HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1965-08-16REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1965 TI~E~ PLACE ~ CALL TO ORDER~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOGATION~ ROLL CALL~ MINUTES.' CLAIMS~ PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 CLAIMS~ CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1 GLAIMS~ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL IMPROVEN~NT BONDS - 1963 - CON- STRUCTION FUND~ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY CLAIMs PUBLIC HEARING - BERKY BFJ~R PHOTO~ 8~1 p.m. ~cil Chambers, City Hall meeting was called to order by Mayor Frank J. Bertucelli at 8502 p.m. e of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which the invocation was g] by Reverend Robert A. Lundy, St. Paul's Methodist Church. Pi sent~ Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Al ;ent= None Bertucelli at this time asked if there was a motion approving the minutes the regular meeting of August 2, 1965. ~lman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilm&n Ahem and regularly carried, that e minutes of the regular meeting of August 2, 1965 be approved as submitted. yor Bertucelli then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims submitted for payment. lman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that regular claims totaling $34,711.84 be approved for payment. lyor Bertucelli then asked if there was a motion approving the claims for Parking ct No. 1 as submitted for payment. ouncilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that he claims for Parking District No. 1, iota_in& $106.00, be approved for payment. ;abot. Cabot & Forbes Industxial Park. Unit No. 1Claims~ a) California Water Service claim dated July 8, 1965 in the amount of $804.75 for installation 2 fire hydrant services on Forbes Blvd., off of E. Grand Ave. b) Baldwin Warren Company claim dated July 30, 1965 in the amount of $19,003.32 for progress billing No. 10. Llman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 1, be approved for payment. City of South San Francisco Municipal Improvement Bonds of 1963 - Construction Fund Claims~ (a) Dean C. Buehler claim dated July 6, 1965 in the amount of $1,050.00 for installation auxiliary gas line. (b) City of San Bruno claim dated July 30, 1965 in the amount of $64,375.00 for San Bruno's share of balance payment Federal Grant (Dept. Health, Education & Welfare). Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for the South San Francisco Municipal Improvement Bonds of 1963 - Construction Fu~d be approved for payment. South San Francisco Public Library Claim~ Herman Christensen & Sons claim dat,d July 23, 1965 in the amount of $31,292.00 for work performed on Library and Emergency Operating Center. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Coun:ilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for the South San Francisco Public Library be approved for payment. The first item for Council attention was the continued Notice of Hearing, appealing denial of Planning Co~uission for a pole sign at 103 Wondercelor Lane. Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public He&ring opened, asking if any protests had been received since the continuanc% to which the City Clerk replied none had been received by his office. He then asked 2f there were anyone present in the audience who wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing closed. 800 PUBLIC HEARING - 1964 ~DITION UNIFOP~ PLU~BI NG CODE: PUBLIC HEARING - J. L. ROSEh~ILLER: PUBLIC HEARING - ERIC H. DRUHN~ PUBLIC HEARING - ROBERT A. GOMEZ: PUBLIC HEARING - ROBERT A. GOMEZ: PROCLAMATION - WORLD LAW DAY SEPTF~BER 13, 1965: RESOLUTION NO. 4262 AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY OF SAN MATEO AND CITY FOR ANIMAL SERVICES: RESOLUTION NO. 4263 GRADING PEEMIT TAVARES COMPANIES~ RESOLUTION NO. 4264 GRADING PERMIT CABOT, CABOT & FORBES: RESOLUTION NO. 4265 GRADING PERMIT SUNSET SCAVENGER COMPANY: 5o o The next item for Council attention was the 1964 edition Uniform Plumbing Code. Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing opened asking if any written protests had been received, to which the City Clerk replied none had been received by his office. He then asked if anyone present wished to register an oral protest. ?here being none and there being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli continued the ~ubltc Hearing. The next item for Council attention was the Public Hearing on Notice of Hearing appealing denial of Planning Commission Variance Resolution No. 1936 for 8 ft. side yard on corner lot instead of required 10 ft. at 425 Alta Vista Drive in an R-1 district. Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing opened, asking if any written protests had been received, to which the City Clerk replied none had been received hy his o{fice. He then asked if anyone present in the audience wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Mayor Bert%celli declared the Public Hearing closed. The next item for Council attention was the Public Hearing on Notice of Hearing a~pealing denial of Planning Commission Variance Resolution No. 1937 for 9 ft. rear yard in lieu of required 20 ft. at 413 Alta Vista Drive in an R-1 district. ~ayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing opened, asking if any written protests had been received, to which the City Clerk xeplied none had been received by his office. He then asked if anyone present in the audience wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Mayor Bert~celli declared the Public Hearing closed. The next item for Council attention was the Public Hearing on Notice of Hearing a~pealing denial of Planning Commission Variance Resolution No. 1938 for 4 units 2500 sq. ft. lot at 453 Baden Avenue in ~n R-3 area in lieu of normal 3 units. ~ayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearin~ opened, asking if any written protests aad been received, to which the City Clerk replied none had been received hy his office. He then asked if anyone present in the audience wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Mayor Bert~celli declared the Public Hearing closed. The next item for Council attention was the Public Hearing on Notice of Hearing agpealing denial of Planning Commission Use Permit Resolution No. 1939 for dwelling group on 3500 sq. ft. lot at 453 Baden Aven~e in an R-3 district. ~ayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearin~ opened, asking if any written protests ~ad been received, to which the City Clerk replied none had been received by his office. He then asked if anyone present in the audience wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Mayor Berttcelli declared the Public Hearing closed. T~e next item was a Proclamation designatin~ September 13, 1965, as "WORLD LAW DAY" the City of South San Francisco. Tae Mayor then so proclaimed. $ity Attorney Noonan explained the first resolution which had been prepared for t~e attention of Council, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION AJTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO AND THE CITY DF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FOR ANIMAL SERVICES." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. ~ity Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION GRANTING A GRADING PERMIT TO THE TAVARES COMPANIES." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION GRANTING A GRADING PERMIT TO CABOT, CABOT & FORBES CALIFORNIA PROPERTIES, INC." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. ;ity Attorney Noonan then expl:ained the nex~ resolution, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION GRANTING A GRADING PERMIT TO SUNSET SCAVENGER COMPANY AND SCAVENGERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIAT2ON," after which in answer to Councilman Ahern's question, the City Attorney explained the provision which was to he made for the time of commencement and completion of ;he work. Mr. Fred Meyers, a respresentative of the Department of Fish and Game, requested permission to speak on the matter commenting that a letter from his department was sent to the City requesting that requests for Bay filling he withheld until after the McAteer Bill became effective. Mayor Bertucelli thanked Mr. Meyers for his comments, making the following statement: 801 RESOLUTION NO. 4265 GRADING PEP,~I T SUNSET SCAVENGER COMPANY= (CONTINUED) "We certainly thank you for presenting your views. In acting on the Grading Permits tonight, it is our intention to keep within the McAteer Bill. The grading areas are w~thin our Master Plan. The projects will develop a shore line and conserve the waters of the bay which is what the McAteer Bill calls for. None of this is a garbage ~t11; it is a good solid fill, and the development will allow for open landscaped areas to improve the appearance of the Bay front. RESOLUTION NO. 4266 APPROVING PLANS AND CALLING BIDS - 1956 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT= RESOLUTION NO. 4267 ESTABLISHING GRADING AREA HEALY TIBBITTS CONSTRUCTION -Ogo RESOLUTION NO. 4268 GRADING PER~IT STONEGATE RIDGE: SO O RESOLUTION NO. 4269 DETERNINING GONPLIANCE STONEGATE RIDGE UNIT NO. 1= RESOLUTION NO. 4270 APPOINTING ENGINEER AND ATTORNEYS - STONEGATE RIDG~ UNIT NO. 1: RESOLUTION NO. 4271 INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS STONEGATE RIDGE UNIT NO. 1, Mr. l*eyers then again asked the withholding of the fill requests in the interest of ;he City and the entire State. Discussion followed concerning how fish and wildlife would fit into the development of 'the shorelines to which the City Attorney s~ggested that the permits could have a clause inserted that such details be worked out with the Department of Fish and Game. Mr. L. C. Drake of the Brisbane Citizens for Civic Progress remarked that his group was 3resently opposing the garbage fill in Brisbane being conducted hy the Sunset Scavenger Company, asking as to what type of fill was to be placed in the proposed location in South San Francisco. He was answezed that this was to he clean fill for industrial development. Discussion followed concerning the Bay front development after w~{h Mr. Drake agai3 asked the City to hold up the granting of the permit which would assist them in taeir present status. Further discussion followed concerning ownership to the land and source of fill to be placed and area irom which it was to he taken. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucellt, Patrick E. Aher~, Emilio Csrtesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, None. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced, "A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK ANE ;ALLING BIDS FOR lg6.5 STREET IMPROVFJ~ENT PRO3BDT." Roll call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Aborn, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Gu£do J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained that in place of the resolution authorizing the issuance of a Grading Permit to Healy Tihhitts Construction Company, a resolution establishing a grading area would take its place. After explanation by City Attorney, Cotnctlman Rezzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A GRADING AREA FOR TIDE LOT 27 AND A PORTION OF TIDE LOT 26 FOR HEALY TIBBITTS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY-PROFIT SHARING PLAN, AND CROCXER CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, TRUSTEE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resoluzion, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION GRANTING A GRADING ])E~MIT TO STONEC~TE RIDGE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolu;ton, after w%bich Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION DETEP~INING CONPLI~E WITH DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE, AND DETERMINING TO UNDERTAK~ PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO SPECIAL ASSESSNENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS FOR INPROV2J~NTS WITHOUT FURTHER PROCEEDINGS UNDER SAID DIVISION 4 STONEGATE RIDGE UNIT NO. 1 AND ADJACENT LANDS." Roll call vote was as follows, Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolu;ion, after which Councilman Ahem introduced, "A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ENGINEER AND ATTORNEYS STONEGATE RIDGE UNiT NO. 1 AND ADJACENT LANDS." RoLl call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzt. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolu;ion, after which Councilman Rocca in;roduced, "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS STONEC~TE RIDGE UNIT NO. 1 AND ADJACENT LANDS." RoLL call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Co~cesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido.J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. 802 ORDINANCE - ESTABLISHING PLUMBING REGULATIONS: 2nd,~ Reading/Ad opti on Deferred BERKY BEAR PHOTO USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1927: J. L. ROSENMILLER VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 1936: .,.,,'50 ERIC H. DRUHN VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 1937: ROBERT A. GOMEZ VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 1938: ROBERT A. GOMEZ USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1939~ STONEGATE RIDGE AND ADJACENT LANDS~ ORANGE MEMORIAL PARK PICNIC SHELTER TIM~ EXTENSION TO BALLIET BROS.: The next item for Council attention was the 2md reading and adoption of the Ordinance entitled~ "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITer OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS FOR INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING FIXTURES AND APPLI- AhCES IN SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF FEES; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; REPEALING ORDINANCES NUMBERED 188 AND 508; AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE WESTER~ PLUMBING OFFICIALS' PLUMBING COD~ - 1964 EDITION." At the request of Mayor Bertucelli, this matter was deferred to the next regular meeting to be held Tuesday, September 7, 1965. Inter-Office Memorandum dated July 30, 1965 received from the Planning Commission submitting recommendation of denial for a pole sign at 103 Wondercdlor Lane. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilmar Rocca and re§ularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission he approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1936 received from the Planning Commission recommending pemnission he denied for an 8 ft. side yard or a corner lot instead of required 10 ft. at 425 Alta Vista Drive in an R~l district. Accompanying this was Inter- Office Memorandum dated July 23, 1965 from the Planning Commission concerning de3ial of the tentative map of Alta Vista No. 3 and conwnunication dated July 15, 1965 from Louis Arata appealing the Planning Commission's decision on their Resolutions No. 1936 and No. 1937. Co'~ncilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the matter be referred back to the Planning Co~mission for restudy and report to ~he City Council. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1937 received from the Planning Commission recommending pernission be denied for a 9 ft. rear yard in lieu of required 20 ft. at 413 Alta Vista Drive in an R-1 district. Accompanying this was Inter-Office Memorandum da~ed July 23, 1965 from the Planning Commission concerning denial of the tentative map of Alta Vista No. 3 and communication dated July 15, 1965 received from Louis Arata appealing the Planning Commission's decision on their Resolutions No. 1936 and No. 1937. Cotncilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the matter be referred back to the Planning Co~ission for restudy and report to the City Council. VAR1ANCE Resolution No. 1938 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be denied for construction of 4 uni;s on a 3500 sq. ft. lot at 453 Baden Avenue in an R-3 area in lieu of normal 3 units. Cotrcilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the matter he referred hack to the Planning Cormissien for restudy and report to the City Council. USE PF~IT Resolution No. 1939 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission he denied for a dwelling group on a 3500 sq. ft. lot at 453 Baden Avenue in an R-3 area. Communication dated July 14, i965 from applicant, Robert A. Gomez, appealing the decision of the Planning Commission accompanying. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Aborn and regularly carried, that the matter be referred hack to the Planning Conmission for restudy and report to the City Council. The next items for, Council attention were: Petition entitled: "~OR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVE~NTS BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESF~NT BOND ACTS, AND WAIVER OF PROCEEDINGS UNDF~R DIVISION ~ OF THE STREETS AND HI(~{WAYS CODE -- STONEGATE RIDGE UNIT NO. 1 AND ADJACENT LANDS." 2. Affidavit executed by E. G. Coopman stating there are no outstanding encumbrances on the property. 3. Appraisal of Peter G. Shields formally confirming the value figures represented to the Council at the study session. City Attorney Noonan requested that the record show that the three mentioned doc'~ments had been received and were ordered filed. Mayor Bertucelli so ordered. Communication dated July 30, 1965 rec$tved fro~ Balliet Bros., requesting extension of zime for completion due to painters' strike. Inter-Office Memorandum dated August 6, 1965 received from the Superintendent of Par'cs and Recreation recommending an extension ef time be granted for painting only and that the painting be completed within ten days after settlement of the pat,=ers' strike. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman ~ozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Superintendent of Par~s and Recreation be approved and accepted. JOHNNY' S CLUB= DANCE PER~IT JOSEPH GILMORE VARIANCE APPLICATION P.e. RESO. NO. 1943= GERALD/NANCY STITCH VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RECK]. NO. 1944= EUGENE/CHARLET FIELD VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 1945= 90 o HORACE A. AYLWORTH VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 1946= CABOT, CABOT & FORBES RESUBDIVISION LOTS 12, 13 BLOCK 15, SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK 3B= STONEGAT~ RIDGR TENTATIVE NAP= HASKINS-FERRANDO GRADING PERMIT= RESOLUTION NO. 4272 Communication dated July 12, 1965 from Thomas L. Bocci, attorney at law, recuesttng hearing on the denial of dance permit application. No objections having been registered, Mayor Bertucelli set the Public Hearing for the next regular meeting of Tuesday, September 7, 1965. V~RIANCE Resolution No. 1943 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted to permit a 10 fi. encroachment into 20 ft. required rear yard with 52% lot coverage in lieu of 40% on Lots 29 and 30, Block 1, City Park A~dition - Assessors No. 14-022-22, Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1944 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted to permit a 14 ft. encroachment into required 20 ft. rear yard at 728 Cottonwood Avenue in an R-1 distract. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilmar Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission he approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1945 received from the Planning Coamission recommending permission he granted to permit a 17 ft. encrcachment into required 20 ft. rear yard at 363 Del Monte Avenue in an R-1 district, subject to the following con* dj=ion= That a 5 ft. yard area be maintained between the proposed addition and the property line, restlting in a 15 ft. enczeachment instead of a 17 ft. en- croachment as requested hy the applicant. Accompanying were communication dated July 29, 1965 from Gene Field appealing condition for the side yard setback and In,er-Office Memorandum dated July 30, 1965 from the Planning Commission con- cerning condition for the side yard setback, requesting the matter be referred hack to the Planning Commission. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli re~erred the matter back to the Planning Commission in accordance with their request. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1946 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted to permit a 43% lot covemage instead of required 40% at 323 Newman Drive in an R-1 district for additiJn to existing residence. Cotncilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission oe approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated July 30, 1965 re:eived from the Planning Commission concerning request of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes to resubdivi4e Lots 12 and 13, Block 15, South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. 3B into Lots 12A, 12B, 12C, 13A ant 13B as shown on Drawing No. 212-1007-20-B-,, dated 7/7/65. CoLrcilman Rozzt moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated July 30, 1965 received from the Planning Commission corcerning Stonegate Ridge tentative map and recommending approval, subject to sixteen (16) conditions. Inter-Office Memorandum dated July 30, 1965 received from the Planning Commission recuesting one (1) further condition to be added to their original memorandum of approval. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted as con- tailed in the Planning Commission Inter-Office Memorandum of July 30, 1965 listing sixteen (16) conditions as well as the Inter-Office Memorandum of July 30, 1965 fro~ the Planning Commission requesting another condition to the granting of the tentative map. Inter-Office Memorandum dated July 28, 1965 received from the Office of Director of =uhlic Works stating procedure to be followed in the proposed fill on Tide Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Intar-Office Memorandum dated July 29, 1965 received from the Office of Director of ?uhlic Works concerning request for Tide Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and submitting reco~mnendation. Communication from Arthur Haskins, Inc., to S~rift and Company, dated June 23, 1965, ack~,~ledging agreement that Swift and Company #ill release all claims, easement rig~=s and rights to salt water, etc. Communication from Woodward-Clyde-Sherard and Associates to Arthur Haskins, ~nc., dated July 7, 1965, transmitting report and development of Haskins' water front property. City Attorney Noonan explained the Resolution ready for adoption, after which Councilman Rocca introduced= "A RESOLUTION GRA~TING A GRADING PERMIT TO ARTHUR HASKZNS, INC., FOR THE GRADING AND FILLING OF TIDE LOTS 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 KNOWN AS .-HE HASKINS-FERRANDO PROPERTY. Roll call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Aher~, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. 804 MONTHLY REPORTS.' BA YFRONT COMMITTEE OF REGIONAL PLANNING.. GOOD AND WELFARE.. ADJOURNMENT.' J~TFULLY SUBMITTED.. Monthly Reports were received from the followirg.. Fire Department - July, 1965 San Mateo County Department of Public Pealth and Welfare - Sanitation Section - June, 1965 At ~he request of Mayor Bertucelli, the City Clerk read a communication dated August 16, 1965 from the Council for Governmental Responsibility over the signature of Marcella Jacobson, Chairman, which was as follows.. Gentlemen.. We again urge that al! applications fo~ Bay fill which come before this Council he withheld u~ttl the Regional Planning Committee of San Mateo County and its Bayfront Sub-Committee have completed their studies. South San Francisco is a participating member of both of these committees. Furthermore, we would impress upon this Council the fact that local governments are adequa=ely represented on the Bay Conservation and Developmen~ Co, wnission whtch will become effective in just a few weeks. We ask this Council to respect the sincere efforts of local governments and other duly forme~ and vitally concerned agencies to plan co operatively and to view proposals for Bay fill from the viewpoint of co ordinated planning rather than piece-meal planning. We request that this message be read into the minutes of your regular meeting of August 16th. Yours~ truly, COUNCIL FOR COVERNMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY /s/ Marcell~ Jacobson, Chairman There being nothing further, Mayor Bertucelli asked if any member of the Council had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. There being none, he then asked if a~y person in the audience had anything they #ished to offer under Good and Welfare. ! Mr. A~ Romaine, 113 Dunman Way, reported to Council that upon arriving home one evening, found a house which was being moved, parked in front of his driveway making it im- possible for him to have use of his garage. He reported that a complaint had been filed with the local Police Department and that when the house movers appeared present the next day, reported the matter to the foreman, who after hearing his complaint, used profanity in replying to Mr. Romaine. He requested that since the City had issued the permit, they should assist him in showing cause why the violation occurred. He, at this 'time, showed photographs =o the members of the Council con- cerning the matter. After which, he again remarked that he felt something should be done, asking the City Council to take action on =he matter for the inconveniences whi~, were caused to him. Disctssion followed, at which time Councilman Ahern asked the Police Chief for a report who stated the permit had been issued and approved and that the contractor was Arstructed to leave the house they were moving in front of the three vacant lots in the neighborhood. He further remarked that when the matter was first brought to the attention of his department, an attempt was made to contact Hanson Brothers who were moving the house. No one could he reached and on the following morning, Hanscn Brothers were contacted to take care of the matter at once. He stated that his cepartment took every means to have the house moved in the shortest possible time. John Pene, 116 Dunman Way, commented that he appeared present at the recent meeting of the Planning Commission, at which time the matter of Chestnut Avenue Emtension was discussed. He stated that he did not recall w~ere a Public Hearing had been held for the extension of Hickey Boulevard as which was done in the case of Chestnut Avenue, asking why this had not been done. Disctssion followed, at which time City AttorJey Noonan explained the differences betweer the two extensions and the reasons for tJe action taken. He commented that these were two different plans, one being nature, purpose and extent of the extension. City Manager Aiello commented that in the case of Hickey Boulevard, the question before the City Council at that time was whether or not it should waive its Jurisdiction to the County. Mr. Pene then brought to Council's attention the matter of the partial inter-change at Hickey Boulevard and Junipero Serra Boulevard, asking as to what benefit the City would derive hy these inter-changes. He requested that the City Council take whatever action necessary to have the installation put into the benefit of the City. He, at this time, read excerpts from a communication dated December 18, 1962 from County Engineer Wilson to the Be~rd of Supervisors concerning the matter of the inter-change. He further re- marked that this was referred to as File 2~91C. There being nothing further, Mayor Bertucellt adjjurned the meeting to Tuesday, Augusz 24, 1965 at 7..30 p.m. Time of adjournement.. 9..15 p.m. APPROVED Mayor