HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1948-09-07REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD TUESDAY, SEPTemBER 7, 1928. PLACE: TIME: ROLL CALL: CALL TO ORDER: MI NUTES: POLICE STATION BIDS: Council Chambers, City Hall 8:00 p.m. Present: Councilmen .Victor Boido, Leo Ferko, ~dolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi. Absent: Councilman Chas. K. Elder The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ferko at 8:00 p.m. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Boido tha~ bids on the construction of the Police Station be opened. This motion was. regularly carried. The following bids were sub~kitted: GENERAL CONTRACT ' Monson Bros. M & K Corporation Joseph Bettancourt ' Minton & Eubon ~ Robert L. Wilson Elvin C. Stendell H. E. Rahlmann Co. H. H. Larson Co. Wilfred H. May BASE BID $125,850.00 152,677.00' 122,027.00 139,978.00 138,951.00 1&0,922.00 133,105.00 14&,7~6.00 13~,282.00 ELECTRICAL WORK Edward W. Scott ElectrTc Co. Abbett Electric Corp. Lynch Electric Co. Matson Electrical Equip. Co. 9,552.00 14,222.51 10,096.OO 10,085.00 RESOL~JTIoN NO. 1373 AWARDING OF CONTRACT - POLICE STATION: Joseph Bettancourt being the lowest bidder on the construction of the Central Police Station in the amount of $12~+,98~and Edward W. Scott Electric Co. being the lowest bidder on the electrical work in the amount of $9,55~, Councilman Sani introduced a resolution awarding contract for the construction of the Central Police Station to Joseph Bettancourt for the amount of $12~,98~; and Edward W. Scott Electric Co. for the electrical work for the amount of $9,552. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present. MISSION ROAD S~TER: Motion was made by Councilman Cortesi, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried that bids for the construction of a sewer on Mission Road be opened. The following bids were submitted: E. T. Haas Co. L. C. Smith Company H. L. Harp Gabriel Construction Co. $1,166.00 897.50 1,d95.00 1,002.50 RESOLUTION NO. !37~ MISSION ROAD S~,~ER CONTRACT: L. C. Smith being the lowest bidder ~n the construction of a sewer in Mission Road, Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution awarding contract to L. C. Smith in the amount of $897.50. This motion was carried by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Cotmcil present. PERSONNEL BOARD - POLICE MATRON: Communication was received from the Personnel Board setting forth recommended specifica- tions for the poSition of Stenographer-Police Matron for the approval of the Council. Thismatter was laid over for further consideration. PERSO5V~EL BOARD - UTILITY MAN: Communication was received from the Personnel Board showing namesof men placed on the eligible list for the position of Utility Man; also listing those who had failed in the written examination but passed th~ oral examination. This communication was ordered filed. STREET UTILITY 'MAN: Communication was received from the Superintendent of Streets stating he requires five Utility Men and two Laborers for the Street Department and one Utility Man for the Park Department, same to be appointed from the Civil Service List. This communication was ordered filed. SOUTHV~OD WOMEN'S CLUB CAUTION SIGN: Communication was received from the Southwood Women's Club asking that a caution signal be installed on E1 Camino Real near the Orange Avenue intersection. City Clerk was instructed to request the Division of Highways to install such a signal. SEWER CLEAN-UP - SOUT~OOD: C~mmunication was received from the Southwood Women's Club requesting, that the sewer on Fairway Drive be cleaned. Superintendent of Streets Schweintng stated this matter had been taken care of. BRENTWOOD NO. 2 CONDITIONS: PICK-UP SERVICE - BY STREET DEPT_.: Communication was received from the Superintendent of Streets setting forth the conditiorm existing in Brentwood Subdivision No. 2. Same was ordered filed. Communication was received from the Superintendent of Streets recommending the following regulations for garden refuse pick-up: Zone No. i - On the first Monday of each monthall streets north of Railroad Avenue including Railroad Avenue and Circle Court. Zone No. 2 - On the second Monday of each month all streets south of Railroad Avenue including subdivisions west of E1 Camino Real. This letter also specified rules and regulations to be followed. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recommendations of the Superintendent of Streets be accepted and that the City Attorney formulate the necessary ordinance to govern violations. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPOINTMENT: Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of Leonard Dimminger for ~m~appointment to the Call Forces of the Fire Department. Eotion was duly made, seconded and carried that the Monson Bros. M & K Corporation Joseph Bettancourt Minton & Kubon Robert L. Wilson Elvin C. Stendell H. E. Rahlmann Co. H. H. Larson Co. Wilfred H. May $1&5,850. O0 15&,677.00 ' 122,027.00 139,978. O0 138,951. OO 140,92~. O0 133,105. CO l~J~, 7&6. OO 13&,282.00 ELECTRICAL WORK Edward W. Scott Electric Co. Abbett Electric Corp. Lynch Electric Co. Matson Electrical Equi~. Co. 9,552.00 10,096.00 10,085.00 RESOLUTION NO. 1373 Joseph Bet%ancourt being the lowest bidder on the construction of the Central Police AWARDING OF CONTRACT - Station in the amount of $12&,98~and Edward W. Scott Electric Co. being the lowest POLICE STATION: bidder on the electrical work in the amount of $9,552~ Councilman Sani introduced a resolution awarding contract for the construction of the Central Police Station to Joseph Bettancourt for the amount of $12~,98~; and Edward W. Scott Electric Co. for the electrical work for the amount of $9,552. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present. MISSION ROAD SF~ER: Motion was made by Councilman Cortesi, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried that bids for the construction of a sewer on Mission Road be opened. The following bids were submitted: RESOLUTION NO. !37& MISSION ROAD S~ER CONTRACT: E. T. Haas Co. $1,166.00 L. C. Smith Company 897.50 H. L. Harp 1,~95.00 Gabriel Construction Co. 1,002.50 L. C. Smith being the lowest bidder dn the construction of a sewer in Mission Road, Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution awarding contract to L. C. Smith in the amount of $897.50. This motion was carried by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Co~mcil present. PERSONNEL BOARD - POLICE MATRON: Communication was received from the Personnel Board setting forth recommended specifica- tions for the poSition of Stenographer-Police Matron fo~ the approval of the Council. Thismatter was laid over for further consideration. PERSON~EL BOARD - UTILITY MAN: 'Communication was received from the Personnel Board showing names of' men placed on the eligible list for the position of Utility Man; also listing those who had failed in the written examination but passed th~ oral e×mmination. This communication was ordered filed. STREET UTILITY'MAN: Communication was received from the Superintendent of Streets stating he requires five Utility Men and two Laborers for the Street Department and one Utility Man for the Park Department, same to be appointed from the Civil Service List. This communication was ordered filed. SOUTHW~00D WOMEN'S CLUB Communication was received from the Southwood Women's Club asking that a caution signal CAUTION SIGN: be installed on E1 Camino Real near the Orange Avenue intersection. City Clerk was instructed to request the Division of Highways to install such a signal. S~ERCLEAN-UP - $OUT~NOOD: Communication was received from the Southwood Women's Club requesting, thab the sewer on Fairway Drive be cleaned. Superintendent of Streets Schweining stated this matter had been taken care of. BRENTWOOD NO. 2 CONDITIONS: Communication was received from the Superintendent of Streets setting forth the conditiors existing in Brentwood Subdivision No. 2. Same was ordered filed. PICK-UP SERVICE - BY STREET DEPT.: Communication was received from the Superintendent of Streets recommending the following regulations for garden refuse pick-up: Zone No. 1 - On the first Monday of each month all streets north of Railroad Avenue including Railroad Avenue and Circle Court. Zone No. 2 - On the second Monday of each month all streets south of Railroad Avenue including subdivisions west of E1 Camino Real. FIRE DEPARTmeNT APPOIntMENT: This letter also specified rules and regulations to be followed. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recommendations of the Superintendent of Streets be accepted and that the City Attorney formulate the necessary ordinance to govern violations. Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of Leonard Dimminger for ~x~ appointment to the Call Forces of the Fire Department. Eotion was duly made, seconded and carried that the appointment of Leonard Dimminger be confirmed. COLU~BUS DAY PARADE: Communication was received from the Business Men's Association stating they were to hold a Columbus Day Parade Sunday, October 17, 19&8 and asked the City to Join with them. Mayor Ferko appointed Councilmen Sani and Boido to act as a committee to confer with the Business Men's Association. BUR1 BUR1 BUILDING PER,fIT: Communication was received from the Burl Burl Homes, Inc. requesting permission to erect a store building on portions of Lots 7 and 8 in Block 1. Notion was duly made, seconded and carried that permit be granted. The Building Inspector was instructed to check into the fire zone of Burl Burl Subdivision. BRENT~VOOD CLUB - RECREATION: Communication was received from the Brentwood Club asking that the Boy Scout cabin in Orange Avenue Memorial Park be moved to the'Brentwood City Park for recreation facilitie~ After some discussion, with the representatives of the Brentwood Club present at the meeting, it was suggested that they place this matter before the Recreation Commission. The letter was ordered filed. POLICE APPOINTMENTS: Con~unication was received from Chief of Police Belloni advising that the following men had been appointed as Patrolmen ~ommencing September 1st, 19&8. Arthur Rodondi - Richard Canziani Lawrence Olivotti BUSIh~SS LICENSE- ;'L O. COMMINGS: Motion was'dulymade, seconded'and carried that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be accepted.' e W. O. Commings submitted an application for a license for a parking lot from which 'private owners could sell their cars. As this matter was not clear to the Council same was laid over. SHELL OIL BLDG. PERMIT: Communication was received from the Shell Oil Co. asking permission to erect an aviation gasoline distributing plant at the San FranCisco Municipal Airport and the installation of gasoline storage tanks. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that permit be granted. LEO JACOPI - GAS TAkeS: Leo Jacopi appli(~d for permission to install two underground gasoline storage tanks and two gasolihe pumps at 305 E1 Co~nino Real. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that permission be gra~ted subject to the proper posting of notices regarding gasoline tanks. ORDINANCE N0.'279 An ordinance relating to disasters came up ~or second reading. Motion was duly made, DISASTERS: seconded and carried that this ordinance be read by title only and considered as second reading. City Clerk theh read title of this ordinance: - "An Ordinance Relating to Disasters". This ordinance was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present. MONTHLY REPORTS: Reports for the month of August were submitted by the Building Inspector and Fire Department. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried same were approved as submitted. CLAIMS: Claims in the amount of $24,961.93 were presented to the Finance Committee for approval. On motion duly made, seconded and re~Alarly carried all claims as submitted were ordered paid. P. G. & E. - FIRE STATION #2 - CLAIM: Communications were received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. denying any responsibili for damages caused by grounding of wiring on the property of the United Pack£ng Co.; also refuaing to pay for repairs to electrical service and radio. This matter was laid over for further consideration. STATE HIG~AY AGREE- MENT - GAS TAX 19&9: RESOL[~ION NO. 1375 Communication was received from'the Division of Highways attaching Memorandum of Agree- ment providing for.the expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for Major CityStreets, 19~9 fiscal year. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution approving this Memorandum of Agreement and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present. ~EDENING OF EL CAMINO REAL: SPRUCE AVElru~ - HIGH SCHOOL PARK TERRACE ABANDONMENT: Communication was received from the Works Engineer with reference to the State Division of Highways plan for the street widening of E1 Camino Real between Orange Avenue and Arroyo Drive. Same was laid over. Communication was received from the Works Engineer advising that the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co. had requested the abandonment of a portion of Spruce Avenue in High School Park Terrace, where there is a large distance from the sidewalk to the property line. The City Attorney was instructed to arrange the necessary papers as soon as the Works Engineer furnished him with the proper description of the property. CHESTNUT AVEN~E ABANDONMENT: B. BENAS - SEWAGE TREATME~ PLANT: SURVEY- S~NAGE DISPOSAL PLANT: RESOLUTION NO. 1376 AGREEMENT - ESTES: Communication was received from the Works Engineer with reference to new alignment of Chestnut Avenue from the Colma Creek culvert to Mission Road. This matter was referred to the City Attorney and the ~Vorks Engineer. Communication was received from Mr. Benjamin Benes stating he would be willing to under- take an examination of the plans and specifications of the Joint sewage treatment plant for the sum of $500~00. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the City enter into an.agreement with Mr. Benes for this work. Oommunication was received from the Works Enginee~ advising that it would be necessary to make a survey of the sanitary sewage disposal plant site to determine the area available for the plants and he asked authorization to proceed with this work. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the Works Engineer be authorized to make this survey. Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution that the City make payment of the balance of money due for the preparation of plans and specifications to the executrix of the estate of John E. Estes out of money to be loaned by the United States of America, after deduct- in~ from such sum of money the sum of ~00.00 meeting, l~ was sugg~s%ed that they place this matter before the ~ecreation Commission. The letter was ordered filed. POLICE APPOINT~gENTS: Communication was received from Chief of Police Belloni advising that the following men had been appointed as Patrolmen Commencing September 1st, 19&8. Arthur Rodondi - Richard Canziani Lawrence Olivotti BUSIh~SS LICENSE - W. O. COMBINGS: Notion was'duly made, seconded'and carried that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be accepted.~ W. O. Commings submitted an application for a license for a parking lot from which 'private owners could sell their cars. As this matter Was not clear to the Council same was laid over. SHELL OIL BLDG. PERMIT: Communication w~s received from the Shell Oil Co. asking permission to erect an aviation gasoline distributing plant at the San FranCisco Municipal Airport and the installation of gasoline storage tanks. Notion was duly made, seconded and carried that permit be granted. LEO JACOPI - GAS TAkeS: Leo Jacopi appli~d for permission to install two underground gasoline storage tanks and two gasolihe pumps at 305 E1 Com~ino Real. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that permission be graoted subject to the proper posting of notices regarding gasoline tanks. ORDINANCE N0.'279 An ordinance relating to disasters came up {or second reading. Motion was duly made, DISASTERS: seconded and carried that this ordinance be read by title only and considered as second reading. City Clerk theh read title of this ordinance: - "An Ordinance Relating to Disasters". This ordinance was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present. NONTHLY REPORTS: Reports for the month of August were submitted by the Building Inspector and Fire Department. On motion dulymade, seconded and regularly carried same were approved as submitted. CLAIMS: Claims in the amount of $23.,961.93 were presented to the Finance Committee for approval. On motion duly made, seconded and re~Alarly carried all claims as submitted were ordered paid. P. G. & E. - FIRE STATION #2 - CLAIM: Communications were received from the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. denying any responsibil for damages caused by grounding of wiring on the property of the United Packing Co.; also refusing to pay for repairs to electrical service and radio. This matter was laid over for further consideration. STATE HIG~AY AGREE- MENT - GAS TAX 19~9: RESOLI~ION NO. 1375 Communication was received fromthe Division of Highways attaching Memorandum of Agree- ment providing for.the expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for Major City'Streets, 19~9 fiscal year. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution approving this Memorandum of Agreement and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present. ~DENING OF EL CAMINO REAL: Communication was received from the Works Engineer with reference to the State Division of Highways plan for the street widening of E1 Camino Real between Orange Avenue and Arroyo Drive. Same was laid over. SPRUCE AVENUE - HIGH SCHOOL PARK TERRACE ABANDONMENT: Communication was received from the Works Engineer advising that the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co. had requested the abandonment of a portion of Spruce Avenue in High School Park Terrace, where there is a large distance from the sidewalk to the property line. The City Attorney was instructed to arrange the necessary papers as soon as the Works Engineer furndshed him with the proper description of the property. CHESTNUT AVENUE ABANDONMENT: B. BENAS - SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT: Communication was received from the Works Engineer with reference to new alignment of Chestnut Avenue from the Colma Creek culvert to Mission Road. This matter was referred to the City Attorney and the ~orks Engineer. Communication was received from Mr. Benjamin Benas stating he would be ~Illing to under- take an examination of the plans and specifications of the Joint sewage treatment plant for the sum of $500~00. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the City enter into an~agreement with Mr. Benas for this ~ork. SURVEY- SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT: RESOLUTION NO. 1376 AGREI~IxlT - ESTES: Oommunication was received from the Works Engineer advising that it would be necessary to make a survey of the sanitary sewage disposal plant site to determine the area available for the plants and he asked authorization to proceed with this work. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the Works Engineer be authorized to make this survey. Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution that the City make payment of the balance of money due for the preparation of plans and specifications to the executrix of the estate of John E. Estes out of money to be loaned by the United States of America, after deduct- ing from such sum of money the sum of $500.00 covering fee and services of the sanitary engineer and also after deducting such sum of money as may be necessary to make plans and specificationsto conform to such requirements as may be made by a sanitary engtneer. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present.- RESOLUTION NO. 1377 AGREEMENT - ESTES: RESOLUTION NO. 1378 TAX RATE 19~8-~+9: LEAGI~ OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONVENTION: HUMANE OFFICKR: PARADISE VALLEY: SCHOOL SITE - MARTIN SCHOOL: ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Sani introduced a resolution that the City pay to the executrix of the estate of John E. Estes the reasonable value of work performed in accordance with the agreement of May 8th$~19&8 between the City of South San F4ancisco and John E. Estes, on the condition that said ~xecutrix deliver to the Works Engineer all field notes, etc. in connection with the work governed by this agreement. This resolution was adopted by the un4nimous vote of all members of the City Council present. Councilman Boido in%roduced a resolution fixing the tax rate for the fiscal year 19~8- 19~9. Thi4 resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council present. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the following City Officials act as representatives of the City at the League of California Cities meeting at Long Beach, September 19th-23rd. Mayor Leo Ferko Councilman Victor Boido Councilman Chas. K. Elder Councilman Adolph Sani Councilman Emilio Cortesi City Clerk Daniel J. Hyland CityAttorney J. W. Coleberd Supt. of Streets Henry L~ Schweining Fdre Chief A. J. Welte Motion was made by Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilman Cortesi that the resignation of Humane Officer Mangini be accepted as of September ~th,'19~8. This motion was regularly carried. Mr. Rolland, of Paradise Valley, addressed the Council with reference to lights at the end of Spruce Avenue near School Street. He was advised that these lights would be installed at an early date. The Works Engineer stated he had contacted Mr. Davis of' the San Francisco Water Co. with reference to easement on the school site near the Martin School. Mr. Davis referred him to the City office of the San Francisco Water Co. but as yet he had not been able to contact them. On motion of Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly csrried the meeting was adjourned to Monday evening, September 20th, 19~8 at 8:00 p.m. Time of adjournment - 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk APPROVED: Mayor