HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1993-06-30 Mayor Roberta Cerri Teglia Council: Jack Drago Joseph A. Fernekes ..... John R. Penna Robert Yee MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room June 30, 1993 AGENDA ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) ROLL CALL: 1. Resolution appointing Edward Wohlenberg as City Manager. ~.4-~. ~ A RESOLUTION APPOINTING EDWARD WOHLENBERG TO THE POSITION OF CITY MANAGER A~!!ON TAKEN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 7:12 p.m. Mayor Teglia presiding. Council Present: Drago, Fernekes, Yee and Teglia. Council Absent: Penna. M/S Fernekes/Yee - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 81-93 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Teglia related she knew Councilman Penna was very much in favor of this appointment and wondered if there was a way in which he could lend his support to this Resolution. City Attorney O'Toole stated that something could be worked out to show it on the Resolution. Mayor Teglia welcomed Mr. Wohlenberg as the new City Manager and Executive Director of the Redevelop- ment Agency. Mr. Wohlenberg stated he appreciated the confidence shown in him and his experience and was looking forward to this opportunity because there were many exciting things happening and he looked forward to joining this City family on,September 1, 1993. Interim City Manager Martel stated that an item had been requested to be added to the agenda that was not initially placed on the Agenda for a letter to be trans- mitted to Caltrans by cities affected by the BART extension. She stated she needed a Motion and Second to place it on the agenda and a vote and, if affirmative - a Motion/Second and vote on the item. City Attorney O'Toole stated there needed to be a 4/5 6/30/93 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ._.L1. Resolution- Continued. la. Letter to BART 6/30/93 Page 2 vote to add the item to the agenda with the finding that the item arose after the agenda had been posted and the need to act on it occurs before the Council's next meet- ing. Mayor Teglia stated this item arose from a meeting she and Council member Drago had attended and it was very crucial that the letter be reviewed and how it was to be directed - was it to be signed or not because time was of the essence. M/S Fernekes/Drago - To add the item to the Agenda with the finding that the item arose after the agenda had been posted. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Teglia stated Samtrans had authorized this and hoped it would carry with all of the signatures on the last page. She stated she had added one word to the final copy, the word "relocated" that refers to the Tanforan Station - wherein it might be eliminated. Interim City Manager Martel related: she and the Mayor had met in recent weeks with representatives of the Airport and San Bruno to discuss an alternative that San Bruno had requested be reviewed by BART as an alternative to the locally preferred alternative, to pro- vide a station in San Bruno's downtown; as a result of those discussions at a subsequent meeting with elected representatives of MTC, Samtrans, the Board of Super- visors, Mayor Teglia and Councilman Drago, the elect- ed officials felt it would be appropriate to convey to BART the interest those agencies had for BART to consider as a part of the various alternatives that will be examined subsequent to the scoping meeting on 7/8/93 the possibility of introducing at this stage this new alternative; a recent newspaper article on a realignment of the Caltrain line from Millbrae up to the Airport and the Airport is proposing to move the Caltrain alignment westerly of its current alignment closer to the Bayshore Freeway; this would eliminate the Caltrain Station in downtown San Bruno; there were discussions of moving the alignment north of 380 along the SP spur that currently exists near the produce terminal; as part of the proposal San Bruno suggested they would prefer not to have the Tanforan Station, as previously identified as part of the locally preferred alternative; this City has some real concerns about the possible elimination of the Tanforan Station and the effect on traffic on the Hickey Station located in the El AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 237 la. Letter to BART - Continued. 6/30/93 Page 3 Camino Corridor; because of that staff discussed the possibility of changing the current alignment from Chestnut along the SP right-of-way in the subway to Spruce, come up and enter the Tanforan Station; with the elimination of the Tanforan Station, staff felt it would be of benefit to consider utilizing an alternative to relocate the Tanforan Station to an area closer to the Bayshore Freeway maybe on South Airport or in that vicinity with the possibility of providing a joint station for Caltrain by relocating our existing station with a BART station so we could receive the added transporta- tion for the industrial area, as well as for the Confer- ence Center; discussions thus far have not had an engi- neering analysis with realistic cost estimates; if BART agreed in concept to consider another alternative at this stage, then those costs would be developed; some discussions about a realignment in S.S.F. along Colma Creek to South Airport Blvd. might be appropriate, however, right now there were just initial discussions. She stated the letter before Council had been developed by staff at Samtrans with input from the affected agen- cies and it was hoped that the letter would be transmit- ted to Samtrans with all of the listed signatures by Friday for consideration at the 7/8/92 scoping meeting, etc. Councilman Yee questioned what would happen to the undergrounding if this proposal is accepted. Interim City Manager Mattel stated that this particular proposal would not affect the subway through the City and the only difference would be the route of the sub- way and the change would be from Chestnut to Spruce, with the possibility of running along Colma Creek rather than the SP right-of-way. Councilman Yee stated that if he envisioned this prop- erly BART will underground to Spruce and come up Spruce to Colma Creek and overhead to the Airport. Interim City Manager Martel stated it would be in a retained cut similar to the route now defined in the locally preferred alternative. Vice Mayor Fernekes commented - after Spruce, was- n't it at grade and not a retained cut. He questioned if they had looked at any additional costs, since we are paying for the undergrounding. Interim City Manager Martel stated that because this AGENDA A~I!QN TAKEN Xa. Letter to Bart - Continued. 6/30/93 Page 4 Z38 was in the preliminary stage there were not engineering analyses nor costs developed. She stated this particular letter does not, in any way, commit any of the agencies to this particular alternative - merely requests that BART consider the alternative and, in doing so, would pursue the necessary analyses. Mayor Teglia stated that San Bruno was very desirous of this letter being signed by all the agencies in order for their proposal to be taken seriously. She stated she told them that this City was very concerned and would not support the elimination of the Tanforan Station because of the impacts on this City. She stated it became apparent we might have the opportunity to pick up the station and do something for the employment center we have east of the freeway and address the transportation needs and relocate the Caltrain Station, etc. Councilman Yee wanted to add a sentence to the letter - that we are not committed to this alignment, so they clearly understand we don't mind for them to look at that but that we are not committed to this alternative. Discussion followed: the contents of the letter; making the language stronger, as suggested by Councilman Yee; making the language explicit and clear; City Attorney O'Toole suggested adding (in the first para- graph, after the last line that begins with accordingly) the words "without expressing a preference for any alternative" (and then finishing the sentence); there should be language that reserves the right for So. San Francisco to oppose this alignment by the elimination of the Tanforan Station being a tree hardship to So. San Francisco and later they could oppose it without alienating neighboring cities; to make it known that So. San Francisco will not support anything that talks about elimination of the Tanforan Station; to take out the world "eliminate" in the letter; to not be locked into a preference; new language "without expressing a prefer- ence for any alternative"; there was more than one alternative; language should say alternatives; there should be a sentence in the first paragraph indicating that while San Bruno has come forward with a varia- tion that it would like to have studied and is presenting it to the No. County Cities, So. San Francisco has a variation on it's variation - so that we respond without expressing a preference for either alternative, and ask that the alternatives be evaluated in the next phase; staff was so directed. AQENDA AQ!!QN TAKEN ._l.a. Letter to BART - Continued. Discussion and direction on 1993-94 Operating Budget. .5-! Councilman Penna Arrived at the Meeting: RECESS: :ECALL TO ORDER: M/S Fernekes/Yee - To modify the language and au- thorize the Mayor to sign the letter. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Interim City Manager Mattel presented her staff report in detail: revenues of $29,736,130 with estimated expenditures of $28,515,404; staff offered reductions in spending of $2.2 million; expenditure savings factor of 4% has been applied; provides surplus funds of $720,726 that may be used to offset certain expenditure reductions that may have negative effects on service to the public; if Council wanted to fund individual Coun- cil exceptions lists a surplus of $24,262 would still remain; budget transfer of $500,000 to fund capital improvement projects; projects programmed for 1993- 94; undesignated reserve of approximately $3.6 mil- lion; Manager recommendations for use of $455,000 for technology improvements, equipment replacement and capital outlay; $1.5 million maintained for pur- chase of surplus school property and Corporation Yard construction; estimate of State property tax shift for So. San Francisco is $635,000; potential loss of sales tax through AB 1313 could be upwards of $1.3 million; revenue enhancements of $530,000 through paramedic fees, commercial parking and a commercial recycler's tax; revenue loss by State hit could be revised down- ward if November sales tax measure goes through; future State hit could be from sales tax exception for manufacturing that could affect a loss for this City of $1.3 million, and presented revenue enhancements of $535,000. Consensus of Council - Accept List A "Potential Re- ductions, No Personnel Impacts". Discussion followed: List B "Potential Reductions, Vacant Positions Or Within Classification Status"; List C "Potential Reductions - Eliminate Filled Positions Or Reduce Classification Status"; Individual votes were registered (the staff report from Mayor Teglia with the votes registered on Lists B and C are attached and made a permanent part of the minutes of this meeting). Councilman Penna arrived at 8:18 p.m. Council adjourned to a recess at 8:20 p.m. Mayor Teglia recalled the meeting to order at 8:25 p.m., all Council were present. 6/30/93 Page 5 TO: FROM: RE: City Council Roberta Teglia 1993-94 Budget June 29, 1993 240 At our last Budget study session, a number of suggestions were made and concerns raised. Prior to that meeting, Councilman Drago circulated a memo listing positions he would not wish to see cut as well as some general budget related comments. At the meeting, I presented a listed of proposed restorations as well as suggestions regarding the raising of new revenue and Councilmen Fernekes and Penna listed areas of concern to them. Subsequent to the meeting, Councilman Yee circulated a budget he prepared which presented his suggested approach to this problem. Since that time, each of us has had time to consider the above. In so doing, I have reworked my thoughts, taking into consideration what I have heard and read from each of you. Attached, you will find the results of that thinking. This is only a suggestion ..... but one that works. I have checked the figures with finance and they are accurate. You will also find a worksheet which lists all the staff proposed cuts from List B (vacant positions) and List C (occupied positions). I listed the cuts I entertained in working up the numbers in my June 29th budget proposal ..... as well as listing the cuts suggested by Councilmen Drago and Yee. I have no information regarding Councilmen Penna and Fernekes' firm opinions in this matter as I only have their general comments made at the Budget study session re Police, Fire, Library, and Finance. You may, or may not, find this sheet useful in your own examination of each area of proposed reduction. I would appreciate your comments regarding this matter. 6/30/93 Pa§e 5a June 29, 1993 241, REVENUES $30,266,130 (29,736,130 + 530,000) (New Rev..) EXPENDITURES EXCESS REV. OVER EXPEND. 29,328,039 938,091 (28,515,404 + 812,635 ) (Partial restoration of cuts) CIP TRANSF. (500,000) EXCESS REV. OVER EXPEND. AFTER TRANS. 438,091 FUND BAL. BEGIN. YR. 9,717,578 FUND BAL. END YR. 10,155,669 ENCUMBRANCES ADVANCES INVENTORY CATASTROPHIC WORK. CAPITAL ECONOM..CONTING. UNDESIGNATED 750,000 2,800,000 80,000 1,500,000 500,000 700,000 3,825,669 ($3,320,660 after one-time expend, if full $505,000 is granted) $10,155,669 ONE TIME EXPENDITURES OF $505,000 FROM UNDESIGNATED RESERVE 6/30/93 Page 5b June 29, 1993 * Brings EXPENDITURES into balance with REVENUES * Trims organization to essential positions with as minimal impact as possible under circumstances (Restores 12 specific po~ition~ and hour~ of ofher pos~f~ons as well as adding $40,000 to the Library budget. Addition to Library budget will: * keep Grand Library open 5 days rather than 4 days (with adjusted hours to accomodate children after school, 2 - 6 p.m.) (Tues, Thurs, Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.) (Wed. 12 to 8 p.m.) (Mon. 2-6 p.m.) (Closed Sat. -slowest day and Sunday, as is now the case) * will restore Children's services so that we may continue to have year round children's programs. * Fully funds CIP request ($500,000) to cover long deferred maintenance * Funds one-time costs ($505,000) technology, equipment replacement and capital outlay as requested. (Funded from Undesignated Reserves on a one-time expenditure basis.) * Provides $700,000 in Economic Contingency funds for anticipated 1993-94 State "hit". * Does not rely on voter approval of sales tax increase (Potential $218,000) * Does not count one-time payment to City for transportation planning and development ($198,000) * Enacts Revenue increases in only three categories ..... leaving other identified areas of increase til need is established ($530,000). * Does not cover "transition funds" ..... however, one-time transportation payment ($198,000) could be assigned to this area when actual need is determined. Should be much less than that previously indicated due to wide restoration of positions. * Does not cover Mobil Data Terminal capability for Police Dept. ($350,000) 6/30/93 Page 5c POTENTIAL REDUCTIONS NO PERSONNEL IMPACT City Clerk Limit size of advertised meeting notices. City Manager Reduce Personnel materials and services budget as a result of reduced recruitment activity. City Treasurer Savings from prior automation. Eliminate funding publications. for meetings and most Economic and Community Development Transfer secretarial charges to CDBG, grant funds available for programs. reducing Eliminate code enforcement abatement allowance and clerical overtime. Eliminate Historic Preservation Grants Eliminate assistance. economic development consulting Charge time related to low and moderate housing activities to that fund. Finance Reflect decrease in audit costs. Limit availability of outside computer maintenance and upgraded software and supplies. Reduce use of outside collections. Public Works Charge administrative costs directly to capital projects. Replace decayed light poles on as-needed basis only. 243' $ 10,000 6,800 85O 825 15,496 3,212 10,000 9,000 7,655 22,000 11,000 1,500 28,000 25,000 6/30/93 Page 5d CENTRAL RECOHD$ Repaint pavement markings every two years instead of annually and replace signs less frequently. Shift engineering priorities more towards capital projects, slowing development response times. Reduce appropriation for Colma Creek cleaning to cover fall clean-up only. Transfer remaining drainage program costs to new stormwater enterprise fund. 244 112,000 26,000 75,000 250,000 $ 614,338 6/30/93 Pa§e 5e CF. NTRAL RECORDS LIST "B" - 245 POTENTIAL REDUCTIONS - VACANT POSITIONS OR WITHIN CLASSIFICATION STATUS* RT JF JP JD BY CITY CLERK: Reduce staff hours an equivalent of .25 FTE ........................... $12,168 ECONOMIC AND COHMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Reduce vacant Senior Typist Clerk position in planning to half time .... 21,756 Eliminate vacant Building Techni- cian position · 44,429 FINANCE: Reclassify vacant Account Technician position to Revenue Technician to increase revenue collection and audit activities .......................... 30,000 FIRE: Eliminate vacant Emergency Medical Services Coordinator ................ 63,613 LIBRARY: Reduce hours of pages at W. Orange and Grand Ave. libraries. (Related to broader library hours reductions.). 13,638 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: Close Orange Park After-school site, absorbing current staff of 1 part time regular and 3 part time hourly positions into current vacancies ...... 34,000 Eliminate vacant Pre-school Co- ordinator position, requiring re- classification of second position and ~ ¥~ ~m5 ~5 1¢5 supplemental hours ..................... 11,000 Reduce hours of child care staff, increasing ,tu ent r tios .............. * Classification status refers to status as regular of part-time regular. Distinction is made because change in classification status affects level of benefits received by employees. dq, ao o 6/30/93 Page 5f POLICE: Eliminate vacant Police Service Technician position ..... ~~.Lr. .... 50,198 Eliminate vacant Evidence Technician position, reassigning detective from some regular duties ................. 70,154 50,198 Eliminate vacant Police Service Technician working in evidence ..... PUBLIC WORKS: Eliminate vacant Public Works Maint. Worker position, reducing downtown clean up and sign and painting acti- vities ................................ 32,000 Eliminate vacant Public Works Maint. Worker position and related supplies, reducing street repairs ............... 65,000 246 $512,154 6/30/93 Pa§e 5§ POTENTIAL REDUCTIONS: ELIMINATE FILLED POSITIONS OR REDUCE CLASSIFICATION STATUS* Z47 RTJF JPJD BY CITY CITY ATTORNEY: Reduce Legal Secretary I to half-time...$23,475 MANAGER; Eliminate Assistant to the city Manager position ................................ 82,911 Consolidate personnel and labor relations functions, eliminating Coordinator possitions. Department Head position would be created and half-time clerical position added .......................... ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Eliminate hourly Computer Specialist .... Reduce Assistant Planner position to half time ............................... Reduce half time Landscape Architect to 15 hours per week ....................... FINANCE: Eliminate Administrative Analyst position adding half time computer technician to maintain computer systems 4,500 31,786 7,608 portion of work.32, ~0 FIRE: Eliminate Deputy Fire Marshal ............ 74, Eliminate Fire Education Specialist ...... 53, Eliminate Fire Safety Specialist ......... 52, Eliminate Senior Typist Clerk ............ 43, LIBRARY: Open Grand Avenue Library four days per week only. Close West Orange on Sundays and various other evenings and mornings. Involves elimination of 1 hourly Librarian I, 2 hourly Library Assistants I and 1 hourly Libary Clerk and reducing 7 part time reg- ular Library Assistant I and 1 part time regular Library Assistant II positions I to hourly status ......................... 119,951 . , " 6 93 Page 5h 248 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: Eliminate 14 hourly positions, eliminating after school, summer park and school site drop-in programs, rent-a-clown, School Special Needs Summer program and fall adult soft-ball league ................... Move to co-sponsorship of swim team, eliminating 1 part-time regular and 2 hourly positions - RT JF JP JD BY 115,000 32,000 Eliminate senior information and referral, eliminating 2 part time regular and 1 hourly position ............ Eliminate Assistant Community Services position ........... Recreation and Supervisor Eliminate part time aide at Westborough other staff ........ 57,000 regular class ~ , reassigning ' ~' ~ ...................... 12,000 ~ ~5~ Eliminate full time Coordinator position at Magnolia Senior Center (Center to remain open on weekends with part time assistance) .................... POLICE: Eliminate 2 Eliminate 1 Eliminate 1 PUBLIC WORKS: Records Records Records Clerk positions ...... Clerk position ....... Clerk position ....... Eliminate an Equipment Mechanic position and reduce supplies ...................... 80,00) Reduce frequency of stsreet sweeping eliminating a Sweeper Operator position and reducing supplies and equipment. Use ~ ~ ~ N0 ~ portion of savings to complete routing ,0 plan ' 37 00~ , , 2,261,45¢ 6/30/93 Page 5i A~ENDA A~ION TAKEN Discussion- Continued. Councilman Fernekes Left the Meeting: 6/30/93 Page 6 249 Mayor Teglia stated the comment had been made dur- ing recess that one more time the cuts had been made and we had basically done it again to the little guy. She stated that all departments had been looked at from the very top to bottom and the restorations primarily benefit the little guys in all levels of employment. She stated she took umbrage to the comment. Discussion followed on the consolidation of personnel and labor relations. Councilmembers Penna and Drago changed their no votes to yes votes. Councilman Fernekes related his support of the capital improvement program as recommended, the one-time expenditures up to $505,000 and the three revenue enhancements. Councilman Fernekes left the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Discussion followed: latest vote changed the figure by $7,537 in potential cuts; 4% vacancy factor; $938,000 of revenue over expenditures and less the CIP would show a total of $438,000; would end up with an undesignated reserve of $3,320,000; six suggested revenue enhancements; enact increases to paramedic fees, commercial parking fees and recycling license fees, for a total of $530,000; Councilman Drago felt the estimated paramedic fees were inflated; additional State hits; safeguards for people who are not covered by insurance for paramedic fees; City cannot charge more than the service costs to perform; other cities use private providers for paramedic services. Consensus of Council - Direction given on the three revenue enhancements being instituted. Discussion followed: one-time expenditures for tech- nology improvements for Library and Police; Police Department would not be considered until their pre- sentation in September; equipment replacement; capital outlay requests by departments for computers and software will be submitted with the budget; the total outlay would be $455,000; balance be maintained for purchase of surplus School District property and even- tual Corporation Yard improvements; Councilman Yee did not want to earmark the money for two projects and felt those decisions should be made in the future. Consensus of Council - To entertain an outlay of $455,000 for one-time expenditures. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Discussion - Continued. Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotiations and litigation. RECALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNMENT: 25O Consensus of Council - To transfer $500,000 to the Capital Improvement Program. Councilman Drago asked staff to correlate a vacancy list to move some of the laid-off people into those positions. Interim City Manager Martel stated she would discuss that in Closed Session at length. City Attorney O'Toole reminded the Mayor that she had asked for concurrence from Councilman Penna on adoption of the resolution for the new City Manager. Councilman Penna stated he concurred in the adoption of the resolution. Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 10:09 p.m. for labor relations on AFSCME pursuant to GC 54957.6. Mayor Teglia recalled the meeting to order at 11' 15 p.m., all Council present, no action was taken. M/S Penna/Yee - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11:15 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City City of South San Francisco APPROVED. ~-~Roberta Cern Teglia, Ma~y~ City of South San Francisc~ All entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 6/30/93 Page 7