HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1964-07-28 NOTICE ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND C¢'NTINUATION OF HICKEY BOULEVARD EXTENSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the meeting of the City Council set?for the 2?th day of July, 1964, at 7:30 p.m., the same having been set as au adjourned meeting at'the reg- ular meeting of the City Council on the 20th day of July, 1964, has been adjourned and continued to the 28th daN of July, 1964, at 7:30 p.m. in the ~ouucil Chambers. City Clerk City of Sou;h San Francisco TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: MAJOR STREET IMPROVEMENT 1964/65: PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT - GORDON BOBBLITT: HICKEY BOULEVARD EXTENSION: ADJOL-RNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1964 ?:30 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall The meeting was called to order by Mayor Patrick E. Aheru at 7: 37 P .m. Fledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. Present: Councilmen Patrick E. Aheru, Frank Bertucelli~ Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi. Absent: None. Mayor Ahem at this time mentioned that Director of Public Works Goss had requested that there be included in the Major Street Im- Provement program for the fiscal year 1964-65 the improvement of Miller Avenue from Orange Avenue to Spruce Avenue. Councilman Rozzi then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and reg- ularly carried, that the recommendatLou of the Directorlof Public Works be approved and accepted. Mayor Ahem at this time offered for Council confirmation the ap- pointment of Gordon Bobblitt to the Planning Commissiou~ Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Bertucelli and reg- ularly carried, that the appointment of the Mayor be confirmed. Mayor Ahem then asked for audience comments on the matter of the Hickey Boulevard extension through West Winston Manor. ~ Lengthy discussion followed on this ~ubJect during which time the following persons spoke and offered ~heir comments: ~ Er. Nick Elchiuoff, Attorney at Law with offices at 1720 E1Camino Real iu Burlingame (residence at 288 Sequoia Avenue in South San Francisco) and representing the resiaeuts of West Winston Manor, stated that he had reviewed the matter with County Engineer Wilson for some two hours during the past week. He commented that the concept of Hickey Boulevard was to provide a cross lateral to Hill- side Boulevard and asked if the extension was to cut through the property of Holy Cross Cemetery. ~ ~ouuty Engineer Wilson remarked Hickey Boulevard was to be from the ~oast to Hillside Boulevard, that he did not know the ownership of ~he property it was to cut through, and that such extension was not in the immediate future but in the long range program. ' Mr. Elchiuoff stated that such an extension was to go through Holy Cross Cemetery property, that such property right of wa~ could not b~ obtained without the permission of the Cemetery, and~if this was not possible it would then move the extension over to EVerPreeu Ave- n~e iu Sunshine Gardens. He then asked if such rights Of way had been negotiated for citing the high cost of property acquisition. .]ouuty Engineer Wilson stated that such rights of way had not been discussed since there was no financing at the present time to ac- quire such rights of way. i Mr. Elchinoff asked if the City of Daly Cit~ had adopted any ordi- nance concerning the continued extension of Hickey Boulevard over ~ae Serra Monte subdivision now being developed. 629 HICKEY BOULEVARD EXTENSION: (C0N~ZNUED) County Engineer Wilson stated that the City of Daly City had not made such a request to anyone concerning the construction of this ~oute. Mr. Wilson then commented ou the studies made for future needs of highways because of the constant increasing traffic prob- lem. Mayor Aheru at this time introduced Jim Fitzgerald, Chairman of the ~ounty Board of Supervisors, as well as Joseph Verducci,i recently elected County Supervisor. Mr. Elchiuoff at this time sketched ou the blackboard the proposed Hickey Boulevard extension route as well as the future Chestnut Avenue from the Coast to Hillside Boulevard. He asked as to why ~uch two routes, parallel to one another, were needed. !County En- gineer Wilson replied that studies mede showed the ueedlfor both, ~hese studies being projected to the year 1990. Mr. Wilson also ~tated that roads were built for future needs, not only !those of ~oday. Mr. Elchinoff t~eu commented that if the Holy Cross property were not available the Hickey Boulevard extension would dead!end~ at E1 ~amiuo Real. Mayor Ahem stated that if Hickey Boulevard could not be extended ~o Hillside Boulevard it would not dead end at E1CaminQ Real. He ~alled on the City Manager to explai~ further. ' ~ity Manager Aiello briefly commented that the Chestnut ~'Aveuue ex- tension was being studied by the Nolte Consultants at this time, and stated that the traffic from Hickey Boulevard was designed to Eo to the Bayshore Freeway and that Lf it was not feasible for 3ickey Boulevard to go to Hillside Boulevard that it could go through the Canal Street route. Mr. Elchinoff then commented on the homes in Winston Manor which ~ere to be removed, asking as to the feasibility of bisecting a residential area, and if the route of Collins Avenue had been con- sidered. ~ouucilmau Rocca stated that at this time we did not have to as- sume that the Hickey Boulevard extension would not go through to Hillside Boulevard as this had been studied for some thLrteeu years by the State Engineers, County Engineers, and City Engin- eers. He then asked Mr. Wilson if there had been any c~auge iu the thinking as concerned the Hickey Boulevard extensio~ to which the answer was none. He then asked bf there had been a~y change iu the Master Plan, to which Mr. Wilson replied there hsd been none. Er. Rocca then briefly gave a background review ou the County Road Bond issue election which had been defeated and which would have provided for all of this had it passed. Mr. Wilson at this time briefly meutboned the $40,000.00 which had already been spent on the preparation of plans and the Cost which would be involved if new plans had to be prepared. At the request of the Mayor, City Manager Aiello commented on the use of funds from the Collier-Unruh Bill iu lieu of theldefeated Bond issue for the development and iuprovemeut of the East-West lateral road building program. He also stated that the'State Divi- sion of Highways had agreed to the installation of the interchange et Hickey Boulevard if Hickey Boulevard was improved. Mr. Elchiuoff at this time stated there was another problem which concerned the Hickey Boulevard extension and that was the water znd drainage problem. He requested permission to call On Mr. Kaufman to give Council his information on this matter. Mr. Paul Kaufman of 109 Longford Drive gave a summary of the drain- age of storm waters as they would affect his property by the exten- sion of Hickey Boulevard. Mr. Elchinoff commented that~if the County went through with the development, the drain wou~d have to be relocated. He cited a Contra Costa County Cou~t suit over a similar matter. ~ County Engineer Wilson stated that t~e County would take care of Lis own drain problem as a result of the Highway development. Mr. Kaufmau then alleged that the City had accepted a s~orm drain Line which, because it was inadequate, had damaged his home and ~hich had not been built to specifications. He at thisltime showed photographs taken of the storm drain line recently, staolug that the pipe Joints were defective and dangerous. Mr. Kaufman then ~sked concerning the effect the added waters, as a result of high- ~ay development, would have ou his p?operty. ~ HICKEY BOULEVARD EXTENSION: ( CONTINUED ) Further discussion followed concernirg the matter of storm waters draining as a result of the highway development, after which Direc- tor of Public Works Goss commented tLat the water refer~ed to did not go directly under Mr. Kaufmau's ~ome but rather aloUside of it. Mr. Elchiuoff stated that he was concerned with the increased amount of water runoff which would come as a result of ~he highway development and suggested that the possibility of it being neCes- sary to install a new line be iuvestbgated. Mr. Elchiu0ff con- :luded that unless the matter of a completed East-West lateral, as 'Hell as the solution to the water problem and acquisiti6u of rights of way could be assured, the Council should reject the matter of the Hickey Boulevard extension. ~ ~ouncilman Rocca commented on the improvement of 19th AVenue in San Nateo and as to its future development, stating that the improvement ~ork was done as funds became available. He further commented that development of these highways could only be done with the funds as they were available with their extension and completion!being made ~hen additional funds were to be had. Dan Murphy, 104 Sutton Avenue, commented that he felt the road Nould only be used during peak hours of traffic and asked if any consideration had been given to Rapic Transit. He stated that when such a system was developed many cars would be removed from this road. : John Saciotes, president of the West Winston Manor CommUnity Asso- ciation, stated that his group did not oppose highways but were asking that an alternate route such ~s Collins Avenue be considered before Council pass on the matter, i ~r. Wilson stated that Collins Avenue was not acceptable as a route for a major highway. Iu answer to the question of' Mr. Saciotes, Fr. Wilson explained how observation costs are usually made based ou type of terrain, residential removal costs and the lSke. Er. Saciotes then remarked that a highway was to be developed that ~would be of some cost to the City and never connect to anything. James Fitzgerald, Supervisor, brieflu gave the background on the plans that have been ou file, stating that until some two months s.go there had been uo opposition to ~he matter. He commented on how the cities of Pacifica and Daly City had realigned their inter- change to fit the HiCkey Boulevard extension and likewise had con- sented to being included in the Colma Creek Draina2e DiStrict even thoug~ they were not affected by the City's flood ~robl~m. Mr. John Pene of ll6 Duumau Way commented that the property rights from Hickey Boulevard to Chestnut Avenue had not been thoroughly checked, asking as to where the monies for the present plans had been obtained and the method of repayment. Mr. Wilson replied the Wonies for plan preparation were Federally advanced and were to be paid back when the construction had been completed. Mr. A1 Romaine of ll3 Duuman Way sta~ed the County had a blank check concerning the removal of homes if rue 0rdinauce as it Was presently proposed were passed by the City. ~ City Attorney Noonan remarked that while the description covered thirteen homes, only seven were to be taken with a frac$ion of the remaining properties for highway development purposes only. Mr. Elchinoff stated that under the Ordinance the' County would have the right to remove thirteen homes. Mr. Wilson stated that!the City had a signed letter ou file from his office to the effegt that only seven homes would be removed. ~. Romaine commented on the effect to the Kaufman property by drain waters, stating that a new drain line would be needed which would be ~ cost to the taxpayers since the present one was ou the Kaufman property illegally. ~ Mayor Ahem remarked that if the petition which had been circulated and signed some time ago, blocking the annexation of properties to She West of the City had not happened, the City would' have control over all the matters of drainage iu the area. However,lwheu this happened, the City lost all control. Director of Public Works Goss briefly explained how thel waters were ~o be drained iu the area and the meetings concerning this matter which had been held with the Daly City officials. A1 Roma~s asked that alternate routes be thoroughly investigated. 631 HICKEY BOULEVARD EXTENSION: (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION NO. 4008 HICKEY BOULEVARD EXTENSION - COUNTY/ CITY AGREEMENT: Councilman Bertucelli commented on t.~e meetings which had been held on the matter, the more recent being Friday afternoon of the pre- vious week. At that time he and the City Attorney went to Redwood City to again speak to the County Engineer. As he was busy, they met with his assistant and Supervisor Louis Chess to see if Sutton Avenue could be used but found that it could not. City Attorney Noonan stated that it appeared the only unanswered matter left was the matter of drainage, asking if the County would assure the City that the drain would go iu another direction, to which the County Engineer replied that it could not be Taken iu another route other than an established runoff. ~ Bill Baldenwich of 105 Dunman Way asked as to how soon after Ordi- nance adoption work would start. Mr. Wilson explained the procedure involved, stating that based on past experience from cue year to eighteen months. He further commented the State was planning to let their contract iu 1965 and that ~he County must have contracted or assured to contract when the State does. , Mr. Baldenwich then commented on the homes which would be perched cna high concrete wall. In addition, the distance to which the tot lot would be relocated, which would be quite some dlstauce away. Ke likewise said that the possibility of Collins Avenue!improvement should have been more thoroughly investigated and felt this was where the residents were let down. . Mayor Ahem asked the County Engineer if some agreementicould be worked out with the Serra Monte developers on the drainlproblems before this matter was concluded since he felt this gave the City some bargaining power, i Further discussion followed, at which time Mr. Lorn commented that he felt the people iu Daly City benefited more from thelextension than did the people of South San Francisco. City Attorney Noonan at this time explained au agreement which had been prepared whereby the County would assume all financial costs with no expense to the City on the Htckey Boulevard extension. He stated he would also make a study ou the matter of the drain and have an answer for Council by Monday s meeting. City Attorney Noonan then explained ~he resolution~ after which Councilman Rozzi introduced a resolution entitled CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN MATE0 CONCERNING HICKEY BOULEVARD EXTENSION WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO" Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patric~ Frank Bertucelli, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, Councilman Emilio Cortesi. Absent, none. E. Ahem, Brief discussion followed concernin2 the second reading'and adoption of the 0rdinauce after which Mayor ~heru stated that if there were no objections the Ordinance would be held until the regular meeting ou Monday, and that during this time a meeting would be.held by the ~ity Attorney, City Engineer and City Manager with the Daly city officials ou the matter of drainage. No objections were registered. Hr. Victor Boido, 505 0range Avenue, stated it seemed the question concerned drainage and that if this were solved there would be uo other objections. ~' There being nothing further, Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by ~ouucilmau Rocca and regularly carried, that the meeting be ad- Journed until Monday, August 3, 196~, at 8:00 p.m. Time of adjournment: 11:02 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City Clerk APPROVED: