HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1963-04-08TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1963 v:30 p.m. iThe meeting place having been changed from the Council itc the Council Study Room, the City 91erk so announced ithe Chamber door with a written notice. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Patrick E. Ahe 7:30 p.m. ~hambers ~nd pos ted ~n at ROLL CALL: RECESS FOR SPECIAL MEETING: ORDINANCE -- AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 353: 1st Reading/ Introduction present: councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Absent: None. City Attorney Noonan commented that inasmuch as Council them two meetings, one being the adjourned regular meet~ Other the special called meeting of the Park and Recreat trick, Council could recess this meeting and call to ord ~pecial meeting after which, upon itt conclusion, the adjourned ~egular meeting could be recalled to order. There bein~ no objections, Mayor Ahem declared a recess adjourned ~eeting at 7:32 p.m. T~e meeting was recalled to order by Mayor Ahem at 7:42 had before ng and 'the ion Dis- er the of the Clity Attorney Noonan then discussed the Ordinance which ~mended Ordinance No. 353 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 0RDIi~ANCE ~0. 353 AS AMENDED ENTITLED tZONING O.~DINANCE OF THE CIT OF SDUTH SAN FRANCISCO'" and the changes which had been mad. after ilt had been discussed and reviewed by all the Department Heads &r~d interested persons. He commented further that if Council de- sired the ordinance could have its first reading and int'~oduction &~ this meetin~ and be scheduled for adoption at the nex~ regular ~eiting. , ~here being no objections, Mayor Ahem closed the Public Hearing o~ the matter, after which Councilman Bertucelli moved, Seconded bY Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that a motions, could be a~opted that reading of the ordinance in its entirety he,waived and that it have its first reading ant introduction by the read- inz of title only. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Cg~ncilman Rozzi that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMEND- ING ORDINANCE NO. 353 AS AMENDED ENTITLED 'ZONING ORDINANCE OF T[{E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO'" be introduced, readin~in its entirety having been duly waived. R011 call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank B~rtucelli. Noes, none. Absent, none. There being nothing further, Mr. Walter Capaololli commen~ed that hei had read the ordinance introduced this evening of whic~ the ho~e owners he was representing were interested in and red'harked t!~t it was much stronger than the firBt one drafted. He, on be- h~]hf of himself and hi~ group, thanked the City Council a~d the Ci'Ity staff for bein~ allowed the opportunity to express t~eir opinions and for th~ work in its preparation. CoUncilman Rozzi then moved, seconded 'Dy Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to April 15, 1963, at 8:00 p.m. Tiw.e of adjournment: 8:05 p.m. Mayor RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City Clerk NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING San Francisco Recreation and Park District NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the South San FrancisCo Rec- reation and Park Districit will be held in the Council Chambe?s 7:30 P.M., April[8, 1963, for the .purpose of considering the execution of an agreement between the South San Fran- cisco Recreation and Park District and Bethlehem Steel providing for the purchaUe of: (a) Tide Land Lots 3 and 4 in Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, MouutlDiablo Base and Meridian and Tide Land Lots 28,-29, and 30 of Section 14, Township 3 South, Range 5 West, Mount Diablo Base:and Meridian. (b)Slope easements as set forth in "Exhibit A" and "Exhibit B" attached to!said agreement. Said acquisitions of lands and easements are .part of the area necessary to serve the South San Francisco ~arina Development. This notice is Riven pursuant to Section 54956 ernmen State of California. Dated: April 5, 1963 /s/ Patrick E. Ahem Mayor, Ex-officio Chairman of the Board of Directors SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECREATION AND PARK EISTRICT HELD MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1963 TIME: PLACE: ROLL CALL: 7:32 ip.m. Counclul Study Room - City Hall Preseint: Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, ' G.J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Abserit: None. RESOLUTION NO. 1963-1: AD JOURNMENT: City Attorney Noonan explained the contraDt for the purchaseiof Tide Lots and Slope Easements from the Bethlehem Steel Company, the pur- chasel price involved and the method of payment, after whichhe, ex- plai~d the resolution which he had prepared for acceptance.. After expladation, Councilman Rozzi introduce~. A RESOLUT~ON OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN THE SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISC0iRECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT (REORGANIZED AND EXISTINGIUNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 4, DIVISION 5 0F THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE) AND BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, A PENNSYLVANIA CORPOR- ATION'.' Roll ~all vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emili~ Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi~ and Frank BertuceIli. Noes, ~one. Absent, none. There:.bein2 nothin~ further, Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman-Rocca a~d regularly carried, t?.at the meeting be adjourned. Time Of adjournment: 7:40 p.m. .~ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT k/Mayor, Ex-officio 1 Chairman of the ~ Board of Directors