HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1945-10-15 REOULAR MEETING OF THE CI~ CO UNCIL OF' T~E CITY 0F SOUT~ SA~ FRANCiSCO,~ELD ~0NDAY, OCTOBER 15th,1945. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South oan Francisco was held in the City hall, ~onday evening, October l~th, l~45. ~he meeting was called to order at ~ o'clock P.~, b~ ~ayor George ~.holston. MOLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as ~ollows:- Councilmen,G.A.Anderson,~ictor Boido,CHarles K.Elcer, George W.Holston.M.Minucciani. Copies of the minutes of the last meeting having been sent to all members of the city council, ~ayor Holston asked if anyone had noticed any errors or omissions. There ~ere none~ and the Mayor declared the minutes of the previous meeting adopted as submitted. Notice was received from the Planning CommissAon of action taken by that body recommending that the property from a point approximately 88 feet west of the ~extco Station to the Easterly line of Cypress Avenue,fronting 'on Baden Avenue be the site for the Central Fire Station,and also recommends that the city council abandon that portion of Cypress Avenue, from Oaden Avenue to Se Second Lane,being lots ~ and ~ in Block l~l,to be used also for the ~entral Fire Station. In another communication t~e Planning Commission unanimously advocated that the property from Miller Avenue to Baden Avenue,all in Block l*8,and parcels ~8,~ and A~ in Zone I,be taken out of Fire Zone I. Referred to the next meeting of the council,Monday,October o~,l~A§~ at V o'clock P.~. A communication was received from the ~etropolitan Casualty Insurance Company of Ne~ York, filing c~A~m for damages in the amount of $80/9q, alleged to ha e beeu done to South San Francisco Poultry Company~ll8 Grand Avenue,on August 1~,19~5. On ad~ice of the city attorney,the city clerk was advised to answer the complaint, denying guilt. A communication was received from Lura Sellick,~accompanie~ by a letter of resignation from Earl hargraves of the Hecre~tion Con~nission. Mrs Sellick stated the board was desirous of express- ing full appreciation for the excellant services of Mr. Largraves. Mr Hargraves stated he had personal rezsons of his own for resigning, to take effect as of this ~ate. Councilma~ Elder moved the resignation be accepted. The motion was seconded by councilman ~inucctant and regularly carried.· Mr. ~indo Papini, 40Z Oaden Avenue, a retired ex-soldier, made application for a soldier's free business license to sell eggs in S6uth San Francisco.Councilman ~inucciani moved the~request be granted. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Martin Divicchi,~0 .Jrand Avenue, applied for a permit to hold dances in his place of business, known as the"Silver Dollar~ He was advised that while the city does not have an ordinance against dancing,~=~=~a~, the cit~ police are strict in enforcing law and maintaining p~ace in such establishments, and advised him he had better consider the matter,and appear at the next meeting of the city council,Monday, October 2~,lg*5,at 9 o'clock P.M. A communication was received from Wm.H..Augustus, County Clerk, stating he~ad forwarded to ~rank S.Skillman, the city clerk's letter from South San~Francisco,in their program for a War ~morial ouilding. Communication ordered filed. A communication with reference to the change from War ~ime to Pacific Standard Ti~e,as affecting the street light burning hours of this city, was received from the Pacific ~as & Electric C~, and ordered turned over to the superintendent of streets. In another communication the 'acific Gas & Electric Company submitted a statement showing four additional electroliers cut in s~rvice by Mr. Pacheco,and these will be added on the next billing. Mr. Southerland showed the numbers of the lights in service on July 1,1~*5, making a total of 50 lamps connected. He stated the new street lights were installed on the east side of ~untington Avenue,~88 feet North of Tanforan Avenue, and on tLe south side of Myrtle Avenue west of Scyamore Avenue,on September ~*,19~§. Statement accepted as filed. B.J.Rodondl appeared before the city council with an application for the re-zoning Of the South- west corner of C Street and Orange Avenue. ~e was instructed to appear before the hearing next Monday October ~2,1~0,at V o'clock P.M., at which time the Planning Commission will be on hand. Loren $.Bush, Chief Engineer of the Board of underwriters of the Pacific,submitted a statement and a list of recommendations based on standards for a city of this size, which will enable'the city to build its fire protection and improve over-all conditions. The City Clerk was instructed to write the water company to be on hand ~onday,0ctober Oo,l~4~,at V o'clock P.M. and discuss tlhe problem with the city government. A petition was received from tLe South San Francisco ~and & Improve~zent, asking the city to re-zone Linden Avenue,north and south sides and along hillside ~oulevard on the North side, t~ a point approximately 100 feet to the eastc of the easterly line of the property of the San Francisco Water Company's land. The cit~ clerk was requested to notify tLe San Franciao Water Division of the request, Notice from tLe State Board of Equalization indicated that T.D.Corradetti was g~n~ted an 0N~ SALE BE~H license from Richard J.~oore, and that Nat~lina Scirrocchi Lad applied for an ON SALE BEER & WINE license. There were no objections b2 the cit~ council. A cop~ of a resolution was submitted by S.K.Ho~bins, secretary o~ the local Chamber of Commerce of this cit2, urging the Board of Supervisors to refuse to grant an~ hog license to any persor. whose land lies within the watershed of ~aden Creek or Colma Creek. The city clerk was~ instructed to write The Enterprise, thanking them for all they had done for the good cause , and also the South San Francisco Chamber of Co~merce.~~ ~Le board of supervisors of ~ar~ Mateo Count~,together with Supervisor i~om i~ickey~ will be written to b2 the City Clerk on the subject ~he Military Personnel Procurement Service of San ~ranCisco, wrote the city council askir~g if they may place a metal si~n on Grand Avenue in front of the J.C.Penn2 Store, and one at the corner of Grand and Linden Avenue,at tile side of the Dank of South San Francisco. CounCilman Elder moved the two requests be granted. Abe motion was seconded b~ councilman Boido a~d regularly carried. A letter was re~eived from Librarian Loretta ~iussar, congratulating the cit~ for its support of the library,and its own individual success. Councilman ~inucci~ni moved the letter be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by councilman Soido and regularly carried. The September reports of t~e libr~rian,Pou~dmaster, Sreasurer and ~ealth Inspector were received ~nd accepted. RES£.LUTION AWARDING ~O~ACT~ ~ FOR AN AIR COMPRESSOR N0.1055 Councilman Elder introduce~ a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisco awarding a contract for an air compressor for the City. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the cit~ council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen,G.A.Anderson, VictorBoido, Cha~les K.Elder, George W.Holston,~.kinucciani. Noes, None. Absent, councilmen ,Nsne. Attest Daniel McSweeney Cit~ Clerk. Notice was received from ~he Planning CommissAon of action ua~eL: ~ ~=~ ,v~ ~ ............. ~ tke property from a point approximately 8S feet west of the ~exico Station to the Easterly line of Cypress Avenue,fronting on Baden Avenue be the site for the Central Fire Station,and also recommends that the city cOuncil abandon that portion of Cypress Avenue, from Oaden Avenue to Se Second Lane,being lots ~8 and ~7 in Block 1Al,to be used also for the ~entral Fire Station. In another communication t~e Planning Commission unanimously advocated that the property from Miller Avenue to Baden Avenue,all in Block l*8,and parcels $~,~ and A~ in Zone I,be taken out of Fire Zone I. Referred to the next meeting of the council,Monday,October ~,19~, at V o'clock P.~.. A communication was received from the Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company of Ne~ York, filing c~A~m for damages in the amount of $88/9q, alleged to ha.e been done to South San Francisco Poultry Company~ll8 Grand Avenue,on August l~,lgA~. On ad'.~ice of the city attorney,the city clerk was advised to answer the complaint, denying guilt. A communication was received from Lura Sellick,.accompanie~ by a letter of resignation from Earl hargraves of the Hecre~tion Con~nission. Mrs Sellick stated the board was desirous of express- ing full appreciation for the excellant services of ~r. hargraves. Mr Hargraves stated he had personal reasons of his own for resigning, to take effect as of this ©ate. Councilma~ Elder moved the resignation be accepted. The motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried.' Mr. Bindo Papini, ~0~ Oaden Avenue, a retired ex-soldier, made application for a s~ldier's free business license to sell eggs in S6uth San Francisco.Councilman ~inucciani moved the~request be granted. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Martin Divlochi,3~O .Jran~ Avenue, applied for a permit to hold dances in his place of business, known as the"Silver DollarM He was advised that while the city does not have an ordinance against dancing,$~=~=~a~$, the cit~ police are strict in enforcing law and maintaining p~ace..in such establishments, and advised him he had better consider the matter,and appear at the next meeting of the city council,Monday, October 2~,lg~§,at ~ o'clock P.M. . A communication was received from Wm.H.Augustus, Count~ Clerk, stating he ~ad forwarded to ~rank S.Skillman, the city clerk's letter from South San~Francisco,in their program for a War ~morial ~uilding. Communication ordered filed. A communication with reference to the change from War Time to Pacific Standard Ti~.e,as affecting the street light burning hours of this city, was received from the Pacific ~as & Elestric C~, and ordered turned over to the su~erlntendent of streets. In another communication the acific Gas & Electric Company submitted a statement showing four additional electroliers cut in s~rvice by Mr. Pacheco,and these will be added on the next billing. Mr. Southerland showed the numbers of the lights in service on July 1,1945, making a total of 50 lamps connected. He stated the new street lights were installed on the east side of Huntington Avenue,~88 feet North of Tanforan Avenue, and on the south side of Myrtle Avenue ~5C' west of Scyamore Avenue,on September ~,,1945. Statement accepted as filed. B.J.Rodondi appeared before the city council with an application for the re-zoning Of the South- west corner of C Street and Orange Avenue. t~e was instructed to appear before the hearing next Monday October ~2,1~5,at V o'clock P.M., at which time the Planning Commission will be on hand. Loren S.Bush, Chief Engineer of the Board of underwriters of the Pacific,submitted a statement and a list of recommendations based on standards for a city of this size, which will enable~the city to build its fire protection and improve over-all conditions. The City Clerk was instructed to write the water company to be on hand ~onday,October oo,1948,at ~ o'clock P.~. and discuss the problem with the city government. A petition was received from tile South San Francisco ~and & Improve~Lent, asking the city to re-zone Linden Avenue,north and south sides and along hillside ~oulevard on the North side, t6 a point approximately 100 feet to the east~ of the easterly line of the property of the San Francisco ~ater Company's land. The cit~ clerk was requested to notif~' the San ~'ranciao Water Division of the request, Notice from tile State Board of Equalization indicated that T.D.Corradetti was g~anted an ON~ SALE BE~H license from Richard J.~oore, and that Natalina Scirrocchi had applied for an ON SALE BEER & WINE license. There were no objections b2 the cit~ council. w'.Hobbins, secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce A cop~ of a resolution was submitted by S.~ of this cit~, urgin~j the Board of Supervisors to refuse to grant an'~ hog license to an2 persor. whose land lies within the watershed of ~aden Creek or Colma Creek. The city clerk was~ instructed to write The Enterprise, thanking them for all they had done for the good cause , and also the South San Francisco Chamber of Co~merce.~ ~he board of supervisors of ~a~ Mateo Count~,together with Supervisor Tom Hickey~ will be written t? b2 the CiSy Clerk on the subject ~he Military Personnel Procurement Servmce of San ~rancisco, wrote the city council askir~g if the~ may place a metal si~n on Grand Avenue in front of the J.C.Penn~ Store, and one at the corner of Grand and Linden Avenue,at the side of the Oank of South San Francisco. Councilman Elder moved the two requests be granted. ~he motion was seconded b~ councilman Boido a~d regularly carried. A letter was re."eived from Librarian Loretta ~iussar, congratulating the city for its support of the library,and its own individual success. Councilman ~inucci~ni moved the letter be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded b~ councilman ~oido and regularly, carried. The September reports of t~e libr~rian,Pou~dmaster, ~reasurer and Health Inspector were received and accepted. RES£.LUTION AWAHDING CONTHACT FOR A~ ~IR COMPRE~!SOR N0.1055 Councilman Elder introduce~ a resolution of the cit~ council of the City of South San Francisco awarding a contract for an air compressor for the City. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the cit~ council, as foll~ws;- A~es, Councilmen,O.A.Anderson, VictorBoido, Cha~les K.Elder, George W.Holston,M.~iinucciani. Noes, None. Absent, councilmen ,N~ne. Attest Daniel ~cSweene~ Cit~' Clerk. Hecorded in Book of Resoluti~L~ns,Vol.4, at page 1V. RESOLUTIOE ~0.1056, AWAhDING CONSTRUCTION OF A ~TOR2 WATEH WASER SEWER IN bLOCK Vg, MAP OF SOUTE SAN FRANCISCO,PLAT NO.1 SOUTE SAN FRANCISCO,CALIFORNIA. Councilman Ninucciani introduced a resolution ordering the construction of a storm water sewer in ~lock V9, Map of South San Francisco Plat Eo.l,South San Francisco,California. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city ~.council,as follows Ayes, Councilmen,G.A.Anderson, Victor Boido, Charles K.Elder, George W.Hotston,~M.Minuccian~ Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman,None. Attest Da~e~9~.w.e_eney.Cit2 Clerk. Sealed proposals or bids will be re~:eived up to 8 P.M. on .... . ..... --Nov.5,1945 Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥ol.4, at pages 1V and 18. RESOLUTION NO ~05~. CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT. Councilman Anderson introdu6ed a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, confirmin~ the assessment in the district of Southwood No.~, in South San Francisco California, b2 the superintendent of streets Of said city. The resolution was adopted by the votes of a~l the members of t~e City'Council,as follows;- Ayes,Councilmen,G.A.Anderson, Victor ~oido, Charles K.Elder, George W.Holston, M.Minuccian Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,Hone. Attest Daniel McSweene2 City Clerk Hecorded in Book of Hesolutions, Vol. A, st page 19. The affidavit of posting oi notice of assessment was furnished b~ Daniel McSweene~, as of October 1,19~8, in the council chamber in the cit~ hall. 94 Claims in tbs amount of ~8511o!7 were next presented to the city Council for payment: L. C. Smith Chas, T. Broughton The Enterprise Press Pacific Tele. and Tele. Co. P.' G. & E. Jos. A. Pless Louis Belloni Wm. ~Iinuc ciani W. H. Augustus San Mateo Co. Road Deparbment A. Carlisle Co. ParamoUnt Pest C ont rol Chamber of Commerce Bank of America Hockwald Chemical Co. Galvin Mfg. Co. Belli Motor Co. Shell Oil Co. Dr. M. Wertheim Brunton's Automotive Co. Santini and Roccucci M. Ochoa American Fire Equipment Co. Alfred J. Olmo Co. So. City Laundry Arata Motor Sales Patrick & Moise Klirdcner Co. So. City Lumber Co. Graybar Electric Co. M. Greenberg's Sons Royal Supply Co. P. ~. & E. Dalifornia State Auto Assn. So. City Lumber Co. Don Neher Motors Ed° R. Bacon Co° Royal Supply Peter Sorenson Baber's Body Shop L. C. Smith So. City Lumber Co. General Paint Corp. W. Minuc ciani Rojal Supply Co. Pacific Tele. and Sele. Co. F. Mandoli A. Caletti T. Ferrari M. Laufer J. Souza Louis Dieu J. Galli C. Gala C. Lema May Spindler Kenneth Brandi Jos. A. Pless A. Fox C. Begnal rental dozer - colma creek engineering services printing and advertising phone service misc. service car maintenance and expense convention expense valves for jail house 4 American flags Colma Creek eqUipment rental Election supplies Control Sept. Oct. advertising Sept. Claim of G~don Rowe Co. supplies city hall radio equipment repairs police dept. tire and balance wheels sobriety tests auto repair I raincoat - police dept. interpreter 8 rack straps freight laundry fire dept. repairs fire car · supplies fire dept. supp,l, ies " hydr ant s supplies street lights Sept. sign maintenance supplies street 19~0 motor exchange - street repairs- sweeper supplies rental air compressor repair radiator- street renbal crane supplies park red lead primer labor and material- park supplies " phone #G~- recreation park labor park labor park labor park labor recreation janitor park labor street labor street labor vacation pay recreation service recreation service recreation service extra duty - fire extra duty - fire total 457 62 58'9 09 ~49 78 2 88 ~70 77 6 94 55 O0 63 59 8 O0 ;781 67 184 8~ 30 O0 50 O0 150 O0 20 30 21 87 21 9 46 43 49 25 O0 ? 66 13 27 5 O0 15 51 88 33 07 2~ 22 13 84 25 75 609 76 3 53 92.7 ~1 I 56 9 85 148 78 2 89 65 44 O0 .'5 50 218 12 10 $~ 13 13 ~ 65 87 36 72 80 80 08 29 13 ~2 04 80 08 86 45 80 08 90 46 71 ~0 68 O0 44 O0 17 22 17 22 $ 8 511 1? :: The claims having been audited by the finance committee, councilman Elder moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciant and regularly- carriedY There being no further business before the board,councilman Elder moved to adjourn until Monday, October 2~, 194~, at V o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. ~'ime of adjournment, 9;40 o'clock P.M. Approved May~ South San Francisco. Re sp~¢tfull2 submt~ed, ~ :[tj~ Clerk.