HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1993-07-28 Mayor Roberta Cerri Teglia Council: Jack Drago Joseph A. Fernekes ~'"--John R. Penna Robert Yee CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: AGENDA (Cassette No. 1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: INVOCATION: AGENDA REVIEW ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 7/28/93 Page 1 MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room July 28, 1993 268 ACTION TAKEN 7:30 p.m. Mayor Teglia presiding. Council Present: Drago, Yee, and Teglia. Council Absent: Fernekes, and Penna. The Pledge was recited. Rev. Gary Smith, Immanuel Baptist Church, gave the invocation. AGENDA REVIEW Interim City Manager Martel stated there were no changes to the Agenda. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Lou Dell'Angela related his concerns on the BART Project: absence of members of this City at a scope meeting called by BART about a new EIR process; whether this City had defined policies relative to BART; Samtrans letter speaking of two proposals - elimination of Tanforan station, and the relocation of the station which means that the Hick- ey station then becomes an end of the line and a dangerous element for the City; he didn't understand why a member of this Council signed the letter because it was catastrophic for Sunshine Gardens and the high school; new proposal is from Chestnut and follows Colma Creek through Orange Park by the Mayfair housing development and into 101 around San Mateo Avenue; questioned why this proposal had not been put before the people; this proposal should be studied carefully with public input before an alternative is put out to BART. He stated that he had sent a letter to BART as a private citizen stating there were impacts at the Hickey BART station that need further study; that AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 7/28/93 Page 2 2.69 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS the removal of the Tanforan station will have severe impacts on the Hickey station; md perhaps the Hick- ey station should be eliminated. 'He stated that Councilman Drago had picked up on that and insinu- ated that perhaps the City's position might be just that if Tanforan is removed. He felt that the Council should define its position relative to the Hickey station with BART and be strong and clear that if the BART station is re- moved, which puts all the impacts on the Hickey station, and BART wants to move forward then perhaps the City wants to go to Court. He stated that San Bruno had officially gotten up and talked about the alternatives and what would happen if they are not responsible to the City's needs. He continued citing his concerns: the alternative line along Colma Creek may be impractical; the Airport has committed funds to the San Bruno plan, but the South San Francisco plan is not funded; City should define its position; new alternative involves private property acquisition which the people should be told about, etc. Mayor Teglia responded: this City has a strong position with issues different than San Bruno; Council has gone a long way in resolving their concerns on the preferred alignment; she had signed the letter which did not call for the elimination of the Tanforan station and spoke about being open to other alternatives; moving the station is something San Bruno is working out with BART; San Bruno realizes they can go to Court but are looking for support; the proposed realignment goes to Airport property and if it goes through it gives an opportu- nity to this City for a new concept that Council- man Drago came up with, however, there is not an engineering analysis for evaluation; they had met with BART on the concept and calculations will be made to see if it has merit; she did not believe San Bruno's proposal would fly; felt the alignment in S.S.F. will be the alignment; City has taken strong positions on the elimination of the Tanforan station and had told those concerned that we will fight it because it would make Hickey the end of the line, etC. Councilman Drago responded: San Bruno had a AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 2[7O ORAL COMMUNICATIONS OMMUNITY FORUM 7/28/93 Page 3 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS number of plans at the scoping meeting and did not have its act together; he did not speak at the meeting because we are on record at the BART office and in public hearings that if you close the Tanforan station we will fight; at the meeting Councilwoman Bernard stated they were going to eliminate the station; Subcommittee looked at strategies for an intermodum in the event of the elimination of the Tanforan station; they met with San Bruno and made the proposal in the last week; discussed it with BART and they felt it was right to go ahead with the engineering analysis which is proceeding; met with Senator Kopp to assure him that this was the best for S.S.F.; Councilman Drago had been involved with the whole redevelopment and moving the station from Chestnut to Hickey Blvd. extension and the Council had supported the local alternative, and the problems had come with the Tanforan station being eliminated. Mr. Dell'Angela stated that if he had not gotten up and spoken, no one would have known of this new alignment. He stated that, with his experience in government, unless there was a paper trail with positions put down in writing - positions were for- gotten. Councilman Drago stated that he had gone through this two weeks ago at the meeting under Items from Council to get the full Council involved and aware of the situation. Discussion followed: problems with parking at the Tanforan station; this City is on record in opposition to the removal of the Tanforan station; Council had received Mr. Dell'Angela's letter on a Hillside proposal; the engineering analysis would be paid for by BART and they will evaluate the analysis; San Bruno is trying to tie in Caltrain; conflicts between the Senator and the Airport Director; City was in the midst of the redevelopment and had done the zoning to show they are coming up with the funds; moving the S.S.F. station to accommodate the 40,000 employees east of 101; that the new alignment through S.S.F. is conceptual, etc. COMMUNITY FORUM Mayor Teglia spoke of the retirement of Police AGENDA ACTION TAKEN COMMUNITY FORUM CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to approve Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of 6/16/93. 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 7/28/93...6",0/25 Resolutions to approve a) awarding construction contract to Vic Sotto, Inc. in the amount of $383,505, b) resolution amending the Capital Improvement Program Budget, c) approving an agreement with JHA for professional services during construction for Willow Gardens Parks and Parkways Maintenance District. A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE WILLOW PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION b) A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 93-13 TO THE 1992-1993 CAP- ITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET C) A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREE- MENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNITY FORUM Chief Datzman who will go on to prepare people for a career in criminal justice. She stated that the City would honor Police Chief Datzman on 8/20/93 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Conference Center and the $20.00 tickets could be purchased from the City Manager's Office. She commended Carol Matsumotas, Barbara DeMattei, Dennis Crossland and Al Seubert for the 7/4/93 Sign Hill clean-up on 7/4/93. Councilman Drago announced his intention to not run for election in November. Mayor Teglia spoke on AB1313: a hearing would be held on 8/28/93 in Sacramento; this bill will eliminate business to business sales tax for cities and will affect this City greatly with a hit of $1.3 million in addition to other State hits; planned to testify before the Senate Committee and invited other Councilmembers to also testify on the impacts to this City; encouraged City employees and members of the public to contact their Senator, etc. CONSENT CALENDAR Approved. Approved in the amount of $1,404,989.97. Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilman Yee. 7/28/93 Page 4 A G_E._N D A CONSENT CALENDAR 3. Resolutions - Continued. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE WILLOW GARDENS PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTE- NANCE DISTRICT Resolution authorizing agreement with Municipal Resource Consultants for transient occupancy tax audit services. ~ ~ 7 7 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX AUDIT SERVICES Motion to authorize City Clerk to cancel 8/11/93 Council meeting. ~-/ Resolution approving funding for Bravo Pizza and Magic Carpets as suggested by the Citizens Review Committee. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET RECOM- MENDATION FOR THE BRAVO PIZZA AND MAGIC CARPETS IN THE DOWNTOWN COM- MERCIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM 7. Resolution approving agreement with IEDA for labor relations consulting services. P - 0 O 0 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR LABOR RELATIONS CON- SULTING SERVICES Resolutions to approve a) awarding construction contract to Vie Sotto, Inc. in the amount of $383,505, b) resolution amending the Capital Improvement Program Budget, c) approving an agreement with JHA for professional services during construction for Willow Gardens Parks and Parkways Maintenance District. ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR TAKEN RESOLUTION NO. 92-93 So ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 93-93 RESOLUTION NO. 94-93 M/S Yea/Drago - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item No. 3. Carried by unanimous voice vote. City Engineer Van Dohren stated that he had adver- tised for the project and had received one bid, and proceeded to explain that the contingency is tight and if more money was needed they would have to forego something else. Councilman Yea questioned if the bonds were sold. 7/28/93 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 2.73 Resolutions - Continued. a) A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE WILLOW PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT CON- STRUCTION b) A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 93-13 TO THE 1992-1993 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET c) A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREE- MENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE WILLOW GARDENS PARKS AND PARKWAYS MAIN- TENANCE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS o Resolution approving agreement with Hilton, Farnkopf and Hobson for consulting services for the S.S.F. Scavenger Co. rate review. ,5~2~ 7 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR THE SOUTH SAN FRANCIS- CO SCAVENGER COMPANY CONSULTING SERVICES Discussion followed: bonds were sold; funding comes from bond sale and collection of assessments; resolution denotes $466,200 as funds available; Councilman Yee concerned over only a $10,000 contingency on a large project when the norm was 10% of the total project cost in order to be comfort- able on a lump sum bid; he felt the project should be completely negotiated before an award of eon- tract; if a lump sum bid, how can you cut something out; you could do it by using credit change orders; City Attorney's advice was to reject the bid and negotiate - would normally advise against negotiat- ing a competitively bid project, however, in this instance there was only one bid and that may be a possibility; the other is a negotiated contract through day labor; continuing to another meeting while negotiations took place; staff had a list of priorities and should negotiate those things that can be re- moved to have leverage; continue to 8/2/93 ad- journed meeting; strange only one bid during these economic times; problems with the area which need- ed police help; how many came to pre-bid and site visits, etc. M/S Drago/Yee - To continue the item to 8/2/93 meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Director of Finance Margolis gave the staff report and stated that the intent of the work is to review the rate increase proposal submitted by the company and the firm selected is expert in this field. Discussion followed: the audit would be done every two years; how the recycling as enhanced revenue fit into the budget; how would the firm make an analysis; how would they project what the company may lose to outside franchises; the audit will deter- mine if the Company's projection is reasonable; a performance audit had been postponed for the eom- pany, yet it should be done at some point to deter- mine the rate; the company could project a loss and ask for a higher rate to compensate for what they lose in recycling; the franchise agreement has a trigger of two percent; etc. M/S Drago/Yee - To adopt the Resolution. 7/28/93 Page 6 AGENDA _.ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ~. Resolution o Continued. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Motion to waive reading and introduce ordinance relating to business license tax for commercial park- ing facilitties. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.16.047 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE BUSINESS LICENSE TAX FOR COMMERCIAL PARKING FACILITIES ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 95-93 Carried by unanimous voice vote. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS City Clerk Battaya read the title of the ordinance in its entirety. Finance Director Margolis stated that the purpose of the ordinance was to raise the business license tax for operators of commercial parking facilities from 4% to 8% of gross receipts on facilities that provide for vehicle storage parking. She stated that in reviewing prior budget discussions this fee was proposed and it was comparable to the other visitor serving industries. She stated she anticipated a revenue increase of $200,000 per year if the ordinance was approved at the next meeting wherein a public hearing would be held. Michael Malek, Esq. stated that he represented Parking Co. of America and felt that this was a gross receipts tax rather than a business license tax. He stated that the sign says this is the industrial city which specifically states this City is business friendly, yet the ordinance was not business friendly because it doubles the license tax on three separate companies - one is a hotel, Parking Co. of America, and Park N'FIy. He stated that the parking industry operates on extremely small margins and this ordinance would cause an extreme hardship on Parking Co. of America which is a minority owned company that hires many minorities. He cited his concerns on the ordinance: constitu- tional problems on discrimination and discri- minatory applications; twenty different types of businesses in this City that were not included in the ordinance that pay a very low rate for a business license tax to operate in this City; equity has to come into play for a constitutional play; it was not neutral on its face; hotel businesses have rooms, banquets, and bars and could easily pass on the 7/28/93 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS ;~. Motion - Continued. ,PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing - Stormwater Management Program Fee Fiscal Year 1993-1994; Conduct Public Hearing; adopt resolution adopting the Report; and adopt reso,,- 7/28/93 Page 8 275 LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS increase; in the parking area it was too competitive tO pass on this added cost, etc. He stated that they would like to pay $75.00 per year per employee in the professional category, and if that was not feasible then a lesser percentage that does not cause the hardship. He stated that many of their customers are short range travelers and urged the Council to effect a lower percentage in the ordi- nance for the changing economy because the big three airlines are going to eliminate as many short routes as they possibly can. He stated that the Council could effect a 6% increase, which they may be willing to support, and look at the concept of parking bonds to make up the shortfall. He was concern that the $200,000 increase was already in the budget and urged the Council to reconsider the ordinance. Mayor Teglia requested some figures to represent the hardship or a balance sheet because there would be a Public Hearing. She stated that on the consti- tutional question she was sure the Council would be advised by the City Attorney if that was an issue. Michael Malek, Esq., requested the Council table the item until after the Public Hearing or change the percentage to less than 8% which was a 50% in- crease, and change it to 6%. DiscUssion followed: what the companies presently pay; City received $200,000 from the three firms last year; $75.00 per employee would yield $2,000 per year; what other cities charge to see if this City is in line; look at the L.A. market also; City Attor- ney will meet with Attorney and review their con- cerns. M/S Yee/Drago - To waive reading and introduce the ordinance. Carried by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Director of Public Works Parini stated the Council needed to conduct and continue the public hearing for the full Council to be present to take action, A~ENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 0. Public Hearing - Continued. lution imposing a parcel tax. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING REPORT OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SERVICE CHARGES FOR 1993-94 PURSUANT TO CHAP- TER 14.04 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING STORMWATER PROGRAM RATES TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 PUBLIC HEARINGS and staff had streamlined the two resolutions at the last meeting. Mayor Teglia opened the Public Hearing. Director of Public Works Parini stated Council was in the final steps of this Federally mandated program which was a five year action program to reduce pollutants going into the bay. He stated that an enabling ordinance had been adopted with fee structures having been discussed, and tonight the public hearing was on the formal proposed fees. He proceeded to outline the fees per year by cate- gory to generate the fees to carry out the mandate: single family - $22.00 per parcel of land; multi- family - $33.00 per parcel of land; commercial and industrial - $55.00 per parcel of land. He stated that this structure was required to generate $450,000 which would be in the budget to carry forward the program after determining where the funds were going to come from. Mayor Teglia invited anyone to speak for or against the item and the hearing would be continued to 8/2/93, after which the Public Hearing would be closed and action would be taken. She questioned if a person living at an address was being charged for one parcel even if there were pieces of other parcels as part of the property. Director of Finance Margolis stated that there were properties that consisted of more than one parcel number, however, parcels with an assessed value under $10,000 are not taxed. Mayor Teglia stated that she wanted to make sure that someone living in a detached home on a street isn't hit twice with pieces of parcels that were de- signed years ago that never got cleaned up. She wanted to make sure the intent is there so if it hap- pens it can be defined as one property. She felt that if this should happen it would be in old town where people had pieces of other parcels. Councilman Yee questioned if there was a protest review process and if appropriate the Council could waive the fees. 7/28/93 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 0. Public Hearing - Continued. 7/28/93 Page 10 277 PUBLIC HEARINGS Interim City Manager Martel stated that any protest of an assessment would probably go through the Assessor's Office. City Attorney O'Toole stated that the Council could set up a review structure and a review procedure for an appeal which was not currently in the ordinance, however, staff could bring back an ordinance amendment to do that. He stated that putting this on the tax roll and petitioning for a refund were two different things, and some way would have to be found to amend the tax on those particular par- cels. He stated that he would prepare the nec- essary ordinance. Mr. Jake Jones, 12 El Campo Dr., stated that he was sure that no one in S.S.F. knew what the stormwater management program was. He ques- tioned if they were implementing all of our storm drains into the sewage plant. Director of Public Works Parini stated that the point was to prevent pollution from getting into the storm drain in the first place by going out and educating businesses. Mr. Jones stated that, in other words, it was just another bureaucracy being set up without any physi- cal changes being made. He asked if it was open ended and would be changed each year. Director of Public Works Parini stated that some people might have to make physical changes in the way they have their drainage on their property. He stated that the fee being proposed was for the first year of the program, and it was a decision that would be made each year on the fees. Discussion followed: this was started in Washing- ton, was passed by the State and cities were under a mandate to implement the program; Mr. Jones asked whether this had been questioned because all gov- ernments were in trouble due to the economy; he questioned why staff was advocating an increase that is double - was it because staff salaries were so high nation wide; he wanted to know how the fees were arrived at where a duplex pays the same as a single family residence; Council would look next year at the size of parcels to set fees; Mr. Jones ques- AGENDA AC_T_IQN TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS O. Public Hearing - Continued. 7/28/93 Page 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS tioned the commercial and industrial rates, and said that if he was running for Council he would not vote for it; he felt $450,000 was a high price for admin- istration; he also felt that it was wrong that residen- tial rates were greater in total than commer- cial/industrial when they were responsible for the pollution; he questioned if the Colma Creek Flood Control District had ever paid off the Colma Creek debt; the loan was repaid with interest; Mr. Jones felt the Council should sell the former City Manager's house and recoup the $180,000, and he hoped they weren't going to buy the new City Man- ager a house, and felt the new Manager's salary was excessive, etc. Mr. Leonard Valdiva stated that he agreed with Mr. Jones' comments, and was concerned about paying $22.00 for water going down the drain. Mayor Teglia stated this was not part of his sewage but was for storm drains. Mr. Valdiva stated that there were many single family homes with mother-in-law apartments or with many people living in the household and was con- cerned about their only paying $22.00. Mayor Teglia stated that Council was not happy with this either but had to do it this year to put it on the tax roles, and next year Council would rework the tax formula perhaps to square footage. Discussion followed: that everyone contributed to the pollution going into the bay; what the City got from the $450,000; cleaning catch basins and storm drains plus the administration cost. Councilman Drago stated he was disappointed to not see responses to his requests on other funds avail- able rather than the parcel tax, and there was no mention of the use of Measure A funds in the staff report. Interim City Manager Mattel stated that staff had investigated and determined that Measure A funds could not be used and could only be used for trans- portation and this does not qualify under the guide- lines. She stated that they were available for any type of construction for catch basins for the elimi- AQENDA A~I!Q~ TAKEN Z79 PUBLIC HEARINGS 0. Public Hearing - Continued. 11. Public Hearing - To establish sewer rates for Fiscal Year 1993-94 and adopting Report of Annual Sewer Rental Charges; Conduct Public Hearing; resolution adopting Report, and resolution establishing sewer rates. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING REPORT OF AN- NUAL SEWER RENTALS AND CHARGES FOR 1993-94 PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 14.12 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE PUBLIC HEARINGS could not be used and could only be used for transportation and this does not qualify under the guidelines. She stated that they were available for any type of construction for catch basins for the elimination of flooding of streets, but not for main- tenance or upgrading. Councilman Drago was concerned that he had not been provided a copy of Measure A guidelines so that he could properly debate the matter because San Bruno was using the funds for the work. Director of Public Works Parini stated that the Authority had told him that there was no way they could sustain an audit if the funds could be used for pollution control, and San Bruno was going to use Gas Tax Funds to clean the catch basins. Councilman Drago stated that this had been on the books for ten years and now the State made an interpretation to lump all of the cities together and count it as one municipality. He felt that the ma- jority of this could be done in-house including the inspection, and all of this should be General Fund operations and ease up the budget. Councilman Yee stated that he remembered Council- man Drago asking for Measure A guidelines and it bothered him that staff did not take notes and follow through in a timely manner - which is part of the job. Mayor Teglia stated that in the future whatever was brought up by Council should be expedited by staff in a timely fashion, and continued the Public Hear- ing. Mayor Teglia opened the Public Hearing. Director of Public Works Parini gave the staff report and explained the five year revenue and expenditure plan and the proposed 6% overall increase in sewer fees. Discussion followed: that cities and special water districts either charge by fiat rate or by water con- sumption; need to know who charges what for comparison purposes; Superintendent of WQCP had 7/28/93 Page 12 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 28O PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing - Continued. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES EFFECTIVE FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 AND AMENDING THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE TO INCLUDE THE RATES ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 12. Oral Committee Reports. ,3. Appointment of Parking Place Commissioner by Mayor with the concurrence of Council. ,5~ / ~5 / PUBLIC HEARINGS standardized it on a 100 units of water being typical for a residence; the increase was 7 % + for residen- tial; technical training on new equipment; restaurants were hard hit; State reviews parameter of pollutants; staff asks protestors of fees to present monitoring data for review; perhaps three appeals per year; continued item to 8/2/93, etc. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Councilman Yee stated that he would not be at the 8/5/93 meeting because he would be attending an- other meeting at the Conference Center on TSM. He felt that the Mayor should deal with the delega- tion issue. Discussion followed: would be a meeting on em- ployer concerns on the Multi City TSM and each City will vote; C/CAG has taken official position; Cable TV meeting scheduled for that date and it should be rescheduled; Mayor questioned why the joint meeting with the Planning Commission was not on a Wednesday; Councilman Yee questioned the follow up on town hall meetings requested by a resident. Mayor Teglia related that she and Councilman Penna had served on a Subcommittee on the old fire house and discussed alternatives: moving the build- ing; putting it back into private hands; putting it back on the tax rolls; tear it down and save the bricks; taking it off the list of potential historic resources. She stated that Fuller O'Brien would give sufficient new and old bricks, drawings, window frames, interior ceiling of the building, and she had asked for 15-20 pictures. She stated that the Historical Preservation Commission had a historic plaque for the site and its importance to the community. She stated that they were concerned that the City accept the gift, and if they were not going to pursue it, wanted a mechanism for a public hearing for public input. She stated that a site had been identified in Orange Park where it could be rebuilt and maybe used for a teen center, etc. M/S Drago/Yee - To appoint Mary Giusti as a Parking Place Commissioner. 7/28/93 Page 13 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 281. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 3. Appointment - Continued. GOOD AND WELFARE LOSED SESSION Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotia- tions and litigation. RECALL TO ORDER: 15. Motion to adjourn the meeting to Monday, 8/2/93 at 1:00 p.m., City Hall, Council Conference Room, for the purpose continued discussion of Items 3, 10 and 11 on Willow Gardens, stormwater charges and sewer rates, and a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code; and to adjourn the 8/2/93 meeting to Thursday, 8/5/93 at 8:00 p.m. Municipal Services Building, Community Room, for the purpose of a joint meeting with the Planning Commission on the Draft East of 101 Area Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Re- port, and a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code. ADJOURNMENT: ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Carried by unanimous voice vote.. GOOD AND WELFARE Councilman Drago commented that this was the last official public meeting Police Chief Datzman would be attending due to his retirement. Mr. Jake Jones stated that Louis Fourniciari had died and the funeral was tomorrow. He congratulated Police Chief Datzman on all of his accomplishments over the years. He asked if there could be a yearly burning on Sign Hill of weeds so that more tree would not be lost through fire. Mayor Teglia stated the City was precluded from burning, however, the Council was aware of the problem. CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 10:25 p.m. to discuss the items noticed. Mayor Teglia recalled the meeting to order at 11:12 p.m., all Council was present, no action was taken. M/S Yee/Drago - To adjourn the meeting to Mon- day, 8/2/93, at 7:00 p.m., City Hall, Council Con- ference Room for the purposes listed. Carried by unanimous voice vote. Time of adjournment was 11' 13 p.m. 7/28/93 Page 14 AGENDA A~ION TAKEN 282 RESPECTFULLY SUBMI'I"rED, Barbara A. Battaya, City Clerk City of South San Francisco APPROVED. Roberta C~rri Teglia, ~a~~' City of South San Francisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communica- tions, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 7/28/93 Page 15