HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1993-04-21 Mayor Roberta Cerri Teglia Council: Jack Drago Joseph A. Fernekes --lohn R. Penna Robert Yee MINUTES City Council VOL. !:14 City Council Conference Center City Hall April 21, 1993 AGENDA ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) ROLL CALL: 1. Joint Meeting with the Parking Place Commission. "-- .q/EI Mayor Teglia arrived at the Podium. ACTION TAKEN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 7:17 p.m. Vice Mayor Fernekes presiding. Council Present: Drago, Penna, Yee and Fernekes. Council Absent: Teglia. Parking Place Commissioners Present: Mosunic and Tognazzini. Parking Place Commissioners Absent: Sciandri. · Dir. of Finance, Margolis, stated this item was placed on the agenda to review the status of and consider future organization of the Parking District and the Parking Commission. She stated there are no outstanding bonds and this removes almost all restraints in the law as far as actions taken on changes in the District. Mayor Teglia arrived at the podium at 7:21 p.m. Dir. of Finance Margolis related: The District today ' has 11 lots and on-street metered parking, for a total of 760 parking spaces; it generates about $200,000/year in revenue and produces about $65,000 net revenue after expenses; there is an available fund balance of about $450,000 exclusive of fixed assets; the general business of the Com- mission has been of late to rule on parking excep- tions, to determine parking balance (meters, permits, length of time allowed and costs of such) and park- ing facility planning (looking at the future of the District and its facilities). Dir. of Finance Margolis stated the proposed feasi- bility study for a parking garage in the Civic Center area took quite a while to come to the planning stage and was rejected, based on historical considerations. The Commission is looking at a broader view of 4/21/93 Page 1 AGENDA --ACTION TAKEN 1__.. Joint Meeting - Continued. 4/21/93 Page 2 what might be done and it was in proposing a park- ing demand study that this issue came to Council and the decision was made to request this meeting. She related: Three primary issues effect what tO do about the Parking District; (1) the use of funds - whether Council is interested in taking available funds and continuing to use them for parking pur- poses in the downtown area or feel there is a need to use them for more general City purposes, (2) if there will be no on-going development of parking, the purpose of the Parking District is negated and (3) if the Commission is eliminated, who would deal with the day to day business - Planning could do parking exceptions, a Parking Advisory Board could be established for the Council or Council could take on the functions of the Commission. Commissioner Mosunic stated the report was com- plete. They are in excellent financial condition and have good cash flow. They are, however, working . with a stale report dated 1985 and it is hard to make decisions on merchants' requests for waiving re- quired spaces. He felt the Commission is a good buffer between the Council and the Community. Commissioner Tognazzini agreed with all stated above and said they are here today to explore what they are going to do and why. Mayor Teglia stated the downtown area is small and wanted to know what the major changes were since the last report. She stated we still need more park- ing and didn't feel we need another study. Discussion followed; accessibility of parking spaces for people coming downtown from outside the area, what do businesses want in parking changes, what kind of mix should we have for meters vs. permits. Councilman Penna stated we do not have a District like the one originally created because it was formed to look after bonds. The bonds are now paid, me- ters still exist and revenue is still generated, The only part of the City where customers and employ- ees are charged to park on public property is in the downtown commercial area. This continues because merchants and residents in the area want it to be continued. The spaces provide revenue back to the District making funds available to purchase new parking lots when needed. AGENDA AC_TIQN TAKEN 1. Joint Meeting - Continued. 4/21/93 Page 3 Council reviewed parking lots, metered vs. perinit spaces in the various lots. They discussed employee parking requirements vs. customer parking needs. There was discussion on changing employee parking to lots on the perimeter of the District and pricing for this parking. Councilman Penna stated that originally lots on the inside of the District were intended for customer parking and lots on the outside for employees. Mayor Teglia stated the Commission should review the changes they outlined and expeditiously report back to Council. Dir. of Finance Margolis pointed out that currently we have 202 permit spaces and we would be lessen- ing this to 99 permit spaces if the Commission followed the above thoughts of the Council. Councilman Yee wants input from various people who use the lots on what direction to take to resolve the problems, not just have Council decide what to do with the parking situation. Council gave direction to the Commission as to what information to consider when making their report and agreed that more parking is needed in the 400 block of Grand Ave. Mayor Teglia stated there are now opportunities to acquire two additional lots, one at Baden and Linden and one at Cypress and Airport. These lots should be considered. Vice-Mayor Fernekes asked if the Commission could only address itself within the confines of its boundaries or could it buy property outside of its boundaries. City Attorney O'Toole stated the Commission, by Ordinance, was given power to acquire and regulate parking lots anywhere in the City. Discussion followed: District should be expanded to incorporate entire downtown commercial area; the District can acquire lots outside area not contiguous to the District; they can purchase lots outside the District with revenues generated from the District; there are mechanisms to issue bonds to incur debt to purchase lots outside the District; more than one AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 17 _ 1. Joint Meeting - Continued. Appointment by Mayor of a SubcOmmittee for review of the Scavenger Company's 1993-95 rate request. 3. CDBG Program. Parking District can be created; the Commission should address parking city-wide and perhaps the Planning Dept. should be involved; the Brentwood Parking Lot should be studied. Mayor Teglia stated the consensus of Council is to keep the Parking Place Commission. The general direction they will take will be (A) study the Down- town area and consider the purchase of the two current pieces of property with no businesses on them - report hack to Council asap, (B) study the Brentwood situation - report back to Council asap and (C) widen their scope Citywide and also include all street areas used for parking in all shopping areas of the City, i.e., Southwood, areas along El Camino, Winston Manor, Westborough and Sun- shine Gardens. M/S Mosunic/Tognazzini - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 9:22 p.m. Mayor Teglia appointed Councilmen Yee to serve on a sub-committee with her. Councilmen Yee accept- ed. There were no objections. Mayor Teglia stated Councilman Penna agreed to work with her in taking a look at the Firehouse at Fuller O'Brien and to see if it can be preserved either on-site or off-site. CDBG Coordinator Fragoso presented the staff report. She stated the purpose was to review CDBG policies, provide input regarding preliminary fund- ing recommendations and to discuss potential, sup- plemental funds that might become available. For fiscal year 93-94 allocations, preliminary funding recommendations received should be considered a starting point for Council. This year additional funds will be available. Total available funds are $645,007. Maximum allowable spending for Ad- ministration is $120,000 and for Public Service is $90,000. CDBG Coordinator Fragoso stated staff is suggest- ing the following: use the full $120,000 for Ad- ministration, which gives $8,000 of additional funds to offset indirect costs currently supplied by the General Fund; in Public Service we have $8,000 4/21/93 Page 4 ~ENDA ACTION TAKEN 3. CDBG Program - Continued. 4/21/93 Page 5 118 more than last year, therefore, Council can either fund 1, 2 or 3 new programs, provide cost-of-living increases to existing programs which have not re- ceived one almost since the beginning of the pro- gram; alter current allocations. Staff is recommend ing a significant increase in the Downtown Com- mercial Rehabilitation Program because, when the program started, the allocation for grants and/or loans was significantly higher ($150,000 to $200,000) and in the last two years those funds have been fully allocated. We could use an additional amount of $30,000 for the Facade Improvement Program. Three new proposals have been received for Community Facility Renovations. Staff is rec- ommending two of the three be funded - the two that are based in So. San Francisco. She reviewed pre- liminary funding recommendations and also made available copies of funding recommendations from Councilman Drago. Councilman Yee questioned what was the total dollar amount used for administration costs vs. the amount actually getting out to the community for services. Mayor Teglia asked staff to, before the next meet- ing, prepare a detailed breakdown of exactly where the dollars are allocated. Councilman Drago asked if we could increase fund- ing on Shelter Network and Shared Housing. Mayor Teglia stated Shelter Network needs an inter- im place for placing people and is looking for a building in So. San Francisco. She stated perhaps they would want to adjust it on a more local basis. Council reviewed the preliminary allocation recom- mendations for Public Service Activities and asked staff for more information on certain applicants. Albert Waters, Westborough Concerned Citizens and Senior Advocates, spoke and wanted expanded programs for senior nutrition, exercise and crafts in the Westhorough Community Center. He was also concerned about the unavailability of the Center for senior uses. He felt Parks & Recreation should appropriate more money for senior programs. Mayor Teglia advised him the nutrition program was not loc~ly funded but was funded through the Court- AGENDA ACTION TAKEN '~9' 3. CDBG Program - Continued. 4/21/93 Page 6 ty. He would have to ask'the County if they would do a program at a third site. Regarding expanding the exercise program, Council would have to get an opinion from Park & Rec. as to feasibility, costs and what they would need from Council. Mayor Teglia advised Mr. Waters to talk to Dir. of Parks & Rec. Nagel, tell him what they wanted and he would cost it out and Council would consider the request in competition with other requests. Councilman Yee asked Council to direct the City Manager to follow up with Mr. Walters' request through Dir. of Parks & Rec. Nagel and to have the answer in letter form. Mr. Waters then stated that the senior exercise program was provided through Adult Education. Mayor Teglia stated, in that case, he should contact the School District, as they would do the funding. Vice-Mayor Fernekes stated Adult Education is a separate budget from the School District and the money comes from the State. Council gave direction to Interim City Manager Martel to follow-up with Dir. of Parks & Rec. Nagel and Mr. Waters. Council discussed funding groups catering only to a certain culture of people. They wanted fuming to help all citizens from all cultures in the community. They asked staff to clarify if each applicant served all nationalities of people. Discussion followed on the time frame for publish- ing a Public Hearing Notice on this item. Direction was given by Council to revise the report based on the information ascertained here tonight and come back to Council by Thursday or Friday with a new report. It would be reviewed and returned by Tues- day morning and the Public Hearing notice would be published reflecting a proposed, tentative recom- mendation for funding. CBDG Coordinator Fragoso explained the potential, one time funding of Supplemental CDBG Funds. She advised that the Clinton administration proposed to add 60% of our budget as a supplemental CDBG allocation. If passed, we could receive the funds by the end of summer. The money could be used for various purposes, as shown in the staff report, and AQENDA _ACIIQN TAKEN , 1'20 3. CDBG Program - Continued. 4. Sale and use of municipal property. also for seismic retrofitting of public facilities, 504 compliance, street repairs and the like. If approved, we would be required within a two month period to submit an application and let them know how we want to use the funds. Council discussed the possible use of the funds for seismic retrofitting of City Hall. This would relieve the obligation in the Capital Improvement Fund by $360,000 and then that fund could be used for other projects. Interim City Manager Martel pointed out that Council did not have to make a decision tonight. It was agreed that staff would come back to Council at a later date with more information. Dir. of Finance Margolis reported back with the information Council requested. She stated a list of the properties was attached to the Staff Report. She answered the previous questions as folloWs: The Fingers property may be considered as an alternate site for the Corporation Yard; the Telford and Diamond property is not an access used by Califor- nia Water Co. to its facilities; the Flood .Control District may need to encroach on the parcels front- ing on Colma Creek for future improvements. She corrected the Staff Report in that the parcels along Wexford Ave. at Foxridge School are sufficient size for development, however, the deed restrictions on the parcels must be checked. She stated the Brentwood lot when dedicated may have been re- stricted for parking purposes. WaYs to handle that could be by involving the Parking District or by reviving the assessment district. Council discussed the sign at the Brentwood lot which advertises merchants' businesses in the center and the fact that the sign is on City owned property. City Attorney is to check on possible reservations included when the lot was dedicated to the City. Councilman Penna reviewed properties shown on the list and possible ways to raise money through vari- ous uses and the sale of some of the parcels. Mayor Teglia stated that if Council made a determi- nation to sell any of the parcels Council should physically go to the site and study it before placing it for sale. 4/21/93 Page 7 AGENDA 4. Sale and use of municipal property - Continued. Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotia- tions and litigation. ADJOURNMENT: ACTION TAKEN ,. Dir. of Finance Margolis asked Council if there were any properties on the list they were seriously considering selling - enough so as to invest money in the parcel to prepare it for sale. Mayor Teglia directed Councilman Penna and Dir. of Finance Margolis to come back with a list of . those properties that could be seriously considered for sale. The Council chose not to hold a Closed Session. MIS Penna/Fernekes - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 10:19 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~|aine J. Bh'l', Deputy City Clerk City of South San Francisco APPROVED. ~oberta Cerri Teglia, May~r~' City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 4/21/93 Page 8