charges -x-~'lood ligi t .35 coffee ~, doughnuts firemen ~ 5.59 i;~ayor tolston asked if any errors~-or omissions ,~ere noted, r. 0oleberd will have. seine co~rect~o~la to make later. Ms. Col~berd later sent the corrections to be made, and ~hey are pasted in the minutes of said meeting of September 4,1945, as directed by the city attorney. 2.W.Patton av~!ied~ for a oermit~ to ooerate, ~ rad. ic~'shop~ ,~ on Lot o5, in ~lock 1o6~, in ~he rear of S15 Linden Avenue,~ JO6 Sixth ~'ane.Referred to the building Inspector. A communication was received from the National iousin& Agency, ~,gZ $~ar~tet Street, in connection with the disposition of war housing in South San Prancisco,~, ~ asking the city council to aid in selecting a co~ittee to act with the Pederal Government in the matter. ~'~ayor holston a~oointed on the committee, ~.,ndrew Rynding, ~n~rew ~occa and Edward P.Kauffmann. A communication was received from the San ~,~ateo County Veterans ~Cemorial Construction P rog_ am, ~. ~emorials, indicating, that the sum to build edifices and playgrounds ,recreation centers and Living would aporoximate ~i~995.000. Councilman '~' .~ . . ~,,znucciani was aopointed to confer with kr Coleberd on ~he Subject. ~ir. Coleberd will write the County Supervisors,the county planning commission, and others, with a view to tloldin~!:1 a meeting to discuss t?~e matter. Councilman kinucciani u-oved that 6 Or V ~oints on the program be approved b~. the city council. Councilman zoido seconded the motion and it was regularly carried. ~,Ir. Jos A.Pless submitted s list of re:,ommendations submitted b~ tl:e recrea~Don commission for the conucil's consideration, pertaininf~ to the Village of SouthwoOd. Councilman Elder moved the recommendations be accepted. 5he motion was seconded by' councilman ~'~inucciani and regularly carr[ed. i\~rs. E.Ottenfield submitted the results of the examinations for the position, of Patrolman ~' .~ °~ C ounc i lman for this city. ~±mhe list included Silvio Stoa'narc, 83'/0, and Dante Lombardi, ,~.~. Elder moved the report be accepted,and t)at i~ir. Silvio Stagnaro be a pointed Sept 1,1945. The motion was second, ed b~ councilman ~oido and regulsrl~ carried. ~..ante Lombardi bein~j in the drafz age, was deferred to a later date. Chief of Police Belloni submitted t}e followinj' l'~st of officers whose terms have expired, and asked that the names ce csncelled;- ~'~illiam James ~oyce, i~ora kae Dufrez,Edward R.Fox, Joesph Garbini,Ser~:c~en E.Hill, Barold ~ay Noxie, ~.iurial I~.Oliver,5'iyrtle Peterson,Sheldon Grove S. tepPens,~rthur P.Wallace, s.~-ma~-Arthur b.Walters and i,.ax,i?se. Councilman Elder moved the cancellations be made. 'ibe motion was seconded by councilman i~.inucc~ni and regularly carried. Chief of ~.c. lice Betloni submitted the names of S.%~.~ryant C.A.Short and Walter E~mett ~ills as guards at the ~estern Pipe ~ steel %¥orks. Council, s'an Elder moved the appoin'$ments be c:nfirme~, without, remuneration from the city.~he motion was seconded bF councilman kinucciani and regularly carried. Stein and Sons applied for a leicene to operate sn upholstery business at ll3 Grand Ave. license granted. Dine Pallestrino applied for re-employment as gardener, vacated by him due to ?~is entr~· inzo the army, stating lea~.e of absence had been granted him b~ the cit~. After discussion it was de~ided to refer tt~e case to City Attorney Cole'berd. '~he applicstions of Peter A.Dress to build an edition to his two buildings,°30 ~rand Avenue,cost ,i~lO,O00, ~'~r,Garberra, an a~artment building on lot 1D, ~lock 15o,, ~00, and Nauman ~ ~k. uzio, a ~30,000 building, on 14 and 15 in ~lock lO5, were received and granted. An a~plication wa:: received from the Ea~le Oil Ref:~nin~..Co., to install 3--10,000 ~ ~ ' '~ .--.~.~. ..... gallon gasol~i, ne storable tanks on Parcel 34, in Zone ~,in this~c~tl,. Councilman kinuccisni moVed ~ . permi~'sion be granted. 5he motion was seconded b~~ councilmSn ~lder and regularly carried The application of' the 5~i.ssion. Trails Association for a donation of ~50 was refused, on advice of cit~ attorney, Coleberd. and City Treasurer The monthl~~ reports of' the City Librarian, ~ Cit~ '~eslth Officer,were re'~ei,;ed and placed on file. The l~ealth officer's report of tb_e conditions at ,~410 Cor~mercisl Avenue was received. ~e stated .]e visited t}"e premises with fire chief ~elte, found man.~f violations of the sanitary and building codes,and recomu-:ended tt~st the places be ':acated and torn down. Council-,an Elder moved the report- be ~ oi~ o and regularly carried. accepted. ~he motion was secondem b? councilman ~ /~ _ Councilman Elder introduce{~' a resolution of tPe c~t~. council of tt'e '3ity of aouth San ~rancisco ordering street work to be done,under Resolution No.lo43. 'Ihe resolution was adopted b~~ t:e Votes of all the cit~~ ccunciln'en present,as follows;- . lston,~~, .i~.inucci ani. A~es, Council~en,~ictor ooido, Oh. aries ~{.Elder, ~e:',r..e ,,~lj ~ ~ Noes, Co~nc~l'~:'en,~{one. is Absent, counc~ linen,None. Attest Caniel ~/cL~e~n~~~:- ~l-erk.i The work ~efere~-,tO'Bra~twoo and bids will be o~ened ]~onda~,Oct.l,*8,~t 8 o'g~:['P-J~.' ~'. ~ol ~ st pa~e 1~. Recorded in o:.ok of Hesclutioms, . , Councilman Elder moved that the Cit~ Clerk be instructed to write Senator Parian and Assemol],man Harrison W.Csll, copies of the letter written to the !iJ?wa~ Cop-mission on t~e project of securing stop and go.signals for Southwood,at ~est 0ra.n~e Avenue c E1 Camino Real. So ordered. i~[ark La~ood introduced icr. Sutler, who is anEious to secure sewer coanection in land between Brentwood and Southwood he was told he would have to :e ,ure onnexa men to the city, and proceed accordin[~, ly. 'ihe cit~~ clerk was instructed to write the owners or tLe South San Prancisco Si?n Company,s~ ascertain if the2 are go~ng to ;?ix uv t!~e bi~2 ?ifLn or not,and report to the cit~ c~:;uncil. Claims in the amount of .~o486.50 were next presented to the council for psFment;- Jos P. Quinlan Celesti Belli Enterprise Press .Railway Expre ss~-~Agency Waffle Shop Subway Service S~ation So.Cit~ Lry S: Linen Spy Co ~,~.~eenberg '~ Sons Alj~.Olmo Dr~age Co., Graybar Electric Co. envelooe or tax bills ,,~ 89.V8 re fund legal advertisinR ,.~ll~. express c~'arges *Flood li~! t .$~ coffee services .~ ~.~0 laundry- ,~ ire dept ,~ ~.o~ :-:~ h.~drants ~ sskets :~ 08/~o I bdle .~rese Ch~:rges xtra braces .1~1~9 '. L Expenditures continuer;- Shell Oil .ompan~ Pacific ~as c Electric Co. ti/hting Dr.! .Wertheim sobriety exes Aug. Atr ~owers wash and oil c~r ~runto Automotive Ser. parts Frank Pariani repair Car.3V1 Patrick-l,~_,~ise Klinkner Co . supplies Kelly's ?~eldinf' Shop Lo~bardi ~ Sereni ao.Cit~- Ibr.~ [!.up. Co. ulamd~n,~ ~c~-~esn - CO. Auto Electric [mm.Co. A.Carlisle t Co. Labor,material,~tr.~ept kerosene ~:aterials sewer pipe Dart~ or sweeper supplies Calif State Auto Asso. Fred L~utze Eenr~ $chweining ac.~as ~ Electric Co. S.S.l.'.~ire Shop ~m ~inucciant California Tote Co. So.Cit~ Lbr. , Sup.Co. Yallawell Seed Co. J.A.karchi A.h.~raun Cliff oagnal A.Conxiani R.~].Lurpby, ll.Raffselli [.~'is. ndoli F,Ciufanni A,Colletti .... Laufer Louie iLieu John Souza TonF ~errari ~afa Joe Galli 3 code stop si~n 6s~ecisl ~ 09.~1 ink-tall trij~_er on Shift le:$ 1.76 cotton rope ,i~ 3.38 street lfgbtfng ~9oV.94 tire repairs ~!; 8.46 supplies Park Dept ~ 86.95 materials ~ 4.9~ ~ paint, otc, ,$ 5.50 seeds ,~ 15.63 1 day pay ~ 8.96 o days pa~ .~ 18.VO o days pay, ,i~ 17.~ 1 days pay ,~ 5.61 relief duty ,!~ ~.00 services, aark dept ~ 9.40 par labor ,,~ ~5.56 ~ ..~ 56.8~ " " ~ ~9.13 " ~i~ 10.9q " ~i~ 30.04 "~$~**~-ta~, ~ 66.60 "street labor ,~ 64.4o " " " ,~ 61.Oq Total 'l'he claims havin7 been auditeu b~ the finance committee, councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. 'i'he motion was seconded b~ councilman ]:]lder a d re~fularly carried. There bein/ no further business before the board,Councilman Elder m-ved to adjo~rn until ~ednesday, heDtember 19,19~5,at ? o'clock ~'.k. ~be motion was seconded b5 councilmafl moido and ref'ularlt carried. Time of adjournment. 9.50 o'cl ck P.~. Aovroved -.~ayor of South ~o'. i~e spectfully submitted.,