HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1960-06-06REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1960 TIME: PLACE: 8:00 p.m. Council C~ambers, City Hall CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rocca at 8:00 p.m. Pledge of~ Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocation was given by Reverend Harry H. Larson of the First Baptist Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern Councilman Emilio Cortesi MI NUTES: Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regula meeting of May 16, 1960 and the adjourned regular meeting of May 23, 1960. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 1960, and the adjourned regular meeting 05 ~¥ 23, 1960, be approved with the correction to the minutes of the;.r~l~ meeting of May 16, 1960, that the Mayor's appointme~ to the P~-r d be for the term of four years and not six years as previ CLAIMS: Mayor Rocca then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims payment. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularl carried, that the regular claims totalling $16,274.27 be approved for payme CITY OF SOoS,Fo CLAIM FOR PARKING DISTRICT: PERSON & SWANSON PUBLIC HEARINGS: Council then took separate action on the claim of the City of South San Francisco dated May 17, 1960, in amount of $19.32 for straightening parking meter poles. This claim was to be charged to the Parking District of the City. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be approved for payment. Proceeding on to public hearings, Mayor Rocca remarked that if there were n objections, the public hearings as concerned the Person and Swanson Indus- trial Tract and the Person and Swanson Assessment District Changes and Mod- ifications would be continued to the next regular meeting since they were not ready for Council at this time. No objections were registered. RESOLUTION NO. 3018 ESTABLISHING RECORD OF COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS: D~/~ City Attorney Noonan at this time explained the first resolution ready for Council action, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING RECORD OF COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE PRIOR TO EXPIRATION OF TERMS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Rya and Ahem. Absent: Councilman Cortesio RESOLUTION NO. 3019 P.G.& E. CO. GRANT OF EASEMENT TO CITY: .~"~05~ City Attorney Noonan next explained the second resolution, after which Cou~ cilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEI/ENT FROM PACIFIC GAS & ELECT~ COMPANY TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO". Roll call vote was as follows Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahern. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. RESOLUTION NO. 3020 LETTER OF GUARANTEE FROM CROCKER ANGLO FOR MIPRO METAL PRODUCTS BLDG.:~i RESOLUTION NO. 3021 CANCELLATION OF TAXES FOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS - STERLING MANOR NO. 2: The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A LETTER OF GUARANTEE"~ Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ahem and Ryano Absent: Councilman Cortesi. After explanation by the City Attorney, the next resolution was introduced by Councilman Ryan as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CONSENT TO CANCEL- LATION OF TAXES ACQUIRED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DIVISION OF HIGHNAYS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahe Absent: Councilman Cortesi. RESOLUTION NO. 3022 ANNUAL REPORT OF CITY STREET DEFICIENCIES: The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney~ after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DESIGNATING THE~DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AS THE CIT~ OFFICIAL TO SUBMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON OR BEFORE JUNE 1ST ANNUALLY A REPORT OF DEFICIENCIES EXISTING ON THE CITY STREET SYSTEK'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahern. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. RESOLUTION NO. 3023 HAMLIN COMPANY GRANT OF PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT: RESOLUTION NO. 3024 APPLICATION WITH TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. FOR GROUP INSURANCE POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES: RESOLUTION NO. 3025 REQUEST OF SAN MATED COUNTY TO ASSUME ANIMAL SHELTER AND OPERATIONS: "2~3 ~ 7 The next resolution was explained by the City Attorney, after which Council man Ahem introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOU~ SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A GRANT OF PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT FROM HAMLIN COM- PANY TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCff'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahern. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. After explanation by the City Attorney, the next resolution was introduced by Councilman Rozzi as follows: '!A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING APPLICATION WITH TRAVELERS INSURAN( COMPANY FOR A GROUP INSURANCE POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahem. Absent: Coun- cilman Cortesi. The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO ASSUME THE ANIMAL SHELTER AND RELATED OPERATIONS". Roll call vote was as follows: A~ Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahem. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. L CALL: Present: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern Absent: Councilman Emilio Cortesi MI NUTE S: Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regul meeting of May 16, 1960 and the adjourned regular meeting of May 23, 1960. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 1960, and the adjourned regular meeting 23, o~ ~¥ 1960, be approved with the correction to the minutes of t~e~~~ meeting of May 16, 1960, that the Mayor's appointme to the P~,il!~~.~r d be for the term of four years and not six years as previouiml~ ~.' ~ CLAIMS: Mayor Rocca then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims payment. Councilman Ahern moved~ seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regular carried, that the regular claims totalling $16,274.27 be approved for paym CITY OF SOoS~Fo CLAIM FOR PARKING DISTRICT: PERSON & SWANSON PUBLIC HEARINGS: Council then took separate action on the claim of the City of South San Francisco dated May 17, 1960, in amount of $19.32 for straightening parkin meter poles. This claim was to be charged to the Parking District of the City° Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be approved for payment. Proceeding on to public hearings, Mayor Rocca remarked that if there were objections, the public hearings as concerned the Person and Swanson Indus- trial Tract and the Person and Swanson Assessment District Changes and Mod ifications would be continued to the next regular meeting since they were not ready for Cour~il at this time. No objections were registered. RESOLUTION NO. 3018 ESTABLISHING RECORD OF COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS: D~/~ City Attorney Noonan at this time explained the first resolution ready for Council action, after which Councilman Ahem introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING RECORD OF COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE PRIOR TO EXPIRATION OF TERMS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes~ Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ry and Ahern. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. RESOLUTION NO. 3019 P.Go& Eo CO° GRANT OF EASEMENT TO CITY: ~-~0~' City Attorney Noonan next explained the second resolution, after which Cou cilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM PACIFIC GAS & ELECT COMPANY TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO"~ Roll call vote was as follo~ Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahern. Absent: Councilman Cortesi RESOLUTION NO° 3020 LETTER OF GUARANTEE FROM CROCKER ANGLO FOR MIPRO METAL PRODUCTS BLDG. :..~ RESOLUTION NO. 3021 CANCELLATION OF TAXES FOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS - STERLING MANOR NO. 2: The next resolution wa~ then explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A LETTER OF GUARANTEE"~ Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes~ Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ahem and Ryan. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. After explanation by the City Attorney, the next resolution was introduced by Councilman Ryan as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CONSENT TO CANCEL- LATION OF TAXES ACQUIRED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS" Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ah Absent: Councilman Cortesi. RESOLUTION NO. 3022 ANNUAL REPORT OF CITY STREET DEFICIENCIES: RESOLUTION NO. 3023 HAMLIN COMPANY GRANT OF PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT: RESOLUTION NO. 3024 APPLICATION WITH TRAVELERS iNSURANCE CO. FOR GROUP INSURANCE POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES: RESOLUTION NO. 3025 REQUEST OF SAN MATEO COUNTY TO ASSUME ANIMAL SHELTER AND OPERATIONS: 53 ~ 7 The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney~ after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DESIGNATING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AS THE CIT OFFICIAL TO SUBMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON OR BEFORE JUNE 1ST ANNUALLY A REPORT OF DEFICIENCIES EXISTING ON THE CITY STREET SYSTEF'. Roll call vot was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahem. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. The next resolution was explained by the City Attorney~ after which Counci man Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOE SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A GRANT OF PUBLIC SERVICE EASERENT FROM HAMLIN CO~ PANY TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahern. Absent: Councilman Cortesi After explanation by the City Attorney, the next resolution was introduced by Councilman Rozzi as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING APPLICATION WITH TRAVELERS INSURA~ COMPANY FOR A GROUP INSURANCE POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahern. Absent: Coun- cilman Cortesi. The next resolution was then explained by the City Attomey, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO ASSUME THE ANIMAL SHELTER AND RELATED OPERATIONS". Roll call vote was as follows: Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Ryan and Ahern. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. RESOLUTION NO. 3026 OPPOSING PROPOSITION 15 FOR SENATE REAPPORTIONMENT: PARKING DISTIICT #1 ACQUISITION OF EVELYN' S CREAMERY: £/31 City Attorney No.nan then explained the next resolution ready for Council action, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO OPPOSING PROPOSITION 15 FOR SENATE REAPPORTIONMENT'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi and Ahem. Abs~t: Councilman Cortesi. Councilman Ryan stat~ that he abstained from voting inasmuch as he had not had an opportunity to study all the material arguing both sides of the matter. There being no ordinances, Council then proceeded on to unfinished businem taking up first the claim of Mr. Swett on the acquisition of property for the Parking District, he presently occupying it under the firm name of "Evelyn's Creamery", which had been presented to Council through the law office of Antonio Jo Gaudio. This m&tter had been held over at the meetinl of May 16, 1960. Mayor Rocca asked if the attorney for the tenant was present in the audience. No reply was received. Councilman Rozzi then moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the City Attorney be instructed to direct a letter serving notice on the tenant to pay or quit, giving him 30 days notice to terminate tenancy. TREE SELECTION The next item under unfinished business concerned the matter of tree selec. tion in Serra Highlands Unit No. 2-C which was held over at the meeting of May 16, 1960. Inter office memorandum dated May 20, 1960, was received frol the Acting Supt. of Parks and Recreation, Bob Maxey, giving more informati~ regarding his recommendation. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca refe: this matter to the City Manager who was instructed to meet with the Acting Supt. of Parks and Recreation concernining this matter. Councilman Ryan requested that the Planning Co~ission also be instructed to be in on the discussion and that the results be reported to Council. Mayor Rocca so ordered. UTAH CONSTRUCTION CO. REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF SEWER LINE SOoSoFo INDo PARK UNIT #2-A: ~'~.-~7 ROBERT MING CLAIM: ,~0 ~ Inter office memorandum dated May 18, 1960, was received from the office of the City Attorney, together with a letter dated February 11, 1960, from the Utah Construction and Mining Company requesting the abandonment of a portion of an unused, undldicated sewer line in South San Francisco Ind. P. No. 2-A. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regular carried, that the sewer line be abandoned. Claim against the City, as filed by Robert Ming, was received alleging in- juries in the amount of $2,000°00 as the result of a fall on a skiing trip near Yuba Pass. Accompanying the notice of claim was an inter office lemo. andum dated June 1, 1960, from Bob Maxey, Acting Supt. of Parks and Recre- ation to the effect that the mentioned ski trip was not organized, author- ized or sanctioned by the Parks and Recreation Department and that no employee was paid for the trip. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Coun- cilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF BARRICADE LASSEN & PONDEROSA: (UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT) 5/~ / Com~unication dated May 20, 1960, was received from the South San Francisc. Unified School District over the signature of Joseph W. Smith, Assist. Sup for Business, requesting removal of the barricade on Lassen Street at Ponderosa Road. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca referred this mat- ter to the City Manager, requesting that it be worked out on an amicable and helpful basis. HIGHLANDS BAPTIST CHURCH REOUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTION & ANNEXATION: NO.SAN MATE, COUNTY CITIZENS FREEWAY COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR MEETING ON NORTH-SOUTH FREEWAY HEARING: JOAN AND ALBERT STADDTEGGER LETTERS OF PROTEST RE JET AIRCRAFT: Communication dated May 23, 1960, was received from the Highlands Baptist Church, over the signature of George W. King, requesting permission to connect to the City's sewers. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Council Ahern and regularly carried, that the request for sewer connection be ap- proved, conditioned to the initiation at once of annexation to the City with the payment of the usual fee. Co~unication dated May 20, 1960, was received from the North San Mate. County Citizens Freeway Committee over the signature of Stanley Brown, requesting to meet with the City Council prior to the hearing which was to be held on June 15, 1960, as it concerned the north-south freeway routing. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca referred this matter to the City Manager with the request that he arrange for a meeting with all parties co cerned prior to the public hearing. Communications dated May 30, 1960, were received from Mrs. Joan Staddtegge and Albert C. Staddtegger of 221 Bonita Avenue, protesting aircraft flight over the residential areas in the Cit~, citing the near disaster of an aircraft whose motor caught fire while taking off over the City. Mayor Rocca remarked that the City Attorney had been working on this matter in great detail as well as Councilman Ryan who was chairman of the Jet Aircra Committee. He at this time called on Councilman Ryan who gave a report of the flight ~ the aircraft in question over the City and its return to the airport. He then outlined the work which had been done by the City over the years, the employment by the City of Dr. Maurice Garbe11 who made a thorough study and report, and the suggestions made to the airport offic ials concerning the matter. JET AIRCRAFT DISCUSSION AND CITY ATTORNEY' S EXPLANATION: RESOLUTION NO. 3027 CO~9/ENDING PILOT DON STORKAN OF DC-7 AIRCRAFT: Councilman Ryan then called on City Attorney No.nan who gave a detailed re port on a study he made concerning the matter, reading the opinion of the County Counsel of Los Angeles inanswer to questions of Supervisor Hahn of that locale. He also explained the case of Huron Cement Company and the City of Detroit. He then gave a detailed explanation of the method by whi amaged property owner could file claims for damages and have hearings cted. Lengthy discussion then took place concerning the aircraft pre · ~ After discussion, Councilman Ryan stated that he had a resolution which he would like to introduce, commending the pilot and crew of the Pa~ American DC-7 Aircraft for averting a near disaster over the City. He then introduced: 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH S~ FRANCISCO CO~i/ENDING PILOT DON STORKAN AND THE CRE~ OF PAN AMERICAN DC-7 AIRCRAFT". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Roccai Rozzi, Ryan ana Ahern. Absent: Councilman Cortesi. Councilman Ryan then reques px-e~nt ln' ~he audience' No reply was re, eiffel ~o~i{~n~i~i the moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the Ci Attorney be instructed to direct a letter serving notice on the tenant pay or quit, giving him ~0 days notice to terminate tenancy. TREE SELECTION SERRA HIGHLANDS UNIT 2-C: £ The next item under unfinished business concerned the matter of tree s, tion in Serra Highlands Unit No. 2-C which was held over at the meetin! May 16, 1960. Inter office memorandum dated May 20, 1960, was received the Acting Supt. of Parks and Recreation, Bob Maxey, giving more infor~ regarding his recommendation. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca ] this matter to the City Manager who was instructed to meet with the Ac~ Supt. of Parks and Recreation concernining this matter. Councilman RI requested that the Planning Commission also be instructed to be in on discussion and that the results be reported to Council. Mayor Rocca s( ordered. UTAH CONSTRUCTION COo REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF SEWER LINE SOoSoFolND. PARK UNIT #2-A: ~7 ROBERT MING CLAIM: .ffO~t.~ Inter office memorandum dated May 18, 1960, was received from the offic of the City Attorney, together with a letter dated February 11, 1960~ ~ the Utah Construction and Mining Company requesting the abandonment of portion of an unused, undedicated sewer line in South San Francisco Ind No. 2-Ao Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzt and regu carried, that the sewer line be abandoned. Claim against the City, as filed by Robert Ming, was received alleging juries in the amount of $2,000.00 as the result of a fall on a skiing near Yuba Pass. Accompanying the notice of claim was an inter office andum dated June 1, 1960, from Bob Maxey, Acting Supt. of Parks and Rec ation to the effect that the mentioned ski trip was not organized, auth ized or sanctioned by the Parks and Recreation Department and that no employee was paid for the trip. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Cou cilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be denied and referr. to the City's insurance carrier. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF BARRICADE LASSEN & PONDEROSA: (UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT) ~/0 / Communication dated May 20, 1960, was received from the South San Franc: Unified School District over the signature of Joseph W. Smith, Assist. I for Business, requesting removal of the barricade on Lassen Street at Ponderosa Road. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca referred this m~ ter to the City Manager, requesting that it be worked out on an amicablt and helpful basis. HIGHLANDS BAPTIST CHURCH REOUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTION & ANNEXATION: NO. SAN MATEO COUNTY CITIZENS FREEWAY COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR MEETING ON NORTH-SOUTH FREEWAY HEARING: JOAN AND ALBERT STADDTEGGER LETTERS OF PROTEST RE JET AIRCRAFT: Communication dated May 23, 1960, was received from the Highlands Bapti~ Church, over the signature of George W. King, requesting permission to connect to the City's sewers. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Count Ahem and regularly carried, that the request for sewer connection be a{ proved, conditioned to the initiation at once of annexation to the City with the payment of the usual fee. Communication dated May 20, 1960, was received from the North San Mateo County Citizens Freeway Committee over the signature of Stanley Brown, requesting to meet with the City Council prior to the hearing which was be held on June 15, 1960, as it concerned the north-south freeway routin There being no objections, Mayor Rocca referred this matter to the City Manager with the request that he arrange for a meeting with all parties cerned prior to the public hearing. Communications dated May 30, 1960, were received from Mrs. Joan Staddteg and Albert C. Staddtegger of 221 Bonita Avenue, protesting aircraft flig over the residential areas in the City, citing the near disaster of an aircraft whose motor caught fire while taking off over the City. Mayor Rocca remarked that the City Attorney had been working on this matter in great detail as well as Councilman Ryan who was chairman of the Jet Airc: Committee. He at this time called on Councilman Ryan who gave a report of the flight d the aircraft in question over the City and its return to the airport. He then outlined the work which had been done by the City over the years, the employment by the City of Dr. Maurice Garbell who ma~ a thorough study and report, and the suggestions made to the airport off: ials concerning the matter. JET AIRCRAFT DISCUSSION AND CITY ATTORNEY' S EXPLANATI ON: RESOLUTION NO. 3027 COMMENDING PILOT DON STORKAN OF DC-7 AIRCRAFT: Councilman Ryan then called on City Attorney Noonan who gave a detailed port on a study he made concerning the matter, reading the opinion of th~ County Counsel of Los Angeles in answer to questions of Supervisor Hahn that locale. He also explained the case of Huron Cement Company and the City of Detroit. He then gave a detailed explanation of the method by w~ ~j~.~=damaged property owner could file claims for damages and have hearini ~cted. Lengthy discussion then took place concerning the aircraft pr lem; After discussion, Councilman Ryan stated that he had a resolution which he would like to introduce, come, ending the pilot and crew of the Pa American DC-7 Aircraft for averting a near disaster over the City. He then introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH FRANCISCO COMMENDING PILOT DON STORKAN AND THE CREW OF PAN AMERICAN DC-7 AIRCRAFt'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi Ryan ann Ahem. ADsent: Councilman Cortesi. Councilman Ryan then reque that the City Manager and City Attorney be instructed to work up what the could on the subject and report back to Counc~ what official action and resolutions could be adopted. PARKING DISTRICT #1 ACQUISITION OF EVELYN' S CREAMERY - DELAY OF COUNCIL' S PREVIOUS ACTION: ff]~/ RUDOLPH Do SANTINI RESIGNATION AS PLANNING COMMISSIONER: 50gq RICHARD MARTIN APPOINTMENT BY YOR AS PLANNING WESTERN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RESUBOIVISION REQUEST - SO. S oF. FRANK MAMMI NI VARIANCE APPLICATION RESOLUTION #1257: ._5"L) FIRST WESTERN BANK & TRUST COMPANY USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1258: 5'o 5'0 EARLY AMERICAN PAINT & VARNISH CO. USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1259: 3-0 5-0 HABER DOORS, I NC o USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1260: MR. & MRS. ANGLE USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1261: NELLA MILLER USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1262: CHARLES GOULD USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1263: 5'0 DELANO NURSERY USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1264: NELSON NEON SIGN COMPANY USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1265: At this time, Mr. GaudS., attorney representing Evelyn's Creamery operated by Mr. Swett, appeared present and offered his regrets for not being in attendance earlier when his client's matter came before the City Council. Discussion followed between the members of the City Council and Mr. Gaudio as to whether or not any obligation existed. After discussion, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi, that the City Council's action taken earlier be delayed for two weeks until Mr. Gaudio has had a chance to check the results of an appraisal with the City Attorney. Mayor Rocca asked if there would be any liability on the part of the City by taking this action, to which the City Attorney replied none on the City's part. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Council then proceeded on to the Planning Commission items, taking up first the resignation of Mr. Rudolph D. Santini, letters dated May 13, 1960, havi been received by the City Council and the Planning Commission. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the resignation of Rudolph Santini be accepted and that a letter of commendatio be forwarded to him. Mayor Rocca at this time offered for Council approval the appointment of Richard Martin to replace Rudolph Santini, resigned, to fill the unexpired term. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the appointment of Mr. Martin as made by the Mayor be approve Memorandum dated May 24, 1960, was received from the Planning Commission recommending approval of the request of Western Title Insurance Company to resubdivide Lot 10, Block 2, South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. 1 into two parcels - Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. Variance Application Resolution No. 1257, as applied for by Frank Mammini, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending approval of the request for a 5 ft. encroachment into the required 15 ft. front yard and a i ft. encroachment into the required 10 ft. setback from inside edge of sid walk to garage on Lots 7~ 8, 9 and 10, Block 4, Buri Buri, subject to certa conditions. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regu- larly carried, that the reco~mendation of the Planning Commission be approv Use Permit Resolution No. 1258, as applied for by First Western Bank & Trus Company, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending approval of the request for installation and use of two "drive-up" tellers* windows to be located in the east wall of the proposed banking premise at 200 Linde Avenue, subject to the condition that Police Department take proper meas- ures to prevent left turns from Baden Avenue onto the banking premise. Cou cilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the planning Commission be approved. Use Permit Resolution No. 1259, as applied for by Early American Paint & Varnish Company, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending th permission be granted to establish light paint manufacturing with wholesale and retail sale facilities on Lot 6, Starlite Industrial Subdivision, subje to certain conditions as enumerated. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission be approved. Use permit Resolution No. 1260, as applied for by Haber Doors, Inc., was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted to permit fabrication and distribution of aluminum doors, mouldings etco at 206 Airport Blvd. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- missiOn be approved. Use Permit Resolution No. 1261, as applied for by Mr. and Mrs. Angle, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be gran for erection of a single family residence to the rear of 770 Commercial Avenue (by Percy H. McNutt), subject to the condition that 5 ft. sideyard b maintained. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approv Use permit Resolution No. 1262, as applied for by Nella Miller, was receive from the Planning Commission, recommending approval of the request to erect a single family residence to the rear of 566 Commercial Avenue (by Percy H. McNutt). Councilman. Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. Use Permit Resolution No. 1263, as applied for by Charles Gould, was receiv from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted for erection of a i ft. x 4 ft. double faced, illuminated canopy sign at 128 Hazelwood Drive. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. Use Permit Resolution No. 1264, as applied for by Delano Nursery, was re- ceived from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be grante to erect two greenhouses, 28 ft. x 32 ft. and 30 ft. x 112 ft. at 541 Chest Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. Use Permit Resolution No. 1265, as applied for: by Nelson Neon Sign Company, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending approval of the request to erect an illuminated free-standing sign, 20 ft. 9½ inches x 5 ft and 30 ft. in overall height, at 910 Mission Road. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. NICK Ao KORN USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1266: SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER APPT. OF CARL J0 REINHART: MONTHLY REPORTS: DEPTo OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL: L-IS 13 GOOD AND WELFARE: DISCUSSION OF MEMORIAL DRIVE IMPROVEMENT: REMARKS OF JAMES CLAAR: DISCUSSION: ~_~ Ct.7L ADJOURNMENT: /~~TFULLY SUBMITTED, City Clerz Use Permit Resolution No. 1266, as applied for by Nick A. Korn, was receiv from the Planning Commission, recommending denial of the request to erect a free-standing, illuminated sign, 9 ft. x 14 ft. and 34 ft. 10 inches in overall height, at 920 E1Camino Real. Memorandum dated May 25, 1960, was received from Planning Commission Secretary, Gary Gouvea, explaining the action by the Commission. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission be approved. Notice of Special Police Officer appointment of Carl Jo Reinhart as guard at the Consolidated Western Pipe and Steel Corporation, was received from Police Chief Louis Belloni. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Police Chief be approved and accepted. Reports for the month of April were received from the San MateD County Health Department and the City Clerk's office, also for the month of May from the Building Inspection Department. Mayor Rocca remarked that if the were no objections, these reports would be accepted'and ordersd filedo No objections were registered. Application for transfer of alcoholic beverage license, as applied for by Basil Fornesi, Aldo Fornesi, Albert F. Fornesi and Celestino Nobili, was received from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. There being objections, Mayor Rocca requested that this be ordered filed. There being nothing further, Mayor Rocca asked if anyone had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. There being nothing from any mem- ber of the Council, Mayor Rocca asked if anyone in the audience had anythi they wished to offer. James Claar, representing the City Park Improvement Group, asked concerning the improvement of Memorial Drive which was to be done by the developers of the apartment houses to the rear of the park. Discussed was the matter of the width of the street as it was proposed to be done as well as the future installation of sidewalks, curbs, gutter and street:lighting, as well as drainage. Discussion followed concerning the manner in which this improvement was being made, after which Mr. Claar remarked that he and those interested would submit something else at a later date. Mrs. Scannell offered the suggestion that something concerning the jet pre lem be placed on the ballot. Discussion followed concerning this suggesti There being nothing further, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilma~ Rozzi and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to June 20, 19t at 8 p.m. Time of adjournment - 10:35 p.m.