HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1966-06-06REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1966 TIldE = PLACE= CALL TO ORDER= PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE= ROLL CALL = MI NUTES ~ CLAIMS= PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 CLAIMS~ COI~IUR ST. DIANNE CT. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CLAIM~ CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1 CLAIMS= CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1-A CLAIMS* 8~00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall. .-he meeting was called to order by Mayor Bertucelli at 8~00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recite¢. Present~ Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, P~trtck E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi Absents None Mayor Bertucelli asked if there was a motior approving the minutes of the regular neeting of May 16, 1966. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the ninutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 1566 be approved as submitted. ~ayor Bertucelli then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that ~he regular claims totaling $33,261.46 be approved for payment. Uayor Bertucelli asked if there was a motior approving the claims for Parking District ilo. 1 as submitted for payment. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilnan Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Parking District No. 1 totaling $24.54 be approved for payment. Conmur Street and Dianne Court Assessment District Claims Carlisle & Company claim dated May 6, 1966 in the amount of $276.12 for lithographtcal services. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilnan Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Gonmur Street and Di~nne Court Assessment District be approved for payment. Cabot. Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park. Unit No. I Claims= ia) Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated May 13, 1966 in the amount of $31.03 for Con- struction Staking and Quantity Surveys. lb) Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated }lay 13, 1966 in the amount of $377.76 for Contract Administration Resident Engineering anc Inspection Services. lc) Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated May 13, 1966 in the amount of $147.73 for Con- struction Staking and Quantity Surveys. id) Wtlsey, Ham & Blair claim dated May 13, 1966 in.the amount of $337.9§ for Engineeri Services in connection with rebid and Construction of Forbes Boulevard widening. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 1 be approved for payment. Cabot. Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unit ~o. 1-A Claims~ ia) Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated May 12, 1966 in the amount of $297.76 for Con- struction Staking and Quantity Surveys. (b) Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated May 12, 1966 in the amount of $196.06 for Contract Administration, Resident Engineering ard Inspection Services. lC) Cooper Clark & Associates claim dated kay 9, 1966 in the amount of $115.40 for Street Grading Inspection. (d) Cooper Clark & Associates claim dated bay 9, 1966 in the amount of $327.00 for Street Grading Inspection. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Counctlran Rozzi and regularly carried, that the :la,ms as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 1-A be approved for payment. CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2 CLAIM = Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park. Unit 40. 2 Claim= Wilson, Jones, Norton & Lynch, Attorneys at Law, claim dated Nay 13, 1966, in the amount of $7,000.00 for legal services° CABOT, CABOT~& FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 3-B CLAINS= Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2 be approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park. Unit 40. 3-B Claims= (a) Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated Nay 13, 1966 in the amount of $142.22 for Con- struction Staking and Quantity Surveys. (b) Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated Nay 13, 1966 in the amount of $118.91 for Contract Administration, Resident Engineering and Inspection Services. (c) Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated Nay 13, 1966 in the amount of $282.32 for Prepa- ration of Plans/Specifications and Supp,ement to Engineer's Report. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 3-B be approved for payment. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY AND E.O.C. CENTER CLAINS= South San Francisco Public Library and E.O.C, Center Claims= (a) A. N. Hardy and Company claim dated May 9, 1966 in the amount of $6,988.88 for Environmental Design on Public Library. (b) Gribaldo, Jacobs & Sones Associates claim dated Nay 13, 1966 in the amount of $25.96 for Engineering Services. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for South San Francisco Public Library and E.O.C. Center be approved for payment. STONEGATE RIDGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 CLAIN= PUBLIC HEARING A~ENDED ASSESSNENT NO. 4 BOND SERIES 63, ASSESSNENT NO. 34 BOND SERIES P-is Stopeqate Rtdce Assessment District No. 1 Claim= Daniel Coleman Engineering Company clain dated Nay 6, 1966 in the amount of $10,524.5~- Engineering work performed. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Stonegate Ridge Assessment District No. 1 be approved for payment. The next item for Council's attention was the Public Hearing on Amended Assessment No. 4 Bond Series 63 Assessment No. 34 Bond Series P-l, Assessor's No. 15-062-03. Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing opened asking if any written protests had been received to which the City Clerk replied none had been received by his office. He then asked if anyone present in the audience wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Nayor Bertucelli deCLared the Public Hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 4477 CONFIRMING A~ENDED ASSESS- MINT= RESOLUTION NO, 4478 AMENDING SECT[ON 6 AND City Attorney Noonan explained the first resolution after which Councilman Rozzi intro- cuced~ "A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AN AMENDED ~SSESSNENT - ASSESS~ENT NO. 4 BOND SERIES 63 ASSESSNENT NO. 34 BOND SERIES P-I." Roll call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucellt, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortest, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rocca intro- Cuced: '% RESOLUTION DECLARING THE COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO AMEND SECTION 6 AND SUB- SUBSECTIONS OF ORD. NO. 3535 SECTIONS THEREOF OF ORDINANCE NO. 353 AS A~EJDED ENTITLED''ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE ~_ / ~ ? CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO' PASSED AND ADOPTED AUGUST 10, 1966." ~0 ~ ~ Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTION NO. 4479 COMMENDATION TO D.P.W. LOUIS GOSS AND THONAS E. NOORE= City Attorney Noonan eXplained the next resolution which had been prepared for Council's attention after which Councilman Ahern introduced= "A RESOLUTION COMMENDING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS LOUIS H. GOSS AND ENGINEERING AIDE THONAS E. ~30RE FOR WORK PERFOPAIED IN CONNECTION WITH THE WESTERN PIPELINE CASES." Roll call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guide J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTION N~. 4480 COF~LENDATION TO VIOLA HAPPY= City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rocca intro- duced= "A RESOLUTION COF~[ENDING VIOLA HAPPY." Roll call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzt. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTION NO. 4481 P.U.E. DEED ACCEPTANCE C.C. & F. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Ahern intro- duced= "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A DEED FOR PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT- CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT ~0. 1." Roll call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. iA, RESOLUTION NO. 4482 ADDITIONAL INDEMNITY PROVISION TO SURVIVORS OF POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN: RESOLUTION NO. 4483 FINAL MAP APPROVAL ALTA VISTA #3: City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution which had been prepared for Council's attention after which Councilman Rozzi introcuced: "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR ADDI- TIONAL INDEMNITY TO SURVIVORS OF POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rocca intro- c uced: "A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF ALTA VISTA #3, ACCEPTING THE EASEMENTS EEDICATED THEREBY AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTION NO. 4484 AUTHORIZING ESCROW IN- STRUCTIONS AND AMENDING RESO. NO. 4450: RESOLUTION NO. 4485 ORDERING WORK BY FORCE ACCOUNT - C.C. & F. /~2 STAGE 1 FILL IMPROVEMENTS: City Attorney Noonan explained the next reso_utton after which Councilman Ahern intro- cuced~ "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 4450 ENTITLED 'A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT FOR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY - CONMUR STREET AND DIANNECOURT.'" Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Received were Improvement Plans, Specifications, communication dated June 3, 1966 from Cooper, Clark & Associates on Supplementary Consultation, re: Placement of Area Fill C.C. & F. Industrial Park, Unit No. 2, South San Francisco, Calif., for C.C. & F., as well as Inter-Office Memorandum from the Director of Public Works dated June 6, 1966 to the City Council entitled: Plans and Specifications for Reclamation Fill - Stage 1, Cabot, Cabot g Forbes Industrial Park Unit No. 2. Mr. Kenneth Jones, Attorney at Law, explained the next resolution after whfCh Council- nan Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION ORDERINS WORK BY FORCE ACCOUNT - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2 STAGE 1 FILL IMPROVEMENTS." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Ro~zi. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTIONNO. 4486 RESCINDING RESO. NO. 4461: City Attorney Noonan explained' the next resolution after which Councilman Rozzi intro- duced: "A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 4461." Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, lEmtlio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTION NO. 4487 SLUDGE PROCESSING AGREEMENT TILLO PRODUCTS: City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rocca intro- duced~ "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR PROCESSING AND REMOVAL OF SLUDGE DISCHARGED AT SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT WITH TILLO PRODUCTS." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, 3milio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rczzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. ORDINANCE NO. 547 GRANTING OF FRANCHISES CATV SYSTEMS: 2nd R~adtng/Adoption ~ayor Bertucelli ordered the title of the ordinance read. The title of the ordinance was read. City Attorney Noonan then explaired the ordinance and advised the Council regarding procedure for adoption and passage. Councilman Rocca moved reading of the ord: ~ance in its entirety be waived and that the ordinance be passed and adopted by reading ~ttle only, seconded by Councilman Ahern anc passed hy unanimous vote. Souncilman Rocca moved that the ordinance ertitled~ "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF FRANCHISES FOR COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS; PROVIDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF SUCH COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS AND FEES THEREFOR," the entire reading of which has been duly waived, be passed and adopted, secondec hy Councilman Rozzi and passed hy the following roll call vote. ~oll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, ~milio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rezzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD. NO. 297: 1st Reading/Introduction ~ayor Bertucelli ordered the title of the ordinance read. The title of the ordinance was read. City Attorney Noonan then explained the ordinance and advised the Council regarding procedure for introduction. Councilman Ahern moved that reading of the ordi- nance in its entirety he waived and that the ordinance be introduced and read for the fist time hy reading title only, seconded hy Councilman Rocca and passed hy a unani- mous vote. Councilman Ahern moved that the ordinance emtitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 297. AS AMENDED, ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,' ADOPTED MAY 8, 1950 BY ADDING TO SECTION IV. FINAL ~AP, SUBSECTION TO BE NU~tB~RED 4.34 AND TO BE ENTITLED, 'DEDICATION OF LAND, THE PAY- ~ENT OF FEES IN LIEU THEREOF, OR A COMBINATION OF BOTH, FOR PARK OR RECREATIONAL PUR- POSES AS A CONDITION TO THE APPROVAL OF A FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP,," the entire reading of which has been duly waived, he introduced, seconded hy Councilman Rocca and passed hy the following roll call vote. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortest, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PORTION OF WESTBOROUGH BLVD. AS PART OF COUNTY HIGHWAY SYSTEMs 1st Reading/Introduction Mayor Bertucelli ordered the title of the ordinance read. The title of the ordinance was read. City Attorney Noonan then explained the ordinance and advised the Council regarding procedure for introduction. Councilman Rocca moved that reading of the ordinance in its entirety he waived and tha~ the ordinance he introduced and read for the first time hy reading title only, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and passed by a unanimous vote. ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PORTION OF WESTBOR(MJGH BLVD. AS PART OF COUNTY HIGHWAY SYSTEM~ (CONTI ~U~-D) Councilman Rozzi moved that the ordinance entitled= "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONSENTING TO TH~ ESTABLISHMENT OF A PORTION OF WESTBOROUGH BOULEVARD WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AS A PART OF THE COUNTY HIGHWAY SYSTEM OF TH~ COUNTY OF SAN MATEO," the entire reading of which has been duly waLved, be introduced, seconded by COuncilman Ahem and passed by the following roll call vote. RoLl call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, EmLlio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUEST BARBARA TROISI, REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 18, 1966 from Lauretta Hussar, Librarian, recommending approval for the leave-of-absence request of Barbara Troisi, Reference Librarian, to attend one summer school session at the University of California for the period of August 1 through September 15, 1966, without pay. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the request as submitted be approved and permissio~ for leave-of-absence granted. REQUEST FOR HEARING BY ARTHUR HASKINS, INC.~ The next item for Council's consideration was the communication dated May 16, 1966 from Arthur Haskins, Inc., requesting placement on the agenda to discuss dredging of their proposed new channel and construction of perimeter dike on lands owned by them. Accompanying was Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 2, 1966 from the City Attorney se=ting forth City's requirements, together with Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 24, 1966 from the Director of Public Works concerning subject matter. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the matter continued. REQUEST BY ALL SOULS CHURCHTOHOLD FESTIVAL: The next item was the communication from All Souls Festival Committee dated May 2, 1966 requesting permission for the followings (1) to hold annual Festival October 14 through 16, 19663 (2) erection of tent; (3) and waiver of Business License in the event an amusement ride is to he employed. COM~JNICATION FROM ASSEMBLYMAN RYAN REGARDING AB 575 Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the request as submitted he approved with the provision that the requested waiver of Busi- ness License be for only one amusement ride and not for a full carnival-type show and that the erection of the tent meet the recuirements of all City departments. The communication dated May 11, 1966 from Assemblyman Leo J. Ryan advising of the signing of AB 57 by the Governor with amendment as requested by the City was the next item for Council's consideration. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli requested the communication be accepted and ordered filed and courtesy letters of tharks be forwarded to Governor Brown, Assemblyman Ryan and to the author of AB 57. BIG-EYE SO. S. F. USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 20595 ~o ,~o US2 PERMIT Resolution No. 2059 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission he granted to locate l a cardboard haling machine in adjacency to the White Front Department store subjected to the condition that noise-attenuating and aesthetic screening of the machine be provided by the applicant. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Counctlmar Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission he ~pproved and accepted. KEN ROYCE USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 20605 US2 PERMIT Resolution No. 2060 received from the Planning Commission recor, mending permission be granted to add 55 sq. ft. of illuminated sign area on International In~'s existing pylon located at 326 So. Airpozt Boulevard subject to the condition that the sign be non-flashing and non-scintillating. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilmar Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be ~pproved and accepted. TENTATIVE MAP OF WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK UNIT NO. 15 The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 17, 1966 received from Daniel M. Pass, City Planner, concerning approval of revised Tentative Map of Westhorough- West Park Unit No. 1, including Block I thereof. Accompanytn~ were Planner's Report, Inter-Office Memorandum dated April 25, 1966 from Director of Public Works and Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 9, 1966 from Director of Public Works concerning subject matter. There being no objections, the matter was continued by the Mayor to the next regular meeting at the request of the City Attorney. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 17, 1966 from Daniel M. Pass, LOTS 25, 26, 27, 28,'29, Ci=y Planner, concerning approval of the Tentative Parcel Map representing the resub- 30 & 31, BLOCK 1, C.C. & F. division of Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, Block 1, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial UNIT NO. l-A: Park Unit No. lA into two parcels, subject to the requirements of the City Engineer. Accompanying were City Planner's Report and Irter-Office Memorandum dated May 10, 1966 from Director of Public Works concerning said Tentative Parcel Map. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilmar Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be ~pproved and accepted in accordance with comnunications as set forth in the City Planner's Report dated May 5, 1966 and the In~er-Office Memorandum of the Director of Public Works dated May 10, 1966, both of wh:ch are herewith incorporated and made a pa~t of the Tentative Parcel Map. GRASSI AMERICAN 'CORP. USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 2063-' TENNIS DRIVE DRAINAGE PROJECT - NOTICE OF CO~PLETION~ CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CONMUR STREET AND DIANNE COURT= CHANGE ORDER NO. 13 C.C. & F. NO. it CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CARLTON COURT AND FORBES BLVD. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT~ HICKEY BLVD. PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS PAINTING AND GUNITING AWARD~ TF~PORARY ASPHALT WALK WEST ORANGE AVE. AND SOUTH SIDE OF CANLARITAS AVENUE AWARD~ MONTHLY REPORTS USE PERMIT Resolution No. 2063 received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted to establish a concrete mixing plant in connection with a pre- cast concrete manufaCtory, located on the westerly side of So. Maple Avenue, between So. Canal Street and Victory Avenue, in an M-1 district, subject to the requirements of the City Planner and the City Engineer and approval shall be for a period of 2 years. AccomPanying'wereCfty,Ptanner's Report and In~er-Office Memorandum dated May 20, 1966 from the Director of Public Works concerning Grassi-Amertcan request. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be a=proved and accepted in accordance with the communications as set forth in the City Ptanner's Report dated May 6, 1966 and the Inter-Office Memorandum of the Director of Public Works dated May 20, 1966, both of which are herewith incorporated and made a ~art of the Use Pemit. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 17, 1966 from Director of Public Works Louis Goss recommending final acceptance and authorization to file Notice Of Completion - Tennis Drive Drainage Project. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 20, 1966 from Director of Public Works Louis Goss recommending Change Order No. 1 for Conmur Street and Dianne Court Improvement District. Accompanying was communication dated April 7, 1966 from Crosby and Associates, Soils Engineers concerning project. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilmar Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works he approved and accepted. The next item for Council's consideration was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 16, 1966 from the Director of Public Works recommending Change Order No. 13 for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, UnAt No. 1. Accompanying was communication dated May 11, 1966 from Wilsey, Ham & Blair concerning Change Order No. 13. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 18, 1966 from the Director of Public Works recommending Change Order No. 2 for Carlton Court and Forbes Blvd., Assessment District. Accompanying was communication dated May 11, 2966 from Wilsey, Ham & Blair concerning Change Order No. 2. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilma~ Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved andaccepted. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 24, 1966 from the Director of Public Works submitting compilation of bids for painting and guniting the Hickey Blvd., Pedestrian Overpass. Director of Public Works Louis Goss recommended that award he m~de to John P. McGuire as low bidder for painting the overpass steel. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Counctlma~ Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public ~orks be approved and accepted and award for painting the overpass steel be made to John P. McGuire. Director of Public Works Louis Goss recommended that award be made to Cement Gun Construction Co., Inc. as low bidder for application of Class 2 cement gun surface finish. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Counctlma~ Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted and award for application of Class 2 cement gun s~rface finish be made to Cement Gun Construction Co. The next item for Council's consideration was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated June 1, 1966 from the Director of Public Works submitting compilation of bids for a temporary asphalt walk along West Orange Avenue and south side of Camaritas Avenue a~ the future Westborough Expressway location. Director of Public Works Louis Goss recommended that award be made to Lowrie Pavi~g Company as low bidder. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilma~ Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works he approved and accepted and award for a temporary asphalt walk along West Orange Avenue and south side of Camaritas Avenue a~ the future Westborough Expressway location he made to Lowrie Paving Company. Monthly Reports were received from the follovrlng~ Library - April, 1966 Fire Department - April, 1966 Police Department - April, 1966 City Clerk's Report - April, 1966 Parking District No. 1 - April, 1966 San Mateo County Department of Public Health and Welfare Sanitation Section - April, 1~66 There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ~rdered the reports accepted and placed DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL= GOOD AND WELFARE= Department of Alcoholic Beveraqe Control= (a) Application as filed by Johnie & Kathryn Wimsatt for On Sale Beer & Wine Bona Fide Public Eating Place at 207 Lincen Avenue. (b) Application as filed by Basil & Elva Foppiano and Clara E. Tacchi for On Sale General at 202 Grand Avenue. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli o~'dered the reports filed. There being nothing further, Mayor Bertucellt asked ff'any member of the Council had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. There being none, he then asked if anyone present in the audience tad anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. There being none, Cot,ncilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that the meeting he adjourned to June 13, 1966 at 7=30 p.m. Time of adjournment= 8=29 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED= .. ~'/ Mayor