HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1993-07-14Chairwoman Roberta Cerri Teglia Boardmembers: Jack Drago Joseph A. Fernekes -~ohn R. Penna Robert Yee MINUTES Capital Improvements Authority Municipal Services Building Community Room July 14, 1993 SPECIAL MEETING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO JULY 14, 1993 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California, that the Capital Improvements Authority of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 14th day of July at 6:55 p.m., in the Municipal Services Building Community Room, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 1/27/93. Resolution authorizing issuance of not more than $6.9 million in bonds to refund the existing Conference Center bonds and approving and authorizing execution of related documents. A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $6,900,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF 1993 REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS RELATING TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCIS- CO CONFERENCE CENTER PROJECT, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION OF RELATED INDENTURE OF TRUST AND AMENDED AND RESTATED CONFERENCE CENTER USE AGREEMENT, AUTHORIZING SALE OF BONDS, APPROVING OFFICIAL STATEMENT, APPOINTING BOND COUNSEL AND AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL ACTION Clerk of Capital Improvements Autho~y City of South San Francisco Dated: July 8, 1993 AGENDA _ALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) ACTION TAKEN 7:12 p.m. Chairwoman Teglia presiding. 7/14/93 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN' ..OLL CALL: 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 1/27/93. Resolution authorizing issuance of not more than $6.9 million in bonds to refund the existing Conference Center bonds and approving and authorizing execu- tion of related documents. A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $6,900,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF 1993 REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS RELATING TO THE SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO CONFERENCE CENTER PROJECT, AU- THORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION OF RELATED INDENTURE OF TRUST AND AMENDED AND RESTATED CONFERENCE CENTER USE AGREEMENT, AUTHORIZING SALE OF BONDS, APPROVING OFFICIAL STATEMENT, APPOINTING BOND COUNSEL AND AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL ACTION ADJOURNMENT: Boardmembers present: Boardmembers absent: Drago, Fernekes, Penna, Yee, and Teglia. None. M/S Fernekes/Drago - To approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 1/27/93. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Director of Finance Margolis explained that the resolution approves $6.9 million in bonds to refi- nance and refund the existing bonds issued for the Conference Center in 1991. She stated the two reasons why the Authority rec- ommended the refinancing of the current debt: the history of T.O.T. and the revenue being lower than anticipated due to the weakness of the tax; to im- prove the original debt structure of the bonds and improve the cash flow due to the lower irmterest market, etc. Boardmember Penna pointed out that these bonds would be paid off from revenue generated from the Conference Center and the T.O.T. from Measure C without obligation to the City. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. SSF-2-93 Carried by unanimous voice vote. M/S Penna/Drago - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 7:18 p.m. 7/14/93 Page 2 AGENDA ~.ESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Capital Improvements Authority City of South San Francisco ACTION TAKEN APPROVED. "-~//Rbberta Oe, r~ Teglia, Capital Improvements Authority ' City of South San Francisco 7.53- The entries of this Agency meeting show the action taken by the Capital Improvements Authority to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 7/14/93 Page 3 Mayor Roberta Cerri Teglia Council: Jack Drago Joseph A. Fernekes John R. Penna Robert Yee MINUTES City Council .- Municipal Services Building Community Room July 14, 1993 254 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: AGENDA REVIEW Mayor Teglia Requested: - Hear Item No. 15 after the Consent Calendar. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ACTION TAKEN 7:46 p.m. Mayor Teglia presiding. Council Present: Council Absent: Drago, Fernekes, Penna, Yee, and Teglia. None. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Neely, Grand Avenue Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Mayor Teglia asked for a moment of silence for deceased former City Attorney John Noonan and spoke caringly of his contributions and visions for this City for which he would long be remembered. AGENDA REVIEW Interim City Manager Mattel stated there were no changes to the Agenda. So ordered. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Cheryl Davi, 3345 Fleetwood Dr., San Bruno, stated that she sent a letter to Councilman Penna in July because she had almost been hit by a car when she tried to use the cut out in front of the Post Of- fice at Chestnut. She stated that San Bruno's City Council had responded to her concerns on handi- capped parking that is set against a curb at the post office and is dangerous to people with handicaps trying to get in and out of their cars which she had related to the Council back in September without action being taken. She stated that QFI, which is now Bell Market, had 7/14/93 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of 6/2/93, Adjourned Regular Meeting of 6/3/93, Adjourned Regular Meeting of 6/4/93, Spe- cial Meeting of 6/9/93, and Regular Meeting of 6/9/93. ~--'.. Motion to confirm expense claims of 7/14/93. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 255 changed the parking against the rails, and there were now two handicapped spaces at the library, howev- er, the post office parking spaces still had to be changed. Mayor Teglia stated that the post office was not under the City's jurisdiction and was privately owned, however, the libraries parking spaces had been changed for handicapped parking. Councilman Penna stated that he had checked out the situation after receipt of Ms. Davi's letter and had found the property was privately owned and not under the City's jurisdiction, so it was up to the property owner to comply. Interim City Manager Martel stated that she had sent out letters to property owners after receipt of the complaint and had immediate response from QFI and Westborough. She continued, there had been a letter and a follow-up to the owner of the Chestnut Post Office land and she was under the impression that they were making the changes. Discussion followed: only if there are renovations on private property does it trigger the handicapped requirement, and owners are not otherwise obligated to make changes; Interim City Manager had dealt with the property manager of Chestnut and perhaps the request had been lost in channels; staff was directed to contact the Post Master to speak jointly with the owner because it was a Federal facility. COMMUNITY FORUM No one chose to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $10,884.491.21. 7/14/93 Page 2 AGENDA AC!!QN TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution approving budget recommendations of the Downtown Citizens Review Committee for the reno- vation of the Fowler Building and J & J Liquors. ~'~tg~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET RECOM- MENDATION FOR THE FOWLER BUILDING AND J & J LIQUORS IN THE DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM Motion to accept the completed public improvements within the Avalon Heights Subdivision acceptance of Pisa Court. .~"o ~0 5. Motion to accept the completed public improvements in the Sunshine Villas Subdivision. ,5~o~ Resolution approving agreement with Kaiser Founda- tion Hospital to install a microwave system passive repeater at the Sign Hill communications site. .5'OD A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE AGREEMENT FOR A MICROWAVE SYS- TEM PASSIVE REPEATER AT SIGN HILL I. Motion to adopt ordinance on ZA-92-80. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AMENDING CHAPTER 20.84 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS 8. Resolution approving documents related to the re- funding of the Conference Center revenue bonds. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECU- TION AND DELIVERY OF AMENDED AND RESTATED CONFERENCE CENTER USE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL ACTIONS Resolution amending the Written Findings for the proposed El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL OF "LETTER E" FROM PART II OF EXHIBIT "A" TO CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 75-93 CONSENT CALENDAR 256 RESOLUTION NO. 82-93 Councilman Penna did not participate and was considered absent. So ordered. So ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 83-93 Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Yee. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Drago. RESOLUTION NO. 84-93 Councilmembers Penna and Teglia did not participate and were considered absent. 7/14/93 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to adopt ordinance on ZA-92-80. .5' i b '7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AMENDING CHAPTER 20.84 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS Resolution approving documents related to the re- funding of the Conference Center revenue bonds. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECU- TION AND DELIVERY OF AMENDED AND RESTATED CONFERENCE CENTER USE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL ACTIONS CONSENT CALENDAR M/S Fernekes/Yee - To approve the Consent Calen- dar with the except of Items No. 7 and 8. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Councilman Yee stated that he had removed the item in order to register a no vote. Councilman Drago questioned why this was on the consent calendar when it had not received a 5-0 vote on its introduction. City Attorney O'Toole stated that he would take responsibility. Because there was a unanimous vote to waive the reading he had over looked the negative vote. M/S Drago/Fernekes - To adopt the Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1131-93 Carried by majority roll call vote, Councilman Yee voted no. Councilman Drago requested a summary of the item from the Finance Director so the audience would know that this would be paid by the T.O.T. without General Fund monies being used to augment the bonds. Director of Finance Margolis related: resolution would affect one portion of the proposal to refund the Conference Center Bonds by adopting an amend- ment to the use agreement; this would authorize up to $6.9 million in bonds and a refinancing of the bond issue that was completed approximately two years ago; security for the bonds was the same as the issuance and all the documents stipulate that the obligation to make payments on the bonds is limited to the availability of Measure C tax; no obligation on any other funds of the City; this is to improve the cash flow of the Conference Center resulting from weaknesses in the T.O.T.; recognizes the growth potential of the revenue at the Conference Center to make debt service payments easier; intent is to establish interest only payments for the first five years and twenty year principal payments there- after. 7/14/93 Page 4 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 258 Resolution - Continued. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 15. Resolution abolishing certain positions. A RESOLUTION TO ABOLISH CERTAIN POSI- TIONS OR TO REDUCE THEIR HOURS OF EM- PLOYMENT Discussion followed: taking advantage of the low interest rates that are available during these eco- nomic times and allowing the Center to have a cash flow; people in the community were also refinan- cing to get a lower interest rate. M/S Drago/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 85-93 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Discussion followed: this is Conference Center responsibility and not the City's; this is an Agency of the City and they remain City bonds, however, the City has no obligation to make payments on the bonds beyond collection of the tax. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Interim City Manager Mattel related: on 6/30/93 Council considered a number of potential budget reductions to be imposed in the development of the 1993-94 Fiscal Year budget; Council considered a number of positions that staff identified both vacant and filled as available for reduction or elimination to balance the budget; adopting the resolution will formally take action on those positions; staff would provide notification to all potentially affected em- ployees of the possibility of a separation, layoff or reduction of hours of employment; Council is aware of the hardships of a layoff or reduction of hours and strongly recommended notification be given and allow transfers into other positions; staff will make every effort to attempt to move affected employees into positions currently vacant and maintained vacant over the hiring freeze; if employees refuse transfers the layoffs and reductions will become effective 10/1/93, etc. Mayor Teglia stated that the report has Exhibit A of various positions and instructions were given to staff to consider in the layoff or reduction program. She stated this was very different than what they started out with which had 27 full-time positions, a variety of hourly and pan-time people, and a wide number of people affected in the employment force. She explained all the strategies employed that had resulted in less drastic cuts. 7/14/93 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 5. Resolution - Continued. 7/14/93 Page 6 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS She stated that the Council started out with $800,000 in positions and ended up with $900,000 and still balanced the budget against those revenues they could count on coming in and not use one time monies already earmarked for such things as this year's hit from the State. She described the sensi- tivity used by the Council and realized those affected would not think it was sensitive. She stated that there was available, from the Clerk, a work sheet that recorded individual Council votes on each of the potential position reductions and, even though there was not total agreement, majority rule prevailed. Mr. Keith Uriarte, AFSCME Local 569, spoke against the resolution: unhappy with Assembly- woman Speier for voting for AB1313 that may affect revenues for this City; budget does not take into consideration the half cent sales tax on the Novem- ber ballot which if successful will bring in additional revenue; the hit from local property tax was not as great as people thought; cities received unanticipated license tax for vehicles; the budget has changed dramatically since the study session with the added revenue; the question of whether the City needs to make these kinds of reductions; in this City the ending balance remained high after the year-end close through budgeted items that were not spent and the reserves also remain high; Council priorities were for police and fire to protect the public, how- ever, other services were also important; questioned monies set aside for purchase of property and capital improvements from the General Fund; historically the City spends less than it receives in revenues; for years the City has under estimated income and over estimated expenditures; two groups of people would be affected by the resolution - seniors, who require services, and women in the work force; questioned if the Council thought the women in the work force were expendable; his position was that the reductions were not necessary; twelve months from now they could look back and see if the reduc- tions were necessary; the City of San Mateo had potential cuts of $700,000 and through modifications scaled that down to $479,000 of cuts without reduc- ing major services and staff, and asked that Council look to other options without reducing services. AGENDA ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 5. Resolution - Continued. 7/14/93 Page 7 ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Discussion followed: because the City had gone into reserves in past years they wanted a balanced budget this year; Council policy is that expenditures be matched by revenues in any given year; the economy did not turn around and had become worse and a conservation position was established; through year-end savings they were able to restore some of the cuts; looking at enhanced revenues because next year could be worse; many people believe the sales tax measure will not pass and this budget is not counting on those numbers; etc. Councilman Yee felt it was very important to let the people expeditiously know what our process shall be on the layoffs and reductions so they will know exactly what is to happen and when. He stated that he had received calls on those concerns and the City Manager should articulate what the process is going to be. Interim City Manager Martel responded: will send out letters explaining certain rights guaranteed by the MOUs that provide layoff procedures; certain people will have bumping rights based on seniority and they will be so advised; certain positions for which they may qualify will be made available; one on one discussion with the affected employees advis- ing them on positions they are qualified to fill; these things will be done immediately and they will not wait until 10/1/93 to make the transfers where applicable; those wishing to not take another posi- tions and chose to separate from the City will be assisted in employment searches, preparation of re- sumes and other services; Department Heads will be contacted and advised; she would be working closely with personnel to get the job done, etc. Councilman Drago felt that those employees whose jobs are to be abolished but are sitting on promo- tional lists should be given top priority to fill vacant positions. He stated that he wanted to see a two year moratorium for all promotions to be in-house for the next two years other than Department Heads because he believed many of the people could be trained for the new position, etc. City Attorney O'Toole stated that he would look at all of the MOUs and the Personnel Rules and Regu- lations to see if that was possible. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 5. Resolution - Continued. 7/14/93 Page 8 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Interim City Manager Martel stated she would indicate to all Department Heads that is the priority - to attempt to fill any vacant position with those individuals facing layoffs. Councilman Drago stated he had problems in the past and wanted to see a policy from the Council to give direction to staff period, and not have it be the discretion of the Department Heads to go outside. Discussion followed: concern for qualifications and requirements for certain positions; when the budget was adopted that direction could be given; letters would be sent out no later than Monday to the em- ployees; by the time the budget is printed in August staff will have all the positions filled and all the transfers will be completed; Council should be informed throughout the process; Personnel Coordi- nator; monitoring departments to make certain they stay within their budget; staff is to advise Council quarterly on the 4% vacancy factor, etc. Discussion followed on AB1313: could have a sig- nificant effect on this City's sales tax; relates to an exemption on products used in manufacturing; this City has a strong manufacturing base; cities with business to business sales would be dramatically affected by the legislation; the effect to this City could be upwards to $1.3 million if approved by the Senate; it was approved by the Assembly and As- semblywoman Speier voted in favor of the legis- lation; staff and the Mayor would have discussion with Senator Kopp to solicit his support; meeting on Friday with City and County Managers to attempt to organize strategies to deal with the legislation; many cities are residential in nature without a manufac- turing base, and were thusly more concerned about property tax shift; Willy Brown is in strong support of the legislation; mailing letters to local legislators; a letter being written to legislators signed by each of the Council; Mayor to meet with Senator Kopp on lobbying attempts the City can make; explanation of the effects of the legislation on business to business sales; encourage a writing effort to legislators by City employees, as well as by members of the pub- lic; other cities impacted; many businesses are leav- ing the State because of the sales tax per Council- man Penna's conversation with Assemblywoman Speier; etc. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 5. Resolution - Continued. 10. Resolution authorizing submittal of application to the San Mateo County Consortium for funds available through the HOME Investment Partnership Act..~O A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITrAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE SAN MATEO COUN- TY CONSORTIUM FOR HOME PROGRAM FUNDING 11. Resolution of Intent to provide matching funds for proposed signal and street resurfacing Federal project grants. .5'O5~O A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO PROVIDE MATCHING FUNDS FOR PROPOSED TRAFFIC, SIGNAL AND STREET RESURFACING PROJECT GRANTS 262 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS M/S Yee/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 86-93 Carried by unanimous roll call vote. CDBG Coordinator Fragoso gave the staff report and stated that the funding was for specific set pur- poses such as housing. M/S Drago/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 87-93 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Director of Public Works Parini gave the staff re- port. Councilman Yee felt that the concept was good for matching funds, however he felt that the over- head traffic signal arm in the downtown would ruin the esthetics at Linden and Baden. He expressed concern in taking money away from street overlays for the Junipero Serra Project. He stated that the problems with Junipero Serra were from roots of pine trees - which the overlay does not remedy and this took money away from streets needing the overlay. Director of Public Works Parini stated this would correct the intersection accidents occurring on Junipero Serra because you can see the signal head and the existing controller is old and is a part of the project to replace, etc. Discussion followed: number of accidents; input was received from the Police Department on traffic problems; Baden and Linden problems were enforce- ment related; Linden and Baden intersection could be a subject for discussion in the future during development of the property; addressing the tree roots, etc. M/S Yee/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 88-93 With the inclusion of the following language: "No mast arm head will be used at Linden and the source of the matching funds 7/14/93 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 263 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 1. Resolution - Continued. RECESS: RECALL TO ORDER: 12. Resolution authorizing a contract not to exceed $156,136 with Degenkolb Structural Engineers for design of seismic upgrades of the City Hall and Grand Avenue Library .or-D ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE DESIGN OF SEISMIC UPGRADES OF CITY HALL AND THE GRAND AVENUE LI- BRARY 13. Hearing - Resolution imposing assessments for unpaid costs of removing abandoned vehicles from private property and directing the City Clerk to file assess- ments with County for inclusion in the 1993-94 tax rolls. ~q'7 '7 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS will be considered in a future budget". Carried by unanimous voice vote. Council adjourned to a recess at 9:30 p.m. Mayor Teglia recalled the meeting to order at 9:46 p.m., all Council was present. City Engineer Van Dohren gave the staff report. Councilman Yee stated that he had obtained the scope of work from the Interim City Manager and was concerned because of the unique historical significance of City Hall and the Library and did not want the exteriors to be altered. He felt that staff should be given direction and guidelines before this work was done otherwise future changes would be costly, and the contractor should not be dictating the process. He also felt that the City should not pay $4,000-$5,000 for asphalt plans because plans were previously completed by Group 4 and the City should have the plans for City Hall. Mayor Teglia recommended a Council Subcommit- tee meeting with the Historical Preservation Com- mission Subcommittee and the contractor to review the plans and be involved in stage one with Coun- cilman Yee as one of the members. Vice Mayor Fernekes volunteered for the Subcom- mittee. Councilman Yee suggested putting action off to another meeting so the Subcommittee could meet with the principal of the firm before the contract was signed to explain the City's position and the costs involved. Consensus of Council - To hold off action on the item until an August meeting and the Subcommittees will meet with the contractor before the end of July. Director of Finance Margolis described the process for the abatement and lien, and stated that the third property owner was being removed because they were unable to reach him at the Assessor's address listing. 7/14/93 Page 10 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 3. Hearing - Continued. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ASSESSMENT OF COSTS FOR ABATEMENT OF ABANDONED VEHICLES 14. Resolution approving draft Storm Water Management Plan, and requesting Board of Supervisors to impose charges necessary to fund Countywide General Pro- gram activities of the Plan for fiscal year 1993-94. A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE SAN MATEO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DIS- TRICT IMPOSE CHARGES FOR FUNDING COUNTY-WIDE NATIONAL POLLUTION DIS- CHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PROGRAM LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS 16. Motion to adopt ordinance adopting the Redevelop- ment Plan for the El Camino Corridor RedevelopL.. ment Project. .5'!~-°6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTING THE REDEVELOP- MENT PLAN FOR THE EL CAMINO CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PURSUANT TO 264' ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS M/S Drago/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution with the removal of property owner three. RESOLUTION NO. 89-93 Councilmember Drago questioned why the staff report did not show the addresses where the vehicles had been abandoned. Carried by unanimous roll call vote. Director of Public Works Parini related: two ac- tions to be taken; district fee for the Countywide program activities; C/CAG determination on fee is $1.50 per parcel for all parcels within the entire County; Board of Supervisors wants each City to adopt a resolution requiring that action; this is a mandated five year action program to reduce pollu- tion getting into the bay; 400 businesses in S.S.F. have been identified as sources of pollution and educational programs for solid waste recycling and reducing pollutants are being offered; funding re- quirements will be done each year, etc. Councilman Drago commented that Portola Valley sweeps streets twice a year and we do it once a week, and some cities use fire inspectors as sewer inspectors. Councilman Penna though it was inequitable that a 28 acre parcel owner pays the same $1.50 per par- cel. M/S Fernekes/Perma - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 90-93 Carried by unanimous voice vote. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS M/S Fernekes/Yee - To adopt the Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1132-93 Carried by majority roll call vote, Councilmembers Drago and Penna did not participate and were con- sidered absent. 7/14/93 Page 11 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 265 LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS 6. Motion - Continued. THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC HEARINGS 17. Public Hearing - To consider new fees, and a recom- mendation to award a contract for the Basic Life Support Transport Services to a private ambulance company (Mercy Life Care) pursuant to Health and Safety Code 1797.201; Conduct Public Hearing, adopt resolution. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- lNG THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A BASIC LIFE SUPPORT TRANSPORTATION SER- VICE CONTRACT WITH MERCY LIFE CARE ?EMS FROM COUNCIL 18. Appointment of Maggie Pierson to the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board by Mayor Teglia with the concurrence of Council. 19. Appointment to the Parking Place Commission by Mayor Teglia with the concurrence of Council. 20. Oral Committee Reports. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Teglia opened the Public Hearing. Fire Chief Stark explained that the contract had expired 1/31/93 and four ambulance firms had re- sponded and been considered with Mercy Life Care being the one selected as the second low bid. Mayor Teglia closed the Public Hearing after no one chose to speak. M/S Penna/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 91-93 Carried by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL M/S Penna/Yee - To appoint Maggie Pierson to the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Teglia asked that the item be carried over to the next meeting. Councilman Yee wants an update from City Manag- er regarding Sunrise and Appian Way because time was short and winter is coming. Interim City Manager Martel related: on-going correspondence with the Bank that took over the property for the past two years; one year ago they were to finish the homes already begun - abandoned that and wanted to market the property and bring structures up to Code for marketability; many dis- cussions with Bank on how to maintain the project so it was not an attractive nuisance and the City issued an abatement notice; Bank has proposal for a subdrain at Appian Way; Bank hired contractor for the proposal and needs to winterize structures; one structure is unsafe and should be removed; bond 7/14/93 Page 12 AGENDA A~!!QN TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL : O. Oral Committee reports - Continued. OOD AND WELFARE 7/14/93 Page 13 266 ITEMS FROM COUNCIL put up to go ahead, etc. Councilman Yee commented that Carter Park II is not progressing. Interim Director of Economic & Community Devel- opment Solomon stated the owner had indicated he was going to start operations soon. Mayor Teglia related: she and Councilman Penna and the Historic Preservation Commission Subcom- mittee had met on the Fuller O'Brien Fire House; cost to move brick building is $600,000 which includes seismic upgrade; Fuller O'Brien will clean bricks and put on pallets plus wood paneling that could be restored; thought about putting it in Orange Park for a teen center because it is 1800 sq. ft.; suggestion to meet with owners to reconstruct build- ing for a museum. She reported: on C/CAG meetings in relation to the Airport; Council will see a presentation by new Director of the Visitors and Convention Bureau; will have six young women visitors from Kishiwada, Japan from 7/25-27/93. Councilman Drago: Tanforan Station will be elimi- nated and Hickey Station will be impacted; his idea is to eliminate Hickey and go underground from Colma to Grand and So. Airport; revitalization shows relocation of train station and bus station moved; putting BART east of 101 would accommodate 40,000 employees, etc. Discussion followed: whether BART would consid- er the suggestion; it could cut down density; biggest problem is bus from La Quinta; could be municipal garage structure at new station; what is status on two units on a parcel and being able to sell individ- ually; Planning is down two positions and has been busy on east of 101 study; principals of St. Frances want to make the project three phases with eleven houses each; Mayor Teglia told them they had to stabilize and grade and of her concern with only partial completion. GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 267 CLOSED SESSION Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotiations and litigation. RECALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNMENT: CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 10:55 p.m. for labor relations concerning AFSCME pursuant to GC 54957.6. Mayor Teglia recalled the meeting to order at 12:00 a.m., all Council was present, no action was taken. M/S Penna/Yee - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 12:01 a.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City of South San Francisco APPROVED. ~,/R-oberta Cerri Y~glia, Ma~or City of South San Francisco . he entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 7/14/93 Page 14