HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1962-12-17TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLAiMs: LITTLEFIELD AVENUE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CLAIM: PECKtS SUB. N0. 1 IMPRV. ASSESSMENT CLAIM: SEWERAGE TREATMENT IMPRV., PLANNING & ENGINEERING FUND CLAIMS: S0. S.F. CITY HALL REMODELING CLAIM: SSF ~RINA CLAIMS: REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUN]IL OF THECiTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANcIsco HELD_MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1962 8: O0 p.m. CounciI Chambers, City 'Hall The meeting was ca!led~toi°rder bY Mayor Ryan at 8:00 P.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Fla~ wa~ recited. Due to the ab- ~ence'of Rev~rSnd Jphn F.'Sara,"Jr.'of Grace Covenant ~hurch, no 'invocation was ~iv~n. ' Present: Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio dort~si,'and~G.:j.~RoZzi.' .... .. ' Absent: CounCilman Andrew Rocca. Mayor.R~an asked if there was a.motion approvin~ the minutes ~f~he ~$~ular meetinm.o{~December~ 3, I962. ~Ouncilman ROzzi mOved, seconded bY~C6~ncilman Ahem and reg- ularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meetin~ of D~'m~er:.3' 19~,:.~:a{~hor°ved as ~omi$ted] - Mayor E~afi then asked if ther~ was ~ mot{°n'aPprovin~ the regula~ Claims a§ submitted for payment. Cou~cilma~m~Rozzi moved, Seconded b~ Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that thelremUlar ci~imm to~alin~J$49,OT1 ?~ be approved for ~ittlgfield Avenne Assessment District Claim: . l '~ ArthUE'HasklnS[ Inc.'claimdatkd~.Nobember'30, 196E, in ~ ~theamoUkt~'of ,gaa,oa f°r'baianca of:m~nies'due. Co~cil~ Ahem m~ved':~sec°nded b~~cilman Rozzi and reg- ularl~ carried, that the claim as submitted for Lit~lefield Avenue~AssessmentDistrlct'be approved,~for paymentj peck's Subdivision No. 1 Improvements Assessment Claim: .guU~ PaVin~ Compa~y'ciaim dated December 10, 19621] in ' ' bhe'i~mount-of~$8,'525.31 for. p~O~reSs payment as of De- l cemb~ l, i96~. ularly carried,' that the ~aimas Skbmitted-f0V PeCk'S: SUb- divisionNo, t ImProvements ^SseS~ent'be approved for payment. sewFFase Treatment Impr6vem~nt',~Planninm~aUdEngiueerin~ Fund (a)- City.,of Sodth San F~ancisco claim dated December 5, 1962, in the amount Of $39,662.00 f¢9'70% of~refUnd~by the I HouSin~ and Home Finance AEen~Y. [b) City nfl San. Bruno.Claim'dated DeCember 5' 1962, in the ~ amount:of~t6~,998.00!for~30% Of!reFUnd by the Hou~in~ ~bunCilmaUAhern mOved, SeConded by counciiman'RoZzi and re~- ularly~Car~ied' %hat'the Claim~:aS submitted for the Sewerage Treat~ut..Improvement, Plannin~ and En~ineerin~ Fund be ap- proved for payment. ~OUth San~Francisc° Cit~ H~lt Remod$1in~ Claim: ' DO Narde Construction Cgmpany claim dated November 28~ 196~,"~n the amount of $17,1?5.60ifor'pro~ress~pa~men~ , ~No. 2' . ,~. _._ , . .. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded bY Councilman Ahern and re~- $1arlycarried, that, the claim as SUbmittSd for.~the Sduth ~an~i~co. City Hall"EemOdeiin~be a~Pproved~for pa~men~. ~outh Saq~ Francisco Mar,ina.~C~aimp: i(a) He~l~ Tibb%ttsi~Constru~tlon C8~ claiml dated ctoper 5, 196~, 'in the 'a~0unt of'~$1,431.9o for work completed as , of $~ptember .21~ ~ 1962. ~(b) Heaiy TiBbltt~Constructlon Co, cta%m~dated October 5, 1962, in the amount of $630.94 for work completed as of Septem- ber 24, 1962. (c) R. L. Hooper claim dated October 5~ 1962, in the amount of $100.00 for work completed as of September 26, 1962. RESOLUTION NO. 3637 TRANSFER OF FUNDS -- LINDENVILLE IND. PK./ SPRUCE AVE. IMPRV.: RESOLUTION NO. 3638 COUNCIL-COMMISSION CONFERENCES -- SCHEDULE: RESOLUTION -- TAX COLLECTING AND ASSESSING -- COMPENSATION: RESOLUTION NO. 3639 APPROVING PROPOSAL RTE. 239 - HICKEY/ JUNIPERO SERRA: RESOLUTION NO. 3640 RETIREMENT CONTRACT - C 0 ATE S/HERFUR TH/ ENGLAND: RESOLUTION NO. 3641 AUTHOM±ZING DESTRUCTION OF PERSONNEL RECORDS: Inter-Office Memorandum dated November 28, 1962, received from vhe Director of Public Works recommendln~ transfer of funds from Lindenville Industrial Park Assessment to Spruce Avenue Improvement, to be disbursed as follows: $1998.10 to Spruce Avenue Improvement, and $968.57 to Gas Tax Fund. City Attorney Noonan then explained the resolution which had been prepared, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TP~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE LINDENVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO THE SPRUCE AVENUE IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, and G. J. Rozzl. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman Andrew Rocca. The City Attorney explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Ahem introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF COUNCIL-COMMISSION CONFERENCES A~ PROVIDING FOR NOTICES, AGENDAS, MINUTES AND REPORTS CONCERNING SAID CONFERENCES". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayem, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, and G. J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman Andrew Rocca. The City Attorney explained the nexz resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND THE CITY FIXING COMPENSATION FOR ASSESSING AND COLLECTING TAXES FOR THE CITY". There bein~ no objections, Mayor Ryan ordered this resolution held over pendin~ cIarification with the County. Letter dated December 10, 1962, from the Division of Highways concernin~ Junlpero Serra Freeway and Hickey Boulevard. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution which had been prepared for Council action. Mr. Hu~h Smith, a property owner in the area and present in the audience, stated that he was not notified of the resolu- tion and meetings which were held and attended by Director of Public Works Goss, State representatives, and Mrs. Robertson of the Plannin~ Commission. Councilman Rozzi explained what had happened so far, after which a discussion followed. Mr. Smith requested that Council table the resolution until such time as they could ~ive the matter full study and meet with the property owners involved. City Manager Aiello then ~ave the City's position, indlcatin~ that the City wished a full interchange. City Attorney Noonan then explained the revised and modified resolution concernin~ a full interchan~e, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL (~ THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO APPROVING THE PROPOSAL OF THE STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER TO CONSTRUCT RAMPS AT THE INTERSECTION OF HICKEY BOULEVARD AND JUNIPERO SERRA FREEWAY, STATE ROUTE ~39". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, and G. J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman Andrew Rocca. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Ahern then introduced: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH COATES, HERFURTH, AND ENGLAND, CONSULTING ACTUARIES, REGARDING ACTUARIAL DETERMINATION FOR EMPLOYEES~ RETIREMENT PURPOSES". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesl, and G. J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman Andrew Recca. The City Attorney then explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL RECORDS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan~ Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, ~nd G. J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman Andrew Rocca. RESOLUTION NO. 3642 SEWAGE TREATMENT -- ACCEPTANCE/ FEDERAL GRANT: RESOLUTION NO. 3643 SEWAGE TREATMENT BIDS -- TREATMENT WORKS ENLARGEMENTS: RESOLUTION NO. 3644 SSF INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT 2-E - A~ENDED ASSESSMENT: MAYOR LEO J. RYAN -- RES IGNATION: GILD0 W. TASSAN -- CLAIM AGAINST CITY: KENNETH BLOSSER VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 1556: H. T. KENNEDY VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 1557: IMPERIAL "400" NATIONAL, INC. USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1558: The City Attorney then explained ths next resolution, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING THE OFFER SET FORTH IN THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED tOFFER AND ACCEPTANCE OF FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS UNDER 33 U.S.C. 466 ET SEQ. - PROJECT NO. JOINT WPC-CAL-154t''. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, and G. J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman Andrew Rocca. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Ahem introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK AND CALLING FOR BIDS ON THE IM- PROVEMENT OF TREATMENT WORKS ENLARGEMENTS - PROJECT UNIT 1 - TREATMENT WORKS ENLARGEMENTS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, and G. J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman Andrew Rocca. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ORDERING THE FILING OF AN AMENDED ASSESSMENT - LOT 13, BLOCK 10, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2-E". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, and G. J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman Andrew Rocca. Letter dated December 17, 1962, received from Mayor Leo J. Ryan submittin~ his resignation as of January 4, 1963. Mr. Ryan then introduced his family, present in the audience, and stated they were present this evenin~ because it was his last meetin~ to preside as Mayor of the City of South San Francisco. He stated he hoped his children would remember this night in future years. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regu- larly carried, that the resi~natio~ of Mayor Ryan be accepted. Claim a~ainst the City was received from Gildo W. Tassan, 13 Barcelona Av,~nu~ ~ o, San Francisco, alleging_ _ damages_ to Vitrolite as a result of a City si~n that fell a~ainst buildin~ at the corner of 4th Lane and 311 Linden Avenue~, South San Francisco. Claim in amount of $47.50. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regu- larly carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1556 was received from the Plannin~ Commission recommendin~ permission be ~ranted for the request to erect an accessory buildin~ 6 feet from present dwellin~ unit instead of required 10 feet, subject to the condition that repairs be made to the ~ara~e, at 620 Mayfair Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Commission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1557 was r~ceived from the Plannin~ Commission recommendin~ permission be ~ranted for the request for 46.1~ lot coverage instead of ~he permitted 40~ to allow for addition to home, subject to the condition that rear yard be terraced as per plans submitted December 10, 196~, at 509 Joaquin Drive - Lot 6, Block 11, S~rra Highlands 2A. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Commission be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1558 was received from the Plannin~ Commission recommendin~ permission be ~ranted for the request to erect a 45-unit motel with swimnin~ pool in an M-2-H Dis- trict, West side of South Airport Boulevard, Assessor's Map 15-122-3, Subject to the followin~ conditions: (1) Additional landscapin~ be approved by Architectural Committee; (2) Gradin~ plan be submitted to Director of Public Works for approval prior to buildin~ permit bein~ issued; (3) Install fire hydrant as per recommendation of Fire-Chief; (4) Conditions contained in Inter-Office Memorandum dated December 12, 1962, from the Assistant Public Works Engineer to the Director of Public Works. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Commis- sion be approved and accepted, subject to the conditions enum- erated, and further subject to the recommendation of the Assistant Public Works Engineer to the Director of Public Works as contained in his Inter-Office Memorandum of December 12, 1962. HANS KLEEMAN USE PERMIT P.C. RES0. N0. 1559: REINALD0 Io NAVARR0 USE PERMIT P.C. RESOo NO. 1560: FOSTER & KLEISER DIV. OF METROPOLITAN BROADCASTING - USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1561: MEMORIAL PARK -- IRRIGATION BIDS: SPRUCE AVE o IMPRV.-- FINAL ACCEPTANCE: RELEASE OF BOND -- L. H. COMER: USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1559 was received from the Planning Commission recommending permission 'se granted for the request to establish a Used Car Sales lot in a C-2 District, located at 7 Linden Avenue - Lot 1, Block 122, South San Francisco, also recommending two gasoline pumps for servicing used cars from another city, plus servicing TV trucks. Inter-Office Memorandum dated December 12, 1962, from the Planning Officer concernin~ the vote on the above resolution. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Commission be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1560 was received from the Plannin~ Commission recommendiny permission be ~ranted for the request to establish a self-operated laundry and coin-operated reducin~ salon (for ladies only) at 319 Baden Avenue, in a C-2 District, subject to the followin~ conditions: (1) That an adult atten- dant be on d~ty durinm the operatin~ hours of the subject re- ducin~ salon, (2) Tha~ such an attendant be stationed in the front half of the area marked as the laundry section and that this station be clearly observable from the street; (3) That the attendantts station be equipped with a private telephone for use in the event of an emergency; (4) That the EXIT door shown in plan not be able to be opened from the outside except by a key, and that the door be equipped with a "panic bar" on the inside. Inter-Office Memorandum dated December 12, 1962, received from the Plannin~ Officer concernin~ the vote on the above resolu- tion. A discussion followed, at which time mention was made that there would be an adult in attendance at all times. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and re~u- Iarly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Commis- sion be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1561 was received from the Plannin~ Commission recommendin~ permission be ~ranted for the request for renewal of expired Use Permit Resolution No. 1231 for con- version of existin~ South-facin~ 12' x 46' bulletin to a 25' x 65' bulletin at 373 Shaw Road - Lot 8, Industrial Acres, South San Francisco. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Commission be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum from the Superintendent of Recreation and Parks submittin~ quotations for irri~ation supplies for Memorial Park° Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and re~- ularIy carried, that the recommendazion of the Superi~tendent of Recreation and Parks for the low bids as contained in his Memorandum be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated December 11, 1962, received from the Director of Public Works, concernin~ the final acceptance of the Spruce Avenue Improvement Project. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Pub- lic Works be approved and accepted, with the exception that the penalty clause enumerated therein was waived. Councilman Cortesi remarked concernln~ the improvinq of the Ii~htin~ condition on the street, at which time Mr. Goss ex- plained that the lights were on a rental basis from the Paci- fic Gas and Electric Company and that should the City desire, additionaI candle power could be installed. City Manager AielIo remarked that the Pacific Gas and Electric Company wouId present a plan for improvement with the installation of orna- mentaI poles. Inter-Office Memorandum dated December 10, 1962, received from Director of Public Works concernin~ release of the maintenance bond deposited by L. H. Comer. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and re~u- larIy carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Pub- lic Works to release the maintenance bond of L. Ho Comer be approved and accepted. FIRST LANE STORM DRAIN -- FINAL A C CE PTAN CE: ZONING ORDINANCE -- AMENDMENTS: SSF MARINA -- CHANGE ORDER NO. 3: HOLIDAY -- DEC. 31, 1962: MONTHLY REPORTS: DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE C 0NTR OL: GOOD AND WELFARE: EXCHANGE STUDENT: MAYOR RYAN -- FAREWELL: C OMNiENTS --DIVIDER STRIP IMPROVEMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: Znter-Office Memorandum dated December 11, 1962, received from the Director of Public Works concernin~ final acceptance of the storm drain from First Lane to Railroad Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works for final acceptance be approved and accePted. Znter-0ffice Memorandum dated December 11, 1962, received from Zhe PIannin~ Officer concernln~ PIanned Community and PIanned Unit Amendments to the Zonin~ Ordinance. There bein~ no objections, and no action to be taken, Mayor Ryan ordered the communication accepted and filed. Memorandum dated December 14, 1962, received from John A. Blume & Associates, submitting Chan~e Order No. 3 for the South San Francisco Marina and requestin~ signature by the City. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regu- larly carried, that Change Order No. 3 be accepted and the re- quest of John A. BIume& Associates be approved. Mayor Ryan stated that Council had studied the re2uest of Gover- nor Brown to declare a holiday on December 31, 1962. Councilman Rozzi asked the City Manager how he felt the motion should be phrased. City Manager Aiello remarked that a motion could be adopted as follows: "A Holiday be ~ranted City employees on December 31, 1962, provided that those employees scheduled and required to work on that day shall receive a compensatory day off to be taken as part of their next yearts vacation". Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regu- larly carried, that December 31, 1962, be declared a Holiday. Monthly Reports for November, 1962, were received from the fol- ~b~in~: C~ty Clerk; Parkin~ DistrLct No. 1; Buildin~ Inspec- tion Department; Fire Department; Library; and Peninsula Humane Society. There bein~ no objections, Mayor Ryan ordered the reports ac- cepted and placed on file. The followin~ application was received from the Department of Aloo~01ic Beverage Control: Ida Bonini and Julio Fambrini - Renewal for Retail 0n-Sale General (public premises) at the 0range Club, 700 E1Camino Real. There being no objections, Mayor Ryan ordered the report placed on file. There being nothing further, Council proceeded on to Good and Welfare. Mayor Ryan introduced Mrs. Laura Cottenham of the American Field Service. She stated that the six students who visited here earlier this year prai~ed South San Francisco for their hospitality. She then introd~ced CharIie SuendJasmono from Indonesia. She requested from Chief Fabbri that Charlie be shown the Police Department, and for Mr. Aiello to arrange for Charlie to see the City. Charlie then thanked the people here and the Council for their hospitality. Mayor Ryan expressed their best wishes and luck while visitin~ here. Charlie presented Mayor Ryan with leaf- lets on Indonesia. The booklets were ordered placed on display in the Council Library. Mayor Ryan at this time expressed ~is regrets in leaving the ser- vice of the City to take up duties as Assemblyman of his district, remarking that it had been a pleasure serving the people of South San Francisco in his capacity as Councilman and Mayor. He then went on to enumerate the projects which had been completed and the progress which had been made iT the development of the City. Marshall May, a resident of Beeah Avenue and President of Park- way Social CIub, spoke and praised the Council for the action on the divider strip on Beech Avenue. John 0'Lau~hIin also spoke on the subject, praising the improvement. There being nothin~ further, Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and re~uIarly carried, that the meetln~ be adjourned to January 7, 19~3, at 8:00 p.m. Time of adjournment: 9:10 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED: May or There being no objections, and no action to be taken, Mayor Ryan ordered the communication accepted and filed. SSF MARINA -- CHANGE ORDER NO. 3: z/ Memorandum dated December 14, 1962, received from John A. Blume & Associates, submitting Change Order No. 3 for the South San Francisco Marina and requesting signature by the City. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regu- larly carried, that Change Order No. 3 be accepted and the re- quest of John A. Blume & Associates be approved. HOLIDAY -- DEC. 31, 1962: Mayor Ryan stated that Council had studied the request of Gover- nor Brown to declare a holiday on December 31, I962o Councilman Rozzi asked the City Manager how he felt the motion should be phrasad. City Manager AielIo remarked that a motion could be adopted as follows: "A Holiday be ~ranted City employees on December 31, 1962, provided that those employees scheduled and required to work on that day shaII receive a compensatory day off to be taken as part of their next yearls vacation". Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regu- larly carried, that December 31, I962, be declared a Holiday. MONTHLY REPORTS: Monthly Reports for November, 1962, were received from the fol- lowing: City Clerk; Parking District No. I; Buildin~ Inspec- tion Department; Fire Department; Library; and Peninsula Humane Society° There being no objections, Mayor Ryan ordered the reports ac- cepted and placed on file. DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE C ONTR OL: The followin~ application was received from the Department of Alco~blic Beverage Control: Ida Bonini and Julio Fambrini - Renewal for Retail 0n-Sale General (public premises) at the Orange Club, 700 E1Camino Real. There bein~ no objections, Mayor Ryan ordered the report placed on file. GOOD AND WELFARE: EXCHANGE STUDENT: There being nothin~ further, Council proceeded on to Good and WeIfareo Mayor Ryan introduced Mrs. Laura Cottenham of the American Field Service. She stated that the six students who visited here earlier this year praised South San Francisco for their hospitality. She then introduced CharIie SuendJasmono from Indonesia. She requested from Chief Fabbri that Charlie be shown the Police Department, and for Mr° AieIIo to arrange for CharIie to see the City. Charlie then thanked the people here and the Council for their hospitality° Mayor Ryan expressed their best wishes and luck while visiting here. Charlie presented Mayor Ryan with leaf- lets on Indonesia. The booklets were ordered placed on display in the Council Library. MAYOR RYAN -- FAREWELL: COMMENTS --DIVIDER STRIP IMPROVEMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: Mayor RNan at this time expressed his re~rets in leavin~ the ser- vice of the City to take up duties as Assemblyman of his district, remarkin~ that it had been a pleasure servin~ the people of South San Francisco in his capacity as Councilman and Mayor. He then went on to enumerate the projects which had been completed and the progress which had been made in the deveIopment of the City. Marshall May, a resident of Beech Avenue and President of Park- way Soclal Club, spoke and praised the Council for the action on the divider strip on Beech Avenue° John 0~Laughlin aisc spoke on the subject, praising the improvement. There bein~ nothing further, Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and re~uIarly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to January 7, 1963, at 8:00 p.mo Time of adjournment: 9:10 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED Mayor