HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1960-07-05REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1960 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLED6E OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLA I MS: DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT CLAIMS: ' (BARRELL-EBERSOLE, SCIANDRI BROS. & FI TZGERALD ELECTRO- MECHANICAL CO. ) PONDEROSA HILLS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CLAIMS: ~-0 I ~ DALE WILLIAMS, INC. CLAIM FOR 3R~ PROGRESS BI L]~I NG SSF IND. PARK 2-D: UTAH CLAIM 4TH PROGRESS BILLING SSF IND. PARK UNIT 2-C, ZONE 3: RESOLUTION NO. 3037 A~HORI ZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS: PERSON & SWANSON TENTATIVE MAP: (PERSON & SWANSON INDUSTRIAL TRACT) 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rocca at 8:07 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, and in the absence of the Reverend R. Eugene Linamen of the Hillside Church of God, Mayor Rocca gave the invocation. Present: Absent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Go J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Rya: and Patrick Eo Ahern None Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the reg- ular meeting of June 20, 1960. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Coun- cilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meet- ing of June 20, 1960, be approved as submitted. Mayor Rocca then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as submitted. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the regular claims totalling $21,069.07 be approve. for payment. Council then took separate action on the following claims. The first grou] concerned the Downtown Parking District and were as follows: Barrell-Ebersole Co. Claim dated 6/20/60 for Appraisal of Moving Equipment at Evelyn's Creamery, in the amount of $25.00. Sciandri Bros. Claim dated 6/20/60 for solder and tape in the amount of $2.58. Fitzgerald Electro-Mechanical Co. Claim dated 6/29/60 for coin wrappers in the amount of $7.05. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the claims for the Parking District be approved for payment. The next group concerned the Ponderosa Hills Assessment District, the clail being as follows: Edmund T. Dady Claim dated 6/28/60 for Engineering, Inspection Assessment Roll in the amount of $1,323.40. Hall & Lola V. Webber Claim dated 6/28/60 - Land Acquisition in amount of $337.50. Charles & Viola- E. Niemela Claim dated 6/28/60 - Land Acquisition in amount of $300.00, Salvatora Barbaria & Margaret E. & Raymond R. Cushing Claim in amount of $303.75 for Land Acquisition, dated 6/28/60. L, H. & Violet E. Comer Claim dated 6/28/60 - Land Acquisition in amount of $561.97. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claims be approved for payment as submitted. Claim of Dale Williams, Inc. dated June 29, 1960, in amount of $8,022.44 for Third Progress Billing in Industrial Park Unit 2-D, Zone 2. Councilma3 Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be approved for payment. Claim of Utah Construction & Mining Company dated June 29, 1960, in amount of $38,827.75 for Fourth Progress Billing in Industrial Park Unit 2-C, Zon, Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried that the claim be approved for payment. There being no public hearings, Council then proceeded on to the matter of resolutions and proclamations. City Attorney Noonan explained the first wi was ready for Council action, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHO] IZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmel Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Aherl There being no ordinances, Council proceeded on To unfinished business, taking.up first the tentative map of Person aha Swanson Industrial Tract, this matter naving Oeen nela over at tne meeting of August 3, 1959. Accom- panying the memorandum datea July 2~, 1959, received from the Planning Com. mission concerning the matter was a memorandum dated June 29, 1960 (Revise. as received from the Director of Public Works concerning his recommendatio on the approval of this matter. Brief discussion followed, after which City Attorney Noonan stated that at the request of Council, he had pre- pared the following'motion which he read: "Move that upon the developer, Person and Swanson, filing their consent and acceptance of the conditions set forth in the Director of Public Works inter office memorandum (revised dated June 29, 1960, said tentative map shall stand approved." Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried. SIGN ORDINANCE: The next item under unfinished business concerned the proposed sign ord- inance, this matter having been held over from the meeting of June 20, 1960. Mayor Rocca remarked that since this w&s not ready for Council action at this time, the matter would be held over for discussion at one of the City Council study session meetings. B. J. RODONDI & SONS RESUBDIVISION REQUEST: Zo q The last item under unfinished business,concerned the resubdivision request of B. J. Rodondi & Sons for a resubdiv±sion of portion of Lots 21, 22 and 23, 3lock 126, South S. F. Plat No. 1, this matter having been held over fr( the meeting of June 20, 1960. Brief dkscussion followed, at which time the applicant explained to Council the method of the resubdivision and the purposes for which it was intended, after which, there being no objections, the matter was referred back to the Planning Commission for restudy. RESOLUTION NO. 3038 PARKING DISTRICT #1 IMPROVEMENT OF LOTS APPROVAL OF PLANS & SPEC.-CALL FOR BIDS: The first item under new business concerned the plans and specifications as submitted by J. E. Peck, Civil Engineer, for the improvement of the Downtowx Parking District lots, requesting approval and the authorization to call for rids. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution which had been prepared concerning the matter, after which Councilman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROV- I~ PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZZNG THE WORK AND CALLING FOR BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING FACILITIES FACING GRAND, BADEN AND MILLER AVENUES". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. BOTHIN REAL Communication dated June 28, 1960, was received from the Bothin Real Estate ESTATE COMPANY Company over the signature of R. H. Gasley, Jr., Secretary, advising that WITHDRAWAL OF the protest heretofore filed by that concern in connection with the Person PROTEST - and Swanson Improvement Project had been withdrawn. Councilman Rozzi moved PERSON & SWANSON seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the communication ooe ,e on ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS BY-LAWS AND JOINT POWERS ACT AGREEMENT: _~ .5 Communication dated June 3, 1960, was received from the Association of Bay Area Governments over the signature of John D. Phillips, City Manager of Berkeley, submitting by-laws and a joint powers act agreement for approval aKd execution by the City of South San Francisco. Brief discussion followe, after which Mayor Rocca remarked that if there were no objections, this matter would be held over for Council's study, with a request that a speake: be present to explain this matter. No objections were registered. PETITION RE MOSQUITO PROBLEM IN PECK' S SUBDIVISION: o Petition dated June 22, 1960, containing twenty signatures, was received from the residents of Peck's Subdivision concerning the mosquito problem in their area. Accompanying the petition was a communication dated June 29, 1~6~, addressed to Mrs. Claude Severi, as received from the Department of Health and Welfare, over the signature of Philip A. Dully, Vector Control Specialist, cencerning the action being taken by that agency on the matter. Mayor Rocca remarked that inasmuch as 3o Council action was necessary at this time, the letter be acknowledged '#ith a reply concerning the action being taken. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1271 LEO F. LOMSKY FOR HORSE RANCH INC. REZONING REQUEST: RESOLUTION NO. 3039 HORSE RANCH INC. REZONING REOUEST PARCEL 30, MAP #1: MOTION RE NEED FOR ENLARGED SEWER FACILITY HORSE RANCH INC. REZONING REQUEST: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1271, as applied for by Leo F. Lomsky for Horse Ranch Incorporated, was received from the Planning Commission recommending the granting of a request for rezoning Parcel 30, South San Francisco Map No. 1 from an R-1 District to an R-3 District. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution which ~ad been prepared concerning this matter, after which brief discussion fgllowed concerning the Council's investigating the feasibility of "high rise" apartments. After discussion, Councilman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION REZONING PARCEL 30, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MAP NO. 1, TO AN R-3 DZSTRICT AND ORDERING ENDORSEMENT AFFIXED TO SAID RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPOR RoLl call vote was as follows: Ayes, 2ouncilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi E~lio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patric{ E. Ahem. City Attorney Noonan tLen stated that in accordance with Council's request, he had prepared tlc following motion concerning this matter: "Move that as the proposed rezoning will create a need for enlarged sewer facility as detailed by the D~rector of Public Works and the Planning Commission's Report and Recommen- dations, said Horse Ranch Incorporated shall be required to deposit in escr w~k the City Clerk for the enlarged facility the sum of $9,150.00, said sum to be transferred to the appropriate City account upon completion of the contemplated rezoning." Councilman Ahem so moved, seconded by Council man Rozzi and regularly carried. PAUL & INES NAVARRET VARIANCE APPLICATION RESOLUTION #1272: Variance Application Resolution No. 1272, as applied for by Paul and Ines Navarret, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending approval of the request for a 2-1/2 ft. encroachment into the required 10 ft. side yard at 275 Avalon Drive. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- mkssion be approved and accepted. NICK A. KORN USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1273 ,...9'¢ Use Permit Resolu~on No. 1273, as applied for by Nick A. Korn, was receive from the Planning Commission, recommerding approval of the request for a roof sign, 24 ft. x 6 ft. and 23 feet above the roof line at the E1Coro Mo~el, 920 E1Camino Real. Councilma~ Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commis sion be approved and accepted. FI RST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO USE PERMIT RES. #1274 Use Permit Resolution No. 1274, as applied for by the First Lutheran Church of South San Francisco, was received from the Planning Commission, recom- mending approval of the request to establish a Lutheran Elementary School a~ 350 Dolores Way. Councilman Ryan ~oved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. /? CORRECTION TO L. H. COMER VARIANCE APPLICATION RESOLUTION #1268 (PONDEROSA HILLS): Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, Council at this time took action on the corrected copy of Resolution No. 1268, as received from the Planning Commission, as applied for by L. H. Comer, requesting permission for certain encroachments~ a subdivisien known as Ponderosa Hills. The resolution previously received and acted upon by t~ City Council at the reg. ular meeting of June 20, 1960, did not contain the lot number under conditiol applicable to the approval. Councilman Rozzi then moved, seconded by Coun- cil~.an Ahern and regularly carried, tha; Variance Application Resolution No. 1268 be amended to include Lot 11. MICHAEL FEVURLY REQUEST TO DISTRIBUTE HANDBILLS: Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, Council next took up the co~.munication dated July 5, 1960, as received from Michael Fevurly, request- ing permission to distribute handbills advertising Mike's Flying "A" Service Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, thzt the request as submitted be approved. PURCHASE OF CHAINS, SPROCKETS & AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT - CALL FOR BIDS: REQUEST OF CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR GILDO ROZZI TO ATTEND CONFERENCE OF Inter office memorandum dated June 22, 1960, was received from Director of PubLic Works Goss, requesting approval of the specifications and approval for the advertising of bids on the purchase of chains, sprockets and auxil- iary equipment for the Sewage Treatment Plant. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the specifications be approved and the call for bids authorized. Request was received from the Chief Building Inspector, Gildo Rozzi, for pernLssion to attend the 38th Annual Business Meeting of the International Conference of Building Officials at Colorado Springs, Colorado, from Sept. 5 1960, to Sept. 9, 1960, with total expenses estimated at $323.00. Council- BUILDING OFFICIALS:_/ man Ahern moved, seconded by Councilmar Ryan and regularly carried, that _~-~ perm±ssion as requested be approved. ARMY & NAVY STORE BUSINESS LICENSE & DEMOLITION OF BUILDING: At uhis time, City Attorney Noonan brought up the matter of the business license for the Army and Navy Store operated by A. B. Phillips at 207 Grand Avenue. Previous Council action granting the license at the meeting of June 15, 1953, prohibited the renewal ~fter the year 1956. He briefly ex- plained to Council the motion which woald allow the City Clerk's office to collect the license and authorize the Building Inspection Department to make an inspection of the premises, submitting a report concerning demolition. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the City Clerk's office be allowec to collect the license for the years 1957 to 1960, inclusive, and that the Building Inspector's Office make an inspection with a report concerning recommendations as to demolitioz GOOD AND WELFARE: JET COMMITTEE: BRISBANE ANNEXATION: There being nothing further, Council t~en proceeded on to Good and Welfare Mayor Rocca at this time requested all of the Council members to serve and assist Councilman Leo Ryan on the Jet Committee. Councilman Ryan asked con- cerning the study which was being made on the matter of the Brisbane annex- ation. City Manager Aiello stated tha~ a report was being awaited from Spangle & Associates who were presently doing work on the Master Plan Proje¢ SAN BRUNO NAVY BASE SWIMMING POOL FACILITIES: .~0~o MR. SKULSKY'S LETTER FROM BRIG. GEN. PREUSS IN ANSWER 'TO HIS TELEGRAM RE JET PROBLEM: ~ REMARKS OF REV. WYNEKEN RE NOISE FROM There being nothing further from any member of the Council, Mayor Rocca ask~ if anyone in the audience had anything they wished to offer. Paul Grimmett brought to Council's attention the ava~lability of swimming pool facilities which existed at the San Bruno Navy Base opposite Tanforan which could be used by the public, requesting that the City Council investigate this matte~ After brief discussion, Mayor Rocca appointed Councilmen Rozzi and Ryan to serve as a committee to investigate and report on the use of this facility. Mr. Skulsky then requested that the City Attorney read a letter dated June 1960, which he had received in answer ~o his telegram, the letter having been received from Paul Preuss, Brigadier General USAF, Assistant Achninis- trator for Plans and Requirements. City Attorney Noonan then read the lett, in its entirety, after which Mr. SKulsky requestec that the City forward a copy of the letter.received to Congressman Younger. Reveren~ Wyneken then brought to Councll's attention ~ne interruptions of cLarcn ~ervices between ~:15 an~ 9:15 ~n the morning in the Sunshine Garden: JETS DURING area, remarking that he noted there was no representation from any of the CHURCH SERVICE:~5--.~ churches concerning the jet problem. REMARKS OF BiLl Amable of the Serra Highlands Improvement Association, at this time BILL AMABLE RE asked concerning the newspaper article~ which had appeared relative to the CALLAN ANNEXATION matter of Callan's Subdivisionto~e we~t of t:h~ City, requesting informati TO DALY CITY: ~ as to whether or not the newspaper accounts which appeared were correct. -~~ Mayor Rocca stated that the Council had talked to Mr. Callan but that no meetings had been held. Councilman Ryan remarked that it was the feeling of the Council that they could not entertain any discussions with Mr. Calla a~ this time since the matter was still pending with the City of Daly City. REQUEST FOR PENINSULA AMBULANCE SERVICE EXTENSION FROM MR. RATLIFF: ADJOURNMENT: /ESP ECTFULLY/~S~UBM I TTED, City Clerk Mr. Ratliff of the Peninsula Ambulance Service at this time took up with Council his request for the extension of ambulance service to the cities of Daly City and South San Francisco. Discussion followed, after which, there being no objections and it being agreeable, Mayor Rocca referred the matter to ~he City Manager and City Attorney for their study, with the request for further information.and report to CouKcil. T~ere being nothing further, Councilm~n Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting of July 18, 1960. ~_~~m~. . Ti~e of adjournm p.m AP