HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1966-03-21891 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1966 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL GALL .' MI NUTES: CLAIMS: PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 CLAIMS: CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1 CLAIMS: CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PA~KUNIT NO. 1-A CLAIM: BUTLER ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CLAIMS: 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bert~celli at 8:04 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which the invocation was given hy Reverend Norman Hugh Barhour of St.' Elizabeth's Episcopal Church. Present: Absent: Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. None Mayor Bertucelli at this time asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of February 28, 1966 and the regular meeting of March 7, 1966. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Gouncilmar Ahern and regularly carried, that the minutes of the adjourned ~egular meeting of February 28, 1966 and the regular meeting of March 7, 1966 he approved as submitted. Mayor Bertucelli then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the regular claims totaling $28,326.47 he approved for payment. Mayor Bertucelli then asked if there was a motion approving the claims for Parking District No. 1 as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Parking District Mo. 1, totaling $56.95, he approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. 1 Claims: (a) Robert S. Cooper & Associates claim datec March 4, 1966 in the amount of $618.00 for Inspection of Site Grading amd Trench Backfill. (b) California Water Service Company claim dated March 1, 1966 in the amount of $1,101.89 for locating two fire hydrants in new location due to street widening on Forbes Boulevard. (c) Rodding-Cleaning Machines, Inc., claim d&ted March 4, 1966 in the amount of $10,250.00 for cleaning storm drains on Littlefield Ave., and ten days' extra work caused hy additional silting at $300.00 per day. (c) Kennedy Electric Company claim dated February 28, 1966 in the amount of $775.00 for Fire Alarm Relocation. (e) Arthur Haskins, Inc., claim dated February 23, 1966 in the amount of $300.00 for construction of berm on Grand Avenue, opposite Littlefield Ave. Accompanying was Inter-Office Memorandum from the Director of Public Works concerning the claim. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. 1 he approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. 1-A Claim: Enterprise-Journal claim in the amounts of $105.00 and $68.50, totaling $173.50, dated February 24, 1966, for legal advertising. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilma'~ Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Fori>es Industrial Park Unit No. 1-A he approved for payment. Butler Road Assessment District Claims: ([) Kennedy Electric Company claim dated February 28, 1966 in the amount of $871.05 for Butler Road and Eccles Avenue Underground Fire Alarm. (b) Kennedy Electric Company claim dated February 28, 1966 in the amount of $1,139.80 for Fire Alarm System, Industrial Area Phase 3. 892 BUTLER ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CLAIMS: (CONTINUED) SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY CLAIMS: PUBLIC HEARING - PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT WEST PARK #1 AND PUBLIC HEARING - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT 1-A.' FREEDOM OF RESIDENCE DAYS - MARCH 24-26: .v"oq 7 BOYS 'CLUB WEEK MARCH 27-APRIL 2: v"oq7 RESOLUTIONS ORDERING REDUCTIONS CHANGES/MODI FICATIONS C.C.&F. NO. 1-A CARLTON COURT: RESOLUTION NO. 4416 ADOPTING ENGINEER' S REPORT G.G.&F. NO. 1-A CARLTON COURT: RESOLUTION NO. 4417 AWARD OF CONTRACT C.C.&F. NO. 1-A CARLTON COURT: RESOLUTION NO. 4418 AWARDING SALE OF BONDS C.C.&F. NO. 1-A CARLTON COURT: RESOLUTION NO. 4419 DESIGNATING COLLECTION OFFICER - C.C.&F. NO. 1-A CARLTONCOURT: Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Butler Road Assessment District be approved for payment. South San Francisco Public Librarv Claims: (a) Herman Christensen & Sons claim dated February 21, 1966 in the amount of $27,915.00 for work completed as of February 21, 1966. (b) Garo Dorian claim dated February 28, 1966 in the amount of $95.84 for services on environmental design. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that th~ claims as submitted for the South San Frarcisco Library and Emergency Operating Center be approved for payment. The next item was the Public Hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 4386 to annex territory to West Park Unit No. 1:, Parks and Parkways Maintenance District, coTcerning the territory of West Park Unit No. 2. Mayor Bertucelli deClared the Public Hearing opened, asking if any written protests had been received to which the City Clerk replied none had been received by his office. He then asked if anyone present in the audience had a protest they wished to offer. There being none, Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing closed. The next item for Council's attention was the Public Hearing on the Resolution of Intention for the acquisition and improvements in Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. 1-A. Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing opened, asking if any written protests had been received to which the City Clerk replied none had been received hy his office. He then asked if anyone present in the audience had a protest they wished tc offer. There being none, Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing closed. The next item was the Proclamation designating March 24-26, 1966 as "FREEDOM OF RESIDENCE DAYS." M~yor Bertucelli so proclaimed. The Proclamation designating March 27 - April 2, 1966 as "BOYS' CLUB WEEK" was next considered. The Mayor so proclaimed. Mr. Kenneth Jones, counsel for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. 1-A (Carlton Court,Assessment District), remarked that the following resolutions were not needed inasmuch as the bids received were close to the engineers' estimate and, therefore, no adjustments were necessary: (1) "A RESOLUTION ORDERING REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENTS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1-A - CARLTON COURT" (2) "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1-A - CARLTON COURT." Mr. Jones explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION AND ORDER ADOPTING ENGINEER'S R~PORT, CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING THE WORK AND ACQUISITIONS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1-A - CARLTON COURT." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next resolution was explained by Mr. Jones after which Councilman Rocca intro- duced: "A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK U~IT NO. 1-A - CARLTON COURT." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Ken Jones, counsel for the Assessment District, explained to Council the letter which had been received from Stone & Youngherg, dated March 10, 1966, in which a negotiated hid for the sale of the improvemert bonds had been received. Discussion followed concerning this negotiation. Mr. Jones explained that it was a negotiated sale since all of the property concerned was owned by one property owner, in this case, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes. Mr. Jones then explained the resolution after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF BONDS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT [~. 1-A - CARLTON COURT." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Ken Jones explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COLLECTION OFFICER - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1-A - CARLTON COURT." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. 893 RESOLUTION NO. 4420 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT GONMUR STREET: RESOLUTION NO. 4421 FORMATION OF MAINTENANCE DISTRICT - C.G.&F. NO. 2: RESOLUTION NO. 4422 CHANGE OF NA~E WEST PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICTs RESOLUTION NO. 4423 AWARD OF CONTRACT 1966 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PRO3ECT: RESOLUTION NO. 4424 AWARD OF CONTRACT TENNIS DRIVE STORM DRAINs RESOLUTION NO. 4425 EASEMENT GRANT ACCEPTANCE FOURTH LANEs RESOLUTION NO. 4426 CALLING BIDS FOR SIEBECKER PARKING LOT ~{ISC. TOTLOT IMPROVEMENTS RESOLUTION NO. 4427 BUDGErAPPROVAL SEC. 186.1 STREETS/HIGHWAYS CODE: RESOLUTION NO. 4428 CO~NDATION TO ANTHONY VAGO: After explaining the opening on Conmur Street ~nd acquisition cost for the street, Mr. Ken Jones explained the resolution, after which Councilman Ahem introduced: "A {ESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMEkT FOR ACQUISITION OF LANDS - CON~UR STREET." Roll call vote was as followss Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Jones commented that the project had been smalyzed ,by tae City Council for a long time. He spoke concerning the attempt for formation first of a Reclamation Dis;rict which had been denied hy the Local Agency Formation Commission and then expIained the Maintenance District which had been formed and that no problems were anticipated. In answer to Council's inquiry, City Attorney Noonan stated that he was satisfied with this method after which Councilman Rocca i~troduced: "A RESOLUTION ORDERING FORMATION OF MAINTENANCE DISTRICT - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2." Roll call vote was 'as follows: Ayes, Councilmeq Frank J. Bertucelli, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahern and Emilio Cortesi. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan suggested a motion that Miss Peggy McElligott, attorney in the law office of Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch, be authorized to prepare a letter to Assemblyman Ryan for the amendment to Bill No. 57 so that it would provide for the levying of a tax rate for the fiscal year 1966/67. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded hy Councilman Rozzi and r9gularly carried. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution after which Councilman Rozzi intro- duced: "RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGE OF NAME OF YEST PARK UNIT NO. 1 PARK AND PARK- WAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT TO WEST PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT AND ORDERING ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO SAID DISTRI.;T - WEST PARK UNIT NO. 2". The text of the resolution is entered in full in VoLume No. 15 of Resolutions. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilme~ Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next item for Council's attention was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated March 8, 1966 from Director of Public Works Goss concerning 1966 Traffic Signal Project and Tenris Drive Drainage Project. Bids received were declared by City Manager AieLlo who stated that the Director of Public Works had recommended that award he made to Steiny and Mitchel, Inc., as the low bidder to which he concurred. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution after which Councilman Rocca intro- duceds "A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT 1966 IRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Manager Aiello declared the bids received snd concurred with the recommendation of the Director of Public Works that award be m[de to D. C. E. of Northern California as low bidder. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution after which Councilman Rozzi intro- duceds "A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT TENNIS DRIVE STORM DRAIN." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmer Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Aher~, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT OF STREET AND HIGHWAY EASEMENT FRO~ THE ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF SAN FRANCISCO - FOURTH LANE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmer Frank J. BertuceiIi, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. The ~ity Attorney explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rocca intro- duced: "A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIPICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK AND CALLING BIDS FOR SIEBECKER PARKING LOT AND MISCELLANEOUS TO/LOT IMPROVEMENTS." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Aher~, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none, Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution for Council's attention after whic~ Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTICN APPROVING /HE PROPOSED ACCUMU- LATION BUDGET PURSUANT TO SECTION 186.1 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney explained the next resolution afte~ which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RLSOLUTION COMM~NDING ANTHONY VAGO FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE CITY AND AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE TO RIM OF A CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTION NO. 4429 COMMENDATION TO ARTHUR C. JOHNSON: RESOLUTION NO. 4430 NOTIGE OF COMPLETION G.C.&F. UNIT NO. 1: RESOLUTION NO. 4431 ESTABLISHING WAGE SCALE STONEGATE RIDGE NO. 1: RESOLUTION NO. 4432 CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS - STONEGATE RIDGE UNIT NO. 1: RESOLUTION NO. 4433 CALLING FOR BIDS IMPROVEMENT BONDS SALE STONEGATE RIDGE UNIT NO. RESOLUTION NO. 4434 RESCINDING RESO. NO. 4411: RESOLUTION NO. 4435 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS S.P. CO. CROSSINGS: RESOLUTION NO. 4436 RESCINDING RESO. NO. 4414: RESOLUTION NO. 4437 IN MEMORIA MARINE LANCE CORPORAL MICHAEL BIANCHINI: AUTHORIZATION TO GALL FOR BIDS FOR LIBRARY FURNITURE: CitV Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION COMMENDING ARTHUR C. 30HNSON FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE CITY AND AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE TO HIM OF A CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortes:, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Kenneth Jones, attorney in the law firm of Wilson, 3ones, Morton & Lynch, explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF A PORTION O? THE WORK AND DIRECTING CITY ENGINEER TO FILE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION OF PORTION OF WORK - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 17 Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucellt, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido 3. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Ken Jones explained the next resolution fcr Council's attention after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE - STDNEGATE RIDGE UNIT NO. 1." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Jones explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS - STONEGA~E RIDGE UNIT NO. 1." Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortes:, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Jones suggested to Council that if the bids were received at 2:00 p.m. instead of 8:00 p.m., they could be computed and reacy for Council's action at 8:00 p.m. that evening. This was agreeable to the members of the City Council and Mr. Jones was so instructed. Ntt. Jones then explained the resolution after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: · A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS - STONEGATE RIDGE UNIT hO. 1 - SECOND SALE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucellt, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortes:, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution'after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 4411." :{oll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortes:, Andrew Rocca and Gui¢o 3. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution which had been prepared for Council's attention after which Councilman Rocca introduced: 'A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS WITH SOUTHERN PACIFCC RAILROAD COMPANY FOR THE FOLLOWING RAILROAD CROSSINGS: FORBES BOULEVARD CROSSING NO. E-10.64-C AND FORBES BOULEVARD CROSSING NO. E-10.73-C." Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Counc:lmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortes:, Andrew Rocca and Guido 3. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLJTION NO. 4414." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. At the request of Mayor Bertucelli, City Attorney Noonan read in full the reso- lution which had been prepared after which the Mayor requested the City Manager to set a conference meeting with veterans' organizations to work out details for additional names on the City's Honor Roll for residents of the City who are serving their country. Mayor Bertucelli introduced the following resolution: "A RESOLUTION IN MEMORY OF MARINE LANCE CORPORAL MICHAEL BIANCHINI." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortes:, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next item was the Inter-Office Memoramdum dated March 21, 1966 from the City Manager requesting approval and authorization to call for bids, specifications and contract documents on shelving and other furniture for the library building. City Attorney Noonan suggested a motion that the plans and specifications entitled "Bid Proposal Steel Shelving and Library Furniture South San Francisco" be approved and the City Manager be authorized to cal4 for bids and he be further authorized to retain the services of a qualified consultant to advise him regarding evaluation of the bids. Councilman Ahem so moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried. ADDENDUM ~f2 ALTERNATE #1 - PUBLIC LIBRARY AND E.O.C... GONMUR STREET WIDENING.' SHELL OIL COMPANY USE PER~IT P.C. RESO. NO. 1988-B: STONEGATE RIDGE INVESTN~NT VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 2032.. F. BENETTI VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 2035: M. J. GRENNAN VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 2036: L. & J. ERGOLI USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 2037.' LUCKY STORES SIGN USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 2038: REQUEST PLANS/SPECS TRUNK SEWER FROM CHESTNUT AVE. TO LINDEN AVE. SEDAN AWARD FIRE DEPARTMENT The next item for Council% attention was the Addendum ~2 which adds Alternate #1 to the Environmental Design Agreement with A. M. Hardy. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that Addendum ~f2 which adds Alternate #1 to the Environmental Design Agreement with A. M. Hardy be approved and commencement date for work be established as March 21, ~966. Eirector of Public Works Louis Goss at this ~ime explained the informal bid which had been received from Fisk-Firenze & McLean, Inc., for the widening of Conmur Street from Northwood Drive to Alta Vista No. 3 Subdivision afte~which Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that an agreement he executed with Fisk-Firenze & McLean, Inc., for the City's portion of Conmur Street in the sum of $2,039.54. t SE PERMIT Resolution No. 1988-B received from the Planning Commission recommending rescinding of Use Permit Resolution Nos. 1988 and 1988-A and granting permission for the erection of a new service station to replace existing station which is to be demolished, subject to the conditio~ that architectural and landscaping approval, with landscaping to be maintained per approved plan, and all construction to follow revised plot plan dated 10-20-65 and received by Planning Department on 12-22-65. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that ~he recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 2032 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted to develop Lots 19 and 33, Block 5 of Stonegate Ridge Planned Community as parking areas, said lots containing less than the required minimum building site area set out in Section 3.14 (a) of Zoning Ordinance No. 353, as amended by Ordinance No. 356, 365 and 376 of the City of South San Francisco. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission he approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 2035 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted to allow an average rear yard grade of 30% instead of allowable 5% at 538 Rocca Avenue in an R-1 district. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commissio~ he approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 2036 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted for a 17'5"x28' family room addition to cover 45% of the lot area at 323 Catherine Drive instead of the allowable 40% and to encroach 2 ft. Anto required 5 ft. side yard. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. LSE PERMIT Resolution No. 2037 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted to construct an addition of 690 sq. ft. to existing restaurant and bar area which is located within 200 ft. of a dwelling district at 713 Linden Avenue in a C-2 district, subject to the condition that subject Use Permit will be null and void if applicant does not provide ~arking spaces in accordance with Ordinance No. 540 of the City of South San Francisco, or if a variance to said Ordinance is not granted. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commissio~ he approved and accepted. SIGN USE PERMIT Resolution No. 2038 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted to erect three signs, .~ach over 4 sq. ft. in area: (a) 9'x3' D. F. Plex sign on buildings; (b) 23'x8' porcelain letters edge light neon on build- ings; (c) 20'x7' D. F. Plex sign on pylon at 3573 Callan Boulevard in a Planned Community District, subject to the following conditions: (1) that the signs granted are for Lucky Stores only and permission to erect any other signs on subject property was not granted; (2) subject signs shall be non-flashing, non- scintillating, non-revolving. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that ~he recommendation of the Planning Commissio~ be approved and accepted. .-he next item was the Inter-Office Memorandun from the Director of Public Works dated January 28, 1966 requesting authorization to prepare plans and specifications for the removal of roots and sealing of joints in the trunk sewer from Chestnut Avenue to Linden Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that ~he recommendation of the Director of Public Works he approved and accepted. The next item for Council's attention was the Inter-Office Memorandum from the Automotive Maintenance Supervisor dated Marc~ 1, 1966 submitting compilation of bids and recommendation for Fire Department sedan. City Manager Aiello declared the bids received and concurred with the recommendation zhat award be made to Fred Lautze Motors Inc. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that ;he recommendation as submitted be approved and award made to Fred Lautze Motors Inc. SORICH BUCKET GO. USE PER~IT P.C. RESO. NO. 1941: MONTHLY REPORTS: GOOD AND WELFARE: ADJOURNMENT: T~e next item for Council's attention was the Use Permit Resolution No. 1941 as received from the Planning Commission recommending approval to the request for permission to store 5-gallon pails containin? flammable materials which are to he cleaned at 102 So. Maple Avenue in an M-2-H district, subject to the following conditions: (1) That the entire property he cleaned, particularly the rear storage area. (2) That there he provisions for landscaping. (3) That the fence he replaced or repaired. (4) That landscaping, fencing and improvements he subject to the approval of the Architectural Committee. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilma~ Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission he approved and accepted since all of the conditions have been met. Monthly Reports were received from the following: Police Department - February, 1966 Fire Department - February, 1966 Building Inspection Department - Sehruary, 1966 Library - January, 1966 City Clerk's Report - January, 1966 Parking District No. 1 - January, 19~6 There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the reports accepted and placed on file. There being nothing further, Mayor Bertucelli asked if any member of the City Council had anything they wished to offer. Councilman Rocca mentioned that a communicatio~ had been received from Mrs. Philip Scannell concerning noises from jet aircraft a; the airport, calling to Council's attention the matter of training flights which would take place. He mentioned a meeting had been held on March 3, 1966 with airport officials and that arrangements were being made for further meetings in an effort to eliminate noise factors. CoLncilman Aborn congratulated Mrs. Scannell for her persistence in the matter of the elimination of jet aircraft noises. There being nothing further from any member of the City Council, Mayor Bertucelli asked if any member of the audience had anythirg they wished to offer. There being none, Mayor Bertucelli adjourned the meeting in memory of Marine Lance Corporal Michael Bianchini and all boys who have been killed in action. Time of adjournment: 8:42 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, · APPROVED