HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1947-10-06PLACE: TIME: ROLL CALL: P. T. &T, RATE INCREASE~ HIC~I TF~RRACE #1: HIGHWAY ACT: CENSUS: .DOG'RABIES: SERVICE STATION GRAND AND OAK AVENUES: PARKING LOTS: CHEST: .THEATER SIGNS: FRANCES APPLICATION: LEAGUE MEETING: CLO~ING HOURS BUSINESS HO~: REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O~ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Ml~.n MONDAY, OOTOBE~ 6, 19&7 Council Chambers, City Hall $:00 p.m. Present: Councilaen Chas. K. Elder, Leo Ferko, Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi Absent: Councilman G. W. Holst~n Meeting was called to $~der by Mayor Ferko at 8:OO p.m. ' The City Clerk havim~ forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to all members of the City Council, Mayor Ferko asked if any ommissions or' error~ were noted. There betn~ none the ~inutes were approved as submitted. Communication From the Cityof San Bruno which was laid over'frompreviousmeetingwas taken up. City Clerk advised that Sunnyvale had contributed $150 and Burlingame $10o toward the defenSe to be held before the U~ility Commission. The Manufacturers Associatiof would possibly'contribute but it had not been decided upon as yet. Therefore the matter was laid over until report was received from the Manufacturers Association. · Communication was received from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement CempanY in answer to our letter requesting guard rails along the street curbings in the High School Park area. They suggested traffic signs at the entrance of the street showing that same was for one way traffic only which would eliminate all hazards. The communication was ordered filed. Coaeaunication was received fr~ the Planning C~-,t esion recommending the approval of the map prepared by Hahn & Camde11, showing the major streets of the city. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the reco~nenda%ion of the Pl~Inqtng Co~M~ission be accepted and the Highwa~ Division so notified. Communication was received frOm the Planning Cceedssion recommending the approval of the proposed motel of Martin & E. M. Wilms, also the proposed dwelling buildings but did not approve the business section or the service station in this tract. Letter was received frc~ the Brentwo0d Club protesting against this motel. Motion was duly made, seconded and:carried accepting the reccemendation of the Planning Co~mission. City Clerk was instructed to advise the Brentwood Club that the matter was under further consideration. Communication was received from ~bhe De~rtment of Commerce, BUreau of the Census, enclosing certificate of the population of the City taken as of AuguSt2~th, 19~7 showing the total population to be 15,862. They had sent copies of this certification to the ~epartment of Public Works, Secretary 'of State, Department of Motor Vehicles, State ContrOl'ler. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the census figures of the Department of Commerce he accepted. Ccmsamication was reCeived fromthe San Mateo COunty Department of Public Health asking that the enforcement officers see that all dogs are confined to their immediate premises due to the possibility of rabies. As all officers'had taken'this precaution, communication was filed. Co--cation was received from Pie~o Uccelli statim~ he w~ehed to amend his petition req.vesting service station at Grand'~nd Oak~AvenUesby specifying a specific area to be zo~ for business in this tract.I' He was advised to designate the area he wished zoned and bring same before the City Council. Communication was received from Paradise Valley Improvement Club objecting to the purchase of parking lots. Communication was received from the Chamber of Commerce urging the purchase of parking iota. Mayor Ferko stated he had contacted Mr. Immer.m~ of the ~State Theater who agreed to rent the Theater parking lot to the City at $50 par month. Motion was duly made seconded and carried that the City Attorney prepare the necessary papers for leasing of the Theater parking lot at $50'Permonth, City Clerk was instructed to notify the Chamber of Commerce of action taken and that the purchase of parking lets needed further study. C~unication was received from Mr. V. E. Robinson advising that theam4ual drive for funds fOr the Community Chest of South San Francisco'would'start OCtober 6th and continue until the end of the month. Mayor Ferko stated he would issue proclamation to this effect. C.oam~cations;~eerereceived franOld Glory Post~No. 20~, V. F; W. and the. American Legion o'f San Mateo County asking that the City proclaim fifteen minutes of reverence from 12:OO noon to 12:lS'p.m, FridaY, October 10th in honor of the war Heroes bodies being brought to San Francisco on that day, also that the' flags be flown at half-mast October lOth and llth. Mayor Ferko stated he would issue proclamation to this effect. West Co~Advertiain.gCo. submitted request, suPported by letter from the Golden State Theatre & ~alty corporation, to erect four out door~panels on property onE1 CemtnO Heal near West Orange Avenue. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that permission be granted to erect the signs as soon as plans and specifications were approved by the ~uilding.inspee~e~. Application of Frances Shotwell to engage in business'of Sandwich Shop and Shoe Shine Parlor at 213 Grand Avenue was laid over U~,til report was received from the Chief of Police. Peninsula Division, League of California Cities, advised of meeting to be held at Woodside, Thursday, October 16th. Petition was received from George and Pete Roccasalva asking that ordinances ~169 and ~170, governing th· closing of the business houses, be repealed. Assemblyman Dolwig addressed the Councilon beb~f of these men asking that the ordinan~es be repealed or amended to permit various establishments to stay open. There was a great deal of discussion both for and against the repeal of these ordinances so the Mayor ~et Wednesday, OCtoberlSth at 7:30 p. m. as a meeting date when this matter could be discussed moro thoroughly. The merchants present were asked to appoint a committee to attend this meeting. The City Attorney was - ~'r ....... ." ~ the defense to be held b~fOre the Uiility Co~mission. The Manufacturer~ issocil would possibly'contribute but it had not been decided upon as yet. Therefore the matt, was laid over until report was received from the ManufaCturers Association. HIGH SCHOOL- PARII TER~CE · 0ommunication was received from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company answer to our letter requesting guard rails along the street curbings in the High Scho¢ Park area. They suggested traffic signs at the entrance of the street showing that sas was for one way traffic only which'would elt.mtnate all hazards. The communication was ordered filed. COLLIER-BURNS HI~AY ACT: CE~S: Communication was received fr~m the Planning Commission recommending the approval of t~ map prepared by Hahn & Campbell, showing the major streets of the city. Motion was d~ made, seconded and carried that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accept and the Highway Division so notified. Co~amutication was received frO~ the Planning Co~sission recomending the approval of th proposed motel of Martin & E. M. Wilms, also the proposed dwelling buildings but did nc approve the business section or the serVice station in this tract. Letter was received from the Brentwo0d Club protesting agafnst this motel. Motion was duly made, seconded' and: carrie'd accepting the reccemendation of the Planning Commission City Clerk was instructed to advise the Brentwood Club that the matter was under furthe consideration. Communication was received fro~ '~he .Department of Co~meTce, Bureau of the Census, enclo certificate of the population of the City taken as of August'2~.zh, 19~? showing the tot populatio~ to be 15,862. They had sent copies of this certification to the J~partment Public Works, Secretary *of State, Department of Motor Vehicles, State Controller. Moti was duly made, seconded and carried that the census figures of the Department of Co,asr be accepted. 'DO~'RABIES: Ceemamication was received from the San Mateo County Department of Public Health asking that the enforcement officers see that all dogs are confined to their immediate premise due to the possibility of rabies. As all officers'had taken this precaution, communica~ was filed. SERVICE STATION GRAND AND OAK AVENUES: Ccemuaication was received from Pieing Uccelli stating he w~.ehed to amend his petition requesting service station at Grand' and OaklAvenues by specifying a specific area to be zorg~ for business in this tract.~ Ne was advised to designate the area he wished zoned and bring same before the City Council. Communication was received from Paradise Valley Improvement Club objecting to the purch~ of parking Iota. Communication was received f~cea the Chamber of Commerce urging the purchase of parking lots. Mayor Ferko stated he had contacted Mr. Immerman of the ~tat Theater who agreed to rent the Theater parking lot to the City at $50 per month. Motio~ was duly made seconded and carried that the City Attorney prepare the necessary papers for leasing of the ?heater parking lot at $50'per month. City Clerk was instructed to notify the Chamber of Commerce of action taken and that the purChase of parking l~ts ne~ further study. C~W~ITT CHEST~ Cc~aunication was received from Mr. V. E. Robinson advising that the amtual drive for funds for the Coemmmity Chest of South San Francisco~would-start OCtober 6th and contim until the end of the month. Mayor Ferko stated he would issue proclamation to this ef~ C0a~unications::were received fr~nOld Glory Post No. 2022, V. F; W. and the American Legion of San Mateo County asking that the City proclaim fifteen minutes of' reverence t~ 12:OO noon to 12:15 p.m. FridaY, OCtober 10th in honor of the War Heroes bodies being brought to San Francisco on that day, also that the flags be flown at half-mast OCtober 10th and llth. Mayor Ferko stated he would issue proclamation to this effect. _T]~ATER SIGNS: West Cog~t~AdvertisingCo. submitted request, supported by letter from the Golden State Theatre & Realty corporation, to erect four out door panels on property onE1 Camino Rea near Nest Orange Avenue. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that permission be granted to erect the signs as soon as pla~s and specifications were approved by the ~uilding Inspeoier. FRA~ESS~I~ELL APPLICATION: Application of Frances Shotwellto engage in businessof Sandwich Shop and Shoe Shine Parlor at 213 Grand Avenue was laid over until report was received frma the Chief of Pol LEAGUE MEETING: CLOSING HOt~S BUSINE~5 HO~: Peninsula Division, League of California Cities, advised of meeting to be held at Woodsi Thursday, October 16th. Petition was received from George and Pete Roccasalva asking that ordinances ~169 and ~1 governing the closing of the business hoaxes, be repealed. Assemblyman Dolwig addressed the Council on behalf of these men asking that the ordinances be repealed or amended to permit various establishments to stay open. There was a great deal of discussion both fo and against the repeal of these ordinances so the Mayor set Wednesday, OctoberlSth at 7: p. m. as a meeting date when this matter could be discussed mo~e thoroughly. The merch~ present were asked to appoint a committee to attend this meeting. The City Attorney was asked to check into the constitutionality of the ordinances. Rev. Carl E. Curtright requested permission to build;the First Assembly of God Church on lots 19 and 20 in Block 1, Paradise Valley. His request was supported by a letter from the Paradise Valley Improvement Club. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that permission be granted. & cemmanication signed by eight regular firemen was presented asking that their rate of pay be' on the same Basis aa thb volua~ee~ firemen when attending fires on their off duty days. Motion wa~ duly..~Ad~, sec~ded and carried that this request be granted. The ~atter of pay for Holida~ w~k for the City employees~ was bre~g~t up. Motion was duly ~ade, seconded and Car~led that the city ~aployees be granted the sa~e holidays as recognized by the i~ustries of the City and tha~ they be paid or given time off at the discretion of .the heads of the department. ~ Ccmmmaicatioa was received from. County Eaginee~ M. A, Gra~t abating the paving of Mission Street 'from Grand Avenue to. 101 Highway cost $3,000. He requested that check held by the .City in the amomat off $700 be applied to the above werk which would complete SmSment.. He also advised that $~,0OO budget item set up by the Board of Supervisors for work on C°lma Creek had gone through, and the City.should ~hear from same shortly. This cemmunicatie~ was held over for further consideration. FIRE DEFT. A~POI~S: Fire Chief Welte euhaitted the mama of Joh~ Dev~ for ap~intment, to the Oall Forces. Motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that this appointment be confirmed. The Fire Chief was requested to submit the names of ~hose leaving the Call For~ee. He agreed to do so. ¢ STNUT AVE : G~AND AVEN~E ~NDEEPAS$: Communication was received freL.ihe South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce recommending that the Works Engineer be authoriaael.to sketch the improvement of Chestnut Avemae. Motion was duly made, seconde~ and carried that the Works Engineer be authorized to make a survey of Chestnut Avenue and Magnolia or Spruce AvemAes. A. ssemblyman Delwig stated he had talked, with Col. Skeggs regarding the Grand Avenue Underpass and suggested that right-of-wmy be acquired at this time so that when the State could go ahead with the underpass there would be no hitch in the program. SCHOOL DISTRICT ~S TAME ~IONOIL CO.: Coemmnicationwas received from J. C. Cherry of the ~outh San Francisco School District enclosing correspondence between himself and the Buri ~Ari Homes with reference to pur- chase of property for school property. Same was ordered filed. Ualoa Oil Company reqUested permission toinstall a gasoline tank and pump on their pro~perty. As the Fire Chief had po~ted the proper notice and approved same, motion was duly~de, secomdedandoarried t~at permission be gramted. Cca~mnication was received from the Manufacturers AssoCiation commending the City Council o~their~a%. ~n of the $1.73 tax rate for the current year. Same was ordered filed. ~ft)P SIGNS B~D: Co~c&tion was received from the Division of .HighwaYs with reference to stop signs in the Brentwood Subdivision area. Same was referred to .the Superintendent 'of Streets and Chief of Police. Reports for the month of September were submitted by the City Judge, Chief of P~lice, Building Ia~pector, Fire Department, Department of Public Mealth and Welfare, and Humane Officer. Motion was .duly made, seconded and regularly carried that same be approved as submitted. PAUL ~KIMB~E 0LAIM: Claims in the amount of $15.,582.O9 were presented t.o the Finance-: Committee for approval. On motion duly made, seconded and regularl, y carried the claims as submitted were ordered ~aid.. Claim for .da~age~ was s~ait~ed by Paul Kimble. Motion was duly' made, seconded and carried that the claim be rejected. ~OLUTION ~1263 Councilm~ Sani introduced a resolution adopting pla~s and specificatiOns for the DOLLAR AVENUE improvement of Dollar, Tanforan and Huntington Avenues. This resolution was adopted :& ~PEC'IFICA*~ ~ ::by the -,enlmoua vote of all 'members of the City Council present. ~T- DO~ AVE~D~: ~EWA~E THEAT~T. Councilman Elder introduced a resolution proposing to.improve Dollar, Tanforanamd 'Huntington Avenues and requesting the consent of the ~i~y Council of San Bruno to the formatio~ of a district benefited by _imprev. e~e. nt of said streets. This resolution was adopte~'by the wma-laous vote of all members of th~ City Council present. Counc~lman Cortesi introduced a resolution applying ~ the State Board of Public ~ealth for a permit to construct a sewage treatmant plant to serve Sbuth .3an Francisco and San Bruno and adjacent territory. This resolution was adopted 'by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present. M~vor Ferko stated Congresmaan A~derson had tel~pho~d hia advieimg that the Belair acreage had been tram~ge~-ed by the Federal ~nt~without cost, to the City of South ~aa Freacisco. motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried meeting was adjourned to Wednesday October 15th, 1927 at 7=30 p.a. Time of adjournment - 10:15 p.m. Respectfully ~baitted, cit