HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1947-02-17225 R~dJLAR M~T!N OF TtIE CiTY oODICIL OF zt.~ CII~Y OF · ~L~) MONDAY, F~BiiUARY 17, 1947 SOU"P!I S~4 FRANCISCO PLACE: T ! ?,,"[E: NOLL CALL: CALL TO ORDER: UNION PAVING CO. BRENTWOOD ~2: Council Chambers, 0ity Hall, South San Francisco 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Councilmen G. ~,. Itolston, Ohas. K. ,,lder, Leo Perko, Adolph ~ani, Emilio Cortesi Mayor Ferko called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. · The City Clerk havinC forwarded copies of the minutes cf the two previous meetinzs to all members of the 0ity Council, mayor Ferko asked if any errors or omissions were noted. 2here being none, the minutes were approved as submitted. Union favins Co. addressed a comuunication to the City Council requesting an extension of 120 working days for -the contractor doing improvement work in Brentwood ~2. :,[otion was duly made, seconded,, and re:sularly carried, that an extension of 120 working days be granted the Union Paving Co. to complete work in Brentwood ~2. PLU~,,~ING 0RDINANCE: Communication was received from the Peninsula ~.'.aster ~lumbers As~oocmat_on' ~ inc. setting forth the requirements under the Plumbing Ordinance. As the Building Inspector had received copy of this conzmunication, same was filed. Communication was received from the City Park Improvement Club expressing appreciation for the trees set in the ?,iayfair Village tract, with special appreciation to l{r. Cortesi. S'ame was filed. iE~K S ~UBD~f iSION C 0~/~,,{ i T 'fEE: Communication was received from Peck's Subdivision lmnrovement Club advising that five members had ·been appointed by the Club to investiflate and pass on the new construction and moving of old buildings into the district. Seine was ordered Filed. UNITED PACK!NG: Superintendent of _Streets ~chweinins recom~,ended that the request of the Onited Packinz Co.,for rif[ht of way for trucks throujh the yard, 0e denied.. Same was ordered filed for further consideration. GRAND AVENUE U'h~D i!~tPASS: ,~orks Eni~ineer Estes addressed a communication to the City Council advising that Colonel ~kegzs' office had telephoned him stating that the 194V budget did not include funds for the underpass work, 'but that same would be included in the next budget, l'he communication was ordered filed and the Oity Clerk was instructed to send copy to the 1..[anufacturers' Association and. the Southern Pacific Company. RECREATION COMr~ISSION: Communication was received from the Recreation Gonzmission recormuending that two anc}'0red benches be installed adjacent to the tennis court at 0ranze Avenue rark. ~,~otion was duly made, seconded and regula?ly carried, that the recommendation of the Hecreation ~ommission be accepted sued the benches be installed. Communication was received from the ~ecreation Corm~ission advising that a meeting was held with architect :,Vii!dam Henry i~owe January 8gth and some changes were decided on in the plans. Smme was ordered filed.. RECREATION CO ,'iMIS$I ON APPO I N TI',iENT S: CCon~unication was received from the Recreation ormnmssmon enclosing report of the Superintendent of r{ecreation recomnend- ing the installation of dou01e basketball courts at Oran:'le Avenue Park at a cost of {~1~05.70. it was re;2alarly moved, seconded and carried that the reconm::end, ahion of the ~ecreation Oommission be accepted. As this would entail an .expenditure of over :}1000.00, the matter was referred to the 0ity ~ttorney. Conraunication was received from kecreation Commission that the C ' ounczl give immediate consideration to the appointment of two members to tt~e Recreation to fill vacancies. As there were also two members whose terms trod expired, a[a. yor Perko proposed that Ivlrs. Lura Sellick be rea~,nointe~ d, and h, irs. Dorothy .Hyndins be appointed to replace l'.{rs. '=thel }~lonroe, and that Don Outhrie and James "alo.~ulos e ~ _ b appointed to succeed Oilas Neatherlin and ~ichard Dolwig, respectively. It was re~tarly moved, seconde~ an~ carried, that the pamties as proposec~ by }iayor ~'orko be appointed to the Recreation Com~ission. $~,'[ NG CLUB DANCE: oilvio r.!stoni requested permission on behalf of the Swing Club to hold a dance in tho ,Fraternal Hall April 12th. i;lotion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried tbat permission be granted. Lillian and J. C-. "/alker requested permission to move their home on miller Avenue and apartments on Linden Avenue to a location in the center of the same block on ~':iiller Avenue. was moved, seconded, and regularly carried that permission be g~ant ed. It UNION PAVING CO. BRENTR~O'OD ~2: PLU~I NG 0RD!NANCE: ~ E~K'S SUBDP7 iSi0N C 0 }/~:'~ i T 'ZEE: UNITED PACKI ~G: GRAND AVENUE UNDii2IPASS: R~C~{EAI IuN COb'~ISSION: RECREATION CO ,'i~{IS$ION APPOINTMENT S: S~,'{[ N G CLUB D AN C E: two previous b'erko asked if any errors or omissions were noted. being none, the minutes were approved as submitted. ,?here Union ZFaving Go. adtressed a conmuunication to the City Council requesting an extension of' 120 working days for -the contractor doing improvement work in Srentwood ~2. :.iotionwas duly made, seconded, .and regularly carried, that an extension of 120 working days be granted the Union Paving Co. to complete work in Brentwood ¢2. Communication was received from the Peninsula ~.¢~aster Z~lumbers Association inc. setting forth the requirements under the Plumbing Ordinance. As the Building Inspector had received copy of this co~£munication, same was filed. Communication was received from the City Park Improvement Club expressinZ appreciation for the trees set in the ?,;ayfair Village tract, with special appreciation to l'~{r. Cortesi. S'ame was filed. Communication was received From rock's Subdivision improvement Club advising that five mem0ers had been appointed by the Club to investifiate and pass on the new construction and moving of old buildings into the district. Same was ordered filel. Superintendent of Streets ~chweining reconznended that the request of the bnited Packin~ Co.,for right of way for trucks through the yard, ~e denied,. Same was ordered filed for further consideration. ,~'orks Enoineer Estes addressed a communication to the City Council advising that Colonel ~ ~ ' kea.5s office had-telephoned him stating that the 1947 budget did not include funds for the underpass work, 'but that same would be included in the next budget, l'he communication was ordered filed and the City Clerk was instructed to send copy to the i,.[anufacturers' Association and the Southern Pacific Company. Communication was received from the Recreation Commission recommending that two anc!'~ored benches be installed adjacent to the tennis court at Orange Avenue Z~ark. ~,'!otion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried, that the recom~endation of the Kecreation Oo~uission be accepted mud the benches be installed. Communication was received from the ,~ec. reation Comuission advising that a mcet!n~. ~ was held with architect ?.,'illiam T!enry ilowe January 29th and some changes were decided on in the plans. Same was ordered filed.. Conz~unication was received from the Recreation Co~m~ission enclosing report of the ~uperintendent of Nc:creation recoPmnend- ing the installation of double basketball courts at Orange Avenue Park at a cost of ;;~1505.70. it was re..2&larly moved, seconded and carried th2t the recon%~.endatlon of the Recreation Oommission be accepted. ~s this would, entail an .expenditure of over ~/~1000.00, the matter was referred to the dity ~ttorney. Co.vmunication was received from Recreation Comm~,ission that the C ' oun c~ 1 ~" o~ve im.m_ediate consideration to the appointment of two members to the Recreation to fill vacancies. As there were also two members whose terms had expired, ~,{ayor Ferko proposed that hrs. Lura bellick be reappointed, and ~,'irs. Dorothy Hyndin.S be appointed to replace Y. rs. '~thel }..ionroe, and that Don .%uthrie and James Oalopulos be appointed to succeed Oilas Neatherlin and ~{iohard Dolvzig, respecbively. It was reoo~ta.rly moved, seconded, and carried, that the parties as proposed by ~dayor ~'erko be appointed to the Recreation Comz~ission. oilvio ~":stoni requested permission on behalf of the Swing Club to hold a dance in tho Fraternal Hall April 12th. i~iotion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that permission be granted. Lillian and J. C.. talker requested permission to move their home on i~iiller Avenue and apartments on ~inden Avenue to a location in the center of the ~same block on ,:,[iller Avenue. was moved, seconded, and regularly carried that permission be grant ed. It SARACC0 '~ANK AND WELD INC- C 0MPAI,~Y: D. J. DALY TAXICABS AND BUSES: KONPiiLY i~NPORT$: LI SRAitY B OARD APPOiNTi';iENTS: C LAI mS.. TRACT: BUR1 BUilI #2: BUSINESS LICENSE 0RDI NAN C E: Saracco £ank and WeldinG Oompany advised they had purchased 2~ acres of land near Victory Avenue and requested perzaission to construct a building thereon, l',.'iotion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried-that permission be zranted. D. J. ~aly requested permission to open up tract on Gommercial Avenue as shown on map submitted to the City Council. Notion was duly made, seconded and re~larly carried~ that same be referred to the ~'lanning Contmission. Application for permission to operate three taxicabs from 111 Grand Avenue was submitted by Elliott P. Stewart. ~,~otion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried, that permission be grant ed. Application for permit to operate 10 taxicabs was submitted by the South City ~O Company, inc., 210 Linden Avenue. ?.~otion was duly made, seconded and r. ej~ul ~ly carried, that permission be grant ed. South City Cab Co. requested, permission to locate taxicab stand at 208 Grand Avenue. ~ame was referred to the Chief of Police. Api~lication for permit to o:~.erate 10 taxicabs was submitted by the ~outh San Francisco zellow, Cab~tl0 Grand Avenue. Motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carP. dod, that -permission be grant ed. Application for permit to operate seven louses was subfaitted by the South San Prancisco ransmt Compsmy, 110 .~-rand Avenue. ~;~otion was duly made, seconded and re~larly carried~ that same be granted. Scott i~iovie Film Service submitted an apf~]ication to enf;age in motion picture film service at 184 i')rake Avenue. As this district is not zoned for business this application was laid over for further study. George '~. Tilford submitted application 'to engage in tNe business of jewelry sales and repairs at 305 Linden Avenue. On motion duly made, seconded, and regularly carried, same v~a.s granted. u-umao .<~_orgi submitted ap.~.31icahion to en!_iaf}e in radio and furniture business at 312 maden avenue. ~n motion duly- n~a. ae, secoRded mn~ resmlaPly carrmed, same was granted. Culligan l~,~ater Softening Service submit ted aloplication to on(iago in business of water softenin:_ service throu,lhout the residential area. ~aotion was duly made, seconded, and carried, tl2at this permit be held up pending ~rther information from the applicant. ileports for the month of January were submitted by the 2u'biic Library and the City Clerk. Same were al}proved as su0mitted. ~,iayor F,rko proposed the name of if, rs. Lillian Cavassa to fill the vacancy on the Library Board created by the resignation of N{rs. Bartlett. lotion was duly made, seconded, and carried that ;.~r~. Cavassabe appointed to the Library Board. Claims in the amount of ~;7,964.$V were presented to tlke Finance Conhmittee for appr. oval. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the claims were ordered paid. ',(orks Engineer ~stes submitted plans of improvement for Southwood coms~ercial tract, i',lobion ,;~as duly made, seconded and carried 'that same 'be referred to the Pla~'minS Cormmission. ~orks Engineer Estes submitted two plans coverinz sewers 2or Suri Surd ~2. ~otion was duly made, seconded a_nd c. arri::d, that same 'be referred to the Planni~z Commission. i,,{otion was duly made, seconded and resularly~carrie0 that ordinance introduced January 28, 1947, providing for licensin.z of lousiness, be tabled. An ordinance providinS for licensing of business, professions, toades, callin~s~, and occupations in the ¥i'cy of outn can '~ ~°rar:cisco was introduced amd read in its entirety. Representatives of various vendin.c machine companies were present and objected to the proposed tax on vending machines. SECOND LAh~E PROTESTS: RESOLUTION #1192 - ORD~ING WORK SECOND LANE: AD J0 URNEE~NT: ~Iayor Ferko asked if there were any protests against the improvement of Second Lane. There were none. Councilman Sani introduced a resolution ordering the improvement of Oecomd Lane as described in Resolution of ~ntention #llS1. ~ City · he resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the Council. · Motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that the Council go on record as commending, ~rs. ~ionroe for her services on the Recreation Commission. ~ayor ~merko thanked ~rs. ~onroe, who was present, for her services. On motion duly made seconded, and regularly carried, meeting adjourned to ~ebruary 2~th at ~:$0 p.m. Time of adjournment 9: ~ p.m. Respectfully submitted, APP ROVED: Mayor C{ty Clerk-